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Dyan Manwel R.


The first module taught me that the flight dispatcher is one of the most essential jobs in
the aviation or aviation industry. Standard-compliant performance is required for general
aviation flight handlers. It takes long-term perseverance, the ability to stay focused like a
laser, the ability to anticipate when things don't go as planned, and the ability to work well
in a team. Effective teamwork is essential in the aviation industry to minimize risk. We've
covered each of these skills. It is the Flight Dispatcher's responsibility to select the most
economical and efficient route for the aircraft. They are also the ones associated with
regular flights. Flight dispatchers consider several factors when planning flights, including
B. Aircraft weight and capabilities, high winds along the route, likelihood of weather
phenomena such as thunderstorms and turbulence, airspace restrictions, and airport
conditions at the time. Weather is also reassessed, flight plans are reviewed, and flight
operations control reroutes aircraft. They aim to reduce travel time while providing safety
instructions to the crew as part of pre-flight and in-flight surveillance. Ultimately, I found it
difficult to become a flight dispatcher. Interested applicants must have a degree, the
necessary professional experience, the ability to learn new things quickly, and
professional flight dispatcher training.

Module 2 focuses on the organizations that set the rules and standards for the airline
industry. This section describes the many groups in the aviation industry dedicated to
maintaining the effectiveness and safety of aircraft, passengers, and crew. Not only
aviation law but also domestic and international air traffic regulations will be discussed.
We audit aviation regulatory bodies such as the Federal Aviation Administration, the
European Aviation Safety Agency, the International Air Transport Association, and the
Civil Aviation Authority. These government agencies and groups use various tactics to
ensure flight safety. Based on what I have learned, I will start with ICAO, the United
Nations agency for international air transport. Ensuring stable and safe growth,
coordinating the principles of international air navigation, and promoting the development
of global air transportation plans and policies. In addition, ICAO promotes the expansion
of global civil aviation to promote safer flights. Domestic civil aviation is supervised and
regulated by the FAA Division of the U.S. Department of Transportation. EASA, which
represents European countries, is responsible for making and enforcing laws within its
borders. Its objective is to promote the highest environmental and safety protection
standard available in the sector. IATA is a worldwide organization that studies aviation
industry issues and encourages creating commercial standards. The organization in
charge of managing civil aviation in each country is the CAA, which also oversees the
register and is responsible for licensing and regulating civil aviation. The agency in charge
of regulating the aviation sector in our nation is known as the Civil Aviation Authority of
the Philippines, or CAAP. I also learned about domestic and international flight rules as
well as aviation law. The formation and history of ICAO are covered with some very
interesting dates, including the start of the first scheduled international air service in 1919.
It also emphasizes the importance of the Chicago Convention, also known as the
International Civil Aviation Convention. ICAO, which appeared in 1944, appeared.

The third module deals with flight planning. In this lesson, you learned that good flight
planning improves airline profitability, operational efficiency, and customer loyalty. A flight
plan serves as a starting point or hub for your industry. Its purpose is to ensure that all
operations are carried out safely, paying customers are satisfied, and airlines are
profitable. In addition, scheduled flights help reduce air traffic and accidents. Every
second counts in the aviation industry, so proper and proactive preparation can reduce
the likelihood of costly delays. As we all know, each delay costs the airline. In the flight
plan, he has seven improvements. Path and schedule design are also included in clean
sheet optimization. Airlines now attach great importance to punctuality to make a profit,
and this helps further promote punctuality. This allows us to predict the time of the event
more accurately. In addition, simulations optimize crew rotation, minimize the burden on
pilots and flight attendants, lower accommodation costs, and maximize utilization. The
Create an Operational Schedule category includes all these tasks.

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