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Busting Bonkers Beliefs by Anish Das

Billions of people believe some incredibly stupid and bonkers things.

When you think about these, you realise that these are
extraordinarily dim-witted things to do. There are lots of bonkers
beliefs but we will be busting 2 of the most bonkers ones, the
ridiculous belief that being drunk is OK and unhealthy, useless things
called ‘fad diets’. Both relate to food and drinks as these are one of
the most important things and eating or drinking wrong things can be

The first bonkers belief is getting drunk. Drunk means drinking

alcohol so much that it affects your behaviour. You lose control of
your mind and behaviour to extent of accidentally attacking or killing
someone. Although being drunk only lasts a day or so, a day is plenty
of time to cause serious damage to things. Mental and physical
assaults happen which can be fatal. It also can give a higher chance
of having cancer and being sick. Some people like the Greek Emperor
Alexander the Great, died of drinking alcohol. Can you believe it! A
mighty Emperor that made the Greeks one of the most successful
empires died to a simple drink! This is why is some countries it is
against the law to be drunks. Sadly, in other countries it’s
acceptable to be drunks. I am not saying to not drink alcoholic drinks
(I can’t stand the smell of alcohol), I am just saying not to drink too
much. 2 drinks or less for men and 1 drink or less for women. Many
people Binge drink which means drinking a lot in 1 day. That’s
probably what killed Alexander the Great who died to a simple drink.

Next is fad diets. I am amazed these stupid diets even exist and
even more shocked that loads of people follow them. A fad diet is a
diet that is popular for a time but then become outdated, a bit like
fads in fashion. However another meaning for fad diets is a diets
where you remove an ENTIRE FOOD GROUP! I am amazed that some
people AGREE to remove an entire food group. Not only is this
incredibly unhealthy, it is potentially fatal. All 5 food group are
needed and even if you remove 1 food group for short amount of
time, your basically dead. You will not even have a satisfactory
death, you will die hungry and longing for hamburgers or pizza. Most
fad diets, even if they don’t remove an ENTIRE food group, is an
unhealthy, useless waste of time. If you have to die, at least die
after you ate a delicious meal.

Now do you see why these beliefs are completely BONKERS!? They
all end up with a painful, unsatisfactory death. The only difference
between the 2 is that one of them you die to a drink, another that
you die to a plate of food. Very depressing and embarrassing. Who
now wants to be drunk or participate in fad eating? You are right, no
one! So try not to be drunk and try not to fad eat.

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