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A nurse has been exposed to tuberculosis (TB) during care of a patient with TB and has
a TB skin test performed. When is the nurse considered infected?*
A negative skin test is followed by a negative chest x-ray.
Testing causes a 10-mm red, indurated area at the injection site.
There is an induration of only 5 mm at the injection site.
There is no redness or induration at the injection site.
A 10-mm red indurated injection site could be a positive result for a nurse as an employee in a high-
risk setting. Because antibody production in response to infection with the TB bacillus may not be
sufficient to produce a reaction to TB skin testing immediately after infection, two-step testing is
recommended for individuals likely to be tested often, such as health care providers. An initial
negative skin test should be repeated in 1 to 3 weeks and if the second test is negative, the individual
can be considered uninfected. All other answers indicate a negative response to skin testing.
As an organizer, the ultimate goal of the PHN is community health development and
empowerment of the people. This is achieved by: Select all that apply:*
Telling people about health is not enough.
Support comes in the form of making essential health services affordable
Raising the level of awareness of the community regarding non-communicable diseases, its
causes, prevention and control
Influencing executive and legislative bodies to create and enforce policies that favor a healthy
Organizing and mobilizing the community in taking action for the reduction of risk factors
A 60-year-old patient is being prepared for outpatient cataract surgery. When obtaining
admission data from the patient, what would the nurse expect to find in the patient’s
A painless, sudden, severe loss of vision
A gradual loss of vision with abnormal color perception and glare
Blurred vision, colored halos around lights, and eye pain
Light flashes, floaters, and a “cobweb” in the field of vision with loss of central or peripheral
The lens opacity of cataracts causes a decrease in vision, abnormal color perception, and glare.
Blurred vision, halos around lights, and eye pain are characteristic of glaucoma. Light flashes, floaters,
and “cobwebs” or “hairnets” in the field of vision followed by a painless, sudden loss of vision are
characteristic of detached retina.
The Role of Public Health Nurse in NCD Prevention and Control includes the following
Community Evaluator
Health Trainer
Health Educator
Community Organizer
Health Advocate
Health Care Provider
Following the teaching of foot care to a diabetic patient, the nurse determines that
additional instruction is needed when the patient makes which statement?*
“I should always wear shoes to protect my feet from injury.”
“I should wash my feet daily with soap and warm water.”
“If my feet are cold, I should wear socks instead of using a heating pad.”
“I’ll know if I have sores or lesions on my feet because they will be painful.”
Complete or partial loss of sensitivity of the feet is common with peripheral neuropathy of diabetes
and patients with diabetes may suffer foot injury and ulceration without ever having pain. Feet must be
inspected during daily care for any cuts, blisters, swelling, or reddened areas.
FHSIS intends to provide EXCEPT:*
A standardized, facility level data base that can be accessed for more in-depth studies.
Useful and accurate data that can be disseminated in a timely and easy to use fashion.
Data that can be used for program monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Data are use for implementation and health education
More time for patient care and primitive activities.
Children and women of reproductive age especially pregnant women are most affected
in what certain communicable disease?*
Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis
The patient with diabetes has a blood glucose level of 248 mg/dL. Which manifestations
in the patient would the nurse understand as being related to this blood glucose level
(select all that apply)?*
Abdominal cramps
Increase in urination
Weakness and fatigue
Emotional changes
Unsteady gait
Manifestations of hyperglycemia include abdominal cramps, polyuria, weakness, fatigue, and
headache. The headache can also be seen with hypoglycemia that is manifested by the remaining
According to the FHSIS, the complete set of target client list will be collected and stored
in a central location (such as Provincial Health Office) to facilitate the maintenance of
such a data base is periodically when?*
End of each year of every two years
Every other year up to 10 years
Quarterly within 5 years
Monthly every year
What should the goals of nutrition therapy for the patient with type 2 diabetes include?*
A special diabetic diet using dietetic foods
Normal serum glucose and lipid levels
Five small meals per day with a bedtime snack
Ideal body weight
The following interventions are planned for a diabetic patient. Which intervention can
the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?*
Check the patient’s technique for drawing up insulin.
Discuss complications of diabetes.
Check that the bath water is not too hot.
Teach the patient to use a meter for self-monitoring of blood glucose.
Checking the temperature of the bath water is part of assisting with activities of daily living (ADLs)
and within the scope of care for unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP). This is important for the patient
with neuropathy. Discussion of complications, teaching, and assessing learning are appropriate for
An older woman is admitted to the acute psychiatric unit with a diagnosis of moderate
depression. The client is unclean, her hair is uncombed, and she is inappropriately
dressed. She is accompanied by her adult daughter who is very upset about her
mother’s lack of interest in her appearance. The nurse appropriately alleviates the
daughter’s concern by making which statement?*
“Client self-esteem needs take priority over appearances.”
“Group peer pressure on the unit will soon have your mother attending to her hygiene needs.”
“The nurses will assist your mother in meeting hygiene needs until she is able to resume
“Hygiene is not important to those who are depressed.”
The client is experiencing psychomotor retardation and decreased energy at this time and requires
assistance. Both the client and her family should know that the nurse will assist the client until the
client can resume self-care activities. Options 1, 2, and 3 will not alleviate the daughters concern.
What should the nurse include when teaching the patient with COPD about the need for
physical exercise?*
Monitoring the heart rate before and after exercise is the best way to determine how much
exercise can be tolerated.
All patients with COPD should be able to increase walking gradually up to 20 minutes per day.
Shortness of breath is expected during exercise but should return to baseline within 5 minutes
after the exercise.
A bronchodilator inhaler should be used to relieve exercise-induced dyspnea immediately after
Shortness of breath usually increases during exercise but the activity is not being overdone if
breathing returns to baseline within 5 minutes after stopping. Bronchodilators can be administered 10
minutes before exercise but should not be administered for at least 5 minutes after activity to allow
recovery. Patients are encouraged to walk 15 to 20 minutes per day with gradual increases but actual
patterns will depend on patient tolerance. Dyspnea most frequently limits exercise and is a better
indication of exercise tolerance than is heart rate in the patient with COPD.
Nurse Kade is assisting activities for Tonton without him holding her shoulder. How
should Kade manage to  implement such activities to Tonton without body contact?*
Let Kade use the directions of the clock as she assists Tonton in different directions
Kade ties a long rope attached to Tonton’s wrist as he walks alone so that Kade will still keep
Tonton safe
Tonton memorizes the hallway using his hand like he reads the braille
Let Kade command Tonton about simple directions like RIGHT and LEFT, FRONT and BACK
RATIONALE – the best way to assist a blind patient via directions and activities is by using the clock
method such as 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock etc. because majority is familiar with it. A – this maybe realistic
but the command need specific directions other than left, right, etc. B and D – the safety of the patient
is compromised
S. Japonicum is endemic in the Philippines more commonly in all places except:*
Cagayan de Oro City
The main aim of conducting PAR in Purok Ipok is:*
Disseminate change in the community
Use research findings to influence social change
To evaluate the community’s program
Educate people about the importance of participating in community programs
Kenneth is performing an assessment on Lambert (the client). The chief clinical
manifestation that Kenneth would expect to note in the early stages of cataract
formation is?*
Eye pain
Blurred vision
Floating spots
A gradual, painless blurring of central vision is the chief clinical manifestation of a cataract. Early
symptoms include slightly blurred vision and a decrease in color perception. A – is signs of a cataract.
B and C – is for retinal detachment
When an admitted patient with PTB is experiencing sputum production, dyspnea, and
anorexia, also has a poor muscle tone. What nursing diagnosis is most appropriate of
the patient’s condition?*
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirement
Risk for Infection
Deficient Knowledge
Imbalanced Nutrition: More Than Body Requirement
Which among is the triad signs of malaria:*
Fever, chills and profuse sweating
Profuse sweating, fever and abdominal pain
Fever, rash and abdominal pain
Chills, fever and cough
The nurse is preparing to care for a client admitted to the mental health unit with a
diagnosis of dementia and notes that the client has difficulty carrying out activities of
daily living effectively. The nurse should plan for which outcome in caring for the client?*
The client will be free of hallucinations by the time of discharge.
The client will feed self with cueing within 24 hours.
The client will be oriented to place by the time of discharge.
The client will correctly identify objects in his or her room by the time of discharge.
What causes the pulmonary vasoconstriction leading to the development of cor
pulmonale in the patient with COPD?*
Administration of high concentrations of oxygen
Long-term low-flow oxygen therapy
Increased viscosity of the blood
Alveolar hypoxia and hypercapnia
Constriction of the pulmonary vessels, leading to pulmonary hypertension, is caused by alveolar
hypoxia and the acidosis that results from hypercapnia. Polycythemia is a contributing factor in cor
pulmonale because it increases the viscosity of blood and the pressure needed to circulate the blood.
Long-term low-flow oxygen therapy dilates pulmonary vessels and is used to treat cor pulmonale. High
oxygen administration is not related to cor pulmonale.
What is a significant finding in the health history of a patient during an assessment of
the cardiovascular system?*
Frequent viral pharyngitis
Frequent use of recreational drugs
Metastatic cancer
Calcium supplementation
Recreational or abused drugs, especially stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine, are a
growing cause of cardiac dysrhythmias and problems associated with tachycardia and IV injection of
abused drugs is a risk factor for inflammatory and infectious conditions of the heart. Although
calcium is involved in the contraction of muscles, calcium supplementation is not a significant factor
in heart disease, nor is metastatic cancer. Streptococcal, but not viral, pharyngitis is a risk factor for
rheumatic heart disease.
Which among the following is a PAR example? (select all that apply)*
A group of adults interviewed 50 adults living in a rehabilitation center. The group presented
their academic report to the Department of Health through theatrical presentation.
A group of people interviewed people in the community regarding health services and service
providers about their definitions and understanding of recovery. Findings were documented and
shared to encourage collaboration among service recipients and providers.
Dissatisfied evaluation of Family Planning services, a team of 10 couples-user researchers
interviewed 50 couples who use Family Planning services. The researchers asked about their
lived experience using the Family Planning services and its influence to them as couples and
family. The researchers presented their findings as a live performance and an academic report.
Abused women were interviewed by strong independent women regarding their lived
experience. Results and recommendations were given to the Health Office.
Which among the following is included in the program components of Mental Health?
(select all that apply)*
Neurologic Disorders
Rehabilitation Services
Wellness of Daily Living
Life Experience
The public health nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with leprosy (Hansen’s
disease).Which intervention should the nurse implement?*
Explain the need for admission to the hospital.
Instruct to use skin moisturizing lotion to control the symptoms.
Administer dapsone, a sulfone, for one (1) month only.
Discuss the ways leprosy is transmitted to other individuals.
Contrary to popular thought, leprosy, although contagious, usually requires a prolonged exposure for
the infection to spread to another person. Touching the lesions directly will increase the potential for
Nurse Stinger is doing a teaching session to a group of CAD patients. The bulk of the
discussion focuses on  decreasing the risk for atherosclerosis, the nurse should
encourage the client to:*
Follow a regular diet.
Continue leading a high-stress lifestyle.
Avoid focusing on his weight.
Increase his activity level.
The client should be encouraged to increase his activity level. A, C and D – Maintaining an ideal
weight, low-cholesterol and low sodium diet and avoiding stress are all important factors in
decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis.
The community members as researchers are experts in their role. They are experts
They participate in making collaborative decisions.
They have unique perspective as influenced by their lived experience.
They have the knowledge and expertise in doing the research.
They are being guided by the research team.
An annual form of FHSIS that is demographic, environmental, and natality data?*
Annual Form 2 (A-2)
Annual Form 1 (A-1)
Annual Form 3 (A-3)
A mental health client is angry after an argument on the telephone with her son and tells
the nurse about her conversation. Which statement by the nurse would be therapeutic?*
“That is not very kind of your son. Does he not realize that you are trying to recuperate from
“All mothers have arguments with their children.”
“You need to focus your energy on building your strength and getting better.”
“You seem quite upset.”
The correct option provides an opportunity for the client to further share and discuss feelings. Option
2 is a stereotypical comment. Options 3 and 4 seem to console the client, but they indicate that the
nurse has taken “a side” in the argument, which is nontherapeutic.
A patient diagnosed with class 3 TB 1 week ago is admitted to the hospital with
symptoms of chest pain and coughing. What nursing action has the highest priority?*
Preparing the patient’s room with suction equipment and extra linens
Placing the patient in an intensive care unit where he can be closely monitored
Administering the patient’s antitubercular drugs
Admitting the patient to an airborne infection isolation room
A patient with class 3 TB has clinically active disease and airborne infection isolation is required for
active disease until the patient is noninfectious, indicated by negative sputum smears. Cardiac
monitoring and observation will need to be done with the patient in isolation. The nurse will administer
the antitubercular drugs after the patient is in isolation. There should be no need for suction or extra
linens after the TB patient is receiving drug therapy.
Which patient should the nurse plan to teach how to prevent or delay the development
of diabetes?*
A 12-year-old boy whose father has maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY)
A 34-year-old woman whose parents both have type 2 diabetes
An obese 50-year-old Hispanic woman
A child whose father has type 1 diabetes
Nursing evaluation of patients with malaria includes meeting the following goals
Gained and retained information on malarial disease process, treatment, and prognosis.
Reduced increase in body temperature.
Improved tissue perfusion.
Improved gas exchange
Improved fluid volume of the body.
Prevention of infection.
During Lambert’s early postoperative period, he complains of nausea and severe pain
over the operative site.  The initial action of Kenneth is to:*
Reassure the client that this is normal
Neglect the patient
Call the physician
Administer the ordered antiemetic
Severe pain or pain accompanied by nausea is an indicator of increased intraocular pressure and
should be reported to the physician immediately. B, C, and D are inappropriate actions.
The client diagnosed with cancer of the head of the pancreas is two (2) days
postpancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple’s procedure). Which nursing problem has the
highest priority?*
Altered nutrition.
Alteration in comfort.
Anticipatory grieving.
Fluid volume imbalance.
This is a major abdominal surgery, and massive fluid volume shifts occur when this type of trauma is
experienced by the body. Maintaining the circulatory system without overloading it requires extremely
close monitoring.
Nurse Kade notes that following several eye examinations, the physician has
documented a diagnosis of legal   blindness in Tonton’s chart. Nurse Kade reviews the
result of the Snellen chart test expecting to note which finding?*
20/ 60
20/ 200
20/20 vision
20/ 40 vision
Legal blindness is defined as 20/200 or less with corrected vision (glasses or contact lenses) or visual
acuity of less than 20 degrees of the visual field in the better eye.
All applicants for license to practice nursing shall be required to pass a written
examination, which shall be given by the Board in such places and dates as may be
designated by the Commission: Provided that it shall be in accordance with otherwise
known as the “PRC Modernization Act of 2000.”*
Republic Act No. 8189
Republic Act No. 7610
Republic Act No. 9288
Republic Act No. 8981
A public health nurse that provides technical assistance in the assessment of the skills
of auxiliary health workers in NCD prevention and control; teaching and supervision on
clinical management of non-communicable diseases and other community-based
services and recording, reporting and utilization of health information related to non-
communicable diseases.*
Health Educator
Health Trainer
Health Advocate
Health Care Provider
Who will appoint the Chairperson and six (6) members of the BON?*
Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing
President of the Republic of the Philippines
Accredited professional organization of nurses
Professional regulation Commission Chairman
SEC. 3. Creation and Composition of the Board. — There shall be created a Professional Regulatory
Board of Nursing, hereinafter referred to as the Board, to be composed of a Chairperson and six (6)
members. They shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines from among two
(2) recommendees, per vacancy, of the Professional Regulation Commission, hereinafter referred to
as the Commission, chosen and ranked from a list of three (3) nominees, per vacancy, of the
accredited professional organization of nurses in the Philippines who possess the qualifications
prescribed in Section 4 of this Act.
The relatives of Tonton asks nurse Kade what kind of food to include in their diet to
avoid blindness, nurse  Kade answers,*
“Carrots are the only food that can help you avoid blindness”
“Lessen eating fruits because they can be a risk factor in blindness”
“Apples are rich in vitamin A”
“Foods rich in vitamin A are best suited for you guys”
Treatment of cataract consists of surgical extraction of the cataractous lens opacity and
intraoperative correction of visual deficits. What is the top most nursing diagnosis
appropriate for the patient?*
Risk for Injury
Acute Pain
Disturbed Sensory Perception: Visual
Risk for Infection
After conducting a health education in the community, the PHN ask the participants to
state which statement is correct about malaria?*
If you get malaria once, you won’t get it again
Malaria is a neglected tropical disease
Malaria is common in swam area.
Malaria is quite often endemic in poorer regions of the world
Whilst malaria is not caused by poverty itself, the ability to control and eliminate the disease is
affected by socio-economic factors. A study by Xia Zhao and colleagues from the University of Oxford
found that increased socio-economic improvements such as wealth, life expectancy and urbanization
were the key drivers in eliminating malaria in Europe in the early 20th century.
In a certain government hospital there is a vacant position for a Nursing Service
Administrator in which as an individual you could assess yourself in applying for this
position if you have the following qualifications except for:*
An undergraduate student of Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Be a member of good standing of the accredited professional organization of nurses
Be a registered nurse in the Philippines
Have at least two (2) years experience in general nursing service administration
Possess a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with at least nine (9) units in management
and administration courses at the graduate level
The incubation period of leprosy is:*
5months to 5 years
4-6 weeks
7-30 days
14-84 days
Every public health worker shall be paid night-shift differential of his/her regular wage
for each hour of work performed during the night-shifts customarily adopted by hospitals
for how many percent?*
In a hospital, a newborn baby is about to discharge after 24 hours of admission. We all
know that there is a mandatory requirement of Republic Act 9288 also known as the?*
Medicare Act
Newborn Screening Act
Milk Code
Day Care Act
This oral malarial treatment is given to resistant case of P. falciparum:*
Quinine hydrochloride 300 mg/ml, 2ml
Sulfadoxine 50mg
Chloroquine phosphate 250mg
A 78-year-old client is admitted to the emergency department (ED) with numbness and
weakness of the left arm and slurred speech. Which nursing intervention is priority?*
Discuss the precipitating factors that caused the symptoms.
Notify the speech pathologist for an emergency consult.
Prepare to administer recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA).
Schedule for a STAT computed tomography (CT) scan of the head.
A CT scan will determine if the client is having a stroke or has a brain tumor or another neurological
disorder. If a CVA is diagnosed, the CT scan can determine if it is a hemorrhagic or an ischemic
accident and guide treatment.
In addition to smoking cessation, what treatment is included for COPD to slow the
progression of the disease?*
Use of bronchodilator drugs
Lung volume–reduction surgery
Prevention of respiratory tract infections
Use of inhaled corticosteroids
Smoking cessation is one of the most important factors in preventing further damage to the lungs in
COPD but prevention of infections that further increase lung damage is also important. The patient is
very susceptible to infections and these infections make the disease worse, creating a vicious cycle.
Bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, and lung volume–reduction surgery help to control
symptoms but these are symptomatic measures.
A health care worker is entitled of hazard allowance if: (select all that apply)*
He/she works in a remote area
There is epidemic
The place is declared in a state of calamity
He/she works in a prisons camp
SEC. 21. Hazard Allowance. - Public health worker in hospitals, sanitaria, rural health units, main
centers, health infirmaries, barangay health stations, clinics and other health-related establishments
located in difficult areas, strife-torn or embattled areas, distresses or isolated stations, prisons camps,
mental hospitals, radiation-exposed clinics, laboratories or disease-infested areas or in areas declared
under state of calamity or emergency for the duration thereof which expose them to great danger,
contagion, radiation, volcanic activity/eruption occupational risks or perils to life.
Mr. Y, a 51 year old patient is newly diagnosed with tuberculosis and is prescribed by
his physician with anti-tubercular medications like Isonizid (INH) and Rifampicin
(Rifadin).  Which information should the nurse discuss with the patient? Select all that
Instruct the client to decrease the amount of dark, green leafy vegetables.
Tell the patient to remain in isolation until there are three negative sputum cultures.
Inform the patient a public staffer will observe the patient in taking the medication.
Explain that the patient’s urine and other body fluids will turn orange.
Discuss the need to take the medication for one month before stopping the medications.
Rifampin turn the urine and body secretions orange and can discolor contact lenses, but it is not
harmful to the patient. The patient is considered communicable until three sputum tests are obtained.
The patient will be on anti-tubercular medication for up to 1 year and will be observed when taking the
medication by a public health official as tuberculosis is a communicable disease and a threat to the
community. Dark, green leafy vegetables will not affect his medication.
This form was created inside of Phinma Education.

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A client says to the nurse, “Ever since my wife passed on, my life is empty and has no
meaning.” What is the appropriate nursing response?*
“Let’s talk about the positive things that you have in your life.”
“Your life has no meaning?”
“What would your children think if they knew how you felt?”
“Most people who lose a loved one feel empty.”
: In the correct option, the nurse uses the therapeutic technique of restating. In this technique, the
nurse explores more thoroughly topics that are significant to the client. Option 2 generalizes and does
not focus on the client. Option 3 focuses on the client’s children rather than on the client’s feelings.
Option 4 avoids the client’s feelings.
The nurse is assessing a client experiencing motor loss as a result of a left-sided
cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Which clinical manifestation would the nurse
Hemiparesis of the client’s left arm and apraxia.
Paralysis of the right side of the body and ataxia.
Homonymous hemianopsia and diplopia.
Impulsive behavior and hostility toward family.
The most common motor dysfunction of a CVA is paralysis of one side of the body, hemiplegia; in this
case with a left-sided CVA, the paralysis would affect the right side. Ataxia is an impaired ability to
coordinate movement.
Participatory action research (PAR) differs from most other approaches to public health
research because it is based on except.*
Data collection
Data gathering
Action that aims to improve health and reduce health inequities through involving the people
who, in turn, take actions to improve their own health.
Nurse Kade is assisting Tonton to walk along the hallway, what is the best way to assist
Tonton in walking?*
Tonton is holding nurse Kade’s elbow on the side
Nurse Kade is at the back of Tonton commanding
Tonton is holding Kade’s shoulder at the back
Kade is at the back of Tonton holding his shoulder
RATIONALE: blind patients must be assisted in walking by the nurse located infront of them holding
their shoulder with one arm. A, B and D – are not safe for the nurse and patient
A 36-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes mellitus asks the nurse whether an influenza
vaccine is necessary every year. What is the best response by the nurse?*
“Antiviral drugs, such as zanamivir (Relenza), eliminate the need for vaccine except in the older
“You should get the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine that is injected every year.”
“An annual vaccination is not necessary because previous immunity will protect you for several
“Only health care workers in contact with high-risk patients should be immunized each year.”
The injected trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended for individuals 6 months of age
and older and those at increased risk for influenza-related complications, such as people with chronic
medical conditions or those who are immunocompromised, residents of long-term care facilities,
health care workers, and providers of care to at-risk persons. The live attenuated influenza vaccine is
given intranasally and is recommended for all healthy people between the ages of 2 and 49 but not for
those at increased risk of complications or health care providers. The immunity will not protect for
several years, as new strains of influenza may develop each year. Antiviral agents will help to reduce
the duration and severity of influenza in those at high risk but immunization is the best control
Two days following a self-managed hypoglycemic episode at home, the patient tells the
nurse that his blood glucose levels since the episode have been between 80 and 90
mg/dL. Which is the best response by the nurse?*
“That is a good range for your glucose levels.”
“That level is too low in view of your recent hypoglycemia and you should increase your food
“You should take only half your insulin dosage for the next few days to get your glucose level
back to normal.”
“You should call your health care provider because you need to have your insulin increased.”
Blood glucose levels of 80 to 90 mg/dL (4.4 to 5 mmol/L) are within the normal range and are desired
in the patient with diabetes, even following a recent hypoglycemic episode. Hypoglycemia is often
caused by a single event, such as skipping a meal, taking too much insulin, or vigorous exercise. Once
corrected, normal glucose control should be maintained.
The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers applies to: (select all that apply)*
Liaison officer of an RHU
Barangay Health Nurse
Barangay Tanod
Barangay Health Workers
A patient tells the nurse on admission to the health care facility that he recently has
been classified as legally blind. What does the nurse understand about the patient’s
May be able to perform many tasks and activities with vision enhancement techniques
Will need time for grieving and adjusting to living with total blindness
Will be dependent on others to ensure a safe environment for functioning
Has lost usable vision but has some light perception
A person who is legally blind may have some usable vision that will benefit from vision enhancement
techniques. A person with total blindness has no light perception and no usable vision and a person
with functional blindness has the loss of usable vision but some light perception. As only 4% of
blindness occurs suddenly from injuries, the grieving is probably already in process. Dependency on
others from visual impairment is individual and cannot be assumed.
What was the resurgence in tuberculosis (TB) resulting from the emergence of
multidrug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis related to?*
A lack of effective means to diagnose TB
Increased population of immunosuppressed individuals with acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS)
Poor compliance with drug therapy in patients with TB
Indiscriminate use of antitubercular drugs in treatment of other infections
Drug-resistant strains of TB have developed because TB patients’ compliance with drug therapy has
been poor and there has been general decreased vigilance in monitoring and follow-up of TB
treatment. TB can be diagnosed effectively with sputum cultures. Antitubercular drugs are almost
exclusively used for TB infections. The incidence of TB is at epidemic proportions in patients with HIV
but this does not account for drug-resistant strains of TB.
The following options are the duties and responsibilities of a nurse, except?*
Give coaching to women in labor
Supervise student nurses
Suture perineal lacerations
Administer prescribed treatment
Option C it is the duty of the nurse to teach, guide and supervise students in nursing education
programs including the administration of nursing services in varied settings such as hospitals and
clinics (Sec.28 [d]). Option A, nurse may administer treatment if it is prescribed. And Option D is a
nurse responsibility during labor and delivery process.
Who chooses the research question?*
People who have the lived experience
Research experts
Community leaders
A patient with active TB continues to have positive sputum cultures after 6 months of
treatment. She says she cannot remember to take the medication all the time. What is
the best action for the nurse to take?*
Arrange for directly observed therapy by a responsible family member or a public health nurse.
Have a patient who has recovered from TB tell the patient about his successful treatment.
Schedule the patient to come to the clinic every day to take the medication.
Schedule more teaching sessions so the patient will understand the risks of noncompliance.
Notification of the public health department is required. If drug compliance is questionable, follow-up
of patients can be made by directly observed therapy by a public health nurse or a responsible family
member. A patient who cannot remember to take the medication usually will not remember to come to
the clinic daily or will find it too inconvenient. Additional teaching or support from others is not usually
effective for this type of patient.
Last July 2021 nursing licensure exam, which examinee is considered pass in the
Ms. C with an average of 75% (NP1-78, NP2-79, NP3-78, NP4-59, NP5-81)
Ms. A with an average of 65% (NP1-59, NP2-61, NP3-63, NP4-70, NP5-79)
Mr. B with an average of 71% (NP1-60, NP2-72, NP3-71, NP4-74, NP5-79)
Mr. D with an average of 75% (NP1-76, NP2-76, NP3-75, NP4-78, NP5-69)
The PHN understands that PAR is conducted and not a conventional research when:
(select all that apply)*
The research team members are experts of research.
The research is conducted from planning until the evaluation of the program identified.
The central aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the Herbal Plant Use Education
of the community through inquiry from other party.
It is a combination of a quantitative and qualitative data mining.
A health care provider has prescribed oxygen as needed for an infant with heart failure.
In which situation should the nurse administer the oxygen to the infant?*
When drawing blood for electrolyte level testing
When the mother is holding the infant
During sleep
When changing the infant’s diapers
Heart failure (HF) is the inability of the heart to pump a sufficient amount of blood to meet the oxygen
and metabolic needs of the body. Crying exhausts the limited energy supply, increases the workload of
the heart, and increases the oxygen demands. Oxygen administration may be prescribed for stressful
periods, especially during bouts of crying or invasive procedures. Options 1, 2, and 3 are not likely to
produce crying in the infant.
A diabetic patient is found unconscious at home and a family member calls the clinic.
After determining that a glucometer is not available, what should the nurse advise the
family member to do?*
Administer glucagon 1 mg intramuscularly (IM) or subcutaneously.
Have the patient drink some orange juice.
Call for an ambulance to transport the patient to a medical facility.
Administer 10 U of regular insulin subcutaneously.
If a diabetic patient is unconscious, immediate treatment for hypoglycemia must be given to prevent
brain damage and IM or subcutaneous administration of 1 mg of glucagon should be done. If the
unconsciousness has another cause, such as ketosis, the rise in glucose caused by the glucagon is
not as dangerous as the low glucose level. Following administration of the glucagon, the patient
should be transported to a medical facility for further treatment and evaluation. Insulin is
contraindicated without knowledge of the patient’s glucose level and oral carbohydrates cannot be
given when patients are unconscious.
Vitamin A is given to prevent blindness and: (select all that apply)*
Decrease child’s survival
Bitot’s spot
Boost immunization
Increase child’s survival
Prevent malnutrition
Promote malnutrition
The nurse establishes a trusting and therapeutic nurse-client relationship to a patient
with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. The patient is admitted to the mental health unit
which is being assisted by the nurse on duty during here developmental progress. What
is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis to the patient with this disorder?*
Severe Anxiety
Acute Pain
Deficient Knowledge
The following statement is NOT true to childhood blindness:*
Childhood blindness requires highly specialized treatment.
Diagnosing childhood blindness requires a highly specialized service.
Screening can be done at school clinics.
Diagnosis can be done by a paediatrician
The causative agents of Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis are the following except:*
Ascaris lumbricoides
Trichuris trichiura
A 72-year-old woman is diagnosed with diabetes. What does the nurse recognize about
the management of diabetes in the older adult?*
It usually is not treated unless the patient becomes severely hyperglycemic.
It is more difficult to achieve strict glucose control than in younger patients.
It does not include treatment with insulin because of limited dexterity and vision.
It usually requires that a younger family member be responsible for care of the patient
Older adults have more conditions that may be treated with medications that impair insulin action.
Hypoglycemic unawareness is more common, so these patients are more likely to suffer adverse
consequences from blood glucose– lowering therapy. Because the clinical manifestations of longterm
complications of diabetes take 10 to 20 years to develop, the goals for glycemic control are not as
rigid as in the younger population. Treatment is indicated and insulin may be used if the patient does
not respond to oral agents. The patient’s needs rather than age determine the responsibility of others
in care.
In order to enhance the general welfare, commitment to service and professionalism of
nurses, the minimum base pay of nurses working in the public health institutions shall
not be lower than what salary grade under Republic Act No. 6758, otherwise known as
the “Compensation and Classification Act of 1989”?*
Salary Grade 20
Salary Grade 10
Salary Grade 15
Salary Grade 25
Which one of the following are NOT antimalarial compounds?*
Penicillin is an antibiotic that targets bacteria. The others are all antimalarial compounds.
All are TRUE about malaria except:*
Transmitted through the bite of male Anopheles Mosquito
An acute and chronic infection caused by protozoa plasmodia
Infectious but not contagious
AKA “King of the Tropical Disease”
Which statement by the client indicates a need for further teaching?*
“I should not rub my eye.”
“I should avoid bending over lower than my waist level.”
“I can lie on my right side to sleep at night.”
“I need to take stool softeners to prevent straining.”
After cataract surgery, the client needs to be instructed to lie on the nonoperative side to prevent
swelling and pressure in the operated area. Options 1, 3, and 4 are correct measures to take after
cataract surgery to reduce strain on the operated eye.
Which among the following is true to errors of refraction?*
Errors of refraction are corrected only through spectacle glasses.
This eyesight problem can be addressed by optometrists.
Errors of refraction are cured only through surgery.
Errors of refraction are found mostly in the older age groups.
A patient is rush to the ED with thick, viscous or bloody secretions, fatigue, poor cough
and has a tracheal/pharyngeal edema. Upon assessment of the resident on duty the
patient is suspected to have a Pulmonary Tuberculosis. What appropriate nursing
diagnosis is applicable to the signs and symptoms of the patient?*
Deficient Knowledge
Risk for Impaired Gas Exchange
Risk for Infection
Ineffective Airway Clearance
Field Health Services and Information System (FHSIS) is a basis for: Select all that
Mentoring and guidance to health program implementation
Monitoring and evaluating health program implementation
Planning and decision making at different levels (barangay, municipality, district, provincial, and
Priority setting by national governments
Priority setting by local governments
A client who has been raped arrives at the emergency department. Which of these
observations would be most important for the nurse to consider when planning the
immediate care for the client?*
The victim states that she knows the rapist well; in fact, they had been dating for several weeks.
The victim states that she “feels like it did not happen.”
The victim states that “she feels numb.”
The victim states that the rapist knows where she lives and that, “He will kill me if I tell anyone
The nurse’s primary concern is to provide for safety. The priority statement by the victim is that the
rapist will kill her. The victim who states that she feels like it did not happen or that she feels numb is
most likely in the denial stage, which can be a helpful defense mechanism for the client. The fact that
the rapist and the victim knew each other is a common phenomenon; in some situations of abuse, the
victim does know the rapist.
A client newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus is taking an intermediate-acting
insulin at 0700 daily. The nurse should monitor the client closely for which signs and
symptoms in the late afternoon?*
Hunger; shakiness; and cool, clammy skin
Increased appetite and abdominal pain
Increased urination and rapid deep breathing
Thirst; red, dry skin; and fruity breath odor
The client taking an intermediate-acting insulin would experience peak effects of the medication from
approximately 4 to 12 hours after administration. At this time, the client is at risk for hypoglycemia if
food intake is insufficient. The nurse should teach the client to watch for signs and symptoms of
hypoglycemia during this time frame, which includes hunger, shakiness, cold sweating, headache,
anxiety, increased pulse, blurred vision, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. The other options list
various manifestations of hyperglycemia.
After running in a half marathon, JR, a 24 year old woman with type 1 diabetes, was
brought to the first aid tent provided for participants in a charity run. She is well
maintained on a regimen of self monitoring of blood glucose, insulin and diet. She states
that she feels cold and has a headache, her fingers feel numb, has slurred speech and
unsteady gait, appears confused and HR is 120 bpm. Lastly, her blood glucose is 48
mg/dl. What could be the MOST appropriate nursing diagnosis of the patient?*
Ineffective self-health management related to noncompliance with recommended regimen
Ineffective breathing pattern related to present activity
Acute pain related to compliance of medication
Deficient Knowledge related to current situation
Nurse CE is a public health nurse in her community that conducts assessments,
epidemiological studies and intervention studies. She possesses what role in NCD
prevention and control?*
Community Organizer
Health Educator
Health Trainer
A 30 year old married woman has given birth in a lying center near her barrio. Her
husband is regular government employee of an elementary school. She ask her
husband to file a paternity leave and we all know that this belong to what R.A?*
Republic Act 8187
Republic Act 9288
Republic Act 7170
Republic Act 7210
The health department nurse is caring for the client who has leprosy (Hansen’s
disease). Which assessment data indicate the client is experiencing a complication of
the disease?*
A high count of mycobacteria in the culture.
Elevated temperature at night.
Reduced skin sensation in the lesions.
Brownish-black discoloration to the skin.
The decrease in sensation of the lesions is the result of peripheral nerve damage. Leprosy is a
peripheral nervous system disease.
Tuberculosis skin tests are offered as a screening measure at a local free clinic in
Cagayan de Oro City. Which patient statements requires further exploration by the
nurse on duty?*
“When I have these skin tests, nothing ever shows up”
“My grandmother died from Tuberculosis.”
“I had a shot for Tuberculosis 6 years ago”
“I won’t take the medicine even if they do find something”
Most indicative of possible contraindication for skin testing; need to explore meaning of word “shot”
and what was actually done; may have been the bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine used to
promote active immunity to TB; false positive reactions to TB skin testing can occur in individuals who
have received this vaccine “requires further exploration” indicates possible complication.
The outpatient clinic nurse administers a Tuberculin skin test (TST) to four adult clients.
The nurse anticipates which client will likely demonstrate a false-positive response to
the TST?*
A patient who received Herpes Zoster (Shingles) vaccine last week.
A patient who regularly takes corticosteroid medication
A patient who received a Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine 1 month ago.
A patient who was recently diagnosed with AIDS
Patients who received a BCG vaccine, which prevents against the development of Tuberculosis (TB),
may demonstrate a false-positive response to a TST.
Which dietary modification helps to meet the nutritional needs of patients with COPD?*
Eating a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet
Preparing most foods of the diet to be eaten hot
Drinking fluids with meals to promote digestion
Avoiding foods that require a lot of chewing
Eating is an effort for patients with COPD and frequently these patients do not eat because of fatigue,
dyspnea, and difficulty holding their breath while swallowing. Foods that require much chewing cause
more exhaustion and should be avoided. A low-carbohydrate diet is indicated if the patient has
hypercapnia because carbohydrates are metabolized into carbon dioxide. Fluids should be avoided at
meals to prevent a full stomach and cold foods seem to give less of a sense of fullness than hot
It is the building block of FHSIS:*
Family Treatment Record
Target/Client List
Output Reports
Reporting Forms
A patient with early cataracts tells the nurse that he is afraid cataract surgery may cause
permanent visual damage. What should the nurse teach the patient?*
The cataracts will only worsen with time and should be removed as early as possible to prevent
Progression of the cataracts can be prevented by avoidance of ultraviolet (UV) light and good
dietary management.
Vision enhancement techniques may improve vision until surgery becomes an acceptable
option to maintain desired activities.
Cataract surgery is very safe and with the implantation of an intraocular lens, the need for
glasses will be eliminated.
Although cataracts do become worse with time, surgical extraction is considered an elective
procedure and is usually performed when the patient decides that he or she wants or needs to see
better for his or her lifestyle. There are no known measures to prevent cataract development or
progression. Surgical extraction is safe but the patient will still need glasses for near vision and for
any residual refractive error of the implanted lens.
When obtaining a health history from a patient suspected of having early TB, what
manifestations should the nurse ask the patient about?*
Cough with purulent mucus and fever with chills
Fatigue, low-grade fever, and night sweats
Pleuritic pain, nonproductive cough, and temperature elevation at night
Chest pain, hemoptysis, and weight loss
The husband of a patient with severe COPD tells the nurse that he and his wife have
not had any sexual activity since she was diagnosed with COPD because she becomes
too short of breath. What is the nurse’s best response?*
“Would you like for me to talk to you and your wife about some modifications that can be made
to maintain sexual activity?”
“You should explore other ways to meet your sexual needs since your wife is no longer capable
of sexual activity.”
“There are other ways to maintain intimacy besides sexual intercourse that will not make her
short of breath.”
“You need to discuss your feelings and needs with your wife so she knows what you expect of
Specific guidelines for sexual activity help to preserve energy and prevent dyspnea and maintenance
of sexual activity is important to the healthy psychologic well-being of the patient. Open
communication between partners is needed so that the modifications can be made with consideration
of both partners.
The nurse is performing an admission interview on a client being admitted to the mental
health unit and discovers that the client experienced a severe emotional trauma 1
month ago and is now experiencing paralysis of the right arm. The nurse should plan for
which priority intervention?*
Encouraging the client to move and use the arm.
Referring the client to group therapy.
Checking the client for organic causes of the paralysis.
Encouraging the client to talk about his feelings.
The priority intervention is to check the client for any physiological cause of the paralysis. Although
the client may be referred to group therapy, this is not the priority. Although a component of the plan
of care is to encourage the client to discuss feelings, this also is not the priority. It is not appropriate
to encourage the client to use the arm without ruling out a physiological cause of the paralysis.
Mrs. Shon, a 35 year old pregnant patient reports to a health care clinic, complaining of
loss of appetite, weight loss, and fatigue. After assessment of the patient, tuberculosis is
suspected. A sputum culture is obtained and identifies Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Which instruction should the nurse include in the patient’s teaching plan?*
Medication will not be started until after delivery of the fetus.
Therapeutic abortion is required.
Isoniazid plus Rifampicin will be required for 9 months
She will have to stay at home until treatment is completed.
More than 1 medication may be used to prevent the growth of resistant organisms in a pregnant client
with Tuberculosis. Treatment must continue for a prolonged period. The preferred treatment for the
pregnant client is Isoniazid plus Rifampicin daily for 9months. Ethambutol is added initially if
medication resistance is suspected. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) often is administered with Isoniazid to
prevent fetal neurotoxicity. The client does not need to stay at home during treatment and therapeutic
abortion is not required.
During the acute phase of a stroke, the nurse assesses the patient’s vital signs and
neurologic status every 4 hours. What is a cardiovascular sign that the nurse would see
as the body attempts to increase cerebral blood flow?*
Fluid overload
S3 and S4 heart sounds
Cardiac dysrhythmias
The body responds to the vasospasm and decreased circulation to the brain that occurs with a stroke
by increasing the BP, frequently resulting in hypertension. The other options are important
cardiovascular factors to assess but they do not result from impaired cerebral blood flow.
The PHN helps the people towards optimal degree of independence in decision-making
and in asserting their right to safer and better community.*
Health Trainer
Health Advocate
Health Care Provider
Health Educator
The best way to control Schistosomiasis is:*
Do not swim in rivers and other bodies of water
Snails must be killed
Protect self from insect bites
Do not walk barefooted
As enumerated in the FHSIS operations manual, the following forms of report to be
passed monthly prepared by the midwife and submitted by the nurse are the following:
Select all that apply.*
Program Report (Q-1)
Morbidity Report (M-2)
Annual Form 1 (A-1)
Program Report (M-1)
Health educator is an essential tool to achieve community health. This aims to the
following except:*
Motivate the people
Evaluate the people
Guide people into action
Inform the people
The nurse is caring for a patient with COPD. Which intervention could be delegated to
unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?*
Teach the patient pursed lip breathing technique.
Plan patient activities to minimize exertion.
Auscultate breath sounds every 4 hours.
Assist the patient to get out of bed.
Assistance with positioning and activities of daily living (ADL) is within the training of unlicensed
assistive personnel (UAP). Teaching, assessing, and planning are all part of the RN’s practice.
Upon serving a hospital for quite some time, the Chief Nurse is about to retire and you
are one of the prospect for the vacant position. Upon thorough evaluation you have to
possess the following? Select all that apply:*
Possess a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with at least nine (9) units in management
and administration courses at the graduate level
Be a member of good standing of the accredited professional organization of nurses
Be a registered nurse in the Philippines
Have at least two (2) years experience in general nursing service administration
An undergraduate student of BSN
A master’s degree major in nursing
At least five (5) years of experience in a supervisory or managerial position in nursing
At least one (1) year of experience n supervisory or managerial position in nursing
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Two nurses are establishing a smoking cessation program to assist patients with
chronic lung disease to stop smoking. To offer the most effective program with the best
outcomes, the nurses should initially*
Use evidence-based clinical practice guidelines developed from reviews of randomized
controlled trials of smoking cessation methods.
Search for an article that describes nursing interventions that are effective for smoking
Keep comprehensive records that detail each patient’s progress and ultimate outcomes from
participation in the program.
Develop a clinical question that will allow them to compare different cessation methods during
the program.
RATIONALE: Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines are developed from summaries of research
results and reflect the best known state of practice at the time. Use of these guidelines leads to more
positive outcomes of care and would be best to use in planning care or programs.
Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis is transmitted through which of the following: Select all
that apply:*
Washed and peeled vegetables
Worm eggs in contaminated water
Well cooked meals
Unwashed or unpeeled vegetables
To stop the behavior that leads to the most preventable cause of death in the United
States, the nurse should support programs that:*
Motivate individuals to enter addiction treatment.
Recognize addictions as illnesses rather than crimes.
Prohibit alcohol use in public places.
Prevent tobacco use in children and adolescents.
RATIONALE: Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death and most smokers start smoking
by age 16. If smoking in preadolescents and adolescents could be prevented, it is unlikely that these
individuals would start smoking at a later age. Health problems associated with smoking and future
use of other addictive substances would be significantly reduced.
During an acute exacerbation of mild COPD, the patient is severely short of breath and
the nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of ineffective breathing pattern related to
obstruction of airflow and anxiety. What is the best action by the nurse?*
Position the patient upright with the elbows resting on the over-the-bed table.
Administer oxygen at 5 L/min until the shortness of breath is relieved.
Perform chest physiotherapy to promote removal of secretions.
Prepare and administer routine bronchodilator medications.
RATIONALE: The tripod position with an elevated backrest and supported upper extremities to fix the
shoulder girdle maximizes respiratory excursion and an effective breathing pattern. Staying with the
patient and encouraging pursed lip breathing also helps. Bronchodilators may help but can also
increase nervousness and anxiety; rescue inhalers would be used before routine bronchodilators.
Postural drainage is not tolerated by a patient in acute respiratory distress and oxygen is titrated to an
effective rate based on ABGs because of the possibility of carbon dioxide narcosis.
One of the interventions/strategies employed by the DOH is advocacy and health
education. As a PHN, this intervention requires her to:*
Collaboration to other sectors to ensure health promotion.
Reviews the program as conducted.
Strengthening treatment capabilities of existing personnel.
Builds coalition and networks for the delivery of appropriate eye health care services to ensure
best service.
What form is the FHSIS/M-1 weekly report and is being reported by the BHS/BHC/RHU
and MHC?*
Maternal Death Report
Weekly Report of Notifiable Diseases
Perinatal Death Report
Notification of Death Form
What are possible nursing diagnoses applicable to a patient with pulmonary
tuberculosis? Select all that apply:*
Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements
Inability to Self Care
Ineffective Airway Clearance
Risk for Infection
Risk for Impaired Gas Exchange
Deficient Knowledge
This refers to any organism capable of causing disease:*
Causative Agent
Susceptible Host
Portal of Exit
What is Republic Act 9165?*
Senior Citizen Act
Code of Sanitation
The new Dangerous Drug Act of 2000
There is a revision happened in the FHSIS and the target/client list to be maintained are
some of the following except:*
List of TB symptomatic
Newborn Screening Program
Client List of Prenatal Care
Target Group list for Eligible Population
Mrs. Marie is 25 weeks pregnant with her first child. At 12 weeks she is diagnose with
leprosy. Which patient statement is correct?*
“Unborn babies are affected and pregnant mothers are being monitored”
“Can be transmitted through sexual contact and cannot be transmitted to babies”
“Cannot be transmitted through sexual contact and cannot be pass to unborn babies”
“Can be transmitted to baby and through sexual contact”
This includes AIDS as notifiable disease?*
Republic Act No. 8821
Republic Act No. 5675
Ministry Circular No. 2 of 1886
Letter of Instruction No. 949
Known as the Local Government Code?*
R.A 3675
R.A 2029
R.A 7160
R.A 9128
All senior citizens are mandatorily covered by the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation by virtue of:*
RA 9257
Republic Act No. 11036
RA 10642
RA 7432
Health and wellness program for senior citizen is a support to the following laws?*
DOH Administrative Order No. 2016-0039
Republic Act No. 11036
RA 9257
Presidential Proclamation No. 470
To treat Hansen’s Disease you have to take 2 or 3 antibiotics at the same time like
dapsone with rifampicin and clofazimine. This is called what therapy?*
Drug dependence
Multidrug therapy
Basic drug
Anti drug therapy
When teaching the patient with diabetes about insulin administration, the nurse should
include which instruction for the patient?*
Rotate injection sites from arms to thighs to abdomen with each injection to prevent
Pull back on the plunger after inserting the needle to check for blood.
Consistently use the same size of insulin syringe to avoid dosing errors.
Clean the skin at the injection site with an alcohol swab before each injection.
RATIONALE: U100 insulin must be used with a U100 syringe but for those using low doses of insulin,
syringes that have increments of 1 unit instead of 2 units are available. Errors can be made in dosing if
patients switch back and forth between different sizes of syringes. Aspiration before injection of the
insulin is not recommended, nor is the use of alcohol to clean the skin. Because the rate of peak
serum concentration varies with the site selected for injection, injections should be rotated within a
particular area, such as the abdomen, before changing to another area.
The nursing student is seeking assistance in hearing the patient’s abnormal heart
sounds. What should the nurse tell the student to do for a more effective assessment?*
Use the diaphragm of the stethoscope with the patient supine
Use the bell of the stethoscope with the patient on the right side
Use the diaphragm of the stethoscope with the patient prone
Use the bell of the stethoscope with the patient leaning forward
RATIONALE: The bell of the stethoscope will enable better hearing of the low-pitched extra heart
sounds. Having the patient lean forward best enables hearing the aortic and pulmonic areas; having
the patient on the left side will enhance the mitral area sounds; both of these positions bring the heart
closer to the chest wall. Having the patient supine or prone will not improve the auscultation.
The nurse is instilling eye ointment. Which should the nurse perform prior to instilling the
medication depicted in the image?*
Discard the first bead of ointment, then instill the ointment.
Ask the client to look down toward the floor.
Place the nurse’s nondominant hand on the client’s eyebrow.
Have the client close the eye tightly to rid the eye of tears.
RATIONALE: The first bead of ointment is considered contaminated and should be discarded.
Which among the following is NOT true to the epidemiologic triangle model?*
As long as the balance is maintained or is tilted in favor of the host, disease does not occur.
If the balance is tilted in favor of the agent, disease does not occur.
Environmental elements can tilt the balance in favor of the agent.
The model suggests that the agent and the susceptible host interact freely in a common
A patient with a history of alcohol abuse is admitted to the hospital following an
automobile accident. What is most important for the nurse to assess to plan care for the
How much alcohol has recently been used
What type of alcohol has recently been ingested
The patient’s current blood alcohol concentration
When the patient last had alcohol intake
RATIONALE: The knowledge of when the patient last had alcohol intake will help the nurse to
anticipate the onset of withdrawal symptoms. In patients with alcohol tolerance, the amount of
alcohol and the blood alcohol concentration do not reflect impairment as consistently as in the
nondrinker. The type of alcohol ingested is not important because in the body it is all alcohol.
The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Which
assessment information should the nurse determine first when placing the client in the
assigned room?*
Request a physical therapy consult to assess the client’s mobility issues.
Determine if the client has loss of vision in the same half of each visual field.
Request dietary to place the meat at 1200 on each plate and vegetables at 0900 and 1500.
Find out if the client prefers the bed by the window or by the bathroom.
RATIONALE: Homonymous hemianopsia (blindness in the same half of each visual field) is a common
problem after a stroke. Clients disregard objects in that part of the visual field. The nurse would want
to place the client in a room with the bed positioned so that the client will know when someone is
entering the room.
This Act shall be known and cited as the "Magna Carta for Disabled Persons."*
Republic Act No. 6511
Republic Act No. 1054
Republic Act No. 7277
Republic Act No. 1136
A client is admitted for suspected bladder cancer. Which one of the following factors is
most significant in the client’s diagnosis?*
Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories
Past employment involving asbestos
Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years
Eating foods with preservatives
RATIONALE: Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of bladder cancer.
Answer B is incorrect because it is not associated with bladder cancer. Answer C is a primary cause of
gastric cancer, and answer D is a cause of certain types of lung cancer.
Between the 2 researches PAR and Conventional Research, what is there appropriate
None of the above.
PAR is short and can be accomplish in a shorter period while conventional research is
sophisticated and require more time
PAR is sophisticated and requires more time while conventional research is short and can be
accomplish in a shorter period.
Both statements are correct.
A client with cancer of the pancreas has undergone a Whipple procedure. The Whipple
procedure includes the removal of:*
The esophagus and jejunum
The proximal third of the small intestine
The head of the pancreas
The stomach and duodenum
RATIONALE: A Whipple procedure involves the removal of the head of the pancreas.
Answers B, C, and D are not correct regarding a Whipple procedure
Select all early signs of leprosy:*
Loss of sweating
Reddish or white change in skin color
The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with metastatic cancer of the bone. The client
is exhibiting mental confusion and a BP of150/100. Which laboratory value would
correlate with the client’s symptoms reflecting a common complication with this
Calcium 13mg/dL
Inorganic phosphorus 1.7mEq/L
Sodium 138mEq/L
Potassium 5.6 mEq/L
RATIONALE: Hypercalcemia is a common occurrence with cancer of the bone.
Clinical manifestations of hypercalcemia include mental confusion and an elevated blood pressure.
The potassium level in answer A is elevated, but this is not related to the diagnosis.
Answers C and D are both normal levels.
Who among the following are NOT liable to the law? Select all that apply:*
Luke who uses his PRC ID for special lane in the grocery during the CoViD-19 pandemic.
Mark a BSN graduate practicing in the community.
Matthew who renews his license using the online PRC renewal.
Philip who append his name the letters BSN who is a graduate of General Nursing
Appending BSN or RN to the name without having been conferred said degree or registration is
unlawful. Likewise, when one is practicing without a license.
The employee health nurse is teaching a class on “Preventing Eye Injury.” Which
information should be discussed in the class?*
Wear some type of glasses when working around flying fragments.
Read instructions thoroughly before using tools and working with chemicals.
Always wear a protective helmet with eye shield around dust particles.
Pay close attention to the surroundings so eye injuries will be prevented.
RATIONALE: Instructions provide precautions and steps to take if eye injuries occur secondary to the
use of tools or chemicals.
The visual acuity of less than 6/18, but equal to or better than 3/60, or a corresponding
visual field loss to less than 20 degrees in the better eye with best possible correction:*
Low vision
Error in refraction
The nurse is counseling a group of individuals over the age of 50 with average risk for
cancer about screening tests for cancer. Which screening recommendation should be
performed to screen for colorectal cancer?*
Barium enema every year
Fecal occult blood every 5 years
Colonoscopy every 10 years
Annual prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and digital rectal exam
RATIONALE: Healthy men and women should have a colonoscopy every 10 years, an annual fecal
occult blood test, or a barium enema every 5 years. These frequencies may change depending on the
results. Annual PSA and digital rectal exams screen for prostate problems, although the decision to
test is made by the patient with his health care provider.
The grant of the rights and privileges for disabled persons shall be guided by the
following principles: Select all that apply:*
To facilitate integration of disabled persons into the mainstream of society, the State shall
advocate for and encourage respect for disabled persons
Disabled persons have the same rights as other people to take their proper place in society
Disabled persons have no rights of the other privileges by the society
The rehabilitation of the disabled persons shall be the concern of the Government
Disabled persons are part of Philippine society
All disabled person must be criticize by the people around
The State also recognizes the role of the private sector in promoting the welfare of disabled
Which among the following statement is true to communicable disease? (select all that
An infectious disease can be contagious because the latter can be transmitted indirectly.
Contagious diseases are sometimes called as infectious diseases.
Communicable diseases could either be contagious or infectious.
An infectious disease is transmitted through indirect physical contact.
Only Option B and C statements are correct. Option A, Infectious diseases can be contagious if it is
Option D, infectious diseases are usually not regarded as contagious.
R.A No. 8976 is also known as the “Philippine Food Fortification Act of 2000”. As a
public health nurse on duty in a slum area in Tondo she recognizes a nutritional
deficiency problems in the Philippines based on what nutrition surveys? This includes all
of the following except?*
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Every month of the year there is an activity and April and May is declare as the?*
Anti Rabies Vaccine
Health Care Day
Women’s Month
National Immunization Day
What defect in cellular proliferation is involved in the development of cancer?*
Indiscriminate and continuous proliferation of cells with loss of contact inhibition
Shortened phases of cell life cycles with occasional skipping of G1 or S phases
A rate of cell proliferation that is more rapid than that of normal body cells
Rearrangement of stem cell RNA that causes abnormal cellular protein synthesis
RATIONALE: Malignant cells proliferate indiscriminately and continuously and also lose the
characteristic of contact inhibition, growing on top of and in between normal cells. Cancer cells
usually do not proliferate at a faster rate than normal cells, nor can cell cycles be skipped in
proliferation. However, malignant proliferation is continuous, unlike normal cells.
The goal of “National Tuberculosis Control Program” is to?*
To evaluate the current implementation
To reduce the prevalence and mortality from TB by half by the year 2015
To reduce morbidity by year 2016
To help eradicate the causative agent
Anna had taken the board exam last Nov. 2020. She obtains an average rating of
seventy-seven percent (77%) but gets a rating below sixty percent (60%) in NP4. What
must Anna do in the upcoming NLE (Nurse Licensure Examination)?*
Must signed a waiver in PRC
Must take the examination again on the other subject with a grade of sixty percent (60%) and
Must take the examination again but only in the subject where he/she is rated below sixty
percent (60%)
Must retake all the subject
Mr. Wuhan was diagnose with Schistosomiasis 2 months ago. Which patient statement
requires further exploration by the public health nurse?*
“A vaccine is required to me”
“No vaccine is available for this certain disease”
”Praziquantel is taken 1 to 2 days to treat infection”
“Safe and effective medication is available for treatment of both urinary and intestinal
In patients with suspected malaria, obtaining a history of recent or remote travel to an
endemic area is critical; asking explicitly if they traveled to a tropical area at anytime in
their life may enhance recall; maintain a high index of suspicion for malaria in any
patient exhibiting any malarial symptoms and having a history of travel to endemic
areas. What is the most applicable nursing diagnosis based on the assessment?*
Fluid volume deficit related to hydration.
Hypothermia related to increased metabolic rate and dehydration.
Risk for infection related to strong immune system.
Knowledge deficit related to lack of exposure and information about the disease process, its
treatment, and prognosis.
A patient who is experiencing a blood flukes, Schistosoma has a clinical manifestation
of the following: Select all that apply.*
Signs and symptoms of portal hypertension
Excessive Sweating
Severe Jaundice
All are true statement about Participatory Action Research except?*
Find ways to bring about social change and improve their lives
Is careful, systematic, patient study and investigation in some field of knowledge
May not be involved at the beginning of the research but become active in the process and
jointly plan the study.
They are called stakeholders
A client is hospitalized with an acute myocardial infarction. Which nursing diagnosis
reflects an understanding of the cause of acute myocardial infarction?*
Impaired tissue perfusion related to an occlusion in the coronary vessels
Ineffective breathing patterns related to decreased oxygen to the tissues
Decreased cardiac output related to damage to the myocardium
Acute pain related to cardiac ischemia
RATIONALE: The cause of acute myocardial infarction is occlusion in the coronary vessels by a clot or
atherosclerotic plaque.
Answers A and C are incorrect because they are the result, not the cause, of acute myocardial
infarction. Answer D is incorrect because it reflects a compensatory action in which the depth and rate
of respirations changes to compensate for decreased cardiac output.
A client with a stroke and malnutrition has been placed on Total Parenteral Nutrition
(TPN). The nurse notes air entering the client via the central line. Which initial action is
most appropriate?*
Notify the physician.
Elevate the head of the bed.
Stop the TPN and hang D5 1/2 NS.
Place the client in the left lateral decubitus position.
RATIONALE: The client is at risk for an air embolus. Placing the client in a left lateral decubitus
position will displace air from the right ventricle. Answers B and D would not help, and answer A would
not be done first.
A client has developed diabetes insipidus after removal of a pituitary tumor. Which
finding would the nurse expect?*
The patient has diabetes mellitus and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that has
been treated with high-dose corticosteroids for the past several years. All are
dermatologic manifestations that could be related to these systemic problems except?*
Decreased subcutaneous fat over extremities
Impaired wound healing
Dry, coarse, brittle hair
Erythematous plaques of the shins
An adult patient has tested positive for tuberculosis (TB). While providing patient
teaching, what information should the nurse prioritize?*
The fact that the disease is a lifelong, chronic condition that will affect ADLs
The importance of adhering closely to the prescribed medication regimen
The fact that TB is self-limiting, but can take up to 2 years to resolve
The need to work closely with the occupational and physical therapists
Successful treatment of TB is highly dependent on careful adherence to the medication regimen. The
disease is not self-limiting; occupational and physical therapy are not necessarily indicated. TB is
The management of Schistosomiasis is are the following except:*
As a method proper disposal of feces and urine
Rifampicin 2 tabs per day
Praziquantel 60 mg/kg once dosing
Supportive and symptomatic
People with light soil-transmitted helminth infections usually have no symptoms. Heavy
infections can cause a range of health problems, including the following except?*
Abdominal pain
Physical and cognitive growth retardation.
Excessive sweating
Rectal prolapsed
Blood and protein loss
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On admission to the hospital for a knee replacement, a patient who has smoked for 20
years expresses an interest in quitting. What is the best response by the nurse?*
“Why did you ever start in the first place? It’s so hard to quit.”
“Great! I’ll help you make a plan and work with your doctor to get you what you need to start
while you are here.”
“Good for you! You should talk to your doctor about that.”
“Since you won’t be able to smoke while you are in the hospital, just don’t start again when you
are discharged.
RATIONALE: Nurses have a professional responsibility to help individuals stop smoking. The advice
and motivation of health care professionals can be very helpful to the individual. Nurses should
encourage and provide information to patients and work with physicians to identify ways to assist
patients with quitting.
A patient comes to the emergency department immediately after experiencing
numbness of the face and an inability to speak but while the patient awaits examination,
the symptoms disappear and the patient requests discharge. Why should the nurse
emphasize that it is important for the patient to be treated before leaving?*
The patient has probably experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA), which is a sign of
progressive cerebrovascular disease.
The patient has probably experienced an asymptomatic lacunar stroke.
Neurologic deficits that are transient occur most often as a result of small hemorrhages that
clot off.
The symptoms are likely to return and progress to worsening neurologic deficit in the next 24
RATIONALE: A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a temporary focal loss of neurologic function caused
by ischemia of an area of the brain, usually lasting an hour or less. TIAs may be due to microemboli
that temporarily block blood flow and are a warning of progressive cerebrovascular disease.
Evaluation is necessary to determine the cause of the neurologic deficit and provide prophylactic
treatment if possible.
The elderly client has undergone a right-eye cataract removal with an intraocular
implant. Which discharge instructions should the nurse teach the client?*
Teach the client to instill the eyedrops as prescribed.
Remind the client to keep the lights in the home low at all times.
Encourage the client to sleep on two pillows at night.
Have the client demonstrate placing the otic drops in the ear.
RATIONALE: Postoperatively the client will be prescribed eyedrops for several weeks; the nurse should
teach the client to administer as prescribed.
A pulmonary tuberculosis is also known as the?*
King of the Tropical Disease
Hansen’s Bacili
Koch’s Disease: Galloping Comsumption
A public health nurse is having a ward class with a topic of Soil Transmitted
Helminthiasis, the nurse is assessing the knowledge of the participants after the
discussion. Which statement of a participant is correct?*
“Soil-transmitted helminths live in the intestine and their eggs are passed to what in the feces of
infected persons”
“Soil-transmitted helminths live in the pancreas and their eggs are passed to what in the feces
of infected persons”
“Soil-transmitted helminths live in the stomach and their eggs are passed to what in the feces of
infected persons”
“Soil-transmitted helminths live in the gall bladder and their eggs are passed to what in the
feces of infected persons”
The client is scheduled for right-eye cataract removal surgery in five (5) days. Which
preoperative instruction should be discussed with the client?*
Administer dilating drops to both eyes for 72 hours prior to surgery.
Avoid taking any type of medication which may cause bleeding, such as aspirin.
Make arrangements for being in the hospital for at least three (3) days.
Prior to surgery do not lift or push any objects heavier than 15 pounds.
RATIONALE: To reduce retrobulbar hemorrhage, any anticoagulation therapy is withheld, including
aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and warfarin (Coumadin).
Which client would the nurse identify as being most at risk for experiencing a
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)?*
A 39-year-old pregnant female.
A 67-year-old Caucasian male.
An 84-year-old Japanese female.
A 55-year-old African American male.
RATIONALE: African Americans have twice the rate of CVAs as Caucasians and men have a higher
incidence than women; African Americans also suffer more extensive damage from a CVA than do
people of other cultural groups.
The components of FHSIS involves the following except?*
Target Client List
Input reports
Reporting Forms
Output Reports
Family Treatment Record
The client comes to the emergency department after splashing chemicals into the eyes.
Which intervention should the nurse implement first?*
Have the client move the eyes in all directions.
Irrigate the eyes with normal saline solution.
Administer a broad-spectrum antibiotic.
Determine when the client had a tetanus shot.
RATIONALE: Before any further evaluation or treatment, the eyes must be thoroughly flushed with
sterile normal saline solution.
It is known as the “Mental Health Act”:*
DOH Administrative Order No. 2016-0039
RA 9257
Republic Act No. 11036
Presidential Proclamation No. 470
This is the habitat of causative agents:*
Portal of entry
Susceptible Host
Portal of Exit
If you are treated for Hansen’s disease, it’s important to: Select all that apply:*
Take the antibiotics until your doctor says your treatment is complete
Tell your doctor if the affected skin patches become red and painful, nerves become painful or
swollen, or you develop a fever as these may be complications
Take the antibiotics for 1 to 2 weeks only
Tell the doctor if you are feeling sweat and feverish
Tell your doctor if you experience numbness or a loss of feeling in certain parts of the body or in
patches on the skin
The senior citizens shall be entitled to the exemption from the value -added tax (VAT), if
applicable, on the sale of the following goods and services from all establishments, for
the exclusive use and enjoyment or availment of the senior citizen and lastly they are
granted with how many percent discount?*
25% (twenty five percent)
5% (5 percent)
20% (twenty percent)
15% (fifteen percent)
The president may remove or suspend any member of the Board after having been
given the opportunity to defend himself/herself in a proper administrative investigation,
on the following grounds: Select all that apply:*
Commission or toleration of irregularities in the licensure examination
Diligent and responsible individual
Continued neglect of duty or incompetence
Unprofessional, immoral or dishonorable conduct
The nurse is observing the client administer the prescribed eyedrops. Which
intervention should the nurse implement?*
Teach the client to instill the eyedrops in the upper conjunctival sac.
Ask the client if the eyedrops have been warmed to room temperature.
Praise the client for instilling the eyedrops as recommended.
Remind the client to instill the eyedrops from 0.4 to 0.8 inch above the eye.
RATIONALE: Eyedrops are instilled from one (1) to two (2) cm (0.4 to 0.8 inch) above the eye. The
client should not hold the dropper too high.
The third day after an alcohol-dependent patient was admitted to the hospital for
pancreatitis, the nurse determines that the patient is experiencing alcohol withdrawal.
What are the signs of withdrawal on which the nurse bases this judgment (select all that
Visual and auditory hallucinations
Severe depression
Cardiovascular collapse
Gross tremors
RATIONALE: Seizures, gross tremors, visual and auditory hallucinations, and alcohol withdrawal
delirium are the four major withdrawal syndrome manifestations. Apathy and depression occur in
withdrawal from stimulants. Cardiovascular collapse is seen in sedative-hypnotic withdrawal.
What form is identified as the Annual Nutrition Report by the BHS/BHC/RHU and MHC?
To prevent transmission of diseases, the best way is to:*
Remove any elements to prevent the onset of a communicable disease
Enhance the immune system of the susceptible host
Eradicate the causative agent
Immunize all people
A, removing any element of the chain of infection stops communicable disease spread.
Option B, enhancing immune system is not enough to prevent the transmission of disease.
Option C, immunizing all people is not a guarantee that they will not have a disease. Furthermore,
vaccines for all diseases are not yet developed.
Option D, causative agent eradication is impossible at present. Moreover, an eradication of
microorganisms may lead to birth of other agents.
Which problem should the nurse identify for the client recently diagnosed with leprosy
(Hansen’s disease)?*
Altered body image.
Social isolation.
Potential for infection.
Alteration in comfort
The client diagnosed with leprosy (Hansen’s disease) may feel ostracized because of the stigma of
the disease. Historically, people have been isolated from society when diagnosed. Leprosy colonies
were sites of treatment for those diagnosed. Today much of the public is unaware of the presence of
the disease. Clients are treated on an outpatient basis by health departments.
In order for an agent to cause infection, it must be: (select all that apply)*
Present all that time
Capable of infecting the host
A virus
A bacteria
Options A and B are correct. Option C and D are incorrect, there are other forms of agent that can
cause infection not only virus
A patient on the medical unit is found to have pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). What is the
most appropriate precaution for the staff to take to prevent transmission of this disease?
Droplet precautions
Standard and airborne precautions
Standard precautions only
Standard and contact precautions
Airborne precautions are required for proven or suspected pulmonary TB. Standard precaution
techniques are used in conjunction with the transmission-based precautions, regardless of the
patients diagnosis. Droplet and contact precautions are insufficient.
Which among the following statements made by the student denotes understood the
concept of indirect transmission?*
“I should be wearing gloves when taking care of a patient with gonorrhea.”
“I will not eat street foods.”
“Unprotected sexual intercourse may result to sexual transmitted disease.”
“I will advise mothers not to let their children walk barefooted. “

RATIONALE: A, prevents the possibility of having disease though foodborne vehicle, which is an
indirect disease transmission. Options B, C and D are examples of preventing transmission of
diseases via direct contact like skin to skin and sexual activity. Option D, is an instruction to prevent
hookworm infection. Hookworm penetrates directly through foot that is not protected. This is an
example of direct transmission
Additional compensation not withstanding Section 12 of Republic Act No. 6758, public
workers shall receive the following allowances like subsistence allowance and others:
Select all that apply:*
Laundry allowance
Meal allowance
Hazard allowance
Remote assignment allowance
Longevity pay
Uniform allowance
Conventional research is seldom conducted by a team or researchers while action
research usually requires what?*
Joint efforts of a group of people
Team effort
Individual feedback
Person to person involvement
A client diagnosed with tuberculosis asks the nurse when he can return to work. The
nurse should tell the client that:*
He can return to work as soon as he feels well enough.
He can return to work when he has three negative sputum cultures.
He can return to work after a week of being on the medication.
He should think about applying for disability because he will no longer be able to work.
The client can return to work when he has three negative sputum cultures. Answers B, C, and D are
inaccurate statements, so they are incorrect.
While reading the progress notes on a client with cancer, the nurse notes a TNM
classification of T1, N1, M0. What does this classification indicate?*
No evidence of primary tumor exists, lymph nodes can’t be assessed, and metastasis can’t be
The tumor is in situ, no regional lymph nodes are involved, and there is no metastasis.
The tumor is extended and regional lymph nodes are involved, but there is no metastasis.
The tumor is extended, with regional lymph node involvement and distant metastasis.
RATIONALE: This is the correct classification for the primary tumor of T1, N1, and M0. The letter T
denotes the extent of the primary tumor, N indicates the absence or presence and extent of regional
lymph nodes, and M denotes the absence or presence of distant metastasis. Answer A is correct for
T1, N0, and M0. Answer B is correct for the classification of TX, NX, MX. Answer C is the correct
classification for T1, N1, and M1.

In order to pass the examination, an examinee must obtain the following except: Select
all that apply:*
General Average of at least seventy-five percent (75%)
General Average of at least sixty percent (60%)
A rating of not below sixty percent (60%) in any subject
A rating of not below seventy-five percent (75%) in any subject.
In order to pass the examination, an examinee must obtain a general average of at least seventy-five
percent (75%) with a rating of not below sixty percent (60%) in any subject. An examinee who obtains
an average rating of seventy-five percent (75%) or higher but gets a rating below sixty percent (60%) in
any subject must take the examination again but only in the subject or subjects where he/she is rated
below sixty percent (60%). In order to pass the succeeding examination, an examinee must obtain a
rating of at least seventy-five percent (75%) in the subject or subjects repeated.
Cancer cells go through stages of development. What accurately describes the stage of
promotion (select all that apply)?*
Promotion is the stage of cancer development in which there is an irreversible alteration in the
cell’s DNA.
Tobacco smoke is a complete carcinogen that is capable of both initiation and promotion.
Withdrawal of promoting factors will reduce the risk of cancer development.
Obesity is an example of a promoting factor.
The stage is characterized by increased growth rate and metastasis.
RATIONALE: Promoting factors such as obesity and tobacco smoke promote cancer in the promotion
stage of cancer development. Eliminating risk factors can reduce the chance of cancer development
as the activity of promoters is reversible in this stage. Increased growth, invasion, and metastasis are
seen in the progressive stage.
This refers to the manner in which a pathogen enters a susceptible host?*
Portal of Entry
Portal of Exit
Causative Agent
WHO recommends periodic medicinal treatment (deworming) without previous
individual diagnosis to all at-risk people living in endemic areas. This intervention
reduces __________ by reducing the worm burden.*
A client with metastatic cancer of the lung has just been told the prognosis by the
oncologist. The nurse hears the client state, “I don’t believe the doctor; I think he has
me confused with another patient. ”This is an example of which of Kubler-Ross’ stages
of dying?*
RATIONALE: Kubler-Ross identified five stages of dying as ways that people cope with death. The
stage of denial can be used as a buffer and a way to adapt. When dealing with these clients, the nurse
would need to use open-ended statements, such as, “Tell me more.” Other examples of statements
made by the client in this stage are “This can’t be true” and “I want another opinion.”
Answers B, C, and D are a few of the other stages of dying. In order, the stages are denial, anger,
bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Most health research involves people, even if only as passive participants, as ‘‘subjects’’
or in general called as?*
All are medications that would be used in four-drug treatment for the initial phase of TB
Rifabutin (Mycobutin)
Isoniazid (INH)
Ethambutol (Myambutol)
Rifampin (Rifadin)
Pyrazinamide (PZA)
RATIONALE: For the first 2 months, a four-drug regimen consists of isoniazid (INH), rifampin (Rifadin),
pyrazinamide (PZA), and ethambutol (Myambutol). Rifabutin (Mycobutin) and levofloxacin (Levaquin)
may be used if the patient develops toxicity to the primary drugs. Rifabutin (Mycobutin) may be used
as first-line treatment for patients receiving medications that interact with rifampin.
Known as the Clean Air Act of 2000*
Republic Act No. 8749
Republic Act No. 51
Republic Act No. 8821
Republic Act No. 7160
The nurse is caring for a client with a cerebrovascular accident(CVA) who is
complaining of being nauseated and is requesting an emesis basin. Which action would
the nurse take first?*
Administer an ordered antiemetic.
Turn the client to one side.
Obtain an ice bag and apply to the client’s throat.
Notify the physician.
RATIONALE: Turning the client to the side will allow any vomit to drain from the mouth and decrease
the risk for aspiration.
Answers A, B, and D are all appropriate
nursing interventions, but a patent airway and prevention of aspiration are priorities.
Clinical Manifestation stages has a cold stage (10-15mins, chills and shakes), hot stage
(4-6 hours, recurring high grade fever, severe headache and vomiting) and diaphoretic
stage in which the patient manifest what?*
No sweat at all
Excessive Sweating
Changes of sensorium
You’re caring for a 54-year-old patient who has smoked two packs of cigarettes per day
for the past 35 years. He’s been admitted with worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD). Why is it important for supplemental oxygen to be carefully monitored
in this patient?*
Increasing the PaO2 beyond what’s needed will lead to oxygen toxicity.
Increased PaO2 levels can depress the drive to breathe in patients with COPD.
High oxygen levels will promote microbial growth in the patient’s lungs.
Increased PaO2 levels can elevate the drive to breathe in patients with COPD.
RATIONALE: Increased PaO2 can depress the patient’s drive to breathe, which is largely driven by
This provides for the control of all factors in man’s environment that affect health
including the quality of water, food, milk, insects, animal carriers, transmitters of
disease, sanitary and recreation facilities, noise, pollution and control of nuisance?*
Dangerous Drug Act
Code on Sanitation
Disposal Code
When teaching the patient with cancer about chemotherapy, which approach should the
nurse take?*
Assure the patient that the side effects from chemotherapy are uncomfortable but never life
Explain that antiemetics, antidiarrheals, and analgesics will be provided as needed to control
side effects.
Avoid telling the patient about possible side effects of the drugs to prevent anticipatory anxiety.
Inform the patient that chemotherapy-related alopecia is usually permanent but can be
managed with lifelong use of wigs.
RATIONALE: Patients should always be taught what to expect during a course of chemotherapy,
including side effects and expected outcome. Side effects of chemotherapy are serious but it is
important that patients be informed about what measures can be taken to help them to cope with the
side effects of therapy. Hair loss related to chemotherapy is usually reversible and wigs, scarves, or
turbans can be used during and following chemotherapy until the hair grows back.
People that have a signs and symptoms of Schistosomiasis are infected during routine
agricultural, domestic, occupational, and recreational activities, which expose them to
Infested Water
Air Exposure
Insect Bite
Which among the following requires reporting as it happens?*
Dental health
Notifiable diseases like dengue
Maternal death
Natality health
A 21-year-old patient says no one in his family has type 1 diabetes mellitus but he has
had it since childhood. He asks how his diabetes was transmitted to him. The nurse
should explain to him that this disease is*
a single gene disorder
a multifactorial genetic disorder
an acquired genetic disorder
a chromosome disorder
RATIONALE: Multifactorial conditions are caused by a combination of genetic and environmental
factors. In diabetes, several genes have been identified that increase the likelihood of getting diabetes.
Single gene disorders result from a single gene mutation, for example, sickle cell disease.
Chromosome disorders are caused by structural changes within chromosomes or an excess or
deficiency of the genes in that locus. People are born with these disorders. Acquired genetic disorders
occur when there is an error in replication or damage to DNA from toxins at some time in the person’s
This requires reporting of all cases of communicable diseases and administration of
Republic Act No. 9288
Republic Act No. 9021
Republic Act No. 3573
Republic Act No. 7651
Which among the following describes the DNG Pyramid?*
It is the similar to the DNG Pyramid for Filipinos that is based on the latest science about how
our food, drink, and activity choices affect our health.
It serves as visual tool to help Filipinos adopt healthy eating habits at meal times by delivering
effective dietary and healthy lifestyle messages.
It builds from the base, showing that should eat more foods from the bottom part of the
pyramid like vegetables, whole grains and less from the top such as red meat, sugar, fats and
It is a quick and easy guide on how much to eat per mealtime.
A senior staff nurse has just administered a purified protein derivative (PPD) skin test to
a client who is at low risk for developing Tuberculosis. The nurse determines that the
test is positive if which of the following occurs?*
Complaints of itching at the injection site
The presence of a wheal
A large area of erythema
An induration of 15mm
Rationale: an induration of 10mm or more is considered positive for clients in low-risk groups. The
presence of a wheal would indicate that the skin test was administered appropriately. Erythema or
itching at the site are not indicative of a positive reaction.
Mrs. Peligrine gave birth to a healthy baby boy via normal spontaneous vaginal delivery.
As per protocol of a mother and baby friendly hospital, a newborn with no complications
must follow Republic Act No. 7600 or also known as the?*
Rooming In and Breastfeeding Act
Medicare Act
Milk Code
Newborn Screening Act
This picture shows an improper waste disposal, in which the president has an order of
what presidential decree?*
PD No. 965
PD No. 996
PD No. 651
PD No. 825
What is an important postoperative intervention indicated for the alcoholic patient who is
alcohol intoxicated and is undergoing emergency surgery?*
Give an emergency dose of IV magnesium.
Decrease pain medication to prevent cross-tolerance to opiates.
Monitor weight because of malnutrition.
Closely monitor for signs of withdrawal and respiratory and cardiac problems.
RATIONALE: Alcohol-induced central nervous system (CNS) depression can lead to respiratory and
circulatory failure in an alcoholic patient. Vital signs are monitored closely because of the increased
risk of infection from malnutrition. Emergency magnesium would not be expected, although an
emergency dose of thiamine may have been given before surgery. Pain medication requirements may
be increased if the patient is cross-tolerant to opiates.
This describes “Pinggang Pinoy” except?*
It is the similar to the DNG Pyramid for Filipinos that is based on the latest science about how
our food, drink, and activity choices affect our health.
It serves as visual tool to help Filipinos adopt healthy eating habits at meal times by delivering
effective dietary and healthy lifestyle messages.
It is a quick and easy guide on how much to eat per mealtime.
It builds from the base, showing that should eat more foods from the bottom part of the
pyramid like vegetables, whole grains and less from the top such as red meat, sugar, fats and
The nurse is presenting a community education program related to cancer prevention.
Based on current cancer death rates, the nurse emphasizes what as the most important
preventive action for both women and men?*
Protection from ultraviolet light
Smoking cessation
Regular examination of reproductive organs
Routine colonoscopies
RATIONALE: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States for both women
and men and smoking cessation is one of the most important cancer prevention behaviors.
Approximately one half of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. are related to tobacco use, unhealthy diet,
physical inactivity, and obesity. Cancers of the reproductive organs are the second leading cause of
cancer deaths.
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In Pre-entry Phase, which of the following activities should be done in choosing the final
Community decides to formalize organization
Determining the outcome of the program in the community
Take note of political development
Developing programs with the community
Conducting formal interviews with community residents and key informants
Determining the outcome of the program in the community-action phase; developing programs with
the community-community organization; Community decides to formalize organization- community
organization; Conducting formal interviews with community residents and key informants-social
As part of the Pre-entry phase of COPAR, which of the following implies that the
potential host family is not good to live-in?*
Should not belong to elite/rich segment
No member of the host family should be moving out in the community
House is strategically located in the community
Neighbours are hesitant to enter the house
None of these
If neighbours are hesitant to enter the house, other families could not easily communicate to the nurse
Integration is establishing rapport with the people in continuing effort to imbibe
community life which envelops the following activities, except:*
Adapt your own lifestyle in living with the community
Joining conversations with the community members
Helping in simple household chores
Living with the community
Seek out to converse with people where they usually congregate
Adapt your own style is a boarder style
Filipino Nurses are known for their resilience. Resiliency is shown by:*
Their caring attitude to the client
Staying with client
Hardworking even underpaid
Doing what is right even no one sees you
A population pyramid with triangular shape and broad base indicates the following
High death rates
Young population
Which among the following defines planning appropriately?*
Planning is a continuous and change-oriented which desire to improve the future state of the
Planning is a formulation of steps to be undertaken in the future in order to achieve a desired
All of the above
Planning is a systematic process that provides structured actions to address concerns of the
Planning is a systematic process that provides structured but flexible actions to address concerns of
the community, not just structured actions. Planning is continuous and change-oriented which desire
to improve the present state of the community not future. Although it is futuristic, the steps are
futuristic but it desires to improve current state.
Nurse Brenda is to dispose used intravenous lines, he will place this in a:*
Black bin
Green bin
Yellow with biohazard symbol bin
Orange bin
Yellow with black band symbol bin
Used IV line is a pathological waste and in should be in yellow with biohazard symbol bin. Black or
colourless: non-hazardous and nonbiodegradable wastes; Green: non-hazardous biodegradable
wastes; Yellow with black band: pharmaceutical, cytotoxic or chemical wastes (labelled separately);
Orange with radioactive symbol: radioactive wastes

Self-medication means that an individual may use: (select all that apply)*
Supplements as advertised
Maintenance medications as prescribed
Over-the-counter medicines without prescription
Treatment as advised by a family member
The act of taking medicines of any kind without doctor’s prescription is self-medication.

Which of the following patterns is intermittent and confined to a certain geographical

area or locality?*
Which among the following is strictly prohibited in solid waste management? (select all
that apply)*
Re-use materials as long as possible
Dumping garbage anywhere
Squatting in landfills
Garbage composting
Squatting in landfills is strictly prohibited. Families who live within the landfills will suffer of health
problems.Dumping anywhere is similarly to open dumping and this is prohibited practice. Garbage
composting is encouraged. The end output serves as fertilizer. “Re-use” is also a practice encourage
in managing solid waste. This practice lessens waste present in the environment.

Briefly state names of mentors and other people with significant contribution to the
research study:*
Title page
Table of Contents
Option B, Introduction tells about what is the paper all about. Option C, Table of Contents will guide the
readers regarding the content and its corresponding page. Option D, pertains to the title of the study

Primary level prevention is illustrated by:*

Teaching the mother of a child with diarrhea how to use Oresol
Isolation of a child with chickenpox
Conducting Operation Timbang
Teaching a patient post mastectomy exercises
All of the following are community responsibilities, except?*
Play an active role in involving all stakeholders
Educating the public about problems and opportunities
Vision for their community (principal responsibility)
Provide trainings
The Public Health Nurse with her team (Midwife and BHW) conducted a home visit in a
slum area in Barangay Barcelona. Upon arrival in one of the residences, they noticed
that the 3 children were weak, had poor skin turgor, had bowel movements 5x with
watery stool. What would be the initial action that the team will initiate? Select all that
Obtain information from the Mother
Check the vital signs
Investigate the situation
Weigh the children
Give Oresol to nourish the children
This level of water system is common to remote areas. It can be shallow or deep but
without distribution system:*
Point system
Communal faucet
Water works system
Points system is Level I which either shallow or deep and without distribution systems. Option B,
standpost and Option D, communal faucet are Level II, this level refers to a system composed of a
source, reservoir, a piped distribution network, and a communal faucet located not more than 25
meters from the farthest house. Level III (Waterworks System) refers to a system with a source
transmission pipes, a reservoir, and a piped distribution network for household taps.

The PHN wants to determine the appropriateness and adequacy of the Infection
Training Module. The PHN evaluates the:*
The female client came to the clinic complaining of abdominal cramping and at least 10
episodes of diarrhea every day for the last two (2) days. The client must have eaten
contaminated food in a local food handler in the community she is currently working.
Which intervention should the nurse implement?*
Discuss the need to increase protein in the diet.
Encourage the client to drink lots of Gatorade.
Instruct the client to take a cathartic laxative daily.
Explain the client should weigh herself daily
Evaluation is a systematic, critical analysis of the current state of the organization
and/or projects compared to desired or planned goals or objectives. In evaluation, there
are two areas of evaluation, one of which is program-based evaluation. The following
are the evaluation parameters for program-based, except:*
Were the goals and objectives of the program/project achieved?
None of these
What is the overall impact of the project on the community?
What strategies were implemented? What worked? What did not?
What is the level of participation in the affairs of the community organization?
The level of participation is an organizational evaluation
Leadership and managerial skills are more likely being exercised during*
Community assembly
Community diagnosis
Meeting with the barangay officials
Community program implementation
Meeting with the barangay officials and conducting community assembly are usually being arranged
ahead of time of the coordinator. Community diagnosis improves the oral communication skills but
not the leadership and management, instead the interpersonal skills
A PHN came to visit a remote area. The water being used for drinking came from the
mountains. It is best to advise the people to let the water boil for about:*
30 seconds
3 minutes
1 minute
2 minutes
Mountains are high in altitude and water from there should be boiled for 3 minutes. Option A and C is
not enough to disinfect the water. Option B, is for water at sea level.

It contains pictures and documents that are related to the study:*

Community profile
Option B, Appendices contain pictures, letters and other documents related to the study. Option A,
books and other related materials cited in the study will be documented in the reference. Option C,
community profile contains data about the community. Option D, recommendations are the proposal
plans to solve the problems and concerns of the community.
Community Immersion program aims student nurses to develop their:*
1, 2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 4
4. Leadership skills
2, 3 and 4
2. Interpersonal skills
1. Competency in basic nursing skills
1, 3 and 4
3. Understanding regarding their social accountability
All of the options given are specific objectives of the CIP
The vision of the Department of Health is:*
Health in the hands of the people by the year 2020
The leader, staunch advocate and model in promoting Health for All in the Philippines
Health for all Filipinos
Guarantee equitable, sustainable and quality health for all Filipinos, especially the poor and shall
lead the quest for excellence in health
Which of the following question coming from the interviewer is correct?*
Do you use contraceptives?
What is the nature of your work?
Are the healthcare workers and services effective?
Do you eat balanced diet?
Option B, is direct and closed ended question. Option A, the question is vague. Instead, ask the person
what is his work. Option C, it is a double-barreled question. Option D, it is a leading question

Nurse Cindy conducts a regular home visit in Barangay 28. Previous monthly report
reveals an increase number of PTB patients in Zone 6. She decided to conduct an
active case finding of family members who are exposed to patient with PTB and she
coordinated with Rural Health Unit Medical technologist for collection of sputum and
analysis. Nurse Cindy understands and applies which principle of Community Health
Promote optimum use of resources.
Work with the community as an equal partner of the health team.
Focus on the community as the unit of care.
Reach out to all who may benefit from a specific service.
Obesity among Filipinos is common and highly attributed to: (Select all that apply)*
Hardwork and industriousness
Faith and religiosity
Nurse Anya is in the Social Analysis phase of COPAR if she is doing which of the
following activities?*
Conduct community diagnosis
Training of CHO workers
Implementation of livelihood projects
SALT (self-awareness leadership training)
Setting up linkages and network referrals
Setting up linkages and network referrals-community organization; Training of CHO workers-core
group formation; SALT (self-awareness leadership training)-core group formation; Implementation of
livelihood projects-action phase
Which among the following is true to Evaluation? (Select all that apply)*
Evaluation is a plan that entails determining the specific input, process and output/outcome
indicators of the program stating the criteria and standards of each.
Unqualified service people doing an evaluation may result in an insufficient evaluation.
It is assumed that the more resources used in a program; it means good health care.
Record keeping is a part of the evaluation.
Who is the best resource person when the caregiver of the family is not around?*
A neighbor who is a friend of the family.
A sane adult living with the family.
Grandmother who knows the family.
Anyone who is present.
Which of the following agencies has the authority to act on all issues concerning
environmental health?*
Environmental Sanitation Office
Waste Management and Disposal
Sanitation Code #856
Environmental Health Services
Which among the following best describe Environmental Health (EH)? (select all that
EH comprises of those aspects of human health, including quality of life, that are determined by
physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment that can
potentially affect adversely the health of past generations.
EH is the aspect of private health that is concerned with those forms of life, substances, forces,
and conditions in the surroundings or person that may exert an influence on human health and
EH is the component of the man’s well-being that is determined by interactions with the
physical, chemical, biological, social, and psychosocial factors external to him.
EH refers to the characteristics of environmental conditions that affect the man’s well-being.
A and D define EH. Option B, EH is the aspect of public health not private. Option C, …that can
potentially affect adversely the health present and current generations, not past generation.

Planning for a home visit is an essential tool in achieving best results in health care. The
following are principles in a home visit, except:*
Planning of continuing care must be developed by the nurse
Planning should be flexible and practical
Home visit should have a purpose
Plans are based in available information including those from other agencies that may have
rendered services to the family
The student nurse noticed that house is too small for 12 persons. The mother
mentioned they sleep together inside. The family do not have sanitary toilet. When
asked how they dispose their feces, the mother pointed to the pile of plastic. The
student nurse will record that the:*
None of these
Family has good ventilation.
Toilet facility is unsanitary.
Family is very poor.
Feces using the “ballot” system is unsanitary. Option A, the family does not have a good ventilation.
Option C, although it appears that the family is poor, it will be after the analysis of all the data.
Which among the statements below describes span of control as an organizing
This is called specialization which delineates work according to specific programs or to client
This principle means “the number of subordinates reporting directly to a superior”.
It refers to conscious activity of assembling and synchronizing differentiated work efforts so
that they function harmoniously in the attainment of organization objectives.
This principle means that an employee should be responsible to, and receive orders from, only
one superior
One of the best way to show that you are listening is:*
Appropriate amount of eye contact
Asking to repeat what they said
Talking to the person next to you
Frowning at the person
Maintaining eye contact denotes that you are listening to the person you are conversing. Option A,
simply denotes that you are interested to listen to others. Option C, frowning means that you do not
like what was said and may mean that you are not paying attention to what was said. Option D, it
means you are listening that is why you are asking to repeat again what was said.
Which does not describe primary health care?*
It aims to provide free health services to the people
It emphasizes partnership between health care providers and the people
It stresses the use of appropriate technology
It is a total approach to community development
After taking all the necessary data, the team formulated some Family Nursing Problems
such as all of the following except.*
Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to lack of knowledge
Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal due to
Hyper Thermoregulation
Risk for Infection
Considered as a set of interacting elements that exchange energy, matter or information
with the external environment to exist.*
This page briefly explains what is the paper all about?*
Title page
Table of Contents
Option B, Introduction tells about what is the paper all about. Option A, acknowledgement contains
brief statements about mentors or people who made contribution to the research study. Option C,
Table of Contents will guide the readers regarding the content and its corresponding page.

Accessibility of health services means all of the following except:*

The people and the government can afford the health services provided
Government and non-government agencies participate in providing
Health services and the manner of delivery of these services are acceptableto people.
Health service providers are within 5 kilometers from most of their catchment population
These are example of grave offense: (Select all that apply)*
Frequent unauthorized absences or tardiness
Falsification of official documents
Physical and mental incapacity or disability due to sickness
Engaging directly and indirectly in partisan political activities
People in the community shows cooperation when they?*
Work towards to the community’s vision
Take part in the community’s goals
Actively join in the community’s activities
Regard community’s programs essential in their growth
Which among the following is NOT a criterion in evaluation an outcome of deworming
Incidence of anemia related to hookworm infection
Reports of parasitic infection are accurate
Training methods used were varied and appropriate to the participants’ level of comprehension.
Incidence of ascariasis infection
B, C and D are all criteria to evaluate the outcome of the deworming program.
The school nurse provides direct nursing care by?*
Enhancing interpersonal relationships among pupils and the teaching staff
Maintaining a healthy and safe physical environment for the children
Guiding pupils in developing health habits
Conducting annual physical exams to pupils
The main aim of conducting an immersion program to a remote area is:*
Bring the health programs to people who cannot access it
To give to the people what they need
For the students to learn
For the students to apply their basic skills
Although the aim of the CIP is for students to learn and apply their basic skills, bringing programs to a
remote area is a social accountability of health care workers and future health workers. Giving what
people need is against from the principle of community organizing.
The patient diagnosed with Schistosomiasis and the nursing diagnosis was Risk for
Bleeding. All are  health teachings relevant for the early recovery of the patient except?*
Educate the patient and family about the signs and symptoms of Schistosomiasis
Encourage the patient and family members to eat nutritious foods that can boost their immune
Monitored for skin necrosis, changes in blue or purple mottling of feet that blanches with
pressure or fades when legs are elevated.
Educate the at-risk patient about precautionary measures to prevent tissue trauma or disruption
of the normal clotting mechanisms.
Tell the patient to observe skin and mucous membranes for oozing of blood.
A project initiated by the DOLE*
Public Health Nurse
Home service Nurse
Nurse Practitioner
To analyze the situation, the following actions must be performed:*
Set priority
Determine outcomes
Assign priority
Ascertain resources
Answering the question where are we now (situational analysis) involves the process of collecting,
synthesizing, analyzing and interpreting information in manner that will provide a clear picture of the
health status of the community. Assign priority is part of the Goal and Objective setting. Ascertain
resources are part of the Strategy/activity setting. Determine outcomes is part of the Evaluation

Epidemiology pertains to the study of the?*

Ten leading causes of morbidity and mortality
Causes of the health and disease in the family
Factors that influence the causation of the disease in man
Occurrence and distribution of health and disease in a population
It is a record of names of authors cited in the study*
Community profile
Option A, books and other related materials cited in the study will be documented in the reference.
Option B, Appendices contain pictures, letters and other documents related to the study. Option C,
community profile contains data about the community. Option D, recommendations are the proposal
plans to solve the problems and concerns of the community.
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