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Predictive Maintenance Optimization for Aircraft

Redundant Systems Subjected to Multiple
Wear Profiles
Wlamir Olivares Loesch Vianna and Takashi Yoneyama

Abstract—Researchers and industry practitioners have recently HA Health assessment.

demonstrated great interest in maintenance planning since it di- LKF Linear Kalman filter.
rectly impacts the lifecycle cost and availability of systems. Consid- LNS Large neighborhood search.
ering the aviation industry, this impact is even more relevant due
to high-availability expectations from aircraft operators and high MC Monte Carlo.
costs incurred when an aircraft becomes out of service. For this MEL Minimum equipment list.
reason, some minor maintenance activities are carried out near MLE Maximum likelihood estimation.
the gate, between two consecutive flight legs. These activities are MM Multiple model.
referred to as aircraft line maintenance. The usage of prognos- PA Prognostics assessment.
tics and health management techniques may help the prevention
of unexpected events when caused by degrading components. The PHM Prognostics and health management.
application of prognostics techniques together with a line main- RUL Remaining useful life.
tenance planning optimization approach is not a trivial task and SD State detection.
requires sophisticated mathematical approaches especially when SKF Switching Kalman filter.
dealing with complex and integrated systems. This paper proposes TAT Turnaround time.
a methodology for predictive line maintenance optimization of re-
dundant aeronautical systems subjected to multiple wear condi- T/S Troubleshooting.
tions. Degradation trends and future wear values are estimated TTF Time to failure.
considering an implementation of a multiple model approach of UKF Unscented Kalman filter.
the extended Kalman filter technique. Planning optimization is
based on the minimization of operational costs comprising several I. INTRODUCTION
aspects of the aviation industry such as dispatch requirements, de-
N AIRLINE flight operation department needs an efficient
lays, cancellations, and equipment costs. A case study is conducted
using field prognostics data of hydraulic systems to evidence the
efficiency and benefit of the proposed methodology.
A planning system in order to successfully manage its ex-
pensive assets. Considering that, operational research plays a
Index Terms—Optimization, planning, predictive maintenance, major role in the airline industry’s tactical planning [1]. Most
prognostics and health management (PHM), redundancy. of the applications in the literature dealt with the following
activities [2]:
1) the schedule preparation, when airlines identify a list of
NOMENCLATURE flight legs along with departure and arrival times;
AG Advisory generation. 2) the fleet assignment problem;
AOG Aircraft on ground. 3) the aircraft routing area;
APU Auxiliary power unit. 4) the disruption recovery problem, whose objective is to
CBM Condition-based maintenance. react to all operational disruptions.
DA Data acquisition. The maintenance planning and more especially the predictive
DM Data manipulation. maintenance planning was also addressed in the literature.
EKF Extended Kalman filter. Examples include decision support for inventory resources
EOL End of life. [3], optimized inspections [4], and storage life prediction [5].
GSE Ground support equipment. Decision support methods that used PHM information to
improve maintenance planning were included in [6]–[10];
however, they dealt with an individual component without
Manuscript received June 21, 2016; revised September 26, 2016 and Novem- considering that it is part of a larger system. Maintenance op-
ber 30, 2016; accepted February 7, 2017.
W. O. L. Vianna is with Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A., São José timization for integrated components in systems was included
dos Campos 12227-901, Brazil (e-mail: in [11] and [12]; however, functional dependencies between
T. Yoneyama is with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Instituto components were not addressed.
Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, São José dos Campos 12229-900, Brazil (e-mail: According to [13], although the increasing progress, most of
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2017.2667232 these approaches had limitations. GO/NOGO decisions were

1937-9234 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


not directly supported and the academic demonstrators so far systems. Section V presents concluding remarks and future re-
supporting this kind of functionality had limited intelligence search opportunities.
without concurrently taking into consideration relevant parame-
ters such as possible flight delays, cost consequences, and actual
RUL of aircraft systems and components. II. FAILURE PROGNOSTICS METHODOLOGY
In [14], a method was proposed to minimize the component The main goal of a PHM system is to estimate the health
replacement cost under a safety constraint and considering the state of the monitored equipment and forecast when a failure
overall system-level RUL estimated by means of the system is expected to occur [16]. In this context, a key element for
architecture information and PHM data. In this specific appli- the prognostic approach is the estimation of the probable TTF
cation, some operational costs that drive line maintenance deci- or the RUL [17]. Considering that uncertainties are intrinsic
sions were not considered, including delays, flight cancellation, to prognostics as it comprises predicting future health states,
and operational costs due to dispatch requirements. the RUL estimation procedures shall require models involving
In [15], a methodology was proposed for line maintenance random variables with associated probability distributions.
strategy optimization using an LNS algorithm that takes into According to [16], the prognostics methods could be classi-
account the T/S tasks, the flight plan, resources availabil- fied into two different groups. The first group named model-
ity, and the health condition of components. In this specific based methods relies on the availability of a good dynamic
application, the objective was to minimize operational costs model of the system. Such models can be derived using physi-
due to delays and flight cancellation caused by component cal modeling principles or the model can be determined using
failures. online parameter estimation and system identification methods.
The integration of PHM techniques with maintenance deci- Application examples were included in [18]–[21]. The model-
sion represents the basis of the CBM concept. Such integration based methods cover the physics of failure fundamentals, which
should consider not only PHM results but also other operational identify more accurately the source element of fault and con-
aspects of the airline, which represent a challenging activity sequently its prescriptive actions. The method proposed in this
especially when dealing with complex and integrated systems. paper can be classified by this group of methods.
This paper proposes a method to optimize the maintenance plan- In contrast to the model-based approach, the data-driven tech-
ning of redundant systems subjected to multiple wear conditions niques rely primarily on process and PHM data (data from sen-
and RUL estimates considering several operational aspects of sors specifically designed to respond to fault signals) to model
an airline with associated costs. Also, a prognostic method is the relationship between fault features or fault characteristic
presented to estimate degradations and their future estimates indicators and fault classes. They require a sufficient database
assuming different wear profiles of redundant systems or com- (both baseline and fault conditions) to train and validate such
ponents. This method consists of a set of nonlinear wear models diagnostic algorithms. They lack the model-based physics of
estimated using a nonlinear version of the Kalman filter and the failure mechanism approach, but they do not require accu-
integrated in an MM approach. rate dynamic models of the physical system under study. Works
The main novelties of this paper are described as follows: such as [22]–[24] are application examples of this category of
1) the development of a method to prognose systems contain- techniques.
ing multiple wear profiles by means of an MM approach; A possible approach for model-based prognostics is to use
2) the development of a method to identify the wear model discrete-time Bayesian methods and, more specifically, optimal
of a degrading component under not fixed operational filtering techniques such as the Kalman filter and its extensions.
intervals by means of the EKF; Application of optimal filtering techniques in PHM relates to
3) the development of a method to optimize the maintenance fault prognostics and RUL estimate. An example was included
planning of aeronautical degrading systems considering in [25], in which an LKF was used to build the RUL proba-
economical and certification requirements of typical air- bility distributions considering the history of degradation esti-
lines such as dispatch requirements, inventory conditions, mates and an MC technique application. Alternatives to the MC
TAT, among others; method was found in [26], in which the unscented transform was
4) the development of an integrated methodology for fail- considered. Prognostics applications using the nonlinear version
ure prognostics and optimal aircraft maintenance plan- of the Kalman filter and other MC based methods were included
ning using RUL distributions, degradation estimates, and in [15] for the EKF, in [27] for the UKF, and in [28]–[30] for
wear models taken from the prognostics algorithm to es- the particle filter. A comparison of filter-based approaches for
timate future operational costs and consequently optimal prognostics was found in [31]. The usage of these types of tech-
maintenance decisions. niques, when compared to other static methods such as linear
This paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the or polynomial regression, allows a better capture of the wear
failure prognostics methodology for multiple wear profiles and dynamics of equipment [32] and also helps the elimination of
variable degradation estimation interval using an MM approach spurious data. The implementation of these techniques requires
and the EKF method. Section III describes the method for pre- some parameter choices, such as the covariance matrices of
dictive maintenance planning optimization, including coverage, the noises, which influences the performance results. Heuris-
assumptions, constraints, and objectives. Section IV presents a tics for the selection of these parameters were found in [15]
case study application using field data of redundant hydraulic and [26].
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


For aeronautical system applications, where flights frequen- is necessary to estimate the integrated EOL distribution for both
cies are not constant and consequently degradation and damage systems, for instance, when two of three redundant systems
estimates are collected in not fixed time intervals, the methods reach a certain degradation condition or any of all redundant
proposed in [25] can no longer be used. In order to overcome this systems reaches an operational limit. To accomplish that, it is
problem, an alternative approach is presented in Section II-A. necessary to model these logics at the MC method for the EOL
simulations. These distributions are defined in current work by
A. Failure Prognostics for Variable Estimation Intervals RULc , in which label c indicate the respective EOL condition.
Using the Extended Version of the Kalman Filter Section IV demonstrates an example of this process.
Considering the situations where degradation estimation in-
The Kalman filter was initially proposed in [33] and is a
tervals are not fixed (i.e., when samples are taken at each fight
recursive filter using noisy and even incomplete measurements
leg), or missing observations are present, the current method can
to estimate the states of a linear system in the time domain.
no longer be applied. To solve that problem, a possible approach
The implementation of the Kalman filter for failure prognos-
would be to define a fixed small time interval (i.e., 1 hour or
tics considering fixed time intervals was proposed in [25]. In
1 day), run the filter for each time sample and for those inter-
this application, a linear prognostic model was considered and
vals in which no observation is collected, and simply propagate
is described as follows:
  states and variances. This solution has some drawbacks such
11 as the necessity to establish a fixed time interval or resolution
xwear k = x + wwear k −1 (1)
0 1 wear k −1 and the increased computational cost taken from the filter to
  propagate states and variances several times for long intervals
zwear k = 1 0 xwear k + vwear k (2)
without observation. An alternative solution that mitigates these
where xwear k represents, at interval k, the dynamic of the degra- drawbacks is the development of a nonlinear model with the
dation or any state condition indicating component degradation. inclusion of the observation interval as model input. Equations
Examples of degradation conditions include compressor effi- (5) and (6) describe this model:
ciency differences from nominal levels, rotating component vi-
bration levels, and gas turbine exhaust temperature differences xwear k = fk (xwear k −1 , Δtk , wwear k −1 )
from their nominal levels. xwear k (1) is the actual value of the = xwear k −1 (1) + xwear k −1 (2)Δtk + wwear k −1 (5)
degradation condition and xwear k (2) is its rate of decrease (or
increase) per time interval. We observe that this model repre- zwear k = gk (xwear k , vwear k )
sents a linear trend, and if one wish to build a higher order = xwear k (1) + vwear k (6)
model, one or more states should be included. The parameter
wwear k −1 represents the process vector noise and vwear k the where Δtk is the degradation condition estimation interval,
measurement vector noise. The parameter zwear k represents the which is here represented as model input. Notice that this model
actual degradation condition estimate (observation). is not linear and the LKF can no longer be used. To solve that,
For the LKF implementation, at each observation step, it is the EKF introduced in [34] is invoked. The EKF is probably the
necessary to first define the covariance matrices of process noise most popular Bayesian estimation for nonlinear systems. It is
Qwear k and measurement noise Rwear k . Equations (3) and (4) based on the linearization of the model equations to allow the
show a proposal for their definition: application of the LKF to nonlinear systems.
  The partial derivatives matrix (Jacobian) resultant of the lin-
0 0
Qwear k = (3) earization process is described follows:
0 qwear
Rwear k = [rwear ]. (4) ∂f (xk −1 , uk −1 , wwear k −1 )  1 Δtk
 = (7)
∂xk −1 x k −1 = x̂ k−−1
0 1
The parameter qwear must be defined during the filter imple- 
mentation. The higher its value, the higher will be the estimation ∂g(xwear k , vwear k )   
 = 10 (8)
variance of degradation rate and faster will be the identification ∂xwear k x w e a r k = x wˆe a r − k −1
of changes in the degradation rate. An example of how this pa-
rameter influences estimations will be illustrated in Section IV. ˆ k−−1 is the a priori (predicted) state estimate at in-
where xwear
Similarly, the parameter rwear must also be defined during the stant k − 1. The resulting linearized model is described follows:
filter implementation and is related to the degradation condition    
estimation variance. 10 x̂w−ear k −1 (2)
Once the prognostic model is found, it can be used to estimate xwear k = xwear k −1 + Δtk (9)
01 0
future degradation conditions and, consequently, RUL distribu-
tions together with the MC method. TTF or EOL samples are zwear k = 1 0 xwear k . (10)
then found considering a certain degradation condition thresh-
old or operational limit and, finally, RUL distribution fit into An important observation relates to the process noise
a certain probability distribution model (i.e., Weibull). Some- wwear k −1 definition, which in this case is not fixed and de-
times, when redundant systems are being equally monitored, it pends on the input variable Δtk . Considering that, the process
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


noise matrix Qwear k becomes During the filter recursive execution of all models, likeli-
  hood and probabilities can be estimated. In current work, an
0 0 autonomous MM is considered, where each model is filtered
Qwear k = (11)
0 Δtk qwear individually. The only exception relates to the fact, in current
work, states and variances are not fused, so they are not shared
where qwear is the same as expression presented in (3). between the different models.
Now, the linearized prognostic model is defined; the EKF can Consider a set of M models and the following variables as the
be implemented and the prognostics model estimated. measurement prediction error z̃ki and covariance Ski at instant k
So far, only a first-order polynomial model was considered for for model i ∈ M :
the component wear profile. Section II-B introduces an MM ap-
z̃k = zk − H x̂k−
proach, in which more models are introduced and fused in order
to improve the robustness and precision when the components Sk = HPk− H T + R
or systems are subjected to different wear profiles.
where H is the linearized measurement  matrix of the prognos-

B. MM Approach for Wear Profile Identification tics model ∂ g (x w∂exawr ke a,vr kw e a r k )  −
, x̂k− is the a priori
x w e a r k = x wˆe a r k −1
During the development of the prognostic algorithms, a fre- (predicted) state estimate at instant k, Pk− is the a priori covari-
quent common problem consists of choosing the most adequate ance error matrix, R is the covariance matrix of the measurement
model to best represent the wear dynamic of the component. So- noise, and Sk is the covariance prediction for model i at instant
lutions for that include the application of MM algorithms such k.
as the one implemented in [32], where a helicopter tail gearbox The likelihood function of model i is given in
bearing was monitored considering three possible degradation (i)  (i) (i) 
dynamics: stationary trend, linear trend, and polynomial trend. Lk = N z̃k , 0, Sk . (18)
Another application example was included in [35], where an Consider also the mode probability as the weight assigned
interacting MM was used to identify abrupt wear conditions in to the output of each filter inside the algorithm. This weight
a servovalve. provides an indication at time k of how probable the current
The techniques that combine different models using a Kalman model is compared to the other ones. Its estimation is presented
filter are called SKFs. The methods used in SKF applications as follows:
include autonomous MM, generalized pseudo-Bayesian of first (i) (i)
order, generalized pseudo-Bayesian of second order, interacting (i) μk −1 Lk
μk =  (j ) (j )
MM, among others. An implementation and comparison of sev- j M μk −1 Lk
eral of these method was presented in [36] with application in
target tracking. where μk is the probability of model i at instant k. The mode
Consider, besides the linearized model presented in  (j )
probability is normalized so that iM μk = 1.
Section II-A, a second-order polynomial trend of degradation Now, each model estimates and probabilities are found; they
whose model is described in (12) and (13), in which xwear k (1) can be compared in order to identify the most suitable prognostic
is the actual value of the degradation, xwear k (2) is its rate of model given the degradation data collected.
decrease (or increase), and xwear k (3) is the “acceleration” of At each estimation, a decision is made to keep at the same
the degradation model or to move to another one with higher probability. This
⎡ ⎤ (i)
decision is based on the probabilities μk multiplied by a model
1 1 0
⎢ ⎥ transition probability matrix as expressed in (20), in which πj i
xwear k = ⎣ 0 1 1 ⎦ xwear k −1 is the model transition probability. The model chosen for states
0 0 1 (i)
and variances estimates is the one with higher value of μT k
⎡ − ⎤  (j )
x̂weark −1 (2) (i)
μT k = μk πj i . (20)
⎢ − ⎥
+⎢ ⎥
⎣ x̂weark −1 (3) ⎦ Δtk + wwear k −1 (12) j M

0 In current work, values of matrix π are defined in as follows:

⎡ ⎤
  0.5 0.25 0.25
zwear k = 1 0 0 xwear k + vwear k . (13) ⎢ ⎥
π = ⎣ 0.25 0.5 0.25 ⎦. (21)
Also, a stationary degradation trend condition can be mod- 0.25 0.25 0.5
eled. Its representation is included in (14) and (15), whose state
xwear k has only one element representing the degradation itself, The identification of the most probable wear profile does not
improve only current and future degradation estimates, but also
xwear k = 1 xwear k −1 + wwear k −1 (14) provides better guidelines for predictive maintenance planning.
  Section III describes the planning optimization methodology
zwear k = 1 xwear k + vwear k . (15) adopted in current work.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


III. MAINTENANCE PLANNING OPTIMIZATION METHODOLOGY to be repaired, and tevent is the time when the MEL con-
dition became evident or is expected to occur considering
The planning optimization problem in this work focuses on
the line maintenance of aeronautical systems. According to [37], the prognostics results
line maintenance was defined as any unscheduled maintenance CM EL = Cop (trepair − tevent ). (23)
resulting from unforeseen events, or scheduled checks where
certain servicing and/or inspections do not require specialized 4) Flight delay cost Cdelay given by aircraft unavailability
training, equipment, or facilities. Considering the prognostics due to maintenance activities ended after next departing
results presented in Section II, the predictive maintenance plan- time. An illustration of this type of event is when a repair
ning optimization problem is formulated over the next para- is performed, for instance, the replacement of an actuator,
graphs. and the aircraft only became serviceable after the depart-
Consider an individual aircraft with a set of redundant compo- ing time of next flight. In current work, it is assumed that
nents or systems being monitored by a certain health monitoring Cdelay is proportional to the delay time as expressed in
algorithm. Also, consider that components may have different (24), in which Δtrepair is the required time to perform the
wear profiles. Degradation or operational thresholds are defined maintenance task, ΔtTAT is the time available to perform
for each system or integrated systems, and once these limits are maintenance activities during the current TAT, and Cdisr is
reached, a certain maintenance or operational activity must be the cost per time of a delayed aircraft. The same assump-
performed. Considering the redundant aspect of the components tion of a fixed network is valid for this event. Also, we
or systems, different activities must be performed depending on observe that the proposed expression does not consider
the number of degraded components. the occupancy level and destination of the delayed flight
The objective of the planning optimization problem is to plan
maintenance and operational activities, so all dispatch require- Cdelay = Cdisr (Δtrepair − ΔtTAT ). (24)
ments are satisfied as well as other operational constraints (i.e.,
5) Degradation cost Cdeg caused by the component opera-
logistics, environmental) and overall expected costs minimized.
tion under degrading condition. Examples include engines
In current work, the following costs are considered.
consuming more fuel due to lower efficiencies and de-
1) Residual component cost due to preventive removal of
graded electric motors consuming more electric power.
fully degraded or faulty components. This cost is defined
The expression that defines Cdeg is given by (25), in
in (22), in which tn is the actual time, tplan is the planned
which Deg(t) is the degradation model estimated from
preventive removal of the component, Ccomp is the total
the method described in Section II, CE i is the integral
cost of the component, and fsch is the preventive removal
cost index, and CE d the absolute cost index, often associ-
interval according to the maintenance plan
ated with component repair cost at shop facility
Cres = Ccomp (tn − tplan )/fsch . (22)  t repair
Cdeg = CE i Deg(t)dt
2) Aircraft cancellation cost CAOG given by the unavailabil- tn
ity of the required equipment or personnel to perform an + CE d (Deg(trepair ) − Deg(tn )) . (25)
activity associated with a triggered degradation threshold.
This event is usually defined as AOG, and in order to 6) Aircraft repair cost Crepair consisting of all necessary op-
satisfy all dispatch requirements, a maintenance activity erational support expenses to perform the repair of the
must be performed immediately. If the base where the aircraft due to the component failure. This support may
aircraft is located does not have the required resources to include personnel expenses to replace a faulty component,
perform this activity, next flight must be canceled unless a GSE, among others. It is assumed that the root cause and
modification on the fleet network is performed by assign- associated repair tasks of degrading conditions are known.
ing other aircraft to substitute the grounded one. In current In other words, no T/S activities are required to isolate the
work, it is assumed a fixed network and every AOG event fault. T/S planning optimization methods can be found
without resource results in flight cancellation. in [38]–[40]. Also, a proposal for integration of the T/S
3) Aircraft additional operational cost CM EL given by op- activities with prognostics data for planning optimization
erational procedures required to be performed when the can be found in [15].
aircraft operates under certain degrading or faulty condi- 7) Servicing cost Cserv , which is associated with basic line
tions. These procedures are frequently defined as MEL maintenance activities that may reduce the component
tasks. Examples include flying only below certain altitude degradation without changing wear condition (degrada-
or with the APU turned on. In current work, it is defined tion rates). Examples of servicing activities include wash-
that every MEL condition must not persist for more than a ing gas turbines, replacing lubricants, and cleaning filters.
certain interval limit (i.e., three days). Also, it is assumed It is possible to observe by comparing the scope of costs
that CM EL is proportional to the time that the aircraft op- being optimized from this work and from other references, such
erates under this condition, as expressed in (23), in which as [14] and [15], that a broader approach is considered in current
Cop is the operational additional cost per time interval, study, which makes the decision-making process more reliable
trepair is the date when the aircraft is repaired or expected and, consequently, asset management more efficient.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Operational parameters used in the planning optimization

method include the planned aircraft arrival times for each leg,
consisting of an array F , available time for maintenance at each
flight leg in F , represented as an array TAT, and two Boolean
arrays Hr and Hs indicating for each flight leg if its current
base has all required resources to perform the aircraft repair and
Other necessary parameters for the optimization problem in-
clude the repair time Δtrepair as previously mentioned and Δtserv
indicating the time necessary to perform the servicing activity.
In current work, it is assumed that these intervals are fixed inde-
pendently of place and date, parallelization is allowed to perform
maintenance activities for different redundant components, and
it is not possible to split an activity to be performed in different
bases. Also, it is assumed that after the repair of a component
or system, degradation will be set back to its nominal level and
Fig. 1. Integration process of the prognostics and maintenance planning anal-
any servicing activity does not change the wear profile of a ysis.
Dispatch conditions for MEL and AOG or, in other words, Algorithm 1: Planning Search Algorithm.
the requirement of additional operational procedures or imme- output: plan
diate maintenance procedures are listed at logic sentences given cost ← ∞;
by CondM EL and CondAOG . Just for illustration, (26) shows n
forall tirepair ; tiserv i=1 in TAT(1 : thor ) do
an AOG condition example given by the logic of both redun-
if [tirepair ]ni=1 ∈ Hr and [tiserv ]ni=1 ∈ Hs and
dant components 1 and 2 above degradation threshold l1 or any
[tirepair − tievent ]ni=1 < LimM EL then
component degradation above threshold l2 , in which l1 and l2  n
are degradation condition thresholds. For every MEL condition, ifC( tirepair ; tiserv i=1 ) < cost then
an expiration interval is given by LimM EL , in which an aircraft cost ← C( tirepair ; tiserv i=1 );
i n
repair must be performed within this expiration interval plan ← trepair ; tiserv i=1 ;
CondAOG = {(Deg1 > l1 ) ∧ (Deg2 > l1 )}
∨ {(Deg1 > l2 ) ∨ (Deg2 > l2 )} . (26) end
The estimation of Cdeg requires all redundant components
wear models. These models are obtained by the method pre- strategy. If during the implementation of above problem, the pro-
sented in Section II, and they are given by state estimates posed exhaustive strategy presents to be impracticable, approx-
xwear k . The estimation of AOG and MEL events is given by the imation heuristics can be invoked, such as the LNS proposed
RUL distributions of EOL simulations during the MC method in [15], ant colony optimization in [14], and genetic algorithm
process described in Section II-A. These distributions are de- in [41].
fined as RULM EL and RULAOG , as previously mentioned in The combinatorial search algorithm is represented in
Section II-A. Algorithm 1, in which the function C estimates n the cost Ctotal
Given all previous model parameters, prognostics results, and given a certain planning condition tirepair ; tiserv i=1 and thor rep-
premises, the predictive maintenance
n i optimization
n i problem
 can resents the planning horizon of the algorithm (i.e., four days
be formulated as choosing t
i=1 repair ; t
i=1 serv that min- from now).
imizes the overall operational cost Ctotal given in (27), in which The integration approach of the prognostic and planning op-
tirepair is the planned date to repair redundant component i, tiserv timization analysis is to sequentially, for each flight, update the
is the planned servicing date of redundant component i, and n prognostic model and then plan (or replan) the maintenance ac-
is the total number of redundant components tivities based on new estimations. This process is represented in

  Fig. 1.
i i i i
Ctotal = Cres + Cdeg + Crepair + Cserv Considering the integrated maintenance optimization previ-
i=1 ously described, some drawbacks may occur to maintenance if
+ CAOG + CM EL + Cdelay . (27) the prognostic results present incorrect values. If degradation
is underestimated, the expected value of Cdeg would be lower
 iAlso, the minimization problem must satisfy the constraints than actual values, which would result in higher operational
trepair ∈Hr ; tiserv ∈ Hs ; tirepair − tievent <LimM EL ∀i ∈ [1 n]. costs due to excessive degraded operating conditions. Also, if
The above formulation consists of a combinatorial optimiza- RUL is underestimated, the aircraft may also operate under not
tion problem. In current work, it is assumed that the number of proper conditions if a MEL or AOG condition (CondM EL and
feasible solutions is relative low, allowing an exhaustive search CondAOG ) was not properly identified. On the other hand, if
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 2. Aircraft hydraulic systems architecture. Fig. 3. Degradation features case studies.

degradation or RUL is overestimated, the component may be

removed prematurely increasing the residual component cost
Cres , repair cost Crepair , and possibly Cdelay or CAOG . Servicing
cost Cserv may also be higher if a servicing task is performed
prematurely, and CM EL would be higher if the aircraft operates
under MEL conditions unnecessarily.
A numerical application using field data of this integration
process is presented in Section IV for the analysis of three hy-
draulic systems pumps whose external leakages are monitored.


In order to demonstrate the methodology proposed in
Sections II and III, field data are collected from aircraft hy-
draulic systems subjected to different wear profiles. A general
perspective of these systems is represented in Fig. 2. There are
three independent systems that generate hydraulic power for all
hydraulic actuators of the aircraft. Considering their redundant
topology, a failure in only one system will not compromise the Fig. 4. TAT and resources availability for each leg.
operation of actuators.
The proposed degradation condition is a hydraulic level fea- conditions. Conditions from case 2 indicate increased leaking
ture described in [42]. The condition is associated with a normal- condition from system 1 and steady conditions for systems 2 and
ized level of the hydraulic reservoir based on the compressibility 3 although low values are present for system 3. For case 3, an
and thermal expansion model of the fluid and actuator states. On sudden leaking condition is observed for system 1 around day 13
such a system, reservoir minimum level limits are established probably caused by a severe operating condition or maintenance
as well as their influence on dispatch conditions. Also, level intervention. The same situation is observed for system 1 from
features are collected once at each flight. A degradation feature case 4. Considering case 5, an increased leaking condition is
decrease (normalized level) is associated with leaking condition observed for system 1 and a more severe condition for system
on any component of the hydraulic system. Considering that all 2 after day 17. This condition change could be explained by a
systems are segregated, a leakage in one system does not affect sealing fault caused probably by an extreme operating condition
the other ones. or wrong maintenance intervention. Finally, case 6 presents both
In this paper, six case studies are considered for different leaking conditions from system 1 after day 10 and system 2 in all
aircraft. Their normalized levels are presented in Fig. 3. In all analyzed time frames. The variables TAT and Hr indicating the
situations, degradation were caused by hydraulic pump external time available for maintenance at each base and the resources
leaking condition. The identification of the leaking location was availability for repair are presented in Fig. 4, in which each dot
performed during the preflight check. or circle represent a flight leg, the y-axis, the TAT available for
It is possible to see from Fig. 3 that in case 1, levels were that specific flight leg, and the shape indicating if the leg has
almost stationary for all three systems, indicating low leaking at its ending destination all resources to perform maintenance
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Parameter Value

Degradation q w e a r 0.01
Degradation rate q w e a r 0.01
Degradation acceleration q w e a r 0.1
rw e a r 8
C comp /f sch 0.02
CA O G 1
C op 0.1
C disr 1e − 3
Δ t repair 0.4
Δ t serv 0.05
CE i 0
CE d 0.01
C repair 0.03
C serv 0.03
LimM E L 3
CondA O G (l 1 < 25) ∧ (l 2 < 25) ∧ (l 3 < 25)
CondM E L ( l˙1 < −2) ∧ ( l˙2 < −2) ∧ ( l˙3 < −2)

Fig. 5. Degradation condition estimates for each model filter.

(solid circle for having all resources and gray point for not
having resources).
In this case study, the repair activity is defined as the pump
replacement and servicing as filling the reservoir. Also, Hs is set
true for every instant (servicing can be performed in all bases).
All other parameters used in this case study are presented in
Table I, in which li is the degradation condition (normalized
reservoir level) of system i and l˙i its rate of decrease (leakage).
Results for the implemented solution presented in Fig. 1 are
presented next, in which Section IV-A contains the prognostics
results and Section IV-B the maintenance planning optimization

A. Pump Leakage Prognostics

Considering the degradation conditions presented in Fig. 3
and the implementation of the EKF for all three wear mod-
els (stationary, linear, and polynomial), state results for each
Fig. 6. Degradation rate estimates for each model filter.
model filtering process and most significant cases are presented
in Fig. 5. We observe that the stationary model cannot handle
properly variations in degradation conditions given its station-
ary representation as their results (dotted lines) diverge from the linear model. This increased variance may prejudice results,
observed results (bold lines) for all nonstationary conditions . as it may be a maintenance activity lead without necessity.
Also, the linear model takes more time to identify abrupt feature The acceleration estimates for the polynomial model filtering
variation when compared to the polynomial model filter as evi- process are presented in Fig. 7. We observe that when the system
denced by results from both models in case 3 system 1 around presents either abrupt changes in degradation or variations in its
day 13, case 4 system 1 around day 22, and case 5 system 2 rate, the filter manages to identify these conditions correctly.
around day 17. The late identification of severe leaking con- In all previous results, process noises (qwear ) are the same as
ditions may compromise operational costs, as during a longer the ones defined in Table I. The proper definition of these pa-
period of time, the aircraft is operating in a degrading condition. rameters is essential to achieve precise and responsive results.
The rate estimates for both linear and polynomial model fil- As expressed in Section II-A, lower values of qwear reduce result
tering process are presented in Fig. 6. Same as previous obser- variances with the impact of lower responsiveness and higher
vations, the polynomial model presents higher variances but can values increase the responsiveness as well as result variances.
identify better variations in degradation rates as observed by its To illustrate this tradeoff, Fig. 8 shows degradation rate esti-
great variation at increased leaking condition (i.e., case 3 system mates of one specific system and several values of qwear . Notice
1 around day 13). On the other hand, the polynomial model pre- that the filters with higher process noise values manage to de-
sented higher variance in steady leaking conditions compared to tect the abrupt leaking condition more quickly, but also present
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 7. Acceleration estimates for each model filter.

Fig. 9. Model probability estimates.

Fig. 8. Degradation condition rate estimates for several process noises values
in system 2 for case 5.

increased variations in stationary conditions. From these re- Fig. 10. RUL estimates.
sults, it is possible to see that this parameter must be properly
defined, so variations are minimized as well as responsiveness
maximized. model fitted considering an MLE algorithm. Results are pre-
The model probabilities estimations considering the MM sented in Fig. 10 considering an 85% confidence interval for the
method presented in Section II-B for same examples in Fig. 5 RUL distributions. The error bars represent the RUL estimates
are exhibited in Fig. 9. It is possible to observe from results that at each date and the solid line the actual RUL. Case 1 result is
the MM method can identify higher stationary probability for not presented because no simulation of the MC method reaches
case 1 for system 1 although its values are close to other models. the CondAOG within the analyzed time frame. In case 3, an
This can be explained by the capability of all models to fit the abrupt change in the degradation condition is observed around
stationary conditions. Also, linear models have higher probabil- day 12, taking longer for the prognostics algorithm to identify
ities in most of the conditions of cases 4–6 for system 1. Only this variation and provide RUL estimates closer to actual values.
at the initial moments when the model is still settling and when In case 4, a variation in RUL estimates is observed around day
abrupt changes are verified, the stationary and polynomial have 20 also due to an abrupt change in degradation. Besides these
higher probabilities, respectively. The proper model probability variations, the prognostics algorithm could estimate correctly
estimation increases the correct model assignment at the MM the failure date, as in most of the cases, the bold lines (true
algorithm and consequently the precision of degradation and RUL) lay inside the error bars (estimated RUL).
RUL estimations.
B. Servicing and Pump Removal Planning Optimization
RUL analyses for same definition of CondAOG in Table I are
performed considering the MM approach for each degradation Given the previously defined parameters, input degradation
estimation of all cases. The RUL probability distributions are data, and prognostics results, the maintenance planning process
estimated by same proposed method in Section II-B with 1.000 was performed, and results are presented over the next para-
simulations at the MC method process and a Weibull distribution graphs.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.



Case / System Date

Case 2 System 1 11.1

Case 2 System 3 8.8
Case 3 System 1 12.6
Case 3 System 2 12.5
Case 4 System 1 21.9
Case 4 System 2 25.7
Case 5 System 1 22.7
Case 5 System 2 21.7
Case 6 System 1 19.1
Case 6 System 2 22.0

Fig. 12. Previous accumulated costs considering a reactive approach.


Case Optimal Cost Reactive Cost

Case 1 0.038 0.038

Case 2 0.33 0.33
Case 3 0.27 0.49
Case 4 0.68 1.1
Case 5 0.56 1.7
Case 6 0.74 0.98

Case 5 presents several recommendations of repair of system 2

due to an increased leakage condition evidenced around day 17.
Case 6 presents some repair recommendation of system 2 due to
increased leaking condition. In all cases with recommended ac-
Fig. 11. Repair planning results with associated degradation conditions.
tions, early recommendations were not immediate (planned date
higher than 0), making possible for maintenance personnel pre-
First, the servicing planned activities defined by the algorithm ventively schedule and prepare themselves for the maintenance
are presented in Table II. Notice that in no situation the planning activity, preventing so unforeseen events.
algorithm recommended to perform a servicing activity only The expended costs are presented in Fig. 12. This graph shows
after an AOG condition (CondAOG ) is established (any level the overall accumulated cost at each flight considering a reac-
below 25% according to Table I). tive approach in which no maintenance is performed. We ob-
The repair planning recommendations and comparison with serve that costs are divided only into operational (CM EL ) and
degradation levels are given in Fig. 11. Cases 1 and 2 were leakage or degradation cost (Cdeg ). The last one increases dur-
omitted since the planning algorithm did not recommend any ing the most severe leaking conditions as the aircraft is operating
activity. Upper graphs for each case exhibit the features levels under MEL conditions (CondM EL ). Considering that in a reac-
and lower graphs show the maintenance recommendation. Each tive approach no maintenance is performed, all other costs, such
sample from the lower graph indicates a maintenance recom- as Crepair , Cres , and Cdaley are null.
mendation. The x-axis indicates when the algorithm gave the Considering the optimal maintenance planning recommen-
recommendation and the y-axis the recommended date taken dation, an accumulated overall cost is estimated and compared
from the date when the algorithm gave the recommendation. A to the reactive maintenance strategy (no maintenance is per-
planning horizon (thor ) of 4 days is defined. formed), as presented in Fig. 12 . This result is presented in
Analyzing case 3 results, several repair recommendations of Table III for each case study. We observe that all optimal strate-
system 1 are observed due to an abrupt change in degradation gies present lower costs with the exception of the two first cases
around day 12. In case 4, repair recommendations are observed studies, where no maintenance activity is proposed, and conse-
for both system 1 and system 2 due to high levels of leakage. quently, both strategies present the same results. Also, higher
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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