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APRIL 26–28, 2023


Directions: Read each question carefully choose the letter of your answer write it on the
space provided before the number.
1. The _________ is the doer of the action in the sentence or the one being talked

A. subject B. predicate C. object D. indirect object

2. The _________ is an action word or a word that denotes a state of being.

A. adverb B. verb C. noun D. pronoun

3. When the subject of a sentence is singular, then the verb must be _________.

A. singular B. plural C. active D. passive

4. Which of the following is the correct verb for the sentence below?

The number of people _________ on increasing every year.

A. keep B. keeps C. are keeping D. has keeping

5. Which of the following is the correct form of the verb for the sentence below?

A number of computer programmers _________ a new computer game.

A. are creating B. is creating C. has created D. were created

6. Which of the following sentences shows correct subject-verb agreement?

A. The boys or Ethel are going to choose the next activity.

B. Neither the horse nor the panther runs slowly.
C. Either my parents or her mom are going to pick us up.
D. Neither the students nor the teacher know the decision.

7. Which of the following will not take a singular verb?

A. many B. every C. somebody D. each

8. Every ball, bat, glove __________ an extra 25 cents at Frank’s.

A. costs B. cost C. costed D. had cost

9. Coach Mike nor his players__________ enough skill to win the championship.

A. has B. have C. having D. has been

10. He _________ the best hot dogs in all the land.

A. made B. is making C. make D. makes

11. What is the word that a pronoun replaces or stands for?

A. antecedent B. plot C. characters D. theme

12. What is a referent?

A. It is the noun for which a pronoun stands.

B. It is the pronoun that refers to the antecedent.
C. It is the pronoun that refers to people and animals only.
D. It is the pronoun used specifically to replace names of inanimate objects.

13. Complete this rule in pronoun-antecedent agreement:

Words with singular meaning despite the presence of -s at the end should
take _________ referent.

A. a singular C. no
B. a plural D. more than one

(14–16) DIRECTION: Identify the antecedent of the underlined pronoun in the sentences

14. My dog wags its tail when it sees me enter the house.

A. tail B. dog C. my D. its

15. The mother said, “I’m giving you advice because you are my daughter, and I
love you.”

A. daughter B. I C. my D. mother

16. Did the student bring her own umbrella?

A. own B. student C. bring D. umbrella

17. Correct the sentence below by replacing the underlined pronoun with the correct
one from the options.

Being a doctor is fulfilling, but us requires dedication, hard work, and love.

A. it B. we C. he D. they

18. What is the antecedent and the referent in the sentence?

My niece decided to help select outfits for her sisters when she realized she forgot
her wallet at home.

A. antecedent = niece, referent = she

B. antecedent = niece, referent = my
C. antecedent = sisters, referent = her
D. antecedent = sisters, referent = she

19. What pronoun should be use?

Ask Lisa and Francesca for __________ opinions.

A. their B. her C. us D. we

20. Should the pronoun in red be changed?

Robert and Sue Ellen concentrated on the computer. They read each question
carefully as they took the quiz.

A. Make it "He" because Robert is first

B. Make it "She" because Sue Ellen is closest to the pronoun
C. Make it any singular pronoun
D. No change is necessary

21. It is a series of interconnected events modified by the author according to his or

her own style of delivering the narrative.

A. setting B. plot C. characters D. theme

22. A type of plot structure that is told as it happens from earliest to the latest events.
A. Chronological-sequential C. Flashback
B. In Medias Res D. Foreshadowing

23. This is a writing technique that begins the narrative in the midst of an action.
A. Plot Twist C. Chronological-sequential
B. In Medias Res D. Flashback

24. It conveys information about events that occurred earlier which triggered the
current event to happen.
A. Flashback C. Foreshadowing
B. In Medias Res D. Chronological-sequential

25. In a narrative, it is the underlying idea that binds the elements of the narrative

A. plot B. mood C. theme D. setting

26. This is the type of point of view delivered by a narrator detached from the story.

A. first-person B. second-person C. third-person D. omniscient

27. This point of view is written from the perspective of a character who reveals his
or her own thoughts and feelings in the narrative.

A. first-person B. second-person C. third-person D. omniscient

28. A type of point of view where the person speaking is directly addressing the

A. first-person B. second-person C. third-person D. omniscient

29. In the types of third-person point of view, it is the one limited in terms of whose
feelings and thoughts are revealed.

A. limited B. multiple C. omniscient D. mood

30. This is one of the types of third-person point of view most used by many authors as it
gives readers the broadest and most perspective point of view.

A. multiple B. limited C. omniscient D. mood

31. This is the repetition of sounds at the end of words.

A. rhyme B. imagery C. sound devices D. theme

32. This element of poetry is used to reinforce meaning and to appeal to the sense of
hearing of the readers.

A. sound devices B. stress/accent C. rhyming pattern D. rhythm

33. It is the nonliteral way of describing things, which aims to invoke feelings
and even create imagery that appeals to all our senses.
A. figurative language C. rhyming pattern
B. sound devices D. stress/accent

34. Images in a poem or passage are called its .

A. imagery B. theme C. rhyme D. sound devices

35. This is known as a central idea in a literary work.

A. imagery B. theme C. rhyme D. sound devices

36. Figure of speech that compares the characteristics of two things using
words such as as or like.

A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

37. It is a type of figure of speech that gives human traits to animals and/or inanimate

A. hyperbole B. irony C. personification D. metaphor

38. Which of the following figures of speech is an intended exaggeration?

A. irony B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

39. This figure of speech uses words that mean the opposite of what they appear to be
saying, to create a humorous effect.

A. metaphor B. simile C. irony D. hyperbole

40. It is a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken or written as if it were another.

A. irony B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

DIRECTIONS: Identify what figure of speech is used in the following sentences below.

41. My girlfriend is a flight attendant but she’s terrified of heights.

A. metaphor B. simile C. irony D. hyperbole

42. Arthur's gift must have cost a million dollars.

A. irony B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

43. In the fresh air, her cheeks are like red roses.

A. simile B. irony C. personification D. metaphor

44. The sun smiled down on us.

A. irony B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

45. My life is an open book.

A. metaphor B. irony C. personification D. hyperbole

46. At the post office, I waited forever in line.

A. personification B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

47. I slept like a log last night.

A. hyperbole B. irony C. personification D. metaphor

48. I am so hungry I could eat a horse.

A. irony B. metaphor C. personification D. hyperbole

49. Justice is blind and, at times, deaf.

A. metaphor B. irony C. personification D. hyperbole

50. She is beautiful like a sunrising amusing everyone.

A. simile B. irony C. personification D. metaphor

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