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Topic 1: Those under 16 should not be allowed to date.

1. Dating: a social meeting planned before it happens, especially one
between two people who have or might have a romantic relationship.
2. Under 16: In Vietnam, children are under 16 years old and children who
are protected by law are under the age of 16.
In my opinion, children under the age of 16 should not be allowed to date
because of the following reasons.
First of all, at the age of 16, children do not yet realize what true love is.
They only date to show off to their friends and to show off their good
relationship. Worse case is that because they do not have the right awareness as
well as do not have much interaction with the external social environment, they
may be psychologically manipulated or deceived by bad objects.
Furthermore, When dating, their academic performance will also decrease.
Especially, this is also the period when they need to invest in education as well
as practice skills to prepare for the high school entrance exam.
Last but not least, They always tend to hide their relationship from their
parents because if their parents knew, their parents would definitely forbid
them. Gradually they will form the habit of not telling the truth like a bad
To sum up, in order not to affect cognition, academic performance as well as
behavior, children under 16 years old are not allowed to date.
Topic 2: Fashion Is An Expression Of The Character
1. Fashion: Fashion is a harmonious combination of clothes, shoes,
accessories, makeup, hairstyles at a specific time, place, and context to create
the unique features of each individual.
2. Character: Character is a person's inner qualities and characteristics,
which have a direct influence on his or her thoughts, words, and actions.
Fashion not only reflects consumer culture and lifestyle at each stage of
social development, but it also shows styles and trends, especially through
fashion, you can express your character. For instance, T-shirts are simple,
comfortable, and appropriate for both men and women. For everyday errands,
meeting friends, casual outings, a t-shirt is a safe outfit choice. And people
whose comfort zone is t-shirts are easy-going and very down-to-earth people.
They don't worry about their clothes or what others think of them; instead, they
think about the life they are living.
On the other hand, take hoodies as an example, hoodies are an outfit that
suits most teenagers. It shows that they are more mysterious and want to hide
some physical insecurity. On the contrary, if you wear a colorful, a bright,
printed hoodie, it can show more than just how cheerful and fearless you are.
However, choosing an outfit to express your personality also needs to
consider whether the outfit is suitable for the situation in which you participate.
For example, think about how you would react if the President and First Lady
made an appearance in public while outfitted as well - known rock musicians.
Do you believe it would be reported in the media?
In conclusion, it is undeniable that a person's clothing choices reflect their
character. Have you ever wondered the reasons behind the variety of clothing
designs, colors, textures, and different types? Simply because everyone has an
individual style and has the right to determine how they look.

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