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Friday 17th June 2022

What was it like to be a Jew in Nazi Germany 1933-36

Time line
 1st April 1933 – Hitler ordered a one day boycott of Jewish shops
 Sumer 1933 – Placards appeared outside shops etc, saying “Jews not wanted”
 Boycott of shops from 1933 -Nazis began to attack Jews from 1933, Jews in government were
 April 8th 19933 Enabling law – Enabling law removed all Jews from civil service.
 April June 1933 – Many Jewish judges and lawyers were dismissed.
 October 1933 – Jewish editors were dismissed
 May 1936 – Jews forbidden to join army, violent attacks on Jews by the SA began, signs said
Jews not wanted in parks, shops and cafés.
 September 1935 Nuremberg laws – Nuremberg laws barred Jews from being citizens
 Nuremberg laws – Marriages between Jews and Germans forbidden, Germans can’t work for
Jews, Jews not allowed to fly national flag.
 Reich law citizenship 15 September 1935 – A citizen of the Reich is a subject who is of
German or kindred blood.
 1936 Olympics
 1937 Jewish businesses sold
 Spring 1938 – All Jewish property confiscated, further bans were placed on Jewish doctors,
vets and lawyers.
 17th of August 1938 loss of names – Man’s name Israel and for women Sara

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