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Dracula, The Scourge of the Dark Ages: The

True Ruler of Romania.

In a time where books were new and peasants were beaten, a mysterious force
appeared. Something evil. Somethings that corrupts. A vice. A snake. The true
meaning of death. It was never to be found and never to be used. It created a
monster. It was the true devil. The last remains of the brothers of hell. And as
usual, it gravitated toward the unhappy. The peasant. One of them found it and
let’s just say, a lot of people not only died, but died horrifically.

Well, how did it start? We can’t listen to this story if it’s not from the start,
right? The start is just as gory as the end. About a millennia ago, at the
beginning of time, The gods were at war. They were fighting Hades and Aries,
The twin brothers of hell. They duo struck down every single god and none
were able to kill them. Except Zeus. He fought and murdered and destroyed
every demon they had. He managed to decapitate the duo themselves but not
without giving his life. But the duo had other tricks. They separated their soul
and hid it so only the strongest and fiercest and bloodiest champion can find it.
When the right person finally did, carnage littered the streets…

In the 15th century, Romania, Poverty was at it’s all-time-high. Thousand of

people migrated to the countryside or to another country. This was because
Romania was at was at war with the Turkish Ottomans. Food and supplies were
only given to the rich and peasants had to fight for the table scraps. In short, this
was the perfect breeding ground for crime and evil. The twin gods were sure to
find their champion here. And they did…

Dracula was at first a normal peasant. Well, a normal thief that’s for sure. He
usually stole goods from the wealthy and had pleasure in burning down their
palaces. He was a selfish brat and never shared. The rich hated him. The
townspeople hated him. Even his parent
H-A-T-E-D him. So he grew up hating them. His heart grew black over time
and his evil ran wild. One day, after cursing everyone in Romania, he stumbled
upon a cave. It had jagged rocks sharp enough to rip someone apart and a fierce
growling emanated from the cave. Feeling curious, the brat ran into the cave,
not knowing what would happen next…

In the centre on the cave, a crimson red jewel shone brilliantly, it’s light
bending towards the Dracula. He felt enticed to hold the stone, to cradle it.
Little did he know that this was Hades and Aries possession stone, which gave
massive power to whoever held it. He at once lunged toward the stone, only to
find that an invisible barrier was stopping him. He tried again and again only to
find that a mysterious force was blocking it. Any normal person would have
given up after this but Dracula was persistent. He observed the stone for a while
and after a bit, a bird flew in. It was heading straight for the stone and instead of
crashing, it just flew through and landed on the stone. Having an idea, Dracula
flung a small stone next to him at the Ruby. With a dull clang, the ruby fell off
it’s podium and fell to Dracula’s feet. You see, Hades and Aries needed their
champion to have will and wit, not only evil as only the evilest humans can see
the cave.

When Dracula touched the stone, a curious humming filled the air. Dracula
gasped in pain when the stone turned red hot and melted into his hands. Right
on cue, a hundred poisonous bats came in the cave and bit Dracula, spreading
their poison through his body. He felt his teeth growing and saw that his skin
was turning deathly pale. To his horror, wings were growing under his arms and
his ears grew pointed. An insatiable thirst for blood started to take hold of
Dracula so he lunged at the bird with incredible speed. He feasted of the poor
birds black blood and when he was done, he disposed the bones. When the
Dracula stepped outside, he realised that he couldn’t stand in the sun. His hand
turned into dust but luckily for his as soon as he went back into the cave he got
new hands. Clawed hands. The transformation was complete. The Dracula
became half-bat and became a monster.

At first, Dracula was unsure what to do with his powers. He was already an
amazing thief and the powers limited the times which he can steal. But then he
realised something. “Why can’t I rule Romania. I’m powerful and vicious,”
pondered Dracula. So Dracula set to work. He armed himself with knives and
coloured himself black. He wanted the world to know that he wanted revenge
and blood. And he got it. The war that came after shook Romania’s foundation.
The rich and prosperous were either exiled or sucked dry of blood. The most
bloodthirsty warriors became army chiefs and Romania became strong. With a
swipe of his knife and suck from his fangs, Romania belonged to him. Money
didn’t decide who got what and who ruled. Blood and murder did. Romania’s
army grew in power and neighbouring lands were forced to leave. Every single
person in Romania traded their heart and virtues for money and power. This has
to be stopped. But no Romanian could do it. After all, who wants to become
poor and live in the streets again? No, an other person must do it. An enemy of
the Romanians…

Meet the Ottomans. They are an evil and bloodthirsty race just like the
Romanians. They ruled half of Southwest Europe on those days and got their
way by murdering and pillaging. To be honest, Southwest Europe was a land of
savages in those days. Most sophisticated and advanced nations were either in
North Europe or the rest of the world. They were cut-throat and some were evil,
yes, but they simply weren’t as evil as their brothers in the South. The ottoman
occupied the trade route between Europe and Asia so that’s where they got the
money. They were the natural enemies of the Romanians and Dracula. They
were filthy rich. Unlike Romania however they were disciplined and worked in
a team. They invented a lot of weapons and devices. The natural enemies on
Romania for sure. Or should I say, Count Dracula.

Dracula was preparing for war. He wanted to rule the Ottoman lands and control
the entire Southern Europe. But he wasn’t alone. Oh no way. The ottomans
wouldn’t let a peasant rule Southern Europe, would they? They armed
themselves with knives, spears and crossbows, just like the Romanians. They
were very similar. Both cruel. Both vicious. Both dangerous. It was just a matter
of how far they would go to rule the other.

At last, the day came. The 2 armies stationed themselves one 2 sides of a forest.
Romania declared war on the Ottomans and the Ottomans war on Romania. It
was instant, inexplicable bloodshed. It a day, hundreds of families reeled in
shock of losing their children. It a month, a river of blood formed, connecting
the lands and trees. In a year, skulls and bones littered the ground and the fading
echoes of the soldiers last screams filled the air. Tens of thousand of soldiers
died from thing sudden war. The empires were both weak.

Dracula realised they couldn’t afford to lose anymore soldiers. Everyone in

Romania was rich and they all had access to weapons. All that was left was they
rule Romania. And once Dracula lost all his army, it was free for taking.
Dracula was evil, bloodthirsty and powerful but he couldn’t kill thousands of
people changing towards him at once. And the people were pure evil now. They
were indifferent to Dracula even though he made them rich. It didn’t matter how
prosperous he made them, they will attack. And so would the Ottomans. He
would be attacked from 2 sides. Dracula ceased the war to protect Romania and
himself. Well, at least for now…

You see, Dracula has a secret plan. He knew that Ottomans had no evil, poverty
and ruling problem and would continue the fight. So he would defend Romania.
Defending is much easier than attacking so Dracula would easily kill the
Ottomans. At last, when the ottomans were at their weakest, he would strike and
kill everyone. Romania will rule South Europe.

Well, the first couple of years were good for the Romanians. The Ottoman army
basically slaughtered themselves when they went to Romanian property.
Bloodshed, terror and misery followed the footsteps of Dracula as he constantly
brainstormed bloody ways to kill the Ottomans. Surprisingly, the Ottomans kept
persevering though and trying to cripple Romania. A terrible decision at the
very least. Soon, the Romanians started to go on the offensive. The land
previously owned by the Ottomans were now the Romanians and more and
more Ottomans died. Perhaps only 1% of the original Ottoman army was theirs
now. The Ottomans king, knowing that he can’t win, concentrated his remaining
army at their main city: Constantinople.

Dracula, undaunted that the Ottomans had concentrated their army at the
capital, kept killing and plundering. Now, only Constantinople remained in the
Ottoman’s possession. And they knew that the Romanian would plunder it
easily. Although they used to control some of the most important and lucrative
trade route which gave them plenty of money and resources, they would be
crushed by Dracula’s incredible viciousness and cunning. It didn’t matter that
they were disciplined and organised, the Romanians had brute force and a thirst
for blood. They can only do one thing, kill Dracula and the Romanians would
fall. They can get all their land and wealth back.

Immediately, the Ottomans plotted to kill Dracula. They analysed and observed
any written tales of terror to how Dracula killed and attacked. Meanwhile all
this observing, Dracula was plotting the most bloodthirsty way to end the
Ottomans. He was also thinking what to do with the Ottoman peasants. He
decided to put them in slavery. That was what was waiting for the Ottomans if
they couldn’t succeed. A miserable life full of blood, war, pain and death…

At last, the Ottomans got it. A potential weakness of Dracula. They noticed he
never attacked in pure sunlight. He only attacked in either night or in heavy
shadows. That meant Dracula would burn in sunlight and die easily. The
Ottomans got to work. They first weaved a giant blanket over the entire city.
Every single person, whether civilian to criminal or even a 3 year old child went
to work. The blanket didn’t need to be a work of art. It just need to block the
sun. The warriors however went to work creating a huge catapult, powered my
levers and pulleys. The idea was that the blanket would be tied to a rock on the
catapult. When Dracula entered the city, the catapult would be launched and the
blanket would be lifted in a flourish. The Romanians would escape the city in a
heartbeat without Dracula.

At last the fateful day came. The Ottoman scout viewed a massive army
wearing the Romanians colours charged towards them. Dracula was being
carried in a shaded chariot; as usual. All weavers stopped and armed
themselves. They wouldn’t go out without a fight. The blanket now covered the
entire city. The Romanian were not the least bit discouraged by the sudden
darkness of Constantinople. They charged in and Dracula, seeing the
darkness, hopped out of the carriage and ran towards the army.
It all took a few second. A boom then the scrape of a blanked being
launched away followed by a sudden sizzling. Dracula screeched in agony
and ran toward shade. But it was too late. Off went Dracula’s arms and legs
and his body was next. A shimmering cloud of dust followed the wake of
Dracula and the sun turned a blackish red. Soon, Dracula’s lone head was
lying in a puddle of dust. With a last screeching cry, Dracula turned to dust
and vanished forever. The evil work of Hades and Aries was gone. Dracula
was dead. The Romanian army was standing still in shock of the sudden
death of their master. The Ottomans belted out one single bloodcurdling
war cry and struck the Romanian army, making sure they would never be a
threat again.

In a single, ruthless and purely evil stroke, the once great Romania was
eliminated, almost entirely. The Ottomans recovered nearly half of their
land. Yes, half. Not all. Although Dracula was dead his legacy wasn’t. The
Romanians although less evil during the reign of Draculas still protected
their remaining land. The land Dracula conquered nearly 600 years before
now builds up modern Romania. That is why Dracula is an anti-hero to the
Romanian. He gave Romania it’s land and power but in a completely evil
and bloody way.

Thus ends the story of Dracula. With a cunning plot the Ottomans ended
him and took back their land. This proved that no matter how
outnumbered you are, with a dash of cunning and intelligence, you will

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