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Dao Wen Wang

Fulminant Myocarditis
Dao Wen Wang

Fulminant Myocarditis
Dao Wen Wang
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Wuhan, China

ISBN 978-981-19-5758-1    ISBN 978-981-19-5759-8 (eBook)
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In the field of cardiovascular medicine, fulminant myocarditis is dangerous,

with a rapid onset and extremely high mortality. Although the application of
mechanical circulation support devices has reduced the risk of mortality to a
certain extent in recent years, it has not fundamentally solved the issues
regarding treatment.
To address this problem, Professor Dao Wen Wang conducted theoretical
and clinical research for nearly 10 years with his team members. What is
particularly important is that they found answers using the basic sciences and
then verified them in clinical practice using the scientist’s spirit, not simply
going from clinical to clinical. They boldly put forward a new theory that
“excessive immune activation and inflammatory storm effect cause severe
myocardial damage in patients with fulminant myocarditis” and formulated
the “life support-based comprehensive treatment regimen” based on this
The core of this regimen is to lighten the burden on heart by using mechan-
ical circulatory support, instead of applying cardiotonic and vasoactive drugs,
including norepinephrine and other hypertensive drugs, which is a strategy
aimed at relieving symptoms. Meanwhile, adequate doses of glucocorticoids
and immunoglobulins will be used to regulate immunity and treat inflamma-
tion in this new strategy for curing the disease. I was intrigued by his report.
The cardiovascular and intensive care departments of major domestic hospi-
tals, including Peking Union Medical College Hospital and Fuwai Central
China Cardiovascular Hospital in Henan Province, are applying this regimen,
in addition to Tongji Hospital. The in-hospital mortality rate of fulminant
myocarditis has dropped from 50% to less than 5%. Therefore, on behalf of
the Cardiovascular Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical
Association, I supported Professor Dao Wen Wang’s lead in writing the
“Chinese Expert Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Fulminant
Myocarditis in Adults,” which was published in the Chinese Journal of
Cardiovascular Disease in 2017. The consensus has aroused strong repercus-
sions and positive reactions across the country, and numerous practical feed-
back results have proven the effectiveness of the regimen. The long-term
follow-up results of patients with fulminant myocarditis were recently
released and I am very happy to learn that after discharge from the hospital,
they were significantly better than those of patients from Western countries,
which makes me more confident about this regimen, as it not only reduces the
mortality rate during hospitalization but also has a better long-term effect.

vi Foreword

I am proud of this achievement as this represents the level of treatment for

fulminant myocarditis in our country and our contribution to the field of car-
diovascular medicine. In recent years, Dao Wen Wang’s team and other
domestic experts engaged in related clinical and basic research have orga-
nized 28 study classes and delivered more than 80 academic conference lec-
tures. More than 18,000 medical staff have been taught, which reflects their
benevolence and responsibility as clinicians. They then summarized and
wrote this academic monograph Diagnosis and Treatment of Fulminant
Myocarditis, which, to the best of my knowledge, is the world’s first mono-
graph on fulminant myocarditis. This book systematically summarizes the
etiology, pathology, pathophysiology and its hypotheses, clinical diagnosis,
treatment plan, and theoretical basis of fulminant myocarditis, as well as
related basic research. It also uses cases to introduce and comment to guide
clinicians on how to approach certain cases, which makes up for the lack of
consensus that is limited by space.
A number of challenges regarding fulminant myocarditis should be further
explored, such as the small number of patients with chronicity, arrhythmia,
and heart failure during follow-up. However, the publication of this book will
greatly help colleagues to improve their understanding and treatment of ful-
minant myocarditis and also promote clinical and basic research on related
issues. Therefore, I am very happy to write this preface to congratulate its
publication. I also hope that Professor Dao Wen Wang’s team will continue to
explore this field to solve the remaining problems and add more new results
when this book is republished.

Junbo Ge
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing, China
Department of Cardiology
Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University
Shanghai, China
Chinese Society of Cardiology
Shanghai, China
Institute of Biomedicine, Fudan University
Shanghai, China

Fulminant myocarditis is the sudden/severe diffuse myocardial inflammation

caused by various factors. It can lead to myocardial necrosis, edema, cardio-
genic shock, fatal ventricular tachycardia arrhythmia, bradycardia arrhyth-
mia, and sudden cardiac death.
According to histological examination, fulminant myocarditis can be
divided into three subtypes: lymphocytic, giant cell, and eosinophilic. Among
these, giant cell type has the worst prognosis.
This finding suggests that the classification of fulminant myocarditis using
myocardial biopsy is helpful in prognostic judgment. As the famous myocar-
ditis pathologist Kenneth L. Baughman emphasized, “If there is no tissue, it
will be impossible to understand new pathophysiology, and it will not be pos-
sible to help the subject to progress” (Moslehi et al. Fulminant myocarditis:
evolving diagnosis, evolving biology, evolving prognosis. J Am Coll Cardiol.
2019;74:312–4). In recent years, cancer treatment has developed by leaps and
bounds, including the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors, which has led to
an increase in immune checkpoint inhibitor-related myocarditis and fulmi-
nant myocarditis.
Compared with non-fulminant myocarditis, fulminant myocarditis has a
serious clinical outcome. Almost all cases have left ventricular systolic dys-
function, high cardiac mortality, and high heart transplantation rates, and
require the support of mechanically assisted circulatory devices and heart
transplantation. Therefore, if the hospital can perform these treatments, the
patient has a greater chance of being rescued. The rescue team should prefer-
ably include intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, extracorporeal membrane
mechanical circulation support, percutaneous or permanent ventricular assist
devices, cardiac surgeons and immunologists for heart transplantation, and
experts in the treatment of advanced severe heart failure, cardiothoracic sur-
geons, cardiologists, immunologists, and infectious disease experts. Early
cardiogenic shock is the focus of treatment. In addition, if patients are trans-
ferred to hospitals with mechanical support and heart transplantation in a
timely manner, successful treatment is likely.
Fulminant myocarditis is a relatively rare disease. Therefore, it is impos-
sible to conduct randomized controlled clinical trials to evaluate the clinical
effects of mechanical devices on circulatory support. Regardless of the rea-
son, temporary mechanical circulatory assistance can ensure that the patient’s
condition is stable for a short period of time, and other important organs can
be perfused while waiting for a heart transplant.

viii Foreword

Professor Dao Wen Wang team is highly alert with regard to fulminant
myocarditis. When encountering a suspicious case, they first judge whether it
is fulminant myocarditis and make full use of modern diagnostic tools to
achieve early diagnosis and treatment. They have earnestly explored and
summarized their experience and put forward the theory that “excessive
immune activation and inflammatory storm formation” are the core causes of
fulminant myocarditis and therefore formulated the “life support-based com-
prehensive treatment regimen.” This regimen is different from traditional
“symptomatic treatment” as it optimizes the advantages of equipment. Early
application of mechanical circulatory support maintains the patient’s circula-
tory function, including intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, oxygenation,
and ventilation (extracorporeal membrane lung) capabilities, and maintains
the end organ’s function to avoid the serious consequences of prolonged
hypotension. At the same time, the active use of sufficient doses of hormones
and immunoglobulins for immunomodulation and inflammation treatment
has changed the prognosis of fulminant myocarditis, reduced the 50% mor-
tality rate of fulminant myocarditis in the past to approximately 3.7% today,
and has saved patients’ lives.
Professor Dao Wen Wang team combined their experience with advances
in fulminant myocarditis worldwide and compiled this book, which will defi-
nitely help clinicians save more dying patients. This book can improve our
understanding of fulminant myocarditis because most patients are relatively
young and healthy, without myocardial ischemia or systemic organ failure.
Typical symptoms appear late or after the body reserves are exhausted. To
avoid misdiagnosis/missed diagnosis and miss the chance of rescue, the best
chance to save lives lies in early diagnosis. When necessary, coronary angi-
ography is performed immediately to rule out myocardial infarction, and the
patient needs to be transferred to the appropriate CCU or cardiogenic shock
treatment center as soon as possible. First-line doctors should have relevant
knowledge and be able to recognize signs and symptoms of impending hemo-
dynamic abnormalities or circulatory failure.
The progress of modern science and technology has brought hope for the
individualized treatment of fulminant myocarditis. For example, by using
next-generation T cells and their receptor gene sequencing, different causes,
different patients, and difference in infiltrated T cells, macrophages, and car-
diomyocytes can be recognized. Newly developed tumor immunology tech-
nologies, such as the new high-dimensional single-cell technology, provide
an unprecedented solution to reveal tissue heterogeneity. Multiple immuno-
fluorescence assay (multiplex immunofluorescence assay) and mass cytome-
try (mass cytometry, displaying the signal pathway hologram of solid tissue
cells) were applied to fulminant myocarditis, which can reveal the subtype
characteristics of T cells and bone marrow-like cells, thereby promoting the
Foreword ix

development of fulminant myocarditis. Multi-unit and multidisciplinary

cooperation, the promotion of endocardial biopsy and direct tissue examina-
tion, and the use of molecular technology promote targeted therapy and more
individualized treatment and also helps in updating the classification of ful-
minant myocarditis.

Rutai Hui
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Peking Union Medical College
Beijing, China
National Key Laboratory
of Cardiovascular Diseases, National Heart Center
Fuwai Hospital
Beijing, China
Biochemical and Genomic Medicine
Beijing, China

Fulminant myocarditis can be considered as a working term indicating a

severe form of myocardial inflammation. Acute myocarditis affects relatively
young patients (median age 30–45 years) with a higher male prevalence (60–
80%). Patients affected by fulminant myocarditis present with acute heart
failure and/or ventricular arrhythmias requiring inotropes and/or temporary
mechanical circulatory supports. When an endomyocardial biopsy is per-
formed, diffuse inflammatory infiltrates with cardiomyocyte necrosis are
often found, even if it is not always feasible and can have relatively low sen-
sitivity. Mortality or need for heart transplantation is still unacceptably high,
with a 28% at 60 days based on a recent international study. Beyond circula-
tory support, there are no evidence-based specific therapies, and immunosup-
pression is generally indicated in specific histology (for instance, giant cell
myocarditis) and in conditions associated with autoimmune disorders.
Based on that a textbook like this that recapitulates fulminant myocarditis
from etiologies to state-of-the-art therapies is needed to guide the manage-
ment of these complex patients.
This textbook merges the vast personal clinical experience of the Authors
and an extensive review of the current literature on this topic. The Editor,
Professor Dao Wen Wang from the Tongji Hospital in Wuhan, China, had led
the Chinese Society of Cardiology Expert Consensus Statement on the
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis. Furthermore, he
managed to organize one of the main symposiums specifically on fulminant
myocarditis in Wuhan in October 2019. International experts around the
world, including myself, had the occasion to discuss unanswered issues in the
management of these patients like the preferred type of mechanical support,
the need for biopsy and viral search on the myocardium, or when immuno-
suppression is indicated. Key questions, that the Authors have replied to in
this textbook. Furthermore, interesting case reports and hints on how nursing
patients with fulminant myocarditis enrich this book. Professor Wang and his
team had the merit to handle patients with COVID-19, and promptly identify

xii Foreword

the inflammatory cytokine storm and overactivated immunoresponse as the

driving mechanisms of myocardial injury in COVID-19. They proposed suc-
cessful therapies to target this uncontrolled inflammatory viral response that
improved the prognosis of patients with COVID-19.
Hope the readers can enjoy this reading and enhance their knowledge on
this theme.

De Gasperis Cardio Center Enrico Ammirati

Niguarda Hospital
Milan, Italy

The term “fulminant myocarditis” can be traced back to 1975 in the literature,
and it is successively report, but still extremely rare. In PubMed, there are
only 6 articles in 1975–1984 and 37 articles in 1985–1994; the number of
studies increased slightly after 1995, including research reports and clinical
observations. In 2000, the New England Journal of Medicine published the
first report on the long-term prognosis of this disease although subsequent
research reports were inconsistent with its results.
The meaning of fulminant is rapid and sudden, and its implicit meaning
includes fierce and severe. Fulminant myocarditis is a severe myocardial
inflammatory disease that has a rapid course. Rapid onset refers to the occur-
rence of severe manifestations within 2 weeks, usually within 1 week, or even
as short as 1–2 days after the onset of illness. Autopsy or myocardial tissue
biopsy have confirmed that myocardial tissue has a large number of inflam-
matory cells, especially lymphocytes, as well as macrophage infiltration.
Fulminant myocarditis has a sudden onset and progresses rapidly.
Circulatory failure and heart pump failure occurs quickly. Severe arrhythmia
and sudden death may also occur, combined with damage to other organs.
The early mortality rate is extremely high. According to previous reports, the
mortality rate of fulminant myocarditis can be as high as 50% or 70%. These
statistics come from large hospitals or medical centers, so the actual total
mortality rate should be even higher. Since 2000, the use of circulatory sup-
port systems (ECMO, intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, cardiac assist
devices, etc.) has reduced the hospital mortality rate, but it is still as high as
Traditional treatments for fulminant myocarditis include anti-shock and
immunosuppressive therapies, which is widely used in Western countries.
Patients usually have pre-infection symptoms, followed by shock and pump
failure. Anti-shock treatment is usually carried out according to clinical rou-
tines, including supplementation of fluids and use of vasoactive drugs; large
doses of norepinephrine are administered when the shock is difficult to treat.
Ultrasound imaging often indicates a significant decrease in myocardial con-
tractility and heart failure. Therefore, dopamine or the newer cardiotonic
agent-calcium sensitizer levosimendan may be used to enhance myocardial
contractility. However, these treatments are not ideal in terms of clinical out-
comes and may even promote death. In addition, due to the infiltration of a
large number of lymphocytes in the patient’s myocardial tissue, mainly T
lymphocytes, including NK cells and dendritic cells, some centers have

xiv Preface

begun to use immunosuppressants or cytotoxic drugs since 1984 [J Am Coll

Cardiol. 1984;3(1):63–70]. Although subsequent clinical trials proved that
this therapy is ineffective, it is still the mainstay of treatment in clinical prac-
tice in Western countries.
Traditional treatment of fulminant myocarditis has poor efficacy or lack of
effective treatment mainly due to the lack of basic research and correct under-
standing of the pathophysiology of the disease, leading to serious issues.
Patients with fulminant myocarditis have a poor prognosis; some even die
during our clinical treatment. Traditional treatment has little effect. The death
of young and middle-aged patients may be attributed to the challenges with
the existing treatment method, resulting from the lack of understanding of the
underlying pathophysiological mechanism of the disease.
About 10 years ago, a 28-year-old healthy male patient “caught a cold” 5
days prior. His body temperature was 38 °C, and the fever subsided after the
use of phenanthramine tablets, but his bad feeling was not relieved. On the
contrary, he felt fatigue, loss of appetite, and listlessness. Four days later, he
visited the hospital for chest tightness and shortness of breath. Abnormal
ECG was found in the emergency room (QRS amplitude was obviously low
voltage, widened QRS wave, and some leads were elevated in the ST seg-
ment), heart rate was 110 beats/min, blood pressure was 105/70 mmHg, and
cardiac troponin I (cTnI) levels were elevated. He was sent to the catheteriza-
tion lab via the green channel of the chest pain center. Coronary angiography
revealed normal coronary arteries. The patient was transferred to the CCU
ward. Echocardiography showed diffuse reduction in movement of the left
ventricle, the EF value was 40%, and the cTnI level was 30,000 pg/mL. He
was diagnosed with fulminant myocarditis. Soon after the patient’s blood
pressure dropped to 85/50 mmHg, his breathing was 28 breaths/min. There
was slight wet rales heard in both lungs, and blood oxygen saturation was
90%. However, the doctors habitually provided mask oxygen, heart strength-
ening, vasoactive drugs (dopamine), fluid rehydration, and other treatments;
his blood pressure rose briefly, blood oxygen saturation rose to 95%, but his
breathing was still rapid. After 12 h, the patient’s blood pressure was signifi-
cantly reduced to 70/50 mmHg, and norepinephrine and levosimendan were
administered again. Blood pressure increased, but the condition did not
improve. After 24 h, the peripheral ischemia became obvious and worsened,
and the patient’s heartbeat stopped 4 days later. In fact, we have seen many
cases with similar illnesses; some patients improved and were discharged, but
most have not been successfully cured. Seeing so many young lives being lost
in front of us, I could not help but feel the pain that was hard to describe.
What happened to the patient? Did we do it wrong? Or did we do it right?
Why is our care and treatment ineffective?
As the director of the Cardiologic Division, I was concerned with such a
major clinical problem, which directed my focus on learning and research. I
read almost all relevant literature and case reports available at the time, and
sometimes even forgot to attend specialist outpatient services. Through in-­
depth study, I understood the pathology and pathophysiological characteris-
tics of the disease and felt that we did not understand these aspects correctly.
Our cardiovascular staff get overconfident about being able to bring the dying
Preface xv

back to life. When encountering these new problems, we seem to be blinded

in the dark.
Therefore, how should we treat severely damaged myocardium that has
almost lost its blood pumping function? It is well known that Genghis Khan
almost conquered the entire Eurasian continent with his cavalry. “All the
kung fu in the world can be defeated except fast,” Genghis Khan’s cavalry
marched hundreds of miles a day, and when the horses were exhausted, they
changed horses instead of men and continued to fight. At this point, we should
understand and apply the same principle. If we hope that the horse can still
contribute to the battlefield, then we should not increase the load on this
extremely tired horse, but lighten the burden and let it rest.
Is it enough to just let the heart rest? According to reports in Taiwan and
abroad, the death risk of ECMO patients has improved, but it is far from ideal.
Maintaining circulatory stability is temporary strategy for treating symptoms.
A large amount of inflammatory cell infiltration and edema of the heart and
systemic problems also require treatment, which is the fundamental principle
of our treatment.
I share an unforgettable experience. After an in-depth study, I found a ray
of light in the dark. One evening in June 2014, I organized a closed-door
meeting with doctors in the cardiology department and shared my learning
achievements and discussed related theories, especially the treatment plan.
Finally, we proposed the pathogenesis of the disease, that is, the “inflamma-
tory storm caused by excessive immune activation”: pathogens (including
viruses, bacteria, and fungi) infect or attack the heart and cause myocardial
damage. The damaged myocardial tissue and pathogens are released as anti-
gens and quickly stimulate an excessive immune response, leading to the
infiltration of inflammatory cells and the rapid production of a large number
of cytokines and inflammatory mediators to form an “inflammatory storm,”
which further severely damage myocardial cells and inhibit heart function,
until the patient has pump failure and shock.
From this point of view, we propose that modern treatment strategies
should include two aspects: First, actively use mechanical life support to
reduce the patient’s heart load and maintain the patient’s effective circulation,
instead of “adding a whip to a sick horse” by using vasoactive drugs, cardio-
tonic agents, and even respiratory stimulants, which is the treatment of symp-
toms or a temporary life-saving strategy. Second, rather than
“immunosuppressive” therapy, “immunomodulatory” therapy should be
administered in a timely manner, including the use of adequate doses of glu-
cocorticoids and immunoglobulins. These constitute the basis of our treat-
ment regimen, which is the core content of our “life support-based
comprehensive treatment regimen.”
We reached a consensus and implemented the plan. The results proved to
be effective, which greatly encouraged us. Therefore, we began to lecture and
disclose this treatment regimen to the public after obtaining more positive
results and continuous improvement. Professor Hui Rutai from Fuwai
Hospital listened carefully and tirelessly to my systematic narration and said
that after attending the lecture three times, he understood more about fulmi-
nant myocarditis. This also moved me deeply. He urged me to write a
xvi Preface

c­ onsensus and publish it as soon as possible, which would help save the lives
of thousands of young and middle-aged Chinese people every year. Therefore,
we started to write a consensus since 2016 and reported our work to
Academician Ge Junbo, the chairman of the Chinese College of Cardiovascular
Physicians, and Academician Han Yaling, who is in charge of the guidelines.
After receiving their encouragement and support, and after the application
was approved by the Standing Committee of the Society, we organized three
discussions with cardiovascular experts across the country and made changes
according to their opinions and suggestions. After submission of the manu-
script, Academician Han Yaling et al. reviewed and revised the manuscript
word by word. Finally, in September 2017, the consensus of Chinese experts
on fulminant myocarditis in adults was published in the Chinese Journal of
Cardiovascular Diseases. Once released, this consensus aroused great
responses. The academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Ge Junbo,
Chen Yihan, Yang Yuejin, Chen Yundai, Xiang Dingcheng, and Xu Dingli
provided positive comments. Professor Hu Dayi, an academician at the
International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, published a review in the
Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine to introduce this consensus, and finally
pointed out, “This is the expert’s consensus in the diagnosis and treatment of
fulminant myocarditis with Chinese characteristics. It has important guiding
value for improving the clinical diagnosis and treatment of fulminant myo-
carditis by Chinese medical staff and also provides Chinese regimens for
international colleagues.” Professor Hui Rutai published a comment in
Science China—Life Science to introduce this consensus to the world.
Thus, is the “life support-based comprehensive treatment regimen” effec-
tive? Clinical practice has proven it to be effective. It reduces the risk of death
in hospitals from more than 50% in case of traditional treatment to less than
5%. After the consensus was published, it also received responses from front-
line experts and colleagues. Professor Zhang Jing from the CCU of Fuwai
Central China Cardiovascular Hospital, Henan Province, and Professor Zhao
Yuhua from Dongguan Kanghua Hospital in Guangzhou actively imple-
mented the regimen, which achieved very good results and greatly improved
the diagnosis and awareness.
After we further promoted this regimen to the whole country at Peking
Union Medical College Hospital, the treatment outcomes of many hospitals
at different levels, including the Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University,
Wuhan Central Hospital, and the Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical
University, have proved that as long as this regimen is strictly followed,
excellent treatment effects can be obtained. The treatment of fulminant myo-
carditis requires early identification, early diagnosis, early prediction, and
early treatment in order to obtain a good outcome. We conducted a 1-year
follow-up of discharged patients with fulminant myocarditis. Although
approximately 20% of the patients had arrhythmia, recurrence of inflamma-
tion, or enlarged heart and decreased heart function, the treatment results of
most patients were very promising, especially in patients likely to die.
Ammirati et al. reported the follow-up results of 165 patients with fulminant
myocarditis after discharge from 16 tertiary hospitals and found that the rate
of heart death and heart transplantation events was 28% at 60 days after
Preface xvii

d­ ischarge, and 39.4% at 1 year; even for lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis

with a good prognosis, heart death and heart transplantation events 60 days
and 1 year after discharge were 19.5% and 31.3%, respectively, and our
results are in sharp contrast with these.
There may be questions regarding the theory of “inflammation storm
caused by excessive immune activation.” Our team’s systematic pathological
research data and international pathological reports have proved that a large
number of inflammatory cells infiltrate patient’s heart, especially T lympho-
cytes and macrophages. Inflammatory proteomics analysis of the patient’s
plasma revealed that more than 50 cytokines and inflammatory mediators
were significantly increased, and some were even more than thousand times
higher than normal. As the patient gradually recovered, the levels of these
inflammatory factors also decreased significantly. Furthermore, after adding
3% patient serum to cultured primary mouse cardiomyocytes, the contractil-
ity of a single cardiomyocyte was significantly reduced, and in animal experi-
ments, neutralizing antibodies have obvious therapeutic effects. These
evidence indicate the existence of immune activation and inflammatory
storms. Our clinical treatment practice also proves that this theory is correct.
Although our treatment has improved, there are still many unanswered
questions. Who is the susceptible population? What are the epidemiological
characteristics? How do different pathogens cause diseases? How can a more
precise and effective treatment be achieved? Why do some patients deterio-
rate after discharge? These require in-depth clinical and basic research.
Fulminant myocarditis is fatal. It is estimated that fulminant myocarditis
has an annual incidence of 30,000–50,000  in adults in our country. If the
incidence in children is added, this number should be doubled. Although
Professor Zhang Jing’s team and our team held 28 study classes and delivered
more than 120 lectures nationwide, which enabled awareness in more than
30,000 clinicians, this is far from sufficient. As this dangerous disease pres-
ents at all stages, primary healthcare workers are usually the first to be con-
sulted by patients, their awareness needs to be improved urgently. Moreover,
there are many questions that require answers, the “life support-based com-
prehensive treatment regimen” is effective; therefore, we have summarized
the practical experience and research results in writing this book, hoping to
improve early identification of this disease and save thousands of lives. Lastly,
we hope that our colleagues at home and abroad will provide valuable opin-
ions to facilitate the revision and improvement of the next edition.

Wuhan, China Dao Wen Wang

Winter 2021

1 I ntroduction: Accumulating More Knowledge

and Ability in Treating Fulminant Myocarditis
to Save More Lives ��������������������������������������������������������������������������   1
Dao Wen Wang
2 The
 Epidemiology of Fulminant Myocarditis ������������������������������   5
Chenze Li and Dao Wen Wang
3 Pattern
 Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis ������  11
Dao Wen Wang and Rongbin Zhou
4 Etiology
 and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis������������������  27
Chen Chen and Dao Wen Wang
5 Pathophysiology
 and Mechanisms of Fulminant
Myocarditis ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������  43
Chen Chen and Dao Wen Wang
6 Pathology
 of Fulminant Myocarditis����������������������������������������������  65
Shuquan Zhao, Zheng Wen, and Yiwu Zhou
7 Clinical
 Manifestations of and Laboratory Tests
for Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis �������������������������������� 101
Dao Wen Wang
8 D
 iagnostic Values and Clinical Application
of Endomyocardial Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis�������������������� 113
Jiangang Jiang, Guanglin Cui, and Dao Wen Wang
9 Association
 between Histological Changes and Clinical
Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis ������������������������������������ 127
Chen Chen and Dao Wen Wang
10 Changes
 of Electrpcardiography in Patients with
Fulminant Myocarditis�������������������������������������������������������������������� 149
Guanglin Cui and Dao Wen Wang
11 Echocardiography
 in Fulminant Myocarditis������������������������������ 175
Rui Li and Hong Wang
12 Cardiac
 Magnetic Resonance in Fulminant Myocarditis������������ 185
Hong Wang

xx Contents

13 Diagnosis
 and Differential Diagnosis of Fulminant
Myocarditis �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 197
Weijian Hang and Dao Wen Wang
14 Novel
 Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant
Myocarditis �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 207
Chen Chen, Hongyang Shu, and Dao Wen Wang
15 Treatments
 of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase ���������������� 227
Jiangang Jiang and Dao Wen Wang
16 Prevention
 and Treatment of Arrhythmias Complicated by
Fulminant Myocarditis�������������������������������������������������������������������� 251
Yan Wang
17 Prevention
 and Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular
Coagulation in Fulminant Myocarditis������������������������������������������ 259
Guanglin Cui and Dao Wen Wang
18 Rehabilitation Treatment for Myocarditis������������������������������������ 267
Jiangang Jiang
19 Follow-Up
 and Long-Term Prognosis of Myocarditis and
Fulminant Myocarditis�������������������������������������������������������������������� 277
Jiangang Jiang and Dao Wen Wang
20 Clinical
 Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis���������� 289
Yan Ye, Lijuan Lu, and Xifei He
21 Introduction
 of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases
of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases)�������������������������� 305
Ning Zhou, Yu Han, and Dao Wen Wang

Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement

on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis���������������� 339
Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s
Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis
to Save More Lives ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 351

Chen  Chen, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal

Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Guanglin  Cui, MD, PhD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Yu Han, MD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine and
Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms of
Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Weijian Hang, MD, PhD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Xifei  He Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, Tongji
Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China
Rutai Hui, MD, PhD  Hypertension Division, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences FUWAI Hospital, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
Jiangang Jiang, MD, PhD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Chenze Li, MD, PhD  Cardiovascular Division, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan
University, Wuhan, China
Rui Li, MD, PhD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine
and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms of
Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

xxii Contributors

Lijuan  Lu Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, Tongji

Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China
Hongyang Shu, MD, PhD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Dao Wen Wang, MD, PhD  Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Hong Wang, MD, PhD  Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department,
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science
and Technology, Wuhan, China
Yan Wang, MD, PhD  Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department,
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science
and Technology, Wuhan, China
Zheng  Wen, MD, PhD Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Molecular Mechanisms
of Cardiological Disorders, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Yan  Ye Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, Tongji
Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, Wuhan, China
Shuquan  Zhao, MD, PhD Department of Forensic Medicine, Tongji
Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,
Ning Zhou, MD, PhD  Cardiolog Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine
Department, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Rongbin Zhou, PhD  Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the
Microscale, CAS Key Laboratory of Innate Immunity and Chronic Disease,
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Division of Life Science and Medicine,
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China
Yiwu Zhou, MD, PhD  Department of Forensic Medicine, Tongji Medical
College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Introduction: Accumulating More
Knowledge and Ability in Treating 1
Fulminant Myocarditis to Save
More Lives

Dao Wen Wang

Fulminant myocarditis, as the term suggests, is a to an extremely high mortality rate in the early
critical disease with rapid onset and progression, period (within a few days after onset) [1, 2, 10,
usually resulting in severe inflammatory injury to 11]. The in-hospital mortality rate is reported to
the myocardium, thereby causing serious systolic be as high as 50–70% in Western countries [12].
and diastolic dysfunction, as well as arrhythmia According to a recent review reported by the
and eventually sudden death [1, 2]. It involves Taiwan University Hospital in China, the in-­
terrifying clinical processes and a very high mor- hospital mortality rate among 134 patients at the
tality rate. center was 38%, even after receiving circulation
The etiology of fulminant myocarditis primar- support, such as extracorporeal membrane oxy-
ily includes infection, particularly viral infection genation (ECMO) or ventricular assistance
[3, 4], autoimmune diseases [5], and drug toxic- device, and heart transplantation, and the
ity [6], among which viral infection is the most transplantation-­free survival rate was 54% [13].
common with the low possibility to foresee. No large study regarding fulminant myocarditis
Various classes of viruses or microorganisms can has been previously reported in the mainland of
trigger fulminant myocarditis, including [7] para- China until we reported the multicenter study
influenza virus [8], parvovirus [3], various results with a “life support-based comprehensive
enteroviruses [9], adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, treatment regimen [2, 14, 15].” Despite the high
EB virus, hepatitis virus, coronavirus HIV, hem- mortality rate, patients with fulminant myocardi-
orrhagic fever virus, fungus, and spirochete [10]. tis will have a good prognosis if they undergo
Fulminant myocarditis is characterized by a appropriate treatment. Fulminant myocarditis is
sudden onset and rapid progression. not common but is also not rare. Nearly 30–50
Hemodynamic disruption (pump and circulation cases of fulminant myocarditis get admitted to
failure) and severe arrhythmia are common in our department annually. However, it is a great
fulminant myocarditis and occur in a short time, pity that no consensus or guideline has been
which may be complicated by respiratory failure reported worldwide until the release of the
and hepatic or renal failure, consequently leading Chinese Society of Cardiology Expert Consensus
Statement on the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Adult Fulminant Myocarditis [2]. This might be
D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal due to the lack of an efficient and perfect treat-
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and ment regimen for fulminant myocarditis.
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, The pathophysiological mechanism of fulmi-
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong nant myocarditis triggered by infection includes
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: direct injury to the myocardium by viruses or

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 1
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
2 D. W. Wang

other pathogens and subsequent inflammatory under these circumstances to differentiate or

and immune injury (due to hyper-activated exclude acute myocardial infarction.
immunity and cytokine secretion inducing an We proposed a “Life Support-Based
inflammatory or cytokine storm) [10, 16, 17]. Comprehensive Treatment Regimen [2]“in
After the emergence of precursor symptoms, accordance with the pathological and pathophys-
such as fever, fatigue, stuffy and runny nose, sore iological characteristics of fulminant myocardi-
throat, and frequent mild cough or diarrhea tis, international and domestic literature, and
within 2–5 days, the patients can quickly develop preliminary practical experience. The basic prin-
symptoms of myocardial injury, including breath- ciple of this treatment regimen is to fully reduce
lessness, dyspnea, chest pain, palpitation, dizzi- the heart load of the patient to rest the severely
ness, extreme fatigue, and loss of appetite. damaged heart. It mainly incorporates: (1) active
Statistics from a single center indicate that 90% mechanical circulatory support, including the
of fulminant myocarditis patients were trans- use of intra-­aortic balloon counterpulsation and
ferred or admitted to Wuhan Tongji Hospital due vena-aortic ECMO to maintain basic circulation
to severe fatigue, weakness, and dyspnea, and as temporary treatment, and active mechanical
10% were due to syncope or cardiopulmonary respiratory therapy if necessary [15], (2) immu-
resuscitation [14]. Hemodynamic disorders are nomodulation therapy, including the use of suf-
an important feature of fulminant myocarditis ficient doses of glucocorticoids and intravenous
[18]. Some patients quickly develop acute left immunoglobulin protein, (3) inhibition of neur-
heart failure and cardiogenic shock showing aminidases using neuraminidase inhibitors, such
symptoms of pulmonary congestion or shock. as peramivir, oseltamivir phosphate, and zana-
Further, it may involve other organ and tissue mivir [19–21], and (4) other treatments, such as
damages, such as liver and kidney damages. strict monitoring of vital signs (including inva-
Fulminant myocarditis is characterized by the sive blood pressure) and blood oxygen, along
sudden onset of severe hemodynamic disorder of with nutritious supportive treatment. The patient
myocardial inflammation. Therefore, it is a clini- should obtain absolute bed rest and fluid man-
cal diagnosis rather than a histological or patho- agement, and continuous renal replacement ther-
logical diagnosis, indicating that the diagnosis apy. It needs to be emphasized that the chance of
can only be made under full consideration of giving appropriate and timely treatment is fleet-
clinical manifestations and laboratory and imag- ing because of the rapid progress of fulminant
ing examinations [1, 10]. Fulminant myocarditis myocarditis. Hence, it is necessary to implement
can be clinically diagnosed with the abrupt occur- “very early identification”, “very early diagno-
rence of the disease and obvious prodromal sis”, “very early prediction”, and “very early
symptoms of viral infection, including malaise, treatment”. When a local hospital does not have
fatigue, and loss of appetite, accompanied by the ability or equipment for proper treatment,
severe hemodynamic disorders. Laboratory tests patients should be promptly transferred to a
showing severe myocardial injury (manifested as superior hospital with treatment facilities and
significant elevation of cardiac troponin I or T experience. Our practice has proven that strict
and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and implementation of this treatment regimen can
diffuse and obvious reduction in ventricular wall greatly improve the therapeutic effect and reduce
motion revealed by echocardiography can further the in-hospital mortality rate from more than
support the diagnosis. Electrocardiogram exami- 50% to less than 5% [14, 15].
nation reveals various abnormalities; most Entrusted by the cardiovascular branch of the
patients display a reduction in voltage amplitude Chinese Medical Association, Tongji Hospital of
and QRS wave broadening, and many patients Tongji Medical College (where the authors work)
present abnormal changes, very similar to acute wrote and organized nationwide experts in car-
myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography diovascular emergency and intensive care fields
should be conducted for rapid identification to discuss the Chinese Society of Cardiology
1  Introduction: Accumulating More Knowledge and Ability in Treating Fulminant Myocarditis to… 3

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The Epidemiology of Fulminant
Myocarditis 2
Chenze Li and Dao Wen Wang

2.1 Introduction 2.2 The Incidence of Fulminant

Fulminant myocarditis is the most severe form of
acute myocarditis and can contribute to the bur- In a population-based study in Finland, the
den of fatal cardiovascular complications, caus- authors investigated the incidence of fatal myo-
ing cardiogenic shock, lethal arrhythmia, carditis in the general population [1]. They retro-
multi-organ failure, and death. Studies on the spectively reviewed all myocarditis-related
incidence of fulminant myocarditis have shown deaths from 1970 to 1998, and included a total of
that it is a sporadic, less common, but never rare 1,349,824 deaths and 141,438,176 person-years.
disease. It varies regionally, but is present world- They found that 639 cases developed fatal myo-
wide in both developed and developing countries. carditis. Based on the mortality data from this
To date, there has been a substantial absence of Finnish study, the median age-adjusted incidence
epidemiologic data on fulminant myocarditis, of fatal myocarditis was 4.6 per 1000,000 person-­
because it is difficult to obtain the true morbidity years in the general population, and the incidence
of this disease and many patients die before a of death caused by myocarditis was 0.47 per
clear diagnosis is reached due to its extremely 1000 deaths. In addition, an increase in the inci-
fast disease process. However, there remains to dence of fatal myocarditis was observed from the
be a few of studies and analyses on this topic in 1970s to the 1990s. Furthermore, this study
literature. In this chapter we summarize and investigated the incidence of fatal myocarditis
describe the epidemiology of fulminant myocar- stratified by sex and age. The results showed that
ditis, mainly based on early data on fatal the rate of fatal myocarditis was higher in males
myocarditis. (5.1 per 1000,000 person-years) than in females
(4.2 per 1000,000 person-years), and fatal myo-
carditis resulted in a higher rate of death in young
people (<44  years old: 2.18–6.38 per 1000
C. Li (*) deaths) than in those who are older (>55  years
Cardiovascular Division, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan
University, Wuhan, China old: 0.11–0.39 per 1000 deaths). The incidence
of fatal myocarditis in this investigation was fur-
D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal ther adjusted by histopathologic diagnosis. After
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and adjustment, the corrected incidence of fatal myo-
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, carditis was 1.5 per 1000,000 person-years.
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong In another study involving 672, 672 Finnish
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: men with a mean age of 20 years, the incidence

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 5
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
6 C. Li and D. W. Wang

of myocarditis was evaluated over a 20-year from 30 to 40 per 100,000 person-years. Chile
period. Three forms of myocarditis were recog- had the lowest incidence of myocarditis (10.2 per
nized in this study: mimicking myocardial infarc- 100,000 person-years) while Albania had the
tion, presenting with dilated cardiomyopathy, highest incidence (105.6 per 100,000 person-­
and sudden death. One myocarditis-related sud- years). Furthermore, the proportion of fulminant
den death was observed during follow-up. The myocarditis among all cases of myocarditis has
calculated incidence of this form of fatal myocar- been reported in various studies. The first nation-
ditis was 2 per 1000,000 person-years [2]. wide survey on acute or fulminant myocarditis in
Similarly, a nationwide survey conducted to Japan revealed that 33.5% of all cases developed
determine the clinicopathologic features of myo- fulminant myocarditis [6]. In a study comparing
carditis from January 1997 to December 2002 the features of fulminant and acute myocarditis,
reported 169 patients with myocarditis. Of all the percentage of fulminant myocarditis
myocarditis cases, fulminant cases accounted for accounted for 37.9% of cases. However, in an
37.9%. The imputed incidence of fulminant myo- institution collecting data from 1992 to 2003, the
carditis is 1.0 per 1000,000 person-years [3]. rate of acute myocarditis was 1 in 1000 patients
Thus, from the existing epidemiologic data on per year, of whom 6% experience a fatal form
fatal myocarditis, it can be estimated that the [7]. If we adopt the minimum proportion of ful-
incidence of fulminant myocarditis is approxi- minant myocarditis among all cases (6%), the
mately 1.0 to 2.0 per 1000,000 person-years. incidence of fulminant myocarditis ranges from 6
Data on the incidence of fulminant myocardi- to 60 per 1000,000 person-years. The average
tis can also be indirectly inferred from the pub- incidence of fulminant myocarditis is 13 per
lished data on all myocarditis worldwide. 1000,000 person-years. In China, the incidence
Accordingly, we systematically reviewed the epi- of fulminant myocarditis ranges from 18 to 24
demiology of acute myocarditis and estimated per 1000,000 person-years.
the incidence of fulminant myocarditis from this Aside from data on the incidence in the gen-
data. According to data from the Global Burden eral population, there were also other studies
of Disease Study (GBD) 2013, which systemati- reporting the incidence of fulminant myocarditis
cally evaluates the prevalence of 1160 sequelae in special populations, such as in death patients.
of 289 diseases in different parts of the world, the According to Japanese national autopsy data,
cases of acute myocarditis were 961,000 in 1990 0.11% of patients (434 of 377,841) were identi-
and 1,481,000  in 2013. After adjusting for age, fied to have had myocarditis [8]. Myocarditis can
the age-standardized rate was 22.8 per 100,000 be divided into two forms: fulminant and non-­
persons-years in 1990 and 22.0 per 100,000 fulminant. Of these, the fulminant form often
persons-­years in 2013 [4]. As a part of GBD contributes to sudden death. In a report involving
2017, the incidence of myocarditis was calcu- 193 patients with sudden death, 12% was due to
lated again [5]. In this report, there were 1.80 myocarditis [9]. Another autopsy series reported
million myocarditis cases. The age-standardized that the percentage of fatal myocarditis was
incidence of myocarditis in 2017 was 23.2 per 11.6% in all sudden deaths [10]. In cases of sud-
100,000 persons-years, which is similar to the den death aged 16–29  years, 3.5% of patients
previous GBD statistics. More importantly, the died because of fatal myocarditis [11].
incidence of myocarditis was also reported across Currently, data on the incidence of fulminant
different geographic locations. It was shown that myocarditis in the general population are limited
approximately 45.6 per 100,000 person-years of worldwide. We expect a high-quality survey to
myocarditis occurred in the Asia-Pacific region. investigate the accurate incidence of fulminant
In China, the incidence of myocarditis ranged myocarditis in the future.
2  The Epidemiology of Fulminant Myocarditis 7

2.3 The Prognosis of Patients (37.3%) and lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis

with Fulminant Myocarditis (39.9%) (log-rank p < 0.001).
Although patients with fulminant myocarditis
Myocarditis is a major cause of several life-­ may have a better long-term prognosis than those
threatening conditions, such as dilated cardiomy- with non-fulminant myocarditis [13], the in-­
opathy, heart failure, and even sudden death. The hospital mortality was significantly higher in
prognosis for different forms of myocarditis vary patients with fulminant myocarditis. According to
considerably. Notably, fulminant myocarditis is a report involving 35 patients who were diag-
the most treacherous type of myocarditis, nosed with acute myocarditis, the in-hospital
described as a state of rapid onset, progressing to mortality was 45% in the fulminant group, which
hemodynamic disorder and even death quickly, was higher than that in the non-fulminant group
complicated by ventricular lethal arrhythmia or (45% vs. 4%, p  =  0.027) [14]. Even in patients
multiple organ failure. Although data on the managed with aggressive pharmacological ther-
global burden of fulminant myocarditis are lim- apy and mechanical support, the in-hospital mor-
ited, the GBD study provides estimates of the tality rate is considerably high [15]. One report
burden of acute myocarditis [5]. Based on the revealed that the death rate in patients on extracor-
GBD 2017, the global number of deaths attribut- poreal life support was 49%, and transplant-­free
able to myocarditis was 46,486 (95% uncertainty survival was 56% [16]. In 2017, a Chinese
interval [UI] 39,709–51,824). Moreover, 131,376 Consensus on fulminant myocarditis drafted by
(95% UI 90,113–183,001) years lived with dis- our team was published [17]. In this consensus, a
ability (YLDs) and 1.26 million (95% UI 1.10– life support-based comprehensive treatment regi-
1.42) years of life lost (YLLs) were attributable men (LSBCTR), involving a combination of
to myocarditis. In 2017, the age-standardized mechanical life support (intra-aortic balloon
YLD was 1.7 (95% UI 1.2–2.4) while the YLL pump [IABP] with or without extracorporeal
was 16.6 (95% UI 14.5–18.5) per 100,000 people membrane oxygenation [ECMO]), immunologi-
for myocarditis. cal modulation therapy using sufficient doses of
For the long-term prognosis, the event rate of glucocorticoids and immunoglobulins, and neur-
fulminant myocarditis partly depends on the his- aminidase inhibitors, was encouraged. In our mul-
tological subtype [12]. In a study, the authors ticenter study, our team evaluated 169 patients
found that giant-cell myocarditis had a worse with fulminant myocarditis recruited from four
clinical outcome than eosinophilic myocarditis centers in China [18]. The results showed that 44
and lymphocytic myocarditis, including a signifi- patients (26.0%) died in hospitals. The in-hospital
cantly higher incidence of cardiac arrest, sus- mortality rate was 3.7% (3 of 81) in the LSBCTR
tained ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation, group and 46.6% (41 of 88) in the traditional
and increased creatinine. At 60 days, the rate of treatment group (p  <  0.001). Our data revealed
cardiac death or heart transplantation was 62.5% that early application of mechanical life support,
in giant-cell fulminant myocarditis, while it was neuraminidase inhibitors, and immunomodula-
only 26.3% and 21.0% in patients with eosino- tion therapy could significantly decrease in-hospi-
philic fulminant myocarditis and lymphocytic tal mortality. Moreover, Zhou et al. compared the
fulminant myocarditis, respectively (log-rank prognosis of patients who were treated with both
p < 0.001). In addition, at 3-year follow-up, a sig- temporary mechanical circulatory support
nificantly higher rate of cardiac death or heart (t-MCS) and immunomodulation therapy (IT) to
transplantation was observed in patients with those who did not receive these treatments [19].
giant-cell fulminant myocarditis (81.3%) than in Out of 138 patients, the in-hospital mortality rate
those with eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis was 18.8%. The mortality rates were 4.2% (4 of
8 C. Li and D. W. Wang

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Zhao C, Yan J, Hui R, et  al. A life support-based
Pattern Recognition Receptors and
Fulminant Myocarditis 3
Dao Wen Wang and Rongbin Zhou

3.1 Brief Introduction PRRs are distributed on both immune cells and
non-immune cells, including endothelial cells,
Human bodies as well as living beings can sensi- fibroblasts, and cardiomyocytes. Pathogen-
tively sense, recognize and defeat infected associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) refer to
microbes, such as bacteria, fungus, virus and oth- PRR recognition of exogenous microorganisms
ers, and also some materials from apoptosis and and other pathogens, and corresponding damage-
necrosis. It is a unique and important, and daunting associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) refer to
task, which is essential for the survival of human the recognition of endogenous molecules by PRRs
bodies. This is an ability so called innate immune [1]. Although some controversies exist and many
system of vertebrates by innate immune cells action mechanisms need to be figured out it is
mainly including neutrophils, monocytes, macro- widely accepted that both PAMP and DAMP trig-
phages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, mast ger immune responses via the activation of classi-
cells, eosinophils, and basophils. Furthermore, cal and non-classical PRRs, so that PRRs signal to
monocytes and macrophages swallow and manage corresponding cells and initiate a series of cascade
antigens and transform to lymphocytes to have the effects and inflammatory response. Importantly,
adaptive or specific immunity. activating immune cells and tissue cells not only
Humans and organisms recognize self and non- stimulate innate immune and adaptive immune
self (exogenous microorganisms and materials) response, but also involve human disorders, even
through pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). severe disease, such as fulminant myocarditis. In
this chapter, we briefly introduce PRRS and pat-
tern associated molecules and pathogen associated
D. W. Wang (*) molecules, distribution and possible roles of PRRs
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and to help understand pathogeny and pathogenesis of
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, fulminant myocarditis and further is able to handle
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong treatments patients with fulminant myocarditis.
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
R. Zhou (*) 3.2 Pattern Recognition
Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at
the Microscale, CAS Key Laboratory of Innate Receptors (PRRs)
Immunity and Chronic Disease, School of Basic
Medical Sciences, Division of Life Science and PRRs include five main classes, membrane-­
Medicine, University of Science and Technology of bound Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and NOD-like
China, Hefei, China
e-mail: receptors (NLRs), retinoic acid inducible gene

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 11
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
12 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

I  (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs), C-type lectin (TREMs) can sense DAMPs stimulation and
receptors (CLRs) and multiple intracellular DNA have response although they are put under classi-
sensors [1]. In addition, several ion channels, cal PRRs. Here we list all the PRRs and their
G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), and trig- roles in Table 3.1 [2].
gering receptors expressed on myeloid cells

Table 3.1  Common pattern recognition receptors in human immunity

Pro-inflammatory Signaling
PRRs Cell distribution PAMPs DAMPs functions pathways
TLRs Most TLRs:
pathways; TLR3:
pathways; TLR4:
pathways and
TLR1 Mo, DC Triacyl lipopeptide
(TLR1– Ma, Eo, Ba Viral proteins
TLR2 Ubiquitous, Viral proteins, HMGB1, several Promotes the
(TLR1– high in DCs, Lipoteichoic acid, HSPs, SNAPIN, production of
TLR2, Mo, Ma, N, Ba, Arabinomannan, versican, biglycan, pro-inflammatory
TLR2– CM Peptidoglycan, decorin, cytokines and
TLR6) Zymosan, Eo-derived chemokines
Lipoprotein, Pore neurotoxin,
protein surfactant protein
A/D, β-defensin 3,
histone, SAA, Aβ,
β2-glycoprotein I
TLR3 Ubiquitous, dsRNA Promotes the
high in Mφ, production of
DC, NKC, IEC, pro-inflammatory
CM cytokines,
chemokines and
TLR4 Mφ, DC, Ma, LPS, HMGB1, Promotes the
(MD-2/ Eo, CM tenascin-C, production of
CD14) several HSPs, pro-inflammatory
S100s, HMGN1, cytokines,
biglycan, decorin, chemokines and
heparin sulfate, IFN-I
hyaluronic acid,
β-defensin 2,
surfactant protein
A/D, lactoferrin,
histone, SAA,
3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 13

Table 3.1 (continued)
Pro-inflammatory Signaling
PRRs Cell distribution PAMPs DAMPs functions pathways
TLR5 IEC, CM Flagellin
TLR6 Mo, DC, Ma, Lipoteichoic acid,
(TLR2– Eo, Ba Peptidoglycan
TLR7 Ubiquitous, ssRNA, IgG– Promotes the
high in pDC, Imidazoquinoline ribonucleoprotein production of IFNα
Mo, Mφ, Eo, complex, and other cytokines
B-cell, CM microRNAs and hemokines
TLR8 Mφ, N, DC ssRNA
TLR9 Ubiquitous, Non-methylated IgG–chromatin Promotes the
high in pDC, CpG DNA complex, mtDNA, production of IFNα
Mo, Mφ, Eo, HMGB1 and other cytokines
Ba, B-cell, CM and chemokines
TLR10 pDC, Eo, Ba, dsRNA 1. Co-receptor of
B-Cell, also in Antiinflammatory: many other TLRs
thymus, gastric NF-κB, MAPK,
mucosal tissues, MyD88, and TRIF
cancer cells, 2.
tonsil and lung Proinflammatory:
Via IL-8, IL-6,
TNF-α, type I, type
III IFNs and
NLRP3 DCs, N, Mo and LPS MSU, glucose, Promotes IL-1β
Ma cholesterol and IL-18 secretion
crystals, Aβ, ATP, and initiates
oxPAPC, pyroptosis
RIG-I Ubiquitous, 5′-triphosphorylated Endogenous 5′ppp Promotes the
highly in RNA, shortchain RNA production of
epithelial cells dsRNA IFN-I and other
and myeloid cytokines and
cells chemokines
MDA5 Ubiquitous, poly IC, longchain Unedited long Promotes the
highly dsRNA self-dsRNA, production of
expressed in endogenous IFN-I and other
epithelial cells retroviral RNA cytokines and
and myeloid chemokines
cGAS Ubiquitous, Cytoplasmic DNA dsDNA Promotes the
highly production of
expressed in IFN-I and other
epithelial cells, cytokines and
DCs, chemokines
and T cells
14 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

Table 3.1 (continued)
Pro-inflammatory Signaling
PRRs Cell distribution PAMPs DAMPs functions pathways
AIM2 Ubiquitous, Cytoplasmic DNA, Promotes IL-1β
highly damaged DNA in and IL-18 secretion
expressed in the nucleus and initiates
epithelial cells, pyroptosis
DCs, Mo, Ma,
B cells and NK
RAGE Ubiquitous AGEs, HMGB1, Promotes the
S100s, Aβ, DNA expression of
genes, as well as
cell migration,
proliferation and
TREM1 Myeloid cells, HMGB1, HSP70, Promotes
epithelial cells, PGLYRP1, actin pro-­inflammatory
endothelial cells cytokine and
and fibroblasts chemokine
TREM2 Myeloid cells, PA, PC, PE, PG, PI, Modulates cell
highly PS, CL, SF, SM, differentiation,
expressed in APOA1, APOA2, survival,
DCs, Mo, Ma APOB, APOE, phagocytosis,
and N APOJ, LDL, HDL, chemotaxis
VLDL, Lp(a),
Dectin-1 DC, Mo, Ma, N-glycans β-Glucan Promotes Tyrosine
N, mast cells, T IRF5-­dependent kinase-­dependent
and B-cell gene expression and non-tyrosine
kinase dependent
Dectin-2 α-Mannan
MINCLE Mo, Ma, DCs, Sin3A-associated Promotes
N and B cells protein 130, pro-­inflammatory
β-glucosylceramide cytokine
DNGR1 Mainly in DCs F-actin Promotes DC
inhibits IL-10
FPR1 Ubiquitous, N-formylated Promotes
high in N, Mo peptides, cathepsin chemotaxis of N
and Ma G, FAM19A4, and Mo/Ma,
annexin 1 induces SIRS
FPR2 Ubiquitous, Aβ42, SAA, Promotes
high in N, Mo oxLDL, LL-37 and chemotaxis of N
and Ma other peptides and Mo/Ma
3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 15

Table 3.1 (continued)
Pro-inflammatory Signaling
PRRs Cell distribution PAMPs DAMPs functions pathways
P2Y2R Ubiquitous, ATP, UTP Promotes
high in migration and
epithelial cells, activation of
N, DCs, Mo and various immune
Ma cells
P2Y6R Ubiquitous, UDP Promotes
high in stromal proliferation and
cells, N, Mo, cytokine and
Ma and T cells chemokine
production in
stromal cells
P2Y12R Mainly in ADP Promotes platelet
platelets, also in activation and
DCs, Mo, Ma Th17
and T cells differentiation
CaSR Ubiquitously Ca2+ Promotes
expressed monocyte/
recruitment and
NLRP3 activation
GPRC6A Ubiquitous Ca2+ Promotes NLRP3
PAFr Ubiquitous, Phosphorylcholine-­ Induces severe
high in containing bacterial pathophysiology
epithelial cells, components and loss of
endothelial contractility in
cells, CM and heart
astrocytes; Ma
and DC
TRPM2 Ubiquitous ROS Promotes
production and
NLRP3 activation
Other Ubiquitous ROS Promotes the
TRPs production of
P2X7R Ubiquitous ATP Promotes cytokine
and chemokine
activation and T
cell activation
Aβ β amyloid, NLRs Nucleotide binding oligomerization domain-like receptors, RLRs RIG-I-like receptors, IEC intes-
tinal epithelial cell, Dcs dentritical cells, CDSs cytosolic DNA sensors, cGAS cyclic GMP–AMP synthase, PAFr platelet
activating factor receptor, Mo monocytes, Ma macrophages, N neutrophils, AIM2 absent in melanoma 2, GPCR
G-protein-coupled receptor, HMGB1 high-mobility group box 1 protein, HSPs heat shock proteins, oxLDL oxidized
lowdensity lipoprotein, oxPAPC oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonylsn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, P2X7R P2X7 recep-
tor, P2Y2R P2Y2 receptor, PA phosphatidic acid, PC phosphatidylcholine, PE phosphatidylethanolamine, PG phospha-
tidylglycerol, PGLYRP1 peptidoglycan recognition protein 1, PI phosphatidylinositol, PS phosphatidylserine, RAGE
receptor for advanced glycation end products, RIG-I retinoic acid inducible gene I, RLRs RIG-I-like receptors, FPR1
N-formyl peptide receptor 1, HSPs heat shock proteins, IFN-I type I interferons, SAA serum amyloid A, SF sulfatide,
SIRS systemic inflammatory response syndrome, TREM1 triggering receptors expressed on myeloid cells 1, TRPs tran-
sient receptor potentials, CM cardiomyocytes
16 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

3.2.1 Membrane-Bound TLRs ing with corresponding PAMPs or DAMPs

ligands, TIR domain transform signal to cytoplas-
As one of the earliest PRRs discovered in immune mic region and results in sequential inflammation
system, Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have numer- in myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88)-
ous family members and are essential in inflam- dependent and MyD88-independent pathways
matory responses. Up to date, at least 15 TLRs (including TIR domain-containing adaptor induc-
have been found and identified in mammalian ing IFN-β (TRIF), TRIF-related adaptor molecule
and constitute a big family, of them 12 being (TRAM), B-cell adaptor for phosphoinositide
mouse TLRs (TLR1–TLR9, TLR11–TLR13), 10 (BCAP), and Sterile α- and armadillo-motif-con-
being human TLRs (TLR1–TLR10), and addi- taining protein (SARM)) (Fig. 3.2).
tional 2 discovered recently, respectively,
TLR14  in fish species and chicken specific
TLR15 [3–5]. PRRs are widely expressed on the 3.2.2 TLR1–2 and TLR6
cell membrane (TLR1–2, TLR4–6 and TLR10),
intracellular compartment membranes (TLR3, TLR2 recognizes various microbial components
TLR7–9) and distributed in the cytoplasm [6]. including Gram-positive bacteria’s peptidogly-
TLRs consist of three parts, a N-terminal can, lipoproteins/lipopeptides and lipoteichoic
domain (NTD), which located outside the mem- acid, mycobacteria’s lipoarabinomannan,
brane (ligand recognition domain), a middle sin- Trypanosoma cruzi’s glycosylphosphatidylinosi-
gle helix transmembrane domain, and a C-terminal tol anchors, Staphylococcus epidermis’s phenol-­
domain (CTD) towards the cytoplasm (effector soluble modulin, fungi’s zymosan and Treponema
domain), respectively [7]. Ligand recognition maltophilum’s glycolipids and also LPS.  This
domain is extracellular region which have leu- phenomenon may arise from the heterophilic
cine-rich repeats (LRRs) in charge of the pattern dimerization of TLR2 with TLR1/6 and others,
recognition of Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain same as which are functionally linked to TLR2. In addi-
IL-1R and TLRs related with signal transduction tion, TLR2 functionally cooperates with dectin-1
(Fig. 3.1). Extracellular region specifically recog- that recognize the fungal cell wall component
nizes ligands. Once TLRs recognizing and bind- b-glucan.

Ligand bound receptor

Leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) NTD lg-like domain


C-terminal domain (CTD)
TIR domain


Fig. 3.1  Similar structural features of TLR and IL-R

3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 17

Lipotechoic acid
Mannans Diacyl
Triacyl Taxol lipopeptides
lipopeptides Flagellin LPS Atypical LPS Cell Membrance
Peptidoglycan Bound Toll-like
TLR-2 TLR-1 TLR-5 TLR-5 TLR-4 TLR-4 TLR-2 TLR-6 TLR1/2/4/5/6



A e ss
RN in RN
ss irim


Fig. 3.2  Distribution of TLRs in the cell membrane and endosomal compartments, and detection of various PAMPs by

3.2.3 TLR4 of its expression location, it can fight microbes

via flagellin and dsRNA sensing and stimulation
It is well known that TLR4 is vital for LPS recog- production of proinflammatory cytokines and
nition, which is a classic example. TLR4 is also interferons at the mucosal surface.
responsible for recognizing DAMPs, endogenous
ligands, including the extra domain A of fibro-
nectins, heat shock proteins (HSP60 and HSP70), 3.2.5 TLR3 and TLR7-9
heparan sulfate, oligosaccharides of hyaluronic
acid and fibrinogen which, however, requires TLR3 and TLR7-9 are known as nucleic acid-­
very high concentration [8]. sensing TLRs. Because they are located in the
endosomal compartment, and host-derived single
strand RNAs are generally not delivered to endo-
3.2.4 TLR5 somes, they are not aberrantly activated by self-­
nucleic acids. However, in some cases TLRs are
TLR5 is also located in cell membrane and it nevertheless activated by internalized self-nucleic
expresses in both immune cells and tissue cells acids. TLR3 exists in cytoplasm and responds to
(on the basolateral of intestinal epithelium, and double-stranded RNA and then induces cytokine
subepithelial compartment of intestinal endothe- production through a signaling pathway depen-
lial cells) [9, 10]. TLR5 can recognize flagellin dent on MyD88 [11]. TLR7/TLR8 recognize the
by the interaction of TLR5 and flagellin. Because same ligands in some cases, probably because
18 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

they are highly conserved in structure [9]. Recent ligand recognition, and (3) an N-terminal effector
studies suggest that TLR7/TLR8 can recognize domain comprising the caspase activation and
single-stranded RNA of viruses (including recruitment domain and other protein interaction
human immunodeficiency virus, and influenza domain [3]. There are five subfamilies of NLRs:
virus). While TLR9 recognize CpG DNA no mat- the NLRC subfamily, the NLRP subfamily, the
ter bacterial CpG DNA or viral-derived CpG NLRB subfamily; the NLRA subfamily; and
DNA. A/D-type and B/K-type are the two major NLRX subfamily [3, 7, 13]. After NLR oligomer-
types of CpG DNA. B/K-type CpG DNA induces ization, pro-caspase-1 is recruited directly or via
the release of IL-12 and TNF-α, and other inflam- apoptosis-associated speck-like protein, and pro-
matory cytokines [9]. While A/D-type CpG DNA moting the formation of inflammasome [13].
can effectively induce plasmacytoid dendritic
cells to produce IFN-α.
3.2.8 NLRP3 Inflammasome

3.2.6 TLR10 The NLRP3 inflammasome is activated by a vari-

ety of molecules including microbial molecules,
As one of the least-known members of TLR fam- environmental stimuli, and many metabolites.
ily, the TLR10 gene was first cloned 20 years ago The NLRs sense a common intracellular mole-
[12]. TLR10 is mainly distributed in immune cule. Many endogenous molecules have been
cells including spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, ton- linked mitochondrial damage to NLRP3 inflam-
sils and lungs, among which the highest expres- masome activation, which recruit NLRP3 and
sion is in B cells, followed by plasmacytoid trigger inflammasome. Ion fluctuations may
dendritic cells. TLR10 also expresses in tissue involve NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Thus,
cells, such as gastric mucosal tissues, cancer the NLRP3 inflammasome is critical in various
cells, TLR10 can recognize dsRNA and recruit acute and chronic diseases.
MyD88 for signal transduction. In addition, it
suppresses the production of type I interferon.
Additionally, TLR10 can serve as co-receptor of 3.2.9 RLRs
many other TLRs, for example, it can work
together with TLR2/TLR4 to recognize LPS and As a kind of intracellular PRRs, RLRs has three
with TLR2/TLR6 to recognize synthetic diacyl- main members, melanoma differentiation-­
ated lipoprotein (FSL-1). associated gene 5 (MDA5), RIG-I, and labora-
tory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) [1, 3,
14]. Similar to TLR7 and TLR9, RLRs have
3.2.7 NLRs innate antiviral immunity (Fig. 3.3).
RIG-I induces the expression of IFN-β and
NLRs belong to intracellular PRRs, a large family therefore it has antiviral activity. RIG-I has three
of intracellular sensors that investigate the pres- parts: the DexD/H helicase domain, RLR family
ence of PAMPs and DAMPs in the cytoplasm. domain with ATPase and helicase activities; The
NLRs are composed of three domains: (1) the N-terminus with two caspase activation and
central nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) that is recruitment domains (CARD) [15]. The
critical in nucleic acid binding and oligomeriza- C-terminus is composed of the C-terminal
tion of NLRs; (2) the LRR of C-terminus for domain (CTD) for the recognition of viral RNA,
3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 19





5’-triphosphorylated RNA



Activation Self-inhibition

Fig. 3.3  RLRs’ structure and ligand recognition. In contrast to RIG-I, MDA5 has no self-inhibitory ability due to the
lack of a repressor domain. LGP2 cannot transmit signal because there is no CARD


Dendritic cell Th1

pressentation Naive T-cells



Fig. 3.4  Development of innate and adaptive immunity

and the repressor domain (RD) [3]. MDA5 is the viral nucleic acid’s recognition by RIG-I and
similar to RIG-I (Fig.  3.4). Very long double MDA5 [16]. LGP2 reduces the production of IFN
strand RNAs (>300  bp) can efficiently activate and inflammatory factors by negatively regulat-
MDA5 regardless of the structure of the MDA5 ing RIG-I-mediated viral dsRNA recognition,
terminus. LGP2 cannot recruit molecules due to ultimately suppressing the antiviral innate
the lack of CARD, but it plays a role in regulating immune response.
20 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

3.2.10 Cytoplasmic DNA Sensors immunity [1, 3]. Extracellular soluble PRMs
have various family members including pen-
Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS) and absent traxin, collectin, and ficolin. Once the various
in melanoma 2 (AIM2) are the two main DNA pathogenic factors are identified, they are elimi-
sensors, which are critical in antimicrobial immu- nated by complement, opsonization, and neutral-
nity. Activation of cGAS or AIM2 by self-DNA ization of inflammatory regulation activated by
resulting from cell damage induces cellular senes- extracellular soluble PRMs; in addition, extracel-
cence, and promotes cancers and inflammation. lular soluble PRMs interact with and regulate
cell-associated PRRs to co-regulate the innate
immune response. As typical representatives of
3.2.11 CLRs pentraxin, liver-produced CRP and serum amy-
loid P components are nonspecific proteins in
CLRs are phagocytic PRRs that are rarely studied systemic inflammatory responses. They bind to
and understood. Once CLRs recognizing and phosphorylcholine and bacterial outer membrane
binding PAMPs through PRRs, pathogens are protein A of pathogenic microorganisms.
eliminated by phagocytosing into cytoplasmic Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is the main part
vesicles for digestion. of collectin, and is formed by homotrimer, of
which consists of a CRD that recognize sugar
structures (mannose, fucose and glucose, an
3.2.12 Non-pattern Recognition alpha helix, and a backbone formed by collagen
Receptors and surfactant protein (SP) helices) on the patho-
gen membranes. Although structurally similar to
Non-pattern recognition receptors include collectin, ficolin can recognize bacteria with
TREMs, RAGE, ion channels and GPCRs. They fibrin-prototype carbohydrate recognition struc-
sense DAMPs and PAMPs, and therefore pro- tures due to its binding with N-acetylglucosamine
motes the activation and migration of immune and LTA.
cells after activated.

3.2.15 Myeloid Cells’s Triggering

3.2.13 RAGE Receptors

RAGE is expressed in various types of cells and There are two classes of TREM, TREM1 and
tissues. RAGE can bind a series of endogenous TREM2, both of which are innate immune
ligands, including advanced glycation end prod- membrane receptors. TREM1 is mainly distrib-
ucts (AGEs), HMGB1, S100 proteins (S100s) uted in bone marrow cells and non-immune
[17]. In turn, these ligands upregulate RAGE cells; TREM2 is highly expressed by myeloid
expression, forming vicious circle. RAGE activa- cell types. Activating antibodies activate
tion plays important roles in cardiovascular dis- TREM1 on neutrophils and monocytes, promote
ease via inducing inflammation and activating the release of pro-inflammatory cytokine and
NF-κB signaling. chemokine, and enhance inflammatory
responses. Intracellular proteins, including
HMGB1, peptidoglycan recognition protein 1
3.2.14 PRMs (PGLYRP1), HSP70, and extracellular actin, are
its ligands. A number of endogenous lipids and
Both cellular PRRs and extracellular soluble lipoproteins that bind to and activate TREM2
PRMs belong to PRMs. Extracellular soluble have been identified, although further identifica-
PRMs play a key role in nonspecific humoral tion is required.
3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 21

3.2.16 G-Protein-Coupled Receptors induces inflammatory cytokines and costimula-

tory molecules, Naı̈ve T-cells, including Th1
N-formyl peptide receptors (FPRs) and P2Y cells are guided to produce adaptive immunity.
receptors (P2YRs) belonging to GPCRs, bind to
various endogenous DAMPs and exogenous
PAMPs to promote inflammation. FPR is widely 3.2.19 TLR Signaling Pathways
distributed, and in addition to being expressed in
leukocytes [18], it is also expressed in a variety of The TLR signaling pathway includes a variety of
non-immune cells, including hepatocytes, and molecules (protein kinases, transcription factors,
fibroblasts. Formylated peptides belong to both etc.), all of which converge on canonical signal-
PAMPs and DAMPs. FPR has many ligands that ing pathways.
are structurally and chemically unrelated. The NF-kB Signaling: NF-κB, which is com-
Activation of FPR by these ligands elicits distinct posed of p50 and p65, is critically involved in
cellular responses. Serum amyloid A (SAA) and cellular inflammation and immune responses.
oxidized LDL participate in the pathogenesis of After TLRs recognize and receive stimulation of
chronic inflammatory diseases by binding to antigens, they trigger the expression of proteins
FPR. Nucleotides such as ATP and UTP released in TLR-mediated signaling pathways [9]. The
into the extracellular space through necrosis and dimerization of TLRs which is formed via TLR1
apoptosis bind to P2 purinergic receptors to trig- or TLR6, as well as homodimers is necessary for
ger pro-inflammatory immune responses. P2Y2R the recognition of microorganisms. The cytoplas-
signaling promotes the activation of a variety of mic TIR domain of dimerized TLRs recruit
immune cells. UDP activates the stromal cell’s MyD88, which then induces inflammatory cyto-
P2Y6R signaling, whereas ADP-mediated activa- kines, such as TNF-α and IL-12 [9]. MyD88 is
tion of P2Y12R is critically involved in platelet essential for all TLRs. Different activation of
activation and aggregation. P2X7R with seven TLRs may results in different profiles. Activation
members promotes immune responses in a num- of TLR3-4 and TLR7-9 signaling pathways lead
ber of ways. to induction of type I interferon (IFN) in distinct
mechanisms, but not TLR2 and TLR5 mediated
3.2.17 Actions of PRRs MyD88-dependent signaling pathway plays a
key role in TLR1-2 and TLR4, TLR6 signaling.
PRRs bind their ligands and act through various Upon stimulation, IRAK-4, TRIF, TIRAP, and
ways. They can co-act and have crosstalk between TRAM are recruited to TLRs by MyD88, which
receptors. subsequently promote nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)
and MAPK activation through the IRAK com-
plex and two non-catalytic subunits, and ulti-
3.2.18 Phagocytosis and TLRs mately lead to the production of tumor necrosis
factor (TNF), IL-6, IL-1, chemokines and other
The first step in defensing against microorgan- pro-inflammatory cytokines [9, 19].
isms is phagocytosis [9]. Once pathogens are rec- MAPKs are a class of serine-threonine protein
ognized by TLRs, the expression of inflammatory kinases that respond to a variety of extracellular
molecules are enhanced, thereby promoting the stimuli. MAPKs are activated by IRAK-1  in a
development of adaptive immunity (Fig.  3.4). MyD88-dependent pathway of TLRs, activated
After binding to TLRs, pathogens are recognized p38 MAPK leads to the secretion of pro-­
and devoured by innate immune cells, and then inflammatory molecules [3].
antigenic peptides are presented to naive T cells. The TBK1–IRF-3 signaling: IRF-3 is a tran-
Simultaneously binding of antigen to TLRs scription factor and is critically involved in the
22 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

Fig. 3.5  PRR-mediated inflammasome signaling and signal transduction

synthesis of type I IFN. TRIF is the adaptor pro- pase 1 [21]. Further, the inflammasome complex
tein in the MyD88-independent pathway, and and the non-canonical inflammasome pathway
promotes the expression of type I interferon, and were discovered in 2002 and 2011, respectively.
therefore exerts antiviral effect. They were identified in pyroptosis in
In addition, there is an inflammasome signal- inflammasome-­ dependent form. After those,
ing. Inflammasome is a multi-protein complex in there are many advances and importantly it was
the cytoplasm assembled by PRRs. NLRP1, found that various members of gasdermin family
NLRP3, NLRC4, IPAF inflammasome, and play key roles in pyroptosis processing.
AIM2 are inflammasome. After recognition of Therefore, pyroptosis need redefinition. More
PAMPs or DAMPs by inflammasome, Caspase-1 recently, it was defined as “gasdermin-induced
is recruited and activated. Then proIL-1β/proIL- cell necrosis,” a new definition that applies to all
­18 is spliced into mature cytokines by activated gasdermin members that may lead to cell death.
Caspase-1 (Fig. 3.5). Gasdermin family at least include five classes
of members, gasdermin A, B, C, D and E. These
gasdermin proteins all involve pyroptosis through
3.3 Pyroptosis and its Pathway pore formation role in cell membrane. Each gas-
dermin protein has conserved amino- terminal
Pyroptosis, Pyroptotic cell death, is controlled by domain (NTD) which has membrane-forming
the inflammatory caspases. Caspase 1 is pro-­ activity, and carboxy-terminal domains. In the
inflammatory and is linked with the secretion of quiescent state, the gasdermin protein maintains
mature IL-1β and IL-18 [20]. Pyroptosis was itself in an autoinhibitory state by binding of
originally defined as “caspase 1-dependent NTD with the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD)
necrosis” due to its strict requirements for cas- [22]. However, the aspartic acid residue of
3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 23

H2O Pyroptosis

Pore assembly

N-terminal domain
Pro-IL-1 Inflammasome

caspase11/5/4 Pro-caspase11/5/4

Gasdermin D LPS

Fig. 3.6  Gasdermin D mechanism to pyroptosis

GSDMD in the linker between NTD and CTD 24]. Therefore, we have reason to believe,
can be recognized and cleaved by activated cas- pyroptosis play a vital role in part in fulminant
pase-­1, caspase-4, caspase-5 and caspase-11, and myocarditis.
the cleaved NTD is in non-covalent binding state.
Due to its high affinity for membrane phospho-
lipids, the NTD of GSDMD translocate to the 3.3.1 Expression of PRRs
plasma membrane, induces pyroptotic bubble and Responses to Ligands
formation and membrane lysis. Therefore, mem- in Heart
brane lysis induced by GSDMD is the final step
in LPS-induced pyroptosis mediated by caspase- Human and mammal heart express almost all
­11, caspase-4 and caspase-5. In fact, NTD of PRRs and after the stimulation of ligands the
other gasdermins has similar lipid-binding prop- expression of PRRS in whole heart and cardio-
erties and induces intracellular pyroptosis. myocytes is dramatically upregulated. S. aureus
Following figure shows mechanisms of gasder- peptidoglycan, E. coli LPS and S. typhimurium
min activation and pore formation and pyroptosis flagellin induced chemokine KC production by
occurs [21] (Fig. 3.6). activating TLR2, TLR4 and TLR5. The IL-6 and
Gasdermins express in different tissues MIP2 production mediated by LPS and lagellin,
including the organs in digestive, respiratory, respectively, both significantly reduced by pyrro-
urinary, reproductive, circulatory systems and lidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC), a chemical
other tissues. Especially, we note that the heart inhibitor of NF-κB.  These indicate that TLRs
and artery have expression. Recently, some promotes the expression of proinflammatory
studies found that in mice with coxsackievirus cytokines, chemokines and cell surface adhesion
B3 induced myocarditis, heart levels of GSDMD molecules by NF-κB signaling [25].
p30 and IL-1β and HMGB1 were elevated and Although the most types of PRRs express in
the inhibition of pyroptosis signaling attenuated different tissues and cell types in human, their
myocarditis, which suggest that pyroptosis expression patterns are different and different
involves in pathophysiology of myocarditis [23, PAMPs and DAMPs or ligands have different tar-
24 D. W. Wang and R. Zhou

Fig. 3.7  Development of fulminant myocarditis

get PRRs. On the other hand, same PRRs in dif- Finally, we try to raise the proposals for fulmi-
ferent cells may have different response to same nant myocarditis based on our some experiments
ligand because some cell may be refractory to and clinical practice (Fig.  3.7) [27, 28, 21]. (1)
some special ligand stimulation, such as platelet-­ exogenous pathogens, either infection of virus,
activating factor receptor (PAFr), one of GPCRs, bacteria, fungus or other microbe, chemicals
express in cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and including proteins, nucleus acids, antibiotics,
neurons. However, after exposure to allopurinol and others such as seafood, or some
phosphocholine-­ containing bacterial compo- vaccination, enter the body, as antigens or ligands
nents, three types of cells uptake in a PAFr-­ susceptible to cardiomyocytes, bind to PRRs on
dependent manner, but with different cardiomyocytes, either TLRs or others, mem-
pathophysiological consequences. Non-­brane PRRS or cytoplasm PRRs, sequentially
inflammatory manifestations appear in endothe- triggering downstream signaling, especially
lial cells and neurons, while cardiomyocytes NF-kB pathway. Thus, inflammatory storm form.
rapidly lose contractility and die, because endo- Importantly, these PAMPs successively or simul-
thelial cells and neurons are refractory to the taneously activate innate immune cells, mono-
phosphorylcholine-containing bacterial compo- cytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and
nents and there is no classic-type NF-B response then together with cardiomyocytes produce
[26]. Therefore, we can meet fulminant myocar- inflammatory storm; (2) These reactions also
ditis, fulminant pancreatic, fulminant type I dia- induce adaptive immune response, including pro-
betes, fulminant hepatitis and others after exposed duction of anti-myocardial antibodies by
to different pathogens and injury in clinic, which B-lymphocytes and direct attack to heart by toxic
may have same or similar pathogenesis and T-cells; (3) PAMPs and DAMPs induce pyropto-
pathophysiological mechanisms. sis and their consequence results in proinflamat-
3  Pattern Recognition Receptors and Fulminant Myocarditis 25

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Etiology and Pathogenesis of
Fulminant Myocarditis 4
Chen Chen and Dao Wen Wang

4.1 Etiology of Fulminant heart tissue of patients with myocarditis.

Myocarditis Through serological examination, enterovirus
(including coxsackievirus) and adenovirus have
The etiology of fulminant myocarditis (FM) is been associated with myocarditis based on the
similar to that of acute and non-fulminant myo- co-­occurrence of increased virus titers and acute
carditis, which includes infectious and non-­ heart failure performance [2]. With the rapid
infectious factors (Table 4.1). development of molecular biology techniques,
the detection methods of various viruses have
constantly improved. Case reports and series
4.1.1 Infectious Factors have associated myocarditis with more than 20
viruses, including parvovirus and human herpes-
Viral infection is the main cause of myocarditis; virus (HHV) (Fig.  4.1) [3]. Some studies have
1–5% patients with acute viral infection may indicated that enterovirus was the only virus
have symptoms of myocarditis [1]. However, due type detected in the hearts of French patients
to the limitations of detection technology and dif- with myocarditis, while several studies have
ficulties in the acquisition of samples, only shown that mostly parvovirus B19 (PVB19) and
10–20% patients with viral myocarditis test posi- human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV6) only are
tive on the myocardial tissue virology test. In a detected in the hearts of German patients, and
prospective clinical study containing more than coxsackievirus is rarely found [4, 5]. In the
670,000 Finnish men, a total of 98 patients were United States, adenovirus and enterovirus were
clinically diagnosed with myocarditis during a the most common pathogenic viruses reported in
20-year period, and only 4% tested positive for 2003, while parvovirus was the major patho-
coxsackievirus [1]. genic virus reported in 2010 [6, 7].Currently, it is
In the 1980s and 1990s, it was difficult to iso- unclear whether the etiology of myocarditis is
late and culture infected virus strains from the regional or epidemic; these differences in the
detected virus types may be caused by the
diverse epidemic spectrum, the non-specificity
C. Chen (*) · D. W. Wang (*) of primers and antibodies used for virus detec-
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and tion, different detection schemes, and the limited
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, sample size [3]. Currently, the Center for Disease
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong Control and Prevention (CDC) in several
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China ­countries is observing the correlation between
e-mail:; the outbreak cycle and the region of viral

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 27
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
28 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

Table 4.1  Possible etiology of myocarditis

Infectious factors
Viruses Adenovirus, enteroviruses (such as coxsackievirus and poliovirus), arboviruses,
cytomegaloviruses, dengue viruses, echoviruses, Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis C virus, herpes
virus, human immunodeficiency virus, influenza virus, coronavirus, mumps virus, parvovirus,
rabies virus, rubella virus, varicella virus, varicella zoster virus, hemorrhagic fever virus, yellow
fever virus
Bacteria Brucella, cholera, clostridium, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, haemophilus, legionella,
meningococcus, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, salmonella, staphylococcus, clostridium tetani,
tuberculosis, Francisella tularensis
Spirochete Leptospira, Lyme disease spirochete, relapsing fever spirochete, treponema pallidum
Fungi Actinomycetes, aspergillus, Blastomyces, Candida, Coccidioides, cryptococcus, histoplasma,
mucor, nocardia, Sporothrix
Rickettsia Rickettsia burneti, Rickettsiatyphi, rickettsia Prowazeki, rickettsia Mooseri
Protozoa Trypanosoma, Ameba, Trypanosoma cruzi, leishmania spp., plasmodial, toxoplasma gondii
Helminth Ascariasis, echinococcosis, filariasis, paragonimiasis, schistosomiasis, strongyloidiasis,
Other Mycoplasma
Noninfectious factors
Systemic Celiac disease, connective tissue disease, Wegener granuloma disease, Kawasaki disease,
diseases eosinophilia, sarcoidosis, thyrotoxicosis
Hypersensitivity Antibiotics, clozapine, diuretics, insect bites, lithium, snakebite, tetanus toxoid, mesalazine
Cardiotoxic Alcohol, anthracyclines, arsenic, carbon monoxide, catecholamines, cocaine, heavy metals

1948 1950s 1990s 2000 2007 2010

coxsackievirus enterovirus adenovirus parvovirus hepatitis C influenza A

human herpes virus virus
virus EB virus

Fig. 4.1  Evolution of major viral causes of myocarditis over time

­ yocarditis and other viral diseases. In 2006, a

m Consequently, PVB19 was only detected in five
Japanese retrospective study found that the (18.5%) samples [10]. Recently, Heidecker et al.
detection rate of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the examined peripheral blood and myocardial tis-
hearts of 1355 patients with myocarditis was sue samples from 33 patients with myocarditis
4.4% [8]. In 2010, influenza A virus was detected using virome capture sequencing and identified
for the first time in the hearts of patients with the following viruses: EB virus, hepatitis G
viral myocarditis in the United States at a rate of virus, human endogenous retrovirus K, and
approximately 10%; the rate in the hearts of anaerobic virus. Among them, human endoge-
patients with FM was approximately 5% [9]. A nous retrovirus K was detected in all the blood
recent study used nested polymerase chain reac- and tissue samples from two FM and 13 giant
tion (PCR) to detect the virus genome (including cell myocarditis samples [11]. Cases of severe
enterovirus, PVB19, adenovirus, cytomegalovi- acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
rus, Epstein-Barr virus, and HHV6) in the myo- (SARS-CoV-2)-induced FM have also been
cardium of 27 patients with FM from 16 medical reported in the recent outbreak of the coronavi-
centers in the United States, Europe, and Japan. rus disease (COVID-19) pandemic [12].
4  Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis 29

These studies have provided partial evidence son to person through airway and fecal-oral
for the etiology and epidemiological characteris- routes, and infection can also occur by touching
tics of viral myocarditis, suggesting that the clini- items contaminated with enteroviruses. The peak
cal symptoms of myocarditis caused by different incidence of enterovirus infection occurs mostly
virus types may be heterogeneous. It is important in summer. Due to the long asymptomatic incu-
to enhance the understanding of virology, immu- bation period for enterovirus, outbreaks can
nology, pathology, and clinical medicine in occur suddenly and are difficult to prevent.
myocarditis. Currently, there is no effective drug specific for
enterovirus, and treatment is still focused on Enterovirus symptomatic support and symptom control [13].
Enterovirus, especially coxsackievirus B3
(CVB3), is the primary pathogen of myocarditis. 1. Etiological characteristics: Enterovirus
Enteroviruses belong to Picornaviridae, a family viruses have a single-stranded RNA genome,
of single-strand RNA viruses containing 10 15–30  nm icosahedral spherical capsid, and
enteroviruses and three rhinoviruses (Fig.  4.2). no envelope. When a virus infects a host cell,
These viruses are widely distributed and highly it first binds to receptors on the cell surface
pathogenic; they are the causative pathogens of (mainly integrins and immunoglobulin-like
several serious diseases widely prevalent in ver- proteins) and penetrates the cell membrane.
tebrates, including humans. Infection with these When the virus enters the host cell, viral RNA
viruses can lead to either temporary organ dys- molecules are released from the capsid to syn-
function, persistent irreversible organ function thesize viral proteins and promote viral repli-
damage, or even death. Enteroviruses are the cation, which ultimately leads to the death of
causes of severe diseases, such as polio, aseptic the host cell. Subsequently, the virus is
meningitis, enteroviral encephalitis, and entero- released from the cytoplasm and can continue
viral vesicular stomatitis, as well as the common to infect other cells [14].
cold. Enteroviruses can spread easily from per- Enterovirus has a highly recessive infec-
tion rate and strong resistance to physical and
chemical factors. It can survive for several
Order Family Genus days at room temperature and can be pre-
served for a long time at −20 °C. Enterovirus
Picornavirales Picornaviridae Enterovirus is resistant to ether, acid (pH 3–5), and bile. It
can survive in sewage and feces for several
weeks, but it is sensitive to heat, drying, and
ultraviolet light. It can be inactivated after
Enterovirus A Enterovirus B 30  minutes of treatment at 56  °C.  Various
oxidants such as potassium permanganate
Enterovirus C Enterovirus D
and hydrogen peroxide solution (hydrogen
Enterovirus E Enterovirus F
peroxide) can play a role in disinfection.
Enterovirus can replicate rapidly and cause
Species Enterovirus G Enterovirus H pathophysiological changes in host cells
within 2–7 days after colonization in suitable
Enterovirus I Enterovirus J
host cells.
Rhinovirus A Rhinovirus B
2. Epidemiology Enteroviruses are transmitted
via the fecal–oral route or the respiratory
Rhinovirus C tract. Once infected, enteroviruses can con-
tinuously exist in respiratory secretions and
feces of patients for 1–3 and 2–8  weeks,
Fig. 4.2  Virological classification of enteroviruses respectively.
30 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

Enteroviruses are widespread globally. A ing respiratory adenovirus infections, is routinely

total of 71 serotypes of enteroviruses have used in the US military, but it has not been popu-
been identified using neutralizing antibodies. larized in the general population [16].
The main virus serotypes circulating in vari-
ous regions are constantly changing, and 1. Etiological Characteristics Human adenovi-
infection rates far exceed the number of clini- ruses are a group of non-enveloped double-­
cally diagnosed cases. Data provided by the stranded DNA viruses belonging to the
National Enterovirus Surveillance System of mammalian adenoviruses of Adenoviridae.
the CDC showed that from 1970 to 2005, 15 They are icosahedral, 10–100 nm in diameter,
representative enterovirus serotypes accounted and contain seven viruses (HADV-A to
for 83.5% of all isolated enterovirus strains HadV-­G), the first six of which have caused
provided by public health laboratories at all global outbreaks of human epidemic infec-
levels in the U.S. The number of infected cases tions. Fifty-one serotypes (numbered 1–51)
increases sharply in summer and early autumn have been identified, and more than 70 adeno-
and usually reaches its peak in August [15]. virus genotypes (including those numbered 52,
53, 54) have been predicted by bioinformatics Adenovirus comparison. Nearly 20 serotypes of adenovirus
Adenoviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses are pathogenic in humans. Patients and persons
that generally cause mild-to-moderate respira- with recessive infection are the primary sources
tory and/or gastrointestinal tract infections. They of adenovirus, which can be transmitted
can also induce hemorrhagic cystitis, hepatitis, through the respiratory tract, the fecal–oral
hemorrhagic colitis, pancreatitis, nephritis, or route, and contact with contaminated tissues or
meningoencephalitis in rare cases. Epidemic ade- the blood. The latent period varies among dif-
novirus infection is more likely to occur in chil- ferent serotype-induced infections.
dren or relatively closed populations, such as Adenoviruses can resist various disinfectants,
individuals in the military. Children are more sus- but they are sensitive to 95% ethanol [17].
ceptible to adenovirus because of their underde- 2. Epidemiology Adenoviruses cause epidemics
veloped humoral immunity. Immunocompromised of respiratory diseases, conjunctival pharyn-
populations (such as patients undergoing organ geal fever, keratitis, and gastrointestinal dis-
transplant and people with HIV) are more sus- eases, with a self-limited course in most
ceptible to adenovirus and tend to have more patients. Severe adenovirus infection occurs
severe symptoms. The mortality rate of severe most frequently in immunocompromised
pneumonia or other organ damage caused by ade- patients and is rare in individuals with normal
noviruses exceeds 50%. At present, more than 50 immunity. Adenovirus infection can occur
different serotypes of adenovirus have been dis- round the year without apparent seasonality,
covered. The tissue susceptibility and clinical but the epidemic period is mostly in winter or
symptoms induced by different adenovirus sero- early spring. The main route of infection is
types are not entirely similar. The serotypes prev- contact with exposed people and infected
alent in different periods may differ, and the objects, including respiratory transmission,
serotypes prevalent in different countries and conjunctival contact, and the fecal–oral route.
regions may also vary in the same period. The incubation period for adenovirus ranges
Serotypes 2 and 5 tend to invade the myocardium from 2  days to 2  weeks, and asymptomatic
and cause myocarditis. Due to the lack of pro- adenovirus carriers can carry the virus for
spective randomized controlled clinical trials, the months. Importantly adenoviruses can be dor-
specific treatment regimen for adenovirus infec- mant for years in other tissues, such as
tion is controversial. Cidofovir is recommended ­lymphoid tissue and renal parenchyma, and
for the treatment of patients with severe adenovi- can be reactivated when the host is severely
rus infection, but it is not suitable for all patients. immunosuppressed. Adenovirus can easily
The live oral vaccine, which is effective in reduc- spread in closed environments, such as hospi-
4  Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis 31

tals, public swimming pools, childcare insti- 2. Epidemiology: Outbreaks of PVB19 infec-
tutions, boarding schools, and long-term care tion occur mainly in winter and spring. PVB19
centers [18]. infection is widespread worldwide and its epi-
demic pattern is regional. Half of all adults Parvovirus have been infected with PVB19. The positive
Parvovirus is a non-enveloped virus with a diam- rate of PVB19 antibodies in the population
eter of less than 25  nm and has a linear single-­ increases with age—2%–20% in children
stranded DNA genome of 5–6 kb with hairpins at aged under 5  years, 15–40% in adolescents
both ends. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) was the aged 5–18  years, and 40–80% in the adult
first parvovirus discovered to infect humans, but it population. The virus neutralizing immuno-
is not pathogenic. Subsequently, two kinds of globulin (Ig) G is produced by organisms
pathogenic parvovirus were discovered—human 2  weeks after PVB19 infection, which can
PVB19 and human Bocavirus (HBoV) 1. PVB19 effectively remove the virus from the blood
is highly pathogenic and can induce a series of and ensure lifelong resistance by inducing
diseases, including infectious erythema, regenera- immune response [23–25].
tive disorder crisis in patients with chronic hemo-
lytic anemia, chronic anemia in patients with PVB19 is primarily transmitted via the respira-
immunosuppression, pregnancy abortion, still- tory route, but the prodromal symptoms are
birth, and joint disease. Patients with latent infec- mainly fever, fatigue, headache, and myalgia
tion can carry the virus for a long time without rather than respiratory symptoms. It is unclear
any symptoms. Studies have reported that PVB19 how PVB19 travels through the airway epithelial
infection is closely associated with acute and barrier to the bone marrow. PVB19 can also be
chronic myocarditis, and patients with partial transmitted through the blood or from mother to
dilated cardiomyopathy have higher PVB19 virus child. PVB19 virus DNA can be detected in the
titer in the myocardium than healthy person [19]. airway when prodromal symptoms occur, sug-
Other researchers have observed increased neo- gesting a high viral titer in the patient. However,
vascularization around inflammatory cells in the the severity of the acute phase is unrelated to viral
hearts of patients with FM caused by PVB19 [20]. load. With remission, the virus titer decreases rap-
HBoV1 infection is an important cause of acute idly and can persist for months, even years.
respiratory tract infection, and wheezing is the
most common symptom of HBoV1 infection. The Human Herpes Virus
clinical significance of other parvovirus infections There are eight species of human herpes viruses
such as parvovirus 4 (PARV4), HBoV2, HBoV3, (HHV), all belonging to Herbviridae, which can
and HBoV4 is unclear. Currently, there is no vac- be divided into three subfamilies—α, β, and γ—
cine or specific antiviral drug for parvovirus [21]. by genetic analysis of their conserved structural
protein gH (Table 4.2) [26]. Herpes viruses of α
1. Etiological characteristics: The capsid of subfamily have a wide range of hosts. They are a
parvovirus has icosahedral symmetry with kind of cytolytic viruses with a short replication
two capsid proteins, VP1 and VP2, of which cycle and fast reproduction rate, mostly lurking
the is located outside the shell and easily in sensory ganglia. The host range of β subfamily
binds to antibodies. In general, PVB19 is par- herpesviruses is relatively narrow. The infected
ticularly cytotropic to human erythrocytes and cells grow and form giant cells. The virus can
can grow in fresh human bone marrow cells, cause latent infection in lymphocytes as well as
peripheral blood cells, fetal liver cells, eryth- secretory glands, the kidneys, or other tissues. γ
roleukemia cells, and umbilical cord blood subfamily herpetic viruses mainly infect B lym-
cells. However, PVB19 can invade endothe- phocytes and remain latent for a long time, most
lial cells in myocarditis and dilated cardiomy- of which do not cause cytolytic diseases.
opathy. PVB19 is heat resistant and can HHV infection can be latent for a long time and
survive for 30 minutes at 56 °C [22]. cause damage when host immunity is decreased.
32 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

Table 4.2  Classification of HHV

Subfamily Virus Abbreviation Adult Infection rate
α Herpes simplex virus 1 HSV-1 Approx 70%
α Herpes simplex virus 2 HSV-2 Approx 30%
α Varicella-zoster virus VZV (HHV-3) >95%
γ EB virus EBV (HHV-4) Approx 85%
β Human cytomegalovirus HCMV (HHV-5) Approx 70%
β Human herpesvirus 6A HHV-6A Approx 95%
β Human herpesvirus 6B HHV-6B ?
β Human herpesvirus 7 HHV-7 Approx 85%
γ Kaposi sarcoma-associated virus KSHV (HHV-8) ?
Note:? Unknown. approx, approximately

Seventy percent adults have been infected with herpes viruses are composed of three main
HSV-1, which usually causes fever and occasion- structures:
ally severe encephalitis. Thirty percent adults have 1. Spherical icosahedral stereosymmetric
been infected with HSV-2, which usually causes nucleocapsid with a diameter of
genital herpes and occasionally severe neonatal 90–110  nm and a linear double-stranded
infections. Almost all adults have been infected DNA genome
with VZV, which causes chickenpox and shingles, 2. The outermost layer is the capsule with
and EBV, which is the leading cause of infectious glycoprotein spikes
mononucleosis. EB virus can also cause Burkitt 3. The nucleocapsid and capsule are filled
lymphoma and nasopharyngeal cancer. with a protein mixture
HCMV is also a pathogen that cause infec- HHV-6 has serological and genetic
tious mononucleosis, and HCMV infection is an characteristics that differ from other her-
important cause of congenital deafness and intel- pes viruses. Its genomic DNA ranges from
lectual disability. Persistent HCMV infection is 160 to 170 kb, and it can be divided into
also associated with cardiovascular diseases such two types, HHV-6A and HHV-6B, accord-
as coronary heart disease. HHV-6 is a pathogen ing to its antigenicity. The two types of
that cause myocarditis. The pathogenicity of HHV-6 have similar heritability, but differ-
HHV-7 has not been determined, and it may be ent epidemiological and clinical character-
associated with drug eruption. istics [27]. The pathogenicity of HHV-6A
Both KSHV and EBV belong to the γ subfam- is unknown, and HHV-6B can cause her-
ily. KSHV mainly infects lymphocytes of immu- pes and myocarditis in children [28].
nodeficient patients, leading to malignant 2. Epidemiology: HHV-6 is widely prevalent
diseases such as Kaposi sarcoma. It is currently worldwide. Most adults in Europe and
the only confirmed carcinogenic human herpes America have been infected with HHV-6 [29,
virus. Recently, non-coding RNA expression pro- 30]. It is now believed that HHV-6 infection
filing revealed that KSHV may also be involved rates continue to increase between 6 and
in the occurrence and development of myocardi- 18 months after birth due to the gradual deple-
tis. KSHV can encode microRNA (miRNA) to tion of a­ ntibodies from the mother, and then
increase the susceptibility of model animals to slowly decline with age.
CVB3 infection by inhibiting the body’s own HHV-6 nucleic acid can often be detected
defense mechanisms. in the saliva, suggesting that HHV-6 can be
latent in salivary glands. Therefore, the saliva
1. Etiological characteristics Mature virions could work as a vehicle for fecal–oral
are approximately 200  nm in diameter. All infection.
4  Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis 33

4.1.2 Non-infectious Factors carditis showed that its incidence increased annu-
ally. Moreover, the combined use of multiple
Anti-tumor drug-induced myocarditis, especially ICIs significantly increases the incidence of myo-
FM, should not be ignored [31]. In the past carditis, with an average onset time of 27  days
20  years, new approaches to cancer treatment after ICI use, while the mortality rate is as high as
have proliferated, leading to dramatic improve- 46% [42]. Fifty-seven percent patients in the
ments in the prognosis of some cancers. However, study received anti-PD1 therapy and 27%
both traditional anti-tumor drugs and various new received anti-CTLA4 combined with anti-PD1 or
tumor drugs can cause cardiovascular toxicity, anti-PDL1 therapy. Among them, 59 patients had
including myocarditis [32]. Anthracyclines have detailed medication records; 76% patients devel-
been previously found to cause cardiotoxic effects oped the disease within 6 weeks of initiating the
such as myocarditis–pericarditis syndrome [33]. medication (5–155 days) and 64% patients devel-
Recently, myocardial injury, especially myocardi- oped the disease after only one or two doses of
tis, caused by novel anti-tumor drugs such as medication.
immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) has attracted FM accounts for approximately 15% of ICI-­
increasing attention [34]. ICIs are antibody-tar- induced myocarditis, and the higher the troponin
geting immune checkpoints that eliminate tumors level, the worse the prognosis. Some patients
by inhibiting the immune escape of tumor cells respond well to glucocorticoid treatment [39].
and enhance the immune response of T cells. It is The etiology of FM varies, and the histologi-
a milestone of progress in tumor therapy in recent cal appearance of FM caused by different etiolo-
years and has greatly improved the prognosis of gies has a certain tendency. For example, FM
some patients with cancer. As of 2019, at least caused by various viruses and ICIs is more likely
seven ICIs have been approved for marketing and to present as lymphocytic myocarditis; eosino-
many more are in development [35]. However, philic myocarditis is often caused or accompa-
ICIs can also cause several immune-related nied by autoimmune diseases. There are also
adverse reactions, including colitis, dermatitis, some differences in the treatment of FM caused
pneumonia, and myocarditis [36]. by different etiologies. Therefore, it is helpful to
In 2016, Johnson et al. reported two patients clarify the etiological diagnosis based on clinical
with ICI treatment-induced FM for the first time. diagnosis for formulating better treatment strate-
Both patients presented with malignant arrhyth- gies and improving patient prognosis.
mias and myocarditis, and pathological results
suggested massive T cells and macrophages infil-
trated in the myocardium [37]. According to sta- 4.2 Pathogenesis of FM
tistics, the incidence of myocarditis caused by
ICIs is approximately 1%, while programmed FM is a cardiac inflammatory process that mani-
cell death protein 1 (PD1) and programmed cell fests as rapid cardiac functional collapse and
death ligand 1 (PDL1) causes a higher incidence even acute heart failure. The underlying patho-
of myocarditis than cytotoxic T lymphocyte anti- genesis of FM is unclear. The lack of compre-
gen 4 (CTLA4) (Table  4.3) [38–41]. A recent hensive acknowledgment regarding the
study including 101 cases of ICI-induced myo- pathophysiological mechanisms behind FM has

Table 4.3  ICIs that can cause myocarditis

ICIs Category Disease References
Ipilimumab + navumab Anti-ctla-4 + anti-PD-1 Melanoma [37, 43, 44]
Ipilimumab Anti-CTLA-4 Melanoma [45]
Pembrolizumab Anti-PD-1 Melanoma [46]
Navumab Anti-PD-1 Melanoma [47]
Navumab Anti-PD-1 Non-small cell lung cancer [48, 49]
34 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

largely hindered the development of effective acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-­
treatment regimens. Previous research has indi- CoV)- or SARS-CoV-2-induced severe pneumo-
cated that immune dysfunction and formation of nia, the concept of CSS and CRS have commonly
cytokine storms may be the key pathogenesis of been used interchangeably. Generally, CSS that
FM (Fig. 4.3), but further research is required to occurs in the pathogenesis of FM is directly
elaborately elucidate the detailed mechanisms. called a cytokine or inflammatory storm. The
Cytokine storm syndrome (CSS), also named characteristic of CSS is overwhelming inflamma-
cytokine storm, is a drastic immune attack from tion induced by the positive feedback between
abnormally activated immune cells and cytokines over-activated immune cells and inflammatory
on the human body. CSS is not a specific disease, cytokines. The fierce attack of the immune sys-
but is a collective name of a pathophysiological tem against pathogens or damaged cells could
phenomenon in different conditions. In rheuma- simultaneously cause extensive self-tissue dam-
tological diseases, such as systemic juvenile idio- age, leading to multiple organ damage and even
pathic arthritis (SJIA) and systemic lupus endanger patients’ lives.
erythematosus, CSS is commonly called macro- Clinically, the diagnosis of CSS primarily
phage activation syndrome [50]. Immune check- relies on the detection of increased cytokines in
point inhibitors and CAR-T-induced CSS is peripheral blood. Due to diverse etiology and
called cytokine release syndrome (CRS) [51]. In pathogenesis of CSS, the cytokine spectrum var-
inflammatory diseases such as sepsis and severe ies in different diseases [52] (Table 4.4).

Acute Myocarditis Fulminant Myocarditis

Palpitation Malignant arrhythmia
Fatigue Congestive heart failure
Dizziness Cardiogenic shock
Angina pectoris Sudden death

Virus replication Inflammation Virus replication Inflammation

Fig. 4.3  Over-activated immune response and formation of cytokine storms are the main differences between the
pathogenesis of FM and AM

Table 4.4  Major cytokines involved in CSS triggered by different etiologies

Etiology Major cytokines Reference
CVB3 IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1Ra, sTNFR-1, IL-10, IFNs, IL-4, IL-17B [53, 54]
CAR-T IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-2Ra, IL-6, sIL-6R, IL-1, IL-10, GM-CSF, IL-12, TNF-α, IFN-α, [55, 56]
SARS-CoV IL-1β, IL-6, IL-12, IFN-γ, IP10, MCP-1 [57–59]
MERS-CoV IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-15, IL-17 [57, 59]
H1N1 IL-8, IL-9, IL-17, IL-6, TNF-α, IL-12p70 IL-15, IL-6 [60]
Macrophage IL-1β, IL-6, IL18, TNF-α, IFN-γ [50, 61]
activation syndrome
4  Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis 35

The roles of the major cytokines in the cyto- variability and often have different sources in dif-
kine storm process of FM are discussed in ferent viruses [65].
Chap. 5. The reported detection rate of enterovirus in
endocardial biopsy samples of patients with
myocarditis is 3–53% [66]. According to the
4.3 Laboratory Test characteristics of the enterovirus genome, the fol-
lowing three detection methods are currently
The main laboratory test for FM includes patho- used to diagnose enterovirus infection (Table 4.5).
genic detection and cytokine detection.
1. Nucleic acid detection: PCR is the most sensi-
Pathogenic detection Although both direct cyto- tive method for detecting enterovirus nucleic
pathic effects of the pathogen and immune acid in cerebrospinal fluid samples. For sam-
response-mediated myocardial injury were ples from cerebrospinal fluid and respiratory
considered to explain the pathogenesis of secretions, PCR is much more sensitive to
myocarditis, the detailed mechanisms varied enterovirus detection (86%) than virus cultures
among different pathogens [62–64]. Thus, (30%). Currently, four commercial multiplex
pathogenic detection may aid in optimizing PCR kits are available for the detection of
therapeutic regimens. enterovirus in nasopharyngeal swab samples.
However, the detection of enterovirus by PCR
is not practical since stool samples may contain
4.3.1 Enterovirus substances that inhibit the PCR reaction.
2. Virus isolation and culture: The cerebrospi-
The enterovirus genome is single plus-stranded nal fluid, pericardial effusion, the peripheral
RNA, which can be used as mRNA to guide viral blood, feces, and various tissues from
protein translation. The genome consists of enterovirus-­ infected patients could be col-
approximately 7500 nucleotides, including (1) lected for culture. Enterovirus strains could be
the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) length of isolated from the culture after 2–5 days. After
approximately 750 nucleotides, which forms a isolation, serotypes of enterovirus can be
secondary structure of RNA and is used to regu- identified by RNA sequencing. The detection
late viral replication and translation; (2) an open rate of enterovirus can be improved by
reading frame length of approximately 6700 multi-sampling.
nucleotides that encodes a polyprotein; and (3)
the 3′ UTR length of approximately 70–100
Table 4.5  Detection methods for enterovirus
nucleotides that is used to regulate virus replica-
tion (Fig.  4.4). Four structural proteins (VP1, Detection Detection
method time Sensitivity Specificity
VP2, VP3, and VP4) and seven non-structural
Nucleic 1–2 h 100% 97%
proteins (2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D) were acid test
cleaved from the multiple proteins encoded by Virus 3–8 days 80% 100%
the open reading frame. Among them, 2C, 3C, culture
and 3D proteins are the most conserved in evolu- Serological Several Limited Limited
tion, while 2A, 2B, and 3A usually have high test weeks application application



VP2 VP3 VP1 2A 2C 3C 3D

5’ UTR 3’ UTR

Fig. 4.4  Schematic diagram of the enterovirus genome

36 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

3. Serological testing: Serological testing is 2. Virus isolation and culture: Virus culture is
limited in acute enterovirus infection due to the golden standard for the detection of ade-
the following reasons: novirus infection, but it is not sensitive to
The of antibody titer differs between the blood samples and may take up to 21 days to
acute and convalescent stage detect.
Cross-reactions may occur between differ- 3. Serological testing: Serological testing of
ent serotypes adenovirus using neutralizing antibodies is
A lack of highly sensitive IgM assays cumbersome and time-consuming. Currently,
corresponding tests are only conducted in
The microneutralization method is generally public health laboratories of some countries
used to detect anti-enterovirus antibodies in and regions.
patients. However, due to its poor sensitivity, low 4. Antigen detection: After the infected tissue is
standardization, and time-consuming character- fixed and embedded, the adenovirus nuclear
istics, its application in the routine diagnosis of inclusion body and related antigens can be
enterovirus infection is limited. tested by immunohistochemistry or fluores-
cence staining.

4.3.2 Adenovirus
4.3.3 Parvovirus
The reported detection rate of adenovirus in
endocardial biopsy samples of patients with The reported detection rates of parvovirus in
myocarditis is 2–20% [67]. Generally, adenovi- endocardial biopsy samples of patients with
rus can be detected by immunohistochemistry/ myocarditis is 11–56% [67]. A serum antibody
fluorescence staining, virus culture, and PCR test is the most commonly used method to diag-
using samples collected from infected sites (such nose PVB19 infection, and a nucleic acid PCR
as nasopharyngeal secretions, pharyngeal swabs, test can further quantify the virus titer. Viral anti-
bronchoalveolar lavage, urine, feces, and blood) gen testing is not widely available currently, and
[68]. PVB19 virus culture is only conducted in research
laboratories. Previous and present infections can
1. Nucleic acid test: Currently, PCR is the most be distinguished via the detection of IgM and IgG
commonly used method in the clinical diag- antibodies [69]. At present, HBoV nucleic acid is
nosis of adenovirus infection. It is applicable mainly detected by PCR.
to various clinical samples such as the plasma
and urine and is highly sensitive. PCR can 1. Nucleic acid test: One week after PVB19
also be used to quantify the adenovirus titer infection, viral DNA can be detected in the
and evaluate the therapeutic effect. Some respiratory tract and blood samples of patients.
studies have suggested that regular adenovi- High-titer viremia can last for approximately
rus detection in the blood and stool samples of 1 week, which is then maintained at a low titer
high-risk organ transplant recipients can pre- level. PCR can be used to diagnose PVB19
dict adenovirus infection and enable early infection in the very early stage (before anti-
treatment, but it is unclear whether it should body emergence) and is of great value for the
be widely used in patients undergoing organ diagnosis of PVB19 infection in pregnant
transplant. Molecular typing of adenovirus by women and fetuses. However, low-titer vire-
PCR is helpful for the analysis of adenovirus mia persists after PVB19 infection; thus, viral
epidemic strains, but since there is no signifi- DNA positivity is not necessarily indicative of
cant difference in the clinical treatment plan present infection. PVB19 virus DNA may
for each adenovirus type, detection has not also persist in immunocompromised patients.
been routinely conducted in clinics. Currently, more than 104 viral genomic copies
4  Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis 37

(vgc)/mL is considered the diagnostic crite- staining or observation of virus particles

rion for PVB19 infection. Moreover, the through an electron microscope can locate the
genome of PVB19 has genetic variability, host cells of the virus, but the sensitivity is
which may affect PCR results. relatively low.
The first method used to detect PVB19 5. Bone marrow cytology: Due to the erythro-
nucleic acid was dot hybridization, which was philic characteristics of PVB19, bone marrow
gradually replaced by PCR, which is more cytology is of great clinical significance. The
sensitive. Currently, there are commercially typical cytological changes of PVB19 infec-
available PCR kits for the diagnosis of PVB19 tion in bone marrow are erythroid dysplasia
infection, and the World Health Organization resulting from the damage of erythroid pre-
has also established technical standards for cursor cells and emergence of giant erythroid
nucleic acid amplification of PVB19. In addi- protoblasts containing large eosinophilic
tion to PCR, in situ hybridization can also be nuclear inclusion bodies and cytoplasmic
used to detect PVB19 DNA in cells or tissues, vacuolation.
with a detection sensitivity of about 105 vgc/
2. Virus isolation and culture: PVB19 isolation 4.3.4 Human Herpes Virus
requires special media, such as bone marrow
erythroid progenitor cells or embryonic liver The reported detection rate of parvovirus in
cells. Although virus culture is helpful to clar- endocardial biopsy samples of patients with
ify the infectivity of viruses and study the spe- myocarditis is 8–20% [67]. The types of samples
cific mechanism of virus replication, currently, currently used to detect HHV-6 infection include
virus culture is only conducted in laboratory the serum/plasma, the cerebrospinal fluid, the
studies due to its finite benefit in clinical diag- alveolar lavage fluid, and various biopsy tissues.
nosis and treatment and high technical The detection methods include the nucleic acid
requirements. test, virus culture, and serological test. However,
3. Serological tests: IgM and IgG antibody tests due to the prevalence of HHV-6 infection, there is
can be used to diagnose PVB19 infection. a lack of methods that can be used to identify the
However, due to the formation of the anti- incubation period and active period of HHV-6
body–virus complex, serological tests in infection [70].
patients with high-titer viremia may produce
false-negative results. Generally, IgM anti- 1. Nucleic acid detection: HHV-6 nucleic acid
bodies are produced 7–10 days after PVB19 can be detected by PCR or nucleic acid blot
infection, and IgG antibodies are produced a hybridization. Southern blot hybridization
few days later; positive antibodies can last for can be used for the rapid screening of large
2–4  months. Even if the virus has a genetic numbers of samples, but it is not as sensitive
mutation, the body’s immune response as PCR. Currently, PCR primers for different
remains; therefore, serological results are HHV-6 variants are available, which can sen-
unaffected. However, immunocompromised sitively identify different virus strains. Due to
patients may not produce antibodies after the high sensitivity of PCR, it is also easy to
infection or may continue to express IgM obtain false-positive results if samples are
antibodies without producing IgG antibodies. improperly stored or contaminated.
Even a positive IgG antibody does not rule out 2. Virus isolation and culture: The lympho-
passive immunity due to transfusion or intra- cytes of patients infected with HHV-6 can be
venous gamma globulin in the active phase of isolated and cultured to obtain virus strains,
infection. but this method is time consuming and expen-
4. Antigen detection: The detection of virus anti- sive, has low sensitivity, and is not used for
gen by immunohistochemistry/fluorescence routine diagnosis.
38 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

3. Serological testing: Currently, there are tech- frequency of enzyme catalysis, it can amplify the
nical standards for HHV-6 antibody detection, reaction effect so that the determination method
including the anti-complement immunofluo- can reach a high sensitivity.
rescence method, competitive radioimmuno-
assay, and the neutralizing antibody method. Advantages  Avoids direct labeling with specific
The disadvantage of serological antibody test- antibodies and is cheap.
ing is that HHV-6A cannot be distinguished
from HHV-6B infection and may cross-react Disadvantages  A large amount of sample is
with HHV-7 to produce false-positive results. required, only one cytokine can be measured at a
In addition, due to the widespread HHV-6 time, operation steps and measurement times are
infection, almost all individuals aged over very long, and artificial artifacts can be caused by
2 years are positive for HHV-6 IgG antibod- the enzyme-linked reaction.
ies. Typically, a positive IgM antibody indi-
cates a new infection within 5–7  days, but Flow Cytometry
some people do not produce IgM antibodies Principle  Uses tiny, dispersed particles to cap-
even if they are infected, which makes it dif- ture the liquid analyte and a flow cytometer to
ficult to interpret serological test results. detect the fluorescence emitted by the “sand-
4. Antigen detection: The detection of HHV wich” particle–analyte complex to determine the
virus antigens in biopsy tissue samples con- quantity of the analyte.
tributes to observing the changes of tissues at
different time points and even the entire infec- Advantages  Small sample volume required,
tion period. In situ immunohistochemistry/ fast, simple operation, high sensitivity, good
fluorescence tests of infected tissues are often repeatability, high efficiency, safe, and close to
conducted in research laboratories to deter- biological analysis conditions.
mine the pathological course of HHV infec-
tion rather than as routine clinical diagnostic Disadvantages  Relatively expensive.
tests. Liquid Cytokine Chip
Cytokine detection: Cytokine storm plays a Principle  This detection method is the combi-
significant role in the pathogenesis of FM [71]. nation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
The circulating cytokine levels of patients with and biochip technology based on microplates. It
FM are the primary index that reflects the sever- links highly specific capture monoclonal antibod-
ity of systemic inflammatory response. The mea- ies to different fluorescently labeled magnetic
surement of circulating cytokines would help beads and then mixes magnetic beads and sus-
judge the disease course and assist in the creation pends them in a microwell plate. Further, a biotin-­
of a better treatment plan. labeled high-affinity paired detection antibody is
added to combine with SA-PE and amplify the Enzyme-Linked signal to achieve the detection of a variety of
Immunosorbent Assay cytokines simultaneously.
Principle  The assay uses a solid-phase type of
enzyme immunoassay to detect the presence of a Advantages  Small sample volume required,
ligand in a liquid sample using antibodies highly flexible panel design, good repeatability,
directed against the protein to be measured. This and high efficiency.
enzyme-labeled antigen or antibody retains both
immune and enzyme activity. Due to the high Disadvantages  Relatively expensive.
4  Etiology and Pathogenesis of Fulminant Myocarditis 39

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Pathophysiology and Mechanisms
of Fulminant Myocarditis 5
Chen Chen and Dao Wen Wang

5.1 Animal Models of Fulminant PVB19-induced myocarditis mouse model has

Myocarditis not yet been developed. At present, the most
common animal model is the CVB3-induced
Basic research on fulminant myocarditis (FM) is myocarditis mouse model.
still in its initial stages, mainly because of the
lack of proper animal models. The available ani-
mal models for myocarditis research are the acute 5.1.1 Mouse Selection
viral myocarditis mouse model and autoimmune
myocarditis mouse model. Viral infection is the Existing studies have shown that different mouse
most common cause of myocarditis. However, strains have different susceptibilities to CVB3.
the morbidity of different types of virus-induced The severity of cardiac inflammation response,
myocarditis exhibits regional divergence. degree of damage, and disease progression varied
Previous research indicated that enteroviruses, among the different mouse strains (Table 5.1) [6].
especially coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3), is the Factors associated with susceptibility include the
most common etiology of myocarditis. However, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplo-
a growing number of studies have shown that type [7, 8], differential T helper type 1 (Th1) and
parvovirus B19 (PVB19) is gradually becoming Th2 cell response [9, 10], efficacy of dendritic
the most common etiology of viral myocarditis cell antigen presentation [11, 12], mutation of
[1–4]. Moreover, reports indicated that PVB19-­ decay-accelerating factor (DAF), and interferon-­
induced myocarditis tends to exhibit as FM in gamma (IFN-γ)-associated genes [13].
children, with a relatively high mortality rate [5]. For the building of FM animal models, A/J or
However, due to sensitivity differences between C3H/HeJ mice are often used. These two mice
human and animal models toward PVB19, a strains have a higher sensitivity to CVB3 and a
stronger cardiac inflammatory response when
inoculated with the same amount of CVB3,
which is similar to virus-induced FM in clinical
settings. However, a slight difference exists
C. Chen (*) · D. W. Wang (*) between these two types of FM models. The
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and CVB3-induced C3H/HeJ mice develop severe
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, myocardial lesions while survival is high due to
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong limited systemic response, whereas A/J mice
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China exhibit both severe cardiac and systemic inflam-
e-mail:; matory responses and have a high mortality rate.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 43
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
44 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

Table 5.1  Mouse strain susceptibility to the development of viral myocarditis

Author Species H-2 haplotype Susceptibility Viral elimination
Zaragoza C [14] 129/SvJ bc Low Yes
Chow L.H [15] C57BL/6 b Low Yes
Chow L.H [15] BALB/c d High Yes
Godeny E.K [16] CD1 ND High Yes
Lee J.K [17] DBA/2 d High Yes
Klingel K [18] A.BY/SnJ b High No
Klingel K [18] A.CA/SnJ f High No
Klingel K [18] DBA/1 J q High No
Klingel K [18] SWR/J q High No
Chow L.H [15] A/J a Severe Yes
Chow L.H [15] C3H/HeJ k Severe Yes

In addition, age, gender, and the general status of gonadectomy of male BALB/c mice could
mice also influence their sensitivity and tolerance effectively alleviate the symptoms of myocardi-
to CVB3. Generally, the susceptibility of mice to tis [21].
CVB3 decreases with age. However, considering T cells are the major components of adaptive
the weaning age, 4–8-week old mice are com- immune responses. Huber et  al. found that in a
monly used to build FM models. Mice at this age CVB3-induced BALB/c mouse model, cardiac-­
could live independently and have a high suscep- infiltrated T cells were mainly Th1 cells in male
tibility to CVB3, making them the optimal choice mice and Th2 cells in female mice. Furthermore,
for building the FM model. estrogen treatment could promote the production
Mice of different genders also have different of IL-2 from Th2 cells in male mice, whereas tes-
susceptibilities to CVB3. Under the same condi- tosterone treatment could increase Th1 infiltration
tions, male mice were more sensitive to CVB3 in female mice hearts [10]. Subsequent studies
than female mice, and exhibited more severe car- have indicated that γδ T cells may play a significant
diac damage. The gender differences may be due role in Th1/Th2 differentiation [20]. In addition,
to differential macrophage polarization [19] and IFN-γ knockout female mice exhibited a higher
differential T cell response [10, 20]. degree of cardiac damage and viral load than male
Macrophages are essential for mediating the mice. This indicated that IFN-γ might also play a
innate immune response. Reports indicated that role in the gender difference in mice with myocar-
after male BALB/c mice were infected with ditis [22]. Moreover, selected anti-inflammatory
CVB3, cardiac-infiltrated macrophages were cytokines and TIM-3, IL-4, and Treg cells that are
mainly M1 type, which expresses numerous elevated in female mice may also be involved in
proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor gender differences in myocarditis [23].
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 1 Collectively, the animal model closest to adult
(IL-1). Conversely, cardiac-infiltrated macro- FM patients is currently believed to be 4-to-­8-
phages in female mice with myocarditis were weeks old male C3H/HeJ or A/J mice with CVB3
mainly anti-­inflammatory M2 type. In addition, intervention.
the transfer of M2 macrophages to male mice
with myocarditis could alleviate the symptoms,
while transfer of M1 macrophages to female 5.1.2 Virus Selection
mice with myocarditis could exacerbate the
symptoms [19]. Another study indicated that In addition to the mouse species, the degree of
increasing the activity of M2 macrophages, Th2 cardiac damage is also influenced by the type of
cells, and Treg cells in the local heart through virus. At present, the most commonly used virus
5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 45

for establishing myocarditis animal models is infects and proliferates in the Peyer’s patch and
CVB3. In addition, the encephalomyocarditis immune cells of the spleen. The virus is then
virus is also being used by some researchers to released into the peripheral blood and colonizes
build myocarditis mouse models, but it is rela- target organs, such as the heart and pancreas.
tively rare and generally only used as a histopath- Considering the stability of the model, the cur-
ological control for CVB3 virus-induced rent model of myocarditis was mainly induced
myocarditis models. through the intraperitoneal injection of CVB3.
CVB3 virus strains used for myocarditis From the perspective of pathology, the viral
research include the Nancy, Woodruff (H3), myocarditis mouse models (including acute,
31-1-93, and PD strains. The latter does not work chronic, and fulminant) induced by CVB3 all
through chimeric antigen receptors (CARs), but belong to lymphocytic myocarditis. Due to
invades cardiomyocytes through heparan sulfate undertrained etiology and pathological mecha-
[22, 24]. Different virus strains exhibit slight nisms, animal models for other pathological
variations in virulence and mechanisms of action. types of myocarditis, such as giant cell and eosin-
The CVB3 virus strain used for myocarditis ophilic myocarditis, are still lacking. In addition,
research in China is the standard Nancy strain. difficulty in virus isolation and acquisition, and
CVB3 is a single-strain RNA virus of the poor susceptibility of animal models to viruses
picornavirus family [25]. RNA viruses are prone makes it difficult to build the corresponding ani-
to mutations, and their mutations are unpredict- mal models.
able. After multiple passages, the affinity of
CVB3 to cardiomyocytes may decrease, and the
virulence may be weakened or even disappear, 5.1.3 Establishment and Evaluation
resulting in instability of the myocarditis model. of Common Animal Models
Therefore, when using the standard F1 strain for of Fulminant Myocarditis
virus passaging, care should be taken to retain as
many F2 and/or F3 generation strains as possible. At present, most researchers use CVB3 to inter-
Virus strains with too many passages should not vene in male A/J or C3H/HeJ mice aged
be used continuously. The virus can be re-­ 4–8 weeks to establish animal models of FM.
amplified from the F2 or F3 generations.
The virulence of CVB3 amplified from differ- 1. Modeling method: Male A/J mice aged
ent batches is also slightly different, and the sen- 4–8 weeks (the age of the mice was adjusted
sitivity of mice of varying ages to CVB3 may according to the actual situation) were sub-
also be different, resulting in the batch effects of jected to intraperitoneal injection with CVB3.
the myocarditis model. Therefore, after each Due to the rapid mutation of CVB3, the Nancy
batch of virus amplification, it is best to select strain has a variety of variants, and the viru-
several experimental mice for pre-­experimentation lence between variants differs. The actual
and observe the mortality and cardiac function of intervention of the virus quantity requires
the mice before conducting formal experiments. research institutions to conduct preliminary
In addition, to maintain the stability of the experi- experiments based on the existing literature.
mental results, for the same batch of intervened For example, 6-to-8-weeks old male A/J mice
mice it is best to use the same batch of amplified were injected intraperitoneally with 1  ×  104
viruses to reduce differences within the group. PFU Nancy strain CVB3 to construct a mouse
model of FM [26]. Modeling Method 2. Observation content: After virus inoculation,
CVB3 is from the enterovirus family, and is the status of the mice was observed daily; they
mainly transmitted through feces or the mouth. were examined for signs of viral infection
After CVB3 orally enters the digestive tract, it such as loss of appetite, chills, and hair loss,
46 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

and their weight change and death were inoculated with 1 × 105 PFU of the same Nancy
recorded. On the seventh to ninth days after strain CVB3 virus survived for 7  days [26].
CVB3 inoculation, the heart function of the This suggests that the course of the myocarditis
mice was monitored using ultrasound. The model of A/J mice is similar to that of FM.
mice were treated, and tissues were taken for 4. Heart function: Compared with normal mice,
testing according to the needs of the experi- CVB3 inoculation drastically reduced the heart
ment. Under normal circumstances, mice can function of A/J mice. Various cardiac functional
experience loss of appetite and significant indexes, such as cardiac output, stroke volume,
weight loss from the second day after inocula- and heart rate, decreased significantly.
tion with the virus and maintain a trend of 5. Cardiac inflammatory response: The results
weight loss during the disease course, with an of immunohistochemistry indicated signifi-
average drop of 0.5–1 g/day. Signs of hair loss cant cardiac inflammatory infiltration of A/J
and chills began to appear on the fourth day. mice 7 days after modeling (Fig. 5.1). Most of
3. Mortality: Mice died as early as the second day the infiltrated inflammatory cells were CD68-­
following viral inoculation, and the peak period positive macrophages and myeloperoxidase
of death was approximately after 1 week. The (MPO)-positive neutrophils, accompanied by
seven-day mortality rate of A/J mice inoculated a small amount of T and B lymphocytes. This
with 1  ×  104 PFU Nancy strain CVB3 virus suggests that cardiomyocyte damage in A/J
was nearly 60% (Table  5.2). However, mice caused by CVB3 is mainly mediated by
C57BL/6 mice of the same age as A/J mice, the innate immune response.

It has been noted that A/J mice often undergo

Table 5.2  Cardiac function of control and CVB3 mice
heavy systemic reactions after CVB3 inocula-
Control Group CVB3 Group (Day 8)
tion. Thus, mice injected with the viral dose that
CO [ml/min] 9.9 ± 0.6 5.3 ± 0.5
can cause obvious inflammation in the heart often
Vol-d [ul] 42.4 ± 1.4 29.1 ± 1.5
Vol-s [ul] 19.7 ± 0.8 14.3 ± 1.1
have a high mortality rate.
SV [ul] 22.7 ± 1.2 14.9 ± 1.0 There are many causes of FM, but due to the
LVEF 53.2 ± 1.8 51.6 ± 2.5 limitations of animal models, current research is
LV-d [mm] 3.6 ± 0.1 3.3 ± 0.1 mainly focused on CVB3-induced FM. The rela-
LV-s [mm] 2.6 ± 0.1 2.5 ± 0.1 tive unity and instability of animal models have
IVRT [ms] 16.9 ± 0.6 20.4 ± 0.7 largely restricted the development of research on
MVdecel [ms] 23.5 ± 1.0 31.7 ± 1.5 FM.  Therefore, more animal models of FM are
HR [bpm] 435 ± 12 352 ± 20 still to be developed.




Fig. 5.1  Cardiac inflammatory infiltration of mice with myocarditis

5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 47

5.2 Cytokine Storm in Fulminant III. IFN I includes IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-ε, IFN-ω,
Myocarditis and IFN-κ, which are predominantly secreted by
innate immune cells. IFN II consists of a single
The dysregulated immune response and the for- gene product, IFN-γ, which is mainly produced
mation of the cytokine storm are thought to play by activated natural killer (NK) cells and T cells.
a central role in the development of FM. Several IFN III includes several types of IFN-λ with
cytokines are thought to be involved in this uncertain distribution and function. By activating
process. the Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator
of transcription (JAK-STAT) signaling pathway,
IFNs can trigger a signaling cascade, resulting in
5.2.1 Interferons the activation of several transcription factors and
hundreds of IFN-stimulating genes. The gene
IFNs are a group of low-molecular-weight glyco- products exhibit antiviral, antiapoptotic, and
proteins with similar structures and functions. immunomodulatory functions.
They are produced by host cells through antiviral
immune responses and play a significant role in Type I Interferon (IFN I)
virus-induced FM. Nearly all cells of the human As the two most important members of IFN I,
body can immediately produce IFNs after being IFN-α and IFN-β exert extensive antiviral
infected by the virus. IFNs can be divided into responses through various pathways (Fig.  5.2).
three types based on their origin and physico- They interfere with viral replication, inhibit cel-
chemical properties: IFN I, IFN II, and IFN lular protein synthesis, stimulate p53-mediated



Viral RNA

Infected cell

Apoptosis Type I IFNs

Type I IFNs

APC B cell
NK cell T cell

Fig. 5.2  Anti-viral response of type I interferon

48 C. Chen and D. W. Wang


Biological function Pathological effects

Anti-virus Activate immune reponse ILCs Macrophages T cells B cells

Promote vascular remodeling Promote auto-immune response
Alleviate tissue damage Mediate tissue damage ILC1 function Proinflammatory function Th1 cell function Antibody production
Reduce fibrosis Metabolic syndrome ILC2 function Cytokine production TFH cell response Antibody class switch
Th2 cell response Auto-antibody production
Th17 cell response
Dual effects of Treg cells

Fig. 5.3 (a) the homeostasis regulation and pathological effects of IFN-γ; (b) the regulatory effects of IFN-γ to immune

cellular apoptosis, and promote inflammasome IL-1, TNF-α, and IL-6 from macrophages. In
formation. In addition, they activate macro- MAS and cancer therapy-induced cytokine
phages, promote the production of proinflamma- release syndrome (CRS), remarkably high levels
tory cytokines, enhance the ability of NK cells to of circulating IFN-γ have been reported [31, 32].
eliminate infected cells, promote antibody pro- In addition, IFN-γ also reduces the attack of T
duction, and promote the expression of MHC cells at cardiomyocytes by inhibiting the differ-
molecules in cells, facilitating the recognition, entiation of Th0 into Th17 cells and enhancing
adhesion, and killing effects of CD8+ T cells the expression of PD-L1 in cells such as endothe-
toward infected cells [27, 28]. lial cells. However, continuous high levels of
Previous research indicated that for IFN-γ could also induce cell self-damage and
enterovirus-­and adenovirus-induced myocarditis negative inotropic effects by modulating the
patients, 24  weeks of IFN-β treatment could expression of cytokine receptors (Fig. 5.3) [33].
effectively eliminate the viral genome in the
myocardium and improve left ventricular func-
tion [29]. However, animal studies have also 5.2.2 Interleukins
shown that inhibiting IFN-β during late-stage
myocarditis could alleviate symptoms, indicating Interleukins (ILs) are a group of cytokines that
that the function of IFN-β might be time-­ exhibit multiple effects. They play a critical role
dependent [6]. in mediating signal transduction, promoting the
activation, proliferation, and differentiation of Type II Interferon (IFN II) lymphocytes, modulating the function of various
IFN-γ is mainly produced by CD4+/CD8+ T and types of immune cells, and are therefore crucial
NK cells. CD8+ T and NK cells are the major in immune responses.
effector cells of the adaptive and innate immune
systems, respectively. Thus, IFN-γ is an index IL-1 Family
used to systemically assess the immune activa- The IL-1 family consists of 11 members, includ-
tion status of the human body [30]. Like other ing IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-1Ra, IL-18, IL-33, IL-36α,
members of the IFN family, IFN-γ can inhibit IL-36β, IL-36γ, IL-36Ra, IL-37, and IL-38.
viral replication. However, its principal function Among them, IL-1 and IL-33 were determined to
is to modulate the adaptive immune response. have a close relationship with FM.
IFN-γ can act on a broad range of cell types that IL-1α and IL-1β are different molecular forms
express IFNγR. It can enhance MHC expression of IL-1. They are mainly produced by activated
of target cells and facilitate the antigen presenta- monocytes, macrophages, endothelial cells, and
tion process, promote Th0 cells to differentiate fibroblasts. Other cell types can also produce
into Th1 cells and monocyte differentiation into IL-1 following infection. Although IL-1α and
M1 macrophages, and upregulate the release of IL-1β are encoded by different genes, they exert
5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 49

the same biological functions by binding to the improved cardiac dysfunction in mice [43]. IL-1
same receptor. After binding to its receptor, IL-1 also plays a critical role in the development of
can induce the production of numerous inflam- FM. A case report indicated that an IL-1 receptor
matory mediators, broadly participating in vari- antagonist (anakinra) was effective in life-­
ous acute and chronic immune responses threatening PVB19 induced FM [44]. In addition,
[34–36]. for ECMO-resistant FM patients and myocarditis-­
IL-1 is closely associated with several cardio- induced end-stage heart failure patients, IL-1
vascular diseases. With sepsis, IL-1 is recognized receptor blockade successfully improved cardiac
as a “soluble myocardial suppressant molecule.” systolic function in 24 hours [45, 46].
[37, 38] Studies have indicated that IL-1β induces Classic activated IL-33, another member of
G protein-mediated suppression of L-type Ca2+ the IL-1 family, functions as an alarmin, which
currents, resulting in contractile abnormalities in participates in immune modulation by regulating
cultured rat ventricular myocytes [39]. IL-1 can several types of immune cells (Fig. 5.5) [47–49].
also promote NO generation, affect mitochon- It is generally recognized that M2 macrophages
drial ATP production, and affect the re-uptake of exert a protective effect on the progression of
calcium ions by cardiomyocytes through the myocarditis [19]. IL-33 can promote M2 macro-
reduction of the mRNA and protein expression of phage polarization by enhancing the expression
sarcoplasmic reticulum or endoplasmic reticu- of IL-4 from cardiac-infiltrated ST2L+F4/80+
lum calcium-ATPase. These mechanisms collec- macrophages and ST2L+CD4+ T cells, thereby
tively influenced the cardiac contractile capability alleviating the cardiac inflammatory response
(Fig. 5.4) [40]. In addition, the negative inotropic [50].
effects of IL-1β seem to be related to the release ST2, the receptor of IL-33, has two subtypes:
and activation of IL-18, but its mechanisms are transmembrane receptor ST2L and soluble recep-
still unknown [41]. According to previous animal tor sST2. The former is the functional receptor
studies, the injection of healthy mice with IL-1β that activates the downstream signaling pathway,
(3 μg/kg) induced reversible cardiac systolic dys- while the latter is commonly recognized as the
function and reduced left ventricular contractility “bait receptor.” [48] Under specific conditions,
reserve [42]. However, pretreatment with IL-1β such as inflammation, IL-33 cannot successfully
antibody or IL-1 antagonist significantly combine with ST2L; therefore, blocking the

L-type Ca2
IL1R1 channel


Ca2 IL-1

ROS IL-1 Mitochondria

Ryr Ca2
Glycolysis ATP
Sarcoplasmic Fatty acid
reticulum oxidation

Fig. 5.4  IL-1 and cardiac contractility

50 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

• Promote activation and • Promote M2 macrophage differentiation

proliferation • Up regulate TLR4, enhance the sensitivity of
• Promote cytokine cells to LPS
production such as IL-4 • Promote the release of IL-13, IL33 and TGF-β
and IFN-γ

• Enhance cell adhesion ability

• Promote the production • Promote the expression of CD11b
of IL-5 and IL-13 • Promote the production of superoxide anion
• Promote cell degranulation

• Promote cell activation

• Enhance immune • Promote the expression of IL-6, IL-2, IL-4
modulation funtion IL-5, IL-13, CCL17, TNF-α and IL-1β
• Promote cell proliferation

• Promote cell activation

• Promote IFN-γ production • Promote the expression of MCP-1,
TNF-α, IL-1, IL2 and IL-6

• Promote the production of • Promote the expression of ST2

IL-5 and IL-13 • Promote the formation of neutrophil
• Increase chemotaxis extracellular traps (NETs)

Fig. 5.5  The modulation of IL-33 to immune cells

Fig. 5.6 Diagnostic ROC CURVE

efficiency of sST2 to


AUROC 95%CI p-value

sST2 0.96 (0.93–0.99) reference
cTnI 0.76 (0.67–0.85) p<0.001
NT-proBNP 0.62 (0.52–0.71) p<0.001

1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2


p­ ositive effects of IL-33 on the myocardium, and sST2 is more sensitive than cTnI and NT-proBNP
the level of sST2 increases. Elevated sST2 levels for FM diagnosis (Fig. 5.6). Recombinant ST2-­
may be a predictor of 1-year mortality in decom- treated A/J mice showed impaired cardiac sys-
pensated heart failure [51]. Recent research has tolic and diastolic functions, with increased
shown that plasma sST2 levels are elevated in cardiomyocyte apoptosis. In addition, ST2 anti-
patients with FM and are related to disease sever- body treatment can relieve cardiac decompensa-
ity in the acute stage. ROC analysis showed that tion in mice with CVB3-induced FM, alleviate
5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 51

cardiac inflammation infiltration, and reduce car- cytotoxic T cells activated by IL-2 could directly
diomyocyte apoptosis. Therefore, sST2 may be a induce extensive tissue damage. In addition, the
biomarker and potential therapeutic target for the interaction between activated T cells and endo-
diagnosis and treatment of FM. thelial cells could induce capillary leakage and
immune cell extravasation, leading to microcir- IL-2 culation disorders, tissue edema, cytotoxic dam-
IL-2, also known as T cell growth factor (TCGF), age, and myocardial cell necrosis [55].
is mainly produced by CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T IL-2 can activate T cells and promote the kill-
cells, and NK cells [52]. IL-2 is the major growth ing of tumor cells by T cells; therefore, it is com-
factor that promotes T cell proliferation, activates monly used in cancer therapy. In clinical settings,
T cells, and promotes cytokine production. In several FM cases induced by IL-2 treatment of
addition, IL-2 can also stimulate the proliferation metastatic melanoma, liver cancer, and other dis-
of NK cells, enhance their killing activity and eases have been reported [56–58].
cytokine production ability, activate macro-
phages, and promote B cell proliferation and IL-6 Family
antibody production (Fig. 5.7). The IL-6 family includes IL-6, IL-11, IL-27,
Studies have found that in patients with myo- oncostatin M (OSM), leukemia inhibitory factor
carditis and dilated cardiomyopathy, IL-2 and (LIF), ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF), car-
soluble IL-2 receptor levels are significantly ele- diotrophin 1 (CT-1), cardiotrophin-like cytokine
vated, and the elevated levels are closely related factor 1 (CLCF1), IL-35, and IL-39 [59]. Among
to the disease process [53, 54]. The possible them, IL-6 is the most closely related to FM.
mechanism for IL-2-induced myocardial decom- IL-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine that exhibits both
pensation and inflammatory infiltration is that pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

Activated IL-2
CD4+ T cells

CD8+ Foxp3 BCL6

Tbet Gata3 RORyt
T cells

IL-2 IL-6 IL-2

IL-12 IL-4 IL-21

Effector CTL Th1 cells Th2 cells Th17 cells Treg cells Tfh cells

IL-4 IL-17 TGF- IL-21
IL-5 IL-22
Memory CTL

Fig. 5.7  T cell modulation effects of IL-2

52 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

It is mainly produced by monocytes, macro- Th17 cells. The trans-presentation pathway plays
phages, Th2 cells, vascular endothelial cells, and a vital role in acute respiratory distress syndrome
fibroblasts. It has traditionally been thought that (ARDS) and CRS of viral pneumonia [60].
IL-6 has two signal transduction pathways. In the In the acute phase of the inflammatory
classic IL-6 signaling pathway, IL-6 directly response, IL-6 can balance the body’s immune
binds to membrane-bound IL-6 receptor (mIL- response by inhibiting inflammation and protect-
6R), that is expressed on the membrane surface of ing the organism. Studies have shown that IL-6
hepatocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes, and can inhibit virus replication in mice with myocar-
activates the JAK-STAT3 and JAK-mitogen- ditis and reduce cardiac inflammation infiltration
activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling path- [60, 61]. However, the continuous high levels of
ways under the mediation of gp130 molecules. IL-6 promotes B cell activation and differentia-
Thereafter, it exerts a variety of anti-­inflammatory tion, induces the production of antibodies (espe-
biological functions, such as promoting the cially immunoglobulin M [IgM] and IgG),
release of liver proteins in the acute phase. In the promotes T cell proliferation, increases the activ-
cross-signaling pathway, IL-6 forms a circulating ity of NK cells and macrophages, and promotes
complex with soluble IL-6R (sIL-­6R) and then the release of cytokines. It can also trigger the
binds to gp130 expressed on almost all cell sur- automatic aggressive response of the Th17 sys-
faces, thereby expanding the cell types that tem, participate in myocardial damage, cardiac
respond to IL-6. The pro-inflammatory effects of dysfunction, multiple organ dysfunction, and dis-
IL-6 are mainly mediated by sIL-6R, making the seminated intravascular coagulation by interrupt-
IL-6/sIL-6R complex an important pro-inflamma- ing the balance of the cytokine network,
tory mediator. Recent studies have shown that interfering with virus clearance, inducing blood
IL-6 also has a trans-presentation signal transduc- vessel leakage, and promoting the occurrence of
tion pathway. IL-6 first binds to mIL-­6R expressed thrombosis (Fig.  5.8) [60, 62–64]. Myocardial
on the surface of dendritic cells and then binds to damage caused by CRS is generally thought to be
cells that express gp130 to activate pathological associated with increased IL-6 [65]. In addition,

Classic signaling pathway

sIL6R Trans signaling pathway


IL-6 continuous


Acute period reaction

Inhibit cardiomyocyte apoptosis Tissue destruction
Tissue protection Contractility compromise
Cardiac hypertrophy

Fig. 5.8  Dual effects of IL-6

5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 53

since both TNF and IL-1β can stimulate the pro- 5.2.3 Chemokines
duction of IL-6, IL-6 can indirectly reflect the
expression of these two cytokines. The level of The chemokine (ChK) family is an extensive
peripheral blood IL-6 is often used to assess the cytokine superfamily. Members of the ChK fam-
systemic cytokine response strength of patients ily are low molecular weight proteins that attract
[66]. In myocarditis and congestive heart failure, various immune cells to damage sites, thereby
cautiously increased IL-6 levels usually indicate acting as a ‘bridge’ in the inflammatory response.
a poor prognosis [67, 68]. At present, it is generally believed that the
major mechanism behind the formation of a cyto- IL-10 kine storm is the release of excessive inflamma-
IL-10 is mainly produced by T cells, monocytes, tory mediators by a variety of inflammatory cells
macrophages, and B cells. Activated dendritic cells in the case of immune regulatory disorders. Thus,
and selected NK cell subtypes can also produce the ChKs that guide inflammatory cells to the
IL-10. Generally, IL-10 is thought to be an anti- local infection site play an essential role in the
inflammatory cytokine. It can reduce the intensity formation of cytokine storms. Therefore, devel-
of the inflammatory response and inhibit immune oping drugs targeting ChKs and their receptors
overactivation by affecting MHC II expression, may be a feasible strategy to treat a variety of
negatively regulating inflammatory pathways such inflammatory reactions, including cytokine
as the NF-κB signaling pathway, inhibiting the storms. At present, a variety of ChK-receptor
activation of immune cells, and releasing inflam- antagonists have been extensively developed, but
matory cytokines (Fig. 5.9) [69, 70]. due to unsolved problems that exist in clinical tri-
The elevation of IL-10 during the late stage of als, the application of these drugs is still limited.
the cytokine storm indicates the activation of the
inflammatory response. This indicates that the
organism is trying to repress the activated 5.2.4 Tumor Necrosis Factor
immune response and represent the functional
downregulation of circulating neutrophils and TNF can be divided into TNF-α and lymphotoxin
monocytes [71]. Research has indicated that (LT). The TNF superfamily contains at least 19
IL-10 treatment downregulates the production of members, which exert significant functions by
pro-inflammatory cytokines in viral myocarditis, modulating the adaptive immune response, kill-
thereby exerting cardioprotective functions [72]. ing target cells, and inducing cellular apoptosis.
Plasma levels of IL-10 could also be used as a Among these members, TNF-α was reported to
prognostic index in patients with FM. Those with be closely linked to FM. TNF-α can be produced
higher IL-10 levels are more likely to be diag- by a variety of immune and non-immune cells.
nosed with hemodynamic disorder [73, 74]. As a pleiotropic pro-inflammatory cytokine,

Fig. 5.9 Anti-­
inflammatory effects of IL-10

(TLR, etc.)
T cell

54 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

TNF-α stimulates the production of various specific TNF-α overexpression in mice [76].
inflammatory cytokines and ChKs. However, a clinical trial that used a TNF-α antag-
Previous research has indicated that TNF onist to treat heart failure patients yielded disap-
could affect cardiac function through both imme- pointing results [77]. Moreover, there are case
diate and delayed pathways. Increased TNF reports that administered adalimumab, a TNF-α
could inhibit left ventricular function by activat- antagonist, in the treatment of relapsing poly-
ing the neutral sphingomyelinase pathway for chondritis, which could induce eosinophilic
several minutes. Later, from hours to a few days, myocarditis [78]. Although some research indi-
TNF could induce negative inotropic effects cated that TNF-α could damage cardiac function
through NO-mediated β-adrenergic signaling by promoting an inflammatory response, evi-
pathway dysregulation. Consistent high levels of dence also supports that TNF knockout mice with
TNF can activate matrix metalloproteinases myocarditis exhibited increased myocardial viral
(MMPs), leading to collagen degradation and left load and higher mortality rate, which could be
ventricular dilation. In addition, it can enhance reversed by recombinant TNF. The mechanisms
the sensitivity of fibroblasts to the inflammatory behind this phenomenon could be explained by
mediators released by mast cells, inducing extra- the fact that the expression of adhesion molecules
cellular matrix degradation and left ventricular and ChKs is TNF-α dependent. Thus, TNF-α
dilation, and promoting left ventricular remodel- deficiency induces abnormalities in virus clear-
ing (Fig.  5.10) [75]. This is consistent with the ance [79]. Collectively, TNF-α may play a dual
dilated cardiomyopathy phenotype of cardiac-­ role in the development of FM.

Transmembrane TNF
Soluble TNF

Cell membrane


Caspase/MLKL Neutral Sphingomyelinase No MMPs

-adrenergic receptor
Apoptosis ECM degradation
Necroptosis Fibrosis

Impaired cardiac contractility

Fig. 5.10  Cardiac inotropic effects of TNF

5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 55

5.3 Pathogenesis of Cytokine Studies have indicated that IL-6, IL-10, and
Storm in Fulminant Myocarditis IFN-γ are critical cytokines in anti-tumor
immune treatment-induced cytokine storms.
The inflammatory response is the chief defense After coming into contact with tumor cells,
mechanism when organisms are damaged or activated T cells release large quantities of
infected. The classical inflammatory response is IFN-γ and TNF-α, causing fever, shivering,
a self-limited process divided into four stages: headache, dizziness, and fatigue. IFN-γ also
recognition, assembly, effector, and recovery. activates immune cells, such as macrophages,
The formation of a cytokine storm is due to the and promotes the release of cytokines such as
ineffective modulation of the inflammatory pro- IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10 from immune cells.
cess, resulting in a systemic inflammatory These cytokines further promote the release of
response and inducing catastrophic damage to IFN-γ and TNF-α from T cells, resulting in a
neighboring tissues. positive feedback loop. Significantly elevated
The functions of the cytokine storm varies in IL-6 levels might be the main factor in anti-
different etiologies induced by FM (Fig.  5.11). tumor treatment-induced cytokine storms.
Although the processes are quite the same, the Apart from immune cells, endothelial cells may
types of cytokine storms and the types of elevated also be involved in the modulation of cytokine
cytokines are different. In clinical practice, myo- storms. In clinical settings, angiotensin-II
carditis is mostly induced by cardiotropic viruses, (Ang-II) and von Willebrand factor (vWF) are
such as CVB3 and PVB19. However, the patho- commonly elevated in the peripheral blood of
genesis of virus-induced cytokine storms remains patients undergoing cytokine storms.
unclear. The pathogenesis of anti-tumor drugs, Modulating endothelial expression of
such as those that induce immune checkpoint sphingosine-1-­phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1)
inhibitor-induced cytokine storms, might help us through the sphingosine-­1-phosphate receptor
better understand this phenomenon. modulator (S1PS) agonist could reduce the

1 2 3
Immune checkpoint
Cardiotropic virus Non-cardiotropic virus
inhibitors, CAR-T,
(CVB3, PVB19...) (SARS-CoV, H1N1...)
monoclonal antibodies


Over-activated inflammation

Direct damage

Over-activated inflammation

Multiple orgen

Fulminant myocarditis Other organs damage

Fig. 5.11  The relationship between common etiologies of FM and over-activated inflammation
56 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

B cell cell
PD-L1 MHC Fc receptor
Nivolumab Tumor
Blinatumomab antigen TCR Rituximab
CD3 CD20
T cell T cell B cell
T cell CD30

CD52 T cell CD4 TGN1412
T cell
T cell
Anti-thymocyte globulin



T cell
EC Macrophage

T cell

Fig. 5.12  The pathogenesis of anti-tumor therapy-induced cytokine storms

accumulation of innate immune cells in  local Among the increased cytokines, it is still
tissues and prevent the formation and progres- unclear which of them plays the most significant
sion of cytokine storms (Fig. 5.12) [80]. role in the formation of cytokine storms.
The mechanism by which cardiotropic Identifying the key cytokines has tremendous
viruses induce cytokine storms require further significance in the treatment of FM. In addition, a
research. However, the fundamental reason cytokine storm is the depiction of immune imbal-
behind the formation of a cytokine storm is the ance. In the early stage of inflammation, cells and
regulatory imbalance between the pro- and cytokines form a positive feedback loop to pro-
anti-­inflammatory responses. The positive feed- mote the elimination of pathogens. However, this
back loop between immune cells, non-immune process is controllable and typically does not
cells, and cytokines induces the release of induce extensive damage to the organism [81].
excessive cytokines. Our research indicated Therefore, determining how viruses manipulate
that several mutually influential cytokines were the immune system and induce immune dysfunc-
elevated in the peripheral blood of FM patients tion may fundamentally regulate the formation of
(Fig. 5.13). cytokine storms (Fig. 5.14) [69, 82].
5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 57

Fig. 5.13  Elevated cytokines in the peripheral blood of FM patients and their interactions

Pro-inflammatory Anti-inflammatory

Cytokines: IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, ST2, TN-a, Cells: TReg cells

IFNs, chemokines Cytolines: IL-1Ra, sTNFR-1, IL-10
Chemical mediators: prostaglandins, Chemical mediators: resolvins, protectins, galectin 1
histamines, cyclooxygenases and galectin 9
Reactive species: reactive oxygen Inhibitory receptors: PD-1, LAG-3, TIM-3, CTLA-4
species and reactive nitrogen species Innate immune regulatory proteins:
Porteinases: matrix metalloproteinases TLR signal inhibitors: A20, IRAKM, SOCS and SOCS3
RLR regulators: RNF125, ubiquitin ligase, DUBA,
NLR inhibitors: p202

Pro-inflammatory Anti-inflammatory

Uninfected Controlled immune response Uncontrolled immune response

pathogens elimination cytokine storm

Fig. 5.14  Balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mechanisms during virus infection
58 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

Fig. 5.15 Negative
regulatory effects of T PD-1
cells CTLA4

Treg/Teff IL-10


Innate cell TIM3

5.4 Possible Mechanisms In addition, circulating cytokines such as

of Cytokine Storm-Induced TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, and IFN stimulate the excre-
Cardiac Dysfunction tion of platelet agglutinating factor, prostaglan-
din, peroxide synthetase, leukotrienes, and NO
Extensive T cell infiltration in the myocardium is from white blood cells, red blood cells, and plate-
the most significant depiction of FM patients lets. The elevation of these molecules induces the
[83–86]. Excessive activation of T cells induces expression of C-reactive proteins, α2 macroglob-
extensive cardiomyocyte destruction. CD8+ CLT ulin, and fibrinogen, while inhibiting the expres-
is the primary immune cell that mediates tissue sion of albumin and transferrin in peripheral
damage. In the local heart of FM patients, abnor- blood, leading to the abnormal hemodynamic
mally elevated cytokines, such as IL-2, activate T status of high output and low resistance. In addi-
cells and induce tissue injury. Normally, activated tion, the peripheral blood vessels are dilated,
T cells are modulated by various negative regula- resulting in hypoperfusion of the peripheral
tory signals (Fig. 5.15) [69]. When the negative organs and microcirculation disturbance.
modulatory system is impaired, over-activated T The above reasons, together with virus-­
cells mediate tissue damage. induced damage, lead to rapid cardiac functional
Cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and deterioration in FM patients. Cancer immune
IL-18 modulate cardiac contractile ability therapy-induced FM is also connected to the
through multiple signaling pathways. TNF-α also above reasons. However, for this type of FM, the
induces myocardial apoptosis, leading to func- accumulation of activated T cells in the local
tional cardiac damage. heart is also mediated by drugs. The shared epit-
FM patients, irrespective of etiology, are opes between tumor cells and cardiomyocytes
commonly afflicted by types of arrhythmias, lead to the direct attack of anti-tumor drugs on
such as atrial or ventricular tachycardia, atrio- the heart (Fig. 5.16) [91]. As for non-cardiotropic
ventricular block, and even cardiac arrest [87– viruses, myocardial damage is mainly mediated
89]. Cytokines such as IL-2, IL-6, IL-17A, and by reasons 2, 3, and 4. In this type of FM, cardiac
IL-18 prolong the time course of the action infiltration is minimal. However, other organs,
potential, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-18 affect L-type especially the lungs, are directly attacked by the
Ca2+ channels, IL-2 inhibits fast Na+ channels, virus and usually suffer severe functional dys-
and IL-17A and VEGF-B exhibit a special func- regulation. Once a cytokine storm is formed, a
tion in the Kir channel. The combined function of significant cardiac abnormality can occur, even
several cytokines leads to disturbances in elec- with few cardiac immune infiltrations.
trocardial function and induces arrhythmias in If patients have a strong immune system or
FM patients [90]. receive treatment prompts, the function of periph-
5  Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Fulminant Myocarditis 59

Tumor cell PD-1 antibody

T cell
CTLA-4 antibody

Auto antibody

Tumor antigen

Tissue antigen

1 CTLA-4


Fig. 5.16  Mechanisms of cancer treatment-induced cardiac damage

eral organs may gradually recover. In contrast, IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, and IFN increase significantly
with the combined action of myocardial damage, in peripheral blood, showing an endocrine effect
cardiac contractile dysfunction, and hypoperfu- and acting on distant target cells. This discrep-
sion of peripheral organs, circulatory failure soon ancy in cytokine levels between the local heart
occurs and severely endangers the lives of and peripheral blood makes it difficult to under-
patients. stand the cytokine storm in the heart. In recent
years, the development of new technologies such
as single-cell sequencing and spatial
5.5 In the Future ­transcriptomics has provided us with new ideas
for further exploring the mysteries of cytokine
The specific role of the cytokine storm during the storms and identifying more accurately the core
progression of FM has not been fully elucidated, molecules involved. Cytokine storms play a vital
and further research is urgently needed. role in the pathophysiology of FM.  Therefore,
The appearance of a cytokine storm is a major methods of regulating cytokine levels and other
cause of death in patients with FM.  Therefore, immune mechanisms may provide a feasible
the deep exploration of its pathophysiological approach for FM treatment. In the “Chinese soci-
mechanism, clinical markers, and treatment ety of cardiology expert consensus statement on
methods is of particular importance in reducing the diagnosis and treatment of adult fulminant
the mortality rate of patients. However, the detec- myocarditis,” immunomodulatory treatments
tion of cytokine storms mainly relies on the mon- such as glucocorticoids and human immunoglob-
itoring of cytokines in the peripheral blood. The ulins are recommended to suppress over-­activated
short half-life of most cytokines limits their bio- immune responses by reducing inflammatory cell
logical effects to autocrine and paracrine effects infiltration, inhibiting the release of inflamma-
on local tissues. Only under certain conditions, tory cytokines, and reducing abnormal antigen-
such as infection, do a few cytokines such as antibody binding. It has been widely used in
60 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

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Pathology of Fulminant
Myocarditis 6
Shuquan Zhao, Zheng Wen, and Yiwu Zhou

Although prominent achievements have been tis by pathologists. According to the histological
made in the identification, diagnosis, and treat- characteristics in EMB and the clinical manifes-
ment of myocarditis, the pathological diagnosis tations, in 1991, Lieberman classified myocardi-
of myocarditis is still a difficult problem due to tis into fulminant myocarditis, acute myocarditis,
continuous changes of the diagnosis criteria, clas- chronic active myocarditis, and chronic persis-
sification, and pattern of infection. Sobernheim tent myocarditis.
first proposed the diagnosis of myocarditis in
1837. In 1858, the famous German pathologist
Virchow popularized the diagnosis of myocar- 6.1 Overview of the Pathology
ditis. In 1912, Herrick noted the morphological of Myocarditis
characteristics of ischemic myocardial necrosis. and Fulminant Myocarditis
Since then, the diagnosis rates of myocardi-
tis have decreased significantly. The advent of According to the Dallas Criteria [1], myocardi-
transvenous endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) in tis can only be diagnosed if myocyte necrosis,
1962 changed the knowledge of the pathophysi- degeneration, or both associated with an inflam-
ology, etiology, and therapeutics of myocarditis. matory infiltrate adjacent to the degenerat-
In 1984, eight cardiac pathologists gathered in ing or necrotic myocytes can be demonstrated.
Dallas, USA, and developed the morphological However, the morphology of myocardial dam-
standards and Dallas Criteria for the diagnosis age in myocarditis differs from that in ischemic
of myocarditis in EMB samples. Subsequently, heart disease. According to the types of infil-
the Dallas Criteria was accepted and promoted trated inflammatory cells, myocarditis can be
by the National Institutes of Health, and is still subdivided into lymphocytic, eosinophilic, neu-
the standard for the identification of myocardi- trophilic, giant cell, granulomatous, and mixed
cell types. According to the area of inflammatory
cell infiltration, myocarditis can be classified into
S. Zhao · Y. Zhou (*) interstitial, perivascular, and endocardial types.
Department of Forensic Medicine, Tongji Medical
College, Huazhong University of Science and According to the severity of cardiac lesions,
Technology, Wuhan, China myocarditis can be divided into slight, mild,
Z. Wen moderate, and severe degrees. According to the
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal distribution of inflammatory cell infiltration,
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and myocarditis can be divided into focal, confluent,
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, or diffuse types. Borderline myocarditis refers to
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China a subtype of focal inflammatory cell infiltration

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 65
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
66 S. Zhao et al.

in the interstitial myocardium, but without obvi- 6.1.1 Infectious Myocarditis

ous myocardial necrosis. According to the Dallas
Criteria [1], myocarditis is divided into active, Infectious myocarditis is caused by an infection
recurrent, rehabilitative, and marginal subtypes, of pathogenic microorganisms including viruses,
and persistent cardiac viral infection without bacteria, fungi, parasites, and so forth. Viral
inflammatory cell infiltration is defined as non-­ and bacterial myocarditis are the most common
inflammatory viral cardiomyopathy. types of myocarditis [4]. The main pathogens
Myocarditis is one of the most common causes of infectious myocarditis include the following
of sudden cardiac death, especially accounting categories:
for sudden deaths in children and young people.
Domestic reports stated that the rate of myocar- 1. Viruses. Coxsackie virus, echovirus, adenovi-
ditis detected in autopsies was 2.8%, while in for- rus, cytomegalovirus, varicella-zoster virus,
eign countries it was 4–9%. This rate increased simple herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus, mea-
up to 20% in the sudden deaths of children. sles virus, rubella virus, polio virus, influenza
Based on etiology, myocarditis is divided virus, acute encephalitis virus, respiratory
into infectious and non-infectious categories. syncytial virus, arena virus, dengue fever
Myocarditis induced by different causes mani- virus, hepatitis virus, human immunodefi-
fest differently in etiologies, pathophysiological ciency virus, Junin virus, coronavirus, rabies
mechanisms, and pathological changes(Table virus, yellow fever virus, smallpox virus, and
6.1) [2, 3]. so forth.

Table 6.1  The classification and etiology of myocarditis [2, 3]

Important examples of
Types of myocarditis Etiology myocarditis
Infectious myocarditis Viruses Coxsackie viral
Pyogenic bacteria myocarditis
Specific bacteria Septic myocarditis
Fungi Tuberculous myocarditis
Rickettsia Diphtheria toxic
Parasites myocarditis
Fungal myocarditis
Rickettsia myocarditis
Chagas myocarditis
Toxoplasmosis myocarditis
Trichinosis myocarditis
Myocarditis with systemic Collagen-associated vascular disease SLE
disease Acute rheumatic fever Rheumatic myocarditis
Pregnancy Perinatal myocarditis
Granulomatous Sarcoidosis
myocarditis Idiopathic giant cell
Drug/toxin-induced Antibiotics, diuretics, antitumor drugs, catecholamines Drug allergic myocarditis
myocarditis Chemical poisons or heavy metals (phosphine, arsenic,
lead, etc.)
Biological toxins (venomous snakes, spiders,
scorpions, bee bites or stings)
Others Physical factors (radiation)
Transplantation-associated myocarditis
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 67

2. Bacteria. Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, and cardiac enlargement and dilation of the cham-
Pneumococcus, Meningococcus, bers. In other cases, there are myocytic edema,
Mycobacterium, Diphtheria, Brucella, dissolution, necrosis, and interstitial inflam-
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus, Vibrio matory infiltration that may lead to acute heart
cholerae, Listeria, Actinomycetes, Tularea, failure, pulmonary edema, cardiogenic shock,
Salmonella, Whipple, Campylobacter, and so or even death. If the disease affects the cardiac
forth. conduction system, it can cause various degrees
3. Spirochetes. Leptospira, Treponema palli- of atrioventricular block, and even ventricular
dum, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Treponema fibrillation which may induce Adam–Stokes syn-
pallidum. drome or sudden death.
4. Rickettsia. Coxiella burnetii, Rocky Mountain Myocarditis is usually characterized by
spotted fever, and tsutsugamushi disease. myocardial architectural displacement and the
5. Fungi. Candida, Mucor, Aspergillosis, presence of focal mononuclear cells and lym-
Coccidia, Blastomyces, Cryptococcus, phocytes that cause encroachment or scallop-
Histoplasma, and so forth. ing of the sarcolemmal membrane of myocytes,
6. Protozoa/helminth. Trypanosoma, the fragmentation of myocytes with remnants
Toxoplasma, Cysticercosis, Sarcosporidium, of cytoplasm or bare nuclei, or diffuse infiltra-
Schistosome, Echinococcus, Paragonimus, tion and even the replacement of myocytes by
Trichinella, Filariasis, roundworms, and so inflammatory cells in severe cases. Extensive
forth. myocytolysis and necrosis are rare. The use of
Masson’s trichrome is helpful in difficult cases
because damaged myocytes display a basophilic
6.1.2 Non-infectious Myocarditis tinctorial quality [4].
It should be noted that, in terms of patho-
1. Systemic disease-associated or immunoreac- logical diagnosis, the interpretation of myo-
tive myocarditis such as systemic lupus ery- cardial inflammatory cell infiltration must be
thematosus (SLE), rheumatism, rheumatoid cautious, because in approximately 5–10%
disease, drug allergic myocarditis, nodular of non-­ myocarditis deaths (such as mechani-
polyarteritis, dermatomyositis, Kawasaki dis- cal injury, poisoning, etc.), more-or-less focal
ease, perinatal cardiomyopathy, thrombotic inflammatory cell infiltrations are present in
thrombocytopenic purpura, and so forth. the myocardial interstitium without myocar-
2. Myocarditis caused by physical or chemical dial degeneration or necrosis. Only in circum-
factors such as drugs (toxins), heavy metals, stances where the lesions are severe enough to
biological toxic substances, metabolic disor- induce clinical symptoms can the diagnosis of
ders (uremia, hypokalemia), and physical myocarditis be taken into consideration. Under
injuries. physiological conditions, there are also a few
3. Other types such as sarcoidosis, idiopathic lymphocytes under the endocardium, usually
giant cell myocarditis, and so forth. less than 5 cells/mm2. In 1999, the World Heart
Association Consensus Meeting issued a quan-
The clinical manifestations of myocarditis are titative immunohistopathology standard for
diverse, ranging from asymptomatic to severe myocarditis, which is defined as inflammatory
arrhythmia, acute heart failure, cardiogenic shock, cell infiltration >14/mm2 [5]. Fulminant or acute
and even death. The EMB is the “gold standard” progressive myocarditis usually manifests rapid
for the clinical diagnosis of myocarditis. clinical progress and the diffuse infiltration of
Pathological lesions vary significantly in myo- inflammatory cells in biopsy specimens. The lat-
carditis. In some cases, it shows diffuse damage est diagnostic criteria for fulminant myocarditis
such as myocardial relaxation, lack of elasticity, was defined as >50/mm2 inflammatory cell infil-
decreased ventricular tension and compliance, tration with obvious myocardial necrosis [6].
68 S. Zhao et al.

The differences between myocarditis and well as soft and loose myocardial textures. Faint
myocardial inflammatory responses, which color and interstitial edema appear in anatomic
are two distinct types of pathological changes, sections, along with gray-white or gray-yellow
should also be noted. In situations such as spot-like lesions and focal hemorrhages or hem-
myocardial infarction or myocardial degenera- orrhagic necrosis (Fig. 6.1) [7].
tion, inflammatory responses exist during the
clearance of necrotic myocytes, but small focal Generally, lesions are worse in the left ventri-
infarcts usually lie along the coronary arteries. In cle than in the right, worse in the ventricles than
diseases with systemic leukocytosis such as leu-
kemia and parasitic infections, there are eosino-
philia, leukocytosis in the myocardium or small a
blood vessels, and even scattered or small focal
aggregations in the myocardial interstitium, but
this is generally not accompanied by myocardial
necrosis. In addition, clarifying the pathological
characteristics of viral, bacterial, fungal, and par-
asitic myocarditis in the acute phase, especially
pathogen detection in myocardial lesions, will be
helpful in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis
of myocarditis.

6.2 Pathological Characteristics

of Myocarditis of Different

6.2.1 Viral Myocarditis

Viral myocarditis is the most common cause

of lymphocytic myocarditis. Many viruses can
cause different degrees of myocarditis; the most
common types are Coxsackie virus groups A and
B, echovirus, and adenovirus [2, 4]. The patho-
genic mechanism of viral myocarditis includes
the direct damage of myocytes by the virus, and
through autoimmune responses or inflammatory
mediator-induced (such as interleukin-6, inter-
feron, etc.) specific antiviral immune responses.
Acute viral myocarditis refers to those who expe-
rience a disease course within 3 months.

Pathological Changes  A general examination

shows that the shape of the heart can be normal or
enlarged with dilated chambers (obviously in the Fig. 6.1  Fulminant myocarditis (female, 30  years old,
left ventricle). The heart weight is slightly died 3 days after onset). (a) The heart is slightly enlarged
(320  g) with a soft texture; (b) The section view from
increased. No obvious thickening of the ventricu- panel a shows enlargement of the left ventricle, flattened
lar wall is observed, but it shows flattened papil- papillary muscles, and trabeculae carneae cordis with
lary muscles and trabeculae carneae cordis as light color
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 69

in the atriums, and slightly worse in the suben-

docardial layer than in the outer layer. In most
cases, the lesions are widely distributed and dif-
fuse from inside to outside, and are often accom-
panied by fibrinous pericarditis and exudative
pericardial effusion. Auricular or intraventricular
thrombosis is uncommon. Compensatory hyper-
trophy may be present in the chronic phase.

Cardiac Histopathological Examination  In the Fig. 6.3  Subacute viral myocarditis (female, 26  years
acute phase, degeneration/necrosis occurs in car- old, sudden death). It shows a necrotic myocardium
replaced by granulation tissue and infiltrates of monocytes
diomyocytes, which may involve a single cell or a
and lymphocytes (HE 200×)
small group of myocardial fibers. The cardiomyo-
cytes may disintegrate into flakiness or partially
dissolve, and even worsen to extensive necrosis,
with interstitial and perivascular inflammatory
infiltrates predominated in monocytes, lympho-
cytes, and plasma cells (Fig. 6.2). Neutrophils and
eosinophils can be seen occasionally. The chronic
phase is manifested by the formation of granula-
tion tissue and interstitial fibrosis (Fig. 6.3), which
are mainly concentrated in the muscle bundles
and around small blood vessels, and even extended
to the endocardium. Scattered small scars may
exist (Fig.  6.4). Compensatory cardiomyocyte

Fig. 6.4  Chronic viral myocarditis (male, 28  years old,

a sudden death). It shows interstitial fibrosis with infiltrates
of monocytes and lymphocytes (HE 40×)

hypertrophy or degenerative calcification may

also be present. In some cases, there may be a few
instances of mononuclear, lymphocyte-based
inflammatory infiltration. Myocardial necrosis is
more obvious and extensive in fulminant myocar-
ditis, with widened myocardial interstitium,
edema, and multiple flaky or diffuse inflamma-
tory infiltration.
We conducted immunohistochemical exami-
nations of heart specimens from cases of deaths
caused by viral myocarditis. The results show that
almost all cases have CD68-positive macrophage
infiltration, and CD3 and CD4/CD8-­positive T
cells are present in most cases. Different numbers
Fig. 6.2  Acute viral myocarditis (male, 13  years old, of CD56-positive natural killer cells and myelo-
sudden death). (a) Necrosis of myocytes, with extensive
peroxidase (MPO)-positive neutrophils can be
infiltrates of monocytes and lymphocytes (HE 40×); (b)
Necrosis of myocytes, with extensive infiltrates of mono- found, while CD19-positive B cells are rare or
cytes and lymphocytes (HE 100×) absent (Fig. 6.5).
70 S. Zhao et al.

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 6.5  Cell types of inflammatory infiltrates in viral positive lymphocytes and MPO-positive neutrophils. (a)
myocarditis. It shows the necrotic cardiomyocytes with HE staining; (b) CD3; (c) CD4; (d) CD8; (e) CD19; (f)
infiltrates of massive CD3/CD4/CD8-positive T cells and CD56; (g) CD68; (h) MPO
CD68-positive macrophages, and a few CD19/CD56-
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 71

g h

Fig. 6.5 (continued)

The posterior wall of the atrium, ventricu- inflammation, edema, and necrosis, and lead-
lar septum, and apical area are usually involved ing to viral encephalitis (Fig. 6.10), viral hepa-
in adult viral myocarditis, and occasionally the titis [8] (Fig.  6.11), viral pneumonia, and so
cardiac conduction system is affected. When forth [9].
the atrioventricular node and the subendocardial Borderline myocarditis refers to a small
myocardium are affected, inflammatory infiltra- amount of lymphocyte-based inflammatory infil-
tions can be found within the cardiac conduction tration without myocardial cell damage in endo-
system, such as in the atrioventricular node, atrio- cardial biopsy examination. If repeated biopsies
ventricular bundle (His bundle), and its branches. show persistent lymphocytic infiltration, it is
The cardiac conduction cells may also undergo called persistent myocarditis; sparse infiltration
edema and coagulative necrosis. In some cases of of lymphocytes indicate a recovery period of
sudden death from myocarditis, the inflammation myocarditis, and a lack of inflammatory infil-
in the sinus node, atrioventricular bundle, and left tration indicates that the myocarditis has been
and right bundle branches is more serious than cured.
that of myocardial inflammation (Figs.  6.6 and Note that false positives or other lesions
6.7). Even focal myocarditis in the conduction should be excluded in endocardial biopsies.
system or adjacent areas (Fig.  6.8) may lead to Common situations include: a few lymphocytes
severe arrhythmia or sudden death. In samples observed in normal myocardial interstitium but
from deaths caused by viral myocarditis, the less than 5/mm2 [10]; normal cells in the inter-
immunohistochemical examinations of the car- stitium are mistaken for lymphocytes, such as
diac conduction system also showed multiple endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, mast
mononuclear cells and lymphocyte infiltrations cells, and so forth; extramedullary hematopoietic
(Fig. 6.9). cells that appear in the necrotic area of ischemic
The invasion of a virus into the human body heart disease are mistaken for lymphocytes in
will cause viremia (virusemia), which will then myocarditis [11]; the focal infiltration of mono-
involve multiple organs or the target organs of cytes and lymphocytes in the interstitium and
the virus. Some patients with viral myocardi- fibrotic area of ​​dilated cardiomyopathy, which
tis may also have pathological damage to the can be distinguished from myocarditis by the
brain, liver, lungs, and other organs, causing absence of cardiomyocyte damage; the exces-
changes in relative tissues and cells including sive secretion of vasopressin/catecholamines by
72 S. Zhao et al.

a a

Fig. 6.6  Myocarditis with the cardiac conduction system

affected (male, 52 years old, sudden death during antipsy-
chotic treatment). (a) Infiltration of monocytes and lym-
phocytes around the sinus node artery, with hemorrhage
(HE 40×); (b) Edema within the sinus node, with infiltra-
tion of monocytes, lymphocytes, and hemorrhage (HE

Fig. 6.8  Focal viral myocarditis (male, 40 years old, sud-

den death). (a) Focal infiltration of monocytes and lym-
phocytes under the His bundle on the top of the ventricular
Fig. 6.7  Viral myocarditis (male, 25  years old, sudden septum; (b) No inflammatory infiltration in the His bundle
death after fainting). Degeneration/necrosis of conduction near the cardiac conduction system (HE 100×)
cells in the atrioventricular node, with the infiltrate of
monocytes and lymphocytes (HE 250×)
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 73

Fig. 6.9  Cell type of

infiltration in the His a b
bundle in viral
myocarditis. Necrotic
myocardium with
infiltrates of massive
T cells and CD68-­
positive macrophages, as
well as a few CD19/
lymphocytes and
neutrophils. (a) HE
staining; (b) CD3; (c)
CD4, (d) CD8; (e)
CD19; (f) CD56; (g) c d
CD68; (h) MPO

e f

g h
74 S. Zhao et al.

a a


Fig. 6.11  Acute severe hepatitis B combined with myo-

carditis (female, 53 years old, death after 2 days of right
upper abdominal pain). (a) Severe viral hepatitis, massive
Fig. 6.10  Viral encephalitis combined with myocarditis necrotic hepatocytes (HE 200×); (b) Viral myocarditis,
(male, 2  years old, died after 3  days of fever). (a) Viral necrotic cardiomyocytes with infiltrates of monocytes and
encephalitis (medulla oblongata); (b) Viral myocarditis lymphocytes (HE 400×)
(HE 200×)

mia and lymphoma can cause atypical changes in

pheochromocytoma cells may cause a rupture of the subendocardial cardiomyocytes, but myocar-
cardiomyocytes and a few infiltrates of mono- dial damage is rare. Immunohistochemical stain-
cytes and lymphocytes in the interstitium, show- ing and genetic testing can help to differentiate
ing pathological changes similar to myocarditis from myocarditis and determine whether it is
[12], which can be distinguished by the distribu- benign or malignant.
tion of the damaged area and the types of inflam- Clinically, it is difficult to definitely diag-
matory cells. For identification, the characteristic nose viral myocarditis. The increased viral titer
of vasopressin/catecholamine-induced lesions in serum will provide a certain amount of help.
is that myocardial injury is mainly manifested An endocardial biopsy is crucial to confirm the
around interstitial arterioles with mixed inflam- ­diagnosis, but it is still difficult due to the limita-
matory infiltration of neutrophils and lympho- tions of specimen collection. The positive rate of
cytes; Masson’s trichrome staining can be used to virus detection is low in endocardial biopsy speci-
distinguish punctuated pathological calcification mens, and the in situ nucleic acid hybridization,
of cardiomyocytes and toxoplasma myocarditis. polymerase chain reaction-single strand confor-
Typically, an endocardial myocardial biopsy will mation polymorphism analysis (PCR-SSCP),
not locate tumor metastasis, but lymphocytic and nested PCR, and other technologies can be helpful
hematopoietic malignant tumors such as leuke- in improving the success rate of virus detection.
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 75

6.2.2 Bacterial Myocarditis myocarditis are the consequences of sepsis,

including acute angina, tonsillitis, pneumo-
Bacterial myocarditis refers to myocardial inflam- nia, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, uri-
matory lesions caused by direct bacterial infec- nary tract infection, metritis, mastitis, and
tion of the myocardium, the effects of toxins even postoperative bacterial infections [17].
produced by bacteria, or due to allergic reactions Bacterial endocarditis can also lead to suppu-
induced by products from bacteria. Most bacterial rative myocarditis. Bacteria can be seen in
myocarditis is purulent. Myocarditis induced by suppurative myocarditis using bacterial cul-
tubercle bacilli, Corynebacterium diphtheria, and ture and (or) microscopic examination.
Bacillus typhia can also be seen. Bacterial myo- Pathological changes: Generally, multiple
carditis is less common than viral myocarditis, abscesses of different sizes can be found on
and the underlying mechanisms of bacterial myo- the surface and cross sections of the heart.
carditis include direct bacterial invasion, bacterial Usually, myocardial abscesses are numerous
toxins, immune response, and so forth [13]. and small in size, within 1 cm in diameter, and
In recent years, the number of patients with most are round or pin-shaped yellow-green
bacterial myocarditis has continued to increase lesions, and are difficult to notice unless
due to the increased incidence of immune system examined by microscope; on a few occasions,
impairments [14]. Usually, cases of suspected bac- cord-like purulent bands can be seen, and dark
terial myocarditis based on clinical tests are rarely red hemorrhagic reaction zones exist around
diagnosed [15]. Although endocardial myocardial the abscess. Pus exists in large abscesses and
biopsies show high specificity, their sensitivity is invades the entire layer of the ventricular wall,
low; thus, the diagnosis of bacterial myocarditis is and can even cause heart rupture. A thin layer
rarely confirmed before the patient dies [16]. of fibrous tissue occasionally forms after the
According to the size of the lesions, bacte- healing of an abscess, and the layer gradually
rial myocarditis can be divided into diffuse bulges under the pressure of the ventricle,
and localized myocarditis. According to patho- finally forming an aneurysm. Death may
logical characteristics, it can be classified into result due to cardiac tamponade when the
­substantial myocarditis with myocardial degen- acute rupture of the ventricular wall or an
eration and interstitial myocarditis with intersti- aneurysm occurs. In addition, abscesses in the
tial damage; according to the course of disease, myocardial wall can invade the epicardium,
it can be divided into acute and chronic bacterial where fibrin is locally attached. Abscesses can
myocarditis. The healing of bacterial myocarditis also break into the pericardial cavity, resulting
generally occurs through the repair of granula- in purulent pericarditis.
tion tissues and the formation of scars. Histopathological examination of the
The pathological changes of suppurative and heart: There is interstitial neutrophil infiltra-
tuberculous myocarditis are described in the fol- tion or multiple small abscesses. Sometimes
lowing sections. bacterial colonies will be found in the center
of abscesses. These colonies are metastatic
1. Suppurative myocarditis (pyogenic myocardi- bacterial colonies from sepsis or suppurative
tis), also called myocardial abscess, refers to embolus from bacterial endocarditis
myocarditis characterized by a large number (Fig.  6.12). Myocardial interstitial edema is
of neutrophils in the myocardium and the for- obvious. Thrombosis or various emboli can
mation of pus. It is often a complication of be observed in small blood vessels, such as
purulent bacterial infection in other parts. The bacterial emboli, pus emboli, hyaline throm-
pathogens of suppurative myocarditis primar- bus, and so forth. The affected cardiomyo-
ily contains Staphylococcus aureus, cytes often undergo degeneration and necrosis
Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, and (Fig.  6.12d). In some cases, bacterial endo-
Meningococcus. Most cases of suppurative carditis or valvulitis can be seen, and serious
76 S. Zhao et al.

a c

b d

Fig. 6.12  Suppurative myocarditis. (a) Diffuse infiltrates within a small vessel, with inflammatory infiltrates and
of massive neutrophils in interstitium (HE 40×); (b) tissue edema (HE 400×); (d) Necrosis in the contraction
Formation of small abscess with necrosis of cardiomyo- zone of the papillary muscle with scattered infiltrates of
cytes. The bacterial colonies and hemorrhagic zones are neutrophils (HE 200×)
shown (HE 200×); (c) Pus embolus and bacterial embolus

consequences or sudden death may result if involved. It is very difficult to diagnose tuber-
the cardiac conduction system is invaded or culous myocarditis before death, and it is
small abscesses have formed (Fig.  6.13). If usually found in autopsies. Myocardial
the course of disease is prolonged, fibrosis Tuberculosis was found to account for 0.25–
and the organization of myocardial tissue will 0.28% of tubercular cases by autopsy.
occur, leading to granulation tissues and
scars. Pathological changes: Tuberculous myocardi-
2. Tubercular myocarditis, also known as myo- tis is classified into nodular, miliary, and diffuse
cardial Tuberculosis, is a special type of myo- types; the nodular type is the most common.
carditis caused by mycobacterium
Tuberculosis. It is rare in clinical practice, and • Nodular type: This is also known as tubercu-
mostly stems from the blood transmission of loma. It is mostly located in the right atrium,
primary Tuberculosis or the direct spread of and the nodules are round or oval, grayish-­
tuberculous pericarditis and epicarditis. yellow, and solid, with a diameter of 1–7 cm.
Characteristic tubercles can be seen in lesions, Nodules may be surrounded by fibers of dif-
which mainly affect the pericardium, while ferent amounts, with yellow-white caseous
heart valves and cardiomyocytes are rarely necrotic material filled in the center. The nod-
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 77

a Atrial soptum b



TV Interventricular

c d

e f

Fig. 6.13  Bacterial endocarditis with invasion of the Immunohistochemical staining of MPO-positive neutro-
atrioventricular node and abscesses in the interventricular phils in a continuous slide (SABC 100×); (e) Necrosis of
septum. (a) A diagram of the atrioventricular septum and conduction cells in the atrioventricular node (AVN) with
the location of an abscess (the area in yellow); (b) The top massive infiltrates of neutrophils (Masson 100×); (f)
part of the interventricular septum; bacterial endocarditis Multiple necroses in contraction bands of the left ventricle
of the mitral valve (MV) and a small pale abscess are (PTAH 100×). PTAH, Mallory Phosphotungstate
shown; (c) An abscesses in the interventricular septum Hematoxylin
with massive infiltrates of neutrophils (HE 100×); (d)

ules are either single or multiple. Ulcers or foci and fibrous tissues around the outer layer.
thrombosis may form when the endocardium There is lymphocyte infiltration in the fibrous
is involved. The centers of nodules under tissues and the adjacent myocardium.
microscopic views are mainly composed of • Miliary type: Commonly found in patients
caseous necrotic materials with a few with miliary Tuberculosis. The number of
Langhans giant cells on the edge of necrotic nodules varies, and they are mostly located in
78 S. Zhao et al.

with prolonged use of antibiotics, adrenocortical

hormones, and immunosuppressants. Therefore,
fungal myocarditis is often part of systemic
­fungal infections. The pathogens mainly consist
of Candida and Mucor. Primary fungal myocar-
ditis is extremely rare. Fungal toxins may induce
necrosis of cardiomyocytes, leading to inflamma-
tion of the myocardium.
Pathological changes: Generally, myocardial
lesions of fungal myocarditis show no difference
from fungal infections of other organs. In most
cases, purulent or hemorrhagic necrotic foci of
Fig. 6.14  Tubercular myocarditis (male, 40  years old, varying sizes are present in the heart.
died from systemic miliary Tuberculosis). A myocardial Histopathological examinations: In the early
Tuberculosis nodule with caseous necrosis and Langhans stage, inflammatory lesions scatter in the intersti-
giant cells in the center, and necrosis in ambient cardio- tium, then spread and merge. The appearance of
myocytes (HE 400×)
lesions varies according to different pathogens.
Some have prominent hemorrhaging and necro-
the epicardium and endocardium. The nodules sis but mild inflammation, while others are domi-
have a grayish-yellow, translucent appearance nated by neutrophil infiltration accompanied by
with diameters of 1–3  mm. The nodules can tissue necrosis and abscess formation. In the
only be found under microscopic examina- center of the necrosis foci, liquefaction emerges
tions, located in the connective tissues between rapidly to form pus cavities with massive neutro-
muscle bundles, and are mostly distributed phil infiltration and remaining blood vessels. The
along the blood vessels, with caseous necrosis foci contain many fungal filaments and spores,
or several Langhans multinucleated giant cells such as Aspergillus, Candida, and Mucor. It is
in the center of nodules surrounded by many easier to find fungal hyphae in the acute phase.
proliferated epithelioid cell and lymphocytes. In the chronic phase, there are obvious macro-
Necrosis may appear in ambient cardiomyo- phage infiltration, granulomatous transforma-
cytes (Fig. 6.14). tion, and even multinucleated giant cells. Even
• Diffuse type: This type is rare and is usually Tuberculosis-like nodules may exist in the
caused by the expansion of pericardial chronic phase, but the necrosis is not as severe
Tuberculosis. The myocardium with lesions is as that in Tuberculosis, and mycobacterium
grayish-­yellow and distributed in stripes. Tuberculosis is absent. These are the main points
Under the microscope, the myocardial tuber- for the identification and differentiation between
culous granulation tissues show diffuse hyper- fungal and tuberculous myocarditis. (Fig. 6.15).
plasia, mainly composed of epithelial cells, Common fungi show certain microscopic
lymphocytes, and multinucleated giant cells, characteristics. For example, aspergillus hyphae
with varying degrees of caseous necrosis. are mainly mycelium, and HE staining exhibits
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis can often be blue-purple with uniform diameters of 7–10 μm.
detected here. The mycelial branches are radially arranged at
an acute angle of 45°. Spores and hyphae can
be seen in Candida. The spores are round or
6.2.3 Fungal Myocarditis ovoid, and the hyphae are straight and slender
with a separated appearance. It is clearer to dis-
Fungal myocarditis generally refers to an inflam- play Candida with Gram or silver stain. Mucor
matory lesion of the myocardium caused by a is more likely to invade blood vessels. Its hyphae
fungal infection. It is commonly seen in patients are mostly distributed in the blood vessel wall
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 79

nective tissue disease. Among these diseases,

SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, and polymyositis/
dermatomuscular account for most of the related
myocarditis. As for myocarditis in perinatal
women, it is so-called perinatal myocarditis, also
known as perinatal cardiomyopathy.
In immune-mediated myocarditis, it shows
pathological characteristics of a large number
of monocyte and lymphocyte infiltration. Lupus
myocarditis, rheumatic myocarditis, and perina-
tal myocarditis will be described here.

1. Lupus myocarditis indicates a severe condi-

tion in SLE. It may be the first manifestation
of SLE, and may also occur during the follow-
up period, especially in untreated patients
with SLE. The heart lesions in SLE includes
pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis, and
vascular diseases, of which lupus pericarditis
is the most common (Fig. 6.16). Although the
incidence of heart lesions is lower than that of
skin and kidney damage, it still constitutes up
to 50% of lesions.
The pathogenesis of SLE contains sys-
Fig. 6.15  Fungal myocarditis (male, 79  years old, died temic disorders characterized by cell damage
after 21 days of antibiotic therapy; Candida albicans was caused by immune complexes among which
found in blood and urine cultures) [18]. (a) A small nod-
anti-nuclear antibodies play a vital role. Anti-­
ule in the cross section of the heart (yellow arrow); (b)
The accumulation of fungi in the nodule (yellow arrow; nuclear antibodies attack degenerated or dam-
Grocott methenamine silver stain) aged cell membranes. Once these antibodies
gain access to the nucleus, the swelling, frag-
mentation, and dissolution of the nucleus will
or vascular cavity. The hyphae are thick and not be induced. After this process, it will form a
separated, with a diameter of 6–40 μm. The width kind of uniform, structureless, round-shaped
of hyphae is uneven with many wrinkles, and the small body.
few but blunt branches distribute in right angles, These bodies will be eliminated from the
without spores. cells. These bodies are purple-red in HE stain-
ing; thus, they are called lupus or hematoxylin
bodies, which are characteristic evidence for
6.2.4 Systemic Disease-Associated the diagnosis of SLE.  Lupus bodies have a
Myocarditis chemotactic activity to neutrophils and mac-
rophages; thus, it can promote phagocytosis
Myocarditis can also occur in some systemic in the presence of complements. Once a cell
autoimmune diseases and perinatal women. In undergoes endocytosis of lupus bodies, it will
the former situation, it is common in connective be called a lupus erythematosus cell or lupus
tissue diseases such as SLE, rheumatoid arthri- cell (Fig. 6.16a). The pathological changes of
tis, polymyositis/dermatomyositis, thrombotic SLE vary, but there is no specific changes of
thrombocytopenic purpura, Wegener’s granulo- SLE, except for lupus cells. Acute necrotic
matosis, ankylosing spondylitis, and mixed con- arteritis and arteriositis are the main lesions of
80 S. Zhao et al.

Histopathological examinations: Fibrinous

pericarditis is characterized by fibrinous necro-
sis under the microscope, accompanied by
mixed inflammatory infiltrates and granulation
tissues (Fig.  6.17); lymphocytic myocarditis
(similar to viral or idiopathic myocarditis) is
present in the myocardium, and manifests with
the extensive degeneration of cardiomyocytes,
intermittent edema, lymphocyte infiltration,
and so forth. (Fig. 6.18) [19].
Fibrinous vasculitis is another histological
feature of SLE.  The lesion mainly involves

Fig. 6.17  Lupus pericarditis and lupus myocarditis. The

Fig. 6.16  SLE (female, 64  years old; she had SLE for fibrinoid necrosis of the pericardium and formation of
more than 10  years, and died during infusion when the granuloma (HE 40×)
disease worsened). (a) Lupus cells are occasionally seen
(black arrow) (HE 400×); (b) Villous heart and pericardial

this disease. In the active stage, it is mainly

fibrinoid necrosis; in the chronic stage, the
blood vessel wall becomes fibrotic, with nar-
rowed lumens and lymphocytes, edema, and
an increased matrix around the vessels.
Pathological changes: The heart is gener-
ally enlarged in lupus myocarditis, and may
be accompanied by pericardial effusion and
villous heart (Fig. 6.16b). The endocardium is
focally thickened, and the heart valve may
become involved in non-bacterial verrucous Fig. 6.18  Lupus myocarditis (male, 24 years old, diag-
nosed with SLE for 7 months, died after a severe fever).
endocarditis (Libman–Sacks endocarditis). Focal necrosis of the ventricular cardiomyocytes with
The neoplasms often invade the mitral or tri- edema and massive infiltrates of monocytes and lympho-
cuspid valve [19]. cytes (HE 40×)
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 81

the small and middle arteries, where the blood

vessel walls are replaced by amorphous fibri-
noid substances. In lupus myocarditis, fibrin-
ous vasculitis can be observed in the small
arteries within the myocardial interstitium,
which means fibrinous necrosis of the blood
vessel walls with lymphocytes infiltration and
perivascular edema. This illness is character-
ized by permanently existing antigens and
uncleared immune complexes.
Immunofluorescence will show the deposi-
tions of immunoglobulin, complement, and
fibrinogen, which indicate that the disease is Fig. 6.20  Lupus endocarditis (male, 24 years old, diag-
caused by immune complexes, which is how nosed with SLE for 7 months, died after a severe fever).
to differentiate it from viral myocarditis. In The focal thickening of the endocardium and a few infil-
advanced stages of fibrinous vasculitis, the trates of monocytes and lymphocytes (HE 100×)
myocardial intermural arteriole may develop
into “onion-­skin” arteriopathy; even the arter- even causing diffuse small myocardial infarc-
ies of the cardiac conduction system will be tion foci and other lesions.
involved, which may cause severe arrhythmia Attention should be paid to the differences
or sudden death (Fig. 6.19). between lupus myocarditis and drug-related
For the endocardium, microscopic exami- myocarditis, especially in patients with SLE
nation will find focal fibrosis with infiltrated who are treated with quinidine. However, if
monocytes and lymphocytes (Fig.  6.20). If no lupus body or lupus cells are found, it is
non-bacterial valvular verrucous endocarditis difficult to distinguish lupus myocarditis from
is accompanied, the vegetations of valves are rheumatoid myocarditis. Cellulose vasculitis
composed of fibrin, necrotic debris, and is not a unique characteristic of SLE, as it is
inflammatory cells. also seen in rheumatoid disease, polyarteritis
Lupus myocarditis is often associated with nodosa, and so forth; thus, it requires differen-
coronary arteritis which leads to thickening of tial diagnosis between all the abovementioned
the arterial intima and narrowing of the lumen, diseases.
2. Rheumatic myocarditis is the main pathologi-
cal manifestation of rheumatic carditis in the
acute phase of rheumatic heart disease, which
also includes rheumatic endocarditis, rheu-
matic pericarditis, and so forth. Rheumatic
heart disease is the most common acquired
heart disease in the world, and it is an impor-
tant cause of disability and mortality in chil-
dren in developing countries [20]. Rheumatic
heart disease is caused by group A streptococ-
cus hemolyticus-induced upper respiratory
tract infections (acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis)
and rheumatic fever. When the carbohydrates
in the bacterial cell wall cross-react with the
Fig. 6.19  Lupus myocarditis (male, 16  years old, died
valvular tissue, acute rheumatic heart disease
during wrestling). Obstruction of the sinus node artery
which show edema and “onion-skin” arteriopathy (HE may occur, such as rheumatic myocarditis
400×) [21]. Up to 55% of patients with rheumatic
82 S. Zhao et al.

fever have antigen-antibody complexes in

their endocardial tissues, and deposited com-
plements in the perivascular connective tis-
sues and sarcomeres; 65–80% of children
with rheumatic fever have clinical manifesta-
tions of rheumatic carditis.
Pathological changes: In the early stage,
the changes in the cardium are not obvious. If
rheumatic endocarditis is combined, there
will be swelling of the valves and decreased
transparency. Miliary-sized (approximately
1–3  mm), off-white, translucent, verrucous
vegetations can be seen on the surface of
valves (white thrombus), which often arrange
like beads on a string at the atresia edge of the
valve. If repeated onsets eventually lead to
chronic rheumatic valvular disease, the mitral
valve is the most susceptible, followed by the
aortic valve. There is diffuse fibrous hyperpla-
sia of the valve leaflets and chordae, which
may fuse and cause valvular stenosis and/or
insufficiency. In the late stage, focal thicken-
ing of the left ventricular and atrial endocar-
dium, fibrosis, mural thrombosis, flattened
papillary muscles and fleshy columns, hyper- c
trophy, and dilatation of cavities are also com-
monly present.
Histopathological examinations: The
most important feature of rheumatic myocar-
ditis is rheumatic granuloma (Aschoff body)
in the myocardial interstitium, followed by
diffuse interstitial myocarditis (Fig. 6.21a, b).
The formation of Aschoff bodies contains
a series of pathological processes, namely, the
fibrinous necrosis of collagen fibers, followed
by the development of granulomas and finally
fibrosis. Thus, myocarditis also manifests cor- Fig. 6.21  Rheumatic myocarditis (male, 48  years old,
responding characteristics of sequential path- sudden death). (a) Fibrous necrosis and rheumatic body in
ological changes according to the course of the interstitium (HE 200×); (b) Infiltrates of lymphocytes
in the interstitium (HE 200×); (c) Gradual fibrosis in the
disease, such as fibrinoid necrosis of collagen interstitium, and several rheumatic cells can be found (HE
fibers, perivascular Aschoff bodies, and thin, 200×)
spotted myocardial fibrosis with perivascular
In the early phase of rheumatic myocardi- the granuloma stage when Aschoff bodies
tis, namely, the degeneration and necrosis appear inside and around the fibrous necrosis
phase, the swelling of cardiomyocytes, inter- foci, and especially around small blood ves-
stitial edema, fibrinous necrosis, and myxoid sels. Aschoff bodies are characteristic for
degeneration can be found. One to two months diagnosis under microscopic examination,
after the onset of clinical symptoms, it enters which manifest with oval macrophages, lym-
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 83

phocytes, plasma cells, and so forth that

gather near the small vessels in the intersti-
tium. If the macrophages engulf cellulose-like
necrotic material, they will transform into
rheumatic cells (Aschoff cells). Rheumatic
cells are large, round, or polygonal, with rich
and homogeneous cytoplasm. They have
large, round, or oval nuclei with clear nuclear
membranes, and chromatin concentrates in
the center with filiform radiations to the
nuclear membrane, so that the cross section of
the nucleus looks like an owl-eye, often called
an awl-eye cell; for the longitudinal section of
Fig. 6.22  Rheumatic myocarditis with the cardiac con-
a long nucleus, it looks like a caterpillar, duction system involved (male, 48  years old, sudden
hence it is called a caterpillar cell. Besides the death). Infiltrations of macrophages and lymphocytes in
above-mentioned mononuclear cells, rheu- the His bundle (HE 40×)
matic cells can also be dual or multinuclear,
and these are called Aschoff giant cells. could be the cause of ectopic excitatory foci
Immunohistochemistry confirmed that rheu- with tachycardia or atrial fibrillation in rheu-
matoid cells are of monocyte-macrophage ori- matic myocarditis.
gin, but not cardiomyocyte origin. The 3. Perinatal myocarditis, or peripartum cardio-
granuloma stage lasts for 2–3  months and myopathy (PPCM), is a rare disease that
then enters to the fibrosis stage. At this time, ­usually occurs in the final month of pregnancy
the cellulose-like necrosis is dissolved and or 5  months after delivery. These patients
absorbed, and the nuclei of rheumatic cells show myocardial dysfunction and dilation
may become densely stained with an unclear secondary to left ventricular systolic insuffi-
structure. The rheumatic cells will transform ciency, while other causes of heart failure are
into fibroblasts and the granulomas gradually excluded. Its incidence is between 1:4000 and
become fibrotic and form small spindle-­ 1:300, and is more common in women over
shaped scars that will eventually be replaced the age of 30. The risk factors include obesity,
by collagen scar tissue (Fig.  6.21c). Most a history of myocarditis, smoking, alcohol-
patients will finally develop chronic rheu- ism, multifetal pregnancy, an elderly mother,
matic heart disease (especially valvular heart malnutrition, pregnancy-induced hyperten-
disease). sion (gestational hypertension) or eclampsia,
In children, it shows cardiomyocyte edema metabolic disorders (such as gestational dia-
and steatosis, fasciculate fibrous necrosis of betes), and so on. Possible causes include
the left atrial cardiomyocytes, and significant viral infections, nutritional deficiencies, coro-
interstitial edema. It may present diffuse inter- nary artery disease of small vessels, and
stitial myocarditis with infiltrations of many immune responses to myometrial or fetal anti-
lymphocytes, eosinophils, and even gens. Recent studies believe that the patho-
neutrophils. genesis is related to the imbalanced myocardial
Aschoff bodies are specific in the patho- microvascular angiogenesis during pregnancy
logical diagnosis of rheumatic myocarditis. that results in myocardial ischemic damage.
They may appear in the myocardium, endo- Between 5% and 30% of patients with perina-
cardium, and epicardium, especially in the left tal cardiomyopathy are accompanied by lym-
ventricular wall, mitral valve attachments, the phocytic myocarditis, and occasionally with
connective tissue triangle in the root of the dilated cardiomyopathy complicated with
aorta, and papillary muscles. It can also affect myocarditis. It is as yet unclear whether peri-
the cardiac conduction system (Fig. 6.22). It natal myocarditis/cardiomyopathy is a unique
84 S. Zhao et al.

type of heart disease independent of idio-

pathic dilated cardiomyopathy or idiopathic
lymphocytic myocarditis.
Pathological changes: No specific patho-
logical changes. Usually the heart enlarges
with dilation of the cavities. The lesions are
focal and irregular, and may involve only the
left ventricle or both ventricles. The cut sur-
face of the myocardium may be pale or with a
few gray stripes. If the right ventricle is
involved in PPCM, it is associated with ven-
tricular tachyarrhythmia [22].
Histopathological examination:
Hypertrophy, edema, and focal necrosis of
cardiomyocytes can be observed, with circu-
lar vacuoles in the cytoplasm. There are also
interstitial edemas, focal hemorrhages, and
focal fibrosis, with several scattered infiltra-
tions of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and plasma
cells, as well as perivascular inflammation.
(Fig. 6.23).

6.2.5 Granulomatous Myocarditis

Granulomatous myocarditis is characterized by Fig. 6.23  Perinatal myocarditis (female, 21  years old,
the appearance of giant cells in the inflammatory sudden death in the eighth month of pregnancy) [23]. (a)
Hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes, interstitial edema, and
foci and the formation of granulomas, includ- fibrosis with scattered infiltrates of monocytes and lym-
ing two types: cardiac sarcoidosis and giant cell phocytes (HE 200×); (b) Hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes
myocarditis. and interstitial infiltrates of monocytes and lymphocytes
(HE 400×)
1. Cardiac sarcoidosis is a type of granulomatous
disease of unknown cause with multi-­organ or only have heart disease without systemic dis-
multi-system involvement, which is character- ease. Since this disease involves the myocar-
ized by the formation of non-caseous granulo- dium, it may lead to conduction block or
mas. The clinical symptoms are non-­specific arrhythmia. Atrioventricular block and tachy-
and easy to misdiagnose. Some research sug- cardia accounts for 75% of patients with
gests that there is an immune dysfunction in the arrhythmia, and sudden death will occur in
local environment of sarcoid granulomas, approximately 2% of patients.
which is related to the cell-­mediated immune Pathological changes: General examina-
responses to a certain unrecognized antigen. It tion: The myocardial section shows tough,
is also related to systemic immune abnormali- small, gray-white nodular granulomas, mainly
ties and genetic factors. Although 90% of sar- distributed in the ventricular septum, left ven-
coidosis primarily affects the lungs, 20–30% of tricular wall, and papillary muscles, which
sarcoidosis will affect the heart and is known as needs to be distinguished from metastatic and
cardiac sarcoidosis (sarcoidosis of heart). Most fibrous tumors of the heart. The positive rate
patients with cardiac sarcoidosis have subclini- of EMBs of the right ventricle is usually less
cal manifestations, less than 5% of patients than 50%. When the myocardium is com-
show clinical symptoms, and a few patients pletely affected, the heart is enlarged and
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 85

becomes fibrotic, similar to dilated cardiomy- wrapped in fibrous tissue will eventually
opathy, with a few manifestations similar to become a hyalinized fibrous scar.
restrictive cardiomyopathy. Immunochemistry examination confirms that
Histopathological examination: There the granuloma is mainly composed of CD68-
are several subtypes of pathological manifes- positive epithelioid cells, and the infiltrating
tations according to the results of EMBs, lymphocytes are mainly CD4-positive T cells,
namely, typical non-caseating granuloma, while B cells are rarely seen. The endocar-
lymphocytic myocarditis, dilated cardiomy- dium and pericardium may also be involved.
opathy, or normal myocardium. The micro- In most cases, myocardial hypertrophy and
scopic characteristics are similar to those of interstitial fibrosis emerge while endocardial
extracardiac sarcoidosis. The cardiac nodules thickening is present in only a few cases.
can exist in isolation, or merge with each Differential diagnoses of sarcoidosis usu-
other to form a large lesion area, forming ally involve infectious granulomatous heart
epithelial-­like cellular granulomas that mainly disease, giant cell myocarditis, allergic myo-
contain non-caseating necrosis (Fig.  6.24). carditis, and acute rheumatic fever. Infectious
The granulomas are small and regular in shape granulomas are rare in immune-healthy peo-
without obvious necrosis in the center. They ple; it requires routine staining of fungi and
contain dense epithelioid cells and multinu- mycobacterium Tuberculosis for differentia-
clear giant cells arranged in the structure of a tion. In these infectious diseases, it usually
circular or oval granuloma. There are vacu- manifests as a necrotic granuloma, such as
oles in the cytoplasm of multinuclear giant Tuberculosis of the heart. For idiopathic giant
cells, and red stellate bodies can be found cell myocarditis, it is characterized by multi-
(asteroid body). Asteroid bodies are eosino- nuclear giant cells in the interstitium, usually
philic, with a small, dark, radially arranged without granuloma. For allergic myocarditis,
prickle-like body in the center. However, the there are collagen fibers in the center with
asteroid body is not a specific lesion of sar- infiltrations of many eosinophils, but multi-
coidosis. There are obvious fibrosis around nuclear giant cells and fibrosis are rare. In
the granuloma with scattered monocytes and acute rheumatic fever, the granulomatous
lymphocytes and rare eosinophils. Multiple lesions are often insignificant, and the giant
isolated granulomas may fuse, and the sur- cells are usually smaller than the multinuclear
rounding fibrotic tissue will proliferate and giant cells of sarcoidosis. In patients who
envelop the granulomas. The granulomas received repeated biopsies, foreign body giant
cells may be seen in the area around the cath-
eter sheath. Myogenic giant cells will be
observed in the marginal repair area of ​​isch-
emic infarction, and lymphocytes and hemo-
siderin can be seen in the scar tissue.
Granulomas can occur in metabolic diseases
such as lipogranulomatosis, oxalosis, and
gout, as well as in connective tissue diseases
such as rheumatic heart disease, Wegener’s
granulomatosis, and Churg-Strauss syndrome.
However, granulomas in cardiac sarcoidosis
are usually focally distributed; thus, the pos-
sibility of cardiac sarcoidosis cannot be ruled
out completely even if a biopsy is negative.
Fig. 6.24  Sarcoidosis in a heart. The formation of an 2. Idiopathic giant cell myocarditis, also known
epithelial-like cellular granuloma that mainly contains
as isolated or Fiedler myocarditis, is a rare
non-caseating necrosis, with multinuclear giant cells and
lymphocytes (HE 100×) type of myocarditis. There are giant cells and
86 S. Zhao et al.

granulomas in the interstitial inflammatory

focus. The cause is unknown and more com-
mon in young and middle-aged people
between 20 and 50 years of age who are previ-
ously healthy. The clinical onset is rapid, with
an acute and progressive course, and is usu-
ally fatal. For the fulminant type, the patients
often die from heart dilation-induced acute
heart failure and/or arrhythmia.
Idiopathic giant cell myocarditis has a poor
prognosis, especially when accompanied by
focal or even extensive myocardial necrosis;
20% of these patients have autoimmune dis- Fig. 6.25  Idiopathic giant cell myocarditis. Necrosis of
eases, such as ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid the myocardium with interstitial infiltrates of lympho-
cytes and multinuclear giant cells (HE 400×)
arthritis, myasthenia gravis, hyperthyroidism
or hypothyroidism, and other concomitant
diseases including drug allergies, thymoma, adjacent sarcolemma of necrotic cardiomyo-
sarcoidosis, and so forth. cytes. Extensive necrosis occurs in cardiomy-
Pathological changes: The heart enlarges ocytes, which can be focal, map-like, or
and the weight increases, with the main diffuse, accompanied by varying degrees of
lesions concentrated in the myocardium. The fibrosis. The necrotic myocardium is replaced
endocardium and pericardium can also be by granulation tissue, and the boundary
affected. In the cutting surface of the heart, between necrotic and viable myocardial tis-
especially in the left ventricular wall and sues is unclear.
interventricular septum, there are fused or Immunohistochemical stainings show that
multifocal necrotic areas that are grayish-­ the multinuclear giant cells are CD68-positive
yellow or dark red and approximately ≥2 mm macrophages, while they are actin-, desmin-
in diameter. Most of the four heart cavities are and myosin-negative. Lymphocytes are
affected, and mural thrombus may emerge in mainly CD3+ T cells, with rare B cells. CD8+
some cases. In the late/repair phase, the ven- T cells are much more numerous than CD4+ T
tricular wall decreases in thickness due to dif- cells in the acute phase. During the repair
fuse scarring. Due to the existence of visible phase, actin-positive macrophages are occa-
island-like cardiomyocytes inside the fibrous sionally seen at the edge of inflammatory foci,
scar tissue, it is not a true ventricular indicating inflammatory damage to the
aneurysm. cardiomyocytes.
Histopathological examination: The If pathological examinations find myocar-
characteristic pathological change is the dial necrosis and multinuclear giant cells in
appearance of multinuclear giant cells (by young patients, the diagnosis of idiopathic
fusion of macrophages) and necrosis of car- giant cell myocarditis should be considered
diomyocytes within the extensive inflamma- when infectious diseases are eliminated.
tory infiltration foci (Fig.  6.25). In the The clinical diagnosis of idiopathic giant
interstitium, there are multifocal or diffuse cell myocarditis requires a differential diag-
inflammatory infiltrations mainly consisting nosis from cardiac sarcoidosis. These two dis-
of lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, eases share similar clinical features and
and macrophages, mixed with multinuclear general morphological appearances; thus, that
giant cells. The size of multinuclear giant they are often classified together. However,
cells can reach 90 μm × 20 μm, with up to 20 they are different diseases with significant dif-
nuclei in each cell, and they usually lie on the ferences in microscopic histopathological
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 87

characteristics and prognoses. First, the pres- tions around the small endocardial vessels and
ence or absence of granulomas is the key dis- in the interstitium which mainly consist of
tinguishing point of the histopathology. eosinophils, as well as lymphocytes, plasma
Second, there is more pronounced fibrosis in cells, and mast cells that may have degranula-
cardiac sarcoidosis than in idiopathic giant tion (Fig. 6.26). The degeneration and necro-
cell myocarditis, while few eosinophils are sis of cardiomyocytes are mild. Occasional
seen in cardiac sarcoidosis. The myocardial focal necrosis can resolve spontaneously after
necrosis also differs: it is mass-shaped in car-
diac sarcoidosis but band-shaped in idiopathic
giant cell myocarditis.

6.2.6 Allergic Myocarditis

Allergic myocarditis, also known as hypersensi-

tive myocarditis (hypersensitive myocarditis),
refers to drug-induced hypersensitive myocar-
dial inflammation with damage to the myocar-
dium. It occurs rapidly after medication, and
is a common adverse drug reaction. More than
40 kinds of drugs may cause allergic reactions,
containing antibiotics, diuretics, and anti-allergic b
drugs [24]. The antibiotics include ampicillin,
chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, and so forth.
The anti-­inflammatory drugs include phenylbu-
tazone, indomethacin, and so forth. The rest are
comprised of antidepressants such as amitripty-
line, antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin, and
diuretics such as spironolactone. Seven percent
of patients who have undergone heart transplan-
tations will have allergic myocarditis, which
may be related to the long-term use of dobuta-
mine [24–28]. The clinical symptoms of allergic
myocarditis include a skin rash, fever, increased c
eosinophils in peripheral blood, and occasional
arrhythmia. It is usually not dose-dependent, and
may occur at any period of medication use. This
adverse reaction is usually benign, but in severe
cases it may result in chronic heart failure or even
sudden death.
Pathological changes: General examination
shows that lesions are common in the left ven-
tricular wall and the ventricular septum,
resulting in dough-like myocardial softness
with yellow-red spots.
Fig. 6.26  Allergic myocarditis. (a) Infiltrates of eosino-
Microscopic pathological changes: The lesion phils in the interstitium; (b) Infiltrates of mast cells and
is transient interstitial myocarditis, and the degranulation; (c) Infiltrates of mast cells and degranula-
main manifestations are inflammatory infiltra- tion (Wright’s staining)
88 S. Zhao et al.

ceasing the medication, leaving no fibrosis or (DRESS). This is a serious reaction that usually
fibrinous necrosis. Vasculitis or perivascular occurs one to eight weeks after medication, and
inflammation often occur within allergic myo- is characterized by a fever, rash, and multiple
carditis, but necrotic vasculitis is rare. The organ failures. It is a type of immune response
infiltrating lymphocytes are mainly T cells, involving the activation of macrophages and T
with few B cells. cells and the release of cytokines. No consensus
has as yet been reached for the etiology of this
Allergic myocarditis lacks giant cell infiltra- disease.
tion, which is the key point to distinguish it
from drug-­induced giant cell myocarditis. For
the differentiation between allergic myocarditis 6.2.7 Toxic Myocarditis from Snake
and eosinophilic myocarditis, there is exten- Venom
sive myocardial necrosis, infiltrations of many
eosinophils and inflammatory cells, and a lack Snake venom toxins can cause toxic myocarditis
of symptoms of systemic allergy in the latter and damage to other organs after various ven-
[29, 30]. omous snake bites. Among them, a bite from a
Eosinophilic myocarditis (Fig.  6.27) is pallas pit viper, especially Ancistrodon acutus,
sometimes called idiopathic eosinophilic endo- may cause serious toxic myocarditis. The injured
carditis [31]. However, for some cases of eosin- patient may die from heart failure, arrhythmia,
ophilic myocarditis, when more eosinophils are and multiple organ failure [32]. The mechanism
detected in the myocardium, it should also be of toxic myocarditis from snake venom is related
considered as allergic myocarditis, especially to the agkistrodotoxin which contains a variety
for myocarditis that responds to drugs. In some of toxic components, such as anticoagulation
cases, immunohistochemical staining may pro- and procoagulant toxins, hemorrhagic toxins,
vide evidence of IgE and allergic reactions, such proteolytic enzymes, lecithinase A, and other
as an increase of mast cells in the lung tissue. toxic enzymes. These toxins can cause local
The evidence of contact with allergens should be bleeding and swelling, as well as myocardial
investigated, if available. Eosinophilic myocar- damage. Therefore, in addition to local bleed-
ditis may be part of “drug-induced hypersensi- ing and blisters, the patient’s clinical symptoms
tivity syndrome” (DIHS), also known as a “drug also include shortness of breath, chest tightness,
rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms” progressive heart palpitations, and other mani-
festations of myocardial damage. A myocardial
zymogram and a biochemical test will show an
increase, and an ECG will show ST-T and/or
rhythmic changes, and so forth.
Pathological changes: General examination
shows myocardial congestion, edema, and
multiple spotting hemorrhages in the epicar-
dium and cut surface.
Histopathological examination: Infiltration of a
small amount of monocytes and lymphocytes
in the epicardium, with sarcolysis of some
cardiomyocytes, eosinophilic enhancement of
some myocardial sarcoplasm, contractile band
or coagulative necrosis, interstitial edemas,
Fig. 6.27  Eosinophilic myocarditis. Necrosis of cardio-
spotting hemorrhages, and inflammatory infil-
myocytes, infiltrations of massive eosinophils, and fibro-
sis (HE 200×) tration dominated by neutrophils (Fig.  6.28),
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 89

as well as significant congestion in vessels. 6.3 Typical Cases

There is degeneration and necrosis in the heart
conduction system including the sinoatrial 6.3.1 Case 1
node, atrioventricular node, and atrioventricu-
lar bundle cells, and is accompanied by inter- Case Presentation
stitial hemorrhage and a small amount of An 8-year-old girl had stomach discomfort in the
inflammatory infiltration (Fig. 6.29). morning and received treatments in a local clinic
(no details for the medication), then she felt sort
of relief. The patient complained of chill and nau-
sea at 6  p.m. in the evening, and then received
treatments in another clinic (injection with gen-
tamicin plus metoclopramide, and one Huoxiang
Zhengqi capsule taken orally). Repeated vomit-
ing occurred since 9  p.m., and the patient had
additional treatments in the second clinic in the
next morning. The medication contained intra-
venous injection of gentamicin plus metronida-
zole, and half a pill of cimetidine for orally use.
Then the patient went back home, feeling exces-
sive fatigue. She did not eat anything since then,
but drank water for 6 or 7 times. At approximate
7  p.m., the patient was found unconscious with
Fig. 6.28  Toxic myocarditis (female, 67 years old, died decreased skin temperature. She was sent to a
after a bite by Gloydius brevicaudus). Diffuse necrosis of
the myocardium and interstitial infiltrations of neutrophils hospital immediately, but the ECG showed no
(HE 100×) electrophysiological signal already, with both
corectasis. The declaration of clinical death was

Pathological Diagnosis
lymphocytic myocarditis (Fig. 6.30).

6.3.2 Case 2

Case Presentation
A 52-year old man was admitted to hospital
because of fever (38.3 °C), chill, fatigue and poor
appetite for 5  days. This patient was treated in a
local clinic for 5 days (no details for the medica-
tion), but there was no improvement for symp-
toms. The body temperature increased up to 40 °C
Fig. 6.29  Toxic myocarditis (male, 20  years old, died
1 day after a bite by Ancistrodon acutus). Interstitial hem- with listlessness and diarrhea (watery stool). The
orrhage, edema and inflammatory infiltrates in the His patient was sent to the hospital in early morning,
bundle (HE 40×) and the temperature decreased to 36.7  °C after
90 S. Zhao et al.

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 6.30 Lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis. Cord- consist of CD3 and CD4/CD8-positive T cells and MPO-
like necrosis of myocytes, with interstitial and peri- positive neutrophils, while CD19-positive B cells are
vascular infiltrates of massive inflammatory cells. absent. (a) HE staining (50×); (b) CD3 (200×); (c) CD4
Immunohistochemistry staining shows that the infiltrates (200×); (d) CD8 (200×); (e) CD19 (200×); (f) MPO (200×)
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 91

treated with antibiotics, antipyretic and support- days ago (no detail). At 5 pm in the day, a room-
ive care. In the morning, the patient had watery mate found the patient appeared unconscious.
stool for 4 times with nausea and vomiting, and he After arriving in the school hospital, CPR was
was immediately given montmorillonite powder, done for cardiac and respiratory arrest, and the
berberine, potassium supplement, and infusion patient was transferred to a higher-level hospital
of piperacillin/ tazobactam plus inosine, vitamins as soon as possible. The patient was in a coma
C and B6. In the afternoon, the patient became with dilated pupils, undetectable blood pressure
sweated profusely, fidgety and cold in limbs. The and pulse, and no electrophysiological signal in
blood pressure dropped to 70/30 mmHg with heart ECG. The diagnosis of sudden death was made.
rate 152–172 bpm. Fluid infusion was conducted
in two vessels with anti-­shock therapies (dopamine Supplementary Examination
and norepinephrine), and then the patient was Routine blood test: WBC 22.26  ×  109/L, neu-
transferred to a higher-­level hospital. The blood trophils 73.4%, lymphocytes 23.4%, monocytes
pressure decreased to 47/33  mmHg in the trans- 2.9%;
feral, followed by cardiac arrest. Tracheal intu- Blood biochemistry: ALT 1583  U/L, AST
bation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation were 1604  U/L, BUN 12.7  mmol/L, Cr 327  μmol/L,
immediately done. The heart rate was recovered, potassium 10.6  mmol/L, blood glucose
but the blood pressure was still undetectable. When 14.3 mmol/L;
arriving hospital, the patient was unconscious with Myocardial injury markers: CKMB 12.23 
both corectasis and cold body. CPR was conducted ng/mL, myoglobin >1000 ng/mL.
again with deep venous puncture, infusion of
dopamine, dobutamine and norepinephrine, plus Pathological Diagnosis
assisting breathing with ventilator. Despite all the Lymphocytic myocarditis (Fig. 6.32).
treatments, cardiac arrest still occurred repeatedly,
and it ended up with clinical death.
6.3.4 Case 4
Supplementary Examination
Routine blood test: WBC 20.7  ×  109/L, lym- Case Presentation
phocytes 10.2%, neutrophils 74.8%, platelets A 29-year-old man got intravenous infusion
9 × 109/L; because of “common cold” in a local clinic (no
Blood biochemistry: AST 135 U/L, potassium detail) in the morning. At about 11 a.m., dyspnea
2.42 mmol/L, LDH 411 U/L; suddenly occurred, followed by unconsciousness.
Coagulation markers: D-D 23  mg/L, PT Cardiac and respiratory arrest and undetectable
17.1 s, PT-INR 1.39, APTT 89.6 s, TT 21.6 s; blood pressure was found when the patient was
Blood gas analysis: pH  6.661, pCO2 sent to a local out-patient department. CPR and
140 mmHg, Lac 18 mmol/L, BE −42.9 mmol/L. oxygen inhalation were immediately done while
the patient was transferred to a higher-level hos-
Pathological Diagnosis pital. His heart rate was 139 bpm, and blood pres-
Lymphocytic myocarditis (Fig. 6.31). sure was 97/50 mmHg (maintained by high dose
of blood pressure elevating drugs) with both cor-
ectasis. The patient was also treated with tracheal
6.3.3 Case 3 intubation and ventilator -assisted breathing, blood
transfusion, fluid infusion and supportive thera-
Case Presentation pies. On the next day, cardiac arrests happen for 4
A 20-year-old man was admitted to hospital times from morning to dusk, and at every onset, he
because of cardiac and respiratory arrest. He was was rescued with CPR, injection of adrenaline cal-
treated in a local clinic for discomfort several cium gluconate and pituitrin, infusion of sodium
92 S. Zhao et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 6.31  Lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis. It shows positive B cells and CD68-positive macrophages. CD56-­
multiple patches of necrosis of cardiomyocytes, espe- positive NK cells are rare. (a) HE staining (50×); (b) HE
cially predominant in the areas around small vessels, with staining (200×); (c) CD3 (200×); (d) CD4 (200×); (e)
interstitial and perivascular infiltrates of inflammatory CD8 (200×); (f) CD19 (200×); (g) CD56 (200×); (h)
cells. Immunohistochemistry staining shows infiltrates of CD68 (200×)
mainly CD3 and CD4/CD8-positive T cells, CD19-­
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 93

e f

g h

Fig. 6.31 (continued)
94 S. Zhao et al.

a b

g hd

Fig. 6.32  Lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis. Necrosis neutrophils. CD19-positive B cells and CD4 -positive T
of cardiomyocytes, with extensive infiltrates of inflamma- cells are rare to see. (a) HE staining (50X), (b) CD3
tory cells in interstitial areas. Immunohistochemistry (200X), (c) CD4 (200X); (d) CD8 (200X); (e) CD19
staining shows infiltrates of CD3 and CD8-positive T (200X); (f) CD68 (200X); (g) MPO (200X)
cells, CD68-positive macrophages and MPO-positive
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 95

e f

Fig. 6.32 (continued)

bicarbonate, pumping in with dopamine and elec- Blood biochemistry: ALT 955  U/L, AST
trical cardioversion. The heartbeat recovered for 3 1005  U/L, LDH >1867  U/L, blood glucose
times, but failed for the last time. Then the declara- 17.22 mmol/L;
tion of clinical death was made. Coagulation markers: PT >180  s, FIB
<0.5  g/L, APTT >180  s, TT >180  s, D-D  >  80 
Supplementary Examination µg/mL, FDP >150 µg/mL, AT 30%;
Routine blood test: WBC 23.6  ×  109/L, neutro- Myocardial injury markers: cTnI >50,000 
phils 85%, lymphocytes 9.1%, monocytes 5.7%, ng/mL, CKMB 126.6  ng/mL, myoglobin
platelets 61 × 109/L; >1200 ng/mL;
96 S. Zhao et al.

a b

Fig. 6.33  Lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis. Multiple staining shows infiltrates of MPO-positive neutrophils. (a)
patches of necrotic and dissolved myocytes, with massive HE staining (50X); (b) MPO (200X)
infiltrates of inflammatory cells. Immunohistochemistry

Cytokines: IL-6 > 5000 pg/mL. lata nees, and givenorally-taken drugs including

cefixime, Ganmao cough granules and others.
Pathological Diagnosis Two additional shots of andrographis paniculata
Lymphocytic myocarditis (Fig. 6.33). nees were injected at 6 p.m. in the evening and
8 a.m. the next day. At about 12 a.m., the patient
retched severely and became critically ill (no
6.3.5 Case 5 detailed description), and the vital signs were
­undetectable when he was sent to hospital. Then
Case Presentation the declaration of clinical death was made.
An adult male visited a local clinic in the morn-
ing for discomfort, and was diagnosed with Pathological Diagnosis
“common cold with mild bronchitis”. He was Lymphocytic myocarditis (subacute phase)
injected with one shot of andrographis panicu- (Fig. 6.34).
6  Pathology of Fulminant Myocarditis 97

a b c

d e f

Fig. 6.34  Lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis (subacute cells, but CD4 -positive T cells are rare. CD68-positive
phases). It shows necrotic and dissolved myocytes with macrophages and MPO-positive neutrophils are also pres-
infiltrates of inflammatory cells, formation of granulation ent. (a) HE staining (50X); (b) CD3 (200X); (c) CD4
tissue and fibrosis. Immunohistochemistry staining shows (200X); (d) CD8 (200X); (e) CD19 (200X); (f) CD68
infiltrates of CD8-positive T cells and CD19-positive B (200X); (g) MPO (200X)
98 S. Zhao et al.

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Clinical Manifestations of
and Laboratory Tests 7
for Myocarditis and Fulminant

Dao Wen Wang

Myocarditis refers to inflammatory injury of the myocarditis, chronic active myocarditis, and
myocardium caused by various factors. Its clini- chronic persistent myocarditis.
cal manifestations are related to the severity of Fulminant myocarditis is the most severe and
myocardial damage. Mild cases only manifest as special type of myocarditis; its occurrence results
increased heart rate and mild reduction of cardiac from the combined action of direct viral cyto-
systolic or diastolic function, while severe cases pathogenic effects and the overexuberant anti-­
present with cardiogenic shock, heart failure, virus immune response. Viral infections can
malignant arrhythmia, and even sudden death [1]. induce cardiac damage either by direct virus rep-
Myocarditis can be categorized as infectious lication/killing of infected cells or by immune-­
or non-infectious myocarditis according to etiol- mediated tissue damage, which is mainly
ogy. Viral infections are the most common cause mediated by T cells. Besides, various inflamma-
of infectious myocarditis. Other causes of infec- tory cytokines also participate in myocardial
tious myocarditis include bacterial, fungal, spiro- damage and microvascular injury, thus contribut-
chetal, rickettsial, protozoal, or helminthic ing to cardiac tissue damage and cardiac dys-
infections, but which are relatively uncommon. function. Fulminant myocarditis is characterized
Meanwhile, non-infectious myocarditis can be by an acute onset and a rapid progression. Patients
induced by drugs, toxicants, radiation, connec- soon develop hemodynamic instability (pump
tive tissue diseases, systemic vasculitis, giant cell failure and circulatory failure) and severe arrhyth-
myocarditis, and sarcoidosis. mia after the onset of the illness, which can be
According to the clinical course, myocarditis accompanied by respiratory, liver, or kidney fail-
can be divided into fulminant myocarditis, acute ure. The early mortality rate of fulminant myo-
carditis is extremely high. However, after active
treatment, most patients have a good long-term
prognosis once they have passed the acute risk
Fulminant myocarditis occurs throughout the
D. W. Wang (*) year but most frequently during winter and
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal spring. It affects people of all ages, and most
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and cases occur in young adults who are generally in
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders,
good health and without basic organic diseases.
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China There is no reported obvious sex difference in the
e-mail: occurrence of fulminant myocarditis.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 101
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
102 D. W. Wang

7.1 Clinical Manifestations different from a “cold.” Fulminant myocarditis

can mimic a cold, manifesting as nasal conges-
The clinical manifestations of fulminant myocar- tion, runny nose, fever, headache, and other dis-
ditis vary greatly. It begins with prodromal symp- comfort, followed by a mild, short-term cough,
toms of respiratory infections, followed by mild usually without sputum [3]. Different degrees of
chest pain, palpitations, and transient electrocar- fever can occur, ranging from a temperature of
diogram (ECG) changes and then progresses to 37–39 °C. However, some patients report short-­
life-threatening cardiogenic shock, malignant term chills but deny fever, and they generally
arrhythmias, and multiple organ dysfunction. present with discomfort, such as chest tightness,
Fulminant myocarditis is characterized by a sud- chest pain, and shortness of breath. Notably, only
den onset and a rapid progression. approximately <50% of patients have respiratory
infection, and this infection is generally mild and
transient [4].
7.1.1 Predisposing Factors Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Factors that lead to the reduction of the systemic or A small number of patients have mild diarrhea,
local respiratory immune defense function, such often presenting as loose stools, which can last
as cold, sudden climate change, and excessive for 2–3  days. Most patients have poor appetite
fatigue, can decrease patients’ immunity and facil- and anorexia and even develop nausea, vomiting,
itate invasion of pathogens, which consequently abdominal distension, and mild abdominal pain
leads to fulminant myocarditis. Predisposing fac- [5, 6].
tors exist at different stages of the disease. The first
stage is the period before the onset of illness. Systemic Symptoms
Persistent or intense stress, such as fatigue and Systemic symptoms mainly manifest as fever,
long-term overwork, is the most common cause of fatigue, and dizziness. Over time, patients show
fulminant myocarditis. The second stage is when an obvious lack of speech, obvious fatigue, and
patients have already developed symptoms but are anorexia. Some patients prefer to lie supine
still at an early stage or in a mild state. Continuing because of low blood pressure and obvious dizzi-
to engage in high-­intensity work can exacerbate ness when sitting or standing [7].
the disease, and severe arrhythmia, shock, and
sudden death may occur. Acute exacerbations are Symptoms of Myocardial
frequently present in various situations, such as Damage
physical education, military training, marathons, Similar to the symptoms of myocardial infarc-
and other strenuous exercises. tion, a small number of patients present with
chest pain at first, followed by persistent chest
tightness. Chest pain occurs when inflammation
7.1.2 Early Symptoms involves the pericardium and/or pleura and can
also be caused by inflammation-induced coro-
Accurate knowledge and understanding of the nary artery spasm. Chest tightness and shortness
early symptoms of fulminant myocarditis are of breath may be caused by myocardial damage.
extremely important for timely diagnosis. Some patients present with palpitations and
Different patients may have different early mani- blackouts, which are usually caused by arrhyth-
festations [2]. mias, such as tachycardia or bradycardia. In
severe cases, the symptoms may manifest as Respiratory Symptoms syncope or sudden death, and some patients
Respiratory symptoms of fulminant myocarditis have palpitations and syncope as their first
are uncommon and are generally mild, which is symptoms [7].
7  Clinical Manifestations of and Laboratory Tests for Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 103

7.1.3 Progressive Symptoms pain can be masked by symptoms, such as con-

gestive heart failure, extreme fatigue, fear and
After the occurrence of prodromes over a short nervousness, acute indigestion, and syncope.
period, patients’ condition usually worsens, and
patients soon show extreme fatigue, anorexia, Arrhythmia
dizziness, chest tightness, and palpitations. They Arrhythmia is very common and occurs in almost
usually prefer to stay in bed to save energy and every patient with fulminant myocarditis. Various
even feel tired to open their eyes. Some patients arrhythmias can be seen in patients with fulmi-
develop syncope and arrhythmia repeatedly. nant myocarditis, with sinus tachycardia as the
most common type. Tachyarrhythmias include Symptoms of Myocardial Damage atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, atrial tachycardia,
A few days or 1–3 weeks after the onset of pro- ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrilla-
dromal symptoms, patients develop dyspnea, tion. Inflammation and edema of the myocardium
chest tightness, chest pain, palpitations, dizzi- can affect the cardiac conduction system, causing
ness, extreme fatigue, and anorexia, which are sinus arrest, intraventricular block, and atrioven-
primary reasons for medical visits. One European tricular block. Patients can present with palpita-
study suggested that 72% of patients with fulmi- tion, dizziness, cold sweats, syncope, and even
nant myocarditis had dyspnea; 32% had chest Adams–Stokes syndrome. In a very small num-
pain; and 18% had arrhythmias. Statistics from ber of patients, the symptoms exacerbate rapidly
the author’s hospital show that approximately after the onset of the disease, with hemodynamic
90% of patients with fulminant myocarditis pre- disorders and even cardiac arrest.
sented to or were referred to the hospital because
of dyspnea or chest tightness accompanied by Hemodynamic Disorder
extreme fatigue, anorexia, and dizziness; mean- Hemodynamic disorder is an important feature
while, 10% of patients presented to or were that distinguishes fulminant myocarditis from
referred to the hospital because of syncope or acute myocarditis. Some patients rapidly develop
after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. acute left heart failure and cardiogenic shock and
show signs of pulmonary congestion and shock.
Chest Pain and Tightness
The chest pain is intense and unbearable for most Acute Heart Failure
patients, with a sense of being on the verge of Patients may present with severe dyspnea,
dying. It generally appears in the precordial area, orthopnea, cough with pink foamy sputum, short-
behind the breastbone, and on both sides of the ness of breath, anxiety, profuse sweating, oligu-
front chest. Numbness or tingling in the left wrist ria, or anuria. However, edema, liver enlargement,
and fingers can also occur. The pain is persistent and jugular vein filling are rare because of
and cannot be relieved by medicine or rest. Some reduced systemic blood vessel tone. Clinically,
patients, especially elderly patients, show chest severe acute left heart failure is uncommon, and
tightness and acute left heart failure. most patients can lie supine, which is related to
total heart failure and peripheral vasodilatation.
Painless Myocarditis
Painless myocarditis occurs in a minority of Cardiogenic Shock
patients who are commonly old, is accompanied Patients may show clammy, pale, cyanotic, and
by diabetes or severe infection, or develops in the cold limbs and weak pulse. When the blood pres-
perioperative period. In most patients, painless sure is extremely low, the peripheral blood pres-
myocarditis is accompanied with cardiogenic sure cannot be measured. Patients’ peripheral
shock, severe arrhythmia, or heart failure, which circulation is also poor, and they may be unre-
can cause sudden death. In some patients, the sponsive, confused, or even in coma [8, 9].
104 D. W. Wang

Adams–Stokes Syndrome tance. Prolonged severe shock and long-term

A few cases present with syncope or sudden use of norepinephrine and other vasoconstric-
death and are generally accompanied by severe tors can cause irreversible damage to multiple
arrhythmias, such as ventricular tachycardia, organs, including disseminated intravascular
ventricular fibrillation, sick sinus syndrome, and coagulation (DIC), ARDS, and severe leakage
third-degree atrioventricular block. syndrome. In addition, a small number of
Notably, an abnormal cardiac pump function patients may have a pulmonary infection, that
is the main cause of hypotension in fulminant is, pneumonia. Different types of pneumonia
myocarditis among the three basic determinants have different symptoms. Bacterial pneumo-
of cardiac output (myocardial contractility, car- nia accounts for 80% of adult infectious pneu-
diac preload, and cardiac afterload), while blood monia cases and has a very high mortality rate
volume and vascular resistance also have contri- among children, elderly patients, and patients
butions. Since most patients with fulminant myo- with immunosuppression. Most patients have
carditis have no basic organic heart disease, the chills, fever, cough, sputum, and chest pain,
abnormal cardiac pump function is only mani- while a few patients have hemoptysis and dys-
fested by diffuse reduction in myocardial con- pnea. Other symptoms include nausea, vomit-
traction and decreased ejection fraction. However, ing, general discomfort, and muscle aches.
because patients have no basic cardiac disease, Viral pneumonia is caused by a variety of
the myocardial compensation mechanism is too viral infections, which mostly occur during
late to establish; the disease progresses very rap- winter and spring. The clinical manifestations
idly; and cardiogenic shock is very easy to ignore. are mainly cough, fever, dyspnea, cyanosis,
and anorexia. Approximately 10% of patients Manifestations of Multiple with fulminant myocarditis also have pleural
Organ Involvement effusion. Pleural effusion is mostly bilateral
Fulminant myocarditis can cause multiple organ and is caused by inflammation and leakage. If
dysfunction or failure, including abnormal liver it does not form compression, no special treat-
function, abnormal kidney function, abnormal ment is needed, and it will disappear as the
blood coagulation, and respiratory system dys- systemic inflammatory storm and myocardial
function. Multiple organ dysfunction is most sec- inflammation attenuate.
ondary to cardiac damage and cardiogenic shock 2. In the presence of an abnormal liver func-
at later stage, while virus erosion and immune tion, only a very small number of patients
response also play a very important role. have obvious liver damage in the early stage,
which is related to the virus and inflammatory
1. In the presence of acute respiratory dis- storm. However, inappropriate treatment regi-
tress syndrome (ARDS), patients with fulmi- mens, such as the application of high-dose
nant myocarditis develop pump failure and vasoconstrictors (e.g., noradrenaline) or pro-
cardiogenic shock. Under multiple condi- longed shock, can result in liver damage and
tions, such as ischemia, pulmonary conges- jaundice. The transaminase level can reach
tion, and inflammatory storms, lung exudation 8000  U/L, and in severe cases, bile/enzyme
occurs; tissue fluid increases; pressure separation may occur. Hypoproteinemia due
increases; and exudation even penetrates the to decreased protein synthesis leads to sys-
alveoli, leading to ARDS.  Patients present temic edema and even polyserous effusions.
with hypoxia and dyspnea, and the blood lac- Decreased synthesis of coagulation factors
tic acid level is increased. However, owing to leads to coagulation dysfunction, namely
extreme fatigue, patients have no strength to DIC.  If it reaches this stage, the situation is
breathe, making breathing superficial or shal- difficult to reverse.
low. Doctors should pay great attention to this 3. In the presence of an abnormal renal func-
scenario and provide timely respiratory assis- tion, patients with fulminant myocarditis may
7  Clinical Manifestations of and Laboratory Tests for Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 105

develop acute kidney injury, which is mainly mild and are generally not the main reason for the
caused by insufficient renal perfusion result- patients’ visit. However, these are important clues
ing in a low cardiac output. Some patients for the diagnosis of myocarditis. Therefore, it is
may have severe renal function injury; how- important to obtain a detailed medical history. If
ever, when the systemic symptoms are attenu- patients have the abovementioned symptoms and
ated with mechanical support treatment, such recover after taking medicine or receiving no spe-
as IABP, renal function gradually returns to cial treatment for 2–3 days, the condition should
normal after going through the oliguria and be considered as a common cold. If patients do
polyuria phases. not recover, especially if the symptoms are aggra-
4. In the presence of DIC, the clinical manifes- vated, and symptoms, such as extreme fatigue,
tations of patients with fulminant myocarditis chest tightness, palpitations, and dizziness, occur,
are complex and diverse, with the main mani- the possibility of fulminant myocarditis and
festations including bleeding, shock, organ investigation through related examinations or
dysfunction, and anemia. The occurrence of transfer to a higher-level hospital for diagnosis
DIC is directly related to prolonged shock, and treatment should be considered.
delayed diagnosis, and inappropriate treat-
ment, such as long-term use of vasoconstric-
tors (e.g., norepinephrine or pituitrin). 7.2 Physical Signs
Therefore, they should be actively avoided.
5. Thyroiditis, it only occurs in a very small 7.2.1 Vital Signs
number of patients with fulminant myocarditis
and is part of the inflammation. Various types Patients usually exhibit severe changes in their
of thyroiditis may occur, and the onset is insidi- vital signs. Abnormal blood pressure, respiration
ous and often undetected. Sometimes, they are (fast or slow), and heart rate indicate hemody-
found accidentally during physical examina- namic instability, which is the most significant
tion or when relevant clinical symptoms appear. manifestation of fulminant myocarditis and an
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the most common indication of the severity of the disease.
type, which may be characterized by diffuse
thyroid enlargement with a hard texture and Fever
smooth surface, sometimes with nodules. It is Some patients may have an increased body tem-
generally painless or has mild tenderness. perature, while other patients may not develop
Local compression and systemic symptoms are fever. The increase in body temperature caused
not usually observed, while pharyngeal dis- by primary viral infection is generally not too
comfort occurs occasionally. Thyroid function high. However, when it is complicated by pulmo-
can be either normal or abnormal. Patients with nary (or other organic) bacterial infections, the
hyperthyroidism can show hypermetabolic body temperature can reach 39 °C or even higher.
symptoms, such as fever, sweating, hand trem- A very small number of patients may also experi-
ors, and weight loss. The goiter may enlarge, ence a situation where the body temperature does
and vascular murmurs may occur. not increase (below 36 °C), which indicates that
the disease is extremely severe.
In summary, the clinical manifestations of fulmi-
nant myocarditis vary greatly from individual to Hypotension
individual. Many patients have only low-grade Patients with fulminant myocarditis can develop
fever, significant fatigue, anorexia, or mild diar- hypotension as a consequence of abnormal vaso-
rhea in the early stages. Objectively, patients are motor systole resulting from severe cardiac dys-
usually quiet, without pain or groaning. The function and systemic inflammatory storm. The
symptoms can last for 3–5  days. Most primary blood pressure can be lower than 90/60 mmHg in
diseases are ignored because the symptoms are most patients and can decrease to <70% of the
106 D. W. Wang

basal value in patients with previous hyperten- tion and myocyte edema. Among these, ventricu-
sion. In severe cases, the blood pressure cannot lar tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation are the
be measured. Patients with hypotension or shock most serious types of arrhythmias [10, 11].
usually have an increased heart rate. However,
there are also patients with hypotension present-
ing with no obvious increase in heart rate, while 7.2.2 Heart-Related Signs
some patients even show bradycardia or conduc-
tion block resulting from myocardial inflamma- Cardiac Size
tion. However, in these patients, the blood The heart border does not usually enlarge (that
pressure will decrease markedly as the disease is, the heart is not large); however, in a very
progresses, and shock may occur. Patients with small number of patients, the heart is enlarged at
severe hypotension may present with repeated the early stage of the disease [12]. Patients with
ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, an enlarged heart can present with mitral or tri-
which can easily lead to death. cuspid valve insufficiency. Even so, since the
contractility of the myocardium is extremely Breathing Changes low, systolic murmurs at the apex of the heart or
Patients may show tachypnea (respiratory rate of the left lower edge of the sternum are rarely
up to 20–30 beats/min) or hypopnea (respiratory heard. However, it has been reported that such
rate of <10 beats/min) in severe cases. Blood murmurs were heard in a patient with fulminant
oxygen saturation is generally lower than 90%. myocarditis who developed papillary muscle
Some patients manifest dyspnea and require and valve leaflet rupture during Impella treat-
mechanical ventilation. ment [13]. Heart Rate and Heart Rhythm Heart Sounds and Murmurs

Changes The apex beats are dispersed as a consequence
Sinus tachycardia (heart rate of >120 beats/min) of cardiac damage and decreased myocardial
is relatively common in patients with fulminant contractility. Muffled and dull heart sounds
myocarditis. Bradycardia (heart rate of <50 beats/ can be present in the early stage, and a third
min) may also occur in some patients. Sinus heart sound and gallop rhythm can often be
tachycardia is a remarkable characteristic of ful- heard. The first heart sound in the apical area
minant myocarditis, and it is a normal response is diminished or split. The heart can sound like
to shock. Half of patients have a markedly a fetal heart. Pericardial friction sounds may
increased heart rate. In a resting state, the heart be indicative of pericarditis. A well-trained
rate is above 80–100 beats/min, usually 100–150 physician, especially a cardiovascular physi-
beats/min, and even higher than 150 beats/min in cian, should be able to identify these abnor-
a few patients. Although tachycardia (heart rate malities regardless of the chest wall thickness
of >10 beats/min) that is not commensurate with and patient sex and age. A slightly louder P2 at
increases in body temperature is not a specific the pulmonary valve can occur, but is usually
sign of myocarditis, it is an important clinical not obvious. P2 is not markedly enhanced even
clue for the diagnosis of myocarditis, which if heart failure is severe because the left and
needs to be taken seriously. In addition to sinus right sides of the heart fail simultaneously, and
tachycardia, other types of arrhythmias can also the pulmonary artery pressure may not
occur, including ventricular or supraventricular increase considerably.
premature contractions, ventricular and supra-
ventricular tachycardias, and ventricular fibrilla- Cardiac Insufficiency
tion. Some patients present with bradycardia and Lung rales may occur when left ventricular dys-
conduction block as a consequence of conduction function is present. Rare patients can have disten-
system damage caused by myocardial inflamma- tion of the jugular vein, hepatomegaly, a positive
7  Clinical Manifestations of and Laboratory Tests for Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 107

h­epatojugular reflux, and lower limb edema commensurate with the damage site and area
although right ventricular dysfunction occurs. shown in the ECG. Another distinguishing factor
However, all manifestations are uncommon between cardiac infarction and fulminant myo-
because of systemic dilation and vascular leakage carditis is that the levels of creatine kinase isoen-
of the arteries and veins. zymes increase along with the levels of cTnI or
cTnT during myocardial infarction, while the
increase in the levels of creatine kinase isoen-
7.2.3 Lung Signs zymes is usually not so significant during fulmi-
nant myocarditis [15].
Most patients can lie down or require bed rest, Notably, unlike in acute myocardial infarc-
while a small number of patients prefer to be in tion, the marked increase in the levels of cTnI or
a semi-recumbent position as a consequence of cTnT in fulminant myocarditis does not indicate
the presence of left heart failure. Patents may a large area of myocardial necrosis. In fulminant
have dry/moist rales due to left heart failure or myocarditis, immune cells and inflammatory
pneumonia (mainly viral in the early stage). storms affect the function and metabolism of car-
However, most patients have no rales due to diomyocytes, thus leading to the leakage of cTnI
heart failure. or cTnT from the cells. Because the damage is
severe and affects the entire heart, the levels of
cTnI or cTnT are high.
7.3 Laboratory Examination

Laboratory tests are essential for making a timely 7.3.2 Brain Natriuretic Peptide
diagnosis of fulminant myocarditis. (BNP) Assessment

BNP or NT-proBNP is a biomarker of cardiac

7.3.1 Myocardial Injury Marker dysfunction. It is released by cardiomyocytes
Cardiac Troponin I or T (cTnI or when injured and is an indicator of decreased
cTnT) Assessment cardiac function and increased myocardial ten-
sion. Similar to the troponin levels, the plasma
Both cTnI and cTnT are small molecule proteins BNP or NT-proBNP levels of patients with ful-
that are specifically expressed in cardiomyocytes minant myocarditis are also very high (usually
(molecular masses of 23.88 and 37 kDa, respec- reaching 1000 pg/mL and can reach >10,000 pg/
tively). They can exist in both bound and free mL); the levels are markedly higher in patients
forms. When the myocardium is damaged, cTnI with fulminant myocarditis than in those with
and cTnT are released into the circulation. The general myocardial infarction. Troponin and
current detection methods can be performed rap- BNP are sensitive and reliable markers of myo-
idly and are sensitive, aiding timely detection and cardial damage and cardiac dysfunction, respec-
diagnosis. The cTnI or cTnT levels in patients tively. Their levels increase considerably in
with fulminant myocarditis are usually very high, patients with fulminant myocarditis and change
and the level change is rapid. If it is not particu- rapidly. The levels can also reflect the severity of
larly high at the beginning, it will increase rap- the clinical condition of patients. When patients
idly within a few hours. Protein levels beyond the receive reasonable treatment and recover, the
detection threshold (e.g., >50,000  pg/mL) are levels of troponin and BNP can rapidly decrease
common in patients with fulminant myocarditis and restore to normal levels within 1–2  weeks.
[14]. Although an increase in the cTnI or cTnT However, if the treatment is improper or not
level can also be seen in patients with acute myo- timely, their levels will remain relatively high.
cardial infarction, the increase in patients with Persistently high levels of troponin and BNP are
fulminant myocarditis is more obvious and is not signs of poor prognosis [15].
108 D. W. Wang

7.3.3 Blood Routine Examination tissue anaerobic metabolism level, that is,
hypoxia, which is very helpful for selecting treat-
Blood routine examination may be normal at the ment programs and judging treatment efficacy.
early stage. In some cases, the total white blood
cell count and neutrophil count may increase, but
which does not mean that the patient has a bacte- 7.3.5 Coagulation Function Tests
rial infection. Our observations show that the total
white blood cell count increases in varying degrees Coagulation function tests include assessment of
in approximately 60% of patients; the neutrophil the prothrombin time, activated partial thrombo-
count increases in 70% of patients; and the white plastin time, D-dimer level, activated clotting
blood cell and neutrophil counts decrease in time, thrombin time, fibrinogen content, and other
remaining patients. Attention should be paid to the indicators. Patients with fulminant myocarditis
possibility of a combined bacterial infection at a are prone to developing DIC, and heparinization
later stage. A small number of patients (25%) have is required during circulatory support treatment.
a decreased platelet count, which may be related to Thus, close monitoring of coagulation function is
thrombosis and platelet consumption caused by necessary. Decreases in the fibrinogen level and
inflammation and shock [16]. platelet count; prolongation of the prothrombin
time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and
thrombin time; and increases in the D-dimer level
7.3.4 General Biochemical Tests are signs of DIC [18]. Ninety percent of patients
with fulminant myocarditis have varying degrees
General biochemical tests, including liver func- of D-dimer level increase when they are admitted
tion tests, kidney function tests, and blood elec- to the hospital, indicating that the coagulation
trolyte tests, are necessary and need to be process has already started. Therefore, measuring
performed every day in the early stages of the dis- coagulation function is very important for timely
ease. Some patients with fulminant myocarditis detection and diagnosis of DIC.
have varying degrees of liver damage and kidney
damage at the onset of the disease. This may be
because the disease (viral infection) also involves 7.3.6 Inflammatory Indicator
these organs. In rare cases, the serum levels of Assessment
liver enzymes (alanine aminotransferase and
aspartate aminotransferase) can be as high as The detection of inflammatory indicators is par-
10,000  U/L, among which the level of aspartate ticularly important because the core pathophysi-
aminotransferase seems to show a slightly more ological mechanism of fulminant myocarditis is
marked increase than do the levels of other excessive immune activation and inflammatory
enzymes [17]. Similarly, after reasonable treat- storm formation.
ment, the liver enzyme levels can rapidly decrease
and return to normal levels earlier than the tropo- 1. The high-sensitivity C-reactive protein level
nin levels. In general, the transaminase levels are and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are impor-
normal or slightly elevated. However, prolonged tant indicators that can reflect the severity of
shock and long-term use of high-dose norepi- inflammation. Approximately 27% of patients
nephrine can lead to liver ischemic necrosis. In with fulminant myocarditis have different
these situations, the liver enzyme levels increase degrees of erythrocyte sedimentation rate
considerably; the liver enzyme/bilirubin levels are increase, and 90% of patients have elevated
separated; and DIC occurs. In addition, the serum C-reactive protein levels, among a few
albumin level can be reduced, which is related to patients with extremely high C-reactive pro-
liver damage, reduced hepatocyte synthesis tein levels. A follow-up study has shown that
capacity, and vascular leakage. The blood lactic among patients with obvious elevated inflam-
acid level should also be checked, as it reflects the matory indicators, the inflammatory indica-
7  Clinical Manifestations of and Laboratory Tests for Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 109

tors generally decrease soon after the disease 7.3.8 ECG

is controlled. Of note, levels of high C-reactive
protein and erythorocyte sedimentation rate In patients with fulminant myocarditis, the mani-
are not specific and therefore, they have no festations on ECG vary greatly. Among them,
value for diagnosis. QRS complex widening, voltage reduction, and
2. The most importantly, levels of multiple cyto- ST segment elevation are the most common man-
kines and inflammatory mediators include ifestations that mimic acute myocardial infarc-
interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tion (with or without lead selectivity) [21].
other interleukins, tumor necrosis factor alpha Manifestations similar to non-ST-segment eleva-
(TNF-α), and interleukin-33 receptor soluble tion myocardial infarction are also present.
ST2 (sST2) [19, 20]. Our research has shown Arrhythmias are very common, including sinus
that the levels of these cytokines and inflam- tachycardia and bradycardia, conduction block,
matory mediators are markedly increased in various premature beats, atrial or ventricular
patients with fulminant myocarditis, which tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation (see
plays an important role in the inflammatory Chap. 10 ECG manifestations in myocarditis).
storm, and have diagnosis value, especially
sST2. When acute myocardial injury occurs
(plasma cTnI and BNP levels significantly 7.4 Case Reports
elevate),elevated cytokine levels, especially
sST2, can help diagnosis of fulminant myo- Case 1  A 52-year-old man was admitted to the
carditis. Also see Chap. 13. hospital because of syncope. He was in general
3. Procalcitonin (PCT) is rapidly cleaved to cal- good health and engaged in paperwork. Recently,
citonin in healthy individuals. Thus, the serum one of his relatives has passed away. He helped
PCT level is very low and cannot be detected. organize the funeral and did not sleep for 3 days.
However, in an inflammatory state, especially After the funeral, he felt extremely tired and slept
during bacterial infection, various tissues and continuously for nearly 24 h. On the next day, he
cells can produce PCT and even a large amount fainted suddenly when he got up to go to the toi-
of undegradable PCT, thus increasing the level let. The patient was brought to the hospital by his
of PCT. If patients with fulminant myocarditis family. At admission, the patient was confused
show elevated PCT levels, attention should be and felt fatigued with a heart rate of 100 beats/
paid to the possibility of bacterial infection. min and blood pressure of 70/50  mmHg. His
However, our observation in 69 patients with heart sounds were considerably reduced, and a
fulminant myocarditis without bacterail infec- third heart sound and galloping rhythm could be
tion found that PCT level is 2.917±1.544 ng/ heard. ECG showed V1–V5 ST segment elevation,
mL (reference level is < 0.05 ng/mL) at admis- which might indicate extensive anterior wall
sion day, increases to 21.679±7.564ng/ml at myocardial infarction. However, the emergency
next day and it is still 3.017±1.446 ng/ml at coronary angiography yielded normal findings.
discharge, which suggests that elevated PCT Echocardiography showed diffuse reduction in
level does not represent bacterial infection myocardial contraction, thickened ventricular
during fulminant myocarditis. septum (13 mm), and decreased ventricular ejec-
tion fraction (35%). The cTnI level was markedly
increased. The patient was then diagnosed with
7.3.7 Pathogen Detection fulminant myocarditis. The “life support-based
comprehensive treatment plan” introduced in
Pathogen detection includes pathogenic nucleic Chap. 15 was immediately conducted. The
acid detection, antigen detection, and antibody patient was treated with IABP, adequate doses of
detection, which were discussed in the special glucocorticoids, adequate doses of immunoglob-
chapter (see Chap. 4 Etiology and Detection ulin, and oseltamivir p.o. After 12 days of treat-
Methods of Fulminant Myocarditis). ment, his condition improved greatly, and the
110 D. W. Wang

ventricular ejection fraction recovered to 62%. phy showed a normal heart size and normal ven-
Thereafter, he was discharged. tricular wall thickness. Left ventricular systolic
function was markedly reduced (ejection frac-
Case 2  A 33-year-old woman was admitted to tion, 8%). Her cTnI level increased to
the hospital because of syncope. She was a man- >50,000 pg/mL 6 h later; other biomarkers, such
ager and worked continuously lately because it as the sST2, IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α levels, also
was at the end of the year. After the overwork, she increased markedly. A diagnosis of fulminant
felt fatigued and went home to sleep. She was myocarditis was made.
awakened by the alarm clock at 8 o’clock the
next day and fell down after sitting up. Thereafter,
she fell asleep. Two hours later, she contacted a Key Points
colleague and then lost consciousness. Her col-
league brought her to the hospital immediately. 1. The clinical manifestations of fulminant myo-
ECG at admission showed a third-degree atrio- carditis are variable. Fulminant myocarditis
ventricular block. Her blood pressure was begins with prodromal symptoms of respira-
50/40  mmHg, with very muffled heart sounds, tory infections, followed by mild chest pain,
decreased left ventricular diffuse movement, and palpitations, and transient ECG changes and
decreased left ventricular ejection fraction (30%). then progresses to life-threatening cardio-
The levels of cTnI and NT-proBNP were consid- genic shock, malignant arrhythmias, and mul-
erably increased, and the levels of inflammatory tiple organ dysfunction. It is characterized by
factors IL-1 and IL-6 were also remarkably a sudden onset and a rapid progression.
increased. She was then diagnosed with fulmi- 2. Hemodynamic disorder is an important feature
nant myocarditis. After active treatment, includ- that distinguishes fulminant myocarditis from
ing temporary cardiac pacing, IABP+ECMO, acute myocarditis. Since most patients with
and immune regulation, she recovered and was fulminant myocarditis have no basic organic
discharged after 2 weeks. heart disease, the myocardial compensation
mechanism has not been established, and
Case 3  A 14-year-old girl was admitted to the patients soon develop cardiogenic shock.
CCU owing to cardiac arrest. She was a student 3. Laboratory tests, such as assessment of the
who felt tired for several days during their final cardiac troponin, brain natriuretic peptide,
examination but still insisted on attending class. and inflammatory factor levels; ECG; and car-
After an 800-meter running test, she suddenly diac color Doppler ultrasonography, com-
felt chest tightness and discomfort, accompa- bined with evaluation of clinical
nied by dizziness and fatigue. The patient was manifestations, are essential for a timely diag-
immediately sent to the medical room. Her pulse nosis of fulminant myocarditis.
was weak, and the pulse rate reached 150 beats/
min, with a blood pressure of 40/20 mmHg. The
patient was treated with vasoconstrictors and
transferred to the CCU.  However, she experi-
enced cardiac arrest during transfer. CPR was
performed, and 8 min later, the stroller arrived 1. Precision Medicine Group of Chinese Society of
at the CCU. Persistent cardiopulmonary resusci- Cardiology, Chinese Journal of Cardiology Editorial
tation was performed. Meanwhile, tracheal intu- Committee, Adult Fulminant Myocarditis Working
Group. Chinese expert consensus on the diagnosis
bation, mechanical ventilation, and emergency
and treatment of adult fulminant myocarditis. Chin J
bedside venous-arterial extracorporeal mem- Cardiol. 2017;45:742–52.
brane oxygenation were urgently needed. Her 2. Wang Z, Wang Y, Lin H, Wang S, Cai X, Gao
heart beated again. Her cTnI level was D.  Early characteristics of fulminant myocardi-
tis vs non-fulminant myocarditis: a meta-analysis.
4434.6 pg/mL, while her NT-proBNP level was
Medicine (Baltimore). 2019;98:e14697. https://doi.
452 pg/mL on admission. Cardiac ultrasonogra- org/10.1097/MD.0000000000014697.
7  Clinical Manifestations of and Laboratory Tests for Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 111

3. Fairley SL, Herron B, Wilson CM, Roberts MJ. Acute Yamada N, Ito M. A survival case of fulminant right-­
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Diagnostic Values and Clinical
Application of Endomyocardial 8
Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis

Jiangang Jiang, Guanglin Cui, and Dao Wen Wang

Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the that EMB results have errors in sampling and
myocardium with various clinical manifesta- film reading [3, 4], especially viral myocarditis
tions, including asymptomatic, severe arrhyth- and autoimmune myocarditis. The positive rate
mia, and cardiac insufficiency. Later in the course of diagnosis of EMB is low [5]. In recent years,
of myocarditis, decreased cardiac function and with the advancement of EMB technology, the
severe heart failure may occur and may even safety of muscle biopsy has improved. With the
require active circulatory support [1]. Myocarditis help of new technologies, such as immunohisto-
may progress to dilated cardiomyopathy, which chemical detection and viral nucleic acid amplifi-
is a common indication for heart transplantation cation, the sensitivity and specificity of the
and is also one of the leading causes of sudden diagnosis of myocarditis have improved. The
death in young patients. Therefore, it is essential value of EMB in the diagnosis of myocarditis has
to quickly and accurately diagnose myocarditis. gained increasing attention and promotion. This
In the early 1960s, Sekiguchi and Konno first chapter describes the diagnosis of fulminant
introduced endocardial myocardial biopsy myocarditis by endocardial biopsy, and we hope
(EMB) in clinical practice [2]. The Dallas crite- to further promote the clinical application of
ria, proposed in 1986, were used in endocardial myocardial biopsy.
biopsy as the gold standard for the diagnosis of
myocarditis. However, EMB is not widely per-
formed in China due to the skilled operation tech- 8.1 EMB
nique, possibility of serious complications, and
high examination cost. Studies have also reported Endocardial biopsies were first performed in
1956 using special needles to collect samples
from the chest. Endocardial tissue was first col-
lected intravenously in 1962. In 2007, according
to a joint agreement published by the American
Heart Association, the Society of Physicians, and
the European Heart Association, endocardial
biopsy can be used in the diagnosis of many heart
J. Jiang · G. Cui · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal diseases, including unexplained onset heart fail-
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and ure with hemodynamic disturbance, heart failure
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, with ventricular arrhythmia, heart failure that
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong does not respond to conventional treatment, and
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: myocarditis [6].

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 113
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
114 J. Jiang et al.

8.1.1 Preoperative Preparation found in the left ventricle (96.3%) and the right
ventricle (71.4%) (P  <  0.01) [9]. Therefore, a
The EMB was performed under local anesthesia. myocardial biopsy of the left ventricle is
Patients must undergo an electrocardiogram, recommended.
noninvasive blood pressure monitoring, and oxy- It is important to note that although it is tradi-
gen satiation during the procedure. Before EMB, tionally believed that the left ventricular free wall
the patient’s international standardized ratio of is associated with a higher risk than the right ven-
coagulation function (INR) should be less than tricular site, no studies have shown that left ven-
1.5, and anticoagulant therapy should be discon- tricular myocardial biopsy is associated with a
tinued at 16 h preoperatively and 12 h postopera- higher risk of complications than right ventricu-
tively. Color Doppler echocardiography should lar biopsy.
be performed before and immediately after EMB Recent studies have shown that the radial
operation to monitor pericardial effusion. If con- approach has become the preferred approach for
ditions permit, electrocardiogram (ECG) moni- the diagnosis and interventional treatment of cor-
toring should be performed 12–24 h after surgery. onary artery disease. On this basis, it can also be
In addition, before biopsy, transthoracic cardiac applied to myocardial biopsies. Modern tech-
ultrasound should be performed to check for car- niques and materials such as sheathed 6F cathe-
diomyopathy, evaluate left ventricular ejection ters have been used for the radial artery approach,
fraction and left ventricular hypertrophy, detect and left ventricular biopsy is a very safe method
changes in myocardial structure, and screen for with a high success rate [10]. Currently, there are
all cases in which left ventricular EMB is appro- many types of cardiac biopsy forceps available in
priate (e.g., left ventricular wall thickness less the clinic (Fig. 8.1) [11].
than 8  mm, myocardial insufficiency, left ven- To further enhance sensitivity during sam-
tricular thrombosis, congenital aortic valve ste- pling, noninvasive imaging or anatomical electri-
nosis) [7]. cal imaging techniques can be used to locate the
area of the myocardium (Fig. 8.2). Cardiac mag-
netic resonance imaging can provide advice on
8.1.2 Approach Selection the location of myocardial biopsy based on the
and Equipment Preparation distribution of inflammatory areas in the ventri-
cles, thus improving the detection sensitivity
In the early years, endocardial tissue was usu- [12]. Echocardiography can also be used to locate
ally obtained from the right ventricle through and avoid damage to other parts of the heart dur-
the central vein to facilitate endocardial biopsy. ing sampling.
However, many clinical heart diseases, such as In addition to the site of myocardial biopsy,
cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, involve the the detection rate was also related to the number
left ventricle. In a study of 755 patients with of myocardial biopsy samples. Generally, at least
suspected myocarditis, the detection rate of three to five pieces should be taken for further
myocardial biopsies from the left ventricle was analysis, such as pathological, immunohisto-
more than twice that of biopsies from the right chemical, and molecular biological analysis
ventricle [8]. Another study reported that in (viral PCR, etc.). Electronic microscopes can be
2396 patients who underwent myocardial biop- used to distinguish myocardial mitochondrial
sies of the left and right ventricles, evidence was disease from storage diseases.
8  Diagnostic Values and Clinical Application of Endomyocardial Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis 115

a b c

Fig. 8.1  Common endocardial forceps for myocardial biopsy. (a) Sholten Surgical Instruments, Inc., Lodi, CA; (b)
Argon Medical Devices, Inc., Athens, TX; (c) Cordis Corp, Miami Lakes, FL; (d) Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis, MN

8.1.3 Several Common EMB the ventricle through the pigtail catheter, and then
Operation Processes the 6F sheath catheter and the pigtail catheter
were removed. A 7.5F sheathless multipurpose Transradial Left guide catheter (MP1.0, Asahi Intecc, Japan) was
Ventricular EMB introduced along the guidewire, and the expander
After local anesthesia, a 6F sheathing tube was removed when the guide catheter reached the
(Radifocus Introducer II,10  cm, Terumo, Japan) ascending aorta. The catheter was then carefully
was punctured into the right radial artery. Before guided into the left ventricular lumen along the
puncture, the patient received 3000 IU of ordinary guidewire. The J-guide wire was removed and a
heparin and 5 mg of villa. Pami artery injection to Y-connector (Copilot, Abbott Vascular, USA) was
prevent radial occlusion or spasm. A 5F pigtail connected. The position of the tip of the guiding
catheter (Boston Scientific, USA) was extended catheter was checked under 20° left anterior
to the left ventricle, and the J-guide wire (260 cm, oblique (LAO) fluoroscopy to determine if the tip
0.03500) was used to determine the position of refers to the lateral wall of the left ventricle
116 J. Jiang et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 8.2  Myocardial biopsy was performed under the forceps; (c) Yellow arrow shows the sampling site; the
guidance of cardiac magnetic resonance [12]. (a). The purple arrow shows the catheter; (d) Yellow arrow shows
blue arrow shows the guidewire, and the yellow arrow the sampling site; the purple arrow shows the catheter
shows the catheter; (b) The purple arrow shows biopsy

(Fig.  8.3a). Once the position was determined, toward the guidance, and the anterior end of the
6 ml of contrast was injected to determine the dis- catheter was gradually and carefully extended
tance between the tip of the guide catheter and the toward the lateral wall of the left ventricle. As
lateral wall of the left ventricle. Before EMB, soon as resistance is felt or the biopsy forceps are
thrombus formation during the procedure should seen to reach the chamber wall under fluoroscopy,
be prevented by testing the active coagulation the forceps should be clipped, sampled, and
time (ACT) range of 200–250 s. The biopsy for- immediately withdrawn from the guide catheter to
ceps were rinsed in water to prevent air embolism place the specimen. At the end of the procedure,
and then gradually entered through the Y-connector the sheathless guide catheter was withdrawn, and
of the MP1.0 guide catheter. Under fluoroscopy, a vessel closure device was used to stop bleeding.
the biopsy forceps gradually extended forward After surgery, each patient received a small dose
8  Diagnostic Values and Clinical Application of Endomyocardial Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis 117

a b

Fig. 8.3  Left ventricular (LV) angiography fluoroscopy the 7.5 F MP-1 guiding catheter inside the left ventricle
in the left anterior oblique (LAO) 20° view with an injec- (tip pointing to the lateral LV wall). This image shows
tion of 6 ml of contrast agent to visualize the position of transradial approach

of aspirin for 4  weeks to prevent clots at the 30 cm, Tereflex, USA) was inserted through the
biopsy site [7]. right or left femoral vein under local anesthesia.
We used flexible biopsy forceps that could be Transfemoral Left adjusted in the right direction according to the
Ventricular EMB anatomy of the individual patient. Unlike any
A 7F sheath catheter (Radifocus II, 10  cm, other path, we did not use a guiding catheter dur-
Terumo, Japan) was inserted through the right ing the procedure because it might affect flexi-
or left femoral artery under local anesthesia bility and increase the risk of cardiac perforation.
while the patient received 3000–4000  IU of In principle, the use of any rigid or inflexible
common heparin (ACT: 200–250  s). The 5F biopsy device for right ventricular biopsy is not
pigtail catheter (Boston Scientific, USA) was recommended. Under 0° Right anterior oblique
then extended to the left heart. A long J-guide (RAO) fluoroscopy, the biopsy forceps were
wire (260 cm, 0.035 00) was passed through the gradually extended to the right atrium. Carefully
porcine tail catheter to determine the ventricu- reach the right ventricle through the posterior tri-
lar position. The porcine tail catheter was cuspid forceps. The optimal biopsy site can be
removed, and an 8F multipurpose guide cathe- determined at 90° LAO fluoroscopy, while right
ter with an edge hole (MP1.0SH, Medtronic, ventricular biopsy at RAO fluoroscopy is not
USA) was introduced into the femoral artery, recommended because it is not possible to deter-
followed by a careful and gradual extension of mine whether the biopsy forceps are still in the
the guidewire to the left heart cavity. The right atrium or touch the coronary sinus. When
J-guide wire was removed, and the Y-connector opening the forceps, it is necessary to ensure that
(Copilot, Abbott Vascular, USA) was used to the forceps have touched the ventricular wall to
guide the position of the catheter in the heart avoid uncontrolled tissue damage. After the
cavity under fluoroscopy (Fig. 8.3b). The next biopsy, the forceps contact the ventricular wall,
steps are the same as the left ventricular EMB they are slightly retracted slightly so that the for-
via the radial artery [7]. ceps open in the right ventricle and then advance
to the lower ventricular septum to clamp a few Transfemoral Right samples (Fig.  8.4). After completing all biopsy
Ventricular EMB sampling, the 7F sheath tube was withdrawn,
Heparinization or aspirin prophylaxis is not rec- and the puncture points were manually pressed
ommended. A 7F sheath tube (Arrow Flex, for minutes to stop bleeding [7].
118 J. Jiang et al.

Fig. 8.4 (a) Right ventricular (RV) angiography fluoros- (b)  Biopsy forceps used in our center. (c) The puncture
copy in RAO 0° and LAO 90° view visualization of the sheath and guiding catheter used for biopsy
position of the biotome within the right ventricle.
8  Diagnostic Values and Clinical Application of Endomyocardial Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis 119

8.2 Management and Analysis 8.2.1 Light Microscopic

of Myocardial Intimal Tissue Examination and Staining
of Myocardial Intimal Tissues
Generally speaking, more than two sites of
myocardial tissue should be selected and at In general, tissue obtained from myocardial
least 3–5 samples with a size of 1–2 mm3 should biopsy is embedded in paraffin and sectioned for
be taken. Based on the different purposes of examination under a light microscope [13].
analysis used after sampling [13]. The speci- Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining may be used
men fixative (10% formalin) was fixed at room for inflammatory cells, elastin staining for colla-
temperature (25 °C) or frozen in liquid nitrogen gen and elastin tissue, and iron staining for the
at −80 °C [13]. Special attention should be paid intimal myocardium, if necessary, in males and
to the operation of the forceps and slicing postmenopausal females.
machines when taking samples to avoid arti-
facts generated after tissue crushing and affect-
ing pathological diagnosis (Fig. 8.5). Normally, 8.2.2 Molecular Study
samples can be examined with a light micro- of Myocardial Intimal Tissue
scope first, and if there are special needs (e.g.,
identification of amyloidosis, glycogen storage In the past, research on targeted therapies for
disease, lysosomal storage disease), transmis- heart failure and cardiomyopathy has been
sion electron microscopy can be used for analy- greatly hampered by the lack of myocardial tis-
sis. For myocarditis, tumor typing, amyloid sue. With improved detection technology, it has
protein classification, etc., frozen sections can been gradually recognized that transcription and
be made after sampling for corresponding epigenetic regulation exist in these diseases.
molecular biological analysis, immunofluores- Studies have shown that some genes, such as car-
cence, and immunohistochemical analysis [14]. diac stress signals (atrial natriuretic peptide and
brain natriuretic peptide) and developmentally
related genes (TBX5 and HAND2), are methyl-
ated, and their mRNA transcription levels are
altered during heart failure [15]. The widespread
use of myocardial biopsy techniques, particularly
in the left ventricle, can advance transcriptome,
metabolome, and proteome studies of cardiac
diseases and ultimately identify new therapeutic
targets for these diseases.

8.2.3 Molecular Biological Detection

of the Virus Genome
in Myocardium Tissue

In recent years, with the application of quantita-

Fig. 8.5  Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining of crushed tive (real-time fluorescence quantitative poly-
myocardial tissue merase chain reaction, qPCR) and qualitative
120 J. Jiang et al.

(nested PCR) PCR techniques, it has been possi- some scholars believe that influenza viruses,
ble to detect viruses with less than 10 copy num- especially pandemic strains, may cause fulmi-
bers in myocardial tissue. These highly sensitive nant myocarditis [28], but there is no clear evi-
techniques have significantly improved the diag- dence to support this.
nostic and application value of myocardial Owing to technological limitations, there is
biopsies. still a high false negative rate for virus detection
In the past 20 years, evidence of cardiotropic in myocardial tissue. Therefore, it is still contro-
viruses in patients with secondary heart disease versial whether it is necessary to detect the virus
has been found by nested PCR.  Studies in genome in myocardial biopsy tissue.
patients with myocarditis or dilated cardiomy-
opathy have found the presence of a variety of
viruses in the myocardium, including enterovi- 8.2.4 Immunohistochemistry
rus, adenovirus, parvovirus B19, cytomegalovi- of the Myocardium
rus, influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus,
herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human Making frozen sections of myocardial tissue and
herpesvirus 6, and HIV, etc. [16–25] Among using immunohistochemistry to detect subsets of
them, nested PCR was used to amplify myocar- inflammatory cells can improve the diagnosis of
dial tissue samples from 773 patients (624 cases myocarditis. The detection of some cytokines can
of myocarditis and 149 cases of dilated cardio- indicate the type of inflammatory cells, such as
myopathy), and relevant viruses were found in CD3, CD4, and CD8, which are lymphocytes,
more than 40% of the samples, mainly enterovi- CD19 is a symbol of B cells, CD56 is a symbol of
rus and adenovirus [20]. Other studies have NK cells, and CD68 is a symbol of macrophages;
detected enterovirus, parvovirus B19, and human MPO is a symbol of neutrophils. Other cytokines,
herpesvirus 6  in adults with dilated cardiomy- including CD11a (lymphocyte function-­
opathy or unexplained left ventricular dysfunc- associated antigen-1), CD11b (MAC-1), CD45R0
tion [23]. Currently, real-time quantitative PCR (memory or active lymphocytes), CD54 (inter-
has been applied for the quantitative detection of cellular cell adhesion molecule), CD106 (vascu-
cardiophilic viruses. The viral load of patients lar cell adhesion molecule-1), and HLA-1, have
with parvovirus B19-positive myocarditis has been detected at high levels in the myocardium
been reported to be between 50,000 and 500,000 [30]. Several studies have shown that the pres-
copies/μg [26]. ence of more than 7 CD3+ or CD2+ lymphocytes
Various inducements can cause myocarditis, or 14 CD45+ or LCA+ leukocytes per mm2 of
including bacterial and viral infections, drugs, cardiomyocytes can be a diagnostic basis for
radiation, metabolic disorders, and immune dis- myocarditis [31–36]. Some studies have also
orders. Viral infection is the main cause of acute suggested that the elevation of some adhesion
myocarditis [27]. Enteroviruses, especially molecules (CD56, CD106, etc.) may also indi-
Coxsackievirus B (CVB), are considered a com- cate myocarditis [37–40]. In the clinic, it may be
mon cause of myocarditis. Adenovirus, parvovi- helpful to improve the accuracy of diagnosis by
rus B19 (PVB19), and human herpesvirus 6 have adding relevant immunohistochemistry to myo-
also been found to be common causes of cardiac cardial biopsy tissue.
disease [26, 27]. Studies have shown that the
most common virus in the myocardium of
patients with adult idiopathic dilated 8.3 Clinical Application of EMB
­cardiomyopathy in Germany is parvovirus B19 in Fulminant Myocarditis
[22], and adenoviruses and enteroviruses were
detected most frequently in patients with myo- Myocarditis is a disease characterized by localized
carditis in the United States [26]. In addition, or diffuse myocardial inflammatory lesions.
8  Diagnostic Values and Clinical Application of Endomyocardial Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis 121

According to the 1984 Dallas criteria, infiltration biopsy is the “gold standard” for the diagnosis
of inflammatory cardiomyocytes with ­degeneration of myocarditis.
and necrosis of adjacent cardiomyocytes is the Histopathologically, myocarditis can be
major histological evidence of myocarditis [41, divided into lymphocytic myocarditis, eosino-
42]. philic myocarditis, giant cell, or granulomatous
This criterion classifies myocarditis into two myocarditis according to the main type of infil-
types: (1) active myocarditis, in which light trating cells. Lymphocytic myocarditis, the most
microscopy reveals inflammatory cell infiltra- common pathological type of myocarditis, is
tion and nearby myocardial cell damage, characterized by extensive infiltration of CD4+
including clear cell necrosis, vacuoles, irregu- and CD8+T lymphocytes, macrophage infiltra-
lar cell shape, and cell disintegration. (2) tion with CD68+, and rare occurrence of B lym-
Critical myocarditis, inflammatory infiltration, phocytes (Fig.  8.6) [43]. Eosinophilic
sparse myocardial tissue, and no obvious cell myocarditis is characterized by significant infil-
damage under light microscopy. The results tration and degranulation of eosinophils in the
were considered negative if there was no lym- myocardium (Fig. 8.7) [44]. Giant cell myocar-
phocytic infiltration or cardiomyocyte lysis. ditis is characterized by a typical infiltration of
This standard considers that myocardial tissue giant cells in the myocardium (Fig.  8.8), but

Fig. 8.6  HE staining of the myocardium in lymphocytic chronic inflammatory cell (lymphocyte) in the myocardial
myocarditis [45]. A 31-year-old male patient was clini- interstitium can be seen under the light microscope.
cally diagnosed with fulminant myocarditis. Mild edema, Immunohistochemistry: CD3 (+), CD20 (−), positive
cardiomyocytes degeneration, and the infiltration of control (+), 100X
122 J. Jiang et al.

eosinophilic and giant cell myocarditis, which

may be treated with corticosteroids, while giant
cell myocarditis may require the use of stronger
immunosuppressive agents.
Histopathological examination of myocardial
biopsy specimens can not only diagnose and clas-
sify myocarditis but also indicate the progression
of the disease. Generally speaking, specimens
obtained within a few days after the onset of myo-
carditis show mainly inflammatory infiltration of
tissues and myocardial cell damage of varying
degrees, such as myocardial cell necrosis, vacuo-
lation, irregular cell contour, or cell fragmentation
Fig. 8.7  Histological findings of right-ventricular endo-
myocardial biopsy specimen on admission. Hematoxylin-­ [42]. Damage to heart muscle cells triggers an
eosin staining (formalin-fixed; paraffin-embedded) shows innate immune response, followed by tissue
damaged myocardium and infiltration of degranulated repair. During the development of myocarditis,
eosinophils (arrow) [46]
damaged cardiomyocytes are gradually swal-
lowed by macrophages, and a stroma is produced
in this area, which subsequently forms a granula-
tion tissue rich in capillaries and myofibroblasts.
Later, as the inflammation ends, the area is filled
with mature collagen fibers because heart muscle
cells themselves have limited ability to regener-
ate. This healing process is similar to the tissue
repair process after an aseptic injury, such as
myocardial infarction [48, 49].
Although different guidelines have different
diagnostic criteria for myocarditis, endocardial
biopsy has always been the “gold standard” for the
diagnosis of myocarditis [50]. With the progress of
technical means, myocardial biopsy tissue can only
Fig. 8.8  Endomyocardial biopsy demonstrating inflam- be performed with a simple post-­staining patho-
matory infiltration of cardiac myocardium with a hema- logical examination in the past, and now it has
toxylin and eosin stain. Numerous giant cells (arrow)
within inflammatory infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes, developed into a variety of detection methods
histiocytes, and eosinophils [47] (virology, immunohistochemistry, etc..) [51].
Cardiac biopsies are becoming less false-­negative
special attention should be paid to distinguish it and more useful. An endocardial biopsy is a rela-
from sarcoidosis (sarcoidosis is characterized tively safe examination, which plays an important
by a non-necrotizing epithelioid granuloma). role in the diagnosis of fulminant myocarditis and
Histological classification of myocarditis helps is of significant significance for clinical treatment.
guide specific clinical management, such as
eosinophilic myocarditis and giant cells. Key Points
Myocarditis can be treated with corticosteroids,
while giant cell myocarditis may require a stron- 1. Endocardial biopsy is a relatively safe exami-
ger immunosuppressant. nation that plays an important role in the diag-
Histological classification of myocarditis can nosis of fulminant myocarditis and has
help guide specific clinical treatments, such as significant significance for clinical treatment.
8  Diagnostic Values and Clinical Application of Endomyocardial Biopsy in Fulmiant Myocarditis 123

2. Left ventricular biopsy via the radial artery 10. Frey N, Meder B, Katus HA. Left Ventricular biopsy
in the diagnosis of myocardial diseases. Circulation.
via a sheathless 6F catheter is a very safe and 2018;137:993–95.
successful method. circulationaha.117.030834.
3. Histopathological examination of myocardial 11. Unterberg-Buchwald C, Ritter CO, Reupke V,
biopsy specimens can not only diagnose and Wilke RN, Stadelmann C, Steinmetz M, Schuster A,
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Association between Histological
Changes and Clinical 9
Manifestations of Fulminant

Chen Chen and Dao Wen Wang

Myocarditis is an inflammatory disorder of the main cause of myocarditis, and enterovirus infec-
myocardium, usually involving mononuclear tions are the most thoroughly studied ones, espe-
cells infiltrating the myocardium. The lesions can cially the Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) infection
be focal or diffuse. The core mechanism of myo- [4]. At the cytological level, the pathophysiologi-
carditis is the pathophysiological changes caused cal process of myocarditis is divided into three
by an inflammatory response [1]. Fulminant stages, acute: viral colonization and replication,
myocarditis, an acute form of myocarditis, subacute: inflammatory cell infiltration, and
involves the rapid generation of numerous inflam- chronic: ventricular remodeling (Fig.  9.2) [5].
matory cells that invade the heart [2] (Fig. 9.1). Most viruses that cause myocarditis are localized
Based on the type of infiltrating cells, myocar- in cardiomyocytes, but some viruses can also
ditis can be classified as lymphocytic, giant cell, infect the non-cardiomyocyte cells of the heart
eosinophilic, or cardiac sarcoidosis [2], while such as endothelial cells and lymphocytes
based on the clinical course of the disease, it can (Table 9.1). Cardiac damage during viral myocar-
be classified as fulminant, acute, chronic active, ditis occurs mainly through two aspects: direct
or chronic persistent [3]. In general, the patho- damage caused by virus infection and indirect
physiological processes of the different types of damage caused by the immune response of the
myocarditis are similar. Viral infections are the host [1].

C. Chen (*) · D. W. Wang (*)

Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders,
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 127
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
128 C. Chen and D. W. Wang




Fig. 9.1  Disordered myocardial cells infiltrated by numerous inflammatory cells (blue blobs indicated by arrows), as
detected by hematoxylin and eosin staining of myocardium of mice with fulminant myocarditis

0 4days 14days 30days 90days

Acute Stage Subacute stage Chronic stage

• Bacteremia • Clearance of the virus • Disappearance of the

• Increased viral titers in • Immune cells virus
the myocardium infiltration (T cells and • Persistence of viral RNA
• Acute myocardial B cells) • Myocardial fibrosis
damage • Neutralizing antibody • Dilated
• Microcalcification of • NK cells(perforin) cardiomyopathy
lesions • Proinflammatory • Heart failure
• Marcophage activation cytokine

Early release of IL-1 , IL-1, ILF- and IFN-

Fig. 9.2  Three stages of viral myocarditis in mice

9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 129

Table 9.1  Target cells of different pathogenic viruses in after prolonged stress and arrived at the hospital
within 3–5 days in a state of hypotension, shock,
Virus Main target cells and with recurrent syncope.
Adenovirus Myocardial cell, fibroblast, It has long been recognized that myocarditis is
endothelial cell
primarily caused by viruses; studies have identi-
Enterovirus/ Myocardial cell
Coxsackie virus fied CVB3 receptors in cardiomyocytes and
Parvovirus Myocardial cell, endothelial cell established mouse models of myocarditis accord-
Human herpes virus Endothelial cell? ingly [7]. Although viruses were not detected in
Cytomegalovirus Myocardial cell most patients, the role of viral infections as initia-
EB virus Lymphocyte tors of the immune response cannot be excluded.
Influenza virus Macrophage, lymphocyte The results of the study in the CVB3 mouse
Hepatitis C virus Myocardial cell
model are briefly introduced below.
HIV Myocardial cell
Myocarditis caused by CVB3 infection is
divided into a pre-infection period (stage 0) fol-
lowed by three post-infection periods (stages 1,
9.1 Lymphocytic Myocarditis 2, and 3) [7]. The pre-infection period (stage 0) is
very important for the prevention of fulminant
Lymphocytic myocarditis is the most common myocarditis, which can be effectively prevented
type of myocarditis, and viral myocarditis mostly if susceptibility to viral infection is rapidly iden-
manifests as lymphocytic myocarditis. The tified and appropriate measures are taken. Stage 1
pathology of lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis comprises the acute phase during which the virus
is characterized by a huge infiltration of lympho- actively replicates in myocardial cells; most
cytes in the myocardial and perivascular intersti- patients with fulminant myocarditis present in
tium, along with the presence of edema (fluid this phase. Stage 2 is the subacute phase during
trapped in gaps between cardiomyocytes) and which viral replication ceases. However, the viral
plasma cells (Fig.  9.3). Immunohistochemical genome continues to be expressed in the myocar-
studies followed by classification of the infiltrat- dial cells and can effectively recruit inflamma-
ing lymphocytes identified CD3+, CD4+, and tory cells to infiltrate and induce an immune
CD8+ cells as well as CD20+ B lymphocytes. response that damages the myocardium. Stage 3
Furthermore, an equivalent number of CD56+ is the chronic phase, during which the viral genes
macrophages as well as MPO+ monocytes are have been cleared, but the immune response per-
also presented (Fig. 9.3). sists, and the heart remodels. There is a high
The classification of the inflammatory cells probability that the virus will not be detected in a
provides important clues regarding the mecha- Stage 3 myocarditis patient.
nism of action of the pathogenic molecules; the
molecules act on the pattern recognition recep-
tors of cardiomyocytes, resulting in the 9.1.1 Stage 0 (Pre-Infection Stage)
­production of cytokines and chemokines and the
infiltration of monocytes or macrophages. This is In terms of clinical value, prevention of myocar-
followed by the initiation of the adaptive immune ditis reduces its morbidity and mortality radi-
response via a series of mechanisms that include cally, and should therefore be prioritized.
production of lymphocytes and plasma cells, Advances in immunization against enteroviruses
which leads to an immoderate immune activation have proven to be effective in preventing myocar-
and inflammatory storm [6]. ditis [8–10]. However, since the morbidity and
In clinical practice, 32 patients of lymphocytic mortality rates of various types of viral myocar-
fulminant myocarditis, as confirmed by endo- ditis, especially fulminant myocarditis, are cur-
myocardial biopsy, who initially appeared rently unclear, the risk-benefit ratio of using viral
healthy, experienced a sudden onset of symptoms vaccines to prevent myocarditis is unknown.
130 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

a b

c d

e f

Fig. 9.3  The pathology of endocardial biopsy sample of cardiomyocytes, and interstitial edema; as well as immu-
a patient with lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis. nohistochemical staining of CD3 (c), CD4 (d), CD8 (e),
Hematoxylin and eosin staining (a, b) showing infiltration CD20 (f), CD56 (g) and MPO (h) showing the infiltration
of neutrophils and lymphocytes in endocardium and myo- of various classes of lymphocytes and neutrophils
cardial interstitium, degeneration and partial lytic necrosis
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 131

g h

Fig. 9.3 (continued)

Hence, they are not yet suitable for promotion in receptor 3) gene that increased host susceptibility
the general population. to viral cardiomyopathy [12]. Mutations in the
Factors that influence the susceptibility of TLR3 gene (P554S or L412F) inhibits the NF-κB
the heart to viral infections are not completely and type I interferon signaling pathways, attenu-
understood yet. Why do some people contract ates cardiac autophagy and repair functions,
viral infections after exposure while others do enhances viral replication in the heart, and acti-
not, despite living in the same closed environ- vates abnormal immune responses, ultimately
ment? Why do individual symptoms of infec- resulting in impaired cardiac function [12].
tion vary from mild discomfort to acute There are limited genetic studies on myocar-
myocarditis or even to fulminant myocarditis? ditis, most of which have been disseminated as
The influence of genetic as well as environmen- small sample reports. Although polymorphisms
tal factors on the development of myocarditis, in genes, such as HLA-DQ and CD45, have been
especially fulminant myocarditis, deserves fur- reported to be associated with the risk of develop-
ther investigation. ing myocarditis, validation of the sites of these
Normally, the non-pathogenic strain of cox- genetic variances using large multicenter samples
sackievirus, CVB3/0, does not attack the heart, and biological studies to determine the specific
but the occurrence of genetic mutations in six mechanisms by which these polymorphisms lead
nucleobases renders its genome (CVB3/0Se-) to myocarditis, especially fulminant myocarditis,
identical to that of pathogenic strains (CVB3/M1 are required [13, 14].
or CVB3/20), causing it to develop pathogenicity
and increasing the incidence of viral myocarditis
in selenium-deficient mice [11]. 9.1.2 Stage 1 (Acute Stage)
Susceptibility to viral myocarditis is affected
not only by the genetic variation of viruses but This stage comprises the period from the begin-
also by the genetic polymorphism of the host. In ning of the viral infection in the heart to the ces-
2010, genes of 57 patients who had positive sation of viral replication, which is usually within
endomyocardial biopsies for enterovirus infec- 2  weeks of infection; fulminant myocarditis is
tion were sequenced, which led to the identifica- typically presented at this stage. The pathophysi-
tion of genetic variants of the TLR3 (Toll-like ological processes include: (i) entry of the virus
132 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

into cardiomyocytes, (ii) virus replication within fore, their impairment by the virus leads to the
the cardiomyocytes, (iii) direct viral damage to development of different forms of arrhythmia in
cardiomyocytes, and (iv) transcellular viral infec- patients of myocarditis.
tion of adjacent cardiomyocytes. The treatment
of viral myocarditis could target these key Replication of Virus
processes. Once the virus enters the host cell, it utilizes vari-
ous host cell molecules for replication, including Entry of Virus into proteins and non-coding RNAs, thus further aggra-
Cardiomyocytes vating the damage to cardiac function that could
It has been previously demonstrated that cox- even progress to dilated cardiomyopathy. Various
sackieviruses and adenoviruses are mediated into signaling pathways in the host cell have been iden-
host cells by the Coxsackievirus and adenovirus tified to play important roles in the different stages
receptor (CAR) [15]. Additionally, these viruses of the viral life cycle, such as viral entry, replica-
can infect host cells via decay-accelerating factor tion, release into other cells, and evasion of the
(DAF, CD55) or integrin (αvβ3 and αvβ5) that host’s immune response (Fig. 9.5) [17].
act as receptors [16]. Entry of viruses into epithelial cells via tight
The CAR is a transmembrane protein belong- junctions is mediated by Fyn and Abl kinases
ing to the intercellular adhesion molecule family [18]. Coxsackievirus infection activates the tyro-
that mediates rhinovirus and enterovirus infec- sine protein kinase p56lck, MAPK1/2 kinase,
tion in host cells. It has a region comprising two and protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathways,
extracellular immunoglobulin structural domains which in turn activate the host cell immune
that forms an inverse parallel dimer by binding to response while promoting viral replication [19].
another CAR on an adjacent cell (Fig. 9.4). In the In addition, the virus-induced p38 MAPK as well
physiological state, CARs are localized in the AV as glycogen synthase kinase (GSK-3β) pathways
node and mediate electrical conduction; there- promote apoptosis and necrosis, which then pro-

Fig. 9.4  Entry of CVB3 into cardiomyocytes via CAR

9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 133

1. Attachment

Coxsackievirus and
Decay-accelerating factor adenovirus receptor

3. Translation
7. Realease


3D 3C 3B
2. Entry

4. Autocleavage

6. Assembly

5. Transcription

Fig. 9.5  Life cycle of CVB3

mote the release of the virus from the cell, facili- thesis by interacting with a sequence of coxsacki-
tating subsequent cell invasion and infection evirus RNA [23].
[20]. Administration of p38 MAPK inhibitors to Although most virus-induced host miRNAs
mice with coxsackievirus infection-induced promote viral replication and host cell destruc-
myocarditis reduced viral replication in cardio- tion, some of them, such as miR-221 and miR-­
myocytes, attenuated myocardial injury, and 222, protect the host from viral invasion. These
improved cardiac function [21]. Notably, these miRNAs, whose expression is significantly ele-
pathways are unable to mediate the injurious vated in coxsackievirus-induced myocarditis,
effects of viruses on the heart independently and inhibit viral replication as well as host cell
require interaction with each other. Furthermore, inflammatory responses, and reduce host cell
viruses utilize different signaling pathways of apoptosis, mainly by suppressing host genes such
host cells at various life cycle stages to ensure as interferon regulatory factor 2 (IRF2), C-X-C
their continued survival. Motif Chemokine Ligand 12 (CXCL12), and
Viruses are able to exploit non-coding RNAs, B-cell lymphoma 2 (bcl-2) [24].
especially microRNAs (miRNAs), present in
host cells to promote their own replication and Direct Viral Damage
inflict damage on the host cells. Infection with to Cardiomyocytes
coxsackieviruses promotes the expression of After a successful evasion from the host’s innate
miR-141, which was the first miRNA identified immune response, the virus begins to replicate in
to be associated with coxsackievirus replication. host cells and produces viral proteins that directly
MiR-141 blocks the expression of various pro- attack the cardiomyocytes (Fig. 9.6). Therefore,
teins in host cells by inhibiting eIF4E [22]. Host-­ viral infection of immunodeficient mice led to
derived miRNAs can also interact with viral severe symptoms that manifested as fulminant
genomes; host miR-10a-3p promotes viral syn- myocarditis [25].
134 C. Chen and D. W. Wang


oh Virus entry RNA +/–


9h • Eukaryote initiation
• DNA fragmentation factor 4r cleavage
• Cell death • Shutoff of host cell
• Virus release protein synthesis
• Initiation of cap-
independent viral RNA

• Cleavage of
7h • Poly (ADP-nibose)
polymerase cleavage 5h
• Cytopathic effects • Viral protein (VP1).
• Cytochrome c release
from mitochondria

Fig. 9.6  Direct cell damage by CVB3 after cell entry

The enterovirus genome encodes protease 2A rupts the integrity of the myocardial membrane,
and protease 3C, which process the viral polypro- increases cell permeability, promotes virus
teins into separate structural or nonstructural pro- spread to neighboring cells, and increases the
teins that are essential to complete the entire viral susceptibility of the heart to the virus [28, 29].
life cycle. These proteases inhibit the formation Autophagy is an important mechanism by
of translation initiation complexes and prevent which cells repair themselves. During CVB3
the production of cell membrane repair proteins infection, cell function is damaged due to shear-
[26]. In addition, protease 2A specifically affects ing of glycine at position 241 in Sequestosome 1
many host proteins related to cardiomyocyte (SQSTM1), an important protein in the
structure, signal transduction, and contractile ­autophagic response, which leads to the impair of
function. It is capable of shearing the host eukary- autophagic response, reduction in the clearance
otic initiation factor-4G (eIF4G), a key initiation of damaged proteins and subsequent accumula-
factor required for translation, and inhibiting the tion of misfolded proteins [30].
synthesis of contractile proteins in cardiomyo- To investigate the role of proteinase 2A, trans-
cytes [27]. It also shears the hinge 3 region of the genic mice with high expression of proteinase 2A
cell repair-related protein dystrophin. This dis- in cardiac myocytes were developed. These mice
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 135

displayed rapid enlargement of heart chambers, tion to shearing proteins, proteinase 2A and pro-
decreased cardiac function, cardiac fibrosis, dis- teinase 3C activate the exogenous
turbed cardiomyocyte arrangement, and impaired (caspase-8-mediated) and the endogenous (mito-
cardiac cytoskeletal structure, suggesting that chondrial) apoptotic pathways, directly causing
proteinase 2A causes direct damage to the struc- cardiomyocyte apoptosis or necrosis.
ture and function of cardiac myocytes [31]. These studies demonstrated that virus-­
During viral infection, proteinase 2A also encoded proteases can directly attack cardiomy-
shears the melanoma differentiation-associated ocytes in several ways (Table  9.2), suggesting
protein 5 (MDA5) of the host, inhibits the pro- that effective inhibition of viral protease func-
duction of type I interferon, and weakens the tion is necessary for the treatment of viral myo-
host’s virus-clearance mechanism [32]. In addi- carditis [33].

Table 9.2  Targets of enterovirus proteases

Type Protease Virus Target genes
Cytophylaxis 2A PV, EV71 MDA5
2A, 3C EV71 NLRP3
RNA/protein synthesis 2A PV DCP1a
2A CVB3 p62/SQSTM1
2A, 3C CVB3 NBR1
Cell integrity 2A CVB3 Dysferlin
2A CVB3 Dystrophin
2A HRV Cytokeratin 8
Gene transcription 3C PV Oct-1
2A PV Gemin3
3C CVB3 TDP-43
Protein translation 2A CVB3, PV, EV71, RV eIF4GI, eIF4GII
3C PV, HRV p65-RelA
Others 3C CVB3 IKBa
2A, 3C CVB3 GAB1
2A HRV Nup
CVB3 Coxsackie virus, EMCV encephalomyocarditis virus, EV enterovirus, HRV human rhinovirus, PV poliovirus
136 C. Chen and D. W. Wang Host Defense—Innate Immune first defense against invading pathogens. Upon
Response activation by TLRs, the innate immune response
Once a virus is successfully bound to a receptor, induces macrophages and natural killer (NK)
it confronts the host’s immune response; this is cells, which constitute the main inflammatory
inevitable and crucial for the clinical regression cells that infiltrate the heart in lymphocytic myo-
of myocarditis, especially for fulminant myocar- carditis (Fig.  9.7). During the first 4–5  days of
ditis. The immune system of higher vertebrates is viral infection in the myocardium, acquired
divided into two main categories: innate and immune response is not activated, and the innate
acquired immunity. Innate immune responses are immune response induces the release of a variety
not antigen-specific and can occur rapidly after of cytokines, including interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6,
pathogen stimulation of the immune system, and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), to limit
whereas acquired immune responses are antigen-­ viral replication and dissemination. Previous
specific. In addition to pathogens such as viruses, studies have suggested that activation of endo-
other non-infectious etiologies can activate innate plasmic reticulum stress inhibits macrophage
and acquired immunities in the host via various infiltration in the hearts of mice with viral myo-
mechanisms. carditis, thereby reducing inflammatory factors
The innate immune response is highly con- released by macrophages and improving cardiac
served in interspecies evolution and is the host’s function [34, 35]. Recently, it has been reported




Fig. 9.7  Immunohistochemical staining showing infiltration of macrophages (brownish areas marked by arrows) and
NK cells in the heart of mice with fulminant myocarditis
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 137

that the inflammatory response induces neutro- tion in mice with interferon β deficiency. This
phils to migrate to the heart, promote cardiomyo- suggests that the endogenous type Ι interferon
cytes to undergo pyroptosis, and impairs cardiac receptor signaling pathway plays a critical role in
function [36]. organ damage due to viral infection, such as liver
However, by the time the innate immune damage, but not in viral replication in the heart
response manages to remove the virus in fulmi- during the early stages of infection. The absence
nant myocarditis, the immune system becomes of the endogenous type ΙΙ interferon signaling
over-activated and recruits a high number of pathway resulted in a slight increase in viral titers
inflammatory cells to the heart, all of which in the heart and liver but did not have any effect
release large amounts of inflammatory factors. on mortality. These suggest that there may be
The resultant “inflammatory storm” magnifies other molecules that mediate the role of
the damage to the patient’s heart, leading to a dra- interferon-­related signaling pathways in myocar-
matic decrease in cardiac function. ditis, thus necessitating further investigation.
Simultaneously, the “inflammatory storm” also
induces the release of large amounts of vasoac- TLRs
tive substances that dilate blood vessels and TLRs are important molecules in the innate
result in shock (see Chap. 3, Pathogenesis of ful- immune response that can recognize pathogen-­
minant myocarditis: The role of cytokine storm associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and initi-
in the development of fulminant myocarditis). ate innate immune defense mechanisms. Various
Therefore, proper control of the “inflammatory pathogens can activate TLR signaling pathways
storm” to limit the damaging effects of the via different ligands. Ten and thirteen TLR iso-
immune response is one of the priorities in the forms have been identified in humans and mice,
early stages of fulminant myocarditis treatment. respectively. It has been reported that mutation of
In case the immune response fails to clear the the human TLR3 gene at P554S or L412F
virus completely, the disease becomes chronic decreases its function, inhibits host NF-κB and
and may develop into dilated cardiomyopathy. type I interferon signaling pathways, attenuates
cardiac autophagy repair, enhances viral replica-
Interferons tion in the heart, and activates abnormal immune
This is a class of powerful antiviral cytokines and responses, ultimately impairing cardiac function
important effector molecules of the innate [12]. In addition, polymorphisms in TLR2 and
immune response. Type Ι interferons include TLR4 genes have been reported to be associated
interferons α and β, while type II includes inter- with bacterium-induced septic shock. TLR2,
feron γ. In vitro cellular assays have demon- TLR3, TLR4, TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9 are capa-
strated that exogenous type I and type II ble of mediating the antiviral effects of type I
interferons inhibit coxsackievirus replication in interferons (Table 9.3). Compared with other tis-
cells, while exogenous type Ι interferons improve sues, TLR3 and TLR4 expression is relatively low
the impaired cardiac function in mice with and TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9 are barely expressed
coxsackievirus-­ induced myocarditis [37]. To in the human heart. Therefore, there is a high
investigate the role of endogenous interferon
molecules in the pathophysiology of viral myo-
carditis, mice with type Ι or type ΙΙ interferon Table 9.3  TLRs and viral infections
receptor deficiency were infected with coxsacki- TLRs Virus ligands
evirus. Mice with type Ι interferon receptor defi- 2 Envelope proteins of measles virus,
cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus
ciency displayed a significant increase in viral type I
replication in the liver and in mortality. However, 3 Viral double stranded RNA
there was no increase in viral RNA titers in the 4 Respiratory syncytial virus F protein, mouse
heart, suggesting that the increase in mortality mammary tumor virus envelope protein
was not secondary to heart infection. Similar 7/8 Viral single-stranded RNA
results were observed after coxsackievirus infec- 9 CpG DNA
138 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

probability of other signaling pathways in the could mediate their actions in the heart via non-­
heart that mediate the antiviral effects of inter- classical TLR signaling pathways. The potential
feron in addition to the TLR signaling pathway. roles of different TLRs are inconsistent and
The TLR3 and TLR7/8 signaling pathways require further investigation.
are activated by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)
and single-stranded RNA (ssRNA), respectively. RNA Helicases
However, the genome of the enterovirus is an Although the majority of TLRs are localized on
ortho-stranded ssRNA. Following entry into the the surface of the cell membrane, TLR3, TLR7/8,
host cell, viral RNA is released from the capsid and TLR9 are localized in the cellular endosome
protein and used as a template to form wherein they recognize viral nucleic acids fol-
dsRNA.  Infection of TLR3-deficient mice with lowing viral entry into the host cell [41]. Since
ssRNA viruses leads to the development of severe viral nucleic acid replication products may also
myocarditis with significantly higher levels of be present in the cytoplasm outside the endo-
viral replication in the heart, greater myocardial some, the TLR signaling pathway in the endo-
damage, and ultimately, a significant increase in some may not interact with all viral nucleic acid
early mortality [38]. Morphological examination molecules in the host cell. It has been demon-
of the heart on days 3 and 5 post viral infection strated that intracellular viral dsRNA can be rec-
revealed that viral titers as well as inflammatory ognized by two RNA helicases, retinoic
responses were significantly higher in the hearts acid-induced protein I (RIG-I) and MDA-5 [42,
of TLR3-knockout mice than in the hearts of 43]. Further, intracellular viral DNA can be rec-
wild-type mice. This suggests that by inhibiting ognized by the DNA-dependent activator of
viral replication in the heart, TLR3 plays an interferon regulatory factor (DAI, also known as
important role in the host’s antiviral response. DLM-1/ZBP1) [44]. By constructing RIG-I- or
Interestingly, interferon expression was signifi- MDA-5-deficient mice, the anti-RNA virus prop-
cantly higher in the hearts of TLR3-deficient erties of RNA helicases have been confirmed, but
mice, suggesting that TLR3 may activate the the anti-DNA viral role of DAI in vivo remains to
innate immune response via an interferon non-­ be confirmed. RIG-I recognizes paramyxovi-
dependent pathway. ruses, influenza viruses, and epidemic B enceph-
TLR4 mainly recognizes lipopolysaccharides alitis viruses, while MDA-5 recognizes
of gram-negative bacilli. Coxsackieviruses, encephalomyocarditis viruses and dsRNA
among others, activate TLR4  in macrophages, viruses. Both RIG-I and MDA-5 contain two
promoting the secretion of inflammatory factors important structural domains: the caspase activa-
and increasing viral replication in cardiomyo- tion and recruitment domain (CARD) and the
cytes [39]. However, the specific mechanism by RNA helicase domain. The RNA helicase domain
which viruses activate the TLR4 signaling recognizes and binds to dsRNA, enabling RIG-I
­pathway remains poorly understood. TLR9 pri- and MDA-5 to form a dimer having an altered
marily recognizes CpG DNA regions of bacteria structure, thus facilitating the binding of CARD
and viruses. The role of other TLRs in early viral to downstream signaling molecules and activat-
replication in the heart has not been clarified. ing a series of signaling pathways. In recent
Myeloid differentiation factor-88 (MyD88) is an years, mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS)
important molecule that mediates TLR2, TLR4, has been found to mediate the activation of down-
TLR5, TLR7, and TLR9 signaling pathways. stream signaling pathways of RIG-I and MDA-5
MyD88-deficient mice revealed significantly [45]. The N-terminal region of MAVS is the
lower viral titers in the hearts on days 4, 7, and CARD, and the C-terminal is the mitochondrial
10, along with higher survival rates, after cox- transmembrane structural domain. The complex
sackievirus infection as compared to wild-type formed by binding of dsRNA with RIG-I or
mice [40]. These results demonstrate the impor- MDA-5 attaches to the N-terminal CARD of
tance and complexity of TLR signaling pathways MAVS and subsequently activates a series of
in cardiac regulation and suggest that viruses transcription factors, such as NF-κB and
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 139

i­nterferon regulatory factors 3 and 7, ultimately infected cardiomyocytes, and the disadvantageous
producing a series of innate immune responses, effect of damage or necrosis of cardiomyocytes. In
including type I interferon release. Compared to a severely and acutely injured heart, upon signifi-
wild-type mice, the viral titer in the hearts of cant infiltration of terminally differentiated and
MDA-5- or MAVS-deficient mice at 48  h after non-dividing T-lymphocytes, the cellular damage
infection with encephalomyocarditis virus was caused by the removal of virally infected cells by
more than 1000-fold higher than that in wild-type T-lymphocytes, cannot be compensated for by the
mice, suggesting that RNA helicase plays an proliferation of normal non-­infected cells, which
important role in the removal of intracellular ultimately leads to impaired cardiac function. A
viral nucleic acids [46, 47]. previous study had reported that following infec-
tion with coxsackievirus, the morbidity and mor- Host Defense–Acquired tality of myocarditis were significantly reduced in
Immune Response CD4+ (helper T-lymphocytes) and CD8+
After 6–7  days of viral infection, the acquired T-lymphocytes (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes) double-
immune response is activated and T-lymphocytes knockout mice as compared to those in wild-type
begin to infiltrate the heart, which indicates the mice [49]. Interestingly, despite complete knock-
terminal phase of Stage 1. The peak of T lympho- down of both CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes, the
cyte infiltration usually occurs between the sev- titer of coxsackievirus in the hearts of double-
enth and the 14th day post viral infection [48]. knockout mice did not change significantly as
However, in fulminant myocarditis, the acquired compared to that in wild-type mice, suggesting the
immune response is activated rapidly, within existence of a T lymphocyte-independent viral
2–3  days after infection, or even on the day of clearance mechanism in the heart.
infection, recruiting T-lymphocytes to the heart
and triggering an “inflammatory storm,” which Damage to Host Cells by Host
forms the core pathophysiological mechanism Immune Response
underlying the rapid onset and critical nature of In the absence of proper control of the host
fulminant myocarditis (Fig. 9.8). immune response, the damaging effects of the
Infiltration of T-lymphocytes leads to two dis- “inflammatory storm” caused by the over-­
tinct effects: the advantageous removal of virally activation of the immune response are stronger

MHC molecule

Damaged MHC I


Anti-virus antibody
Virus mediated T cell Auto reactive antibody
Cardiac antigen

Cardiomyocytes Virus antigen

T cell mediated Th cell
damage B cell

Cytotoxic T cell

Fig. 9.8  Immune activation-mediated cellular injury during the course of viral myocarditis
140 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

Fig. 9.9 Masson
staining confirms the
presence of severe
fibrosis (blue stains) in
the hearts of mice with
fulminant myocarditis CON DAY1



than its beneficial effects of virus clearance, ulti- carditis [53]. Comparison of inflammatory
mately leading to myocardial fibrosis, ventricular responses to coxsackievirus infection in mice of
remodeling, and even heart failure (Fig. 9.9). different sexes showed a higher expression of M1
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) suppress the macrophages in the hearts of males and higher
inflammatory response and reduce host cell expression of M2 macrophages in the hearts of
immune damage, whereas T helper 17 (Th17) females [54]. More importantly, the myocardial
cells enhance the immune inflammatory response inflammatory response in male as well as female
and promote host cell damage; together they mice was boosted by exogenous M1 macro-
maintain a delicate yet dynamic balance in the phages, whereas M2 macrophages altered the
development and regression of myocarditis [50]. inflammatory factor profile of the heart, increased
Although Tregs promote the release of anti-­ anti-inflammatory factors, promoted Treg differ-
inflammatory factors, such as transforming entiation, and significantly reduced the cardiac
growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and IL-10, these fac- inflammatory response in male mice [54].
tors are unable to inhibit the massive amount of After the activation of the acquired immune
pro-inflammatory factors (such as TNF-α and response, the massive infiltrating lymphocytes
IL-1) consistently released by host cells during not only removes the infected myocardial cells,
infection, thus leading to irreversible myocardial but also causes damage to normal myocardial
injury and even acute heart failure [51, 52]. cells. In the 1970s, researchers have observed a
The conversion between M1 pro-­inflammatory significant decrease in the cardiac inflammatory
macrophages and M2 anti-inflammatory macro- response in T lymphocyte-deficient mice infected
phages can also influence the regression of myo- with coxsackievirus, as well as in the extent of
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 141

myocardial injury and mortality as compared to state viruses are rarely detected in the specimens
those in wild-type mice [55]. from patients of myocarditis. These results sug-
Further, it is not just the virus that induces an gest that the mere presence of the viral genome is
immune response in the host; the host itself pro- sufficient for the development and progression of
duces antigens that induce an autoimmune cardiomyopathy.
response. Viral infection in cardiac myocytes
damages intracellular autoantigens (such as car-
diac myosin), which cross-react with coxsackie- 9.1.4 Stage 3 (Chronic Stage)
virus antigens and induce autoimmune responses,
which further activates B lymphocytes, produces This stage mostly ranges from several months to
large amounts of cardiac autoantibodies and years after viral infection. Since the majority of
inflammatory factors, and ultimately causes dam- the patients at this stage fail to detect the pres-
age to the cardiac myocytes [56]. ence of the virus or viral genome in the myocar-
Since current pathological diagnostic criteria dium, they are often diagnosed and treated for
define only the type and number of infiltrating other types of heart disease. Even in cases where
inflammatory cells without a distinction of sub- dilated cardiomyopathy is diagnosed, the cause
types or functional types, they are relatively less remains undetermined since the previous infec-
suitable for prognostic assessment. Further anal- tion is unconfirmed. Therefore, the importance of
ysis of various cell subtypes and functions is diagnosis early in the infection is even more
required in the future. emphasized along with an urgent need to design
tests that are more specific, as well as sensitive, to
the detection of viral infection.
9.1.3 Stage 2 (Subacute Stage)

This stage ranges from a few weeks to a few 9.2 Giant Cell Myocarditis
months after viral infection. Studies on animal
models have shown that coxsackieviruses persist Giant cell myocarditis (GCM) is a rare and
in cardiomyocytes for an extended period follow- extremely critical myocarditis that was first
ing infection, even without replication. In order reported in 1905 [58]. The onset of the disease is
to investigate whether the persistence of the non-­ acute, with rapid deterioration of cardiac function.
replicating genome of coxsackievirus in cardio- Prior to the introduction of heart transplantation
myocytes promotes the development of dilated or immunomodulatory drugs, almost all patients
cardiomyopathy, cardiac-specific coxsackievirus-­ of GCM perished within a few days of onset, rely-
mutant transgenic mice were constructed, in ing solely on autopsy findings for diagnosis. The
which low levels of intact coxsackievirus were onset age of GCM patients is about 40 years old,
expressed in the heart. However, these were inca- and 20% of patients have a history of autoimmune
pable of forming intact viral particles and were diseases [59]. Most patients of GCM present with
therefore unable to replicate. The lack of intact acute heart failure, with approximately 50% of
viral particles also prevented the production of them developing ventricular tachycardia, different
corresponding antibodies in the host. degrees of atrioventricular block, and having a
Histomorphological examination depicted a median survival time of 3 months without resort-
series of typical dilated cardiomyopathy pheno- ing to heart transplantation or treatment with
types such as interstitial fibrosis of cardiomyo- immunomodulatory drugs [60].
cytes, myocardial hypertrophy, and GCM is a T lymphocyte-mediated autoimmune
cardiomyocyte degeneration in the hearts of these disease; gene expression profiling of myocardial
transgenic mice [57]. In clinical practice, viral tissue from patients of GCM showed an abnor-
genome expression is detected in myocardial mally enhanced immune response in their hearts,
biopsy specimens of patients of myocarditis or particularly a marked increase in the expression of
dilated cardiomyopathy; however, replicative chemokines associated with Th1 activation in T
142 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

helper (Th) cells [61]. In contrast to viral myocar- coidosis has not yet been elucidated; histomor-
ditis, cardiac autoantibodies are uncommon in phologically, it manifests as an accumulation of
patients of GCM, suggesting that the pathogenesis T-lymphocytes, mononuclear phagocytes, and
of GCM is dominated by T-lymphocytes, rather non-neoplastic granulomas. The main pathologi-
than B l­ ymphocyte-­ mediated autoimmune cal feature that differentiates sarcoidosis from
responses. The main pathological feature of GCM GCM is the presence of granulomas which appear
is the formation of multinucleated giant cells fol- as follicular structures composed of tightly
lowing massive lymphocyte infiltration is the main packed lymphocytes (especially CD4+ T cells),
pathological feature of GCM, with highly acti- giant cells, and epithelial cells, and surrounded
vated T cells, leading to an inflammatory storm. by fibroblasts and more lymphocytes (including
Monotherapy with glucocorticoid-based B cells, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells) [63]. In
immunosuppressants does not improve the the early stages of the nodal disease, Th1 cells are
prognosis of GCM. However, the combination stimulated to mediate the activation of the inflam-
of concurrent T cell-targeted immunosuppres- matory response in the heart, as well as to interact
sants effectively mitigates GCM progression. with antigen-presenting cells (APCs) to form
Nevertheless, drug therapy is less effective than granulomas. Subsequently, Th2 cells are acti-
heart transplantation and is associated with vated, leading to fibrosis. Sarcoidosis patients
multiple cardiovascular complications. have increased levels of Th1 cell-associated cyto-
Moreover, even after heart transplantation, kine expression in the heart [64]. Myocardial tis-
GCM recurs in approximately 25% of post- sue biopsies of sarcoidosis myocarditis patients
transplant patients [60]. had revealed a high number of CD209+ dendritic
cells as well as CD68+ macrophages, whereas the
number of CD163+ M2 macrophages was low
9.3 Eosinophilic Myocarditis [65], suggesting a higher number of injurious
macrophages. Although the pathogenesis of sar-
Eosinophilic myocarditis is caused by a variety coidosis myocarditis is clearly different from that
of etiologies and comprises eosinophil infiltra- of lymphocytic myocarditis or GCM, there are no
tion into the heart followed by myocardial endo- specific biomarkers available yet for the clinical
cardial fibrosis. Eosinophils comprise diagnosis of sarcoidosis myocarditis [66].
cytoplasmic granules which release cytotoxic
proteins in response to immunogenic stimulation,
thereby inducing oxidative stress and leading to 9.5 Connective Tissue Disease-­
apoptosis or necrosis. Furthermore, eosinophils Induced Autoimmune
can directly damage cardiomyocytes. Myocarditis
One of the etiologies of eosinophilic myocar-
ditis is drug allergy, associated with the use of Multiple connective tissue disorders (CTDs),
drugs (antibiotics, such as penicillin, diuretics, or such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE),
dopamine) or vaccines (such as smallpox vac- rheumatoid arthritis (RA), scleroderma, or der-
cine), with a very rare onset. Usually, the onset matomyositis are complicated by myocarditis
occurs at the time of administering the drug; [67]. Approximately 10% of SLE patients show
however, in rare cases, the onset occurs after sev- clinical manifestations of myocarditis, mostly
eral years of drug administration [62]. lymphocytic; RA patients have a comparatively
lower incidence of myocarditis, which is mostly
interstitial or sarcoid [68].
9.4 Sarcoidosis Myocarditis SLE causes monocyte infiltration, formation
of immune complexes, as well as complement
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease involving deposition in the heart tissues of patients of myo-
multiple organs and systems (such as the eyes, carditis. In RA patients, anti-citrullinated protein
skin, lungs, or heart). The pathogenesis of sar- antibodies are produced following the conversion
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 143

of arginase to citrulline. A study using cardiac 1 (PD-1) knockout mice, leading to autoim-
magnetic resonance technique found that RA mune dilated cardiomyopathy [70]. Several
patients showing high levels of anti-citrullinated studies have shown that PD-1 knockout mice
protein antibodies had a higher left ventricular are more susceptible to autoimmune myocardi-
weight index than those with low levels, suggest- tis and suffer greater cardiac damage than the
ing that RA may induce myocardial injury [69]. wild type [71–73].
The formation of these anti-autoantibodies in The mechanisms by which ICIs cause myo-
massive numbers followed by their deposition in carditis have not been completely elucidated yet;
the heart activates autoimmune responses and multiple impairment effects (as follows) may
impairs cardiac function. synergize to affect cardiac function: (i) ICIs act
Notably, CTDs also indirectly damage cardiac as monoclonal antibodies that bind directly to
function by impairing blood vessels. antigens (such as CTLA-4) on the surface of nor-
mal cells, leading to T lymphocyte infiltration
and complement activation, thus causing myo-
9.6 Immune Checkpoint cardial tissue damage. (ii) ICI treatment enhances
Inhibitor-Induced the off-target effect by promoting the function of
Myocarditis T-lymphocytes, which then recognizes the tumor
antigen or healthy tissue expressing the antigen
Myocarditis induced by immune checkpoint through the circulatory system. (iii) ICIs increase
inhibitors (ICIs) is the most common side the circulating as well as tissue levels of cyto-
effect of ICIs in the cardiovascular system. kines and promote the infiltration of inflamma-
Infiltration of T-lymphocytes in massive num- tory molecules in non-targeted tissues. (iv) ICIs
bers has been observed in the hearts of cyto- promote autoimmune-associated antibody pro-
toxic T lymphocyte-­ associated protein 4 duction, leading to autoimmune responses
(CTLA-4) and programmed cell death protein (Fig. 9.10) [74].

Tumor antigen

Self antigen



PD-1 antibody

CTLA-4 antibody

Auto antibody

T cell

Fig. 9.10  Mechanisms by which immune checkpoint inhibitors damage the heart and kidney
144 C. Chen and D. W. Wang

The CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody affects the induced myocarditis, some of the T cells infil-
binding of CTLA-4 (present on the surface of T trating the myocardial tissue were identical to
cells) to B7 (present on the surface of APCs), thus those present in tumor cells or skeletal muscle,
reducing the threshold of cardiac T cell activation. suggesting that these T cells respond to a com-
CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody interacts with mon antigen. Furthermore, an abnormal
CTLA-4-expressing Treg cells, thereby affecting increase in the expression of muscle-specific
the inhibitory function of Tregs in vivo and leading antigens (troponin and junctional proteins)
to enhanced T cell activity in the heart. PD-1 anti- was observed in the tumor tissues of these
bodies damage the heart by blocking the binding patients. This suggests that T cells target anti-
of PD-1 and its ligands to APCs and cardiomyo- gens common to the tumor and heart; ICIs
cytes, thus inducing T cell activation (Fig. 9.11). damage the heart by enhancing the action of
In addition, T cells attack common antigens such T cells, leading to fulminant myocarditis
of tumors and the heart. In patients of ICI- (Fig. 9.12).



T cell
T cell
Cardiac antigen- Cardiomyocytes
specific T cell PD-1 antibody
PD-L1 antibody

Cardiac peptide
Lymphoid tissue

Fig. 9.11  Immune checkpoint inhibitors disrupt the body’s immune tolerance to the heart

muscle TCR
expansion PD-1
T cell CTLA-4


Tumor cells CD28

Both tumor and muscle
reactive T cell clones PD-1 antibody

PD-L1 antibody

Self antigen
T cell
Cardiac musole Tumor antigen

Fig. 9.12  Tumors, skeletal muscle, and myocardium share antigenic epitopes. Immune checkpoint inhibitors induce a mas-
sive expansion of T cells targeting shared antigenic epitopes, leading to T cell attack on skeletal and cardiac muscle
9  Association between Histological Changes and Clinical Manifestations of Fulminant Myocarditis 145

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Changes of Electrpcardiography
in Patients with Fulminant 10

Guanglin Cui and Dao Wen Wang

The diagnostic specificity of the simple electrocar- There are three types of ECG changes in early
diogram (ECG) examination for fulminant myocar- myocarditis within 1 month of onset: (1) atrioven-
ditis is low; therefore, it should be repeated several tricular blocks, accounting for approximately
times to compare dynamic changes. Sinus tachycar- 40%, mostly first-degree blocks; (2) pre-phase
dia is the most common; frequent atrial presystolic contraction, accounting for approximately 30%
(premature atrial) or ventricular presystolic (prema- (premature ventricular contractions are common);
ture ventricular) is one of the reasons for hospital- (3) ST-T anomalies, accounting for approximately
ization of patients with myocarditis, and short 30% (a few visible anomalies Q and single curve).
ventricular tachycardia may be detected during In addition, there can be bundle branch conduc-
monitoring; bundle branch block or atrioventricular tion block, paroxysmal tachycardia (ventricular
block suggests a poor prognosis. Low voltage in the tachycardia), atrial fibrillation, junction rhythm,
limb leads, especially the anterior lead, suggests left ventricular high voltage, atrial enlargement,
extensive and severe myocardial damage. etc. More than 60% patients on admission have
ST-T changes were more common, represent- low voltage in all leads, 30% patients have QTc
ing abnormal myocardial repolarization. The prolongation and 23% have QRS wave broaden,
ECG of some patients can even show a pattern which are important clues for diagnosis.
similar to acute myocardial infarction, showing Part of fulminant myocarditis can transform
selective lead elevation of the ST segment arched into chronic myocarditis, and ECG changes are
upward. It is difficult to distinguish between the similar to acute myocarditis, which is character-
two from the ECG alone. Ventricular fibrillation ized by atrioventricular hypertrophy, accounting
is rare and causes sudden death/syncope. It is for approximately 45% of cases. However, left
important to note that the patient’s ECG changes ventricular hypertrophy is not observed in acute
can be very rapid and should be monitored con- myocarditis, indicating that ventricular hypertro-
tinuously with 12 or 18 lead ECG recorded when phy is an important manifestation of chronic
there is a change. All patients underwent a 24 h myocarditis.
ambulatory ECG examination. ECG changes in convalescent myocarditis
were few, mild, and relatively stable. Commonly,
only have 1–2 kinds of ECG change, basically
G. Cui · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal the period before systolic, but neither symptom
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and also does not have cardiac function to change,
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, treatment often does not have a particularity.
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong There may also be a first-degree atrioventricular
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: block or an incomplete bundle branch block.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 149
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
150 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Changes in ECG in acute and chronic viral autoimmunity, which affects the energy trans-
myocarditis are often diverse, varied, and change- port of the mitochondrial membrane and binds
able, while the changes in recovery and sequelae to calcium channels on the cell membrane. It
are small and mild. The clinical outcome was increases calcium influx, leading to intracellu-
characterized by the disappearance of approxi- lar calcium overload and prolonged action
mately 1/2–4/5 of pre-phase contractions, the dis- potential duration, which is also one of the
appearance of approximately 1/2–2/3 of atrial causes of arrhythmia.
premature beats, and 90–100% recovery of ST-T Myocarditis is common in the clinic, but clini-
changes; if the ECG is not recovered for a long cians should pay more attention to patients with
time, this may be the form of chronic fulminant myocarditis. These patients have a
myocarditis. high abnormal rate of ECG, usually without spe-
cific manifestations. Clinical diagnosis must be
combined with the patient’s history, symptoms,
10.1 Mechanism of Arrhythmias cardiac enzymes, troponin, and other data, and
in Viral Myocarditis the diagnosis and misdiagnosis rate are high with
ECG alone. The abnormal ECG of myocarditis is
Viral myocarditis is a common disease caused by a combination of manifestations; its type and
direct invasion of the myocardium by the virus degree vary from person to person.
and damage to the myocardium by virus-­
mediated autoimmune reactions, with myocar-
dial necrosis and interstitial monocyte infiltration 10.2 Common ECG Findings
as the main pathological changes. Microelectrodes of Fulminant Myocarditis
were used to detect electrophysiological abnor-
malities in the myocardium of virus-infected rats, 10.2.1 Sinus Arrhythmia
such as decreased negative resting potential,
maximum rate of 0 phase, action potential ampli- In the acute stage of fulminant myocarditis,
tude and overshoot value, and shortening of 10–30% of patients have sinus tachycardia,
action potential duration. These electrophysio- while sinus bradycardia, sinus atrial block, and
logical abnormalities can increase the self-­ sinus arrest are rare (approximately 2%), but
discipline and excitability of myocardium cells their severity cannot be ignored, and it is often
and reduce their conductivity, resulting in the main cause of sudden death from myocardi-
tachyarrhythmias or conduction blocks. tis. Studies have shown that the average sinus
After the acute period of 3 months, although heart rate of patients who died of fulminant myo-
myocardial inflammation had gradually carditis was significantly higher than that of
reduced and the myocardial injury index had patients who survived (113.80  ±  35.22 vs.
recovered, the above myocardial electrophysi- 76.95 ± 30.39) [1].
ological abnormalities still had significant Sinus tachycardia is a common ECG finding
changes and even lasted for 9 months before (Fig. 10.1), and most patients can develop dispro-
basic recovery. However, arrhythmias may last portionate sinus tachycardia with increasing tem-
longer, suggesting that the integrity of the cell perature, which may be caused by the
membrane is destroyed and fluidity and perme- inflammatory response of sympathetic excite-
ability increase after cardiomyopathy, which is ment of the myocarditis itself, vagal tone reduc-
the main cause of arrhythmias in viral myocar- tion, and cardiac dysfunction caused by
ditis. Furthermore, viral myocarditis can pro- compensatory tachycardia; in the case of sinus
duce autoantibodies against ADP/ATP carriers tachycardia in patients with fulminant myocardi-
on the mitochondrial inner membrane through tis, active intervention is not recommended. The
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 151

Fig. 10.1  Sinus tachycardia (1) P wave: P wave in sinus sinus excitement often passes down the anterior inter-
tachycardia is emitted from the sinoatrial node, P II is nodal bundle; (2) PR interval: 0.12–0.20 s; (3) PP interval:
upright, and pavr is inverted. The amplitude of the P wave slightly irregular under the influence of the autonomic
in sinus tachycardia is slightly higher than that of the nor- nerve; (4) QRS wave: shape and time limit are normal,
mal sinus rhythm and is more obvious in leads II–III. This and atrial rate is equal to the ventricular rate; (5)
is because, in sinus tachycardia, excitement often occurs Frequency: adult P wave frequency is 100–160 times/min,
at the head of the sinoatrial node, which is the starting part mostly about 130 times/min, and some can reach 160–180
of the anterior internodal bundle of the atrium, and the times/min

Fig. 10.2  Sinus rhythm disorder

primary disease should be treated unless the bances: heart rate slows rapidly from the fastest
patient presents with intolerable clinical symp- (105 beats/min) to 53 beats/min.
toms; if the patient’s primary disease tends to be Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) is one of the
stable, sinus tachycardia persists for a long time. causes of sick sinus syndrome. Fulminant myo-
Based on the specific clinical situation of the carditis, when cardiomyopathy is involved in the
patient, the use of a small dose of β-blockers alle- sinoatrial node and its surrounding tissues, can
viates sinus tachycardia. lead to chronic sinus arrhythmias, such as severe
It is worth noting that in the acute stage of sinus bradycardia, transient sinus arrest, and
myocarditis, lesions in the sinoatrial node and sinus block.
surrounding tissues can cause significant sino-
atrial node dysfunction and ECG changes in 1. Sinus bradycardia: Sinus bradycardia is also a
sinus arrhythmias (Fig. 10.2), which can present common sinus arrhythmia in fulminant myo-
intermittent and recurrent sinus rhythm distur- carditis. In patients with fulminant myocardi-
152 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

tis, sinoatrial node function is impaired due to remission, patients have a high risk of sudden
myocardial cell inflammation, pericarditis, cardiac death. Permanent pacemaker installa-
endocarditis, myocardial cell ischemia, and tion should be considered for these patients,
myocardial damage. The impaired function of which should be closely monitored clinically
the sinoatrial node can be transient or perma- (Fig. 10.3).
nent, depending on the patient’s condition. 2. Sinus cardiac arrest: The occurrence of sinus
Sinus bradycardia often indicates that the arrest in patients with fulminant myocarditis
patient is in a critical condition and the condi- is mainly caused by the inflammatory response
tion changes rapidly, which may be caused by or even damage to myocardial cells in the
invasion of the sinoatrial node of the heart and sinoatrial node. ECG findings (Fig.  10.4): If
the conduction system by myocardial inflam- sinus arrest is transient, it may be asymptom-
mation. These patients have a high possibility atic for a short period of time. When the dura-
of a high atrioventricular block or even sinus tion of sinus arrest is longer than 3 s, patients
arrest. If sinus bradycardia continues without may develop amaurosis, temporary loss of

Fig. 10.3  Sinus bradycardia. (1) Sinus P wave: frequency <60 times/min, generally not less than 40 times/min, 24 h
dynamic electrocardiogram sinus beats <80,000 times. (2) The PR interval was 0.12–0.25 s. (3) QRS was normal

Fig. 10.4  Sinus cardiac arrest

10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 153

Fig. 10.5  Atrial premature beats occur in a rapid sinus for determining the attribute of atrial premature beats. Atrial
rhythm, the ectopic p′ wave is unclear, and the T wave of the premature beats originated from the atrial septum, the ecto-
anterior cardiac beat has no obvious notch or deformation. pic P wave of the ECG is small or hidden, which is easy
In this case, incomplete compensation is an important basis confused with high near Hippo ventricular premature beats

Fig. 10.6 Sinus rhythm; accelerated atrial autonomic II, III, and AVF are inverted; the lead aVR is upright), the p′
rhythm; reverse clock transposition. The part marked in R interval is 120  ms, and the frequency is 84–88  bpm,
blue is the p′-qrs-t complex, the p′ wave is retrograde (leads which is consistent with accelerated atrial tachycardia

consciousness, or syncope, and in severe 10.2.2 Atrial Arrhythmia

cases, Adams-Stokes syndrome may result in
death. Prolonged sinus arrest without escape Atrial premature beat Fulminant myocarditis is
may result in death. Treatment of sinus arrest rare (Fig.  10.5). Severe impairment of cardiac
primarily focuses on etiology treatment and function and poor blood pumping function lead
actively treats the primary disease that causes to high atrial pressure, leading to atrial premature
sinus arrest. Episodic transient sinus arrest beats, which can show frequent atrial premature
without symptoms does not require symptom- beats, accelerated atrial autonomic rhythm
atic treatment. Patients with frequent and pro- (Fig. 10.6), etc. When the sinus heart rate exceeds
longed sinus arrest accompanied by obvious the frequency of the atrial rhythm, the rhythm of
clinical symptoms should be actively treated the latter is reorganized or inhibited. The fre-
with heart rate enhancement or early place- quency of the sinus rhythm decreases, leading to
ment of an artificial cardiac pacemaker. an accelerated atrial rhythm. When the atrial fre-
154 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.7  The inverted ectopic P wave rhythm is regular; the heart rate is 147 beats/min, showing a left eccentric type
(negative direction of the left chest lead), suggesting that the ectopic excitation originates from the lower left atrium

Fig. 10.8  Disordered atrial arrhythmia

quency is similar to the sinus frequency, sinus 10.2.3 Changes in the Cardiac

atrial competition occurs due to self-discipline Conduction System
competition between them.
Atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and atrioven- The main lesions of fulminant myocarditis
tricular ectopic tachyarrhythmia, ventricular directly involve the cardiac conduction system,
tachycardia (VT) in fulminant myocarditis are such as the atrioventricular ganglion,
often reported, but the causal relationship ­atrioventricular junction area, or atrioventricular
between atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and myo- bundle branch. At the same time, it is also related
carditis is unclear. The following is the ECG of a to an increase in vagus nerve tension. Most of
23-year-old female diagnosed with fulminant them are primary atrioventricular blocks and
viral myocarditis, low left atrial spontaneous single-­bundle branch blocks. In severe cases, a
tachycardia, and Weng’s (second-degree I) atrio- second-degree or third-degree atrioventricular
ventricular block (Fig. 10.7). block or even double bundle branch block can
There are three or more forms of P waves in occur. These ECG changes often improve with
the same lead, with irregular rhythm, multisource recovery from myocarditis and can completely
atrial premature beats, and disordered atrial return to normal after the lesion is cured. Only a
rhythm; if the frequency exceeds 100 times/min, few cases have permanent conduction disorder
it is disordered atrial tachycardia. It should be due to serious damage or fibrosis of the conduc-
noted that there are less than three forms of P tion system, which requires permanent pace-
waves, but the premature beat-like rhythm maker implantation.
between P waves with the same or similar forms Although arrhythmia caused by viral myocar-
is also a manifestation of disordered atrial rhythm ditis has diversity and variability that are closely
(Fig. 10.8). related to its pathological changes, which are
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 155

caused by inflammatory invasion or spread to the more obvious, and mitochondria dissolve. In the
cardiac conduction system caused by the virus or chronic stage, myofilament dissolution, local
invasion of specialized cardiomyocytes by the swelling of mitochondria, fusion, unclear struc-
virus itself. The main function of the cardiac con- ture, expansion of the endoplasmic reticulum,
duction system is to produce electrical stimula- and formation of many vacuoles in the sarcoplas-
tion and transmit electrical stimulation to the mic reticulum can be observed [2].
ventricular muscles in a certain direction, Usually, the degree of damage to each part of
sequence, and path to maintain normal cardiac the cardiac conduction system in patients with
rhythm. The cardiac electrical conduction of the myocarditis is inconsistent. The lesions of the
normal body is as follows: sinoatrial node → inter- bundle are very light, the lesions of the sinoatrial
nodal bundle → atrioventricular node → His bun- and atrioventricular nodes are more serious, and
dle → left and right bundle branches → Purkinje the lesions of the two bundle branches are the
fibers  →  working cardiomyocytes. Due to the most serious [2–4]. This may be related to ana-
long path and wide distribution of the conduction tomical characteristics. The dense connective tis-
system, it is easily infringed in myocarditis. sue separates the bundle from the myocardium.
The pathological characteristics of the con- In myocarditis, the bundle is lightly or unaf-
duction system caused by viral myocarditis are fected, while the left and right bundle branches
similar to those of the myocardium, and some are are adjacent to the myocardium, which is easily
even heavier than those of the myocardium. The affected by inflammation and produces the cor-
main pathological manifestations were intersti- responding pathological changes. Similarly, the
tial inflammatory changes, parenchymal degen- atrioventricular and sinoatrial nodes are adjacent
eration, necrosis, and fibrosis, and some had to the endocardium and epicardium, making it
adipocyte infiltration. Usually, the acute phase easy for inflammation to spread after the virus
can be characterized by cell swelling, unclear cell infects the myocardium. The branches of the
transverse lines, enhanced eosinophilic cytoplas- right bundle branch are shallow and slender and
mic staining, nuclear pyknosis and nuclear frag- vulnerable to inflammatory injury. Inflammatory
mentation in the nucleus, cell necrosis and lesions in the right ventricle and ventricular sep-
disintegration, disappearance of the nucleus and tum can affect the conduction function of the
cell contour, and inflammatory cell infiltration right bundle branch.
around, mainly monocytes and lymphocytes. In The nature of the cardiac conduction system
the chronic stage, inflammatory cells decreased, determines its conduction disorder and progno-
fibroblasts increased, collagen fibers increased, sis. Electrophysiological changes in third-degree
fibrous scar foci and a large number of calcifica- atrioventricular block caused by special cardio-
tion foci appeared, and some lesions were com- myocyte necrosis or a large number of interstitial
pletely absorbed and dissipated. Under an fibrosis are often long-term, while conduction
electron microscope, in the acute stage, it can be barriers caused by the degeneration of myocar-
seen that the shape of the nucleus is distorted or dial specialized cells, inflammatory cell infiltra-
chromatin pyknosis in the nucleus; the cell mem- tion, fat infiltration, interstitial hemorrhage, and
brane and myofibrils are basically complete, but edema are gradually improved and finally cured
the outer membrane of mitochondria can be bro- with the regression of inflammation and tissue
ken; the gap inside the cristae increases; the repair. Furthermore, multifocal or diffuse inflam-
structure of some cristae is fuzzy; the myofibrils matory injury of the atrial muscle can cause mul-
in severe cases are incomplete; the transverse tiple excitatory foci, form multiple micro-reentry,
myocardial system expands, some cell nuclear leading to atrial fibrillation or tachyarrhythmia,
membranes disappear, chromatin pyknosis is while focal or extensive cardiomyocyte necrosis
156 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

and fibrosis can lead to the formation of an injury tion on the ECG in patients with myocarditis
zone between the diseased myocardium and nor- and have high diagnostic value.
mal cells, produce a potential difference, and Atrioventricular block can occur in the early
cause the instability of cardiomyocyte electrical stages of acute rheumatism and viral myocar-
activity, inducing ventricular arrhythmia. ditis. The difference between atrioventricular
Arrhythmia caused by viral myocarditis is insep- blocks caused by other causes is that due to
arable from changes in the cardiac conduction the invasion of the cardiac conduction system,
system, which is affected by inflammation. the electrophysiological characteristics are
unstable and the ECG shows a great change in
1. Atrioventricular block and various heart con- the length of the PR interval (Figs.  10.9,
duction blocks are also a common manifesta- 10.10, 10.11, and 10.12).

Fig. 10.9  Second-degree atrioventricular block. In this the dual atrioventricular node pathway. However, the clin-
case, the ECG showed a P wave shedding, and there was ical background of P wave abscission and myocarditis
no doubt of a second-degree atrioventricular block. There supports the lesions of the cardiac conduction system,
are short and long PR intervals; the short and long PR which are aggravated in a fast frequency-dependent
intervals are transformed by jumping, which is similar to manner

Fig. 10.10  Second-degree atrioventricular block (Wen’s shows blocking atrioventricular separation and borderline
type). This case of atrioventricular block was confirmed escape rhythm (Fig.  10.11); the course of the disease is
by Venn’s atrioventricular conduction in another ECG severe, and lesions in the distal Xipu system. Most of the
segment (the arrow indicates that the PR interval is non- ECG manifestations are high atrioventricular block and
jumping). The course of the disease was mild and was not borderline escape rhythm with bundle branch block
a lesion at the distal end of the Xipu system. The ECG (Fig. 10.12)

Fig. 10.11  Atrioventricular separation and borderline escape rhythm

10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 157

Fig. 10.12  Third-degree AVB

Fig. 10.13  Sinus rhythm, first-degree atrioventricular block, combined with complete right bundle branch block

2. Bundle branch block (Fig.  10.14) is also common in fulminant

(a) Simple complete right bundle branch block myocarditis, but it is rarely seen in healthy
can be seen in normal people (Fig. 10.13). people, and most of them suffer from
However, the clinical background of myo- organic heart disease.
carditis, emergence of the right bundle (b) Double bundle branch block: Patients
branch block system, and primary atrioven- with fulminant myocarditis may develop
tricular block suggest progressive cardiac double bundle branch block (Fig. 10.15).
conduction system lesions, and the possi- Once a double bundle branch block
bility of a poor prognosis is not ruled out. A occurs, it indicates that the patient has a
Japanese study showed that in-hospital serious myocardial injury and may have
mortality of patients with fulminant myo- high atrioventricular block, VT, ventricu-
carditis was significantly higher than in lar fibrillation, or even cardiac arrest at
patients with sinus heart rate after high any time, which should be closely
atrioventricular block during hospitaliza- observed. This is mainly related to focal
tion [5]. Complete left bundle branch block or extensive cardiomyocyte necrosis and
158 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.14  Sinus rhythm with complete left bundle branch block

Fig. 10.15  Sinus rhythm, right bundle branch block, and left anterior branch block

fibrosis, and some patients may leave a alternately. When this alternating bundle
permanent bundle branch block. The right branch block occurs, it is vigilant that the
bundle branch block plus the left anterior patient will have (or exist) third-degree
branch block is the most common type of atrioventricular block or even sudden
double branch block. death (Fig. 10.16).
(c) Alternating bundle branch block: The left 3. A ventricular premature beat (or ventricular
(or right) bundle branch block changes to premature contraction) is referred to as a ven-
the other bundle branch block, or the left tricular premature beat. Premature ventricular
and right bundle branch blocks occur pulsation is also one of the characteristics of
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 159

Fig. 10.16  Alternating bundle branch block

Fig. 10.17  Ventricular premature beat

myocarditis involving cardiac conduction sys- patients was significantly higher than that of
tem lesions (Fig.  10.17). Ventricular prema- patients with sinus heart disease [5].
ture beats often induce malignant arrhythmias (a) Ventricular premature beat (or ventricular
in the clinic: (1) multiple ventricular prema- premature contraction): This is a common
ture beats (6 times/min); (2) pleomorphic ven- arrhythmia in the clinic. It occurs in a
tricular premature beats, multisource wide range of people, including healthy
ventricular premature beats; (3) R on T phe- people and patients with various heart
nomenon; (4) paired ventricular premature diseases. Ventricular premature beats are
beats. A study from China showed that fre- commonly observed in ECG in the early
quent ventricular premature beats were one of stage of fulminant myocarditis. Clinical
the high-risk factors for the high mortality of symptoms vary greatly, ranging from
fulminant myocarditis, while another study asymptomatic and slight palpitations to
from Japan showed that the mortality of syncope or amaurosis caused by prema-
patients with fulminant myocarditis with VT ture beats that trigger malignant ventricu-
and ventricular fibrillation in hospitalized lar arrhythmia (Fig. 10.17).
160 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.18  Ventricular premature dyadic rhythm

(b) Ventricular premature dyadic rhythm: mature beats are common, and the R on T
Once patients with fulminant myocarditis phenomenon is not uncommon, and once
have a frequent ventricular premature and the R on T phenomenon is found in
ventricular premature dyadic rhythm, it patients with fulminant myocarditis, it
indicates that the myocardium is seri- indicates that the potential risk is very
ously damaged and cardiac function is high (Fig. 10.20). The peak of the T wave
very poor. If the patient’s condition is not in the ECG is the boundary between the
controlled in a timely and effective way, it two types of ventricular refractory peri-
is likely to have serious malignant ods. The former is the effective refractory
arrhythmias, such as VT and ventricular period, and the latter is the relative
fibrillation. At the same time, we should ­refractory period. In the relative refrac-
attach great importance to the patient’s tory period, the excitability of the ven-
internal environment, correct the internal tricular muscle gradually recovers from 0
environment disorder in time, and avoid to 100%, and 20–30 ms before the peak
the occurrence of malignant arrhythmias. of the T wave is called the ventricular
For the insertion of premature ventricular fibrillation prone period. The ventricle
beats, experienced doctors routinely mea- falling into this period is like a fuse,
sure their premature beat index. If the which can cause ventricular fibrillation.
ventricular premature dyadic interval is Whether R on ventricular premature can
shorter than the QT interval of the ante- cause VT and fibrillation is related to
rior sinus beats, the premature beat index many factors, especially the basic state of
of <1, suggesting a poor prognosis the heart, the activity of sympathetic
(Fig. 10.18). nerves, and the threshold of ventricular
(c) Multiple ventricular premature beats: fibrillation.
Fulminant myocarditis has frequent mul- (e) VT and ventricular fibrillation
tisource ventricular premature beats or Arrhythmia is the first symptom in
pleomorphic ventricular premature beats 90% of patients with viral myocarditis,
(Fig.  10.19), suggesting the risk of while ventricular arrhythmia accounts for
progression to malignant ventricular
­ 70% of patients with fulminant myocardi-
arrhythmia. This type of VT is very harm- tis. In severe cases, high atrioventricular
ful to the heart and requires high attention block, VT (Fig.  10.21), and ventricular
and emergency treatment. fibrillation (Fig.  10.22) can occur. Once
(d) R on T phenomenon: Fulminant myocar- VT and ventricular fibrillation occur in
ditis occurs frequently, ventricular pre- patients with fulminant myocarditis, it
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 161

Fig. 10.19  Polygenetic ventricular tachycardia and pleomorphic ventricular tachycardia

Fig. 10.20  R on T

often indicates that the condition is criti- more than 30  s, or a ventricular rhythm
cal. Some patients showed malignant VT terminated due to hemodynamic instabil-
and ventricular fibrillation that did not ity within 30  s. Its occurrence is not an
alleviate continuously. arrhythmia caused by ischemia but often
This ECG is a monomorphic VT, occurs in inflammation (myocarditis)
which is defined as a ventricular rhythm with the formation of a reentry loop
higher than 100 beats/min and lasting caused by scar formation near normal
162 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.21  Wide QRS tachycardia with a heart rate of 130 ventricular separation. Furthermore, the relationship
beats/min (QRS, 0.18 s). There is no obvious P wave (*) between the P wave and the QRS wave is variable; small
before and after the QRS complex, but it seems that the P changes in the ST-T waveform also suggest the existence of
wave can be seen before R2, R7, and R12 on lead V1. atrioventricular separation. All wide QRS arrhythmias with
Furthermore, the T wave (+) after R3, R8, R13, and R18 of evidence of atrioventricular separation were VT. It should
lead V1 is different from other T waves, and its terminal has be emphasized that the forward waveform after V1–V2
a positive deflection, suggesting that the P waves overlap leads is not P wave, but the terminal part of the QRS wave-
(+). A notch (↓) can be seen on the T wave of lead I R3, but form, which can be determined by comparison with other
there are no other T waves. Therefore, it is considered that leads, such as AVF, II, V3 lead (II). The QRS complex has
there is a trace of atrioventricular separation. Although only the same shape, similar to the right bundle branch block,
some P waves (not all P waves) of the whole ECG are but there is no atypical pattern of the right bundle branch
related to QRS waves, it still suggests the existence of atrio- block, and the electrical axis obviously deviates to the left

Fig. 10.22  Ventricular fibrillation

myocardial tissue; hence, patients with arrest phenomenon. ECG characteristics:

heart disease are related to scarring. The qrs-t wave disappears completely,
Ventricular fibrillation is caused by and low wavelets of different sizes and
multifocal local excitation of the heart, extremely uneven appear, with a
resulting in complete loss of blood drain- frequency of 200–500 times/min
age function. This is a transient cardiac (Fig. 10.22).
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 163

Fig. 10.23  ECG features: sinus rhythm, slightly faster is upright, suggesting that the main body of the T wave
rate (89 bpm); Multiple R waves are upward, ST segment vector is slightly right in the forward direction, and the
is depressed, and T wave is low; QTc interval was pro- azimuth is abnormal
longed (483 ms). The T wave of lead V1–V2 in the chest

4. ST-T change mild prolongation of the QTc interval. The

ST-T changes can be seen in all leads, espe- QTc interval was normal or shortened in
cially in the left precordial lead. Most of them patients with functional ST-T changes, and
had mild horizontal reduction in the ST seg- whether the QTc interval is prolonged under
ment and flat or inverted T waves, and the the influence of non-drugs can be used as the
detection rate was approximately 75%. Some distinguishing point between pathological and
patients with severe myocarditis can show an functional ST-T changes. A 24 h ambulatory
elevation of the ST segment in multiple leads. ECG was performed in patients with myocar-
ST-T changes evolve with the progression or ditis. It can be seen from the ST segment trend
reduction of lesions. When excluding the pos- analysis that nonspecific ST-T abnormalities
sibility of ST-T changes caused by other in patients with myocarditis (Fig.  10.24) are
causes, combined with clinical manifestations, not fixed. When the active heart rate increases
this change and evolution process is helpful and the amplitude of ST segment depression
for the diagnosis of myocarditis. However, it increases, the R wave amplitude remains
should be noted that many normal young unchanged or slightly increases (Fig. 10.25);
female or menopausal women often have a T the characteristic of the functional ST-T
wave horizon or inversion on ECG, which is change is that the amplitude of the R wave
mostly seen in leads II, III, and AVF.  This decreases with the acceleration of the heart
change is often caused by autonomic nerve rate and the depression of the ST segment.
dysfunction. Patients with myocarditis can When the active heart rate increases, the
also have ST segment depression, PR segment ST segment depression and the decrease in R
depression, and pathological Q wave. PR seg- wave amplitude characterize sympathetic (or
ment depression and concomitant ST segment functional) ST-T changes. However, in the
elevation suggest that the lesion involves the clinical background related to myocarditis,
epicardium and pericardium. increased R wave amplitude is another distin-
The most common are nonspecific ST-T guishing point of pathological ST-T
abnormalities (Fig. 10.23) abnormalities.
An important feature of nonspecific ST-T The abnormal ST-T of the ECG in patients
changes in patients with myocarditis is the with severe myocarditis can be exaggerated
164 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.24  Sinus rhythm, QTc interval normal (male, 16-year-old)

Fig. 10.25  Sinus rhythm, mild ST segment depression

Fig. 10.26  Sinus rhythm, QTc interval was 468  ms, and the interval was prolonged (male, 14-year-old, fulminant
myocarditis, heart failure, echocardiography showed ventricular enlargement)

(Fig.  10.26). ST-T is opposite to the main carditis have ECG manifestations similar to
wave of the QRS complex, which is similar to acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarc-
the secondary ST-T change. In fact, this is a tion [6] (Figs. 10.27 and 10.28), ­suggesting that
primary abnormality. the patients have serious myocardial damage,
ST segment elevation of several reports have and ST segment elevation is mainly due to local
shown that some patients with fulminant myo- or diffuse myocardial inflammation, myocar-
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 165

Fig. 10.27  Sinus tachycardia: extensive lead ST segment elevation

Fig. 10.28  Sinus rhythm, atrial premature beat, complete right bundle branch block. The ST segment of the lower and
front walls moved down significantly, and the ST segment of the aVR lead was raised

dial toxin invasion, myocardial edema, and that is, ECG changes at more than two
metabolic disorders caused by myocarditis infarct sites; (2) ST elevation does not have
reaction, myocardial necrosis or coronary artery a mirror image of the corresponding lead;
spasm in severe cases, and ST segment eleva- (3) acute myocardial infarction (AMI)-like
tion with or without abnormal Q wave. This changes were transient and reversible, with
situation often seriously affects myocardial sys- rapid changes, the rapid disappearance of
tolic and diastolic function and can lead to seri- the Q wave, and no dynamic evolution of
ous arrhythmia and heart failure. myocardial infarction; (4) It is often accom-
ECG features: (1) There are often mul- panied by various arrhythmias, even fatal
tiple patterns of coronary artery damage, arrhythmias, and low voltage [7].
166 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.29  The ECG showed sinus tachycardia, II, III, AVF, T wave inversion of V3–V6 leads, low QRS voltage and
prolonged QT interval

Fig. 10.30  Comparison of different types of Q wave patterns

5. Abnormal QRS complex and abnormal Q These changes may be due to inflammatory
wave lesions in the myocardium that affect myo-
(a) QRS complex low voltage. Approximately cardial depolarization, delay depolarization,
20% of patients with myocarditis have an and reduce or even disappear ECG power.
abnormal QRS complex (Fig.  10.29). After remission, the QRS voltage gradually
Abnormal Q waves can also appear on the recovered, abnormal Q waves (Fig. 10.30)
ECG of patients with severe myocarditis. disappeared, and ECG returned to normal.
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 167

Fig. 10.31  Sinus tachycardia and widening of QRS wave suggest severe indoor conduction block

Fig. 10.32  Giant R wave ST segment change

(b) QRS wave duration broadening. The ment of cardiomyocyte function, loss of
boardening of the QRS wavelength is myocardial tissue, or replacement by
related to myocardial interstitial edema non-myocardial tissue [9]. It is worth not-
(Fig. 10.31). The QRS time limit can be ing that if patients have QRS wave broad-
recovered by improving myocardial inter- ening, which needs to be paid great
stitial edema. It is rare that patients with attention, it often indicates that the condi-
myocarditis report to still have a wide tion is serious, and the risk of sudden
QRS wave after recovery, which is con- death is very high. It is rare for fulminant
sidered related to myocardial fibrosis myocarditis to cause the ECG to show
caused by myocarditis [8]. Low limb giant changes in the R wave (Fig. 10.32).
voltage on ECG manifests severe impair- The ECG mainly showed that the QRS
168 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Fig. 10.33  Sinus tachycardia, QTc slightly prolonged (466 ms)

complex combined with the ST segment 6. T interval prolongation

to form a single-phase QRS-ST complex. The QT interval represents the time of
Furthermore, this ECG pattern can also complete depolarization and repolarization of
be similar to the bundle branch block or the myocardium. Theoretically, myocarditis
VT, especially when the P wave becomes must affect the depolarization and repolariza-
blurred due to the rapid ventricular rate. tion of the myocardium, thus prolonging the
The electrophysiological mechanism of QT interval (Fig. 10.33).
giant R wave syndrome (grws) is consid- However, in clinical practice, not all
ered the focal indoor conduction block in patients present with this manifestation. Only
the area of severe ischemia or myocardial approximately 30% of ECGs in patients with
infarction due to increased extracellular acute rheumatic myocarditis have a prolonged
K+ concentration, membrane depolariza- QT interval. Previous studies have shown that
tion, intracellular ATP depletion, and the QTc interval changes significantly in dif-
shortening of the action potential caused ferent stages of myocarditis, and the pro-
by ischemia. Fulminant myocarditis longed QTc interval is significantly correlated
causes extensive myocardial injury and with the in-hospital mortality of fulminant
necrosis due to a large number of viral myocarditis (Fig. 10.34) [10].
invasions. The conduction of a viable Its potential molecular mechanism: in
myocardium around the necrotic myocar- patients with fulminant myocarditis, the virus
dium was slow and activation was may directly invade cardiomyocytes and lead
delayed; depolarization from the endo- to inflammatory cell infiltration. Furthermore,
cardium to the epicardium was slow, the destruction of the relationship between the
resulting in giant R wave ST segment cytoskeleton and sarcomere structure of car-
changes. Fulminant myocarditis with a diomyocytes based on connective membrane
graft on the ECG remains challenging binding dystrophin-associated glycoprotein
because it is similar to early and outer basement membrane actin, leading
AMI.  Therefore, cardiac catheterization to a change in cardiomyocyte membrane
is essential for the differential diagnosis potential and affects the myocardial conduc-
of fulminant myocarditis and AMI. tion system [11].
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 169

QTc change trend of QTc change trend of

(ms) survivors (ms) dead
0 0
Acute stage Recovery stage
Acute stage Recovery stage

Fig. 10.34  QTc changes in patients with fulminant myocarditis and those who died of fulminant myocarditis in differ-
ent periods

In addition to prolonging the QT interval, mild atrioventricular block have mild clinical
QTc dispersion is also the main index of symptoms. Even if the residual ECG is abnor-
malignant arrhythmia in patients with fulmi- mal, it does not affect the quality of life of
nant myocarditis. Patients with viral myocar- patients, suggesting that these patients may have
ditis have cardiomyocyte inflammation, focal myocarditis with a small lesion range and
myocardial fiber rupture, focal necrosis and good prognosis. Serious arrhythmias, such as
fibrosis, and interstitial cell proliferation, paroxysmal VT and high atrioventricular block,
which increases the difference in the action can be controlled with drug treatment, and there
potential refractory period between the dis- is no significant cardiac enlargement or heart
eased myocardium and normal myocardium, failure in the clinic, suggesting that the malig-
i.e., the inconsistency of segmental myocar- nant degree of arrhythmia is not necessarily pos-
dial repolarization and electrical instability, itively correlated with the degree of myocardial
which is the pathophysiological basis of ven- lesions. However, persistent malignant arrhyth-
tricular arrhythmia in such patients. This dis- mias can directly endanger life and should be
persion of myocardial repolarization is actively treated. Fulminant myocarditis often
manifested in increased QTcd on the body manifests itself as diffuse pericarditis, cardiac
surface ECG, which provides a theoretical enlargement, and heart failure. Clinically,
basis for the application of increased QTcd to patients often die suddenly due to repeated heart
predict the occurrence of ventricular failure or malignant arrhythmias, and some
arrhythmia. patients may develop dilated cardiomyopathy at
a later stage.
In conclusion, viral myocarditis can cause a
10.3 Arrhythmias and Prognosis variety of arrhythmias, especially fulminant
of Myocarditis myocarditis. Some arrhythmias may also be the
only clinical manifestation of a subclinical state
The prognosis of acute viral myocarditis is of viral myocarditis. Generally, the risk of
related to the degree of myocardial damage, arrhythmia determines the nature of the arrhyth-
lesion size, and serious complications (arrhyth- mia and the severity of myocarditis symptoms.
mia, cardiogenic shock, and heart failure). Great attention should be paid to the ECG perfor-
Generally, patients with premature systole and mance of patients with myocarditis.
170 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

Key Points expanded to the left. The heart rate was 74 beats/
min, the heart sound was low, the rhythm was
1. Patients with fulminant myocarditis generally neat, and no murmur or additional sound was
have obvious ECG changes, but their diagnos- heard in the auscultation area of each valve.
tic specificity is low. Repeated examinations Chest and abdominal examinations revealed no
should be performed many times to compare abnormalities. There was no edema in the lower
their dynamic changes. limbs. The ECG examination was performed
2. Various types of arrhythmias, low voltage, immediately after admission, and there was still
significant ST fragment, and T wave changes an accelerated ventricular autonomic rhythm
can occur in the acute stage of fulminant myo- originating from the right ventricle (the QRS
carditis, which is sometimes difficult to dis- waveform was completely left bundle branch
tinguish from acute myocardial infarction and block-like) (Fig.  10.35c). Echocardiography
is usually characterized by diversity, variabil- showed that the whole heart was large (transverse
ity, and variability. diameter of each atrium and ventricle  ×  the
3. It can easily cause malignant arrhythmia and length: diameter of the right atrium was
sudden death, which can directly endanger 50  mm  ×  57  mm; right ventricle was
life, so it should be identified and actively 47 mm × 86 mm; left atrium was 50 mm × 58 mm;
handled in time, and its occurrence is related left ventricle 49  mm  ×  88  mm; left ventricular
to acute inflammation, while hypoperfusion end-diastolic anteroposterior diameter was
and sympathetic excitements (e.g., stress, 53 mm; right ventricular anteroposterior diame-
exercise, and dopamine use) are easy to ter 25 mm), diffuse movement of the right ven-
induce. tricular wall decreased, right ventricular overall
4. Long-term nonrecovery of the ECG may be systolic function decreased, left ventricular over-
an existing form of chronic myocarditis. all systolic function was normal (EF, 60%), and
5. Arrhythmia may be the only clinical manifes- the estimated pulmonary artery pressure was
tation of a subclinical state in some patients 26 mm. The myocardial enzyme CK of 210.5 u/l
with fulminant myocarditis. and CK-MB of 39.8  u/l were rechecked after
admission; troponin of T 2.78  ng/ml (normal
Typical Case value, 0–0.014  ng/ml); blood routine: WBC,
Patient: A 32-year-old female patient was hospi- 10.36  ×  109/l; neutrophil percentage, 86%;
talized for “fever with palpitations for 3 days”. Coxsackie virus negative; Pro-BNP, 7195 pg/ml;
Three days prior, there was no obvious induction high sensitivity CRP, >11 mg/l.
of fever, mostly fluctuating at 38–39 °C, accom- After admission, the patient was instructed to
panied by general fatigue, gradual palpitations, stay in bed, eat a high-protein diet, administer
chest tightness, nausea, and no shortness of with intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) and dopa-
breath. Blood pressure was measured in a local mine intravenous drip to maintain blood pres-
hospital at 70/40 mmHg. On day one, the ECG sure, take oral coenzyme Q10, slow intravenous
showed an acceleration in ventricular autonomic injection of high-dose hormone, gamma globu-
rhythm, and the ventricular rate was 85 times/ lin, and high concentration vitamin C to improve
min; the ST segment elevation of the precordial myocardial metabolism. Considering that bacte-
lead (Fig. 10.35a, b) and the myocardial enzymes rial infection is one of the important conditional
CK 286 u/l and CK-MB 56 u/l were checked. The factors of viral myocarditis, third-generation
patient previously denied “hypertension, diabe- cephalosporin was administered based on ganci-
tes, hyperlipidemia,” and other medical history, clovir antiviral to prevent bacterial infection. On
smoking, drinking, and other bad habits. day 2 of hospitalization, the ECG monitoring
Physical examination on admission: body changed from an accelerated ventricular auto-
temperature of 36.4  °C, pulse of 74 times/min, nomic rhythm to a third-degree atrioventricular
respiration of 19 times/min, and blood pressure block (Fig. 10.35d), and the ventricular rate was
of 83/52  mmHg. The heart-voiced boundary 56 times/min. Therefore, a temporary pacemaker
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 171

Fig. 10.35  ECG evolution of the same patient with acute fourth day of admission; (g) ECG on the fifth day of
fulminant myocarditis. (a) The normal ECG a year ago; admission; (h) ECG on the sixth day of admission; (i)
(b) ECG the day before admission; (c) ECG immediately ECG on the seventh day of admission; (j) ECG on the
after admission; (d) ECG on the second day of admission; 13th day of admission (before discharge); (k) ECG 1
(e) ECG on the third day of admission; (f) ECG on the month after discharge

was implanted immediately, and glucocorticoid intravenously. On day 3 of hospitalization, the

methylprednisolone 200 mg once a day and pulse ECG (Fig.  10.35e) showed an accelerated ven-
therapy continued for 3 days, and human immu- tricular autonomic rhythm originating from the
noglobulin 20  g/day was continuously injected left ventricle (QRS waveform was complete right
172 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

bundle branch block), and the ventricular rate ventricular end-diastolic anterior posterior diam-
was 8 times/min. The patient’s blood pressure eter, 50  mm; right ventricular anterior posterior
was 100/66  mmHg; hence, dopamine was diameter, 18  mm; EF, 63%). Myocardial mag-
stopped. On day 4 of hospitalization, the ECG netic resonance imaging showed little fibrosis in
(Fig. 10.35f) showed a borderline escape capture the resting left ventricular myocardium, and no
duplex, the limb lead QRS wave was low voltage, obvious abnormalities were found in the rest.
and the ventricular rate was 78 beats/min. On day Discussion: The patient was a middle-aged
5 of hospitalization, the ECG (Fig.  10.35g) female who was not menopausal and had no risk
showed recovery of sinus rhythm, but the QRS factors for coronary heart disease, such as hyper-
waveform of the precordial leads V1–V5 was QS tension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. There was
type, and the T wave upright limb lead showed a history of precursor virus infection before the
low voltage. On day 6 of hospitalization, the onset, characterized by fever, followed by palpi-
ECG (Fig.  10.35h) showed sinus rhythm. tation, chest tightness, hypotension, elevated
Precordial leads V1–V2 were still QS type, V3– myocardial enzymes, and abnormal ECG. Based
V5 were RS waveforms, the T wave was low, flat, on the above cases, the primary diagnosis is still
and bidirectional, and the limb leads were low fulminant viral myocarditis. Ultrasound showed
voltage. On day 7 of hospitalization, the ECG that the whole heart was involved, and the right
(Fig. 10.35i) showed sinus rhythm, the chest lead heart was mainly involved; hence, the patient’s
was the same as the previous day, the T wave was blood pressure was low, and the ECG showed an
significantly inverted, and the limb lead was low accelerated ventricular autonomic rhythm, sug-
voltage. gesting a wide range of myocarditis. Diseases
The patient was discharged after 13 days in that need to be differentiated: (1) AMI. Although
the hospital. Before discharge, there was no dis- there are few risk factors for coronary heart dis-
comfort, such as chest tightness or shortness of ease in this patient, the ST segment of the V1–
breath. Her blood pressure was 118/75  mmHg, V3 lead of the ECG in the first out of the hospital
and her heart rate was 72  beats/min. The ECG is elevated, and the myocardial enzyme is
showed sinus rhythm, and the inversion of the T increased proportionally, which cannot com-
wave in the precordial lead deepened (Fig. 10.35j). pletely rule out myocardial infarction. After
Echocardiography showed that the biventricles admission, coronary angiography showed 7–8
were slightly larger, which was significantly bet- segments of the myocardial bridge of the ante-
ter than at admission (left ventricular end-­ rior descending artery, systolic stenosis was
diastolic diameter, 52  mm; right ventricular approximately 30%, distal TIMI blood flow was
anterior posterior diameter, 21  mm), EF (59%), grade 3, and no abnormalities were found in
and left ventricular soothing function and right other vessels. (2) Dilated cardiomyopathy. The
ventricular soothing function were reduced. After admission ultrasound showed that the whole
discharge, the patient was prescribed metoprolol, heart was large, but there were no previous man-
perindopril, CoQ10, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 ifestations of cardiac dysfunction, such as short-
orally. One month after discharge, the patient’s ness of breath and edema after activity. The ECG
follow-up ECG (Fig.  10.35k) showed sinus was normal 1 year ago (Fig. 10.35), so the pos-
rhythm, the R wave of V1–V6 leads increased sibility of dilated cardiomyopathy was small.
well, except V1, the T wave of other chest leads Static myocardial perfusion imaging after admis-
was upright, and the low voltage of the previous sion showed that the uptake function of the ante-
limb leads returned to normal voltage. There was rior wall near the apical segment was reduced
little change in the ECG at 4 months and 1 month and there was no radionuclide imaging of dilated
after discharge. Echocardiography showed cardiomyopathy with a thin lumen wall and
decreased left ventricular relief function (left reduced patchy uptake of the whole heart.
10  Changes of Electrpcardiography in Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 173

In acute fulminant myocarditis, direct cyto- In conclusion, fulminant myocarditis has a

toxicity of the virus destroys cardiomyocytes, rapid onset and rapid progression, and ECG per-
and the cell-mediated immune response kills sad formance often indicates the location or degree of
myocytes and interferes with myocardial metab- myocardial damage. Therefore, correctly identi-
olism and function. Viral myocarditis leads to fying and understanding the dynamic change
myocardial cell injury and electrical quiescence, process of ECG in fulminant myocarditis will
which makes the local myocardium unable to help clinicians accurately diagnose and treat
depolarize normally and produces abnormal Q patients and improve their prognosis [12].
waves. This abnormal Q wave reflects the exten-
sive myocardial damage caused by the virus. The
virus can also release a large amount of vasoac- References
tive kinin and catecholamines to induce coronary
artery spasm, or the virus directly invades the 1. Sugimoto K, Fujii Y, Ogura Y, Sunahara H, Aoki
T.  Influence of alterations in heart rate on left ven-
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SJ.  Conduction dysfunction and near expunction:
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mal myocardial repolarization, ST segment ele- 3. Iacobellis G, Kemp W.  Cardiomyocyte apopto-
vation, and T wave inversion in ECG; therefore, sis in cocaine-induced myocarditis with involve-
ment of bundle of His and left bundle branch. Int J
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with the gradual recovery of cardiomyocyte func- ijcard.2005.08.052.
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dial edema, the precordial lead V1–V5 changes M, Tanigawa T, Isaka N, Ito M. Improvement of left
ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony associated with
from the QS waveform to RS, i.e., the disap- restoration of left ventricular function in a patient
peared R wave gradually recovers. This Q wave- with fulminant myocarditis and complete left bundle
form is transient and reversible, while the QS branch block. Int J Cardiol. 2008;127:e8–11. https://
waveform of the ECG in the AMI is often
5. Sawamura A, Okumura T, Ito M, Ozaki Y, Ohte N,
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When the patient was admitted, the ECG value of electrocardiography in patients with ful-
showed accelerated ventricular autonomic minant myocarditis supported by percutaneous
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analysis from the CHANGE PUMP Study. Circ
suggesting serious inflammatory changes in the J. 2018;82:2089–95.
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sinoatrial node). R.  Repetitive wide-QRS arrhythmia after remote
myocarditis: what is the mechanism? J Cardiovasc
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Echocardiography in Fulminant
Myocarditis 11
Rui Li and Hong Wang

11.1 Introduction can also provide prognostic information and is a

useful modality during follow-up.
The diagnosis of acute myocarditis is a clinical Conventional echocardiography may show a
challenge since its manifestation may mimic dif- broad spectrum of features, however, it shows a
ferent cardiac abnormalities such as acute myo- lack of specifc diagnostic value for both NFM
cardial infarction. Therefore, conventional and FM.  In contrast, myocardial strain features
echocardiography is warranted as an initial imag- using advanced echocardiography as speckle-
ing tool and is part of standard diagnostic work tracking echocardiography (STE) and layer spe-
up in patients with suspected non-fulminant cifc STE may be useful in the diagnosis of
myocarditis (NFM) and fulminant myocarditis myocarditis as evidenced by recent studies,
(FM). Its importance has been described in scien- although more data is needed in the feld. In this
tifc statements on myocardial and pericardial chapter, we will review the presentation of con-
diseases from the European Society of Cardiology ventional echocardiography and myocardial
(ESC) [1]. Echocardiography can provide a thor- strain features by STE in FM in comparison with
ough evaluation of cardiac structural and func- NFM. We will also discuss the utility of echocar-
tional abnormalities and is important in excluding diography in diagnosis and prognosis and during
other causes of chest pain or heart failure and dif- follow up as well as protocols regarding the per-
ferentiating FM from NFM. Moreover, echocar- formance of echocardiography in FM.
diography is not time-consuming and can be
performed at bedside; thus, it is invaluable in
monitoring disease course and guiding patient 11.2 Two-Dimensional
management, particularly in the case of FM.  It Echocardiography

11.2.1 Left Ventricular (LV) Function

R. Li LV systolic dysfunction, either regional or global,
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and could be present in acute NFM, however, normal
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, LV function has been reported in some NFM
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong patients [2]. In comparison, the reduction in LV
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China systolic function is present in all patients with
H. Wang (*) FM and is usually signifcantly greater in most
Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, patients with FM than in patients with NFM [3,
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 4]. The average initial left ventricular ejection

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 175
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
176 R. Li and H. Wang

fraction (LVEF) of FM in our study was approxi- ages and is typically associated with non-
mately 30% [4], which is signifcantly lower than coronary distribution [6]. However, wall motion
the normal healthy controls. In addition, the LV abnormalities may follow coronary artery territo-
function in FM is with rapid dynamic changes ries in some cases of FM, which need coronary
during the course of FM, which is one of the most angiography to differentiate from myocardial
important characteristics of FM [4]. In some infarction in clinical practice, particularly in
patients who presented initially with normal or patients presenting with symptoms of acute chest
relatively normal LVEF, cardiac function may pain suspicious of coronary ischemia.
decline sharply within hours. In contrast, the car-
diac function in patients with FM who were
treated appropriately and survived the acute 11.2.2 Left Ventricular Dimension
phase may recover within days. At our center, the and Wall Thickness
average hospitalization time was about 12 days,
and the cardiac function in surviving FM patients In comparison to signifcantly reduced LVEF, the
often improved to approximately LVEF of 50% LV dimension is usually in normal range or
at around 6 days after admission [4]. The study increased slightly [3, 4]. In addition, the dimen-
by Ammirati et  al. also indicated the greater sion remained unchanged during hospitalization
improvement in LVEF during hospitalization period [4]. The average LV end diastolic dimen-
period in FM than NFM [3]. Since echocardiog- sion was approximately 4.5 cm in our study [4],
raphy allows for serial scans, it is particularly which is within the normal range.
useful in monitoring the dynamic changes of LV Increased LV wall thickness caused by myo-
function during the course of FM. cardial interstitial edema may be detected by
LV systolic dysfunction in most patients with echocardiography. Although it was reported
FM is usually global or diffusive, although occasionally in NFM, it was more common with
regional LV dysfunction may be seen in some greater thickness in FM than NFM [2].
FM patients, which include even LV aneurysm Asymmetrical hypertrophy with remarkably
[5]. In addition, global and regional dysfunction thickened LV septum had been reported in a
may affect each other during the course of patient with FM [2] and seen in our practice
FM.  Regional dysfunction is caused by patchy (Fig. 11.1), which may mimic hypertrophic car-
distribution of infammatory myocardial dam- diomyopathy (Fig.  11.2). Thickened LV wall is

a b

Fig. 11.1 Echocardiographic short axis views in a patient with FM. (a) Thickened interventricular septum during
hospitalization (13 mm, yellow arrow); (b) Thickened septum normalized at 1 month follow-up (7 mm, yellow arrow)
11 Echocardiography in Fulminant Myocarditis 177

a b

c d

Fig. 11.2 Echocardiographic (a–c) and CMRI (d) short (c) Septal and posterior wall thickness were 9  mm at 3
axis views in a patient with FM, and apical four chamber months follow-up; (d) CMRI short axis view showed
views in another patient with FM (e and f). (a) Thickened thickened septum before discharge (15 mm); (e) signif-
interventricular septum (16  mm) and posterior wall cantly thickened LV apical wall (18  mm); (f) thickened
(14 mm) on admission; (b) Septal thickness was 15 mm LV apical wall decreased to 10 mm
and posterior wall thickness was 14 mm before discharge;
178 R. Li and H. Wang

a b

Fig. 11.3 Thrombus attached to tricuspid valve in a bus (yellow arrow) in RA and attached to tricuspid valve.
patient with FM. (a) echocardiographic right ventricular LV left ventricle, LA left atrium, RV right ventricle, RA
inlet view and (b) apical four chamber view show throm- right atrium

transient and reversible during the course of FM comparison with NFM, patients with FM are more
and usually normalized before discharge in sur- likely to have pericardial effusion, which usually
viving patients [4]. The accuracy of echocardiog- disappear before discharge in surviving FM
raphy in detecting wall thickness is less than that patients. Intra-cardiac thrombus in case of FM,
of cardiac magnetic resonance image (CMRI) particularly LV thrombus, has been reported occa-
and echocardiography may not be able to detect a sionally, which may be associated with signif-
mildly thickened LV wall. cantly reduced LV systolic function in FM [9–11].
RV thrombus is rarely seen. In our practice, we
found a case with thrombus attached to tricuspid
11.2.3 Right Ventricular (RV) valve, which disappeared after anticoagulation
Function treatment (Fig.  11.3). The presence of thrombus
may be diffcult to image by standard transthoracic
Assessment of right ventricular function is also echocardiography and contrast echocardiography
recommended in myocarditis. An earlier study in should be performed in suspected cases as recom-
biopsy-proven myocarditis reported that RV dys- mended by the guideline [12].
function was fairly common accounting for
approximately 23% of their study patients [5]. RV
dysfunction may be an independent predictor of 11.3 Speckle-Tracking
poor outcome in myocarditis [7]. In a recent study Echocardiography (STE)
in patients with COVID-19, parameters of RV dys-
function as RV fractional area change (RVFAC), STE was introduced in the last decade for evalu-
tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) ating myocardial deformation changes.
and RV longitudinal strain (RVLS) were predic- Myocardial strains by 2-dimensional STE (2-D
tors of higher mortality in a median follow-up of STE) can determine LV global and regional func-
51 days [8]. However, RV dysfunction and its tion quantitatively and offer better sensitivity
value in FM have not been well studied. than conventional echocardiography in detecting
subclinical cardiac dysfunction in coronary artery
disease and diabetes [13, 14]. Accumulated evi-
11.2.4 Pericardial Efusion and Intra- dences suggest that strain measurement has addi-
cardiac Thrombus tive value to LVEF and aids risk prediction in
case of different cardiovascular diseases [15].
The presence of pericardial effusion may provide Recent studies have proven that strains by 2-D
supportive evidence in diagnosing myocarditis. In STE were well correlated with edema detected
11 Echocardiography in Fulminant Myocarditis 179

Fig. 11.4 Representative GLS images and a “bull’s-eye” display in a patient with FM showed severely and diffusively
reduced strains

by CMRI and cell infltration in tissue specimens and increased to approximately -16.95% before
by EMB in acute NFM [16–18]. The strain imag- discharge (Fig.  11.6) [4]. In our recent study,
ing is able to provide incremental information GLS by 2-D STE has been proven to be corre-
about the degree of cardiac injury in myocarditis lated with T1 relaxation time and extracellular
in comparison with LVEF [17, 19]. volume (ECV) by CMRI in FM and is an emerg-
In FM, global longitudinal strain (GLS) is sig- ing tool to monitor infammatory injuries during
nifcantly lower than in NFM. The initial GLS at the course of FM [20]. GLS analysis is also valu-
admission of FM patients in our study was able in quantifcation of LV functional improve-
approximately −8.45%, in comparison with ment at follow-up (Fig. 11.5b).
−16.2% in acute myocarditis [4]. Signifcantly In addition, layer-specifc strain analysis by
reduced GLS implies the severity of myocardial STE may be of specifc diagnostic value in NFM
infammatory injuries and supports the diagnosis by proving the different strain patterns from
of FM. Compared with visual wall motion abnor- myocardial infarction, predominantly reduction
malities, diffused distribution of remarkably of strains in the sub-epicardium instead of sub-
reduced strains was the typical presentation of endocardium [21, 22]. However, more data is
myocardial deformation in FM (Fig.  11.4), needed to confrm this. In comparison with NFM,
refecting the more severe and diffuse infamma- the infammatory injuries were usually transmu-
tory injuries in FM [4]. Occasionally, regional ral and the GLS reduction was equal through epi-
distribution of reduced strains may be present, cardium to endocardium in FM (Fig.  11.7) [4].
which is usually in non-coronary territories Severely and equally impaired GLS among dif-
(Fig. 11.5a). In surviving patients, the GLS had ferent layers of myocardium is valuable in dif-
rapid improvement at a median time of 6 days ferentiating FM from NFM.
180 R. Li and H. Wang

a b

Fig. 11.5 Representative GLS images in “bull’s-eye” which did not follow coronary distribution; (b) GLS
displays in a patient with FM. (a) initial GLS image at image at 3 months follow-up in the same patient showed
admission showed reduction of strains preferentially the great improvement of GLS
involving anterior, lateral and posterior basal segments,

a b c

Fig. 11.6 Dynamic and rapid changes of GLS were day 1 of admission (a), improved rapidly 5 days later after
shown in a patient with FM by serial 2-D STE analysis. treatments (b) and recovered to near normal range at day
The “bull’s-eye” displays of GLS was extremely low at 12, when was before discharge (c)

a b

Fig. 11.7 The “bull’s-eye” displays of layer-specifc GLS in a patient with FM showed signifcantly reduced GLS in
both sub-epicardium (a) and sub-endocardium (b)

11.4 Proposed Echocardiographic focus on and include: (1) LV measurements as

Scan Protocols LVEF, LV end diastolic and systolic dimensions,
wall thickness in septum and LV posterior wall;
As discussed above, structural and functional (2) RV measurements as RVFAC and TAPSE,
assessment of both LV and RV are critical in and GLS of RV if possible; (3) Strain analysis,
FM. Strain analysis can provide additional infor- including mainly global and regional longitudi-
mation for evaluation of FM.  At our center, in nal strains of LV, and layer-specifc strains of LV
addition to conventional echocardiographic if possible; (4) in case of poor image windows or
parameters, a complete protocol for echocardio- suspected intra-cardiac thrombus, contrast echo-
graphic scan and measurements in FM should cardiography is recommended. Moreover, due to
11 Echocardiography in Fulminant Myocarditis 181

the rapid changes in cardiac function in FM, currently. Some patients die or have to re-
serial scans are warranted at our center at a fre- undergo ECMO after removal because of inade-
quency of at least one scan per day till the recov- quate heart recovery. In an observational study in
ery of LV function to or near to normal range 129 V-A ECMO cases, the LVEF increased to
(50% of LVEF). In some case or in the super 35% at weaning and a signifcant improvement
acute phase, two scans per day may be necessary. in RV function was also observed in weaned
In addition, a scan before discharge is required in patients [25]. Moreover, reduction of cardiac
surviving patients. function at the beginning of ECMO treatment
may be seen, mostly in the frst 24 h after ECMO,
due to hemodynamic infuence or myocardial
11.5 Utility of Echocardiography stunning caused by ECMO [23, 26]. This should
in Treating FM be realized and distinguished from progression
with Extracorporeal of disease itself. At our center, the FM patients
Membrane Oxygenation with ECMO treatment were usually weaned
(ECMO) from V-A ECMO when their LV function recov-
ered to near 50%. However, more data is needed
In patients with FM who present with cardio- for proper timing and strategy for weaning from
genic shock and are refractory to medical ther- V-A ECMO in FM.
apy, temporary mechanical circulatory support
(MCS) is fundamental in preventing multiple
organ failure and allow a bridge to recovery. 11.6 Prognostic Value
ECMO is one of the most commonly used MCS of Echocardiographic
at many centers [23, 24]. In our center, approxi- Measurements in FM
mately 25% of FM patients were treated using
venous-arterial (V-A) ECMO. Echocardiographic Echocardiographic parameters may provide
scan is useful in aiding the treatment with ECMO. prognostic information in myocarditis. A study
Firstly, echocardiography is a useful tool at showed children with myocarditis who had
ECMO cannulation for precise placement of a reduced LVEF were at higher risk of mortality
venous cannula or verifcation of proper cannula and thus more intensive therapies may be war-
position. At our center, we usually use bedside ranted [27]. In immune checkpoint inhibitor
echocardiography for guiding cannula position related myocarditis, lower GLS was strongly
(Fig. 11.8), particularly during diffcult cannula- associated with major adverse cardiac events in
tions. Secondly, cardiac function monitored by patients with either a preserved or reduced EF
echocardiography is helpful in deciding the time [28]. In our unpublished data of 1 year follow-up
of weaning from V-A ECMO. Timing and strat- study in FM patients, the GLS at discharge and
egy for weaning from ECMO is important for the delta GLS (changes of GLS between dis-
patients’ survival but there is no clear guideline charge and admission) but not the GLS on

a b c

Fig. 11.8 Echocardiography aids for precise placement and right ventricle (RV); (b) a venous cannula was placed
of a venous cannula at ECMO cannulation. (a) subxiphoid through IVC to RA, but extended too far; (c) a venous
view showing inferior vena cava (IVC), right atrium (RA) cannula was positioned properly in RA
182 R. Li and H. Wang

admission were associated with GLS improve- FM instead of predominant involvement of

ment at 1 year. The data indicate that the initial sub-epicardium in NFM.
lower GLS does not necessarily mean poor out- 4. Echocardiography is useful in guiding can-
comes in FM patients. In contrast, the patients nula position for V-A ECMO and helping in
who have better recovery of LV function during determining the timing of weaning from
hospitalization may have better long-term prog- ECMO.
nosis. RV function related parameters, including 5. Due to the rapid changes in LV function, serial
GLS of RV, RVFAC and TAPSE, may be valu- echocardiographic scans are recommended at
able in predicting outcomes of myocarditis but a frequency of 1–2 scans per day during the
are not well studied in FM. acute stage of FM till recovery of LVEF to or
near to 50%.
6. Echocardiography is an important initial
11.7 Conclusions imaging tool in FM but lacks specifc diag-
nostic value. Combined with clinical presen-
FM is not an etiological diagnosis but rather a tation and elevated troponin level, it can aid in
clinical syndrome with rapid disease progression the diagnosis of FM in suspected patients. In
and severe hemodynamic disorder. In the setting addition, it also has great implications in guid-
of FM, the value of echocardiography is not only ing timely critical care, risk stratifcation,
in excluding other cardiovascular diseases and monitoring disease progression, and predict-
distinguishing it from NFM, but more impor- ing prognosis.
tantly in monitoring the disease course and
directing timely critical care. Echocardiography
may also provide prognostic information and is References
an important tool in the follow-up of patients
with FM. 1. Caforio AL, Pankuweit S, Arbustini E, Basso C,
Gimeno-Blanes J, Felix SB, Fu M, Helio T, Heymans
S, Jahns R, et al. Current state of knowledge on aeti-
Key Points ology, diagnosis, management, and therapy of myo-
carditis: a position statement of the European Society
1. FM patients usually present with diffuse or of Cardiology Working Group on Myocardial and
Pericardial Diseases. Eur Heart J. 2013;34:2636–
global LV systolic dysfunction, with signif- 2648, 2648a–d.
cantly lower LVEF than NFM patients. eht210.
Regional wall motion abnormalities may be 2. Felker GM, Boehmer JP, Hruban RH, Hutchins
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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
in Fulminant Myocarditis 12
Hong Wang

12.1 Introduction Criteria (Lake Louise Criteria, LLC) for myocar-

dial inflammation in 2009 [4]. Subsequently, sci-
The 1996 World Heart Federation/International entific statements on myocarditis from the
Society and Federation of Cardiology (WHF/ European Society of Cardiology and the
ISFC) task force defined myocarditis as an American Heart Association clearly indicate the
inflammatory disease of the myocardium that is importance of CMRI in the diagnosis of myocar-
diagnosed by established histological, immuno- ditis [5, 6]. In addition to evaluating the structural
logical, and immunohistochemical criteria [1]. and functional abnormalities of the heart, the
Given this definition, endomyocardial biopsy unique ability of multiparametric CMRI can also
(EMB) is widely accepted as the gold standard provide the pathophysiological characteristics of
for the diagnosis of myocarditis [1], and a defini- myocardial injury in myocarditis, including myo-
tive diagnosis of myocarditis can only be made cardial edema, hyperemia, capillary leak, and
by demonstration of inflammatory infiltrates in myocardial necrosis/fibrosis [7–9]. CMRI cou-
myocardial tissues via EMB. However, EMB has pled with increased high-sensitivity troponin lev-
a relatively low diagnostic sensitivity [2, 3] and els has provided a new noninvasive diagnostic
procedural risk, and is rarely performed in most work-up and has changed the management of
medical centers. As a result, the diagnosis of suspected myocarditis. A CMRI-based diagnosis
myocarditis has been a clinical challenge for has been adopted more in the recently published
decades. series [10–12] than in the previous series, in
Over the past decades, the rapid advancement which a biopsy-based diagnosis was usually used
of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging [13, 14].
(CMRI) has changed this paradigm. The hall- Current studies and applications of CMRI are
mark is the introduction of the CMR Diagnostic focused mainly on uncomplicated acute myocar-
ditis (AM). Fulminant myocarditis (FM) can be
considered AM, although with rapid onset, dra-
matic clinical course, and severe hemodynamic
compromise, in which CMRI is usually not the
initial diagnostic technique. Therefore, in this
chapter, we will first describe the diagnostic and
prognostic utility of CMR parameters in AM and
H. Wang (*) then introduce the application of CMRI in FM,
Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, mainly based on our own studies and
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China experiences.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 185
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
186 H. Wang

12.2 Utility of CMRI in Acute tion. Alternatively, the retention of GBCA can be
Myocarditis analyzed semi-quantitatively by calculating the
increase in myocardial signal intensity after early
The CMRI manifestations of myocardial inflam- injection of GBCA [4, 8, 9]. A value of more than
mation and the diagnostic utility of the CMR 45% relative to that before injection is pathologi-
parameters in myocarditis are described in detail cal and indicates the presence of inflammation.
as follows. The pooled weighted diagnostic sensitivity, spec-
ificity, and accuracy of EGE for AM are 66%,
T2-Weighted Imaging (T2WI)  T2WI has been 70%, and 67%, respectively [9].
proposed to detect myocardial edema, which
appears as regional or global signal hyperintensity Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE)  If a
[15–17]. Edema is a typical marker of soft tissue myocardial injury caused by inflammation is
inflammation, including myocardial inflammation. severe enough, irreversible myocardial injury
Damage to cardiomyocytes and the subsequent occurs, such as myocardial necrosis, fibrosis, and
release of inflammatory factors lead to an increase scarring, which can further increase GBCA accu-
in tissue-free water and protein content. The proton mulation and cause a hyperintense signal in the
in free water has a long T2 effect in the magnetic images acquired following a delay (usually
field, and the increased free water content appears 10  min) after contrast agent administration.
as an enhanced tissue signal on T2WI. Localized Therefore, LGE has traditionally been considered
hyperintensity in T2WI represents focal myocar- to demonstrate irreversible injury and necrosis [4,
dial edema and inflammatory lesions. An edema 21–23]. However, studies have shown temporal
ratio, defined as the ratio of the signal intensity of changes in LGE content in AM and the histologi-
the myocardial to adjacent skeletal muscle, is used cal correlation between LGE and active inflam-
to reflect the global T2 signal intensity and detect mation [24, 25]. LGE likely represents a reversible
diffuse edema [4]. However, this ratio may yield and irreversible injury in the acute phase of myo-
false-­negative results in the case of coexistence of carditis but only an irreversible injury in the
myositis [18, 19]. The pooled weighted diagnostic chronic phase. Overall, LGE is not specific for
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of T2WI for active or acute inflammation, and it alone cannot
AM were 63%, 76%, and 68%, respectively [9]. reliably differentiate acute from chronic myocar-
Moreover, the T2WI scan performed within 2 dial injury [4, 8]. Of note, LGE had a higher sig-
weeks of symptom onset showed a higher inci- nal-to-noise ratio, indicating myocardial necrosis
dence of abnormal signals [20, 21]. In addition to and fibrosis. When the appropriate T1 time was
T2WI, novel CMRI techniques, such as quantita- selected, normal myocardial tissue showed a low
tive T1 and T2 mapping, can also detect myocar- signal, while the necrotic area had more contrast
dial edema, which will be described below. agent retention and showed a markedly enhanced
signal. However, LGE imaging may not be sensi-
Early Gadolinium Enhancement (EGE)  In tive to diffuse myocardial injury because it
addition to increased tissue-free water content, requires a normal myocardium as reference [26].
inflammation also leads to hyperemia and capil- Additionally, the LGE distribution pattern is
lary leakage, which increases the retention of the valuable in differentiating myocardial injury
contrast agent. T1-weighted CMR images caused by inflammation from other etiologies,
acquired before and after the administration of an such as myocardial ischemia. In the case of
extracellular gadolinium-based contrast agent ­myocarditis, the LGE pattern tends to be patchy
(GBCA) can be used to analyze the retention of and predominantly involves the sub-epicardium
the contrast agent. Retention can be quantified with a variable extension of the intramyocardial,
using the EGE ratio, defined as the ratio of the in contrast to myocardial ischemic lesions that
early myocardial signal intensity after GBCA are mainly sub-endocardial and transmural, fol-
injection to the signal intensity in a skeletal mus- lowed by coronary territories. The LGE “non-
cle reference region. A ratio of ≥4.0 is believed to ischemic inflammatory injury” pattern shows
be EGE positive and is consistent with inflamma- high specificity and low sensitivity to diagnose
12  Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Fulminant Myocarditis 187

myocarditis [4, 27]. The distribution and content crit value. Each tissue has a normal range of T1/
of LGE may also predict the outcomes of patients T2 and ECV values for the specific methods and
with AM, and patients with LGE in the interven- protocols used, and changes in these values can
tricular septum have a poor prognosis [28]. identify pathological conditions [29, 30]. CMR
mapping techniques have the advantage of not
relying on relative signal intensity changes, less
12.3 Lake Louise Criteria (LCC) observer variability, and less artifacts. Moreover,
native T1 and T2 mappings have the advantage of
The three CMRI techniques discussed above not requiring contrast agent administration.
were combined to form the consensus criteria for Recently, cardiac mapping techniques have been
CMR in myocardial inflammation, first published increasingly applied in myocarditis, and multiple
in 2009 as “Lake Lousie Criteria” [4]. The origi- studies have described their excellent diagnostic
nal criteria proposed three major diagnostic tar- accuracy in myocarditis [9, 29–31].
gets using three corresponding tissue Cardiac mapping is affected not only by the
characterization techniques: (1) myocardial internal characteristics of tissues but also by differ-
edema detected by T2-weighted imaging (T2WI); ent MRI systems, mapping approaches, and meth-
(2) cardiac hyperemia and capillary leak evalu- ods. Standardized mapping methods and protocols,
ated by EGE; and (3) myocardial necrosis and as well as normal ranges and diagnostic thresholds
fibrosis assessed by LGE. A high probability of for specific pathological conditions, including
AM was suggested if two of the three above cri- myocarditis, remain being established [32, 33].
teria were positive by CMRI.
Earlier studies reported a diagnostic accuracy, T2 Mapping  T2 mapping allows direct mea-
sensitivity, and specificity of 78%, 67%, and surement of water-induced myocardial relaxation
91%, respectively [4, 15], for the 2009 LCC. Since time, and thus increased T2 relaxation time in the
then, these criteria have been widely used both myocardium, reflecting increased tissue water
clinically and in studies of myocardial inflamma- content (edema) [34]. Recent data have shown
tory diseases. A recently published review and that T2 mapping has higher diagnostic accuracy
meta-analysis showed a diagnostic accuracy, sen- than traditional T2WI in detecting active inflam-
sitivity, and specificity of 83%, 80%, and 87%, mation. It may be particularly valuable for ruling
respectively [9], based on pooled data for the out acute or active myocarditis and distinguish-
2009 LCC.  Overall, the original LCC has good ing active from healing inflammation [35, 36].
diagnostic performance, and in the clinical set- Therefore, in the absence of acute myocardial
ting of suspected myocardial inflammation, the ischemia, an increase in T2 relaxation time is
diagnosis of AM can be considered if two out of specific for and is an important marker of acute
the three criteria are positive. inflammation [36, 37].

Native T1 Mapping  T1 relaxation time is

12.4 Novel CMR Mapping highly sensitive to the increase in free water con-
Techniques tent in the myocardium caused by acute and
chronic inflammation. Meanwhile, vascular dila-
In recent years, advances in CMRI technology, tion, congestion, and tissue space volume expan-
especially the development of cardiac mapping sion caused by acute inflammation can also
techniques (T1 mapping, T2 mapping, and extra- increase T1 relaxation time [38]. Compared with
cellular volume [ECV]), have allowed the direct T2 mapping, T1 relaxation time is less specific
quantification of the characteristics of myocardial for acute myocardial inflammation and edema
tissue. A quantitative myocardial map can be pro- and may not be useful to distinguish acute inflam-
duced pixel by pixel, providing regional and mation from chronic inflammation [18, 37, 38].
global T1 or T2 values of the tissue. ECV was cal- Overall, T1 is a sensitive index for diagnosing
culated by T1 mapping changes before and after myocardial inflammation, and its negative pre-
GBCA injection and then adjusted by the hemato- dictive value for myocardial inflammation was
188 H. Wang

92% [9, 36]. It alone is not specific for the activ- ties are neither sensitive nor specific to the diag-
ity of the disease and may be best paired with nosis of myocarditis and can only be used as
T2-based imaging to detect AM. supporting evidence of myocarditis. However, in
patients with suspected myocarditis, severe ven-
Extracellular Volume (ECV) Mapping  The tricular systolic dysfunction usually indicates
quantification of ECV requires the administration more extensive myocardial involvement.
of a contrast agent, and the percentage of ECV is
then estimated using T1 maps acquired before
and after GBCA administration. ECV expansion 12.6 Pericardial Abnormalities
reflects increased extracellular tissue space in
myocarditis compared with LGE; ECV can detect Myocarditis can involve the pericardium and vice
mild and diffuse edema and fibrosis, which may versa. Of note, the presence of pericardial effu-
not be detected by LGE [29, 30]. Therefore, it sion alone cannot be used as a marker of active
can be used as an additional indicator to detect pericarditis, as it may only be a manifestation of
inflammatory lesions in myocarditis [30]. More heart failure coexisting with myocarditis. Active
data are needed to verify its diagnostic perfor- pericardial inflammation is likely in the presence
mance alone and in combination with other CMR of pericardial thickening in high-resolution fast
mapping parameters. spin-echo T1 images, pericardial high signal in
T2WI and T1/T2 mapping, and abnormal pericar-
dial LGE. Pericardial active inflammation can be
12.5 Functional Abnormalities used as supporting evidence of myocarditis [39].

Cardiac dysfunction results from myocardial

inflammation and can occur as regional or global 12.7 Update to the LCC
left ventricular dysfunction. In mild cases, the
ejection fraction may be normal, even in the pres- With more data that prove the diagnostic perfor-
ence of elevated T2 or LGE. Wall motion abnor- mance of CMR mapping techniques, the original
malities and ventricular systolic dysfunction may 2009 LLC was updated in 2018 by incorporating
be caused by other conditions, such as ischemic the novel cardiac mapping parameters discussed
heart disease. Therefore, functional abnormali- above (Central Illustration in Fig. 12.1) [8]. The



1.Myocardlal edema 1.Pericarditis

(Regional or global at (Effusion at cine images or
T2WI or on T2 abnormal LGE, T2 or T1)
mapping )

Regional increase Global increase Regional native T2 Pericardial effusion

of T2 signal of signal increase at T2
Intensity at T2WI intensity at T2WI mapping

2.Non-lschemic 2.Systolic LV
myocardial injury Dysfunction
(Regional or global (Regional or global
abnormal LEG, T1 wall motion
or ECV) abnormality)
Regional non- Regional native Regional ECV Regional or global hypokinesis
ischemic LGE T1 Increase at Increase
T1 mapping

Fig. 12.1  Overview of the updated Lake Louise criteria

12  Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Fulminant Myocarditis 189

updated 2018 criteria proposed the following two 12.8 Utility of CMRI in FM
categories of CMRI parameters to support myo-
cardial inflammation: (1) T2-based markers of In contrast to acute non-FM, the utility of CMRI
myocardial edema: T2 weighted imaging or T2 in FM has not been systematically studied, but
mapping; (2) T1-based markers of myocardial individual reports and personal experiences of
injury: delayed enhancement (LGE), T1 map- experts. A small study at our center has described
ping, or ECV.  In the revised criteria, EGE was the appearance of CMRI and the application of
removed and superseded by T1 quantification. multiparametric CMR in detecting and monitor-
The Consensus Group recommends that in ing myocardial inflammatory injury in FM [41].
patients with a high pretest clinical probability of Here, we describe the appearance of FM based
AM, having both positive T1 and T2 markers will on our experience and unpublished data. It is
provide the strongest evidence of acute myocar- worth noting that CMRI is usually not the initial
dial inflammation with high specificity; having diagnostic modality for FM.  In our center, the
only one of the two markers may still support a CMRI examination time in most patients was in
diagnosis of acute myocardial inflammation, the convalescence stage, usually a few days
albeit with less specificity [8]. The updated before discharge, and a very small percentage of
­criteria also include functional and pericardial patients were in the very early stage before dete-
abnormalities as supporting evidence for the rioration of the disease. The median interval
diagnosis of myocarditis. between patient admission and CMRI scan was 7
The updated 2018 criteria represent a “two out days, and the average hospitalization time at our
of two” approach, and different combinations may center for FM was 12 days. Therefore, the char-
have different diagnostic performances. The com- acteristics of CMRI in FM summarized here may
bination of T2 mapping and LGE produces very not represent the true characteristics of FM in the
good diagnostic accuracy, according to two pub- peak or mostly active stage of inflammatory
lished studies [36, 37]. Combining T2-based CMR myocardial injury, which may have the best diag-
with native T1-mapping is attractive because it nostic performance for FM.
does not require contrast agent administration.
Combining T2 mapping and ECV may increase Myocardial Edema  Compared with acute non-
sensitivity in cases of diffuse edema where LGE ­FM, myocardial edema in FM is usually diffuse
may be negative. A recent study compared the and presents as a diffusive or global enhanced
original LCC with the updated 2018 criteria in a signal on T2WI (Fig. 12.2a). Some patients with
cohort and demonstrated better diagnostic perfor- FM may also present with patchy areas of edema,
mance for the updated criteria, with a sensitivity of which are typically in a non-coronary distribu-
87.5% and a specificity of 96.1% [40]. tion as non-complicated AM. Due to the lack of

a b c

Fig. 12.2  CMRI in a 19-year-old male with a clinical LGE (c, blue arrowheads) signals in the corresponding
diagnosis of FM.  On T2WI, there was global enhanced segments, predominant involving the mid-wall and sub-­
signal in the left ventricular myocardium (a, yellow epicardium myocardium, and involving the left ventricu-
arrowheads), significant EGE (b, orange arrowheads) and lar septum
190 H. Wang

a b

c d

Fig. 12.3  T1 and T2 mapping in the same patient as in (38 ms) to the level of about normal range in the repeated
the Fig. 12.1. (a) and (b) showed significantly increased CMRI at 3-month follow-up visit. Normal references of
T1 (1460 ms) and T2 relaxation time (48 ms); (c) and (d) T1 and T2 relaxation time are about 1240 and 40 ms in our
showed decreased T1 (1290 ms) and T2 relaxation time center

normal myocardium as a reference for diffusive Hyperemia and Capillary Leakage  EGE,
edema, T2WI is likely negative and quantitative assessed in T1-weighted CMR images before and
T1 and T2 mapping and ECV are superior to shortly after GBCA administration, also appear
T2WI in the case of FM. Patients with FM had as diffusive or global hyperintensities
significantly higher T1 and T2 relaxation times (Fig. 12.2b).
than normal controls (Fig. 12.3a, b), indicating a
wider involvement of the myocardium and more Myocardial Necrosis and Fibrosis  LGE are
severe inflammatory injuries. In the healing stage also diffusive in most patients with FM. The spa-
of FM, T1 and T2 relaxation times decreased sig- tial extent of LGE is more extensive in patients
nificantly but were still higher than normal con- with a regional LGE appearance. The sub-­
trols (Fig.  12.3c, d). Therefore, T1 and T2 epicardium and mid-myocardium are predomi-
mappings are excellent tools to discriminate FM nantly involved, but some patients with FM had
from healed myocarditis and are useful in moni- transmural involvement (Fig.  12.2c). It remains
toring changes in inflammatory myocardial unclear whether patients with transmural LGE
injury [41]. have a poor prognosis. Our unpublished data
12  Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Fulminant Myocarditis 191

showed that LGE in most patients with FM pre- Cardiac Structural and Functional
dominantly involved the sub-epicardium and Abnormalities  Compared with non-fulminant
mid-myocardium, while 34% of them had trans- AM, all patients with FM had a variable reduc-
mural LGE. Meanwhile, LGE in the interventric- tion in left ventricular systolic function
ular septum was observed in 93% of cases, (Fig.  12.4a). Our unpublished data showed that
followed by the inferior wall of the left ventricle; the average left ventricular ejection fraction was
38% of cases presented with diffuse LGE, while 47.8% in patients with FM, and it is worth noting
others presented with linear or patchy LGE. The that the CMRI scans in most patients were per-
LGE appearance in FM demonstrated that formed in the convalescence stage at our center.
patients with FM had more extensive and severe In addition, patients with FM usually had a
myocardial injury than those with non-fulminant thicker interventricular septum than normal con-
AM, which is consistent with the more severe trols, with an average thickness of 10.6  mm
clinical manifestations of patients with (Fig.  12.4a, b). However, the thickened septum
FM.  However, further studies are warranted to returned to the normal range during follow-up
prove whether the extent and location of LGE can (Fig. 12.4c, d). A previous study using echocar-
predict the outcomes of FM. diography also showed a thicker interventricular

a b

c d

Fig. 12.4 Structural and functional abnormalities recovered to 56% at 3 months follow-up. The interven-
showed by CMRI in a 55-year-old woman with clinical tricular septum was thickened at a wall thickness of
diagnosis of FM. The four-chamber and short-axis views 1.2 cm initially (a and b) and decreased to normal (0.9 cm)
were shown. (a and b) were initial CMRI during hospital- at following-up (c and d). In addition, pericardial and
ization, and (c and d) were repeated CMRI at 3 months bilateral pleural effusion were present initially (a and b)
follow-up. The patients had reduced LVEF (47%) that and disappeared at the follow-up (c and d)
192 H. Wang

septum in AM than in non-FM [42]. Overall, 12.10 Limitations of CMRI in FM

compared with acute non-FM, patients with FM
have a greater reduction in left ventricular sys- CMRI scans take a long time to complete and
tolic function and greater thickness in the inter- cannot be performed at the bedside. Patients with
ventricular septum. Furthermore, patients with FM are often hemodynamically unstable or with
FM are more likely to have pericardial effusion severe heart failure on admission. They are often
and pericardial inflammation. In our unpublished treated with mechanical assistance devices in the
data, 85% of patients with FM had pericardial acute stage, making it unlikely to perform CMRI
effusion (Fig.  12.3a, b), which usually disap- scans in FM. Therefore, CMRI is not usually the
peared during the healing stage (Fig. 12.4c, d). initial diagnostic tool for FM. In our study, most
CMRI examinations were performed in the con-
valescent period before discharge and therefore
12.9 Prognostic Value of CMRI cannot represent true myocardial injury in the
in Myocarditis acute phase of FM. Therefore, the early clinical
diagnostic value of CMRI examinations for
CMRI is not only used as an excellent diagnostic patients with FM may be limited. For the same
tool, but it can also provide prognostic informa- reason, CMRI cannot be repeated frequently and
tion for patients with myocarditis. However, is unsuitable for dynamic monitoring of disease
studies on CMRI measurements as prognostic changes in the acute stage of bedside echocar-
indicators of myocarditis are also mainly in non-­ diography. Furthermore, CMRI cannot identify
fulminant AM, and the prognostic role of CMRI the histological type of myocarditis, which has
in FM is less investigated. In uncomplicated AM, prognostic and therapeutic implications in FM
the presence and extent of LGE may be a power- [49]. In the case of FM, EMB is still recom-
ful predictor of cardiac events, and LGE located mended to characterize the histological type of
in the septum is considered to have the worst FM, thus guiding optimal medical treatment [5].
prognosis [11, 25, 43]. Another study involving
670 patients with suspected myocarditis with a
median follow-up period of 4.7 years showed that 12.11 Conclusion
septal and midwall LGE had the strongest asso-
ciations with major adverse cardiovascular events In conclusion, CMRI can be used to “image”
(MACE) and LGE extent (per 10% increase) cor- myocardial histological characteristics, including
responding to a 79% increase in the risk of edema, hyperemia/capillary leakage, myocardial
MACE [44]. In contrast, a normal CMR corre- necrosis, and subsequent fibrosis, which means
sponded to a low annual MACE and death rate that CMRI can provide pathophysiological infor-
[44]. In addition to LEG, T1 and T2 mappings mation on myocardial injury in myocarditis and
provide excellent performance to differentiate thereafter has been a noninvasive diagnostic tool
acute from healed myocarditis, and abnormal T2 in myocarditis. New CMRI techniques, such as
mapping correlated with adverse outcomes [45, T1 and T2 mapping, have the advantage of quan-
46]. ECV may also have incremental value in the titatively evaluating features of myocardial tissue
risk stratification of patients with suspected myo- and can provide incremental evidence of inflam-
carditis [47]. A CMRI is suggested to be repeated matory activity. Currently, CMRI has been
in the follow-up in athletes with myocarditis widely used in clinical practice as a substitute
before restarting active training [48], and the “gold standard” for EMB in the diagnosis of
absence of edema on CMRI may be an indicator myocarditis. CMRI can also be used in the dif-
of physical activity reintroduction, as suggested ferential diagnosis of myocarditis and has a cer-
by Ammirati et al. [7]. tain value in predicting the prognosis of the
12  Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Fulminant Myocarditis 193

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Diagnosis and Differential
Diagnosis of Fulminant 13

Weijian Hang and Dao Wen Wang

Fulminant myocarditis can occur in patients pathology. Therefore, it is a clinical diagnosis. It

without a specific age preference. According to is considered that fulminant myocarditis can be
literature reports, patients aged between 2 and 82 diagnosed when a myocarditis patient shows sud-
years were reported to suffer from fulminant den onset and rapid progression, and rapidly falls
myocarditis [1, 2], with even cases of infants into refractory heart failure with hypotension and
being reported. However, most patients with ful- cardiac shock, and large doses of positive inotro-
minant myocarditis are usually previously pic or vasoactive drugs and mechanical circula-
healthy young adults. tion support devices are needed to maintain blood
Fulminant myocarditis is the most severe and pressure.
specific type of myocarditis. It is a cardiac inflam-
matory disease with rapid onset of severe hemo-
dynamic disturbance in <2  weeks, usually 3–5 13.1 Clinical Diagnosis
days. Fulminant myocarditis is characterized by a of Fulminant Myocarditis
quick onset and extremely rapid progress, which
can cause hemodynamic abnormalities, including
Prodromal symptoms of fulminant
pump failure, circulation failure, and refractory myocarditis
arrhythmia in patients in a short time, with com- The etiology of fulminant myocarditis is
plications such as respiratory failure or liver and complex and not well understood. Infectious
kidney failure [3]. Fulminant myocarditis patients factors, non-infectious factors, and toxic fac-
usually show an extremely high mortality rate in tors are thought to contribute to the develop-
the early phase, but can have a good prognosis if ment of fulminant myocarditis. Pathogenic
the patient receives proper treatment [3–6]. infection, especially viral, is the predominant
Fulminant myocarditis is usually caused by etiology of fulminant myocarditis. It can
viruses and shows little difference from common assist in the diagnosis of fulminant myocardi-
viral myocarditis in terms of histology and tis and explain the underlying pathogenesis.
Attention should be paid to the likelihood
of myocarditis or fulminant myocarditis when
patients with common cold-like symptoms,
W. Hang · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and breath-
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and lessness, do not show any improvement after
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, receiving treatments against the common
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong cold, and even show progression of such
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: symptoms [7].

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 197
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
198 W. Hang and D. W. Wang

Symptoms of non-viral infection and tox- ment using echocardiography. Third, the
icity can be referred to Chap. 5. intensive outer and middle layer of myocar-
2. Obvious hemodynamic disturbances (hypo- dium edema confirmed by CMR.
tension, shock, or decreased pulse pressure), No obvious changes in heart shape can be
which require vasoactive agents or mechani- found on physical examination in most patients
cal circulation support devices. with fulminant myocarditis, but several can
3. Obvious elevation of cardiac injury markers show cardiomegaly. However, blunt heart
(cTnT, cTnI, or CK-MB) and an obvious sounds, third heart sounds, or gallop rhythms
increase in BNP or NT-pro-BNP. may be heard. ECG typically shows abnormal
4. Significantly decreased ejection fraction, changes, including low voltage QRS waves,
massive or left ventricular hypokinetic state. prolonged QRS wavelengths, low or dismissed
These changes can occur in a short time, com- T waves, suppressed ST segment, or multiple
plicated by significant hypertrophy caused by leads ST segment enhancement, which mimic
edema. the ECG manifestation of acute myocardial
5. Massive epicardium or medium edema con- infarction. In addition, elevation of cTnI, cTnT,
firmed by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). and BNP or NT-pro-­BNP, and decrease in ejec-
According to our experience, a clinical tion fraction, which indicates hypokinesis of
diagnosis of fulminant myocarditis can be the left ventricle can also be observed. Under
made if the patient satisfies rule 1 plus any these circumstances, acute myocardial infarc-
one or more of the rules from 2 to 5 above. tion requires urgent exclusion, which can be
The following auxiliary examinations can immediately achieved by coronary artery angi-
help in diagnosis, if available: first, cardiac ography. Thus, clinical diagnosis of fulminant
injury markers, such as cTnT, cTnI, CK-MB, myocarditis is easy to make if the physician has
and cardiac function markers such as BNP or thought of this possibility. Table  13.1 shows
NT-pro-BNP.  Second, heart function assess- suggestions for auxiliary examinations.

Table 13.1  Suggestions regarding auxiliary examinations in case of suspected myocarditis or fulminant myocarditis [4]
examinations Suggestions
Laboratory Measurement of cardiac troponins is useful for detection of myocyte injury for the diagnosis of
examinations fulminant myocarditis, and for risk or prognostic evaluation
Plasma NP level (BNP, or NT-proBNP) should be measured in all patients with acute dyspnea
and suspected fulminant myocarditis to help in the differentiation from non-cardiac causes
The following laboratory assessments of the blood should be performed: BUN (or urea),
creatinine, electrolytes (sodium, potassium), glucose, complete blood count, liver function tests
at admission and every 1–2 days, TSH, ESR or CRP
Test for autoantibody to myocardium can be considered when available
ECG A 12- or 18-lead ECG should be used to identify the myocardial injury and should be
monitored every 1–2 days
Chest X ray/CT Chest X-ray examination should be used to assess signs of pulmonary congestion and identify
other cardiac or non-cardiac diseases that may cause or contribute to the patient’s symptoms;
Chest CT can be performed when the status is stable
Echocardiogram Immediate echocardiography should be considered in all patients suspected of fulminant
myocarditis to evaluate cardiac function
Transthoracic echocardiogram should be repeated during hospitalization if there is any
worsening of hemodynamics
Coronary Immediate coronary arteriography should be performed to differentiate myocarditis from acute
arteriography infarction when patients have changes in ECG ST segment, especially in old patients
13  Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Fulminant Myocarditis 199

Table 13.1 (continued)
examinations Suggestions
Invasive PICCO or invasive hemodynamic evaluation with a pulmonary artery catheter should be done to
hemodynamic evaluate state of illness and judge effects of treatments
Cardiac Transthoracic echocardiogram should be repeated during hospitalization if there is any
magnetic worsening of hemodynamics.
resonance/CMR It can provide evidences in a noninvasive way, and is possible to substitute percutaneous
endomyocardial biopsy.
Percutaneous It can be considered when patients are clinically suspected of fulminant myocarditis
endomyocardial It is still considered as a “gold standard” of diagnosis of myocarditis
biopsy It should be performed when patients are clinically suspected of specific type of myocarditis
such as giant cell myocarditis to guide clinical treatment
Detection of Tests of serum special antibodies can help early diagnosis
pathogen Viral gene detection can be done to help identify pathogen if available

13.2 Pathological Classification patients showed rapid onset of disease mani-

of Fulminant Myocarditis festation and were transmitted to our depart-
ment within 3–5 days, and four out of six
Pathological diagnosis is usually considered the patients showed prodromal syndromes such
“gold standard” in the diagnosis of fulminant as infection, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
myocarditis. If pathological samples, including 2. Giant-cell fulminant myocarditis
endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) samples, can be This pathological classification shows
acquired in time for subsequent pathological higher frequency in case reports from Western
analysis, it will greatly help in the treatment of countries, especially USA.  Giant-cell fulmi-
fulminant myocarditis. nant myocarditis has been reported in patients
Characteristics of different pathological clas- with no age preference [8]; however, this is
sifications of fulminant myocarditis: still rare. Professor Cooper from the
­Cardiology Department of the Mayo Clinic
1. Lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis reported that after pathological analysis of 36
In China, most cases of fulminant myocar- cardiac tissue samples obtained from post-
ditis are categorized as lymphocytic fulminant mortem examinations or from heart failure
myocarditis according to pathological analy- center patients undergoing EMB, cardiac
sis, which is quite different from those in assistance device implantation, or heart trans-
America. Recently, Professor Zhou Yiwu plantation, it took an average of 21 months to
from the forensic medicine department of find one case of giant-cell myocarditis, and it
HUST conducted an analysis of 50 samples was even more rarer to find a fulminant mani-
from postmortem samples of patients who festation [9]. Immune organ diseases, such as
died from clinically diagnosed or suspected thymoma, lymphoma, or thymic and autoim-
fulminant myocarditis and revealed that all mune diseases including SLE, Crohn’s dis-
the samples showed massive lymphocytic ease, and ulcerative colitis, have been reported
infiltration and were diagnosed as lympho- to be closely related to giant-cell myocarditis
cytic fulminant myocarditis. EMB was also [8]. It usually shows relatively slow progress
performed in six patients diagnosed with ful- and takes about 1 month from prodromal
minant myocarditis at our center, and 100% symptom onset to obvious clinical manifesta-
(6/6) of these samples were confirmed to have tions, and new-onset heart failure is more fre-
lymphocytic fulminant myocarditis. These six quently reported. It is uncommon to see
200 W. Hang and D. W. Wang

fulminant manifestation, although several 1% of checkpoint inhibitor treatment can be

case reports can be found [10–13]. complicated by fulminant myocarditis, and it
3. Eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis may increase to 2% if combined with cardio-
It is quite rare to see eosinophilic myocar- toxicity chemotherapy treatments [19]. The
ditis, let alone eosinophilic fulminant myocar- exact pathogenesis is not yet fully understood,
ditis; however, it is quite dangerous and shows and it is believed related to the disturbance of
rapid progress. The common reason for eosin- immune homeostasis. The application of
ophilic fulminant myocarditis is drug hyper- checkpoint inhibitors may suppress peripheral
sensitivity [14, 15] or food allergies. Idiopathic immune tolerance towards the heart and,
hypereosinophilia, parasitic infection [16], therefore, activate intrinsic cytotoxic T cells
vaccination, and autoimmune diseases have to attack the heart. Another explanation for
all been reported to trigger eosinophilic fulmi- this phenomenon is that several kinds of can-
nant myocarditis as well. Food or drug aller- cer antigens show similarities with cardiac
gies show higher potency to trigger fulminant antigens, which attract cancer-targeting T
myocarditis [17]; for example, it was reported cells infiltrating into cardiac tissue and lead to
that eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis rap- cardiotoxicity [20]. Pathological analysis of
idly took place after penicillin injection [15]. checkpoint inhibitor-induced fulminant myo-
Eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis shows carditis revealed massive lymphocyte infiltra-
extremely rapid progress and can occur in tion in the myocardium, and
only 1–2 h after drug treatment, and patients immunohistochemical staining showed that
usually die from circulatory failure. Blood they were predominantly CD3+CD4+ or
routine usually shows an elevation of the CD3+CD8+ T cells, which indicates the acti-
eosinophil count. The treatment regimen for vation of immune response toward cardiac tis-
eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis is similar sue [20, 21].
to other kinds of fulminant myocarditis, but it Although the prevalence rate of checkpoint
requires more rapid decision and treatment inhibitor-induced fulminant myocarditis is
that is more prompt; otherwise, the patient much lower than that of other side effects of
may not survive [18]. checkpoint inhibitors, it is quite concerning
4. Cancer treatment related fulminant that the mortality rate is extremely high and
myocarditis. some reports indicate even higher mortality
First, it should be confirmed that cancer rates compared with other kinds of fulminant
treatment-related fulminant myocarditis is not myocarditis. According to a clinical registry,
a pathological classification of fulminant the mortality rate of checkpoint inhibitor-­
myocarditis, which includes two categories. induced fulminant myocarditis is 46%, and it
The first category is cardiotoxicity caused by can increase to 76% in long-term follow-up
chemotherapy during cancer treatment. It is [19, 21]. However, this terrible result may
rather common and under certain circum- lead to several doubts, such as lack of knowl-
stances, severe cardiac injury can lead to car- edge and insufficient treatment, which may
diogenic shock and occurrence of fulminant greatly hinder clinical treatment.
myocarditis. The second category includes In addition, several toxic natural medi-
checkpoint inhibitors (CTLA-4, PD-1, or cines, such as monkshood and snake gall
PD-L1 inhibitor) that trigger fulminant myo- bladder, can also trigger fulminant myocardi-
carditis. Recently, with the application of tis [22, 23]. Direct cardiac toxicity may con-
checkpoint inhibitors in the clinical treatment tribute more to the development of fulminant
of several types of cancers, the prevalence rate myocarditis, complicated by immune cell
of checkpoint inhibitor-induced fulminant infiltration. Chronic drug toxicity can lead to
myocarditis is increasing. It is estimated that dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM).
13  Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Fulminant Myocarditis 201

However, it is not recommended to exces- ation of the patient improves, CMR can be
sively depend on pathological examination to considered to obtain more information about
delay treatment of fulminant myocarditis for the function and morphology of the heart. In
several reasons: First, most patients with ful- conclusion, it is vital for clinical treatment
minant myocarditis are in quite severe condi- initiation to make diagnosis in time [11, 24].
tion and need emergency treatment, and
performing EMB is not appropriate in such a
condition. Second, it takes several days from 13.3 Differential Diagnosis
getting EMB samples to final pathological of Fulminant Myocarditis
diagnosis owing to sample preparation and
examination; however, patients cannot sur- Fulminant myocarditis should be differentiated
vive this period if not treated immediately. from several diseases. Although epidemic data
Third, the pathological injury of fulminant indicate higher likelihood of healthy young indi-
myocarditis is not equally distributed within viduals and children to get fulminant myocardi-
the heart, but is more concentrated in the tis, it can indeed attack individuals of any age.
myocardium beyond the epicardium. In other What makes situation worse is that the lack of
words, endomyocardial biopsy may not have specific characteristics of fulminant myocarditis
access to real pathological injuries and thus and multiple organ complications further impede
may mislead clinical diagnosis. Fourth, accurate diagnosis [4, 25]. However, the rapid
although there are mainly three different types progress and severe condition of fulminant myo-
of pathological classification of fulminant carditis patients calls for accurate diagnosis as
myocarditis, the majority of infiltrated soon as possible. In fact, if physicians consider
immune cells are lymphocytes. Even in giant-­ the possibility of fulminant myocarditis, it can be
cell or eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis, quickly diagnosed using several differential diag-
these two types of cells are rather less com- noses and auxiliary tests [4].
pared to massive infiltration lymphocytes.
Hence, even with an accurate pathological
1. Coronary artery disease and myocardium
diagnosis, little guidance can be provided infarction
regarding the clinical treatment decisions. On the one hand, fulminant myocarditis
However, several studies have indicated that and coronary artery disease show similar
pathological diagnosis can provide informa- symptoms, including significant T-wave and
tion about long-term prognosis; for example, ST-segment changes, which are lead-specific
giant-cell fulminant myocarditis shows worst or extensive lead changes, and elevation of
prognosis, but needs further confirmation. In myocardial injury markers such as BNP and
addition, eosinophilic fulminant myocarditis NT-pro-BNP. On the other hand, the treatment
showed specific clinical characteristics that regimen and prognosis of these two diseases
can be used for differential diagnosis. are quite different; therefore, it is important to
Therefore, EMB is still an important tool for make wise and quick decisions. Apart from
the treatment and diagnosis of fulminant myo- the above-mentioned history record, physical
carditis. Multiple aspects of research on ful- examination, and laboratory tests, echocar-
minant myocarditis should be carried out to diography can also help in making the diagno-
gain more knowledge about it, while EMB sis, as echocardiography in fulminant
still being an important method. CMR is use- myocarditis cases usually shows massive
ful for diagnosis and confirmation of fulmi- hypokinesis and myocardial edema.
nant myocarditis, but it is not possible to Emergency coronary angiography should be
perform CMR in the acute phase due to the performed to rule out myocardial infarction.
severity of the disease. Instead, when the situ- If a patient is well prepared and coronary
202 W. Hang and D. W. Wang

angiography is conducted with less contrast complicated by myocarditis or heart injury,

reagent as quickly as possible, the risk of per- the risk of death will be significantly elevated.
forming angiography can be minimized. In Hence, special attention should be paid to pre-
our center, over 100 fulminant myocarditis vent cardiac injury in advance, observe and
patients first underwent coronary angiogra- treat any abnormality in time, and reduce the
phy, and only two of them had ventricular risk.
fibrillation onset and were successfully defi- 3. Septic myocarditis
brillated. No deaths were caused by emergent Severe bacterial infection can cause sepsis,
angiography [25]. which is marked by dramatic elevation of bac-
2. Viral pneumonia terial toxicity, such as LPS, as well as proin-
Severe viral pneumonia such as COVID-­19 flammatory cytokines. Cardiac injury can be
pandemic from the winter of 2019 to spring of caused by sepsis and toxic shock, and can
2020 can not only lead to heart infarction but increase the severity of the condition. Massive
also different degrees of cardiac injury, with immune cell infiltration into the myocardium
incidence rate reported to be 20% or even can also be observed in sepsis; hence, the
higher [26]. The mechanisms underlying viral immune response participates in the develop-
pneumonia-induced cardiac injury include ment of septic myocarditis [29]. Patients usu-
several aspects [27, 28]. First, direct invasion ally have a history of some pathogen infection
of the virus into the myocardium can lead to and fever, and pathogenic bacteria can be
an immune response and further damage to found on blood culture, which is of great help
the myocardium. Massive lymphocyte infil- in clinical diagnosis and treatment. After
tration can be seen in cardiac tissue, and car- diagnosis, prevention and treatment of myo-
diac injury markers, such as cTnI, BNP, and cardial injury should be noted in addition to
NT-pro-BNP, can be elevated. If the injury is routine antibiotic treatments. Assessment of
too severe resulting in left ventricular dys- heart injury can rely on laboratory tests for
function and induced ejection fraction, circu- cTnI and NT-pro-BNP, as well as echocar-
lation homeostasis may not be able to sustain, diography. If there is evidence to support
and finally normal circulation will collapse severe cardiac dysfunction or even heart fail-
and lead to fulminant myocarditis. However, ure, treatment regimens for fulminant myo-
the incidence rate is <1%. Second, toxic carditis, including mechanical circulation
effects of virus can directly injury myocar- support and immunomodulation therapy,
dium. A cytokine storm can be triggered in should be administered in a timely manner.
severe pneumonia similar to fulminant myo- 4. Stress cardiomyopathy
carditis. Cytokine storms not only injure the Stress cardiomyopathy, also known as
lungs, but also inhibit myocardial contraction takotsubo syndrome, takotsubo cardiomyopa-
ability and eventually lead to ventricular dila- thy, or broken heart syndrome, because of
tion due to elevated proinflammatory cyto- obvious apex dilation, which resembles bas-
kines during the cytokine storm. NT-pro-BNP kets used to capture octopus by Japanese fish-
and cTnI levels can be slightly elevated on ermen on echocardiography or left ventricular
laboratory tests. Third, persistent hypoxia can radiography after onset. It is also termed api-
impede myocardial viability and cause eleva- cal ballooning syndrome due to apex dilation
tion of NT-proBNP levels, which further dete- [30]. Stress cardiomyopathy has a rapid onset,
riorates heart function. However, if oxygen and the severe type can cause cardiac shock.
saturation is rectified by appropriate treat- Coronary angiography must be conducted
ment, such as VV-ECMO, abnormalities in first to rule out the possibility of coronary
heart function can be prevented. What needs artery disease, because stress cardiomyopathy
further attention is that if severe pneumonia is can also lead to severe chest pain (in 75% of
13  Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Fulminant Myocarditis 203

the patient), dyspnea (in 50% of the patient), are not as severe as those of fulminant myocar-
ST-T changes on ECG, and elevation of cTnI ditis are. Acute myocarditis has a better short-
and NT-pro-BNP as in case of acute coronary term prognosis than fulminant myocarditis.
artery disease [30, 31]. However, no or little 6. Fulminant myocarditis caused by specific
obvious artery occlusion can be found in trigger
stress cardiomyopathy, but the specific mani- As mentioned above, fulminant myocardi-
festation of left ventricular radiography can tis induced by autoimmune diseases, drug
help in the diagnosis of stress cardiomyopa- toxicity or allergy, and checkpoint inhibitors
thy. Stress cardiomyopathy should also be dif- are all related to abnormal immune activation
ferentiated from fulminant myocarditis or disturbance of immunohomeostasis [3, 31].
because of similar clinical manifestations. It is easy to diagnose this kind of fulminant
Ninety percent of stress cardiomyopathy myocarditis with history taking and labora-
patients are postmenopausal females, and is tory tests, and the treatment regimen is consis-
triggered by strong mental stress. In addition, tent with “life support based comprehensive
heavy sport exercise, epileptic seizure [32] treatment regimen” introduced in this chapter.
and pheochromocytoma [33] are all reported In addition, drug toxicity-induced fulminant
to trigger stress cardiomyopathy, and all of myocarditis, or acute toxic cardiomyopathy,
these causes are related to extreme sympa- is related to toxic drug usage history; hence, it
thetic excitation. Although cardiac injury is important to treat toxicity and remove drugs
markers such as cTnI and BNP or NT-pro-­ through dialysis.
BNP can all be elevated in stress cardiomy- 7. Cardiomyopathy
opathy, BNP or NT-pro-BNP usually shows Fulminant myocarditis can lead to severe
higher elevation than cTnI, which indicates inflammatory edema of the myocardium, and
more severe heart dysfunction. In conclusion, ventricular wall thickness can increase to
stress cardiomyopathy can be diagnosed if 12–13  mm, and in severe myocarditis it can
these conditions are met: postmenopausal even increase to 15–25 mm. Thickening of the
women with a history of severe mental stress ventricular wall can be observed at the apex or
but not infection, with normal coronary angi- free wall of the ventricle, but mostly in the
ography and specific takotsubo-shape on left interventricular septum (IVS), which requires
ventricular radiography. Most patients with careful differential diagnosis of hypertrophic
stress cardiomyopathy show whole-left ven- cardiomyopathy. However, echocardiography
tricular involvement, but several only show revealed that the hypertrophic apex showed
mid- ventricular involvement [34]. reduced but not increased contraction, similar
5. Acute myocarditis to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Global lon-
Prodromal infection can usually be found gitude strains analysis can further reflect
in fulminant myocarditis patients, and these motion of myocardium. After proper treat-
patients usually show sudden onset, rapid pro- ment, the edematous myocardium can return
gression, and severe heart function deteriora- to normal within 1  week to 1 month period
tion. cTnI and BNP or NT-pro-BNP levels are [35]. Obvious massive or concentrated left
significantly elevated and show rapid changes. ventricular wall edema can also be observed
In contrast, acute myocarditis is the most com- using CMR. In addition, few fulminant myo-
mon type of myocarditis, and acute myocardi- carditis patients show significant ventricular
tis patients usually do not show the dilation at admission, which may lead to a
above-mentioned characteristics, and the situ- misdiagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy com-
ation of patients’ changes with immune plicated by fulminant myocarditis. This can
response and infections. Heart function dete- be differentiated by rapid normalization of the
rioration and elevation of cTnI or BNP levels ventricle diameter after proper treatment.
204 W. Hang and D. W. Wang

Hence, it is important to make a quick and of “very early recognition, very early diagnosis,
correct diagnosis in a short time for successful very early prediction, very early treatment” to
treatment. The diagnosis procedures have treat fulminant myocarditis patients in order to
been summarized as a picture illustration as save their lives and improve their prognosis. The
shown below. concept of “very early prediction” refers to the
acknowledgement of rapid changes in the situa-
Key Points in Diagnosing Fulminant tion once the patient is diagnosed with fulminant
Myocarditis myocarditis. The heart function of the patient can
We noticed that most of the patients only received deteriorate rapidly; as a result, the patient must be
delayed treatment, which is possibly related to the treated or transferred to a superior hospital imme-
misdiagnosis of the disease in the early stage and diately, rather than only receiving symptomatic
rapid progression of the disease into the late stage. treatments because of temporary stability.
Some patients did not receive a clear diagnosis In conclusion, when dealing with suspected
until they passed away. There are also circum- fulminant myocarditis patients, the key is to
stances that, although the patients are diagnosed, make an accurate diagnosis in a short time. To
little attention is paid to the monitoring of heart make it convenient for clinicians to refer to, we
function due to lack of knowledge of the clinical conclude the diagnosis procedure into the follow-
features of the disease. As the heart function of ing points (Fig. 13.1).
the patient can deteriorate in a short period, for
example, the ejection fraction can decrease from 1. Fulminant myocarditis can attack patients at
50% to <20% in 2–3 h, the situation of the patient any age, but the young patients are more sus-
can be very critical. Hence, we proposed the idea ceptible. It is a cardiac inflammatory disease

History, symptoms of viral infection? Vital signs, cardiac symptoms,

Fatigue, loss of appetite, diarrhea. changes of other signs such as shock


ECG Chets X-ray Echo CMR Other

Biomarkers of
cardiac injury:
cTnT or cTnl;
Biomarkers of
cardiac dysfunction:
BNP or NT-proBNP; Coronary
cytokines, especially Angiography

Fig. 13.1  Flow chart for diagnosis of fulminant myocar- pro-BNP; Echo Echocardiography, CMR cardiac mag-
ditis. cTnT cardiac troponin T, cTnI cardiac troponin I, netic resonance
BNP brain natriuretic peptide, NT-proBNP N terminal of
13  Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Fulminant Myocarditis 205

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Novel Conceptions in Treatments
of Fulminant Myocarditis 14
Chen Chen, Hongyang Shu, and Dao Wen Wang

Fulminant myocarditis has a rapid onset and pro- “Recognition and Initial Management of
gression. Severe arrhythmia (or even fatal Fulminant Myocarditis: A Scientific Statement
arrhythmia), cardiogenic shock, heart failure, and from the American Heart Association,” which
sudden death occur at the onset of illness. Owing further affirmed the key role of the life support
to an inadequate understanding of the pathophys- regimen in the treatment of fulminant myocardi-
iology and pathogenesis of the disease, there has tis [2].
been no correct treatment regimen for a long
time; thus, its mortality rate exceeds 50%. Based
on clinical observations, a team led by Professor 14.1 New Understanding
Wang Dao Wen from Tongji Hospital of of Pathophysiology
Huazhong University of Science and Technology of Fulminant Myocarditis
proposed that “the overactivation of immune
response and inflammatory waterfall” is the core The pathology of fulminant myocarditis shows
cause of heart damage, pump failure, and circula- that there is a large amount of inflammatory cell
tory collapse in patients, as well as formulated infiltration in the myocardium. Lymphocytes and
the “life support-based comprehensive treatment monocytes/macrophages are the main cell types
regimen” based on this theory. Clinical practice associated with lymphocytic myocarditis. In
has confirmed that this regimen reduces the mor- eosinophilic myocarditis, there is a large number
tality rate of fulminant myocarditis to less than of eosinophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and
5%. Commissioned by the Chinese Society of giant cell types. In addition to the infiltration of
Cardiology, Professor Wang Dao Wen led the inflammatory cells, necrotic myocardium, myo-
team to formulate the “Chinese Expert Consensus cardial edema, and fibrosis have been observed.
on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Fulminant Additionally, the analysis of the serum inflamma-
Myocarditis in Adults” which is the world’s first tory factors proved that a variety of cytokines and
expert consensus on fulminant myocarditis [1]. inflammatory mediators in the patient’s serum
Recently, the American AHA published the increased significantly, and some even exceeded
the normal value by more than 1000 times. Under
the stimulation of pathogens or antigen mole-
C. Chen · H. Shu · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal cules, the expression of pattern recognition
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and receptors in cardiomyocytes is significantly up-­
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, regulated, thereby enhancing the responsiveness
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong to pathogen-related molecules and injury-related
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: molecules and generating inflammatory

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 207
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
208 C. Chen et al.

responses through downstream signals, which which eventually causes poor clinical outcomes.
further promotes the formation of inflammatory The correct approach is to allow the failing heart
storms. Finally, various pathogen-related mole- to rest and maintain blood pressure and organ
cules not only stimulate myocardial cells to blood perfusion through mechanical circulatory
secrete inflammatory factors, but also signifi- support devices. In this process, the preload and
cantly decrease contractility. Culturing cardio- afterload of the left ventricle must also be consid-
myocytes with patient serum containing a large ered. Additionally, we should also make it possi-
amount of inflammatory mediators promoted the ble to reduce the heart load, including assisted
death of cardiomyocytes, and the results also breathing.
revealed that the contractility of viable cardio- Maintaining hemodynamic stability and tem-
myocytes and the intracellular level of Ca2+ porarily saving the patient’s life through mechan-
were significantly reduced. ical circulation support is a strategy for alleviating
Based on the above introduction and that of symptoms. The active control of excessive
previous chapters, we propose a new mechanism immune activation and inflammatory storms and
for the onset of fulminant myocarditis as the treatment of myocardial inflammation and edema
pathophysiological basis of a new treatment regi- are strategies for treating illness.
men. Pathogen-related molecules (viruses, bacte- Cytotoxic drugs and immunosuppressive
ria, proteins, or drug molecules) and injury-related treatments, which are widely used in most case
molecules stimulate the myocardium and/or reports and literature, have unsatisfactory thera-
inflammatory cells, which infiltrate the myocar- peutic effects. We propose the concept of “immu-
dial cells through chemotaxis. Excessively acti- nomodulatory therapy”, which includes the use
vated inflammatory cells and cardiomyocytes of sufficient doses of glucocorticoids (GCs) and
secrete a large number of cytokines and inflam- adequate doses of immunity globulin. Continuous
matory mediators, forming an inflammatory renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is used to fil-
storm, acting on the cardiovascular system and ter inflammatory factors, which can be used as an
others. For example, dendritic cells and T cells auxiliary to rapidly suppress inflammatory
attack and B lymphocytes produce antibodies. storms.
These immune activation and inflammatory
storms result in myocardial damage and necrosis
inhibition, leading to hypotension, cardiogenic 14.3 Treatment Regimen
shock, arrhythmia, and sudden cardiac death.
14.3.1  Mechanical circulation device support  Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
14.2 Design of Treatment Extracorporeal membrane oxy-
Regimen genation (ECMO)  Heart assist device
Based on the analysis of the above-mentioned Other mechanical support:
pathogenesis, if cardiotonic agents such as levo- ventilator
simendan are used to increase myocardial con- 14.3.2  Immunomodulatory therapy
tractility, or vasoactive drugs such as
norepinephrine and pituitrin are used to increase
blood pressure when dealing with fulminant 14.4 Life Support Treatment
myocarditis with hypotension, cardiogenic
shock, extremely low heart sounds, third heart Patients with fulminant myocarditis rapidly
sound galloping rhythm, and peristaltic beats, develop severe arrhythmia, heart failure, and car-
they not only increase the burden on the failing diogenic shock, which require active life support
heart, but also increase myocardial ischemia, treatment.
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 209

14.4.1 ECMO into the arterial system through the perfusion tube
(Fig. 14.1a). ECMO can be divided into two types
ECMO is a type of extracorporeal life support according to the position of the intubation: central
technology used for continuous external support and peripheral. Adult V-A ECMO commonly uses
therapy for patients with heart and lung failure. femoral vein-femoral artery cannulation
The core of this technology is to draw blood from (Fig.  14.1b). This method can drain most of the
the inside to the outside of the body, which is then heart blood, effectively reducing the pre-load of
oxygenated by a membrane oxygenator (mem- the right ventricle, thereby reducing the pre-load
brane lung) and injected into the body with a cen- of the left ventricle, increasing cardiac output, and
trifugal pump to partially or completely replace improving tissue perfusion. However, because the
the patient’s heart and lungs, thereby rapidly pro- blood returning to the body is retrogradely per-
viding stable hemodynamic support for patients fused by a catheter inserted into the descending
with acute respiratory or circulatory failure and aorta through the femoral artery, it resists the
ensuring that the oxygen supply and circulating blood pumped out by the heart, causing an
blood volume of critically ill patients are in a increase in the left ventricular end diastolic pres-
long-term stable state [3, 4]. ECMO can be sure, left atrial pressure, and pulmonary capillary
divided into venous-arterial ECMO (V-A ECMO) wedge pressure. Therefore, there is a potential
and venous-venous ECMO (V-V ECMO) [5]. risk of pulmonary edema and aortic valve open-
V-V ECMO mainly provides respiratory support, ing. Additionally, V-A ECMO has complications,
whereas V-A ECMO provides respiratory and cir- including bleeding, hemolysis, thrombosis, infec-
culatory support simultaneously. V-A ECMO is tion, and liver and kidney damage [6].
mainly used for the treatment of fulminant myo- ECMO is one of the most important life sup-
carditis. The non-oxygenated blood is drawn from port devices in the treatment of patients with ful-
the right atrium or venous system by the V-A minant myocarditis, and its therapeutic effect has
ECMO line through the drainage tube and enters been supported by a large number of clinical data
the oxygenator driven by the pump head for gas [7–9]. The main feature of VA ECMO is the
exchange. The oxygenated blood is then pumped “bridge” effect, i.e., “bridging” critical states

a b

right Left
artium artium

right Left
ventricle ventricle

Blood pump


Fig. 14.1  V-A ECMO schematic diagram. Femoral vein-­ (b) Cited from
femoral artery cannulation V-A ECMO. (a) cited from Anne Freund, Steffen Desch, Janine Pöss, et  al.
Maya Guglin, Mark J Zucker, Vanessa M Bazan, et  al. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Infarct-Related
Venoarterial ECMO for Adults: JACC Scientific Expert Cardiogenic Shock. J Clin Med. 2022 Feb 25;11(5):1256.
Panel. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019 Feb 19;73(6):698–716.
210 C. Chen et al.

Fig. 14.2 IABP
schematic diagram


such as refractory ventricular arrhythmia, cardiac hemodynamics of patients with fulminant myo-
arrest, and cardiogenic shock to a hemodynami- carditis in a short period of time and can help
cally stable state, to wait for long-term mechani- patients survive the acute phase [14]. IABP
cal circulation assist devices or other next step should be used as soon as possible in patients
treatments such as heart transplantation [5, 10]. with hemodynamically unstable fulminant myo-
Fulminant myocarditis is acute, dangerous, and carditis [1, 15, 16].
has a high mortality rate. However, if ECMO IABP also has limitations. It is a passive assis-
treatment can be implemented quickly and effec- tive device that relies on the electromechanical
tively, it can provide sufficient rest time for the activity of the patient’s heart to trigger a mechani-
patient’s heart and lungs, ensure the recovery of cal pump. It cannot replace the function of the
hemodynamics in patients with fulminant myo- heart. Therefore, the effect of IABP treatment on
carditis, help patients survive the dangerous patients with severe myocardial damage or cardiac
period, and increase the rescue success rate of arrest is often poor. For severe fulminant myocar-
patients with fulminant myocarditis and multiple ditis with cardiogenic shock, the decrease in myo-
organ failure. cardial contractility is mainly due to the extensive
damage of myocardial cells by viruses and inflam-
mation. Cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6,
14.4.2 IABP and IL-18 affect myocardial contractility through
a variety of signaling pathways, and there is no
The IABP is the most common ventricular obvious damage to the coronary blood supply.
mechanical assist device. A catheter with a bal- In this case, the therapeutic effect of IABP on
loon is placed in the descending aorta, 1–2  cm pump failure is relatively limited. Therefore,
distal to the opening of the left subclavian artery when patients with fulminant myocarditis are
through the arterial system. In the early diastolic critically ill, early ECMO-assisted circulatory
period, the airbag is inflated to increase the dia- therapy should be used to help patients survive
stolic pressure, increase coronary perfusion pres- the dangerous period. Because IABP can reduce
sure, and improve myocardial blood supply. At cardiac afterload, it theoretically helps to reduce
the beginning of the systole, the balloon is the risk of pulmonary edema caused by V-A
deflated immediately before the aortic valve ECMO, increasing the cardiac afterload. If
opens, and the aortic pressure drops to reduce the necessary, for patients with severe fulminant
afterload, thereby reducing the wall tension and myocarditis combined with cardiogenic shock,
myocardial oxygen consumption, increasing for- V-A ECMO and IABP can be combined to cor-
ward blood flow, and improving peripheral perfu- rect heart failure and shock, thereby saving
sion (Fig. 14.2) [11–13]. IABP can improve the patients’ lives and improving prognosis.
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 211

14.4.3 Percutaneous Left Ventricular nary blood flow and myocardial oxygen supply
Assist Device and improving myocardial viability [19].
Additionally, the myocardium of fulminant myo-
The percutaneous left ventricular assist device carditis has a large number of activated inflam-
(Impella) consists of a console, a ventricular matory cells. The inflammatory response leads to
assist device, and a purification system. Its work- an imbalance of the myocardial Ca2+ balance,
ing mechanism simulates the original function of affects the function of titin, which causes myo-
the heart, i.e., blood flows from the left ventricle cardial hypertrophy, and activates fibroblasts that
into the ventricular assist device and is pumped promote fibrosis, which ultimately results in an
out from the aortic root. The pumped blood flows increased cardiac load and cardiac dysfunction.
through the descending aorta to the whole body Reducing the cardiac load using Impella can
while providing coronary blood supply through block these processes through integrin-mediated
the entrance of the coronary arteries, increasing mechanical conduction pathways and improve
the systemic blood flow output and myocardial cardiac function (Fig. 14.4) [20].
oxygen supply (Fig. 14.3). Similar to IABP, Impella can also be used for
The outflow part of the Impella device is continuous left ventricular decompression, which
located at the aortic root, and the axial flow pump can reduce pulmonary edema caused by V-A
provides forward flow of blood, thereby increas- ECMO, increasing the left ventricular afterload.
ing the output power of the heart [17, 18]. As a new ventricular assist device, Impella theo-
Because the pumped blood comes directly from retically has advantages over IABP in short-term
the left ventricle, the end-systolic volume and circulation support. Several small clinical trials
pressure of the ventricle are reduced, thereby have also confirmed that Impella is superior to
reducing the work of the heart and reducing myo- IABP in terms of stabilizing hemodynamics and
cardial oxygen consumption. The increase in reducing the incidence of adverse events (Tables
blood flow and pressure and decrease in heart 14.1 and 14.2) [21]. Impella is currently widely
wall tension are conducive for increasing coro- used in Europe and the United States.

a b




Fig. 14.3 Impella left ventricular assist device. (a) (b) modified
Impella installation schematic diagram. (a) modified from Gilotra N, Stevens G. Temporary mechanical circu-
from Balthazar T, Vandenbriele C, Verbrugge H, et  al. latory support: a review of the options, indications, and
Managing Patients With Short-Term Mechanical outcomes. Clin Med Insights Cardiol. 2015 Feb 3;8(Suppl
Circulatory Support JACC Review Topic of the Week. J 1):75–85.
Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 Mar 9;77(9):1243–1256.
212 C. Chen et al.

Fig. 14.4  The influence a cytokines/integrins/ cytokines/integrins/

of cardiac load on the oxidative stress oxidative stress
pathophysiological Severe Myocarditis
process of severe
myocarditis. Cited from
Spillmann F, Van Titin dephosphorylation
Linthout S, Schmidt G, Ca2+ dysregulation
Cardiomyocyte LOADING Myofibroblasts
et al. Mode-of-action of
the PROPELLA concept hypertrophy
in fulminant Chemokines Collagen
myocarditis. Eur Heart production
J. 2019;40(26):2164–
2169. https://doi.
org/10.1093/eurheartj/ Cardiac dysfunction
ehz124 Wall stress

b cytokines/integrins/ cytokines/integrins/
oxidative stress oxidative stress
Severe Myocarditis

Titin dephosphorylation
Ca2+ dysregulation Myofibroblasts
hypertrophy integrins integrins

Cardiac dysfunction
Wall stress

Table 14.1  Comparison of the effects of VA-ECMO, IABP and Impella on cardiac function
Equipment VA-ECMO IABP (2.5; CP; RP)
Flow rat/L·min−1 4–6 0.5–1 2.5–5
Continuous support time (FDA standard) 6 h 9 day 4 day (2.5. CP)
14 day (RP)
Supporting ventricle Left ventricle and Left ventricle Left ventricle/Right
Right ventricle ventricle
Post-load ↑↑↑ ↓ ↓
MAP ↑↑ ↑ ↑
Heart contractility ↑↑ ↑ ↑↑
LVEDP ↔ ↓ ↓↓
PCWP ↓↓ ↓ ↓
Left ventricular preload ↓ — ↓↓
Coronary blood supply — ↑ ↑
Myocardial oxygen consumption ↔ ↓ ↓↓
Note: MAP mean arterial pressure, LVEDP left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 213

Table 14.2  Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of VA-ECMO, IABP and Impella
Equipment VA-ECMO IABP (2.5; CP; RP)
Advantages • Higher cardiac output • Easy to install • More model options
• Complete cardiopulmonary • Higher security
support (Including oxygenation • Few side effects
and CO2 scavenging)
Disadvantages • Higher requirements for • Limited hemodynamic • Highly invasive
equipment support • Compared with IABP,
• Increased afterload • Severe aortic reflux is implantation is
• Vascular complications contraindicated complicated
• Thrombocytopenia may occur • Often accompanied by
• Vascular complications
are common

14.5 Immunomodulatory Therapy IgG molecule, can be divided into two functional
fragments: the F(ab′)2 segment with antigen-
The excessive activation of the immune system binding activity and the Fc segment with immu-
plays an important role in the pathogenesis of ful- nomodulatory function. Both play an important
minant myocarditis. Therefore, immune regula- role in the anti-inflammatory and immune regula-
tion therapy is essential to calm the cytokine tion of IVIG.  The underlying mechanism of the
storm, reduce heart damage, and improve prog- F(ab′)2 segment includes killing target cells
nosis. Current clinical studies on the application through antibody-dependent cell-­mediated cyto-
of different immunomodulatory drugs in fulmi- toxicity, blocking cell-surface interactions medi-
nant myocarditis are limited, and more evidence-­ ated by cell surface receptors such as CD95 and
based medical evidence is required. CD95L, directly neutralizing cytokines and auto-
antibodies, and clearing allergic toxins C3a and
C5a, among other actions. Fc-segment-dependent
14.5.1 Intravenous Gamma Globulin pathways act via the following mechanistic
routes: promoting the proliferation of Treg cells,
Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) refers to blocking the binding of immune complexes to
blood products rich in IgG (≥95%) preparations, low-affinity Fcγ receptors (FcγRs), activating
which are separated from the fresh plasma of dendritic cells through FcγRIII, and regulating the
healthy adults and contain billions of idiotypic expression of activating and inhibitory FcγR on
antibodies in the serum of healthy people. It is immune effector cells and B cells (Fig. 14.5) [23].
widely used in various autoimmune and inflam- The underlying mechanism of IVIG in the
matory diseases [22, 23]. treatment of fulminant myocarditis is as follows.
Animal experiments have shown that IVIG can
effectively reduce inflammatory infiltration in the 1. Direct antiviral mechanisms
mouse heart [24, 25]. A series of case reports Antibodies can directly bind to the surface
showed that IVIG treatment can help improve the protein of the virus outside the cell, block the
left ventricular function in patients with myocar- virus from binding to the cell surface recep-
ditis [26, 27]. IVIG has dual antiviral and anti- tors, invade the host cell, and inhibit the
inflammatory effects. Its main component, the spread of the virus in the body.
214 C. Chen et al.

Fig. 14.5 F(ab′)2-and Ultrafiltration rate rises Increased solute removal

Fc-dependent pathways SCUF CAVH CAVH
of IVIG activity. Cited +Replacement fluid +Blood pump
from Schwab
I. Nimmerjahn - Replacement fluid - Replacement fluid
+ dialysate + dialysate
F. Intravenous
therapy: how does IgG
modulate the immune
+Blood pump
system? Nat Rev
2013;13(3):176–189. +Replacement fluid +Replacement fluid
+Blood pump

2. Regulation of immune system and eliciting an 14.5.2 GCs

anti-inflammatory effect
IVIG can inhibit the proliferation of over-­ GCs are steroid hormones secreted by the adrenal
activated T cells, B cells, and antigen-­ cortex, which play an important role in regulating
presenting cells; reduce the attack of cytotoxic the growth, development, metabolism, and
T cells on cardiomyocytes; promote Treg cell immune function of the body under physiological
activation and exert anti-inflammatory effects; conditions. GCs also have a wide range of effects,
up-regulate the synthesis and release of IL-1 such as anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive,
receptor antagonists TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6, anti-allergic, and anti-shock effects when super-­
as well as other anti-inflammatory factors; physiological doses (pharmacological doses) are
and inhibit the production of pro-­inflammatory used. The effectiveness of GCs in the treatment
factors such as IL-1, IL-6, IFN-γ, and TNF-α. of fulminant cardiomyositis currently lacks the
IVIG can also down-regulate a variety of results of large-scale multicenter clinical studies.
important adhesion molecules such as the However, existing clinical practice suggests that
intercellular adhesion molecule-1, vascular their effectiveness and safety are good.
cell adhesion molecule-1, and chemokines In fulminant myocarditis, the treatment target
such as monocyte chemotactic protein-1 for GC treatment is not a virus. Instead, GCs con-
(MCP-1). The expression of the macrophage trol the over-activated systemic inflammatory
colony stimulating factor and granulocyte-­ response and results in tissue damage. GCs have
macrophage colony stimulating factor inhibits strong anti-inflammatory and immunosuppres-
the proliferation of endothelial cells and che- sive effects, but the underlying mechanism is not
motaxis of inflammatory cells. In summary, fully understood. In the past, it was considered
IVIG regulates the immune system and that GCs play a role through a genomic effect
inflammatory response through multiple mediated by the GC receptor (GR). Liposoluble
routes, thereby reducing cardiomyocyte dam- GCs pass through the cell membrane and com-
age and improving heart function (Fig. 14.6) bine with GRs in the cytoplasm to form a com-
[28–30]. plex and ectopic nucleus. Such a complex
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 215

Fig. 14.6 IVIG’s
regulation of the In continuous venovenous
immune system. Cited hemodiafiltration, solutes and
from Durandy A, Kaveri plasma water are removed
SV, Kuijpers TW, et al. by diffusion, convection,
and ultrafiltration.
understanding properties
Venovenous circuit
and mechanisms. Clin
internal jugular vein
Exp Immunol. 2009;158
subclavian vein
Suppl 1(Suppl 1):2–13. femoral vein

Blood pump
High pressure

Low pressure

Dialysate Effluent replacement

functions through a variety of ways. (1) It directly an immunosuppressive effect. The first two
inhibits the activator protein-1, as well as acti- effects can only occur when the body’s original
vates nuclear factor of activated T cell (NFAT), pro-inflammatory proteins and factors are
nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), signal transducer and degraded; thus, they are relatively slow. Recent
activator of transcription, and other pro-­ studies have shown that non-genomic effects also
inflammatory transcription factors. (2) It com- play an important role in the mechanism of action
bines with the negative GC response element to of GCs. By combining with membrane GR, cyto-
inhibit the transcription of inflammatory molecu- solic GR, or non-specific GR, a GC can affect
lar genes such as IL-1β and IL-2. (3) It combines cell transmembrane current within a few minutes
with the positive GC response element and pro- and inhibit TCR and MAPK signal transduction
motes the transcription of a variety of immuno- pathways, thereby affecting the mobilization of
suppressive genes, such as inhibitory kappa B intracellular Ca2+ ions and exerting an immuno-
(IκB), IL-10, lipocortin-1, and annexin-1 to exert modulatory effect (Fig. 14.7) [31–33].
216 C. Chen et al.

Fig. 14.7  Genomic and nongenomic immunoregulation ing: a nongenomic mechanism for T-cell immunosuppres-
by glucocorticoids. Cited from Löwenberg M, Verhaar AP, sion. Trends Mol Med. 2007;13(4):158–163. https://doi.
van den Brink GR, Hommes DW. Glucocorticoid signal- org/10.1016/j.molmed.2007.02.001
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 217

Fig. 14.8  Regulation of Patient’s body

glucocorticoids on Blood flow direction
immune cells and Waste Replacement
non-immune cells liquid fluid

Plasma separator


Plasma adsorber

The inflammation-inhibiting effect of GC is sion of B cells into plasma cells, thereby

manifested in the following aspects. reducing antibody production and disrupting
humoral immunity. Additionally, GC pro-
1. Regulation of inflammation-related chemical motes the apoptosis of various inflammatory
mediators cells such as monocytes, macrophages, granu-
GC can affect the metabolism of arachi- locytes, and lymphocytes by inducing intra-
donic acid; reduce the production of prosta- cellular DNA degradation, activating caspases
glandins and leukotriene inflammatory and specific endonucleases, and inhibiting the
mediators; and block the production of NO, expression of the adhesion molecules
prostaglandin E2, and related inflammatory (Fig. 14.8) [31, 34, 35].
mediators by inhibiting the expression of GC can also treat fulminant myocarditis by
nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2. enhancing the body’s stress-resistance ability,
Additionally, GC can promote the production improving the body’s tolerance to toxins,
of epoxyeicosatrienoic acid, which is the exerting anti-shock effect, and regulating
product of the CYP epioxidase pathway, to metabolism. It is worth noting that because
resist inflammation and myocardial damage. GC extensively inhibits the body’s defense
2. Regulation of cytokines function, a high-dose use of GC may aggra-
GC can inhibit the expression of TNF-α, vate or further induce infection in viral-­
IL-1, IL-2, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, and other pro-­ induced fulminant myocarditis. Therefore, in
inflammatory factors, while promoting the the treatment of fulminant myocarditis, atten-
expression of NF-κB inhibitory proteins tion should be paid to the timing and dosage
(IκB1), IL -10, IL-12, IL-1RA, and other pro-­ of administration.
inflammatory mediators.
3. Regulation of inflammatory cells
GC can inhibit the phagocytosis and pro- 14.5.3 Cytotoxic Immunosuppressive
cessing of antigens by macrophages; inhibit Drugs
the proliferation of lymphocytes by down-­
regulating the expression of c-myc, c-myb, Currently, immunosuppressive therapies such as
and other cell proliferation-related genes; and cyclosporine and azathioprine are mostly used
block the recruitment of mononuclear macro- for patients diagnosed with autoimmune myocar-
phages induced by activated T lymphocytes. ditis without contraindications, including giant
Large doses of GC can also inhibit the conver- cell myocarditis, cardiac sarcoidosis, and
218 C. Chen et al.

­ yocarditis associated with known extracardiac

m cytotoxic drugs to suppress immunity.
autoimmune diseases [2, 36]. Endocardial biopsy However, cytotoxic immunosuppressive
should be performed to rule out viral infections drugs do not seem to have significant clinical
before using these drugs. effects in clinical practice. Although there are
recent opinions that the prognosis of patients
1. Cyclosporine A (CsA) with giant cell fulminant myocarditis is poor
CsA is a neutral cyclic peptide isolated and the use of immunosuppressive agents
from fungal metabolites. It has a highly selec- may be more beneficial, further research is
tive inhibitory effect on the humoral immu- necessary [38].
nity of thymus-dependent antigens and can
inhibit the production of IL-2 and IL-2-­
dependent T cell proliferation and cytokine 14.5.4 CRRT
production. CsA inhibits the calcineurin’s
catalytic effect on NFAT dephosphorylation CRRT is a general term for the continuous and
after binding to cyclosporin receptor, thereby slow removal of water and solutes using the prin-
inhibiting NFAT from entering the nucleus ciples of ultrafiltration, diffusion, convection, and
and preventing the induction of gene tran- adsorption, and it is also referred to as “artificial
scription. Moreover, CsA can reduce the pro- kidney.” The main components of CRRT include
duction of inflammatory factors in single-needle double vena cava catheters, extra-
macrophages and neutrophils and inhibit the corporeal loops, blood filters, blood pumps, and
expression of cytokines such as IL-1 and anti- outflow pumps [39]. It may also involve the use
apoptotic proteins, thereby suppressing of dialysate and/or replacement fluid pumps.
immunity [37]. Commonly used modes include SCUF, CVVH,
2. Azathioprine CVVHD, and CVVHDF (Fig. 14.9).
Azathioprine is a common anti-­metabolism In the most common CVVH mode, the solutes
purine drug. It is a derivative of and plasma pass through a semi-permeable mem-
6-­mercaptopurine. It inhibits the synthesis of brane with a high ultrafiltration rate.
purine nucleotides by interfering with the link Simultaneously, the replacement fluid penetrates
of purine metabolism, thereby inhibiting the the blood under the action of the replacement
synthesis of cellular DNA, RNA, and pro- pump. The replacement fluid replenishes the fil-
teins, and thus, inhibiting T lymphocytes, B tered water and electrolyte. The replacement
lymphocytes, and NK cells. Simultaneously, fluid can be placed before the semi-permeable
it can inhibit cellular immunity and the membrane (pre-dilute replacement fluid) or
humoral immune response but does not inhibit behind the semi-permeable membrane (post-­
the phagocytic function of macrophages. dilute replacement fluid). In the CVVHD mode,
Owing to the potential risk of virus spread, the solutes and plasma enter the blood filter by
immunosuppressive agents such as cyclospo- permeation or ultrafiltration, and the dialysate
rine and azathioprine are not recommended enters the blood under the action of a controlled
for virus-positive fulminant myocarditis. pump (Fig. 14.10).
In summary, with respect to the histopa- In patients with fulminant myocarditis, the
thology of fulminant myocarditis, a large immune system is overactivated, and cytokines
number of lymphocytes and macrophages are released in large quantities. CRRT can con-
exhibit infiltration and excessive immune tinuously remove excess cytokines, water, and
activation. It is undoubtedly reasonable to use metabolites from the body, thereby maintaining
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 219

Blocking cellular receptors Cytokine, autoantibody


F(a/b)2 dependent


or natural
killer cell

Target cell Anaphylatoxin

Cell depletion scavenging


Plasma cell
Saturating FcRn
Fc dependent

that expands
TReg cells Immune
IVIG dimer
of TReg cells
TReg cells
Modulation of
dendritic cells
Blocking activation

Fig. 14.9  Common CRRT mode and its conversion

the stability of the body’s hemodynamics and the cut-off molecular weight of the dialysis
acid-base balance and reducing secondary membrane and is difficult to remove effectively.
immune damage. Patients with fulminant myo- Moreover, CVVH mainly removes cytokines
carditis often experience kidney damage. The through adsorption, and its removal capacity is
early application of CRRT can effectively stabi- limited by the saturation of the dialysis
lize the hemodynamics of patients with fulmi- membrane.
nant myocarditis, protect heart and kidney A plasma immunosorbent device can also be
function, and improve prognosis. However, placed in the CRRT loop. Immunoadsorption
some studies have shown that CVVH has a lim- (IA) is a new type of blood purification technol-
ited ability to clear some cytokines in plasma, ogy, similar to adding a “purifier” to plasma. IA
such as TNF-α and IL-6 [40, 41]. The molecular technology uses highly specific antigen-antibody
weight of many inflammatory cytokines exceeds reactions or adsorption materials to remove blood
220 C. Chen et al.

Innate immunity Adaptive immunity

DC-mediated T-cell activation
T-cell activation and proliferation
Pro-inflammatory cytokine production
IL-2 production
Anti-inflammatory cytokine production
T-cell apoptosis
DC differentiation
T-cell differentiation
Expression of MHC class II and co-stimulatory molecules
Expression of CD1d
NK-mediated ADCC
Expression of activating Fc RS T cell

Induce changes in NK-cell trafficking from blood to tissue Treg cell
NK-cell activation
Cytokine production and degranulation FoxP3+
Anti-tumour activity
Expansion of Treg cells
Suppressive function of Treg cells

Expression of inhibitory Fc RIIB
Blockade of activating Fc Rs
Macrophage activation
Production of proinflammatory cytokines B-cell apoptosis
Production of IL1-Ra Inhibitory Fc RIIB
Expression of activating Fc RS Neutralization of B-cell survival factors
B cell Blockade of activating Fc R
Expression of IFN- R2 Granulocytes
B-cell proliferation
Regulation of antibody production

Neutrophil death via Siglec

Neutrophil activation by IgG monomers blocking Fc Rs
Neutrophil activation by IgG dimers binding Fc Rs or by ANCA
Neutrophil adhesion to endothelium

IgG in IVIg preparations Cytotoxic granules Activating Fc R Antigen

B-cell receptors on B cells Unidentified sialic-acid-specific Inhibitory Fc R


Fig. 14.10  The main component of the CRRT loop

related to immune-related pathogenic factors and SPA is currently the most widely used immu-
then returns the purified blood to the patient’s noadsorbent. It is a protein component of the cell
body, thereby purifying the blood and alleviating wall of certain Staphylococcus aureus strains.
the illness. Compared with CRRT, IA is not The binding rate of the active part of the amino
restricted by membrane permeability and dialysis terminal of SPA to IgG was approximately 95%.
membrane saturation and can completely remove The carboxyl end of SPA is a non-­immunoglobulin
pathogenic cytokines in patients with fulminant binding region, which can be covalently cross-­
myocarditis. Moreover, there is almost no loss of linked to various scaffold structures such as bead
beneficial components in the patient’s body, and agarose and silica gel. Its combination is stable to
theoretically, it has more advantages than changes in temperature, pH, and denaturant, and
CRRT. Common clinical IA technologies include it is not easy to lose [42]. SPA has a good effect
staphylococcal protein A IA column, CytoSorb on alleviating some active immune diseases and
(CS) and other cytokine adsorption columns, and has been applied in various immune-related
coupled plasma filtration adsorption (CPFA). diseases.
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 221


Plasma membrane

Cytoplasm Specific mGR
Nonspecific GC
dependent effects
Specific cGR
GC GC dependent effects
- Transmembrane currents
- Phosphorylation events
- Calcium levels


(a) (b) (c)

GR—TF interaction GR—nGRE GR—pGRE
interaction interaction

[Transrepression] [Transactivation]

Slow Medium slow Rapid

Genomic GC effects Nongenomic GC effects

Fig. 14.11  CytoSorb loop. CytoSorb Independent treatment (a); Pre-dialyzer mode (b); Post-dialyzer mode (c)

The CS cytokine adsorption column is com- CCL2/MCP1 [47]. Similar to CS, there are
posed of polystyrene-divinylbenzene polymer adsorption columns, such as oXiris and
beads with good biocompatibility, high porosity, Toraymyxin. Their working principles are simi-
and polyvinylpyrrolidine coating. Compared lar, except for differences in the removal efficien-
with the existing dialyzer, its large surface area cies of cytokines and endotoxins.
has a stronger removal ability. It mainly uses pore CPFA is also referred to as “continuous
capture and surface adsorption to remove sub- plasma filtration adsorption,” which combines
stances from blood. It can be used as an indepen- technologies including plasma separation, plasma
dent treatment method or combined with an adsorption, and CRRT and is often used in the
extracorporeal tube (Fig. 14.11) [43]. The safety treatment of sepsis. The plasma is separated from
and effectiveness of CS have been proven in the whole blood using a plasma separator, and the
treatment of septic shock with severe immune adsorbed plasma is mixed with blood cells and
imbalance [44–46]. Studies have shown that for then subjected to continuous hemofiltration and/
patients with cytokine release syndrome caused or hemodialysis. The adsorbents are mostly res-
by CAR-T treatment, CS treatment can effec- ins, which are mainly used clinically to remove
tively reduce the levels of multiple cytokines inflammatory mediators, such as small molecule
such as IFN-γ, IFN-α, IL-1, IL-2, IL-5, and toxins and cytokines (Fig. 14.12).
222 C. Chen et al.


Inhibit macrophage phagocytosis and antigen

Inhibit the release of arachidonic acid and the
synthesis of its metabolites
Lymphocytes prostaglandins and leukotrienes
lnhibit the synthesis of IL-1, IL-6. TNF- and
other cytokines Endothelial cells

Inhibit endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule-1

(ELAM-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule
Inhibit the release of arachidonic acid and the
Glucoconicoid synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes
lnhibit T cell proliferation and T cell dependent Inhibit the synthesis of IL-1, IL.6, TNF- and other
immune function cytokines
lnhibit the production of IL-1, IL-2, IL-3. IL-6,
TNF- , IFN- , GM-CSF and other cytokines
Promote lymphocyte lysis and apoptosis

lnhibit arachidonic acid metabolism

Inhibit histamine and leukotriene C4 synthesis

Fig. 14.12  CPFA schematic diagram

influenza virus is not an effective treatment.

14.6 Antiviral Treatment However, studies have shown that myocardial
cells may release NA and N-acetylneuraminic
Presently, the most common cause of fulminant acid during myocardial injury, which may cause
myocarditis is viral infections, such as coxsackie changes in the sialylation of a variety of proteins,
virus B3 and human parvovirus B19. Therefore, thereby affecting cardiac function. Therefore,
antiviral drugs may have therapeutic effects. In oseltamivir may reduce myocardial damage
theory, all patients with viral fulminant myocar- while suppressing the virus [48].
ditis should undergo combined antiviral therapy Ganciclovir is a derivative of acyclovir and a
early in the pathogenesis; however, there is cur- common antiviral drug. It is phosphorylated by
rently no approved antiviral therapy for enterovi- specific thymidine kinase encoded by HSV and
rus and parvovirus infections. Drugs commonly other viral genes in the cell to generate the tri-
used clinically for antiviral treatment of fulmi- phosphate type, which can inhibit the DNA poly-
nant myocarditis include oseltamivir and merases of herpes virus and cytomegalovirus and
ganciclovir. can incorporate it into viral DNA to inhibit viral
Oseltamivir is a prodrug of neuraminidase DNA synthesis.
(NA) inhibitors, and its active metabolite is a Because the myocardial damage caused by the
potent and selective NA inhibitor of influenza A virus invading the body is common in the early
and B viruses. Its main antiviral mechanism is to course of fulminant myocarditis, antiviral treat-
inhibit viral NA and block the release of newly ment should be implemented as soon as
formed virus particles from infected cells possible.
(Fig.  14.13). However, the cause of fulminant Fulminant myocarditis is dangerous and has a
myocarditis in most patients is not influenza virus high mortality rate. The “Consensus of Chinese
infection, and the mechanism of action against Experts on the Diagnosis and Treatment of
14  Novel Conceptions in Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis 223

glycoprotein Neu5Ac
Neuraminidase Neuraminidase
protein release


a d

b c

A adheres, enters the cell d release

Fig. 14.13  Underlying mechanism of neuraminidase inhibitors

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Treatments of Fulminant
Myocarditis in Acute Phase 15
Jiangang Jiang and Dao Wen Wang

Fulminant myocarditis usually has a sudden maker implantation, ventilator-assisted breath-

onset, rapidly progresses, and has a high mortal- ing, etc. are used if necessary. Taking these
ity rate in the early phase, and the long-term comprehensive measures is aimed at stabilizing
prognosis of fulminant myocarditis patients is vital signs, reducing the work load of the heart as
relatively good once the patients have survived much as possible, lessening the frequency of
the dangerous period after proper initial treat- complications to enable survival during the acute
ment [1]. Therefore, attention should be paid to phase, and ultimately preventing the transforma-
early diagnosis and the timely treatment of fulmi- tion into dilated myocardium disease in the
nant myocarditis, and various possible measures chronic phase.
should be taken to save the patient’s life. In the The high mortality and morbidity of fulminant
acute phase, active comprehensive treatment myocarditis are related to its rapid progression,
methods should be adopted as soon as possible. which usually leads to acute heart failure, malig-
General treatments (such as strict bed rest; nutri- nant arrhythmias and cardiogenic shock compli-
tional support) and standard pharmacological cated by dysfunction of hepatic, renal or
therapy (including neutralizing the myocardium, hematologic systems in some patients. The prog-
reducing heart load, protecting functions of the nosis following the traditional treatment regimen
stomach, the kidney, the liver, and the brain) is based on vasoactive drugs such as noradrenaline,
required. In addition, and most importantly, treat- dopamine and dobutamine is extremely poor.
ment during the acute phase also includes immu- Therefore, none of these drugs is an ideal treat-
nomodulation therapy using sufficient doses of ment option for patients with fulminant myocar-
glucocorticoids and of immunoglobulin, and ditis. Based on the in-depth understanding and
mechanical circulatory support using intra-aortic research findings of the pathogenesis and patho-
balloon counter pulsation (IABP) and if neces- physiology of fulminant myocarditis and of our
sary, addition of extracorporeal membrane oxy- clinical experiments, it is particularly important
genation (ECMO). Other symptomatic and to actively use life support devices along with
supportive treatments, such as temporary pace- effective pharmacological treatment aimed at the
cause in the early phase of fulminant myocardi-
tis. Therefore, we have proposed a “Life-support
J. Jiang · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal based comprehensive treatment regimen” [2, 3].
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and Based on the pathogenesis and characteristics of
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, fulminant myocarditis and its curability, the regi-
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong men emphasizes the importance and necessity of
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: mechanical life support devices for circulatory

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 227
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
228 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

support and immunomodulation for therapy of Third, injured myocardium releases a large
the causes, including severe myocardial inflam- number of neuraminidases, which cleave
mation and systemic cytokine storm, and reflects N-acetylneuraminic acid (NANA) of cell sur-
the comprehensive application of multiple treat- face glycoprotein and induce further cardiac
ment methods. injury [4]. Application of neuraminidase
inhibitors will help reduce myocardial injury.
3. Implementation of treatments
15.1 Treatment in Acute Phase: Mechanical circulatory support treatment:
Core Treatments Effective modes of mechanical life support
treatment, especially those that provide
1. Principles of treatment mechanical circulatory support, are extremely
First, mechanical life support should be important for the treatment of fulminant myo-
used to maintain hemodynamic stability and carditis and should be considered top priority
vital signs to allow the severely injured heart in the clinical management strategy. Because
to rest rather than the administration of vaso- the myocardium of patients with fulminant
active and inotropic drugs forcing the heart to myocarditis is extensively and severely dam-
work hard; aged, the pump function is severely impaired,
Second, immunomodulation therapy rather resulting in hypotension, cardiogenic shock,
than immunosuppression should be applied to and potentially fatal arrhythmia, complicated
treat severe myocardial inflammation and with pulmonary congestion and pulmonary
oedema, and inflammatory storm induced by inflammatory damage. Hence, it is difficult to
overactive immune responses; maintain basic arterial blood pressure and sat-
Third, neuraminidase inhibitors should be isfy the blood and oxygen requirements of the
administered to reduce cardiac desialylation whole body. In the past, due to the lack of a
and to help reduce myocardium damage. correct understanding of the pathophysiology
The core treatment is a life-support based of fulminant myocarditis, traditional modes of
comprehensive treatment regimen [2]. treatment were symptomatic and were similar
2. Methods of treatment: to dealing with shock due to other causes,
First, substantial circulation should be such as use of cardiotonic treatment, volume
maintained actively using mechanical circula- expansion and vasoactive drugs (especially
tory support techniques including intra-aortic the use of norepinephrine, pituitrin, etc.). The
balloon counter-pulsation (IABP), extra cor- new cardiotonic drug levosimendan (myocar-
poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) or dial calcium sensitizer) is widely used in
Impella, and if necessary, a respirator should patients with fulminant myocarditis in
be used to reduce oxygen consumption and Western countries such as in the United States
cardiac workload because of respiratory and Germany [5]. These agents undoubtedly
stress. Vasoactive drugs should be avoided, increase the load on the heart and make the
especially norepinephrine, to maintain blood situation of the already severely damaged
pressure. Thus, it is important to allow the heart even worse as the critically ill patient is
severely injured heart to get some rest. faced with an extra burden when he/she is at
Second, immunomodulation therapy the end of the tether. On the other hand, per-
should be actively administered to the patients, sistent large doses of norepinephrine will fur-
including substantial doses of glucocorticoids ther decrease organ perfusion, and exacerbate
and substantial doses of intravenous immuno- organ injury and augment hypoxia. Although
globin G (IVIG), to treat severe myocardial blood pressure can be maintained for a short
inflammation, oedema, injury, and severe car- period of time, the cardiovascular system can-
diogenic shock and to inhibit overactive not sustain effective functionality in the long
immune reaction and cytokine storm. run. According to our experience, long-term
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 229

usage of large doses of vasoactive agents A balloon catheter is inserted from the
(such as norepinephrine or pituitrin) will lead arterial system to the descending aorta below
to hepatic necrosis, renal injury and dissemi- the opening of the left subclavian artery and
nated intravascular coagulation (DIC) that can above the opening of the renal artery, and the
be difficult to reverse. The inotropes dopa- size of balloon for an adult is about
mine and dobutamine are likely to cause 30~50  mL.  The balloon is continuously and
arrhythmia including a variety of tachyar- rhythmically inflated and deflated during the
rhythmias. The correct treatment should be to diastolic period of the cardiac cycle to reduce
reduce the workload of the heart as much as the burden on the heart. When the balloon is
possible and allow it to rest. This principle of inflated quickly during the diastolic phase, it
optimal therapy is to maintain basic breathing occupies the dilated lumen of the aorta to
and circulation through mechanical life sup- increase the diastolic pressure by enhancing
port devices, so that the heart can fully the recoil of the elastic tissue in the tunica
recover, and at the same time its function can media, so that an increase the circulatory per-
be restored with comprehensive systemic fusion of important organs such as heart, kid-
treatment. According to research by Carsten ney and brain, as well as peripheral organs
et al. [6], mechanical circulatory support can results; when the balloon is deflated immedi-
reduce cardiac inflammation. This is not dif- ately before systole, the pressure in the aorta
ficult to infer because stress and sympathetic decreases, reducing the afterload and the work
stimulation can promote inflammation via performed by the heart when it is contracting,
IL-18 [7]. Cardiotonic drugs or catechol- increasing the stroke volume, the forward
amines, especially norepinephrine is the only blood flow, and perfusion of the entire body.
alternative, and only used for a short time In fulminant myocarditis patients with unsta-
when the brain is still obviously hypoperfused ble hemodynamics, the application of IABP
after other drugs have failed and mechanical can reduce the usage and dosage of vasoactive
life support treatment is unavailable. drugs to help patients pass through the acute
Therefore, a “life-support based comprehen- phase. Clinical experience from our group
sive treatment regimen” is specially proposed. and others abroad has proven that IABP has
Life support treatment includes respiratory obvious adjuvant therapy effect on severe
support (using a ventilator), circulatory sup- myocardial injury in treating fulminant myo-
port (including intra-aortic balloon counter-­ carditis, and systolic blood pressure is usually
pulsation (IABP) and extracorporeal elevated by 20–25  mmHg with reduction in
membrane oxygenation (ECMO)) and blood heart rate of about 10 beats per minute. Once
purification treatment. patients with fulminant myocarditis display
cardiogenic shock, hypotension, and other
signs of hemodynamic instability such as the
15.2 Mechanical Circulation need for vasoactive drugs to maintain blood
Support pressure or to alleviate elevation of heart rate,
the implantation of IABP should be initiated
The currently available clinical circulation sup- immediately rather than administration of
port system includes IABP, ECMO, Impella and vasoactive drugs [8, 9]. If IABP is not suffi-
other left ventricular assist devices. IABP and cient to support an adequate circulation,
ECMO are commonly used due to their quick and ECMO should be added promptly, that is, the
easy implementation and have a much higher combined application of both IABP and
efficiency:cost ratio. ECMO [10]. ECMO can decrease preload but
increase afterload, while IABP can decrease
1. Intra-aortic balloon pump or intra-aortic bal- afterload. Hence, the combined application of
loon counter-pulsation (IABP): IABP and ECMO can minimize their
230 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

r­espective shortcomings and maximize their cardiac afterload and improve left ventricular
auxiliary effects, and can meet the patient’s ejection function (LVEF). The balloon can be
demand for cardiorespiratory support treat- programmed to inflate and deflate once in
ment [11, 12]. Intra-aortic balloon counter- each cardiac cycle (1:1 mode) or once every
pulsation (IABP) is composed of a cylindrical two cardiac cycles (1:2 mode) based on heart
balloon fixed to a catheter and placed in the rate (Fig.  15.1). The size of the balloon can
thoracic aorta. The proximal end of the cath- also be adjusted according to the amount of
eter is located at the end of the left subclavian gas entering the balloon. One of several dif-
artery, and the distal end is located above the ferent models of IABP is selected by the phy-
renal artery. The balloon inflates when the sician according to the patient’s height and
heart relaxes and deflates when the heart con- weight (Table 15.1).
tracts. This results in a double hemodynamic Diagnostic criteria for cardiogenic shock:
effect: the diastolic inflation driving the blood (1) Heart index < 2L/(min·m2); (2) Mean arte-
flow forward, and increasing the diastolic rial pressure (MAP)  <  60  mmHg or systolic
blood pressure and coronary perfusion. The blood pressure <90  mmHg or reduction in
balloon is deflated before the heart contracts systolic blood pressure of over 20  mmHg
to reduce the systolic pressure by reducing from the baseline level; (3) Left atrial pressure

Fig. 15.1  Illustration of A = a complete cardiac cycle

B = end-diastolic pressure without IAPB
working mechanism of C = systolic pressure without IABP
IABP (upper panel). D = increased diastolis pressure by IABP
Lower panel is a E = lowered end-diastolic pressure by IABP
120 C F = reduced systolic pressure by IABP
schematic diagram of
IABP working in cardiac F
systole and diastole,




Systole Diastole
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 231

Table 15.1  Selection of the sizes for counter-pulsation balloon and catheter/sheath based on patient height
Specs Sensation plus Sensation Sensation plus Sensation
Balloon size 40 mL 34 mL 50 mL 40 mL
Patient height 152–162 cm 152–162 cm ≥162 cm 162–183 cm
Catheter/sheath size 7.5 Fr 7 Fr 8 Fr 7 Fr
Balloon diameter 16 mm 15 mm 17.4 mm 15 mm
Balloon length 229 mm 221 mm 258 mm 258 mm
Guidewire 0.63 mm 0.45/0.63 mm 0.63 mm 0.45/0.63 mm
Inner lumen 0.69 mm 0.51 mm 0.69 mm 0.51 mm

(LAP) or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure tolic blood pressure  >  100  mmHg,
(PCWP) > 20 mmHg; (4) Urine volume < 20 MAP  >  80  mmHg; (4) PCWP  <  18  mmHg;
mL/h for an adult, cold periphery, cyanosis, (5) Urine volume > 1 mL/kg·h; (6) conscious
and weak peripheral circulation; (5) Heart rate state and good peripheral circulation, and a
of over 100 per minute or the need to use dose of dopamine of less than 5 μg/kg·min.
dopamine or even norepinephrine or (6) The contraindications for IABP are: (1) co-­
Physician’s opinion that the heart is hypody- existence of aortic dissection, aortic aneu-
namic and requires mechanical assistance. rysm, or aortic sinus aneurysm; (2) aortic
The above criteria are defined in the litera- regurgitation, especially moderate or severe;
ture including in textbooks. Undoubtedly (3) severe aortic-iliac artery disease; (4) coag-
IABP should be implanted when these criteria ulation dysfunction; (5) other conditions such
are met. However, in the treatment of fulmi- as severe anemia, acute cerebral hemorrhage,
nant myocarditis, it is not necessary to use etc. Complications of IABP include: acral
IABP unless all these criteria are met. We ischemia (5–47%), thrombosis or embolism
emphasize early usage of mechanical circula- (1–7%) [15]. Other complications such as
tory support. When the patient has the above-­ arterial perforation, bleeding, infection, aortic
mentioned conditions or a state of hypotension dissection, thrombocytopenia, etc. are also
or shock, IABP should be implanted as early common. Thromboembolism caused by IABP
as possible. Our experience has demonstrated is usually attributed to the following mecha-
that the use of IABP can increase the systolic nisms: vortex formation in the arterial lumen
blood pressure by more than 20 mmHg, per- leading to platelet aggregation driven by the
mitting significant reduction of the dosage of centrifugal effect of the vortex; balloon flap-
vasoactive drugs required, and lowering the ping causing atherosclerotic plaque fragmen-
increased heart rate. Most clinical observa- tation and shedding. The balloon can
tions in China proved that the earlier the treat- precipitate terminal thrombosis and
ment is started, the greater the benefit derived ­dislodgment of emboli. Some patients have a
by patients with the above-mentioned indica- hypercoagulable state. Therefore, prophylac-
tions. More than 70% of patients with fulmi- tic anticoagulants should be administered to
nant myocarditis are able to maintain an patients receiving IABP. The common antico-
effective circulation after IABP application in agulation measures taken in China include:
the timescale that we suggest [13, 14]. heparin 0.5–1  mg/kg intravenously every
Therefore, we advocate starting this treatment 6–8 h; monitoring of ACT every 2 h to main-
as early as possible. tain ACT time > 180 s; or monitoring APTT to
For patients with fulminant myocarditis, maintain 1.5–2 times to its normal state; infu-
the indications for weaning the patient off sion of 100 mg heparin diluted in 50 mL nor-
IABP are as follows: (1) stable hemodynam- mal saline at a rate of 2–4 mL/h uniformly and
ics; (2) heart index  >  2.5 L/min·m2; (3) sys- slowly with a micro pump, with the same
232 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

monitoring indicators as above. No extra ditis patients (about 20–25% of the total
monitoring is needed when low molecular admitted patients) who are unstable and
weight heparin b.d. is used. Low molecular whose circulation is sub-optimal even after
weight dextran is used at a rate of 1–20  mL IABP implantation, supplementation with
per hour. ECMO can result in reversion to stable
IABP pipeline flushing: diluting 12,500 U hemodynamics.
heparin in 500 mL normal saline, flushing the ECMO originated in the 1970s. The main
pipeline with 5 mL of it each time every hour, design idea is to replace the open oxygenation
and totally flushing the pipeline with about method in conventional cardiopulmonary
200–250 mL in 24 h to infuse 3000–5000 U bypass with closed membrane oxygenation to
heparin. If IABP is implanted before or during overcome the shortcomings of conventional
intervention, intravenous heparin should be open cardiopulmonary bypass such as com-
continued after intervention to maintain acti- plexity of equipment, high rate of complica-
vated clotting time (ACT) at 250–300 s. Low tions, heavy bleeding, and limited bypass
molecular weight heparin should not be used duration. After decades of continuous
because of significantly increased incidence improvement, ECMO has gradually become a
of embolism and ischemic events. If clotting portable extracorporeal mechanical assist
factor IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists are used, device that is simple and convenient to oper-
intravenous heparin should not be used for ate at the bedside, requiring no surgical inter-
anticoagulation considering the elevated risk vention, and providing longer-term life
of bleeding. If IABP implantation is needed support. ECMO is mainly composed of three
for a long time, heparin should be added to parts: (1) the piping system that draws blood
extend the activated partial thromboplastin from the body and returns it to the body; (2)
time (APTT) to 50–70  s after discontinuing the power pump (artificial heart) that keeps
the IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist. the blood flowing fast; (3) the closed mem-

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation brane oxygenator that subjects the blood to
(ECMO) gas exchange (membrane lung). Other auxil-
ECMO is usually used in combination with iary devices include constant temperature
IABP. It can help the severely injured and fail- water tanks, oxygen supply pipelines, and
ing heart to rest as well as aid pulmonary various monitoring systems.
function, and save time for treatment and The treatment of fulminant myocarditis by
functional recovery of myocardial inflamma- ECMO has been supported by a large amount
tion and shock. Because patients with fulmi- of clinical data [12, 16]. The median number
nant myocarditis are in a more serious state of ECMO treatment days is reported to be
than those with common myocarditis, the 5–9, and the survival and discharge rate is
shock and pump failure may become worse in 55–66% [12, 17]. A meta-analysis showed
just a few hours. ECMO should be applied that the survival rate of patients with fulmi-
immediately when IABP is insufficient to nant myocarditis receiving circulatory sup-
maintain the basic circulation and shock is port, especially ECMO, was significantly
refractory to treatment. Critically ill patients, higher than those treated by other means
such as those with cardiogenic shock, heart (Table 15.2) [18, 19].
index less than 2.0 L/min·m2, and blood lac- Although ECMO can provide sufficient
tate greater than 2 mmol/L, can benefit greatly circulatory support to severe cardiogenic
from ECMO treatment. For such patients, shock patients, its complications should also
ECMO treatment should be used actively and be borne in mind. Complications such as
as soon as possible, and it can save the lives of extremity ischemia, intracranial hemorrhage,
these critically ill patients. Our experience thromboembolism, infection of ECMO tube
demonstrated that in some fulminant myocar- and long-term depression are all possible dur-
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 233

Table 15.2  Analysis of clinical outcome of adult fulminant myocarditis

Number of Survival
Author, year cases Pathogen Myocardium infiltration Treatment rate (%)
Saji 2012 64 Virus Lymphocyte, Eosinophil IVIG, GC, 52
Ning 2013 5 – – ECMO 80
Ukimura 2013 29 Influenza virus A – MCS 72
Polito 2015 6 – – MCS 67
Lin 2016 18 – – ECMO 78
Okada 2016 8 1 patient of mumps virus – ECMO 63
and 7 patients with
undefined pathogen
Vigneswar 2016 11 Parvovirus B19 Lymphocyte IVIG 54
AN 2016 43 – ECMO
Inaba 2017 42 – 85
Chin 2018 13 Tsutsugamushi Disease – GC 84.50
Hekimian 2018 4 Influenza B Virus ECMO 100
Liao 2018 33 ECMO 79
Ammirati 2019 165 Virus Lymphocyte, eosinophil, IVIG, GC, 72
macrophage MCS
IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin, MCS mechanical circulation support, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
ation, GC glucocorticoid

ing ECMO implementation. Besides careful regimen” is to use both sufficient doses of gluco-
monitoring of coagulation function to avoid corticoids and adequate doses of immunoglobu-
thromboembolism or bleeding, it is important lin to modulate the pathophysiology of excessive
to make a thorough and comprehensive nurs- immune activation and inflammation storm. In
ing plan for patients receiving ECMO treat- theory, it can block the pathogenesis, relieve
ment [20, 21]. shock, and reduce symptoms, preserve the myo-
cardium, and improve prognosis. Although there
is a shortage of large-scale multi-center clinical
15.3 Immunomodulation Therapy trials, the existing evidence from our multicenter
work suggests its effectiveness and safety. We do
The pathophysiological mechanism of myocar- not suggest “immunosuppressive” treatment with
dial injury in the development of fulminant myo- cytotoxic drugs as used in western countries.
carditis includes direct damage to the myocardium
by viruses or other pathogens or allergens in the 1. Sufficient dose of glucocorticoids.
early stage, and excessive immune activation We suggest intravenous infusion of 200–
triggered by the infiltration of a large number of 500 mg methylprednisolone daily in the first
inflammatory cells, including neutrophils, mono- few days, and close observation of changes in
cytes/macrophages, and lymphocytes. These the patient’s condition, especially changes in
inflammatory cells themselves and local tissue circulatory status and cardiac function. In our
cells release large quantities of cytokines, inflam- patients LVEF reached a minimal level but
matory mediators and antibodies including auto- then rebounded after 3–5 days of treatment.
antibodies, leading to myocardial damage, The dosage can be gradually reduced after the
necrosis, inflammatory exudation, edema, inhibi- obvious improvement, and glucocorticoid
tion of myocardial function and shock (discussed should be maintained for 2 weeks.
in detail in Chap. 4). An important part of our Why is sufficient dosage of glucocorticoid
“Life-support based comprehensive treatment vitally important in treatment of fulminant
234 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

myocarditis? The basis of using glucocorti- patient has obvious symptoms, he or she may
coid entails several key points: First, the already enter the second stage, namely the
pathophysiological basis of fulminant myo- cytokine storm and overactive immune
carditis is an overactive immune system and response stage. Therefore, for severely ill
formation of cytokine storm. From pathologi- patients, early use of glucocorticoids in suffi-
cal examination of endomyocardial biopsy ciently high doses is recommended. Concern
samples, massive lymphocyte and macro- regarding enhancement of virus replication is
phage infiltration can be observed. Hence, not warranted. An initial bolus of 10–20  mg
applying glucocorticoids can inhibit activated dexamethasone intravenously can be given,
lymphocytes and decrease production of anti- followed immediately with methylpredniso-
bodies to suppress antigen-antibody reaction. lone by intravenous infusion to induce an
Second, glucocorticoids exert anti-­ expedient response.
inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Third, A previous Cochrane meta-analysis sum-
they also alleviate shock. Fourth, because marized 4 effective clinical trials using gluco-
obvious oedema of the myocardium is evident corticoids for the treatment of viral
in fulminant myocarditis, glucocorticoid myocarditis involving 719 cases [23, 24]. The
treatment is useful to reduce inflammatory results showed that although there was no sig-
exudates and alleviate oedema. Fifth, gluco- nificant difference in mortality between the
corticoids can upregulate the expression as treatment group and the control group, the
well as the activity of nitrite oxide synthase LVEF of the treatment group was significantly
(NOS) in cardiomyocytes and in the endothe- higher than that of the control group during
lium, thereby maintaining the viability of the 1–3-month follow-up period (Table 15.3).
myocardium [22]. Sixth, our recent work It is worth noting that glucocorticoid treat-
demonstrated great alteration of arachidonic ment did not cause increased virus replication
acid metabolism under septic shock, which or exacerbation of disease. Therefore, the
results in significantly decreased production safety of glucocorticoid treatment can be con-
of eicosatrienoic acids (EETs). In addition, firmed at least in our practice [3, 25]. There
glucocorticoids can modulate the metabolism are no large-scale clinical studies on the use of
of arachidonic acid and preserve the level of glucocorticoids in fulminant myocarditis and
EETs to enhance the production of interferon only a few cases have been reported. In 2016,
and bring about immunomodulation effects. Bjelakovic et  al. reported two cases of suc-
The concern regarding promotion of virus cessful treatment of high-dose methylpred-
replication by glucocorticoids is a fallacy. nisolone in children with fulminant
First, under the emergency posed by cardio- myocarditis [26]. Both children suffered car-
genic shock, the overriding problem is risk of diogenic shock, metabolic acidosis, hypox-
death. The primary aim is to save life. Besides, emia and hyperlactic acidemia, requiring high
although viral infection is the trigger of dis- doses of dopamine and dobutamine, but their
ease, when the myocardium is already condition continued to worsen. After the
severely damaged, the subsequent cytokine application of high-dose methylprednisolone
storm is the principal life-threatening factor 10  mg/kg·h, the condition improved signifi-
rather than viral infection [22]. Theoretically, cantly. Blood pressure and oxygen saturation
glucocorticoids should be used in the second returned to normal 10  h after treatment, and
stage of viral myocarditis, that is, the immune-­ left ventricular function completely returned
mediated damage stage, and should be to normal within 2 weeks. Our multi-center
avoided in the first stage, namely the virus studies have also shown that the efficacy of
replication and viral damage stage, because glucocorticoids in sufficient doses is definite,
glucocorticoids may lead to increased virus and further experimental studies have found
replication. However, for fulminant myocar- that glucocorticoid treatment in fulminant
ditis, the first stage is quite short. When the myocarditis did not continuously increase
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 235

Table 15.3  Meta-analysis of clinical randomized con- 70

trolled trials of administration of glucocorticoid in
myocarditis 60
Protocol design Main endpoint Outcome
Randomized Changes in There was 50
controlled trial of LVEF and improvement
102 patients with LVDD at 3 of 4.3 ± 1.5% 40

idiopathic dilated months in LVEF in
cardiomyopathy prednisolone 30
(prednisolone vs. group
placebo) (P < 0.054)
Randomized Change in No significant
controlled trial of LVEF after 28 changes
111 patients with weeks
(prednisolone vs. 0
placebo) On admission At discharge
Randomized Rate of death, No significant
controlled trial of heart changes Fig. 15.2  Comparison of left ventricular ejection frac-
84 patients with transplantation tion of patients at admission (21.7 ± 7.5%) and discharge
inflammatory or readmission (50.3 ± 8.6%), P = 0.005
dilated at 2 years
(prednisolone vs. inhibit excessive activation of cellular immu-
placebo) nity, reduce the attack launched by cytotoxic
Randomized Change in Significant
T cells on cardiomyocytes, prevent cytokine
controlled trial of LVEF after 6 elevation of
84 patients with months LVEF in production and inhibit the formation of
inflammatory and prednisolone inflammatory storms, thereby reducing the
virus-negative group myocardial damage and improving left ven-
dilated compared
tricular function, ultimately reducing the
cardiomyopathy with placebo
(prednisolone vs. group occurrence of malignant arrhythmias and
placebo) death [27].
Although there is still a lack of large-­
sample prospective randomized controlled
virus replication; on the contrary, it even clinical studies, some small-sample studies
inhibited its replication [3]. The mechanism have confirmed that IVIG has a favorable
may be related to the activation of arachidonic therapeutic effect in fulminant myocarditis.
acid metabolism to produce epoxyeicosatrie- An early observational study [28] in the
noic acids (EETs), which can promote inter- United States of six patients with fulminant
feron production. myocarditis with LVEF  <  30% treated with
2. Sufficient dose of immunoglobulin (IVIG) high-dose of IVIG showed that LVEF
We recommend intravenous infusion increased from 21.7 ± 7.5% before treatment
20–40 g per day for 3–4 days, then 10–20 g to 50.3  ±  8.6% after treatment (P  =  0.005).
per day for 5–7 days or longer for adults. After an average follow-up of 13.2 months,
Immunoglobulin can not only neutralize the LVEF was still maintained at 53 ± 6%, and
pathogens such as viruses, but more impor- no patient required rehospitalization during
tantly, it is an immunomodulator and anti-­ the follow-up period (Fig. 15.2).
inflammatory agent. Immunoglobulin can The results of a controlled study [29] of 21
bind to Fcγ receptors, regulate the functions children with acute myocarditis who were
of antigen-presenting cells (dendritic cells) treated with high-dose IVIG (2 g/kg, injected
and T helper cells, reduce the number of cyto- within 24  h) showed that compared with 26
toxic M1 macrophages and promote the num- cases in the control group, there was a signifi-
ber of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages, cant improvement of the left ventricular end
236 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

a 70
1.0 with IVIG IVIG
without IVIG Control
p = 0.06

0.6 p <.001


LVEF (%)
p = NS

0.2 50

70 3 6 9 12
Time (month) 40

Fig. 15.3  Analysis left ventricular function of patients

receiving and not receiving immunoglobulin

Baseline After 4 week

diastolic diameter (LVEDD) in the treatment
b treatment
group during follow-up (P = 0.008 from 3 to 6 00.00 IVIG
months; P = 0.072 from 6 to 12 months). Left Control
ventricular function improved significantly 50.00
after 6 months (Fig. 15.3).
A recent clinical multicenter controlled 40.00
LVDD (mm)

study of 41 patients with acute myocarditis in

Japan [30] showed that high-dose IVIG (1–2 g/ 30.00
kg body weight/day, applied for 2 days) can
significantly improve the patients’ survival 20.00
curve (P < 0.01), The first month mortality rate
had a downward trend (20.0% in the treatment 10.00
group vs. 34.6% in the control group), and the
inflammatory mediators in the peripheral 0.00
Baseline After 4 week
blood such as TNF and IL-6 were significantly treatment
lower in the treatment group (P < 0.01). A ret-
rospective study of 58 children with fulminant Fig. 15.4  Tendency of the differences in left ventricular
myocarditis in Guangdong23 showed that ejection fraction (a) and left ventricular diastolic diameter
(b) at baseline and after 4 weeks of immunoglobulin treat-
patients treated with IVIG 400  mg/kg body ment. LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction, LVDD left
weight/day for 5 days showed significantly ventricular diastolic diameter
improved LVEF and end-diastolic diameter
compared with the control group (without ous. It is worth noting that 33% of patients in
IVIG) after 4 weeks (P values were 0.011 and the treatment group received IABP treatment
0.048, respectively) (Fig. 15.4). The incidence due to heart failure/cardiogenic shock, while
of ventricular tachycardia and ventricular only 16% in the non-IVIG treatment group,
fibrillation was significantly reduced after suggesting that patients in the treatment group
IVIG treatment (P  =  0.025) but not signifi- may have been more severely ill, but here, too,
cantly changed in the non-treatment group there was no statistically significant difference
(P = 0.564); the mortality rate was 6% in the due to small sample size (P = 0.073) [31].
treatment group but 27% in the control group, The total dose of IVIG should be adequate
although due to the small sample size, it did and should be applied as soon as possible. A
not show significant statistical difference retrospective analysis published in 2015 did
(P = 0.072), but the downward trend is obvi- not support the view that the use of IVIG
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 237

treatment in fulminant myocarditis can reduce extracellular domain of membrane proteins,

mortality during hospitalization [24]. causing instability of membrane proteins and
However, after careful analysis it was found exacerbating cardiac injury [33]. We have
that, first, most patients in the treatment group observed significant upregulated level of plasma
failed to receive IVIG at a total dose of 2 g/kg acetylneuraminate in fulminant myocarditis, and
body weight; insufficient dosage may be a treatment with oseltamivir (75 mg, bid for 7 days)
cause of poor efficacy. Second, the study only can significantly improve clinical outcomes.
included patients who were treated with IVIG There are also some concerns regarding the
after mechanical circulatory support, and use of other nonspecific anti-viral agents.
excluded patients who had been treated with Because precise determination of a viral etiology
IVIG before mechanical circulatory support. is not possible in the majority of patients, the use
Obviously, by the time the application of of anti-viral agents such as acyclovir and ganci-
mechanical assist devices is needed, the clovir are not recommended. Recently, Veronese
patient’s condition is already quite severe. At et al. reported several viruses including parvovi-
this time, it may be too late to start IVIG treat- rus B19, adenovirus, human herpes virus type 6
ment to attain maximal beneficial effects. and enterovirus in myocardial biopsy samples in
Therefore, the dose and timing of IVIG 165 cases of fulminant myocarditis and 55 cases
administration may be the key to the current of non-fulminant myocarditis. According to this
controversy about the inconsistency of its effi- research, 34% European, 17% American and 3%
cacy, and it needs to be further confirmed by Japanese patients were virus-positive, and 22%
high-quality larger clinical trials. of the positive samples from patients with lym-
phocytic myocarditis had PVB19 [34].
Considering these results, it might be of benefit
15.4 Administration to use non-specific anti-viral therapy. Large pro-
of Neuraminidase Inhibitors spective studies are warranted to address the role
and Antiviral Drugs of virus identification and effect of specific anti-
viral therapy on clinical outcomes [35].
Neuraminidase inhibitors are used to treat influ-
enza by inhibiting type I neuraminidase of influ- 1. Neuraminidase inhibitors
enza virus to suppress virus spread and exhibit an oseltamivir and peramivir inhibit the neur-
anti-viral effect. Early administration can result in aminidase of influenza virus, thereby inhibit-
a more potent effect. Some reports indicate that ing the release of newly synthesized virus
earlier administration of the neuraminidase inhib- particles from infected cells and the ­replication
itor oseltamivir was associated with an improved of the virus in the human body, showing effi-
outcome, lowered mortality rate by 50% (hazard cacy in myocarditis caused by type A or B
ratio (HR) = 0.49; 95% CI 0.28–0.87; P = 0.01) in influenza viruses [36]. Oseltamivir phosphate
influenza-induced fulminant myocarditis com- (Tamiflu) capsules are recommended when
pared to later administration [32]. needed, and the dosage is 75  mg orally bid.
However, fulminant myocarditis is usually Peramivir injection is the first intravenous
sporadic, can be caused by different viruses, and neuraminidase inhibitor licensed in China.
other pathogens, chemicals, toxins or even check- The dosage is 300–600  mg by intravenous
point inhibitors. It is clear that expression of type infusion for 1–5 days. In fact, most doctors are
I to IV neuraminidase can be detected in human not aware of the mechanism of action of neur-
myocardium. When myocardium is damaged, aminidase inhibitors, and it may not be related
expression of neuraminidase, especially type III to antiviral effects. Neuraminidase (including
neuraminidase, is significantly upregulated and four subtypes) is widely present in human
released into the circulation. Circulatory neur- cells and tissues including the myocardium.
aminidase can digest neuraminic acid at the When tissue is damaged, its expression
238 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

increases, and neuraminidase is released out of Since the exact type of virus causing myocar-
the cell into the circulation, digesting the neur- ditis is not confirmed in most patients, a com-
aminic acid at the glycosylated end of the cell bination of antiviral drugs can be considered.
surface protein, thereby leading to the myocar- 3. Interferon
dial damage [4]. Our research has shown that Interferon can be tried, especially for
the plasma levels of N-­Acetylneuraminic acid patients infected with enterovirus. A small-­
and neuraminidase proteins are significantly sample study from Germany showed that after
higher in patients with fulminant myocarditis, continuous administration of interferon ther-
and the use of oseltamivir is benefitial [3], apy (106 IU/week) for 24 weeks, the patient’s
which further supports this hypothesis. Thus, heart size and cardiac function were effec-
use of non-­specific inhibitors of neuramini- tively improved (Fig.  15.5) [38]. However,
dase may be beneficial in all patients with more clinical evidence is still needed to sup-
severely injured myocardium. port the clinical application of interferon in
2. Acyclovir acute myocarditis [39].
Acyclovir, a guanylate analogue, is effec- Research on the treatment of parvovirus
tive against DNA viruses such as Epstein-Barr B19 with telbivudine is currently in progress.
virus, and may be effective in patients with Finally, Chinese Journal of Cardiology pub-
myocarditis caused by Epstein-Barr virus lished several clinical studies showing that as
[37]. Ganciclovir (0.5–0.6  g/day intrave- long as this treatment regimen was used, excel-
nously) is effective against cytomegalovirus. lent therapeutic effect is obtained [40, 41].

Fig. 15.5 Hemodynamic a 25
changes in patients with EF EDD ESD
global (EF 50%) versus 20
regional (EF 50%) LV
Percentage change

dysfunction (a) and

heart function class (b) 10
before and after IFN-γ
therapy. EF left 5
ventricular ejection
fraction, EDD end
diastolic diameter, ESD -5
end systolic diameter.
(Modified from Kühl -10
et al. [38])
EF>50% EF<50% EF>50% EF<50% EF>50% EF<50%

b NYHA Classification

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 239

15.5 Assessment of Treatment tion is preferred. If dyspnea cannot be improved

Effects or the patient cannot tolerate it, endotracheal
intubation and ventilator assisted ventilation can
With the improvement in physicians’ awareness be considered. Vasoactive drugs such as dopa-
of the disease and the diversification of diagnos- mine, norepinephrine, etc. are only used during
tic methods, most patients with myocarditis can the preparation phase for IABP or ECMO, main-
be diagnosed based on clinical symptoms, signs, taining the systolic pressure at around
and appropriate auxiliary investigations. 86–90 mmHg until IABP or ECMO is success-
However, different treatment methods determine fully installed. All patients are closely monitored
the prognosis of patients. Clinical data of 169 for vital signs and receive general treatment,
patients diagnosed as fulminant myocarditis was including invasive blood pressure, ECG, and
used to analyze the effect of various modes of oxygen saturation monitoring. Absolute bed rest
treatment on the prognosis [3]. The traditional is advised, avoiding any mental stimulation and
treatment group refers to those treated with con- sympathetic system stimulation. The amount of
ventional medications such as high-dose vasoac- water intake and urine output are closely
tive drugs, especially dopamine and controlled.
noradrenaline as first-line treatment of heart fail- Other adjunctive drugs: improving myocardial
ure and cardiogenic shock to maintain hemody- metabolism including by the use of coenzyme
namic stability. If traditional medication is not Q10, or trimetazidine is recommended, as well as
sufficient to improve the deranged hemodynam- supplements of water-soluble and fat-soluble
ics, then life-­support devices, such as intra-aortic vitamins which may help the injured liver and
balloon pump (IABP) and, continuous renal prevent DIC. We start CRRT treatment immedi-
replacement therapy (CRRT) are applied. ately for 8–20 h a day for 3–7 days which helps
Antiviral drugs, intravenous immunoglobulins, regulate fluid balance and also helps excrete
and glucocorticoids are used according to the some cytokines.
doctor’s personal experience. However, the The results of the study are as follows: There
mechanical life support-–based comprehensive was no significant difference between the tradi-
treatment regimen needs to meet the following tional treatment group and the life support treat-
criteria: (1) Using glucocorticoids immediately ment group in terms of baseline conditions (age,
after admission (immediately give dexametha- gender, visit time, symptoms, myocardial injury
sone 20 mg bolus intravenously once, followed markers, liver and kidney function, and peak left
by intravenous injection of methylprednisolone ventricular ejection fraction), but the main end-
200–500 mg od for 5 days); (2) Sufficient doses point of the observation was the in-hospital mor-
of intravenous immunoglobulin (over 20  g/day tality rate, which was 59.6% in the traditional
for 5–10 days). Glucocorticoids plus immuno- treatment group but only 5.6% in the life-support
globulin can be administered; (3) Applying neur- treatment group and the difference was statisti-
aminidase inhibitor for 5–7 days; Mechanical cally significant (P < 0.01) (Fig. 15.6). The aver-
life-support treatment, mainly mechanical circu- age length of hospital stay in the traditional
latory support, is essential for all patients with treatment group was 14 days, whereas it was 12.5
fulminant myocarditis. For circulatory support, days in the life-support treatment group
immediately use IABP.  If IABP still does not (P < 0.05), suggesting that the length of hospital
help make the patient hemodynamically stable, stay was shortened by life-support treatment. The
implement ­ extracorporeal membrane oxygen- mortality and length of hospital stay in the
ation (ECMO) immediately. Respiratory support mechanical life support treatment group were
should be used according to the patient’s condi- significantly better than those in the traditional
tion. For patients with difficulty in breathing and treatment group (P < 0.05). In particular, the dif-
reduced or elevated (>20 breaths/min) breathing ference in mortality rate confirmed the advan-
rate, biphasic positive airway pressure ventila- tages of life-support treatment (Fig. 15.6).
240 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

The subgroup analysis involved performing glucocorticoids, IABP and CRRT.  The results
independent statistical analysis on the individual indicated that the use of IABP, antiviral drugs,
special treatment modalities such as antiviral immunosuppressive agents, CRRT, and high-­
drugs, intravenous immunoglobulin, high-dose dose glucocorticoid all exhibited a tendency to
reduce the in-hospital mortality rate, and espe-
cially the use of IABP and the use of antiviral
drugs showed statistical significance when com-
60 pared with not using them (all P  <  0.05)
(Fig. 15.7).
Mortality rate / %

adjusted OR=0.00
95% CI,0.00–0.07 15.6 Auxiliary Care
P=0.001 1. Respiratory support-mechanical ventilation
20 It has been reported that a ventilator can be
used as an auxiliary treatment for acute left
10 2/36 (5.6%) ventricular failure, which can improve lung
function, reduce cardiac workload and impor-
Conventional Life-support tantly, save energy and relieve the burden
Treatment Treatment placed on the failing heart [2, 10]. According
Group Group
to the “rest the heart” principle, a ventilator
Fig. 15.6  In-hospital mortality rate of traditional treat- can be actively used even before the confirma-
ment group and life support treatment group tion of hypoxemia under normal oxygen inha-

a IABP b Anti-Virus Agents

70 8/13(61.5%)
50 60
OR =0.38, 95% CI OR =0.29, 95% CI,
Mortality rate / %

0.15~0.94, P=0.040 50 0.08~0.96, P=0.046

Mortality rate / %


40 22/70(31.4%)
30 11/43(25.6%)
0 0
Without With Without With

c IVIG d CRRT e Large Dosage of

70 70 70
OR =0.62, 95% CI,
60 OR =0.51, 95% CI, 60 OR =0.84, 95% CI, 60 0.27~1.56, P=0.307
11/23(47.8%) 0.19~1.36, P=0.174 0.33~2.84, P=0.707
Mortality rate / %

50 50
Mortality rate / %

Mortality rate / %

40 40 12/31(38.7%) 18/52(34.6%) 40
19/60(31.7%) 17/53(32.1%)
30 30 30
20 20 20
10 10 10
0 0 0
Without With Without With Without With

Fig. 15.7  Independent analysis of the relationship of in-hospital mortality rate between use and non-use of each com-
ponent of special treatment
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 241

lation. When the patient has dyspnea, and 8–12  h a day, to remove toxic substances.
increased breathing rate or tachycardia, posi- Another important point is that blood drain-
tive pressure inhalation is recommended to age and reinfusion must be very slow at the
reduce the burden on the patient and the work- beginning and during termination because of
load of the heart. There are two ways to afford extremely fragile cardiac function of the
respiratory support. One is the provision of patient at this time, so as not to induce heart
non-invasive ventilator-assisted ventilation, failure.
which is divided into two modes: continuous An inflammation storm occurs due to infil-
positive airway pressure ventilation and tration of a large number of inflammatory
biphasic intermittent positive airway pressure cells including monocytes, lymphocytes, and
ventilation. It is recommended for patients neutrophils, in response to viral or other
who have difficulty in breathing or have a microbial infections, which activate cellular
breathing rate of >20 breaths/min or respira- immunity and humoral immunity, and stimu-
tory distress, and who can cooperate with the late the production of cell adhesion molecules
operation of ventilator ventilation. The second and cytokines accompanied by antibody pro-
is endotracheal intubation and artificial duction. Local inflammation helps to remove
mechanical ventilation: indications for this pathogens and necrotic tissues, but the inflam-
modality include cardiopulmonary resuscita- matory storm (a large number of inflamma-
tion or respiratory failure, especially for tory factors and cytokines) will further
patients with obvious respiratory and meta- damage the heart, blood vessels and other tis-
bolic acidosis that affect their consciousness. sues, and plays the most important role in the
We encourage the active use of mechanical occurrence and progress of the disease [43].
ventilation in fulminant myocarditis patients In addition to maintaining the balance of the
with the above-mentioned clinical features. internal environment in the body, blood purifi-
Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ven- cation treatment can also help to remove
tilation should not be withheld when there are inflammatory mediators, which is of great
relative counterindications to its use e.g., cer- benefit to patients with fulminant myocarditis.
tain respiratory diseases. Taken together, a Studies have shown that early and effective
ventilator should be used as soon as possible stabilization of the hemodynamics of patients
to give some respite to the patient and reduce with fulminant myocarditis and reduction of
the burden on the heart, even if the blood oxy- subsequent immune damage can significantly
gen saturation is still normal but the breathing improve the prognosis.
is fast and laborious [42]. (a) Continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltra-
2. Blood purification tion (CVVHDF): Renal replacement
The main purpose of blood purification is therapies (RRTs) are widely used in
to continuously filter and remove cytotoxins chronic heart failure, one of which is
and inflammatory factors. It should be actively CVVHDF. It is often used in critically ill
implemented in the early phase when cardio- patients. CVVHDF uses a blood pump to
pulmonary dysfunction is combined with drive blood out of the venous end of the
renal impairment. Blood purification treat- circulation. After passing through the fil-
ment can also reduce the load on the heart ter, it flows back into the body. The pro-
through ultrafiltration, ensuring good water, cess balances sodium and water levels in
electrolyte, and acid-base balance, and restor- the body continuously, slowly, controls
ing the response of blood vessels to vasoac- blood osmolality, and removes inflamma-
tive drugs to treat heart failure, which is of tory mediators from the blood. Its main
great help to patients with fulminant myocar- functions include: disposition of various
ditis. It is worth noting that this therapy needs small molecule toxins through convec-
to be carried out continuously, for at least tion, diffusion, and adsorption, quick
242 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

removal of various water-soluble inflam- storm. Both humoral and cellular immune
matory mediators, downregulation of processes occur during the pathophysio-
inflammation and reduction of organ logical process of fulminant myocarditis,
damage; correction of water, electrolyte and the goal of immunoadsorption is to
and acid-base disorders, reduction of selectively remove pathogenic factors in
blood temperature, and maintenance of the plasma. Although there is no evidence
the stability of the internal environment. based on large-scale clinical trials to sup-
It effectively reduces tissue edema, port this technique, the results of small
improves tissue oxygen supply and organ clinical studies show that IA therapy can
function; and provides enough fluid to improve cardiac function, clinical fea-
ensure the effectiveness of other neces- tures, and hemodynamic parameters (car-
sary drug treatment and parenteral nutri- diac output, stroke volume, peripheral
tion support [44]. During CVVHDF Vascular resistance), etc., and reduce the
treatment, due to the small changes in level of indicators of the severity of heart
blood volume and colloidal osmotic pres- failure (such as exercise intolerance, NT-­
sure, sufficient tissue perfusion can be proBNP, etc.). In addition, IA can also
maintained. Therefore, hemodynamics is reduce myocardial inflammation [46].
not adversely affected during the process Patients with myocarditis display
of reducing lung and peripheral tissue improved left ventricular systolic func-
edema and improving lung function, but tion after receiving protein A immunoad-
there are still a few studies reporting the sorption therapy. We recommend
occurrence of hypotension and hemody- clinicians to use a therapeutic trial when
namic instability during RRT [45]. possible.
Although the traditional indications for 3. Strict monitoring, admission to the cardiac
RRT are oliguria, anuria, hyperkalemia, intensive care unit with 24-h special care,
severe metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.1), azo- mainly including:
temia (blood urea nitrogen >30 mmol/L), (a) Strictly monitor and control the inflow
etc., it is particularly important that it is and outflow of water, recording and
carried out in patients with fulminant myo- reporting the volume every hour as a ref-
carditis and acute left ventricular insuffi- erence for rehydration.
ciency as early as possible. Circulatory (b) Strictly monitor any changes in the ECG,
failure and shock are not contraindications blood oxygen saturation and hemody-
to this treatment. On the contrary, these namics index to keep abreast of the prog-
symptoms indicate a serious condition and ress of the disease.
warrant urgent use of RRTs. (c) Routinely monitor blood chemistry, myo-
(b) Immunoadsorption (IA): IA therapy is a cardial enzymes, blood gas analysis, liver
blood purification technology developed and kidney function, blood lactic acid,
in the past 15 years. It combines highly electrolytes, blood coagulation function
specific antigens, antibodies, or sub- and other laboratory results to help pre-
stances (ligands) with specific physical vent multiple organ dysfunction.
and chemical affinity to adsorption mate- (d) Conduct bedside chest radiographs and
rials (carriers) to make an adsorbent col- bedside cardiac B-mode ultrasound once
umn, which selectively or specifically a day or every other day. In order to
removes pathogenic substances such as understand the progress of the disease
interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the blood, thereby and evaluate the effectiveness of treat-
purifying the blood, and hence reducing ment, such measures can be conducted
the damage caused by the inflammatory even multiple times a day.
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 243

(e) Perform non-invasive or invasive hemo- critical illness and the side effects of glu-
dynamic testing to monitor blood volume cocorticoid usage.
and cardiac function based on central (g) If tracheal intubation or an invasive oper-
venous pressure and pulmonary capillary ation of an artery has been undertaken,
wedge pressure, accordingly adjusting antibiotics are needed to prevent
the volume of fluid infusion and inflow, infection.
and monitor arterial blood pressure. (h) Maintenance of fluid volume. Fluid intake

Active supportive treatment, which is and output of patients with fulminant
extremely important for fulminant myocardi- myocarditis should be meticulously
tis patients, including: recorded, and the total daily fluid intake
(a) Absolute bedrest, reduction of visits and generally should not exceed 2500 mL. At
emotional stimulation, and the provision the same time, avoid excessive intake of
of sedatives if necessary. Let the patient saline in the process of maintaining basic
rest and relax as much as possible, avoid fluid balance. The daily volume of fluid
sympathetic system stimulation caused input and output should be closely moni-
by emotions and other stimuli, which tored. A healthy fluid balance should be
may increase the workload and oxygen achieved by making sure that the input
consumption of tissues and organs and and output are equal. If fluid loss exceeds
ultimately promote deterioration of the fluid intake, a negative balance results,
condition. and the opposite signifies a positive bal-
(b) High-flow and positive pressure oxygen ance. Patients with fulminant myocarditis
inhalation can effectively ensure suffi- and severe pump failure often have coex-
cient oxygen supply to the whole body. istent pulmonary and systemic conges-
and improve cardiopulmonary function. tion. Under the premise of no obvious
(c) A light, digestible and nutritious diet. Eat factors that promote low fluid volume
small and frequent meals with supple- (hemorrhage, severe dehydration, profuse
ments of various water-soluble and fat-­ sweating, etc.), the total daily require-
soluble vitamins to reduce gastrointestinal ment of a normal person is 2000–
burden and avoid reduced synthesis of 2500 mL, while patients with heart failure
coagulation factors due to impaired liver should generally consume less than
function. 1500 mL; A negative balance of approxi-
(d) Improve myocardial energy metabolism mately 500  mL a day should be main-
and increase the energy supply of the tained, while in patients with severe
myocardium by giving creatine phos- pulmonary edema the negative balance
phate and coenzyme Q10. should be 1000–2000  mL.  The exact
(e) Antipyretic drugs are generally not rec- amount needs to be determined based on
ommended if the body temperature is clinical evaluation. Generally, after 3–5
lower than 38.5 °C. Physical cooling can days, pulmonary congestion and pulmo-
be performed if the patient cannot tolerate nary edema will decrease, and the volume
pyrexia. If body temperature exceeds of negative balance should be gradually
38.5 °C, antipyretic drugs can be consid- reduced to eventually equate input and
ered. Glucocorticoids are recommended, outflow. Care should be taken to prevent
but non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs hypovolemia, hypokalemia (e.g. resulting
are not. from the use of loop diuretics), and hypo-
(f) Proton pump inhibitors are given to pro- natremia during this period.
tect the gastric mucosa and prevent gas- (i) Psychological intervention. Due to the
trointestinal bleeding, given the stress of severe condition of patients with fulmi-
244 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

nant myocarditis, most patients have a body surface area. It represents the car-
sense of psychological fear or anxiety. diac output per minute per square meter
Psychological intervention should be car- of body surface area and is a non-­
ried out in a timely manner to resolve the continuous indicator with the normal
psychological obstacles faced by the range of 3–5. A low value indicates poor
patients. cardiac function.
5. Detection of abnormal fluid volume: PICCO In contrast with shock caused by other
rehydration technology is recommended conditions, the heart pump function of
when conditions permit. Guidance under patients with fulminant myocarditis is
PICCO on fluid volume is especially useful severely impaired. Therefore, the intake
for patients with cardiac insufficiency who and output of fluid should be calculated
require fluid replacement, and the technique according to cardiac and renal function
can avoid blind fluid rehydration, which could during the course of treatment, and fluids
deteriorate the situation. The only disadvan- should not be infused or eliminated, espe-
tage is the high cost. If PICCO is not avail- cially when there is no circulation
able, the following indicators can also help: support.
(a) Physical examination. Inspection can 6. Treatment of complications
reveal any edema, such as bulbar con- (a) Medical treatment of shock and acute left
junctival edema, and bilateral edema of heart failure. Fulminant myocarditis com-
the lower limbs. bined with shock is very common, and
(b) Central venous pressure (CVP): Central acute left ventricular failure or congestive
venous pressure refers to the pressure in cardiac failure is seen in almost every
the right atrium and thoracic segments of patient. The mechanisms of shock include
the superior and inferior venae cavae. It pump failure, systemic toxic effects, and
can reflect the overall situation of the insufficient volume. The severely
patient’s blood volume, cardiac function, impaired pump function is the fundamen-
and vascular resistance. The normal value tal difference from shock due to other eti-
of CVP is 5–12 cm H2O. It is important to ologies, and also underlies the difference
improve cardiac function first before in treatment methods. Therefore, if condi-
rehydration therapy, and adjust the rate of tions permit, life support treatment should
rehydration according to CVP.  It should be carried out, and pharmacological ther-
be noted that CVP cannot be judged apy can be added if the hemodynamics do
solely on the basis of absolute values, but not improve.
also needs to be assessed by dynamic Medication for shock: treat according
development. to the cause of shock. When fulminant
(c) Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure myocarditis is accompanied by excessive
(PCWP). The normal range is sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
6–15  mmHg. If PCWP increases while etc., which can all cause insufficient
CVP is normal, excessive infusion should blood volume, appropriate fluids can be
be avoided to prevent aggravating pulmo- given. Determine the rate and dose of
nary edema, and reduction of pulmonary fluid replacement medication according
vascular resistance should be considered. to actively monitored indicators. First,
When the PCWP is less than the lower give dopamine and sodium bicarbonate,
limit of the normal range, it indicates and if necessary, add alamin to maintain
insufficient blood volume, and the sensi- the basic vital signs and buy time for fur-
tivity is greater than that of CVP. ther treatment. In addition to obvious
(d) Heart output index (CI). The heart index fluid loss, fluid rehydration treatment
is equal to (heart rate × stroke volume)/ needs to be progressive and never too fast.
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 245

α-receptor agonists should only be used Prediction of malignant arrhythmia:

for a short period. Long-term usage can sinus bradycardia, QRS complex widen-
lead to increased hypoxia and even irre- ing, echocardiogram showing deteriora-
versible damage to tissues and organs and tion of left ventricular function,
death. The use of dopamine can also eas- continuous increase or fluctuation of car-
ily lead to a significant increase in heart diac troponin level, or non-sustained ven-
rate and ventricular arrhythmias such as tricular tachycardia are all indicators of
premature beats, ventricular tachycardia the occurrence of malignant arrhythmia
and even ventricular fibrillation, which [47]. In addition, it is especially empha-
increase the burden on the heart. Care sized that severe hypotension is the most
should be taken to minimize the use of important causative factor in fatal arrhyth-
dopamine. As part of anti-shock treat- mia, so it should be corrected in time.
ment, glucocorticoids should be used as Vasoactive drugs such as dopamine, ala-
soon as possible. min or norepinephrine to may be required
Drugs for acute left heart failure. The to maintain an appropriate blood pres-
intravenous use of diuretics can be con- sure, during the transfer process to the
sidered. Digitalis should be avoided when tertiary hospital, so that systolic blood
the heart rate is significantly increased, pressure can be kept above 70 mmHg to
and monoamine cardiotonics used as little avoid fatal arrhythmias such as ventricu-
as possible, so as not to increase cardiac lar tachycardia and ventricular
oxygen consumption and risk of arrhyth- fibrillation.
mia. Because of low blood pressure, (c) General treatment principles:
vasodilators should be used with caution. (i) Quickly identify and correct hemo-
In order to reduce the occurrence of acute dynamic disorders. Severe hemody-
left heart failure, the amount of fluid namic disorders caused by
intake and output should be determined arrhythmia should be corrected
daily according to fluid balance and immediately. For tachyarrhythmias
hemodynamic conditions. For patients such as ventricular tachycardia or
with severe heart failure or even cardio- ventricular fibrillation, synchronous
genic shock, it is necessary to actively use or asynchronous electrical cardio-
life support treatment to maintain hemo- version should be applied immedi-
dynamic stability, in order to ensure the ately. If tachyarrhythmias cannot be
perfusion of important organs such as the corrected or recur after correction,
heart, brain and kidney, which can ulti- concurrent drug therapy is required,
mately help the heart to get adequate rest such as 150  mg amiodarone dis-
and help the patient survive the acute solved in 5% glucose solution for
phase. slow intravenous injection, and then
(b) Treatment of arrhythmias: Patients with 300  mg in 50  mL of 5% glucose
fulminant myocarditis often have hypo- intravenously pumped at the rate of
tension or shock. If a severe arrhythmia 10  mL/h for the first 6 hours and
occurs, hemodynamic instability will be tapered to 5  mL/h later. If the
aggravated and might become life-­ arrhythmia cannot be terminated,
threatening. The treatment principle use IABP + ECMO with the goal of
should follow the existing arrhythmia stabilizing hemodynamics and
guidelines, and should fully consider the improving symptoms.
patient’s cardiac function and blood pres- (ii) For patients with relatively stable
sure to determine which specific drugs or hemodynamics, appropriate treat-
treatment strategies should be employed. ment strategies and antiarrhythmic
246 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

drugs, usually intravenous amioda- (vi) Most patients with myocarditis can
rone, should be selected according convalesce after surviving the acute
to the clinical symptoms, cardiac phase. In patients with bradycardia,
function and the electrocardio- a permanent pacemaker is not rec-
graphic features of the arrhythmia. ommended during the acute phase.
Sympathetic storm is possible if Observation is required for at least
sympathetic system stimulation is 3–4 weeks. If the conduction block
high. A β-blocker should be used if has not recovered after stabilization
necessary, such as esoprolol 50  mg of the systemic condition, then per-
slowly intravenously, and main- manent pacemaker implantation can
tained at a small dose. Preventive be considered. For patients with ven-
measures to reduce the risk of recur- tricular tachycardia and ventricular
rence should be taken after the fibrillation in the acute phase, an
arrhythmia is corrected. implantable cardioverter defibrilla-
(iii) Actively improve cardiac function tor (ICD) is not recommended dur-
and hypotension, correct and deal ing the acute phase or after
with electrolyte disturbances, blood recovery.
gas and acid-base balance distur- (d) Treatment of abnormalities of the diges-
bances and make other corrections tive tract. Because prophylactic anticoag-
in homeostasis. ulants are needed during invasive
(iv) Patients with myocarditis often have procedures in the acute phase, patients
cardiac insufficiency, cardiogenic with fulminant myocarditis usually have
shock, and hypoperfusion of tissues high risk for suffering from gastrointesti-
and organs. Patients with tachyar- nal bleeding. High-dosage of glucocorti-
rhythmia should not take β-receptor coid therapy also contributes to this
blockers, non-dihydropyridine cal- tendency. However, some patients
cium antagonists and other negative urgently need life support treatment in
inotropic and negative chronotropic this scenario, under which circumstances
drugs. These negative inotropic adequate anticoagulation treatment is
drugs can further reduce constriction inevitable. If the patient’s own blood
of heart, which is detrimental to coagulation function is impaired, the
patients at acute phase. However, patient may suffer from gastrointestinal
once the patients survive the acute bleeding. Anticoagulants should be
phase and enter into chronic phase, stopped immediately if gastrointestinal
these drugs can be considered when- bleeding occurs. Blood transfusion
ever necessary. Intravenous infusion should be immediately commenced
of amiodarone is the first choice of according to the severity of bleeding.
therapy, but rapid intravenous bolus Hemostatic drugs should be used with
injection is not suitable. Patients caution because the excessive use will
with atrial fibrillation can be given cause thrombosis in the management of
digoxin to control the rapid ventricu- life support equipment and affect the
lar rate. treatment effect of them such as
(v) A temporary pacemaker should first ECMO.  After the patient’s bleeding sta-
be considered in patients with brady- tus has been fully evaluated, intravenous
cardia. If it is unavailable, drugs that anticoagulants should be used immedi-
increase heart rate such as isoproter- ately for low-dose anticoagulation man-
enol or atropine can be used. agement. Patients with fulminant
15  Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis in Acute Phase 247

myocarditis often require high-dose glu- Patients with fulminant myocarditis and
cocorticoid therapy, which necessitates severe cardiogenic shock often need
regular gastroprotective treatment. The timely and effective life-support treat-
intensity of gastro-protective treatment ment, such as IABP and ECMO, which
should be increased in patients with a his- are invasive and involve insertion of cath-
tory of gastrointestinal disease. eters into the patient’s body. After inser-
In addition to the management of gas- tion of these “foreign bodies”, some
trointestinal bleeding, attention should patients may develop ischemia of the rel-
also be paid to the treatment of other evant limb, more commonly the lower
coincident gastrointestinal disease. limbs, as with ischemia from other causes.
Fulminant myocarditis is often accompa- Treatment of this complication includes:
nied by shock. Some patients require sup- (1) extracorporeal reperfusion therapy on
portive treatment such as sedation and the ipsilateral ischemic limb; (2) applica-
immobilization, which can lead to, tion of warmth to the limb; (3) appropri-
abdominal distension or constipation ate use of drugs that improve the
resulting from lack of exercise (muscular circulation, such as prostaglandins.
activity aids peristalsis]. Diarrhea as well (g) Preservation of brain function and treat-
as other gastrointestinal symptoms can ment of brain injury: Patients with severe
also occur. Appropriate treatment should cardiogenic shock and fulminant myocar-
be given for symptoms of such iatrogenic ditis often require endotracheal intuba-
gastrointestinal dysfunction. tion, and some patients even suffer from
(e) Treatment of coagulation dysfunction: cardiac arrest that requires cardiopulmo-
There is a balance between coagulation nary resuscitation to prevent cerebral
factors and anticoagulation mechanisms infarction. Under these situations, the
in the normal human body. Patients with brain function of these patients may be
fulminant myocarditis often need a vari- impaired or hypoxic-ischemic encepha-
ety of bedside clinical procedures, and lopathy may occur. Ensuring normal
often have multiple organ dysfunction brain function is essential for recovery.
such as that due to infections and shock. Therefore, it is necessary to actively con-
At this time, the endogenous and exoge- duct timely assessment and interventional
nous coagulation pathways are often acti- action to avoid ischemic hypoxic enceph-
vated. Sudden emergencies arise, such as alopathy. First, timely and effective car-
extensive bleeding at multiple sites diopulmonary resuscitation is essential to
accompanied by manifestations of DIC, ensure adequate cerebral blood flow,
which cannot be explained by the primary which is the basis for avoiding ischemic
disease, Progressive liver and kidney dys- hypoxic encephalopathy. Second, the
function can also ensue. Prompt active brain should be protected using hypother-
and effective treatment of sub-optimal mia, by placing ice wool caps to reduce
coagulation function can prevent progres- brain metabolism and hence oxygen
sion to DIC.  Therefore, treatment of the requirement. Dehydrating agents and
primary disease is a fundamentally cru- ­glucocorticoids, as well as neuroprotec-
cial measure. Coagulation disorders can tive agents can be considered according
be improved by supplementation with to the clinical condition.
coagulation factors, infusion of blood In summary, fulminant myocarditis is
products, and anti-free radical treatment. a special type of myocarditis with rapid
(f) Prevention and treatment of limb isch- onset and critical course, and is usually
emia caused by invasive procedures: associated with unstable hemodynamics,
248 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

which is a state that is difficult to correct the most common etiology of fulminant
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identification of the disease and predic- is also needed.
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Prevention and Treatment
of Arrhythmias Complicated 16
by Fulminant Myocarditis

Yan Wang

Fulminant myocarditis progresses rapidly. Some lar tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation.
patients may develop a complete atrioventricular Hence, attention should be paid to maintaining
block within several hours. Other patients may proper blood pressure, especially during patient
have frequent atrial tachycardia, premature ven- transfer. Vasoactive agents, such as norepineph-
tricular contractions, ventricular tachycardia, or/ rine or dopamine, can be administered during
and electrical storms, which are important causes transfer.
of sudden cardiac death. Hence, timely diagnosis
and treatment of fulminant myocarditis compli-
cated by arrhythmia are essential [1–3]. 16.1.2 Usage of Catecholamines

Dopamine and dobutamine, which are routinely

16.1 Prediction and Prevention used to raise blood pressure via their cardiotonic
of Lethal Arrhythmias effects, are likely to trigger arrhythmias. Hence,
it is important to avoid unnecessary large dos-
Patients with fulminant myocarditis can easily ages. Close monitoring of arrhythmias during
develop various types of arrhythmias, even lethal administration is also recommended. In this
arrhythmia. Many situations can induce or aggra- way, dopamine and dobutamine can be used
vate those arrhythmias, which requires clini- together with α-receptor agonists, such as nor-
cians’ attention to avoid the occurrence in epinephrine or M-hydroxylamine, to maintain
advance [3]. blood pressure.

16.1.1 Hypotension 16.1.3 Long-Term Usage

of α-Receptor Agonists
Severe hypotension, especially systolic pres-
sure less than 70  mmHg, is an important risk Norepinephrine and other α-receptor agonists
factor for lethal arrhythmia, including ventricu- can decrease myocardial perfusion. When used
over a long period, the drug can also trigger
lethal arrhythmia. Hence, long-term and con-
Y. Wang (*) tinuous use of α-receptor agonists should be
Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, avoided. Instead, the timely use of mechanical
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong circulatory-support devices may improve
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: patients’ outcomes.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 251
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
252 Y. Wang

16.1.4 Sustained Shock should also be planned or prepared for possible

Sustained shock is potentially arrhythmogenic
and should be corrected as soon as possible. The
use of mechanical life-support devices and 16.2.1 Drug Treatment
immunomodulation therapy in the early stage
should be advocated. 1. Atropine: 0.5–1 mg administered as an intra-
venous injection. Repeat injection, up to
1–2 mg, if necessary. A temporary pacemaker
16.1.5 Prolonged QRS Interval should also be considered.
2. Isoprenaline: administered by dissolving
It is a hallmark of intraventricular block and this 1 mg isoprenaline into 50 ml of 5% glucose or
situation is at risk of malignant arrhythmia. normal saline for intravenous injection via a
controlled mini-pump. The dosage should be
adjusted according to the patient’s heart rate.
16.1.6 Female Patients It should be noted that isoprenaline can trig-
ger tachyarrhythmia. If premature contrac-
Female patients are more likely to develop malig- tions begin to emerge, the dosage of
nant arrhythmia, partially due to the lower sensi- isoprenaline should be decreased, or isoprena-
tivity of women to glucocorticoids. Hence, a line should be withdrawn and replaced by a
larger dosage of glucocorticoids is needed. temporary pacemaker.

16.1.7 Hypokalemia 16.2.2 Temporary Pacemaker

Hypokalemia is related to vomiting, a loss of 1. Indication

appetite, or the administration of diuretics. (a) A temporary pacemaker can be implanted
in advance in patients with type I second-­
degree atrioventricular block (AVB) if the
16.1.8 Hypoxemia situation may deteriorate after assess-
ment, even though these patients have no
Fulminant myocarditis complicated by pulmo- amaurosis or syncope at the time.
nary infection or pulmonary congestion can (b) Even though sinus arrest only lasts for
cause myocardial hypoxemia and may trigger 2  s, pacemaker implantation should be
arrhythmias. considered for patients with sinus arrest
complicated by symptoms of bradyar-
rhythmia. Here bradyarrhythmia-related
16.2 Treatments symptoms is of concern more than the
to Bradyarrhythmia duration of sinus pause.
(c) Patients with type I or type II second-­
If a patient with fulminant myocarditis has a first-­ degree AVB or third-degree AVB should
degree atrioventricular block, the doctor should consider temporary pacemaker implanta-
be vigilant of the successive occurrence of high-­ tion. Under normal conditions, these
degree atrioventricular block. Antiarrhythmic patients may not experience significant
drugs are recommended while myocarditis is bradycardia. However, in the presence of
being treated with a positive, timely and even fulminant myocarditis, severe hemody-
foresighted strategy. Temporary pacemakers namic dysfunction may arise.
16  Prevention and Treatment of Arrhythmias Complicated by Fulminant Myocarditis 253

(d) Frequent ventricular tachycardia lethal in this situation. If available, an

(e) Patients who need a large dose of anti-­ echography-guided puncture can be
arrhythmia drugs. performed.
These indications are based on the (d) For severe patients with ventilator or
American College of Cardiology/ extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
American Heart Association/Heart (ECMO) assistance and who are difficult
Rhythm Society (ACC/AHA/HRS) 2008 to transfer, a temporary pacing electrode
Guidelines for Device-Based Therapy of can be implanted at the bedside by three-­
Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities. However, dimensional navigation without fluoro-
due to the likelihood of rapid deteriora- scopic guidance [5–6].
tion in fulminant myocarditis cases, any 3. Choice and management of electrode
complicated severe cardiac arrhythmia (a) Most electrodes for temporary pace-
may be lethal. Hence, foresighted deci- maker implantation, including floating
sion for temporary pacemaker implanta- electrodes, are not stable enough to be
tion is required [4]. retained in the ventricular chamber. This
2. Choice for implantation approach is especially so if they have been
(a) For patients with an extremely slow heart implanted through the superior vena
rate or patients experiencing cardiac vein, which may result in unstable pacing
arrest, the quickest and most convenient and cause irregular rhythm in patients
approach should be used for implantation receiving intra-aortic balloon pumping
to avoid cerebral injury. For example, a (IABP). Unsynchronized counterpulsa-
floating electrode can be prepared in the tion does not provide a satisfactory treat-
ward and used for temporary pacing ment effect [7].
through the superior vena cava at the bed- (b) Some severely ill patients receiving IABP
side. When there is no floating electrode or ECMO through the lower limbs are
in the ward, you can choose a softer elec- difficult to turn over and their pipeline
trode. The distal end is shaped as C, the systems are challenging to nursing if they
tail is connected to high-voltage pacing, have received temporary pacing via the
and the electrode is slowly and gently lower limbs.
advanced at a suitable length, generally In these two situations, a permanent
25–35  cm. Whether the tip of the elec- pacemaker electrode can be implanted
trode can capture the heart is observed through the superior vena vein and con-
with the ECG monitoring. Even without nected to a permanent pacemaker (in
X-ray guidance, a temporary pacemaker vitro) or connected to a temporary pace-
can be implanted in most cases. maker through a transductor. In this way,
(b) If the patient is in the interventional cath- the electrode is more stable, thus provid-
eterization lab, the femoral access can be ing more stable pacing [8–9].
used to guarantee recovery of the patient’s 4. Permanent pacing
heartbeat. After active treatment and the normaliza-
(c) If the patient has severe heart failure, pul- tion of cardiac troponin, if the patient still has
monary congestion, and/or hypoxia but sinus arrest or an unrecovered transduction
the patient does not suffer from severe block for 2 weeks, permanent pacemaker
slow heartbeat, the axillary vein can be implantation should be considered according
used with priority. The subclavian vein to the relevant guidelines [4].
and internal jugular vein punctures should 5. Pacing frequency management
be conducted with caution because pneu- (a) For patients with severe heart failure, pac-
mothorax or hemothorax is potentially ing frequency can be adjusted by invasive
254 Y. Wang

blood pressure monitoring. The frequency shows the following features: (1) widened QRS
can be gradually increased every 2–3 min. wave, such as longer than 0.14 s; (2) low voltage,
The initial frequency can be set at such as less than 1.0 mV; (3) notch at the QRS
70–110 bpm, according to the blood pres- wave; (4) equipotential line at the beginning of
sure, or the patients’ objective feelings. the ST segment, symmetrical high sharp T wave,
(b) For patients without heart failure or at the and the orientation of the T wave is the same as
recovery stage of heart failure and who that of the QRS wave; and (5) a ventricular pre-
are exhibiting transduction block, the mature beat index of approximately 0.6–0.85
pacing frequency can be set at 50–70 bpm (ventricular premature beat index = time period
to meet the lowest need for life as well as of ventricular premature beat’s QR/QT).
decrease the cardiac workload.
(c) As for patients with frequent ventricular
premature contractions or ventricular 16.3.1 Electrolytes Management
tachycardia, which leads to unstable
hemodynamics, pacing frequency can be 1. Blood potassium
increased and adjusted to inhibit the Monitor blood potassium every day to
arrhythmias. keep it higher than 4.0 mmol/l. If Torsade de
pointes (Tdp) occurs, keep it between 4.5 and
5 mmol/l.
16.3 Tachycardia 2. Blood magnesium
If Tdp occurs, magnesium should be sup-
Due to massive myocardial injuries, the sudden plemented with 25% magnesium sulfide
death risk of patients with fulminant myocarditis diluted to 20–40 ml and administered slowly
is very high. Electrolytes should be monitored via intravenous injection or drip [10, 11].
according to the guidelines for sudden death, and
anti-arrhythmia drugs should be administered
whenever necessary to treat or prevent malignant 16.3.2 Monitor the QTc Interval
tachycardia. Ventricular premature contractions
are frequent in patients with myocarditis. If the QTc interval of patients gradually increases
Considering the Lown and Wolf system for grad- over 20%, especially in patients with Tdp, avoid
ing ventricular premature beats is valuable for using drugs that have the potential to elevate
risk assess in patients with coronary artery dis- QTc, including macrolide antibiotics, quinolone
ease (Table 16.1), this assessment can be referred antibiotics, amiodarone, sotalol, and chlorproma-
when treating fulminant myocarditis. zine, etc. [10, 11].
A higher risk is likely if the morphology of the
QRS wave of the ventricular premature beat
16.3.3 Anti-arrhythmia Drugs
Table 16.1  Lown and Wolf grade of ventricular prema-
1. Amiodarone
ture beat
Amiodarone is the most commonly used
Grade Definition
drug. For patients with frequent atrial tachy-
0 No ventricular premature beat
I Less than or equal to 30 beats/h
cardia, ventricular premature contractions,
II More than 30 beats/h and ventricular tachycardia without signifi-
III Multiform ventricular premature beat cantly prolonged QTc, amiodarone can be
IV-A Coupled ventricular premature beat given with a pump. Usually, 300 mg of amio-
IV-B Three or more ventricular premature beats to darone is dissolved into 50 ml with 5% glu-
form short burst velocities cose solution and infused intravenously at
V Early ventricular premature beat (R on T) 10  ml/h over 6  h and then, slowed down to
16  Prevention and Treatment of Arrhythmias Complicated by Fulminant Myocarditis 255

5 ml/h for maintenance. For patients with ven- used to reduce recurrence and the potential inju-
tricular tachycardia, 150  mg amiodarone is ries to cardiomyocytes caused by multiple elec-
dissolved in 50  ml 5% glucose solution and trical cardioversion. Electrical cardioversion is
slowly injected intravenously first, followed not suitable for automatic atrial tachycardia or
by infusion with a controlled pump. ventricular tachycardia. In those cases, medica-
2. Nifekalant tions should be preferred.
Nifekalant is indicated for patients with
refractory ventricular tachycardia or VF with-
out a prolonged QTc interval. Nifekalant does 16.3.5 Electrical Storms
not have a negative chronotropic effect or a
negative inotropic effect, and it takes effect 1. Administer analgesia and sedation, consider a
very quickly. Nifekalant produces the greatest hibernate mixture if necessary. Midazolam
pharmacological effect 3 min after injection, can be considered for sedation because of its
and its effect fades 30 min after withdrawal. weak cardiac inhibitory effect. For patients in
Detailed application: the intensive care unit or critical care unit,
2.1 Single intravenous injection with a pre- 2–3  mg midazolam can be injected intrave-
loaded dose. For adults, the dosage is nously and maintained with 0.05 mg/(kg·h) to
0.3  mg/kg. Nifekalant is dissolved into achieve sedation. Midazolam is catabolized
10–20 ml of normal saline or 5% glucose by hepatic microsomal enzymes. Hence, the
solution and injected in 5 min under con- half-life can be prolonged in patients with
tinuous electrocardiogram (ECG) moni- congestive heart failure or hepatic dysfunc-
toring. Dosage can be enhanced slightly tion. The dosage of midazolam should be
but a dose over 0.5  mg/kg is not reduced in these patients. Attention should be
recommended. paid to the possibility of respiratory inhibition
2.2 Intravenous infusion. For adults, the dos- and oropharyngeal tube ventilation or fluma-
age is usually 0.4 mg/(kg·h) and infused zenil should be used as necessary [16–17].
under continuous ECG monitoring. The 2. If the heart failure is not severe or the hemo-
concentration of solution should not dynamic situation is guaranteed by mechani-
exceed 2 mg/ml, and the dose should not cal life-support devices, beta-blockers can be
exceed 0.8  mg/(kg·h). According to a considered. Esmolol has a very short half-life
report in the literature, approximately 3% and can be considered as the first choice.
of patients receiving nifekalant infusion Esmolol is catabolized mainly by lipases in
suffer from Tdp. Hence, for patients with the cytoplasm of erythrocytes. Hence, its half-­
refractory atrial fibrillation or atrial tachy- life is minimally influenced by hepatic or
cardia, the risk-to-benefit ratio must be renal functions. The half-life of esmolol is
assessed before using nifekalant, consid- only 9 min, and its acidic catabolite is mainly
ering its potential to trigger Tdp [11–15]. excreted by the kidneys. If a large dose of
esmolol is administered to patients with renal
failure for a long period, the dosage should be
16.3.4 Electrical Cardioversion mitigated, and esmolol should be changed to
moderate- or long-acting beta-blockers.
If the arrhythmia manifests as sudden onset and Esmolol is administered intravenously by
sudden termination and lacks warm-up or accel- injecting over 30 s at a dosage of 1 mg/kg, and
eration, it should be diagnosed as reentrant atrial maintained at a dosage of 0.15 mg/(kg·min).
tachycardia or ventricular tachycardia. If the ven- The maximum maintenance dosage is 0.3 mg/
tricular rate is too fast and influence hemodynam- (kg·min) [18–19].
ics, electrical cardioversion should be applied 3. Isoprenaline can be temporarily applied dur-
promptly. Antiarrhythmic drugs should also be ing the acute phase in patients with repeated
256 Y. Wang

Tdp occurrence and without congenital long- H.  Long-term temporary pacing with an active fixa-
tion lead. Kardiol Pol. 2015;73:1304–9. https://doi.
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is triggered by bradycardia [20]. 9. Goncalves CR, Bertog S, Tholakanahalli V, Römer
4. If the arrhythmia is life-threatening and diffi- A, Hofmann I, Reinartz M, Gafoor S, Sievert K,
cult to control, such as ventricular tachycardia Schnelle N, Grunwald I, et al. Permanent pacemaker
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huge dosage of amiodarone or nifekalant can eter aortic valve implantation. Cardiovasc Revasc
be used to treat the arrhythmia with pacing-­ Med. 2020;21(6):726–9.
protection after assessment. carrev.2020.02.002.
10. Zipes DP, Camm AJ, Borggrefe M, Buxton AE,
Chaitman B, Fromer M, Gregoratos G, Klein G,
Moss AJ, Myerburg RJ, et al. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006
16.3.6 Traditional Chinese Medicine guidelines for management of patients with ven-
tricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden
cardiac death: a report of the American College of
For refractory and recurrent arrhythmia, Wenxin Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force
Granules, or Shensongyangxin Capsules can be and the European Society of Cardiology Committee
used as adjunctive therapy or alternative [11, 21]. for practice guidelines (writing committee to
develop guidelines for management of patients
with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention
of sudden cardiac death): developed in collabora-
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Prevention and Treatment
of Disseminated Intravascular 17
Coagulation in Fulminant

Guanglin Cui and Dao Wen Wang

During life support treatment of patients with ful- lets in microvessels), numerous coagulation fac-
minant myocarditis, bleeding, embolism, and tors and platelets are consumed. Secondary
other coagulation-related complications are still fibrinolysis is also enhanced. In addition, antico-
one of the main factors affecting patient morbid- agulants are used during life support. These fac-
ity and mortality. Proper anticoagulation during tors lead to obvious bleeding, shock, organ
life support is very important. It is also a major dysfunction, and anemia [1].
problem during life support therapy. Disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC) is one of the
most serious complications associated with life 17.1 Etiology of DIC Secondary
support therapy. to Fulminant Myocarditis
DIC is an acquired clinical syndrome charac-
terized by activation of coagulation factors and Among the common causes of DIC, infectious
platelets, increased thrombin, and extensive factors account for approximately 30%.
microthrombosis. Fulminant myocarditis is usually caused by viral
Patients with fulminant myocarditis are prone infection. The most common pathogens are
to DIC if they are not treated in time or if they are viruses, including enteroviruses (especially
treated improperly. During life support, the initial Coxsackie B virus), adenoviruses, cytomegalovi-
DIC is due to the release of many inflammatory rus, EB virus, and the influenza virus. These
factors throughout the whole body, forming an viruses cause damage to the myocardium by
inflammatory storm. When a large number of mainly invading and replicating. In the subacute
procoagulant substances enter the blood circula- phase, the main pathophysiological changes are
tion, the coagulation system is activated, result- immune-related. A few patients enter the chronic
ing in the imbalance of the phase, which is characterized by the chronic per-
coagulation-anticoagulant function. In the pro- sistent and sudden aggravation of inflammatory
cess of widely forming microthrombosis (mainly activities, weakening of myocardial contractility,
composed of fibrin (FBN) and aggregated plate- myocardial fibrosis, and cardiac enlargement [2].
Prolonged shock and prolonged use of vaso-
constrictors, such as m-hydroxylamine, norepi-
G. Cui · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal nephrine, or pituitrin, are the most common and
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and important risk factors for inducing DIC in
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, patients with fulminant myocarditis.
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong During fulminant myocarditis, the occurrence
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: of an inflammatory storm, hypoxia, acidosis,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 259
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
260 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

antigen-antibody complex, free fatty acids, and erates the coagulation reaction, platelet
lipids, as well as the successively activated fibri- activation, and the aggregation process, lead-
nolysis system, kinin system, complement sys- ing to a large number of microthrombosis in
tem, and other factors may trigger the coagulation microvessels [3].
system and promote the onset and development 2. Vascular endothelial cell injury
of DIC. Shock and an inflammatory storm in
patients with fulminant myocarditis leading to
a substantial accumulation of bacteria,
17.2 Pathogenesis of DIC viruses, endotoxin, and antigen-antibody
Secondary to Fulminant complexes within a short time, followed by
Myocarditis persistent hypoxia and acidosis. These factors
can damage vascular endothelial cells, espe-
17.2.1 Activation of the Coagulation cially microvascular endothelial cells. The
System mechanism is as follows. (1) The injured vas-
cular endothelial cells express and release a
1. Severe tissue damage large amount of TF and activate the coagula-
In addition to severe inflammatory injury, tion system, leading to the occurrence of DIC.
of myocardium, patients with fulminant (2) The injury exposes subendothelial colla-
myocarditis are often complicated with gen, and other tissues can directly activate
inflammatory injury of multiple organs, even factor XII or factor XI to start the endogenous
tissue necrosis, which can promote the coagulation system. (3) Platelet activation
release of tissue factor (TF) into the blood occurs, which produces adhesion, aggrega-
within a short time, leading to the activation tion, and release reactions, and aggravates the
of the coagulation system, and subsequently, microthrombosis.
DIC.  TF is a transmembrane glycoprotein In patients with fulminant myocarditis,
composed of 263 amino acid residues, which there is substantial inflammatory cell infiltra-
mainly exists in the endoplasmic reticulum tion in the myocardial tissue as well as multi-
of cells. TF can be constantly expressed in ple organ tissues of the whole body. The
smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, pericytes, various inflammatory cells release cytokines
astrocytes, and podocytes in the outer layer such as TNF α, IL-1, IFN, endothelial adhe-
of blood vessels. When tissues and blood sion molecules, platelet-activating factor
vessels are damaged, TF is released from (PAF), complement components C3a, C5a,
damaged cells into the blood. TF contains and oxygen-free radical. These cytokines, in
negatively charged γ-carboxyl glutamic acid turn, aggravate vascular endothelial cell
and γ-carboxyglutamate (GLA) can interact (VEC) injuries and stimulate TF expression,
with Ca2+ combinations. Factor VII forms a thereby further promoting and accelerating
complex (VIIa-TF) by combining Ca2+ with coagulation reactions [4].
TF. VIIa-TF, in turn, activates factor X (clas- 3. Blood cells are destroyed, and platelets are
sical pathway), resulting in the factor Xa-Va- activated
Ca2+-PL complex. The IXa-VIIa-­Ca2+-PL Most patients with fulminant myocarditis
complex can also be formed by factor IX need the assistance of powerful life support
activation (alternative pathway). In both equipment. At present, the main popular life
pathways, the prothrombin activator is pro- support equipment available in China are
duced, leading to thrombin production. IABP, ECMO, Impala ventilator, and
Thrombin can also positively feedback and TandemHeart advanced hemodynamic sup-
accelerate the activation of factor V, factor port device. Current clinical evidence shows
VIII, and factor IX, which, in turn, acceler- that IABP has little impact on the hematologi-
ates the generation of thrombin, which accel- cal system. However, platelets adhere easily
17  Prevention and Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Fulminant Myocarditis 261

to the silica gel membrane and pipe surface and a large amount of procoagulant substances
­during ECMO bypass, resulting in continuous into the blood, the coagulation system is acti-
destruction and consumption of platelets. vated, resulting in the imbalance of coagulation
Therefore, the most damage to the blood sys- and anticoagulant functions. Secondary fibrino-
tem by ECMO is platelets. Red blood cell lytic dysfunction and the use of anticoagulants
destruction and hemolysis can also occur eas- during life support can subsequently lead to obvi-
ily, especially when the centrifugal pump is ous bleeding, shock, organ dysfunction, and ane-
running at high speed. The ECMO artificial mia [6].
device and its control process cannot avoid
damaging the integrity of red blood cells to 1. Decreased fibrinolytic function
varying degrees, and thus, hemoglobin In patients with fulminant myocarditis,
escapes and hemolysis results. The main clin- vascular endothelial function is seriously
ical manifestations are the decrease in hemo- impaired, especially vascular endothelial-­
globin concentration, the increase in dependent relaxation function [7]. VEC dam-
plasma-free hemoglobin concentration age is critical to the initiation and development
(1.0  g/L) (100  mg/dL), and hemoglobinuria. of DIC. The injured VEC, without its normal
The severity increases with the increase of anticoagulant function, is conducive to the
auxiliary flow, auxiliary time, and Hct [5]. local deposition of FBN and microthrombo-
4. Other ways to activate the clotting system are sis. For example, as the surface electronega-
as follows. (1) In some patients with fulmi- tivity of VEC decreases, the generation of
nant myocarditis and digestive tract symp- TFPI and adsorption of AT-III and other anti-
toms, a large amount of trypsin enters the coagulant substances also decrease, resulting
blood when the inflammation involves the in reduced local anticoagulant function of the
pancreas. Due to the direct activation of pro- microvessels. Similarly, as the expression of
thrombin by trypsin, a large number of micro- thrombomodulin (TM) on the damaged VEC
thrombosis are caused. (2) In cases of membrane decreases, its ability to promote
toxin-related myocarditis caused by bee protein C (PC) activation also decreases,
venom and snake venom, these exogenous resulting in reduction in local anticoagulation
toxins are efficient procoagulant substances. and fibrinolysis functions. The affected VEC
They can directly activate factor X and pro- produces increased plasminogen activator
thrombin, or directly convert fibrinogens inhibitor (PAI-1) and decreases tissue plas-
(FBG) into fibrin monomers. (3) In tumor-­ minogen activator (t-PA), which, in turn,
associated myocarditis, some tumor cells can reduces the fibrinolytic function, leading to
secrete specific procoagulant protein (CP), the local deposition of FBN and microthrom-
which can directly activate factor X, leading bosis. Moreover, fibrinolytic activities at the
to the activation of the coagulation system. microvascular site may not be significantly
reduced, but due to the hyperactive coagula-
tion and the formation of a large amount of
17.2.2 Fibrinolysis Dysfunction FBN in the microvessels, the ability of plas-
min to be cleared in time is exceeded, leading
The fibrinolytic function (fibrinolytic function) is to FBN precipitation and microthrombosis.
an important anticoagulant function of the human The reduction in anticoagulant and fibrino-
body. It plays an important role in removing FBN lytic activities is another important condition
from blood vessels and gland excretion pipelines, for the formation and retention of transparent
thereby preventing thrombosis. microthrombosis [8].
During the provision of life support treatment 2. Secondary fibrinolysis enhanced
to patients with fulminant myocarditis, due to the Secondary fibrinolysis (secondary fibrino-
release of a large number of inflammatory factors lysis) refers to the activation of the fibrinolytic
262 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

system after the coagulation system is of the monocyte~macrophage system to phago-

­activated. Secondary fibrinolysis is important cytose activated coagulation factors is reduced
for dissolving FBN and FBG.  Secondary and endotoxins cannot be inactivated. Endotoxins
enhancement of fibrinolysis can occur simul- can activate coagulation factors, damage VEC,
taneously with hypercoagulability. It can also promote platelet aggregation, and constrict blood
occur successively after hypercoagulability. vessels, leading to DIC-like pathological changes.
Therefore, secondary hyperfibrinolysis not
only promotes the dissolution of microthrom-
bosis in microvessels, but also aggravates the 17.3.2 Severe Liver Dysfunction
obstacles of hemostasis and coagulation func-
tion, resulting in bleeding. Fulminant myocarditis easily leads to acute liver
damage, which is mostly caused by severe infec-
tion, insufficient cardiac output, liver congestion
17.3 Factors Affecting and insufficient perfusion. Long shock time and
the Occurrence chronic use of vasoactive drugs, especially potent
and Development of DIC vasoconstrictors, such as m-hydroxylamine, nor-
epinephrine, and pituitrin, can further aggravate
In addition to inflammatory damage to myocar- tissue and liver ischemia. Furthermore, inflam-
dial tissue and even multiple organs of the whole matory factors can also directly inhibit the syn-
body, patients with fulminant myocarditis also thesis of hepatocytes and participate in the
have a decline in systemic immune regulation. pathogenesis of DIC [9].
These comprehensive factors can make patients
with fulminant myocarditis prone to develop 1. Reduction of synthetic anticoagulant sub-
DIC. stances in the liver: anticoagulant substances,
PC, AT-III, and flg are synthesized by the
liver. In cases of chronic migratory hepatitis
17.3.1 Impaired Function and liver cirrhosis, the synthesis of anticoagu-
of the Monocyte-Macrophage lant substances in the liver is reduced, and the
System blood is in a hypercoagulable state, which
easily induces DIC.
Monocytes and macrophages phagocytose and 2. Reduction of activated coagulation factors
remove bacterial endotoxin, tissue cell debris, that are inactivated by the liver: during the
immune complexes, cytokines, ADP, and other activation of the coagulation system, activated
procoagulant substances. In fulminant myocardi- coagulation factor IXa, XIa, Xa, TAT, and
tis, the cardiomyocytes swell and degenerate, PAP are cleared and inactivated in the liver. In
myocardial fibrous interstitial edema arises, and a acute severe hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, inac-
large number of inflammatory cell (mainly mono- tivation of the activated coagulation factors
cytes) infiltrates. Therefore, when the function of decreases, and the blood is in a hypercoagula-
the monocyte-macrophage system is seriously tive state, thereby enhancing the risk of induc-
impaired (such as long-term and high doses of ing DIC.
glucocorticoids or serious liver diseases), or cell 3. TF may be released in large quantities in acute
function is blocked due to excessive phagocyto- liver necrosis.
sis (such as bacteria, endotoxin, lipids and 4. Some causes of liver dysfunction, such as
necrotic tissues), the clearance of procoagulant viruses and certain drugs, can activate coagu-
substances in the blood by monocyte-­ lation factors.
macrophages is reduced and a large amount of
procoagulant substances are accumulated, which These factors play a certain role in the occurrence
easily induces DIC. At the same time, the ability and development of DIC.
17  Prevention and Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Fulminant Myocarditis 263

17.3.3 Hypercoagulative State procoagulant substances into the blood is small

of the Blood and slow. If the body’s compensatory function
(phagocytosis) is normal, DIC does not usually
Hypercoagulative state of the blood refers to a occur, or only chronic DIC with no obvious
state in which blood coagulation increases under symptoms arises. In patients with fulminant
some physiological or pathological conditions, myocarditis, when too much coagulants enter the
which is conducive to thrombosis. Patients with blood within a short time or they enter too fast,
fulminant myocarditis often have secondary the body’s compensatory ability is exceeded, and
hypercoagulability due to systemic severe infec- acute DIC results. Moreover, the route of proco-
tion and acidosis. agulant substances entering the blood has an
important relationship with the site of micro-
1. Primary hypercoagulative state thrombosis. When procoagulant substances enter
The primary hypercoagulative state is seen the blood through the venous system, DIC is
in hereditary AT-III, PC, PS deficiency, and mainly distributed in the lungs. In contrast, DIC
PC resistance caused by the abnormal struc- is mainly distributed in the kidneys, when proco-
ture of factor V. agulant substances enter the blood through the
2. Secondary hypercoagulative state arterial system [3].
Patients with fulminant myocarditis often
have secondary hypercoagulability due to
severe systemic infection and acidosis. The 17.4 Main Clinical Manifestations
mechanism is as follows. of DIC Secondary
(a) VEC injury initiates the coagulation sys- to Fulminant Myocarditis
tem and induces the occurrence of DIC.
(b) A decrease in blood pH increases the The main clinical symptoms of DIC are bleeding,
enzyme activities of the coagulation fac- multiple organ dysfunction, microcirculation dis-
tors and weakens the anticoagulant activ- order (shock), and anemia. The first three symp-
ity of heparin. toms are more common in acute DIC.
(c) Promotion of platelet aggregation occurs. Importantly, patients with fulminant myocar-
After aggregation, platelets can release a ditis are prone to multiple organ failures. For
series of procoagulant factors that cause example, (1) When combined with viral pneumo-
the blood to be in a hypercoagulative nia, extensive microthrombosis in the lungs can
state. cause alveolar capillary membrane damage and
clinical symptoms of acute respiratory failure,
such as adult respiratory distress syndrome
17.3.4 Microcirculation Disturbance (ARDS); (2) If there is extensive microthrombo-
sis in the kidneys, it can cause bilateral renal cor-
Fulminant myocarditis complicated with cardio- tical necrosis and acute renal failure. The clinical
genic shock is common. When the cardiogenic manifestations are oliguria, hematuria, and pro-
shock cannot be corrected in time, serious micro- teinuria; (3) DIC in the digestive system can
circulation disorder results. Blood flow in the cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastroin-
microcirculation is slow. Blood vortex or stasis testinal bleeding; (4) Intrahepatic microthrombo-
occurs, and blood cells gather. These promote the sis can cause portal hypertension, liver
development of DIC. dysfunction, gastrointestinal congestion, edema,
The occurrence and development of DIC in jaundice, and other related symptoms; (5)
fulminant myocarditis are also related to the Myocarditis results in decreased myocardial con-
quantity, speed, and route of procoagulant sub- tractility, decreased cardiac output, decreased
stances entering the blood. In chronic myocardi- cardiac index, and significantly increased cre-
tis or mild viral myocarditis, the entry of atine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase;
264 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

(6) Neurological diseases show nonspecific will also be difficult to control or it may
symptoms, such as unconsciousness, drowsiness, relapse easily. Infection, shock, acidosis, and
coma, and convulsion [9]. hypoxia are important factors that contribute
to and promote DIC.  Actively eliminating
these inducing factors can prevent the occur-
17.5 Treatment of DIC Secondary rence and development of DIC and create
to Fulminant Myocarditis conditions to facilitate the recovery of normal
coagulation-anticoagulation balance.
When DIC occurs in patients with fulminant Mechanical circulation should be used to
myocarditis, it indicates that the patient’s condi- support the active treatment of shock. Strong
tion is serious, dangerous, and rapidly develop- vasoconstrictors and blood pressure raising
ing. Active rescue must be initiated. Otherwise, drugs, such as m-hydroxylamine, norepineph-
irreversible damage is imminent. Fulminant rine, and pituitrin should be avoided as far as
myocarditis, cardiogenic shock, and DIC are the possible to reduce the organ blood supply and
cause and effect of each other. Consideration minimize the risk of inducing irreversible
must be given to both the treatment, and the clini- DIC.  If the local hospital needs to transfer
cal changes. Clinical manifestations and labora- patients with DIC to a tertiary hospital, the
tory test results must also be closely monitored. above vasoactive drugs can be used for a short
Treatment principle. The current view is that time during the transfer process to maintain
the treatment of fulminant myocarditis is the the blood pressure [10].
most critical and fundamental treatment for miti- Due to poor nutritional intake and absorp-
gating the pathological process of DIC. tion during illness, vitamin deficiency is com-
Main treatment measures are as follows. (1) mon. Therefore, water-soluble and fat-soluble
Alleviate the basic diseases causing DIC. (2) vitamins are routinely supplemented in the
Block the process of intravascular coagulation. critical stage to facilitate the synthesis of liver
(3) Restore normal platelet and plasma coagula- coagulation factors.
tion factor levels. (4) Antifibrinolytic therapy. (5) 2. Therapeutic measures for intervening in
Symptomatic and supportive treatment. the pathophysiological process of DIC The
condition of patients with fulminant myocar-
1. Treatment of the primary disease to reduce ditis develops and changes rapidly. Even in
and prevent the onset of DIC The use of glu- the same case, different treatment measures
cocorticoids in patients with fulminant myo- must be taken according to the changes in the
carditis increases the risk of systemic patient’s condition. It should be pointed out
infection. Therefore, infection prevention that the clinical stages of patients with fulmi-
strategies should be implemented from the nant myocarditis complicated with DIC over-
beginning of treatment. Infection should be lap to some extent, so treatment should be
treated actively. Antimicrobials should be closely assessed in combination with the
commenced early, and the choice should be patient’s clinical process and laboratory test
broad-spectrum and provided at a sufficiently results. Comprehensive measures should be
high dose. Empirical medication should adopt taken [11].
the principle of “descending the ladder” to (a) Early stage (diffuse microthrombotic
reduce the damage of infection to the micro- stage): It is mainly microthrombotic. The
vascular system as soon as possible. This is purpose of this treatment is to inhibit
completely consistent with the treatment con- extensive microthrombotic formation and
cept of fulminant myocarditis (see the chapter prevent further consumption of platelets
on treatment of fulminant myocarditis for and various coagulation factors.
details). On the contrary, if the primary infec- Therefore, the treatment mainly involves
tion is not removed or difficult to control, DIC anticoagulants.
17  Prevention and Treatment of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation in Fulminant Myocarditis 265

(b) Metaphase (consumptive hypocoagulant transfusion of platelet suspension is

phase): Microthrombosis is still in prog- required. Platelets must be provided in
ress at this stage. Therefore, anticoagu- sufficient quantity, and the first dosage
lant treatment is still essential. However, should be at least one adult unit.
due to the progressive consumption of • Late-stage (secondary fibrinolytic
coagulation factors, clinical bleeding is hyperactivity): At this stage, micro-
common. Therefore, based on complete thrombosis has basically stopped, and
anticoagulation, alternative treatment secondary hyperfibrinolysis is the
with platelet and coagulation factors main contradiction. If it is clinically
should be considered. Currently, the rec- confirmed that hyperfibrinolysis is the
ommended alternative therapeutic agents primary cause of bleeding, an appro-
include infusion of plasma (including priate amount of antifibrinolytic drugs
fresh plasma, fresh frozen plasma, cryo- can be used. At the same time, fibrino-
precipitation, and prothrombin complex) gens should also be actively supple-
and platelets. mented due to the consumption of
• Fresh plasma: The blood coagulation coagulation factors and platelets. Main
factors contained in fresh plasma are indications for fibrinolytic inhibitors
similar to fresh whole blood. Plasma are as follows. (1) Fulminant myocar-
can also reduce the total amount of ditis has been effectively controlled
input liquid and avoid the destruction and has been treated with effective
of red blood cells, to produce mem- anticoagulant therapy and supplemen-
brane phospholipids and other tal platelets and coagulation factors.
coagulation-­promoting factors. Hence, However, bleeding is still difficult to
it is an ideal supplementary prepara- control. (2) DIC with fibrinolytic
tion of coagulation factors for patients. hyperactivity. (3) In the late stage of
Furthermore, plasma input may help DIC, hyperfibrinolysis becomes the
in correcting shock and improving the main pathological process and the
microcirculation. main cause of recurrent bleeding or
• Fibrinogen: It is suitable for patients aggravation of bleeding. (4) During
with acute DIC, obvious low fibrino- DIC, fibrinolytic laboratory indexes
gen, or extremely serious bleeding. confirmed that there is obvious sec-
The first dose is 2–4 g by intravenous ondary hyperfibrinolysis.
infusion. Subsequent supplementation • Patients with fulminant myocarditis
can be provided according to the con- are prone to secondary DIC, which is
tent of plasma fibrinogen, so that the also an important factor leading to
content of plasma fibrinogen reaches patient death. According to our clinical
more than 1.0 g/L. Since the half-life experience, hypotension or prolonged
of fibrinogen is 96–144 h, it generally shock, long-term use of norepineph-
does not need to be readministered rine, meta-hydroxylamine, or pituitrin
after 24 h, especially in patients whose to maintain blood pressure are the
fibrinogen plasma concentration most important risk factors for
returns to more than 1.0 g/L or there is DIC.  Therefore, early use of treat-
no obvious hyperfibrinolysis. ments such as mechanical circulatory
• Platelet: For patients with no bleeding, support and immune regulation, while
whose platelet count is lower than effectively preventing and treating
(10–20)  ×  109/L, or patients with infections, and early supplementation
active bleeding and whose platelet of water-soluble and fat-soluble vita-
count is lower than 50 × 109/L, urgently mins may help prevent DIC.  During
266 G. Cui and D. W. Wang

treatment, the coagulation state must Life Sci. 2019;62:369–80.

be monitored, to ensure that any abnor- 3. Wang DW, Li S, Jiang JG, Yan JT, Zhao CX, Wang Y,
malities are detected promptly to facil- Ma YX, Zeng HS, Guo XM, Wang H, et al. Chinese
itate correction and treatment. society of cardiology expert consensus statement on
the diagnosis and treatment of adult fulminant myo-
carditis. Sci China Life Sci. 2019;62:187–202. https://
Key Points­018-­9385-­3.
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1. Patients with fulminant myocarditis are at risk JJ, Ammirati E, Wang DW.  Longitudinal correlation
of DIC due to infections and the inflammatory of biomarkers of cardiac injury, inflammation, and
coagulation to outcome in hospitalized COVID-­19
storm, and prolonged hypotension or shock. patients. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2020;147:74–87. https://
2. Tissue ischemia caused by long-term use of
norepinephrine, m-hydroxylamine, or pitui- 5. Xiong HL, Xia BQ, Zhu JY, Li BF, Huang
trin for maintaining blood pressure, is the WQ. Clinical outcomes in pediatric patients hospital-
ized with fulminant myocarditis requiring extracorpo-
most important risk factor for inducing real membrane oxygenation: a meta-analysis. Pediatr
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3. Anticoagulants should be used during life s00246-­016-­1517-­1.
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Bingyan J, Liu J, Kun Y, Cun L.  Outcome of extra-
function is an important measure for prevent- corporeal membrane oxygenation support for adult
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4. Early use of mechanical circulatory support treatment strategy and risk factors. Zhonghua Wei
and immunomodulatory therapy, effective Zhong Bing Ji Jiu Yi Xue. 2015;27:959–64.
7. Van Linthout S, Elsanhoury A, Klein O, Sosnowski
prevention and treatment of infection, moni- M, Miteva K, Lassner D, Abou-El-Enein M, Pieske
toring of bleeding and coagulation-related B, Kuhl U, Tschope C.  Telbivudine in chronic lym-
indicators, and early supplementation of phocytic myocarditis and human parvovirus B19 tran-
water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins may scriptional activity. ESC Heart Fail. 2018;5:818–30.
help to prevent DIC. 8. Lobo MLS, Taguchi A, Gaspar HA, Ferranti JF, de
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1. Caforio ALP, Pankuweit S, Arbustini E, Basso C, albumin level indicates poor prognosis of COVID-19
Gimeno-Blanes J, Felix SB, Fu M, Helio T, Heymans patients: hepatic injury analysis from 2,623 hospi-
S, Jahns R, et al. Current state of knowledge on aeti- talized cases. Sci China Life Sci. 2020;63:1678–87.
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nant myocarditis: a multiple center study. Sci China 2020;12:8.
Rehabilitation Treatment
for Myocarditis 18
Jiangang Jiang

18.1 Overview process of myocardial inflammatory response is

over. For acute myocarditis related to dilated car-
Myocarditis patients can be divided into the acute diomyopathy, it generally takes more than 6–12
period, sub-acute period, and chronic period. The months for the disappearance of inflammatory
acute phase generally lasts about 3–5 days, response [8]. International guidelines agree that
mainly due to virus invasion and replication of all patients with acute myocarditis should avoid
myocardial damage. In the subacute stage, competitive or leisure sports within 6 months of
immune response is the main pathophysiological onset after discharge from the hospital, regard-
change. A few patients enter the chronic stage, less of the patient’s age, gender, severity of symp-
presenting with chronic persistent and suddenly toms, and whether they are taking drugs or not.
aggravated inflammatory activities, weakened After clinical reassessment by doctors, the patient
myocardial contractility, myocardial fibrosis, and can gradually resume exercise [2, 8, 9].
heart enlargement [1]. About 50% of patients The American Heart Association (AHA) lists
with acute myocarditis will gradually recover three requirements for myocarditis patients to
within 2–4 weeks, about 25% of patients still participate in exercise after 6 months: (1) ven-
have persistent cardiac function impairment, and tricular systolic function has returned to the nor-
12–25% of patients will suddenly deteriorate, mal range; (2) blood samples show that the
resulting in death or end-stage dilated cardiomy- markers of myocardial injury, inflammation,
opathy, requiring heart transplantation [2]. The and heart failure returned to normal; and (3) no
chronic progression of myocarditis to dilated car- clinically relevant arrhythmia, such as frequent
diomyopathy has become an international con- or complex ventricular or supraventricular ecto-
sensus [1–8]. Studies have found that 30% of pic activity, was seen in the Holter and stress
patients with myocarditis diagnosed by myocar- ECG. The view that “the loss of LGE associated
dial biopsy gradually develop dilated cardiomy- with myocarditis as suggested by cardiac mag-
opathy, presenting with heart failure [2]. netic resonance is one of the criteria for partici-
At present, there is no sensitive or specific pating in strenuous exercise” needs further
examination method to determine whether the discussion. However, the presence of myocar-
dial scars still carries the risk of arrhythmia [8,
J. Jiang (*) 10, 11].
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal In patients with myocarditis within 6 months
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and of onset, in addition to rest, taking medication is
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, also necessary. The thickening of the left ventric-
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China ular wall in patients with myocarditis is often a

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 267
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
268 J. Jiang

manifestation of active inflammation, which can (unless conjunctive or intolerant). Trimetazidine

be gradually reduced in a few weeks [12]. Cardiac can attenuate inflammation and improve cardiac
magnetic resonance can be used to assess the sit- function for myocarditis patients [23, 24]. Diuretics
uation of myocardial edema and inflammation in should be used first to reduce fluid retention in
patients [13–17]. In addition, the use of echocar- patients with heart failure with symptoms and/or
diography for systematic spot tracking analysis signs of congestion. If symptoms persist, aldosterol
can also easily find and assess the state of cardiac receptor antagonists or angiotensin receptor
inflammation and functional recovery [18]. For enkephalinase inhibitors (ARNI) instead of ACEI/
patients who still have myocardial edema and ARB are recommended. If the dosage of β-blocker
inflammatory activity after discharge, appropri- has reached the target dose or the maximum toler-
ate oral glucocorticoids can improve cardiac ated dose but the heart rate is still greater than
function [19–22]. For patients with high myocar- 70 beats/min and LVEF is less than 35%, evabradine
dial injury markers but normal cardiac function may be considered. It should be recommended if it
after discharge, it is recommended to return to the conforms to the indications of CRT/ICD [25]. For
clinic after 1–2 weeks, focusing on the changes patients with poor results and without endocardial
in the patient’s troponin and cardiac function biopsy, endocardial biopsy should be performed to
[12], and it is necessary to perform endocardial determine the pathological type of myocarditis [26].
myocardial biopsy for histological evaluation. The rehabilitation treatment process for patients
Patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction with myocarditis is shown in Fig. 18.1.
or abnormal ultrasound spot tracking should be If the patient still has poor cardiac function
treated with β-blockers, angiotensin converting after normal anti-heart failure treatment after dis-
enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), or angiotensin recep- charge, endocardial biopsy is required to further
tor blockers (ARB), which not only help improve guide treatment.
heart function but may also help to reduce inflam- All patients with myocarditis need to rest for
mation. Most patients with myocarditis with 3–6 months after disease onset to avoid load exer-
impaired cardiac function respond well to stan- cise. Patients were followed up in the outpatient
dard heart failure therapy [2, 8, 12]. clinic at the first, third, and sixth month after dis-
Patients with myocarditis who still have impaired charge, and their conditions were evaluated com-
cardiac function 6 months after onset should follow prehensively, including symptoms, medication,
the guidelines for chronic heart failure. ACEI/ARB living habits, mental and psychological status,
and β-blockers should be used as early as possible nutritional status, and quality of life, as well as

drug prescription

exercise prescription
patients with cardiac
at rest 3-6 function
myocarditis nutrition prescription
month abnormal

psychological prescription

cardiac function
regular return to normal patient education
follow up

avoid strenuous appropriate
assessment of
exercise medication

Fig. 18.1  Flow chart of rehabilitation treatment for patients with myocarditis
18  Rehabilitation Treatment for Myocarditis 269

undergoing physical examinations and normal through a comprehensive model of five core pre-
examinations such as blood routine, liver and kid- scriptions (drug, exercise, nutrition, psychologi-
ney function, electrolytes, inflammatory indexes, cal (including sleep management), and smoking
cardiac enzymes, markers of heart failure, electro- cessation and alcohol restriction prescriptions),
cardiogram, ultrasonic cardiogram, and so forth. aiming to provide cardiovascular disease patients
Cardiac magnetic resonance examination is rec- with comprehensive physical, psychological, and
ommended 3 months after discharge to assess car- social management services and care during the
diac structure, myocardial edema, and fibrosis. If acute, recovery, and maintenance phases, and the
myocardial edema is still present, oral steroids are entire life process [32, 33].
recommended. Patients with high levels of tropo- Specific components of cardiac rehabilitation/
nin are recommended to be re-visited 1–2 weeks secondary prevention include:
later to observe changes in troponin and cardiac
function. Patients with left ventricular ejection 1. System evaluation. Initial, stage, and outcome
fraction below 40% should be treated with ACEI, evaluations are the premise and basis of car-
β-blockers, or ARBs in accordance with interna- diac rehabilitation.
tional guidelines for stage B heart failure. If 2. Evidence-based drug therapy. Cardiovascular
symptoms improve and ultrasound spot tracking risk factors should be controlled.
shows that cardiac function has returned to nor- 3. Change unhealthy lifestyles, including smok-
mal, the drug can be stopped for observation. If ing cessation, proper diet, and scientific
the patient’s symptoms or test results do not exercise.
improve, endocardial biopsy may be considered 4. Mood and sleep management. The adverse
for further determination of cardiac pathological effects of psychopharmacology and sleep
changes. For patients with decreased cardiac quality on quality of life and cardiovascular
function, it is suggested to refer to chronic heart outcomes should be noted.
failure for cardiac rehabilitation therapy, includ- 5. Change of health education behavior.
ing drug, exercise, nutrition, psychological, and Instructing patients to learn self-management
patient education prescriptions. is the ultimate goal of cardiac rehabilitation.
6. Improve quality of life and return to society
and careers [32].
18.2 Cardiac Rehabilitation
The five prescriptions of cardiac rehabilitation
Patients with myocarditis should pay special are drug, exercise, nutrition, psychological
attention to exercise restriction after discharge. (including sleep management), and patient edu-
According to the condition that cardiac function cation (risk factor management and smoking ces-
is not restored to normal or cardiac structure is sation) prescriptions. The combined effect of
enlarged, patients are advised to undergo cardiac comprehensive evaluation and the “five
rehabilitation in accordance with the guidelines prescriptions” provides long-term comprehen-
for heart failure 6 months to 1 year later [25, 27, sive management of psychology, biology, and
28]. Multiple studies have shown that chronic society for patients with cardiovascular disease in
heart failure resulting from various causes can the acute, recovery, and maintenance phases, and
benefit from cardiac rehabilitation [29–31]. the entire life process [32].
Cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention is The clinical path of cardiac rehabilitation can
a professional prevention and treatment system be divided into six steps:
integrating biomedicine, sports medicine, nutri-
tion medicine, psychosomatic medicine, and
1. Patients with myocarditis who still have
behavioral medicine. It refers to the systematiza- impaired cardiac function 6 months after dis-
tion, structuring, digitization, and individualiza- charge are recommended to receive cardiac
tion of cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation therapy.
management measures based on an overall medi-
2. The physician performs the initial patient
cal evaluation and intervenes in risk factors evaluation.
270 J. Jiang

3. Physicians make personalized cardiac reha- tions. Routine adjunctive examinations

bilitation prescriptions according to the evalu- include resting electrocardiogram (ECG),
ation results. echocardiography (detection of atrial enlarge-
4. Patients are instructed by physicians to com- ment, left ventricular ejection fraction), and
plete 36 prescriptions of cardiac rehabilitation blood tests (such as lipids, blood glucose, and
in hospital or at home. markers of myocardial injury).
5. Physicians evaluate the outcome of cardiac 2. Exercise risk assessment. The contraindica-
rehabilitation and provide an analysis report tions for exercise prescriptions include unsta-
on the effect of cardiac rehabilitation. ble angina, systolic blood pressure
6. Physicians provide long-term out-of-hospital >200  mmHg or diastolic blood pressure
treatment plans to patients based on evalua- >110  mmHg at rest, blood pressure drop
tion results [32]. >20  mmHg after presenting with symptoms,
severe aortic stenosis, acute systemic disease
or fever, uncontrolled severe atrial or ventric-
18.2.1 Cardiac Assessment ular arrhythmia, uncontrolled obvious sinus
tachycardia (>120  beats/min), uncontrolled
Cardiac assessment is conducted throughout car- heart failure, third degree atrioventricular
diac rehabilitation. It is very important to conduct block without pacemaker implanted, active
a comprehensive evaluation of cardiac rehabilita- pericarditis or myocarditis, thrombophlebitis,
tion patients, which should start from the first recent thromboembolism, ST segment depres-
contact with patients and run through the whole sion or elevation (>2 mm) at rest, severe motor
process of cardiac rehabilitation, and is the pri- system abnormalities that can limit exercise
mary and important content of cardiac rehabilita- capacity, and other metabolic abnormalities,
tion [34]. such as acute thyroiditis, hypokalemia, hyper-
kalemia, or hypovolemia [35].
1. Comprehensive cardiac assessment. Including Exercise risk assessment should be per-
biological history, lifestyle habits, risk fac- formed before patients are prescribed exer-
tors, cardiovascular function and exercise cise. The assessment contents include the
risk, mental and psychological status, nutri- following: a history of cardiovascular disease
tional status, quality of life, and systemic sta- and other organ diseases; a physical examina-
tus and disease perception (Table  18.1). tion, focusing on the heart, lung, and muscu-
Through assessment, the patient’s overall sta- loskeletal system; recent cardiovascular
tus, risk stratification, and various factors examination results, including blood bio-
affecting treatment effects and prognosis can chemical examination, 12-lead electrocardio-
be understood, so as to formulate optimal gram, coronary angiography,
treatment strategies for patients in acute and echocardiography, exercise stress test, pace-
chronic stages, and achieve comprehensive maker, or implantable cardioversion defibril-
and whole-course medical management [34]. lator function; drugs currently taken, including
Patients with myocarditis who agreed to dosage, method of administration, and adverse
participate in cardiac rehabilitation were reactions; whether the control of cardiovascu-
assessed at five time points: initial assessment, lar disease risk factors is up to standard; and
pre-exercise assessment for each exercise daily eating and exercise habits [36].
treatment, emergency assessment for new or The exercise load test and risk stratification are
abnormal signs/symptoms, reassessment every the key contents in exercise risk assessment,
30 days of the cardiac rehabilitation treatment which require clinicians to master relevant pro-
cycle, and 90-day outcome assessment. fessional knowledge. All patients need to be
The assessment included history, symp- stratified according to risk before cardiac reha-
toms, signs, medication status, cardiovascular bilitation (Table 18.2). Low-risk patients can par-
risk factors, and routine adjunctive examina- ticipate in exercise under ECG monitoring
18  Rehabilitation Treatment for Myocarditis 271

Table 18.1  Contents of comprehensive evaluation of patients in cardiac rehabilitation

Project Contents
History Diagnosis, complications, comorbidities, and past history related to the current cardiovascular event
Physical Assessment of cardiopulmonary function
examination Assessment of musculoskeletal system function, especially extremities and loin
Resting Whether the ECG ST-T changes, serious arrhythmia, etc.
Medication Drug type, name, dose, and frequency
Risk factors of Uncorrectable risk factors
cardiovascular  Age, sex, family history of cardiovascular disease
disease Modifiable risk factors
 Smoking status, including primary and secondary smoke
 History and control of hypertension
 History and control of dyslipidemia: 6–8 weeks lipid profile, including total cholesterol, low
density lipoprotein cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides
 Dietary structure, particularly dietary fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and calorie intake
 Body composition: weight, height, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-to-
hip ratio, body fat content (%)
 Fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, diabetes history, and blood glucose control
 Physical activity status: leisure sports, favorite form of exercise, daily sitting time
 Assessment of psychosocial functioning: depression, anxiety, family history of mental illness
 Other questionnaire data: such as sleep disorders and sleep apnea (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
Scale (PISQ))
Athletic ability Exercise testing
Cardiopulmonary exercise test
The 6-min walk test
Markers of Serum troponin concentration
myocardial necrosis
Echocardiography Heart cavity size, left ventricular ejection fraction
From The Chinese Guidelines for Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention (2018 edition) [34]
Table 18.2  Risk stratification of cardiovascular events during exercise
Risk stratification
Factor Low risk Median risk High risk
Exercise Angina No Yes or no Yes
test factors Asymptomatic but with ischemic No Yes, but ECG Yes, ECG ST segment down
changes on the ECG ST segment ≥2 mm
down <2 mm
Other obvious uncomfortable No Yes or no Yes
symptoms, such as shortness of breath,
dizziness, etc.
Complex ventricular arrhythmias No No Yes
Hemodynamic response (with the Normal Normal Abnormality, including poor
increase of exercise load, heart rate function of heart rate or
increases and systolic blood pressure decreased systolic blood pressure
increases) with increased exercise load
Functional reserve ≥7 Mets 5.0–7.0 Mets ≤5 Mets
Non-­ Left ventricular ejection fraction ≥50% 40–50% <40%
exercise History of sudden death No No Yes
test index Complex ventricular arrhythmias at rest No No Yes
Complications of myocardial infarction No No Yes
or revascularization
Myocardial ischemia after myocardial No No Yes
infarction or revascularization
Congestive heart-failure No No Yes
Clinical depression No No Yes
272 J. Jiang

between 6 and 18 times, middle-risk patients can 18.3 Five Prescriptions for Cardiac
participate in exercises under ECG monitoring Rehabilitation
between 12 and 24 times, and high-risk patients
can participate in exercises under ECG monitor- Cardiac rehabilitation includes five prescriptions:
ing between 18 and 36 times. The types of exer- drug, exercise, nutrition, psychological (includ-
cise load tests include the instrumental exercise ing sleep management), and patient education
load test and the unarmed 6-min walking test (risk factor management and smoking cessation)
[36]. The contraindications of the exercise load prescriptions.
test are the same as exercise prescriptions.
It is worth clinicians’ attention that the prin- 1. Drug prescriptions
ciple of individuation should be observed in the Evidence-based medication to control car-
formulation of cardiac rehabilitation programs. diovascular risk factors. Cardiac rehabilita-
Due to differences in patients’ cognition, behav- tion physicians should master and update the
ior, psychology, motivation, physiology, and core content of drug therapy guidelines for
environment, rehabilitation goals and treatment cardiovascular diseases in a timely manner
plans need to be formulated in consultation with and master the control objectives of cardio-
the patient and appropriate family members vascular risk factors as well as the selection
according to the actual patient situation. Every and treatment targets of cardiovascular pro-
assessment in the process of cardiac ­rehabilitation tective drugs. The control objectives of major
should be adjusted according to the patient’s con- cardiovascular disease risk factors and related
dition, and a stable rehabilitation plan should drugs are shown in Table 18.3 [32]. In addi-
gradually be formulated [35]. tion to controlling risk factors, ACEI and

Table 18.3  Control targets and related drugs for major cardiovascular disease risk factors
Risk factor Control targets and related drugs
Dyslipidemia • LDL-c <2.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL) (high-risk patients); <1.8 mmol/L (70 mg/dL) (extremely
high-risk patients, including ACS or coronary heart disease with diabetes)
• TG <1.7 mmol/L (15 mg/dL)
• Non-HDL-c <3.3 mmol/L (130 mg/dL) in high-risk patients; <2.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL)
(extremely high-risk patients)
• Statins are the first choice for lowering cholesterol. When the LDL-C of moderate intensity
statins is not up to the standard, ezetimibe 5–10 mg/day can be added orally.
Hypertension • Ideal blood pressure: 120/80 mmHg
• Blood pressure control target: <140/90 mmHg. If tolerated, blood pressure can be further
controlled to 120–130/70–80 mmHg. In healthy elderly, blood pressure can be controlled to
130–140/70–80 mmHg, and in weak elderly, it can be relaxed to 150/90 mmHg.
• All patients received guidance on healthy lifestyles, and attention is paid to detect and correct
sleep apnea; β-blockers, ACEI, or ARB are preferred for patients with coronary heart disease or
heart failure complicated with hypertension, and other antihypertensive drugs are added when
Diabetes • Control objective: HBA1c ≤7.0%
Heart rate • The resting heart rate of patients with coronary heart disease should be controlled at 55–60
control beats/min.
• The preferred drugs for heart rate control are the β-blockers metoprolol, bisoprolol, and
• Evabradine is indicated for patients with chronic stable angina with sinus rhythm >70 beats/min
after β-blocker application.
Weight and • Body mass index (BMI) of 18.5–23.9 kg/m2. Waist circumference should be no more than
waist 90 cm for men and 85 cm for women.
18  Rehabilitation Treatment for Myocarditis 273

β-blockers can be used to prevent and delay 3. Nutrition prescriptions

the progression of heart failure. Angiotensin When providing nutritional advice to
II receptor blockers (ARBs) may be used in patients, it is necessary to understand and
patients who cannot tolerate ACEI. Clinicians evaluate the daily intake of energy, saturated
adjust medications and dosages according to fatty acids, cholesterol, sodium, and other
patients’ conditions [25]. nutritional elements in their diets [35].
2. Exercise prescriptions Patients should be evaluated for their dietary
For patients who meet the indications of habits, adherence to cardiovascular protective
exercise prescription and exclude contraindica- diets, knowledge of nutrition, and mispercep-
tions, an individualized exercise prescription tions of nutrition. Nutritional prescription rec-
should be formulated according to exercise risk ommendations for patients should be
assessment. The elements of exercise prescrip- formulated according to the patients’ culture,
tion include exercise type, intensity, duration, the patients’ preferences, and the principles of
and frequency, among which exercise intensity a cardiovascular protective diet [32]. Weight,
is an important factor in the formulation of body mass index (BMI), and waist circumfer-
exercise prescription, which is directly related ence should be regularly monitored.
to the safety and efficacy of exercise. Overweight and obese patients are advised to
Aerobic exercise is the main form of exer- reduce their BMI by 5–10% within 6–12
cise rehabilitation for patients with chronic months to maintain a BMI of between 18.5
heart failure [28, 37]. Aerobic exercise and 23.9  kg/m2. Waist circumference should
includes walking, using a treadmill, swim- be controlled for males ≤90 cm and females
ming, cycling, stair climbing, tai chi, and so ≤85 cm [38].
on. The principle of the progressive adjust- 4. Psychological prescriptions (including sleep
ment of aerobic exercise prescription is to management)
“gradually increase the amount of exercise by The general emotional response of
adjusting the duration, frequency and/or patients should be understood through con-
intensity of exercise until the desired goal is sultation, and patients’ anxiety and depres-
reached; Impedance training is adjusted by sion should be assessed using a psychological
increasing resistance and/or increasing the screening self-rating scale. For patients with
number of repetitions, and/or increasing the anxiety and depression, symptomatic treat-
frequency of each set” [32]. ment can be given first, including correct
The American Society of Cardiopulmonary disease cognitive education, exercise ther-
Rehabilitation puts forward specific sugges- apy, and symptomatic treatment of antide-
tions on a progressive exercise program as pressant drugs. Patients’ evaluation of their
follows: (a) develop a personalized progres- own sleep quality should be understood
sive exercise program for each patient; (b) through consultation; patients’ sleep quality
adjust the exercise program once a week; (c) should be evaluated by the Pittsburgh Sleep
generally, only one exercise content (duration, Quality Scale. Understanding the sleep
frequency, intensity) is adjusted each time; (d) behavior of patients is vital to correct their
increase the duration of aerobic exercise about incorrect insomnia cognition and sleeping
1–5  min each time until the patient has habits [32].. In the process of cardiac reha-
reached the target value; (e) an increase in bilitation, patients may experience fluctua-
exercise intensity and duration of 5–10 each tions in their psychology, and patient
time is generally well tolerated; and (f) first communication is needed to enable analysis
increase the duration of aerobic exercise to the and rational treatment; patients need to be
desired goal, and then increase the intensity encouraged to complete their rehabilitation
and frequency [35]. program independently.
274 J. Jiang

5. Patient education (risk factor management References
and smoking cessation)
Patients’ good cognition of disease and 1. The Precision Medicine Group of Chinese Society of
Cardiology, The Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of
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tics, psychological characteristics, environ- S, Jahns R, et al. Current state of knowledge on aeti-
ment, and other factors. Patients should be ology, diagnosis, management, and therapy of myo-
instructed to learn self-management. All car- carditis: a position statement of the European Society
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Follow-Up and Long-Term
Prognosis of Myocarditis 19
and Fulminant Myocarditis

Jiangang Jiang and Dao Wen Wang

The clinical manifestations of myocarditis vary 19.1 Histopathological Type

from mild dyspnea or chest pain, which can grad- and Prognosis
ually disappear without special treatment for car-
diogenic shock leading to death [1]. The The histological examination of endocardial
prognosis can also vary. A prospective study biopsy in myocarditis shows cellular infiltration
including 174 cases of myocarditis confirmed by (Fig. 19.1), usually of tissue cells and mononu-
endocardial biopsy with a median follow-up of clear cells, and possibly with myocardial cell
23.5 months found that the positive polymerase damage [6]. The specific histopathological types
chain reaction (PCR) detection of viral genes on of myocarditis are mainly divided into lympho-
endocardial biopsy was a factor contributing to cytic myocarditis, eosinophilic myocarditis, and
poor prognosis [2]. Another study of 222 patients giant cell myocarditis.
diagnosed with viral myocarditis by endocardial Viral infection, the most common cause of
biopsy with a median follow-up of 4.7  years lymphocytic myocarditis [1, 7, 8], usually
reported a mortality rate of 19.2% [3]. The prog- begins within 3–5  days or up to 2  weeks of
nosis of myocarditis is related to its etiology, infection. Its course varies. The disease can be
clinical manifestations, and disease stages [2, 4, subclinical, indolent, or fulminant. When the
5]. This chapter describes the prognosis of disease is indolent, it gradually progresses to
patients with viral myocarditis with different dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM); when it is
pathological tissue types, clinical symptoms, fulminant, it may lead to death, or the patient
auxiliary examination findings, and clinical may fully recover after reasonable treatment
treatments. such as short-term hemodynamic support [9].
A study of 27 patients with lymphocytic myo-
carditis or critical myocarditis confirmed by
endocardial biopsy reported a 5-year survival
rate of 56%, which did not differ significantly
from that of specific DCM [10]. In an earlier
retrospective study of 112 patients with histo-
pathologically diagnosed myocarditis, 66
J. Jiang · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal (59%) had lymphocytic myocarditis. The 1-
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and and 5-year follow-up rates of the total popula-
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, tion without heart transplantation were 79%
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong and 56%, respectively. A multivariate regres-
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: sion analysis suggested that histopathological

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 277
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
278 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

a b

c d

Fig. 19.1  Endocardial biopsies of four types of myocar- (250× with HE staining); (c) giant cell myocarditis (HE
ditis. (a) Lymphocytic myocarditis (CD45RO immuno- staining, 200×); (d) granulomatous myocarditis (HE
peroxidase stain, 200×); (b) eosinophilic myocarditis staining, 200×) [6]. HE hematoxylin and eosin

findings (lymphocytic, granulomatous, or eosinophilic myocarditis, the average left ven-

giant cell ­myocarditis) are among the factors tricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at admission
predicting patient death or need for heart was 35%, 16.8% of patients required transient
transplantation [11]. cardiopulmonary bypass, and the in-hospital
Giant cell myocarditis is a rare and severe mortality rate was 22.3% [14]. In recent years,
autoimmune myocarditis that is virus-negative immune checkpoint inhibitors have been widely
and usually fatal for which immunosuppressive used in tumor treatment and achieved significant
therapy may be effective [12]. Compared with effects. However, it cannot be ignored that
other pathological myocarditis, giant cell myo- 20–30% of patients have myocardial injury,
carditis has a higher mortality and heart trans- 1–2% of patients develop fulminant myocarditis,
plantation rate [13]. Eosinophilic myocarditis, and the risk of death is as high as 46–75% [15].
characterized by eosinophilic infiltration of the However, the above results were all reported
myocardium, is seen in malignancies, parasitic by Western scholars and published before our
infections, allergic myocarditis, endocardial report entitled “Life-support based comprehen-
fibrosis, and idiopathic hypereosinophilic syn- sive treatment regimen.” Therefore, it does not
dromes. In a meta-analysis of 264 patients with represent the latest research conclusions.
19  Follow-Up and Long-Term Prognosis of Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 279

19.2 Clinical Manifestations An 11-year follow-up study in 2000 (Fig. 19.2)

and Prognosis showed that, among patients diagnosed with
myocarditis by endocardial biopsy, 14 patients
Fulminant myocarditis, the most serious and spe- with fulminant myocarditis had a significantly
cial type of myocarditis, is characterized by higher survival rate than 132 patients with nor-
sudden-­onset and extremely rapid disease pro- mal acute myocarditis (93% and 45%, respec-
gression. The patient rapidly develops abnormal tively), and the long-term survival rate was
hemodynamics and severe arrhythmia that may similar to that of the general population [16].
be accompanied by respiratory failure and liver However, two articles published in 2017 and
and kidney failure, and the early mortality rate is 2019 reported the opposite conclusion. In a pre-
extremely high. It is worth noting that some stud- vious study (Fig.  19.3), myocarditis was diag-
ies have found that, although the hospital mortal- nosed by endocardial biopsy or cardiac magnetic
ity rate of this disease is high, once the acute resonance, and 34 patients with fulminant myo-
crisis is passed, the long-term prognosis is good. carditis and 96 patients with acute viral myocar-

Fig. 19.2  Survival of

fulminant myocarditis 90
versus acute
lymphocytic myocarditis
groups [ 16] 70
Mortality Rate (%)



Acute myocarditis

Fulminant myocarditis

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No. at risk
Fulminant myocarditis 132 110 98 91 84 79 73 59 41 28 18 3 0
Acute myocarditis 15 12 12 10 10 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 0

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
100 100
Transplant-free Survival (%)
Transplant-free Survival (%)

90 90 82% 81% FM
76% 81%
80 71% FM 80
70 65% 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30 Adults with
20 All myocarditis (n=187) 20 viral myocarditis (n=130)
Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) p<0.0001 10 Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) p<0.0001
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Follow up (Years) No. at risk Follow up (Years)
No. at risk
NFM 132 116 106 91 76 56 40 29 18 15 v-NFM 96 83 76 66 58 41 30 22 13 12
FM 55 38 30 26 22 20 16 13 12 10 v-FM 34 26 21 19 18 17 13 10 9 8

YEARS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fig. 19.3  Survival of fulminant myocarditis versus non-fulminant myocarditis groups [17]
280 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

ditis were followed for 9 years [17]. In the latter with myocarditis [12, 17]. A prospective study
study, myocarditis was diagnosed by histological of 174 patients with biopsy-diagnosed myocar-
examination, and 165 patients with fulminant ditis found that biventricular dysfunction sever-
myocarditis and 55 patients with acute viral myo- ity was a major predictor of death or heart
carditis were followed for 60  days and 7  years, transplantation in patients with myocarditis
respectively [12]. Both studies showed that the [18]. A follow-­ up study in Germany of 77
survival rate without heart transplantation in patients diagnosed with viral myocarditis by
patients with fulminant myocarditis was signifi- endocardial biopsy (EMB) reported that the
cantly lower than that in patients with acute viral presence of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE)
myocarditis [12, 17]. The difference in results of cardiac magnetic resonance was the most
was related to the fact that all patients in the study independent predictor of all-cause and cardio-
published in 2000 were diagnosed with lympho- genic death in patients [19]. A follow-up study
cytic myocarditis by endocardial biopsy, whereas in 2018 enrolled 443 patients with acute myo-
few patients were assisted with extracorporeal carditis diagnosed by endocardial biopsy or bio-
mechanical circulation for fulminant myocarditis marker elevation plus meeting two cardiac
at that time. magnetic resonance criteria for myocarditis
In a study published in 2017, only some (edema and late gadolinium enhancement in
patients underwent endocardial biopsy, and the non-ischemic mode) reported that patients with
pathological types of myocarditis were not clas- complex acute myocarditis (defined as an initial
sified and compared [18]. In a study published in LVEF of less than 50%, persistent ventricular
2019, although all of the patients underwent arrhythmia, or low cardiac output syndrome
endocardial biopsies and lymphocytic myocardi- requiring positive inotropic drugs or mechanical
tis pathological types were compared, the circulation support) had significantly higher
changes in treatment methods for myocarditis mortality and heart transplant rates than patients
(such as the use of external mechanical circula- with uncomplicated acute myocarditis [20].
tion assistance in patients with fulminant myo- Secondary pulmonary hypertension is a predic-
carditis) and differences in etiology led to tor of a poor outcome. In another study, 93
somewhat different conclusions [19] (Fig. 19.4). patients with myocarditis who underwent right
Ammirati’s two studies also suggested that a heart catheterization and EMB were followed
QRS duration greater than 120 ms on admission up for 4.4 years, and mean arterial pressure was
is also a predictor of poor prognosis in patients the most important predictor of death [21].

100 100
60-Day Cardiac Death and Heart

80 80 N=146 (Adults with lymphocytic myocarditis)

60 N=146 (Adults with lymphocytic myocarditis)
Log-rank p = 0.005
60 Log-rank p = 0.0004
Cardiac Death and Heart

Transplantation (%)

Transplantation (%)

40 50
45 41.4% 41.4% 41.4%
35 37.2% 38.8% 38.8%
30 35 31.5%
25 30
18.6% 19.5% 19.5% 25
20 14.9%
15 11.1% 20
10 6.5%
10 3.1% 3.1%
5 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1%
0% 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Days Follow Up (Years)
108 102 96 92 89 87 86 108 51 42 35 25 24 18 17
38 37 36 36 36 36 36 38 25 22 17 14 12 11 10

Fulminant Myocarditis Nonfulminant Myocarditis

Fig. 19.4  Short-term (left) and long-term (right) follow-up results of lymphocytic fulminant versus non-fulminant
myocarditis [12]
19  Follow-Up and Long-Term Prognosis of Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 281

The persistence of viral genomes in the myo- anti-cardiac antibodies predicts future left ven-
cardium may be an important factor in predict- tricular dilatation [27].
ing the outcome of viral myocarditis. In one In summary, we found that the difference
study, 172 patients with viral myocarditis diag- between myocardial enzyme spectrum changes
nosed by biopsy were included, of whom 151 in patients with myocarditis and myocardial
were infected with only one virus. After a median infarction is that there is no obvious enzyme
follow-up of 6.8 months, endocardial biopsy was peak, indicating that the lesion is a gradual
repeated. Of them, 55 had spontaneous clearance change, while the continuous increase indicates
of the virus genome and a significant increase in that the myocardium is continuously damaged
LVEF but a significant decline in LVEF was and aggravated, indicating a poor prognosis. The
found in patients with persistent viral genome levels of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or
[22]. However, another follow-up study showed N-terminal proBNP are usually significantly
that the viral genome detected by endocardial increased, indicating that cardiac function is seri-
biopsy at admission was not associated with ously impaired, and it is an important indicator
poor prognosis, suggesting that the viral genome for diagnosing cardiac insufficiency, evaluating
may sometimes reflect latent rather than active its severity, and judging its progression and out-
viral infection [23]. come. Neutropenia is a sign of poor prognosis, as
Serological markers, particularly soluble Fas is persistent thrombocytopenia.
ligands and interleukin-10 (IL-10), may be help-
ful for predicting the outcomes of acute severe
myocarditis. A case series showed that the serum 19.3 Clinical Treatment
concentrations of soluble Fas and Fas ligand in and Prognosis
patients with acute myocarditis were signifi-
cantly higher than those in normal subjects or The treatment of patients with viral myocarditis
patients with old myocardial infarction, and the can be divided into three parts: symptomatic and
concentrations of Fas and Fas ligands in patients supportive treatment, immunosuppressive ther-
with myocarditis who died during hospitalization apy, and immunomodulatory therapy [28]. Some
was significantly higher than that in patients with clinical studies have discussed the effects of these
myocarditis who were discharged after recovery treatments on the prognosis of patients with viral
[24]. Another study included 20 patients with myocarditis. When hemodynamically stable
recently onset idiopathic DCM and the results heart failure with a reduced LVEF is present in
further support the role of Fas [25]. A higher patients with myocarditis, diuretic therapy on
serum IL-10 concentrations at admission in demand, diuretic therapy should be used as
patients with fulminant myocarditis may indicate needed, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibi-
cardiogenic shock and death [26]. tors (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor blockers
Cardiac-specific autoantibodies can be identi- should be started as soon as possible, and beta-­
fied in patients with acute or chronic myocarditis. blockers should be used on an evidence-based
The presence of autoantibodies is associated with basis. ACEI and beta-blockers have been shown
an increased risk of chronic myocarditis pro- to reduce complications and death in patients
gressing to DCM [27]. A case series of 33 patients with systolic heart failure [29]. Animal experi-
with chronic myocarditis showed that patients ments have shown that ACEI can improve myo-
with anti-α-myosin autoantibodies were less cardial necrosis and adverse outcomes caused by
likely to have improved left ventricular systolic myocarditis [30, 31].
and diastolic function. Patients with this antibody Cardiopulmonary bypass devices are neces-
showed no improvement in LVEF at 6  months, sary for patients with myocarditis and severe
while those without this antibody showed a 9% hemodynamic disorders. Although studies have
absolute increase in LVEF. Similarly, in relatives found that intra-aortic balloon pumping (IABP)
of patients with idiopathic DCM, the presence of cannot improve the prognosis of patients with
282 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

Fig. 19.5  Effect of 100%

prednisone on survival
of patients with acute
Untreated (N=29)
myocarditis [41]

Treated (N=23)

Survival (100%)




0 5 10 14 19 24

myocardial infarction [32], and large randomized two controlled studies showed that glucocorti-
controlled studies on the efficacy of IABP in coids did not improve the survival rate of patients
patients with myocarditis are currently lacking, with myocarditis (Fig.  19.5) [41]. One study
some retrospective studies or case reports have included 102 patients with myocarditis and
found that IABP can help patients with fulminant reported that the LVEF in the glucocorticoid
myocarditis in the acute phase [33–35]. The ther- treatment group was significantly improved com-
apeutic effect of extracorporeal membrane oxy- pared with that of the control group within
genation (ECMO) on fulminant myocarditis has 3  months [42]. Long-term follow-up found no
been supported by a large number of clinical data significant intergroup difference in LVEF [43].
[36–40]. In a study of 57 patients with fulminant Glucocorticoids combined with azathioprine
myocarditis who received adjuvant ECMO ther- therapy benefits the prognosis of patients with
apy, 41 (71.9%) survived and were discharged chronic myocarditis [43, 44]. In a study in 2001,
from the hospital with a 5-year follow-up sur- 84 patients diagnosed with DCM more than
vival rate of 65.2% [36]. A statistical analysis of 6  months prior with chronic inflammation con-
3846 patients with cardiogenic shock treated firmed by biopsy were randomly divided into
with veno-arterial ECMO from January 2003 to hormone treatment and control groups, and the
December 2013 showed that 1601 patients (42%) former was treated with steroids and azathio-
survived and were discharged from the hospital, prine. After a 2-year follow-up, the hormone
while chronic renal failure, hypotension, and low treatment group had significant improvements in
bicarbonate ion levels were associated with high LVEF and cardiac function classification com-
mortality rates [38]. pared with the control group (Fig. 19.6) [43].
The widespread use of glucocorticoids in clin- In 2009, the TIMIC study included 85 patients
ical practice is largely based on the doctors’ clini- with chronic stable DCM who were confirmed to
cal experience [8]. Preliminary studies reported have myocarditis by endocardial biopsy, the viral
that immunosuppressive agents may be benefi- genome was not found on endocardial biopsy,
cial for certain patients with chronic myocarditis, and the patients were randomly divided into hor-
but the effectiveness of immunosuppressive ther- mone treatment and control groups. The hormone
apy for acute lymphocytic myocarditis of treatment group was treated with prednisone and
unknown etiology has not been proven. In 1989, azathioprine. After 6  months of follow-up, the
19  Follow-Up and Long-Term Prognosis of Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 283

Placebo IT group
70 70

60 60

50 50
EF value (100%)

EF value (100%)
40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
Baseline 3M 6M 1Y 2Y Baseline 3M 6M 1Y 2Y

Fig. 19.6  Comparison of cardiac function between the immunosuppressive therapy and control groups of patients with
chronic inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy [43]


* 0.4
EF value

50% *

* 0.2 *


Baseline Six-month Baseline Six-month Baseline Six-month Baseline Six-month

Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2

Fig. 19.7  TIMIC study [44] of patients with chronic sta- the data after 6  months of follow-up, while the white
ble dilated cardiomyopathy who had myocarditis con- shadow indicates the baseline data. The follow-up for
firmed by endocardial biopsy and had no viral genome 6 months showed that the ejection fraction of the hormone
detected by endocardial biopsy. Group 1 was the hormone treatment group increased significantly after 6 months and
therapy group (n = 43; prednisone and azathioprine), and the cardiac structure recovered. The results were worse in
group 2 was control group (n = 42). *Indicates a statisti- the control group
cally significant difference. The black shadow indicates

hormone treatment group had significantly controlled trial that included 111 patients with an
improved cardiac function and cardiac outcome LVEF of less than 45% and histopathologically
than the control group (Fig.  19.7) [44]. The diagnosed myocarditis of unknown cause, and
Myocarditis Treatment Trial is a randomized there was no significant difference in cardiac
284 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

100 40
P=0.96 Immunosuppression
Comulative Mortality (%)

LVEF value (100%)

60 30


Control 20

0 Base line Week 28 Week 52

(n=110) (n=89) (n=84)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Years 40
Control 47 32 23 16 6 0

Immunosuppression 64 49 27 23 12 0

LVEF value (100%)



Base line Week 28 Week 52

(n=78) (n=78) (n=78)

Fig. 19.8  The Myocarditis Treatment Trial [45]. The left figure below compares the follow-up data of the three
figure compares the cumulative mortality, with the dashed groups. The results showed no significant difference in
line as the control group and the solid line as the immuno- cardiac function and survival in patients with a left ven-
suppressive treatment group. The figure on the right com- tricular ejection fraction of less than 45% and histopatho-
pares the left ventricular ejection fractions of the two logical diagnosed myocarditis of unknown cause received
groups. The figure above compares the total population, hormone and cyclosporine or azathioprine treatment com-
while the follow-up data of some groups are missing. The pared with the control group

function improvement or survival between the showed a downward trend, and the inflammatory
hormone treatment group treated with glucocorti- factors in the peripheral blood were significantly
coids and cyclosporine or azathioprine and the reduced [47]. A retrospective study of 58 patients
control group (Fig.  19.8) [45]. A meta-analysis with explosive myocarditis in Guangdong, China,
published in 2013 with a total of 719 patients showed that IVIG 400 mg/kg for 5 days can sig-
summarized 8 clinical trials on the use of gluco- nificantly improve the patient’s LVEF and left
corticoids in the treatment of viral myocarditis ventricular end diastolic diameter after 4 weeks,
and found that, although there was no intergroup and significantly reduce malignant arrhythmias
difference in mortality, the LVEF of the treatment and mortality [48]. However, a systematic review
group was significantly better than that of the concluded that the current rigorous data are
control group during 1–3  months of follow-up insufficient to enable recommendation of routine
[46]. immunoglobulin therapy in patients with acute
Immunoglobulin has antiviral and immuno- myocarditis [49]. Preliminary data suggest that
modulatory effects, suggesting that it may be antiviral therapy with interferon β may be benefi-
helpful in the treatment of viral myocarditis. A cial in patients with chronic dilation who have
multicenter clinical study in Japan on 41 patients viral genomes in endocardial biopsy confirmed
with acute myocarditis showed that high-dose by PCR.  A study included 143 patients with
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG; 1–2  g/kg biopsy-diagnosed viral myocarditis complicated
body weight for 2  days) significantly improved with symptoms of heart failure who were ran-
patient survival, the 1-month mortality rate domly divided into an antiviral therapy group
19  Follow-Up and Long-Term Prognosis of Myocarditis and Fulminant Myocarditis 285

Symptoms of cardiac injuries /premonitory symptoms of

viruss infection /unstable hemodynamics

keep moniroting and keep vital signs stable

Cardiac enzymes /BNP or NT- Blood biochemistry/arterial blood gas analysis/

BNP /blood routine/blood lactic immunological test /echocardiogram /bedside X-ray

ECG shows lead-specific arched ST segment elevation

NO – Yes
Breath rate SBP <90mmHg EF <30% or descending Obvious rise of
>20bpm or or descending continuously blood lactic acid or +

Treatment of ACS
Use BIPAP to
assist respiration
Blood lactic acid Large dosage of IVIG
still increased and glucocorticoid
BP is unstable Anti-infection /anti-
virus treatment
ECMO Symptomatic treatment

Fig. 19.9  Flowchart of clinical decision-making process in the treatment of fulminant myocarditis [50]

(interferon β1b) and a control group. The results were followed up for an average of 12  months,
showed that antiviral therapy could improve viral and we only found 24.2% fuliminant myocarditis
clearance and cardiac function in chronic viral patients had sustained LVEF <55% after dis-
myocarditis [50]. charge but no cases of cardiac death or heart
In 2017, the Chinese Society of Cardiology transplantation in 66 discharged patients with
Expert Consensus Statement on the Diagnosis fulminant myocarditis were reported [53].
and Treatment of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis Related research is ongoing, and the current fol-
put forward a “life-support based comprehensive low-up situation is shown in Fig. 19.9.
treatment regimen” which emphasized the early
treatment of mechanical life support therapy,
immunoregulatory therapy, and neuraminidase 19.4 Follow-Up of Fulminant
inhibitor therapy (Fig. 19.9) [15]. A multicenter Myocarditis Patients
controlled trial showed that treatment in accor-
dance with the “comprehensive treatment plan” Although the association between troponin, BNP,
can significantly reduce the in-hospital mortality CRP, and the prognosis of fulminant myocarditis
of fulminant myocarditis from 50% to 3.7%, and is controversial, monitoring these indicators can
the use of cardiopulmonary bypass devices, anti- help clinicians assess the patient’s condition, so
viral therapy, and immunoglobulin were associ- as to timely adopt aggressive treatment and adjust
ated with improved outcomes for fulminant the medication regimen. Therefore, for patients
myocarditis [51]. In another multicenter study with fulminant myocarditis, we recommend that
further confirmed its effacacy [52]. In our study cardiac troponin (CTN), BNP, and CRP be tested,
center (Tongji Hospital), myocarditis patients and cardiac ultrasound and magnetic resonance
286 J. Jiang and D. W. Wang

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Clinical Nursing for Patients
with Fulminant Myocarditis 20
Yan Ye, Lijuan Lu, and Xifei He

Precision Medicine Group of the Chinese Society ical team was recommended to respond. The
of Cardiology issued “An Expert Consensus on multi-disciplinary medical team consisted of a
Diagnosis and Treatment of Fulminant Adult leader (a cardiovascular specialist/critical care
Myocarditis” in 2017 [1]. The panel proposed a physician), a coordinator (the head nurse/nursing
new treatment regimen termed “life support-­ expert of the critical care unit), and other core
based comprehensive treatment regimen” as a members such as expert nurses in continuous
theoretical evidence for clinical diagnosis and renal replacement therapy (CRRT). With the spe-
treatment. The core content of this treatment reg- cial care mode with a nurse-patient ratio of 2:1 or
imen includes: (a) mechanical life support (appli- 1:1, and 24-h continuous bedside care, the multi-­
cations of mechanical respirators and circulatory disciplinary team struggled to save patients with
support systems, including intra-aortic balloon fulminant myocarditis in the critical phase and
pump and extracorporeal membrane oxygen- improve the survival rate.
ation); (b) immunological modulation using suf-
ficient doses of glucocorticoids and
immunoglobulins; and (c) antiviral reagents 20.1 Basic Nursing
using neuraminidase inhibitors, combined with
other symptomatic treatments such as acute left 20.1.1 Pressure Ulcer Prevention
heart failure therapy, antishock therapy, anti-­
arrhythmia therapy, and real-time monitoring. To avoid long periods of locally sustained pres-
Early transfer to the cardiac intensive care sure, repositioning the patients by following the
unit, installed with circulatory respiratory moni- axis every 2–3 h is an essential element of pres-
toring and mechanical life support devices, is a sure ulcer prevention [52]. A variety of constant
priority for all patients with fulminant myocardi- low-pressure devices such as air-filled mattresses,
tis for continuous monitoring. When the patients cushions, and pillows should be placed on skin
received life support devices such as intra-aortic areas prone to ulcer formation to reduce the pres-
balloon pump (IABP) and extracorporeal mem- sure ulcer incidence. Bedsheets of the patients
brane oxygenation (ECMO), a professional med- should be soft, clean, dry, and void of any con-
tamination from urine and stool. The oxygen
saturation (SpO2) measuring sensor could be
switched to a different finger every hour for
Y. Ye · L. Lu · X. He (*) reducing the long-term compression.
Cardiologic Division, Internal Medicine Department, Additionally, patients in a coma after cardiac
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China arrest require close observation of the patient’s

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 289
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
290 Y. Ye et al.

ears and headrest when using ice cap as brain 3. Accurate volume management is essential for
protection. A nurse would reposition the head planning the patient’s fluid therapy. A nurse
and limbs with all joints at a functional position needs to record the amount of patient’s fluid
and perform a regular massage of normal limbs. input and output every 1–2  h, and would
Raise the head side of the bed to 30° is consid- report about the fluid imbalance to a doctor, if
ered as an effective measure for preventing necessary.
ventilator-­associated pneumonia (VAP). 4. Biochemical indexes are significant indicators
for the effectiveness of fulminant myocarditis
treatment, including the levels of creatine
20.1.2 Keeping Warm kinase MB isoenzyme (CKMB), B-type natri-
uretic peptides (BNP) or N-terminal fragment
Poor peripheral circulation and a complaint of brain natriuretic peptides (NT-pro-BNP),
cold are common in patients with fulminant myo- blood lactate, C-reactive protein, cytokines,
carditis. There are two main contributors to the electrolytes; arterial blood gas (ABG) analy-
symptoms: (a) inadequate intake of calories at an sis; blood routine indexes; liver and kidney
early stage, that resulted due to the impact of the function indexes; erythrocyte sedimentation
rapid progress of fulminant myocarditis on the rate; and other inflammatory markers. Nurses
gastrointestinal tract; (b) mobility limitation due would dynamically track these biochemical
to protective constraint, that resulted from indexes and report critical values to the cor-
unplanned extubation of life-support catheters. responding doctor immediately.
To improve the patient’s body temperature, room 5. A “Safety checklist for patients with fulmi-
temperature and humidity are set at an appropri- nant myocarditis” was developed and put into
ate range and the patients are offered soft uni- practice to enhance the quality of care and
forms and cotton quilts. The nurse shift handover improve the treatment (the checklist attached
needs to concentrate on all the invasive catheters at the end of the chapter).
of patients and to decrease skin exposure to the
20.2 Nursing of Life-Support
20.1.3 Continuous Monitoring
Mechanical life support therapy (including respi-
1. A nurse would observe and record the ratory support, circulation, and CRRT, which
patients’ body temperature, heart rhythm, allows the heart to get enough rest under systemic
arterial blood pressure, respiration rate, con- therapy to restore its normal function), is one of
sciousness, SpO2, and other parameters of the most important aspects of a “comprehensive
life-support devices in real-time. life support-based treatment program” [2, 3].
2. Continuous electrocardiography (ECG) and
12-lead or 18-lead ECG provided evidence to
trace the signs of arrhythmia among the 20.2.1 ECMO
patients. Pharmacotherapy and electro-­
cardioversion therapy were administered in ECMO offers physiologic rest, which is equiva-
response to adverse cardiac events. When lent to providing the patient with bed rest and
signs of bradycardia are observed on ECG, oxygen. It improves myocardial compliance,
temporary pacemakers were a priority for restores cardiac conduction, and increases coro-
patients. Pharmacotherapy such as isopropyl nary blood flow to promote ventricular recovery.
epinephrine or atropine could be used tempo- In addition, it can effectively increase the perfu-
rarily to improve the heart rate. sion of vital organs including the lungs and brain.
20  Clinical Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 291 Catheter Care lar active drug dosage, temperature, the actual
1. Unblock catheter temperature of the water tank, SpO2, urine output
Catheters connected to ECMO should be and color, and the circulation of lower limb (tem-
prevented from occlusion, damage, rupture, or perature and color) that is inserted into the femo-
breakage. ECMO patients must lie strictly in ral arteriovenous catheter.
bed with the elevation angle of the head of the
bed should not exceed 30°, and their implanted Speed and Flow Rate
limbs cannot bend at their hips [4]. Protective 1. Speed: The initial speed is >1500 r/min, and
restraint should be used when the patient the maximum speed for the treatment is
becomes agitated. The nurse managing the ≤4000 r/min.
ECMO should assess the external loop every 2. Flow rate: The initial flow rate is set at 20 mL/
hour, including correct catheter connection, rea- (kg  min), and the maximum flow rate is
sonable alarm setting, and clotting formation in increased to 120 mL/(kg min) in 20–30 min to
external ECMO catheters and membrane lung repay the oxygen debt. Thereafter, blood flow
through light flush. The formation of a clot in should be gradually reduced to the minimum
the external ECMO catheters and membrane level of adequate support, with adult ECMO-­
lung is defined by a visually dark color that assisted flow usually maintained at 60  mL/
settles on the catheters and membrane lung and (kg min). During the treatment, the flow rate
does not flow with the blood [5]. Replacement was closely observed in accordance with the
of ECMO catheters is recommended, as more rotational speed, and the perfusion flow was
mobile clotting >5 mm are found. Nurses need adjusted timely according to the venous oxy-
to secure IABP catheters while repositioning gen saturation, mean arterial pressure, blood
patients following the axis every 2–4 h. ECMO lactic acid level, urine volume, etc.
catheters are forbidden to be used for intrave-
nous (IV) infusion, blood transfusion, and Oxygenation Monitor
blood sample collection. Immediate action Arterial blood gas changes should be closely
needs to be taken under the shake in ECMO monitored, every 2  h at the beginning of treat-
catheters resulting from obstruction and inade- ment and every 4–6 h after stabilization. Gas flow
quate volume of circulation. and oxygen concentration should be dynamically
2. Secure catheters adjusted according to the results of blood gas
Subcutaneous sutures are used to secure the analysis to maintain arterial oxygen partial pres-
V-A catheter and the insertion site is covered sure above 90  mmHg and mixed venous SpO2
with adhesive anchors and an additional large should reach approximately 75% [6]. The venti-
transparent film dressing [4]. The external lator parameters, ECMO flow, and ventilation
catheter of ECMO is positioned parallel to the were adjusted according to acid-base balance. In
patient’s axis and secured at the end of the bed addition, maintaining hematocrit >40% and
without tension. Nurses monitoring ECMO hemoglobin >120 g/L optimizes oxygen delivery
must examine all connections of the catheter at the lowest allowed blood flow. The SpO2 of the
every 1  h to prevent distortion, displacement, right hand reflects the patient’s cardiopulmonary
or prolapse. The length of the ECMO external function and the SpO2 of the left hand reflects the
catheter should be measured at nurse shift SpO2 of ECMO [7]. The dynamic changes of the
handover and recorded on the medical system. peripheral blood SpO2 of the left and right hands
should be observed and compared regularly. The Monitoring of ECMO
Patients Gas Management
Nurses need to regularly monitor indexes and The initial membrane oxygen concentration is
parameters related to ECMO which include the adjusted to 70–80%, the gas-blood flow ratio is
following: revolutions per minute, flow rate, air 0.5:1 to 0.8, and the membrane oxygen concen-
oxygen mixed concentration, air flow, the vascu- tration is adjusted to 30–40% in the stable period.
292 Y. Ye et al.

The blood at the inlet and outlet of the membrane acute renal injury, the initiation of CRRT as soon
lung is taken for blood gas analysis, the working as possible is important.
condition of the membrane lung is judged, and
the air flow and oxygen concentration are Anticoagulation Monitor
adjusted dynamically. Continuous heparin infusion [20–50 U/(kg h)] is
administered to fulminant myocarditis with
Pressure Monitor ECMO.  At the onset of ECMO-assistance, the
The pressure at the inlet and outlet of the oxygen- activated coagulation time (ACT) is tested every
ator is monitored when the conditions permit. time at bed and then could be measured at inter-
The pressure in front of the power pump is vals of 2–3 h after the stabilization of patient. The
≤300  mmHg, the pressure behind the power ACT is recommended to be maintained at 160–
pump is ≤400 mmHg, and the negative pressure 220 s [9, 10], and activated partial thromboplastin
of venous suction should be less than 30 mmHg, time (APTT) maintained at 50–70 s is tested every
otherwise it may be easy to cause hemolysis. 4–6 h. The dose of heparin is reduced or increased
When the pressure at both points increases, it depending on the patient’s procoagulant status.
indicates that the arterial cannula end of the oxy- The ACT should be maintained at 150–170  s
genator is blocked, and the oxygenator thrombo- when active bleeding is reported, while it should
sis is suggested when the pressure difference be maintained at 200–220  s when less auxiliary
between the two points increases when the two-­ flow and a high risk of clot are present. In addi-
point pressure increases. tion, fresh frozen plasma or fibrinogen is required
to be administered when patient’s hemodynamics
Temperature Management are not within the following criteria: the amount
The temperature of the water tank is set at of platelet is required to be >50 × 109/L and fibrin-
36–37 °C, and the patient’s body temperature is ogen should be maintained at 250–300  mg/
maintained close to 37 °C and monitored contin- dL.  Antithrombin III (ATIII) level needs to be
uously. Very low temperature will lead to the dis- monitored when ATIII deficiency is suspected.
order of hemodynamics and blood coagulation Fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, or recombi-
mechanism. However, very high temperature will nant ATIII could be administered to the patient
increase the oxygen consumption of the body, when ATIII level below 50% of normal value is
which is not conducive for the recovery of car- observed. Agaltreban is recommended as a
diopulmonary function [8]. If the patient is placed replacement or thromboelastography is given to
under the condition of suspected hypoxic-­ patients diagnosed with heparin-induced throm-
ischemic brain damage, the brain hypothermia bocytopenia. It is noted that ACT should be per-
(central temperature, 32–34 °C) should be main- formed after 30 min when the transfusion of blood
tained within the first 24–72 h to avoid neurologi- products such as platelets, plasma, and clotting
cal complications. factors, and protein is completed.

Volume Management Indicators for Weaning ECMO [11–13]

The nurse should closely monitor the amount of Standardized indicators and procedure to opti-
water intake and output, control the speed of mize the weaning process is disputable. Experts
infusion, maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) consider that successful weaning from patients
at 50–70 mmHg, central venous pressure (CVP) with fulminant myocarditis is a multifactorial pro-
at 5–10  mmHg, and maintain blood lactic acid cess, which requires to sufficiently restore the
<1.5 mmol/L using diuretics until patients reach function of the heart and other organs, including
normal dry weight after their hemodynamics is signs of recovery at 1-week ECMO support,
stable. If the patient has diuretic resistance or hemodynamically stable, the volume of cardio-
20  Clinical Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 293

pulmonary bypass support <30% demand for arteries, and the top of the catheter should be at
patient, left ventricular ejection fraction with the the level of the left and right main bronchial bifur-
administration of positive inotropic drug >35– cation. ECG trigger mode is preferred with the
45%, and patient’s cardiopulmonary function pro- full assistance of 1:1 to partial assistance (IABP
vide sufficient circulation and oxygen. The assistance less than every cardiac contraction).
decisive factor for fulminant myocarditis patients
to wean ECMO is the recovery of myocardial Continuous Observation
injury and long-term arrhythmia [14]. Before Some experts suggest that hemodynamic variables
VA-ECMO is completely withdrawn, more than require assessment, including heart rate, peak dia-
one test of weaning ECMO should be performed stolic pressure (PDP), average arterial pressure,
on the patient [15], clamp the arteriovenous cath- pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and cardiac
eter temporarily, make the ECMO circuit circu- output [16]. Increased blood pressure, decreased
late by itself through the bridge between the artery heart rate, reduction of vasoactive drug use,
and the venous catheter for 0.5–4 h, and continu- improvement in tissue perfusion, and PDP systolic
ously flush the cannula with heparin saline or pressure ≥10–20 mmHg should be considered as
manually every 10 min to prevent thrombosis in evidence of IABP effectiveness. Especially for
the ECMO circuit and the cannula. The standard- evaluation in perfusion, conscious recovery, dys-
ized procedure for weaning of adult patients on pnea relief, the disappearance of skin spot, warm
ECMO follows the below steps: Firstly, the arte- limbs, and increased urine output are indicators for
riovenous catheter is temporarily clamped which adequate perfusion. Nurses managing IABP must
makes the ECMO circulate through the bridge continually detect the arterial pressure waveform
between the artery and the venous catheter for and heart rate which is synchronized with the ECG
0.5–4 h. Then, the setting catheters are kept under trigger mode, ensuring that the arterial pressure
high flow of heparin sodium every 10 min to mini- waveform follows a regular pattern. Adequate
mize the risk of clot formation. helium is necessary for IABP to function well.
Arterial pressure waveform at regular inflation and
deflation of IAB is demonstrated in Fig. 20.1, and
20.2.2 IABP arterial pressure waveform at irregular inflation
and deflation of IAB is demonstrated in Fig. 20.2.
The IABP increases myocardial oxygen supply
and reduces myocardial oxygen demand by inflat-
ing and deflating the IAB in synchrony with car-
diac contraction via an external drive console.
When blood stops discharging from the heart, the
IAB is inflated at the beginning of diastole; balloon
deflation makes the aorta partially empty, so as to
reduce afterload and maximize left ventricular
ejection fraction. IABP reduces cardiac workload
to decreases myocardial oxygen consumption. Effective Trigger

Daily chest X-ray and B-ultrasound should be Fig. 20.1  Blood pressure changes during balloon coun-
obtained to confirm the position of the IABP cath- terpulsation. (A) A complete heart cycle; (B) unaided end
eter tip. To achieve effective trigger, the site of diastolic pressure; (C) unaided systolic blood pressure;
(D) diastolic pressurization (counterpulsation pressure);
IAB should be located inferior to the origin of the (E) end diastolic pressure after adjuvant; (F) post adjuvant
left subclavian artery and superior to the renal systolic blood pressure; (G) double beat notch
294 Y. Ye et al.

a b

c d

Fig. 20.2  (1) Phase error—premature balloon inflation. ized by the rapid decline of counterpulsation pressure
(A) Recoil notch; (B) unaided systolic blood pressure; (C) immediately after it appears. Insufficient counterpulsation
diastolic pressurization (counterpulsation pressure); (D) pressure, the end diastolic pressure with counterpulsation
premature balloon inflation after assisted systolic pressure may be equal to or lower than that without counterpulsa-
is common before aortic valve closure. The waveform is tion. Systolic blood pressure may increase with counter-
characterized by balloon inflation and diastolic pressure pulsation. The physiological effect is insufficient coronary
“invading” the systole before the stroke notch. The physi- perfusion. Coronary and carotid blood may have reflux.
ological effect is that the aortic valve may close prema- Coronary blood reflux may lead to angina pectoris. The
turely. It is possible to increase LVEDV/LVEDP/PCWP; effect of afterload reduction is undesirable and increases
increase left ventricular wall pressure or afterload, aortic myocardial oxygen demand.
blood reflux, and increase myocardial oxygen demand (4) Phase error—balloon deflation too late. (A) Unaided
(2) Phase error—balloon inflated too late. (A) Aortic end diastolic pressure; (B) diastolic pressurization (coun-
notch closed; (B) unaided systolic blood pressure; (C) terpulsation pressure); (C) it is common to start deflation
double beat notch; (D) diastolic pressurization (counter- when the main valve begins to open. The waveform char-
pulsation pressure); (E) it is common that the balloon acteristic is that the end diastolic pressure with counter-
inflates too late after aortic valve closure. The waveform pulsation may be equal to the end diastolic pressure
features that the balloon inflates after the stroke notch, lack without counterpulsation. The rise time of systolic blood
of sharp “V”, and insufficient counterpulsation pressure. pressure in counterpulsation was prolonged and the
The physiological effect is insufficient coronary perfusion appearance of the counterpulsation pressure part is wid-
(3) Phase error—premature balloon deflation. (A) ened. The physiological effect was that the afterload did
Unaided end diastolic pressure; (B) diastolic pressuriza- not decrease at all. The increase of left ventricular ejection
tion (counterpulsation pressure); (C) post adjuvant sys- resistance and the prolongation of isovolumic systole lead
tolic blood pressure; (D) premature balloon deflation after to the increase of myocardial oxygen consumption.
assisted end diastolic pressure is often seen in premature Balloon may obstruct left ventricular ejection and increase
balloon deflation in diastole. The waveform is character- afterload Catheter Care patient’s axis. Nurses monitoring IABP must

1. Secure catheters examine all connections of catheter every 1 h
Sutures, adhesive anchors, and additional to prevent distortion, displacement, or pro-
large transparent film dressings are used to lapse. The length of IABP external catheter
secure the IABP catheter. The external cathe- should be measured at nurse shift handover
ter of IABP is positioned parallel to the and recorded on the medical system.
20  Clinical Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 295

2. Unblock catheter tinually assess the patient’s response to discon-

Catheters connected to IABP should be tinuation of IABP support and identify early
protected from damage, rupture, or breakage, cardiac decompensation. Hemodynamics stabil-
especially for the pressure sensor monitor ity, insertion site, pulse on dorsal foot artery of
catheter that detects accurate DPD.  Patients both lower limbs, muscle tension and circumfer-
with femoral IABP must remain in bed, with ence of thigh and calf, skin color, and tempera-
the head of the bed not elevated more than ture are required for real-time assessment.
30°, and the implanted limb must not flex at
the hip. The pressure sensor monitor catheter
could be placed at the same horizon with the 20.2.3 Care for Temporary
patient’s heart and calibrated to zero every Pacemaker
4  h. Nurses need to secure IABP catheter
while repositioning the patients following the Pacing heart rate, output voltage, and sensory
axis every 2–4 h. sensitivity parameters are set based on the per-
sonal cardiac function. Nurses should closely Surveil Anticoagulant monitor the patient’s heart rate in consistent with
All patients need to receive an intravenous infu- pacing heart rate, independent rhythm, and tem-
sion of heparin (sodium chloride 500 mL + hepa- porary pacemaker work mode. Doctors and
rin sodium 2500 U) to prevent blood clots in the nurses must be present at the time of adverse car-
IABP with a small dose per hour. The heparin IV diac events, such as cardiac arrest, to replace the
is compressed by 300  mmHg pressure bag and pacemaker battery.
rapidly flushes the IV catheter for 15 s to prevent
the effect of catheter occlusion on pressure
indicators. 20.2.4 Care for Invasive Ventilator
Nurse should pay close attention to the com-
pression of pressure bag and maintain the heparin Respirator-Assisted
IV infusion at a specific rate. ECMO anticoagula- Ventilation
tion guideline is recommended when patient Respiratory support should be given to all patients
undergo IABP and ECMO. with fulminant myocarditis as soon as possible to
improve pulmonary function and reduce heart Indicators for Weaning IABP load [1, 2, 19]. There are the two types of respira-
[17, 18] tory support, non-invasive assisted ventilation
Evidence demonstrates that the withdrawal of and endotracheal intubation and manual control
IABP support depends on stable hemodynamics, of mechanical ventilation. The former is recom-
cardiac index >2.5  L/(min  m2), average arterial mended for patients with respiratory rate exceed-
pressure >80 mmHg, conscious status, sufficient ing 20 bpm, PaO2 < 60 mmHg, or SaO2 < 90%. If
peripheral circulation, urine output >1 mL/(kg h); it is ineffective or the patient cannot tolerate it,
minimisation of pharmacological assistance such endotracheal intubation should be used. The lat-
as the dose of dopamine <5 μg/(kg min), no signs ter that provide full respiratory support, is suit-
of arrhythmia or myocardial ischemia on ECG, able for patients with respiratory failure,
and normal arterial blood gas results. The with- especially those with significant respiratory or
drawal of IABP support may be achieved by metabolic acidosis and disturbance of conscious-
either frequency weaning or volume weaning or ness. Not all patients with external life support
both. receive endotracheal intubation and manual con-
trol of mechanical ventilation [20, 21]. After Care After Weaning IABP many years of improvements in components and
Keeping an eye on the patient’s response to IABP technology, ECMO has become a portable
is critical in nursing practice. Nurses must con- mechanical support device that is safe to use [3].
296 Y. Ye et al.

Table 20.1  Richmond agitation–sedation scale(RASS)

Score Term Description
+4 Combative Overtly combative or violent; immediate danger to staff
+3 Very agitated Pulls on or removes tube(s) or catheter(s) or has aggressive behavior towards staff
+2 Agitated Frequent nonpurposeful movement or patient–ventilator dyssynchrony
+1 Restless Anxious or apprehensive but movements not aggressive or vigorous
0 Alert and calm
−1 Drowsy Not fully alert, but has sustained (more than 10 s) awakening, with eye contact, to voice
−2 Light sedation Briefly (less than 10 s) awakens with eye contact to voice
−3 Moderate Any movement (but no eye contact) to voice
−4 Deep sedation No response to voice, but any movement to physical stimulation
−5 Unarousable No response to voice or physical stimulation

Table 20.2  Sedation-agitation scale (SAS)

Score State Behavior
7 Dangerous agitation Pulling at ET tube, climbing over bedrail, striking at staff, thrashing side-to-side
6 Very agitated Dose not calm despite frequent verbal reminding, requires physical restrains
6 Agitated Anxious or mildly agitated, attempting to sit up, calms down to verbal instructions
4 Calm and Calm, awakens easily, follows commands
3 Sedated Difficult to arouse, awakens to verbal stimuli or gentle shaking but drifts off
2 Very sedated Arouses to physical stimuli but does not communicate or follow commands
1 Unarousable Minimal or no response to noxious stimuli, dose not communicate or follow commands

Domestic and overseas scholars have researched and reliable sedation assessment tools for mea-
the feasibility of “conscious” ECMO treatment suring quality and depth of sedation in adult
with spontaneous ventilation and have recom- patients [27–30], the Richmond agitation-seda-
mended the “conscious” ECMO treatment to the tion scale (RASS, Table  20.1) and Sedation-
clinic [22–24]. Experts have explored the poten- agitation scale (SAS, Table  20.2) have been
tial benefits of “conscious” ECMO, including strongly recommended by domestic and over-
reduction of adverse events related to mechanical seas guidelines, and has good validation for ICU
ventilation, decrease in unplanned extubation, patient with mechanical ventilation, agitation,
minimization of the demand for analgesia, facili- and delirium [27, 31, 32]. Light sedation corre-
tation in oral intake, enhancement of communi- sponds to the score of RASS (−2 to +1), the
cation, improvement of patient’s comfort, and score of SAS (3–4), moderate/deep sedation cor-
recovery [25, 26]. responds to the RASS (−4 to −3), the score of
SAS (2), sedation with neuromuscular blockers Tracheal Cannula corresponds to the score of RASS (5), the score
Appropriate analgesia and sedation are impor- of SAS (1). The nurse should dynamically adjust
tant in mechanically ventilated patients to ensure the sedate target to reduce drug accumulation in
patient comfort and safety while reducing exces- the body and maintain the optimal sedation state
sive compensatory oxygen consumption and of patients [33].
protecting all organs. It is necessary to under-
stand sedation strategies and available therapeu- Mechanical Ventilation
tic agents [27]. All sedation strategies should A protective lung ventilation strategy is imple-
start with real-time assessment and ensure ade- mented, the ventilator parameters are reduced,
quate pain control. As the currently most precise and the minimum level of support is maintained,
20  Clinical Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 297

so that the lung could obtain adequate recovery CRRT Mode [42]
[6]. The strategy is designed to reduce the venti- The common modes are continuous veno-venous
lator parameter settings to avoid barotrauma and hemofiltration and continuous veno-venous
volutrauma [34]. Nurses should continuously hemodiafiltration. Pre-dilution is preferred, using
observe the respiratory rate, rhythm, and oxygen a filter with adsorption function.
saturation. The ventilator parameters are dynami-
cally adjusted according to the blood gas analysis Vascular Access
[35]. The recommendations for ventilator param- The blood purification tube was recommended to
eters include the tidal volume (3–5  mL/kg), coupling to the ECMO loop [43]. The common
respiratory rate (<8  beats/min), positive end-­ connections include: (a) connecting the inlet line
expiratory pressure (5–5 cmH2O), pause pressure (artery) and the outlet line (vein), the inlet line is
(<25 cmH2O), and FiO2 (30–40%) [12, 34]. The after the centrifugal pump and the outlet is before
arterial and venous oxygen saturation should be the oxygenator; (b) connecting the inlet line
continuously monitored, keeping the arterial (artery) and the outlet line (vein), the inlet line is
oxygen saturation more than 95% and maintain- before the centrifugal pump and the outlet is
ing the mixed venous oxygen saturation at before the oxygenator. For the patients without
65–75% [36, 37]. ECMO support, an independent and temporary
hemodialysis catheter could be established. The Respiratory Tract Nursing right internal jugular vein catheter should be
Airway humidification, closed endotracheal suc- placed under the guidance of ultrasound, and the
tioning, and physical therapy is adopted for clear- chest X-ray should be taken immediately after
ing respiratory secretions, keeping airway open, catheterization and before the first use. Evaluation
ensuring aseptic suction, and improving ventila- of the catheter includes: (a) patient temperature;
tion. Cluster nursing is implemented to prevent (b) tube type; (c) indwelling time; (d) dressing;
ventilator-associated pneumonia [38], including (e) exposed length; (f) local skin of puncture
daily assessment of extubation indications and point; and (g) tube function (the syringe can fill
early extubation. In addition, sequential ventila- up to 10 mL in 3 s).
tion is adopted, referring to the gradual transition
to non-invasive positive pressure ventilation, Parameters Setting
face-mask ventilation, high-flow nasal cannula, The speed of the replacement fluid is 4000–
or nasal cannula. 6000 mL/h, the duration of continuous treatment
is 8–12  h or longer, and blood flow is 150–
200  mL/min. According to the patient’s intake,
20.2.5 CRRT Nursing output, and vital signs, the ultrafiltration rate
should be adjusted at any time based on fluid
CRRT is beneficial for patients with fulminant balance.
myocarditis and is widely used in its treatment
[3]. Its functions usually include: (a) continuous Anticoagulation for CRRT
elimination of toxins and cytokines from circula- The risks and benefits of anticoagulation therapy
tion; (b) volume overload decrease via ultrafiltra- should be comprehensively evaluated to deter-
tion; (c) maintaining water-electrolyte and mine whether to proceed with anticoagulation and
acid-base [39, 40]; and (d) recovery of vessel to determine the intensity of anticoagulation.
response to vasoactive drugs [11]. When compli- Nurses should choose the appropriate antico-
cated with renal injuries, CRRT should be used agulant and infusion rate, and dynamically moni-
actively in the early stage [41]. tored the blood coagulation to keep APTT or
298 Y. Ye et al.

ACT within 1.5 times the normal value. For the ultrafiltration fraction was controlled at 20%,
patients treated with IABP and/or ECMO, the use continuing for one quarter. (c) The blood flow
of additional anticoagulants is not required. rate was adjusted to 100  mL/min and the
ultrafiltration was turn off, lasting for 15 min. Commencing Treatment (d) The blood flow speed was set at 50  mL/
The initial flow speed was controlled at min and blood was then flushed back to
30–50  mL/min, and gradually adjusted to patient.
100  mL/min for 3–5  min after the blood was
drained. When the blood pump gradually adapted Supplement
to the heart and ECMO, the speed of the blood For monitoring during treatment, please refer to
pump was adjusted to 150–200  mL/min for Standard Operating Procedures for Blood
30 min. There was no change in the patient’s con- Purification (2010 Edition) [40].
dition and the treatment was started. Volume Management 20.3 Nursing of Drug Therapy

A three-level management was adopted [44].
Combined with the monitoring of CVP and inva- Patients with fulminant myocarditis are often
sive arterial blood pressure, the nurses adjust the treated with antiviral therapy in the early stage.
ultrafiltration rate according to the volume of At the same time, the patients were given high
intake and output per hour to achieve fluid bal- doses of glucocorticoids and sufficient amounts
ance and avoid fluid retention and excessive of immunoglobulin for immunomodulatory treat-
ultrafiltration. ment. In addition, there are other drug treatments,
such as anti-arrhythmia, vascular activation, Disconnection improvement of myocardial energy metabolism,
1. Planned weaning symptomatic therapies (such as high fever, oligu-
Indications for stopping CRRT treatment ria, anuria, and gastrointestinal bleeding), seda-
include: (a) the patient has no manifestations tion, and anticoagulation. A central venous
of volume overload, which is assessed by catheter before systemic heparinization and more
chest X-ray and echocardiography; (b) water-­ than two venous channels should be established
salt and acid-base are balanced; (c) the dose to ensure the subsequent venous treatment. At the
of vasoactive drugs is not large; (d) there is no same time, vascular punctures should be mini-
serious infection; and (e) daily urine output is mized for reducing the rate of vessel-related
more than 500 mL. complications, such as bleeding and thrombosis
2. Unplanned weaning during mechanical assistance.
Treatment should be stopped when: (a) the The nursing staff arranged the administration
filter is blocked by coagulation at level 2 or sequence and strictly controlled the infusion
above and the transmembrane pressure (TMP) speed with infusion pump or micropump to avoid
continues to be more than 250 mmHg; (b) the heart overload. A micro pump is used to inject
CRRT machine continues to alarm which vasoactive drugs intravenously. When replacing
could not be eliminated; (c) the venous pres- vasoactive drugs, nurses should change the pump
sure is consistently higher than 300 mmHg. in order to prevent the fluctuation of blood pres-
3. Method of flushing blood back to patient sure. In addition, nurses should master the types,
The following methods was adopted step-­ usage and incompatibility taboos of common
by-­step [45]: (a) the blood flow rate was set at drugs. Drugs should be administered safely and
180 mL/min, lasting for one quarter. (b) It was accurately following the doctor’s advice, and the
adjusted to 150 mL/min. At the same time, the efficacy and adverse drug reactions should be
replacement volume was reduced and the monitored.
20  Clinical Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 299

20.4 Nursing of Complications ECMO and IABP support are withdrawn, and
the wounds are compressed with elastic ban-
Patients with fulminant myocarditis are prone to dage. In addition, nurses should accurately
bleeding, embolism, infection, and renal failure monitor the pipe connections to avoid the pipe
when receiving life support treatments [46–48]. detachment and air embolism.
3. Infection
1. Hemorrhage Infection is another high-incidence com-
Hemorrhage is a common complication. plication during ECMO support, that is mainly
The causes of hemorrhage include: (a) defects related to surgical trauma and long-time intu-
in surgical techniques, unstable tube fixation, bation. Infection can reduce the survival rate
and bleeding of puncture site caused by the of patients and is a common cause of death
activity of patients; (b) systemic hepariniza- [50]. In order to prevent infection, there is a
tion to avoid blood coagulation and thrombo- need to take protective isolation measures and
sis because of the contact with a large number place patients in a CCU where air disinfection
of non-physiological foreign bodies; (c) severe and hospital infection surveillance should be
consumption of platelets; and (d) the damage maintained. A ventilator-related bundle was
of platelet function and coagulation mecha- implemented measured by a special ECMO
nism because of the blood cell destruction nursing team. Nurses pay attention to aseptic
[49]. Therefore, nurses should closely monitor procedures and strength the isolation.
ACT, APTT and PLT to observe the thrombo- Moreover, family visitation is not permitted.
sis in the circulatory system of ECMO. (a) Strict aseptic procedures are required
2. Embolism during intubation, dressing change,
Embolization is mainly related to intuba- ­interventional treatment, and tube withdrawal.
tion. The damage of the centrifugal pump and (b) Nurses need to replace contaminated
oxygenator due to blood cells is inevitable. In dressings timely to keep incisions dry and
addition, it is also related to cardiac output, clean. (c) Hand hygiene should be maintained
vessel/catheter diameter, intimal damage, and hands should be washed before any oper-
insufficient anticoagulation, and embolus ations. (d) All wounds should be disinfected
shedding, mainly including cerebral embo- with iodine and covered daily. (e) The blood
lism, limb embolism, and massive left atrial transfusion set should be replaced if used for
thrombosis. During the treatment, it is neces- more than 4 h. (f) Aseptic technique should be
sary to closely monitor the blood supply of incorporated strictly when carrying out intra-
the distal lower extremities. Nurses should venous infusion, arterial blood collection,
evaluate the sensory responsiveness, skin ECMO and IABP tube replacement, medica-
color, and temperature of the affected limbs tion administration, and sample collection
per hour, compare the pulsation of dorsalis [51]. (g) It is better if blood sampling is reduce
pedis arteries bilaterally, and mark the obvi- as much as possible and infusion pipes and
ous pulsation. If the patient has symptoms tees are replaced daily. (h) Nurses should con-
such as numbness and pain in the puncture tinuously monitor and record the patient’s
limbs, pale and cool skin, and the disappear- temperature in a timely manner. WBC should
ance of dorsalis pedis artery pulsation, the be detected daily, and blood, urine, fecal, spu-
nurse should notify the physician immedi- tum culture, and drug susceptibility should be
ately. Nurses should observe the patient’s con- tested timely. Physicians should adjust antibi-
sciousness, pupils, and physical activity to otics according to WBC and culture results.
prevent cerebral embolism. Nurses should (i) Nurses should implement airway manage-
pay special attention to the high-risk period of ment and basic nursing. A nasogastric tube is
lower extremity thrombosis due to the dosage used for enteral nutrition. When necessary,
reduction of heparin and venous stasis when the doctor should give the patient immunos-
300 Y. Ye et al.

Table 20.3  Clinical indicators and outcomes of patients with fulminant myocarditis treated with ECMO and IABP
Survival group Mortality group
Variable Total (n = 21) (n = 16) (n = 5) Z P valve
Sex Male 10 (47.6) 9 (56.3) 1 (20.0) – 0.311
Female 11 (52.4) 7 (43.8) 4 (80.0)
Agea (years) 27.0 (16.0) 27.00 (16.0) 29.00 (15.0) 0.37 0.709
Weighta (kg) 55.0 (21.0) 54.50 (23.0) 56.00 (17.0) 0.25 0.804
ECMO support timea 52.0 (62.4) 52.0 (55.0) 50.0 (212.0) 0.08 0.934
Type of complication
Renal failure 10 (47.6) 5 (31.3) 5 (100.0) – 0.012
Cerebral hemorrhage 2 (9.5) 0 (0.0) 2 (40.0) – 0.048
Gastrointestinal 5 (23.8) 0 (0.0) 5 (100.0) – 0.000
Lower limb ischemia 3 (14.3) 0 (0.0) 3 (60.0) – 0.008
Multiple organ failure 4 (19.0) 0 (0.0) 4 (80.0) – 0.001
Septicemia 6 (28.6) 5 (31.3) 1 (20.0) – 1.000
These data were reported with non-normal distribution as median and interquartile range (IQR) and the Wilcoxon
signed rank test were used to compare the two groups. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact probabil-
ity test without χ2. The data in the bracket represents percentage

timulants to enhance immunity. (j) Nurses catheter and closely monitor the urine volume
should strictly implement the disinfection and per hour. Combined with the relevant indica-
segregation system and strengthen hand tors of ECMO, nurses could timely identify
hygiene, and hands should be washed before circulatory volume deficiency or acute renal
and after contact with the patients. (k) Nurses failure, and give corresponding treatment once
should observe redness, swelling, bleeding, oliguria or anuria occurs. Table  20.3 shows
and exudation at the puncture site, and should relation between major complications and
keep it clean and dry to prevent infection. clinical outcomes.
4. Renal failure
Renal failure is a common complication of
fulminant myocarditis and the result of IABP 20.5 Rest and Nutrition
combined with ECMO, especially when
improper placement of IABP catheter causes (a) In the acute stage, patients should take strict
renal artery compression. Li et  al. retrospec- bed rest, maintain a comfortable position and use
tively analyzed the clinical data of 21 cases with air cushions bed to reduce heart load. (b)
fulminant myocarditis and cardiogenic shock Physicians administer sedative-hypnotic drugs to
undergoing ECMO combined with IABP, ensure that patients rest fully and reduce mood
including the data before combined application, swings. (c) According to the patients’ specific
during treatment, and after combined applica- conditions, they receive fasting and intravenous
tion [52]. The results indicated that the main feeding, and then make the transition to a heart-­
complications were renal failure (n = 10), septi- healthy diet when the health status improves. (d)
cemia (n  =  6), cerebral hemorrhage (n  =  2), During the recovery period, instructions regard-
lower limb ischemia (n  =  3), gastrointestinal ing physical activity for the patients according to
complications (n = 5), and multiple organ fail- the cardiac function should be provided [53]. (e)
ure (n = 4). Renal failure, cerebral hemorrhage, Patients could choose liquid or semi-liquid food
lower limb ischemia, gastrointestinal complica- and eat frequent small meals (50–100  mL per
tions, and multiple organ failure were the risk meal and 3–4 meals per day). It is better to finish
factors affecting the prognosis (Table 18.1). meals before 8 p.m. to ensure that the patients get
Therefore, when implementing IABP treat- sufficient sleep. (f) Nurses should instruct
ment, nurses should establish an indwelling patients to defecate correctly and regularly.
20  Clinical Nursing for Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis 301

Patients promote gastrointestinal motility through During the treatment, nurses should carry out crit-
abdominal massage from right to left. Laxatives ical care and continuous vital signs monitoring,
should be administered when patients have habit- and also ensure the operation of instruments to
ual constipation. Patients in the acute stage of improve the treatment success rate.
fulminant myocarditis are prone to constipation Appendix Fulminant myocarditis patient
as a result of impaired gastrointestinal motility recording sheet.
and restricted physical activity. Exertion could
Date/time (per hour)
induce arrhythmia and heart failure.
Vital signs T
SpO2 (%)
20.6 Psychological Nursing IBP (mmHg)
ECMO Rotation speed (r/min)
Fulminant myocarditis has the characteristics of Blood flow (L/min)
sudden onset, high mortality and rapid progress. FiO2 (%)
The disease and economic burden have brought Air flow (L/min)
serious psychological distress to patients, such as Actual water temperature (°C)
tension, anxiety, and fear. Nurses should pay spe- Blood supply Potency of oxygenator and
cial attention to the establishment of a trusting
Leg circumference (cm)
doctor-patient relationship, and communicate Lower extremity skin
treatment plans, health conditions, and successful temperature (°C)
cases with family members in a timely manner to IABP Trigger mode
increase patient confidence. In the course of treat- Counterpulsation rate
ment, the nurse should provide information to the PDP (mmHg)
awake patient including the current time, place, MAP (mmHg)
family mood, disease information, and the impor- Pulsations of the dorsalis pedis
tance of various treatments on time. Nurses should Invasive Mode
also meet the psychological needs of patients to mechanical VT (mL)
reduce anxiety/fear and enhance self-­confidence. ventilation FiO2 (%)
At the same time, the family members should PEEP (cmH2O)
have a basic understanding of the life support, Breathing rate (times/min)
such as ECMO and IABP.  They should under- Temporary P/O/S
stand that despite the apparent improvements of pacemaker
Cardiac ultrasound EF(%)
the patient’s condition, the heart and lung may
Coagulation ACT(s)
still not function. Moreover, family members indexes APTT(s)
should correctly face crisis situations that may Blood gas analysis PO2 (mmHg)
arise. The nurse should ask the patients’ needs PCO2 (mmHg)
and subjective feelings in time and implement PH
strict isolation. Clothes and cotton quilts should SaO2 (%)
be given to the patients to keep them warm. Laboratory data LA (mmol/L)
In conclusion, fulminant myocarditis is the ALT (U/L)
most serious and special type, and its mortality AST (U/L)
rate is 40–80% after drug and mechanical support CTNI (pg/mL)
WBC (*109/L)
[54]. Therefore, nurses should immediately notify
Hb (g/L)
the critical care team to rescue the patient. Nurses
K (mmol/L)
should also work together to ensure effective Drug Dopamine (mL/h)
treatment for rescuing patients, including: (a) the concentration and Metaraminol (mL/h)
patency of airway and venous access; (b) proper dose Dexmedetomidine (mL/h)
installation and operation of IABP and ECMO; Heparin (mL/h)
(c) hemodynamic data and vital signs monitoring.
302 Y. Ye et al.

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Introduction of Clinical Courses
of Typical Cases of Fulminant 21
Myocarditis (Including Six Cases)

Ning Zhou, Yu Han, and Dao Wen Wang

21.1 Typical Case 1 quent nausea, vomiting, mental illness, and

drowsiness, she visited the emergency depart-
Ms. Yang, female, 25 years old. ment of our hospital. Since the onset of the dis-
ease, her mental state and appetite had been poor,
with normal defecation and obvious fatigue.
21.1.1 Clinical Features Medical History Chief Complaint She denied a history of chronic diseases, such as
Fever, fatigue, and chest tightness with shortness hypertension, coronary heart disease, and diabe-
of breath for 3 days. tes. She had no history of congenital heart dis-
ease or familial disease. Present Medical Information
The patient developed fever after overworking 3 Physical Examination
days previously. The highest recorded body tem- Her blood pressure (BP) and oxygen saturation
perature of the patient was 39 °C, and she experi- (SpO2) were 86/50 mmHg and 96%, respectively,
enced general fatigue and weakness, precordial and she had an extremely poor mental state and
discomfort, shortness of breath, anorexia, nausea, was lethargic. The jugular vein was not filling. Her
vomiting, and dizziness. She had no obvious heart rate was 150 bpm, and she had a low heart
symptoms such as cough, expectoration, abdomi- sound, an audible gallop rhythm, and no heart mur-
nal pain, diarrhea, and muscle soreness. She murs. The breathing sounds of both lungs were
received treatment in a community hospital for 2 low, without dry or wet rales. The abdomen was
days, but the symptoms worsened. Due to fre- flat and soft. There was no tenderness or rebound
pain. The liver and spleen were not palpable under
N. Zhou the ribs, and the lower limbs were not swollen.
Cardiolog Division of Cardiology, Internal Medicine Regarding the outpatient data, the cardiac tro-
Department, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, ponin I (cTnI) level was 4.9 (reference range,
Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China 0–0.03) ng/mL.  The levels of the myocardial
enzymes lactate dehydrogenase and creatine
Y. Han · D. W. Wang (*)
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal kinase and creatine kinase isoenzyme were 360,
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and 695.0 ng/mL, and 58.5 (0–25) U/L, respectively.
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, Her blood routine and arterial blood gas exami-
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong nation results were normal but marked abnormol-
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
e-mail: ity of electrocardiograms (Figs. 21.1 and 21.2).

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022 305
D. W. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
306 N. Zhou et al.

Fig. 21.1  Outpatient electrocardiogram showing polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with a widened QRS duration.
The ST segment of the entire anterior lead is elevated. The ventricular rate is 150 bpm

Fig. 21.2  Re-examination of the electrocardiogram after admission. (1) Sinus rhythm with a heart rate of 100 bpm. (2)
The ST segment of the chest lead is elevated (back upward). (3) Low voltage and widened QRS wave
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 307

21.1.2 Diagnosis and strictly control the liquid balance of inflow

and outflow. Treatment was started immediately
Fulminant myocarditis with cardiogenic shock. after admission as follows:

1. Intravenous immunoglobulin (20  g/day)

21.1.3 Physical Examination together with methylprednisolone (200  mg/
and Tests day) was administered after intravenou injec-
tion of 20 mg dexamethasone. Day 1 of Admission 2. An intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) was
The patient was admitted to the hospital in a very implanted through the right femoral artery in
poor mental state, with recurrent nausea and dis- the cardiac catheterization room immediately
comfort, inability to eat, lethargy, and cold after admission. The counter pulsation pres-
extremities. The pulse rhythm was irregular and sure was approximately 85–95 mmHg.
weak, the cardiac border was normal, and the 3. Oseltamivir capsules (75 mg bid) were admin-
­cardiac sound was very weak with a third heart istered. Additionally, proton pump inhibitors
sound gallop rhythm. were used to protect the gastric mucosa
(Figs. 21.3, 21.4 and 21.5).
Bedside Echocardiography
The ascending aorta and aortic diameter were Day 2 of Admission
normal, and the inner diameter of each heart cav-
ity was normal. The ventricular septum was Bedside Ultrasound Examination
12 mm thick; the posterior wall of the left ven- No significant enlargement was observed in the
tricle was approximately 9  mm thick, and the atrial and ventricular lumens of the heart. The
apex of the heart was approximately 5 mm thick. anterior and posterior diameters of the left ven-
The septum and posterior wall of the left ventri-tricle were 4.2  cm. The movement of the left
cle moved in the reverse direction. The move- ventricular wall was not coordinated or dif-
ment of the posterior wall of the left ventricle was
fusely weak. The thickened septum was reduced,
diffused and uneven, and no obvious reverse and few pericardial effusions were observed in
movement was observed. A small amount of peri- the pericardial cavity. The LVEF was 48%. The
cardial effusion was observed. The left ventricu-left ventricular wall movement was uncoordi-
lar ejection fraction (LVEF) was 57%. nated and diffusely reduced. The systolic and
diastolic functions were significantly reduced.
Laboratory Tests The patient was still lethargic, with an
Her cTnI and N-terminal pro brain natriuretic extremely poor mental state. The symptoms of
peptide (NT-proBNP) levels were 9.17  ng/mL frequent nausea and vomiting were not signifi-
and 7.852 pmol/L, respectively. cantly relieved. With the support of the IABP, the
Chest computed tomography (CT) was per- systolic and diastolic blood pressure could be
formed immediately after hemodynamics was between systolic blood pressure 90 and 100
slightly stabilized. mmHg and diastolis blood pressure 60 and 70
mmHg, respectively. Immunomodulatory treat-
Treatments and Course After Admission ments and other medications were maintained in
The patient was diagnosed with fulminant myo- the original regimen.
carditis. Immunomodulatory and anti-­
neuraminidase treatments were immediately Day 3 of Admission
initiated. Importantly, circulatory support was (Fig. 21.6)
also used. Subclavian vein catheterization was Although the patient’s mental state improved, she
performed to monitor central venous pressure still experienced intermittent nausea and retch-
308 N. Zhou et al.

Fig. 21.3  Chest CT showing bilateral interstitial lung inflammation. Bilateral pleural effusion, with partial expansion
of both lower lungs

Fig. 21.4  The chest radiographs show that the heart shadow is small
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 309

Fig. 21.5  Re-examination of the electrocardiogram. (1) Sinus rhythm. (2) QRS wave low voltage, T wave is low volt-
age and flat in wide-range of leads, which looks better than previous two electrocardiogram records

Fig. 21.6  Re-examination of the electrocardiogram: (1) Sinus rhythm. (2) ST-T changes in the inferior wall and the
anterior lead. (3) Ventricular rate of 98 bpm
310 N. Zhou et al.

ing. She could consume a small amount of liquid

diet and continued to be supported by the IABP
and vasoactive drugs. Her vital signs remained
stable, and the immunomodulatory treatment
regimen (including methylperone and gamma
globulin) remained unchanged. Days 4–7 of Admission

On the fourth day, the patient’s mental state
improved. Gastrointestinal symptoms gradually
subsided. The immunomodulatory therapy
drugs were gradually reduced. She still received Fig. 21.8  Both lower lung inflammation and effusion are
not observed
human blood immunoglobulin (10  g/day) with
methylprednisolone (80 mg/day) and discontin-
ued it 4 days later; oseltamivir capsules (75 mg
bid) were discontinued after a total of 5 days.
The IABP was removed on the fifth day after
On the fourth day, re-examination of cardiac
color Doppler ultrasound showed no significant
enlargement of all atrial and ventricular lumens
and no abnormality of the ventricular wall move-
ment. The LVEF was 60%. These parameters
improved significantly (Figs.  21.7, 21.8 and
Fig. 21.9  Pulmonary infection and pleural effusion have
completely disappeared

Fig. 21.7  Re-examination of the electrocardiogram showed basically the same results as it did the previous day
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 311

21.1.4 Variation Trend of the Main 21.1.5 Case Review

Indicators During Admission
The patient was a young woman with typical
Serum troponin I (ng/mL)

10 respiratory and digestive prodromal symptoms of

6.674 respiratory virus infection and cardiogenic shock,

6 which were consistent with the course of fulmi-

2.548 nant myocarditis. The diagnosis and treatment at
1.201 the primary hospital were timely and effective;
2 therefore, the patient was immediately pulled out
D1 D2 D3 D4
of danger.
Trend chart of serum troponin Iafter admission (pmol/L)
Upon reviewing this case, the following his-
torical features were found to be consistent with
Trend chart of serum troponin I after admission (pmol/L) the diagnostic characteristics of typical fulminant
10000 9000
NT-proBNP (pmol/L)

8000 1. Young woman with no underlying history of
6000 heart disease.
4000 2198 2. There were obvious prodromal symptoms of
2000 536 134 virus infection 3 days before onset.
0 3. Onset of acute illness, a few days into the
D1 D2 D3 D5 D7 D13 state of shock.
Trend chart of NT-proBNP after admission (pmol/L)
4. Myocardial injury markers, electrocardio-
gram (ECG), and color Doppler echocar-
Trend chart of NT-proBNP after admission (pmol/L) diography all suggested serious heart
damage and cardiogenic shock combined
8 6.54 with malignant arrhythmia.
D-dimer (ug/mL)

6 4.87

4 3.23 3.34 Therefore, the diagnosis of this case was not dif-
ficult. With good understanding of the character-
2 0.61
istics of fulminant myocarditis, it should not be
0 difficult to make a diagnosis based on the Chinese
D1 D3 D4 D5 D10
Society of Expert Consensus Statement on the
Change trend chart of D-dimer after admission (ug/mL)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult Fulminant
Myocarditis. Patients with fulminant myocarditis
Change trend chart of D-dimer after admission (μg/mL)
often have fever, fatigue, and poor appetite, as
1.2 hs-CRP PCT well as respiratory or digestive tract symptoms.
1.0 The prodromal symptoms last 3–7 days and then
0.8 0.69 suddenly develop into severe hemodynamic dys-
0.6 function. Laboratory tests show that the cardio-
0.56 myocytes are severely damaged. An ECG shows
0.2 a variety of malignant arrhythmia, ventricular
0.13 tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, high-grade
D1 D2 D4 atrioventricular block, and sinus arrest. On echo-
Trends of high sensitivity C reaction protein (hs-CRP) and cardiography, visible diffuse ventricular wall
procalcitonin (PCT) after admission(ug/mL)
motion decreases. Coronary angiography can be
used to identify acute myocardial infarction and
Trends of high sensitivity C reaction protein (hs-­CRP) and
procalcitonin (PCT) after admission (μg/mL) fulminant myocarditis when the condition is per-
312 N. Zhou et al.

mitted. However, the prodromal symptoms of immunomodulatory treatment. In addition, by the

fulminant myocarditis are often nonspecific in time of discharge, if the patient has not com-
the clinical setting; therefore, it is easily misdiag- pletely recovered and the ECG does not show a
nosed as a “cold” or “upper respiratory tract low-voltage state, rest, follow-up, and the use of
infection.” The natural course of the prognosis is β-blockers and low-dose angiotensin-converting
very poor. Timely and correct management, espe- enzyme inhibitor treatment for 6 months to 1 year
cially advanced mechanical life support, can are advised, and follow-up is maintained accord-
greatly reduce mortality and improve long-term ing to the situation of treatment adjustment.
The patient had obvious prodromal symptoms
of viral infection 3 days before admission, with 21.2 Typical Case 2
obvious fatigue after slight physical activity,
obvious digestive tract symptoms, frequent nau- Ms. F, female, 25 year–old.
sea and vomiting, rapid progression and deterio-
ration of the disease, as well as hemodynamic
disorders and persistent polymorphic ventricular 21.2.1 The Clinical Features
tachycardia only 2 days after the onset of the dis-
ease. After arriving at the hospital, the myocar- Chief Complaint
dial injury marker and NT-proBNP levels were Chest tightness and fatigue for 1 week, aggrava-
abnormally increased. Bedside cardiac Doppler tion for 3 days.
ultrasound suggested diffuse weakening of the
ventricular wall movement and LVEF decline. Present Medical History
Fulminant myocarditis was diagnosed for the The patient developed chest tightness, fatigue,
first time after admission. cough, and other discomfort after common cold a
According to the Chinese Expert Consensus week ago. She took automedication for cold, but
on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Fulminant the symptoms did not improve. Her chest tight-
Myocarditis in Adults, drafted and written by ness and fatigue worsened over the past 3 days.
Professor Wang Daowen in 2017, the patients are She arrived at a local hospital at 21:00 (February
administered a timely full dose of glucocorti- 5, 2019). At 21:22, electrocardiogram (ECG)
coids and immunoglobulin for immunoregula- suggested ventricular tachycardia. The patient
tory therapy and IABP-assisted life support. received continuous intravenous infusion of ami-
During treatment, the patients’ respiratory func- odarone and immediate cardioversion. However,
tion is closely monitored. If there is any sign of this condition was not attenuated. She was then
dyspnea or respiratory failure, the healthcare pro- transferred to the emergency department at 00
vider should be prepared to actively manipulate o’clock (February 6, 2019) where another ECG
the ventilator. After positive and accurate treat- showed ventricular tachycardia. Her blood pres-
ment, the patients will abruptly recover on the sure could not be measured. Electrical cardiover-
third day after admission and consequently be sion and treatment such as noradrenaline,
discharged from the hospital. lidocaine, and magnesium sulfate were adminis-
In terms of the treatment plan, the expert con- tered several times. Her cardiac rhythm returned
sensus points out that the treatment of fulminant to sinus rhythm at 0:10. She was sent to the
myocarditis emphasizes “extremely early identi- Coronary Care Unit (CCU) and admitted to the
fication, extremely early diagnosis, extremely emergency department with a primary diagnosis
early prediction, and extremely early treatment.” of fulminant myocarditis.
The foundation for the successful treatment of Since the onset of the disease, the patient’s
this patient lies in an extremely early diagnosis mental state, diet, and sleep were very poor with-
and the correct treatment plan for the decisive out obvious change in her body weight. Her urine
implementation of mechanical life support and and feces were normal.
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 313 Past Medical History 21.2.3 Treatment

She had an induced abortion 1 month previously.
She denied a history of hypertension, diabetes, At 2:14 on February 6th, 2019, her blood pres-
hepatitis, and tuberculosis. She had a history of sure and pulse were undetectable. She was deliri-
cesarean section. She denied a history of trauma, ous, and ECG revealed ventricular tachycardia.
blood transfusion, or known drug and food She was treated with anti-shock, potassium sup-
allergy. plement, anti-arrhythmia (amiodarone, lidocaine,
and esmolol), and immunomodulatory therapy Physical Examination (dexamethasone 10 mg IV, followed by methyl-
Temperature (T) 36.0  °C, blood pressure, and prednisolone 200  mg iv, gamma globulin 10  g
pulse were undetectable. She was in the supine iv.). After repeated electrical cardioversion, sinus
position, and respiration (R) was 28  bpm. She rhythm was restored. However, her blood pres-
was unconscious and lacks cooperation in physi- sure and pulse were still undetectable. The patient
cal examination. Systemic skin sclera with yel- immediately underwent endotracheal intubation,
low stain, enlarged superficial lymph node were and a bedside intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)
not noted. She presented cold and dry limbs with- was implanted on February 6, 2019. The counter-
out dilated jugular vein. Her neck was soft, and pulsation pressure was approximately 60 mmHg.
clear breath sound auscultation in both lungs, The patient’s blood pressure remained very
without moist or dry rales. The heart rate was unstable, and she had repeated episodes of ven-
165  bpm, with an irregular rhythm. Her heart tricular tachycardia.
sounds were low and blunt. The galloping was Bedside venoarterial-extracorporeal mem-
obvious, and no obvious murmur was heard. The brane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) implantation
abdomen was flat and soft, and there was no ten- was completed at 2:31 on February 06, 2019, and
derness or rebound pain in the entire abdomen. the initial ECMO parameter was set at a rota-
There was no edema in both lower limbs and tional speed of 3500  rpm and flow rate of 3.5 
no percussion pain in either kidney. L/min. Her blood pressure gradually stabilized to
86/64 mmHg.
Laboratory Tests Her hypersensitive (hs)-cardiac troponin I
Blood potassium 2.79  mmol/L, N-terminal pro-­ level was over 50,000.0  pg/mL in the morning,
brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro BNP): 7260 pg/ BP 88/59  mmHg, pulse rate (P) 66  bpm, R 20
mL, hypersensitive troponin I, >50,000  pg/mL times/min. She was sedated. The level of hs-­
(over the detectable up-limit). cardiac troponin I was still over 50,000.0 pg/mL,
myoglobin 887.0  ng/mL (normal range <106 
ng/mL), creatine kinase-MB type (CK-MB) iso-
21.2.2 Diagnosis enzyme 71.0 ng/mL (normal range <3.4 ng/mL),
blood glucose (GLu) 17.75  mmol/L (normal
Fulminant myocarditis complicated with persis- range 4.11–6.05 mmol/ L).
tent ventricular tachycardia Three consecutive cardiac color ultrasound
Evidence: Young woman, chest tightness and examinations were performed within 24  h after
fatigue for 1 week, aggravation for 3 days, and admission:
shock and malignant arrhythmia as the main
onset. Extensive lead ST-segment changes Bedside Echocardiography
revealed on ECG. Significant increase in NT-pro The right ventricular outflow tract and the aortic
BNP and myocardial injury marker hypersensi- root were not widened, and the aortic valve was
tive troponin I levels. normal and open. There was no enlargement of the
314 N. Zhou et al.

atrial and ventricular chambers. The septal wall 6. Neuraminidase inhibitor: oseltamivir
thickness increased to 1.4 cm. The activity of the 150 mg/day × 7 days, orally.
anterior lobe of the mitral valve showed bimodal 7. Improve myocardial metabolism treatment:
activity, the distance between the EE was short- trimetazidine 70  mg/day  ×  11 days
ened, anterior and posterior lobes showed reverse oral  +  coenzyme Q10 30  mg/day  ×  11 days
movement, and valve echo was normal and open. oral. After discharge, oral administration
The interventricular septum and posterior wall of was continued for 1 month until the return
the left ventricle were not thickened. There were no visit.
obvious segmental wall motion abnormalities. The 8. (a) Esomeprazole sodium 40 mg/day × 8-day
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 55%. intravenous drip  +  fat-soluble vitamin, (b)
However, the LVEF dropped to 40% only 3 h water-soluble vitamin for injection 1
later. It continued to decrease to 14% at 09:45, box/day  ×  3 days, intravenous drip, nasal
2019-02-06 (Fig. 21.10). feeding nutrition.
Summary of medical advice on admission day 9. Antibiotics application: cefotaxime sodium
sulbactam sodium 6 g/day × 5 days, intrave-
1. Continuous IABP Applications nous drops to prevent infection.
2. VA-ECMO assistance
3. Continuous renal replacement therapy Day 2 After Admission
(CRRT) treatment During endotracheal intubation, the patient was
4. Invasive-assisted ventilation for tracheal under mild sedation without obvious discom-
intubation fort, such as cough, expectoration, fever, and so
5. Immunomodulatory therapy: methylprednis- on. Electrocardiogram monitoring suggested
olone 200 mg/day × 4 days + 80 mg/day × 2 sinus rhythm, with no obvious malignant
days + 40 mg/day × 2 days IV drip, then pred- arrhythmia. Oxygen saturation of 100%.
nisone orally, 40  mg/day, reduced 5  mg per Continuous VA-ECMO was applied at a speed
week until withdrawal; Gamma globulin of 3490 rpm, a flow rate of 2.39  L/min, a gas
20 g/day × 3 days + 10 mg/day × 4 days, iv. flow rate of 5 L/min, and a fraction of inspired
oxygen (FiO2) of 50%. The tank temperature
was 36.8 °C. The operation of the ECMO instru-
ment was normal. Continuous IABP application
with a counterpulsation ratio of 1:1, using an
ECG trigger mode. Physical Examination

The blood pressure was 88/47 mmHg, and heart
rate (HR) 69 bpm with regular rhythm. The heart
sound was low and blunt, and no obvious mur-
mur was heard.

Laboratory Tests
White blood cell count 14.97 × 109/L, neutrophil
(%) 80.9%↑, neutrophil (#) 12.11  ×  109 /L, red
Fig. 21.10 Chest radiograph: double lung texture blood cell count 3.56  ×  1012/L, hemoglobin
enhancement, right middle and upper lung fields. A 108.0 g/L↓, Procalcitonin 2.11 ng /mL↑, NT-pro
VA-ECMO venous drainage catheter was observed at the
BNP 1190  pg/mL, hs-cardiac troponin I
upper end of the right atrium vena cava. The IABP balloon
catheter was observed in the descending aorta. A tracheal 41743.0 pg/mL, and serum electrolyte level was
tube was observed in the main trachea normal.
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 315

Due to the patient’s stable circulation and day 4 after admission, and ECMO assistance was
improved respiratory function, tracheal intuba- removed on day 5. Since the hemodynamics of
tion was removed and the rotational speed of the patient were stable after the removal of life
ECMO was gradually reduced. Concentrated red assistance devices, drugs were administered to
blood cells were injected to improve oxygen car- improve myocardial remodeling: perindopril
rying capacity, and immunoregulation, anti-­ 2  mg/day  +  metoprolol 23.75  mg/day, which
infection, myocardial metabolism improvement, gradually increased depending on blood
gastric protection, and energy supplementation pressure.
were continued. Bedside echocardiography showed no thick-
ening of the interventricular septum and left ven-
Bedside Echocardiography (10 a.m., Feb 7, tricular posterior wall. The LVEF increased to
2019) 56% and was preserved until the fifth day after
The interventricular septum was no longer thick admission (Fig. 21.11).
(0.8 cm), and the posterior wall of the left ven- Cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion imag-
tricle was not thick (0.8  cm). The diffuse wall ing One week after admission.
motion of the left ventricle decreased, especially There was no left ventricular hypertrophy
in the inferior wall and anterior septal wall. The (end-diastolic diameter: 4.3  cm, end-systolic
LVEF increased to 20%. The visceral and parietal diameter: 3.3  cm, shortening rate: 23.2%), the
pericardium were separated, and the maximum diameter of the left atrium was 2.4  cm, and the
liquid area was 0.5 cm in the lateral wall of the myocardial thickness of each segment of the end-­
left ventricle. diastolic left ventricle was normal (the anterior
wall of the middle segment 10.5 mm, lower lateral 3–5 Days After Admission wall 5.3  mm), the overall systolic movement of
After tracheal intubation was removed, the the left ventricle was normal with a proximal
patient recovered spontaneous breathing and ascending aorta diameter of 3.2 cm. No right ven-
consciousness, no recurrent ventricular tachycar- tricular hypertrophy was present (long diameter
dia or other malignant arrhythmia, with occa- 6.6  cm, short diameter 4.3  cm), the transverse
sional premature beats. The circulation was diameter of the right atrium was 4.0 cm, and the
gradually stabilized, and the blood pressure overall contractile movement of the right ventricle
remained stable at 80–100/50–65  mmHg. Her was normal. Mild to moderate regurgitation was
HR was 95 bpm, and the oxygen saturation of the observed in the aortic valve. No obvious regurgi-
left finger was 100% after the gradual reduction tation signal was observed in the tricuspid valve.
of ECMO parameters. The CRRT was stopped on DOUBLE and TRIPLE T2 increased myocardial

Fig. 21.11  One week after admission, cardiac magnetic resonance image showing myocardial edema and necrosis in
the ventricular septum, and anterior and inferior wall of left ventricle
316 N. Zhou et al.

signals in the superior interventricular septum and 4. Leads V1 and V2 were observed during moni-
anterior and inferior walls of the left ventricle. toring, ischemic ST-T abnormalities were
The pericardium was not thick. A small amount of observed in the inferior wall and anterior wall,
fluid signal was observed in the pericardium, and and myocardial infarction was combined with
no fluid signal shadow was observed in either tho- clinical observation.
rax. Left ventricular function: LVEF 63%, CO 5. The patient did not record any uncomfortable
4.9  L/min, end diastolic volume index (EDVi): symptoms for the whole day (Figs. 21.12 and
69 mL/m2. Cardiac perfusion: No obvious abnor- 21.13).
mal filling defect signal was observed in the myo-
cardium after initial perfusion. Strip and sheet
enhancement were observed in the outer myocar-
dium from the basal segment to the middle seg-
ment of the ventricular septum during delayed
enhancement. Conclusion/diagnosis: Myocardial
edema and necrosis in the ventricular septum and
the anterior and inferior walls of the left ventricle
were noted. Combined with the clinical findings,
acute myocarditis and mild to moderate aortic
insufficiency were considered, with small pericar-
dial effusion. Holter 1 Week After

1. Sinus rhythm, with a minimum heart rate of
49 beats per minute, occurred at 02:45. The
maximum heart rate was 99  bpm at 18:27.
The average heart rate was 71 bpm.
2. Accidental atrial premature beats were
1/whole course.
3. There were 21 accidental ventricular prema- Fig. 21.12  Holter showed no obvious arrhythmia 1 week
after admission, but there were still extensive ST-T
ture contractions (PVCS) and 2 PVCS in pairs.
changes in leads

Fig. 21.13  “Bull’s eye pattern” of ventricular wall move- graphic spot tracer indicated a decrease in diffuse ven-
ment by cardiac ultrasound spot tracer on days 1, 3, and 8 tricular wall movement, accompanied by weaker local
after admission. The lighter the red color is, the weaker movement or even reverse movement. After 8 days of
the chamber wall movement and the darker the chamber treatment, only part of the anterior wall of the left ventri-
wall movement. Blue indicates that the ventricle wall is cle was weakened, while the rest of the ventricular wall
moving in the opposite direction. Dynamic echocardio- was basically restored
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 317

21.2.4 Variation Trend of Main cardiogenic shock at the beginning of the disease.
Biomarkers and Cardiac The successful rescue of this case left three deep
Function During Treatments impressions of the author:
(Figs. 21.14, 21.15, and 21.16)
1. Timely referral by community hospitals cre-
ates conditions for patient survival.
Many fulminant myocarditis patients have
21.2.5 Comments malignant arrhythmia and refractory cardio-
genic shock as the main manifestations. This
This is a typical case of fulminant myocarditis condition rapidly leads to multiple irrevers-
with the main clinical features of stormy malig- ible systemic organ failure or even sudden
nant arrhythmias, cardiac arrest, and refractory death. The primary hospitals for the first diag-
nosis of such patients are mostly grassroots
units. If the basic hospitals do not have a good
hs cardiac troponin I (ng/ml)

understanding of the disease, misdiagnosis or

50000 41743
missed diagnosis will occur, leading to patient
death. Patients can only survive the malig-
nant cardiogenic shock and arrhythmias
20000 10103 with the assistance of circulatory support
10000 4718 1079.4
61.1 52 devices. However, due to lack of equipment
D0 D1 D2 D3 D5 D7 D9 D11 or technical strength, the treatment capacity
of grassroots hospitals is relatively weak, so
Fig. 21.14 Trend chart of troponin I changes after timely referral is primordial to save the lives
of patients. Fortunately, the patient was trans-
ferred to a superior unit with treatment condi-
6000 4826 tions for the first time after receiving treatment
NT-Pro BNP (pg/ml)

5000 at a grassroots hospital.

4000 2. The disease progresses and changes rapidly.
2453 The LVEF values obtained at the time of
3000 1863
2000 1190 admission was 55%, but only 3 h later, it fell to
602 445
40%, and then to 14% 10  h after admission.
The ventricular wall motion diffusely decreased
0 severely, with peristaltic pulses. This rapidly
0 12h D1 D2 D4 D7 D9 D11
changing nature of the heart gives us important
Fig. 21.15  Trend chart of NT-pro BNP of troponin after warning signs: when we suspect patients with
admission early stage fulminant myocarditis, their heart
color shows cardiac function in patients with
70 63 normal levels, but we must be highly alert to
55 56 the potential for a precipitated decline in car-
60 53

50 40
diac function, and thus must have foresight and
should not wait for patients’ circulation to col-
EF (%)

30 22 lapse after treatment as this might lead to dis-
20 14 ease progression and patient death.
10 3. The diagnosis and treatment of fulminant myo-
0 carditis requires comprehensive treatment
D0 3h 10h D2 D3 D4 D7
A well-trained cardiac critical care team is
Fig. 21.16 Trend chart of troponin changes after extremely important for the diagnosis and
admission treatment of fulminant myocarditis. The team
318 N. Zhou et al.

has to successfully complete the use of all to the local clinic. Furthermore, she lost con-
types of life-assistance devices, including sciousness, which lasted for a few minutes. Her
IABP and ECMO, temporary cardiac pacing, electrocardiogram (ECG) showed sinus rhythm
coronary angiography, and other examina- and ST changes. Her troponin I, myoglobin, and
tions and treatments in a very short period, fibrinogen levels were 11.83 ng/mL, 92.9 ng/mL,
because early treatment of fulminant myocar- and 344 mg/dL, respectively. The creatine kinase
ditis is lifesaving. Mechanical life support can isozyme, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate
temporarily stabilize circulation and is a pal- dehydrogenase activities were 36, 500, and
liative strategy. Therefore, it is necessary to 707  U/L, respectively. Prothrombin time was
supplement immunomodulation therapy to 13.30 s with an activity of 84%. The international
treat myocardial inflammation, especially the standardized ratio was 1.12. She was adminis-
timely and adequate use of glucocorticoids. tered aspirin and ticagrelor. Moreover, she was
The patient’s cardiac function improved sig- given acid inhibition, gastric protection, and liver
nificantly after one day of treatment, largely protection treatments. She experienced five con-
due to the timely, adequate, and prolonged use vulsions during the period; each convulsion was
of immunomodulatory drugs. Therefore, the preceded by palpitations and loss of conscious-
treatment of fulminant myocarditis is a com- ness, which could be alleviated after several sec-
bination of strategies based on mechanical life onds. The patient visited our hospital and
support and immunomodulatory therapy, complained of palpitation, convulsions, loss of
combined with infection prevention and consciousness, and urinary incontinence. An
injury treatment with water-soluble and fat-­ emergency ECG showed ventricular fibrillation
soluble vitamins. and emergency non-synchronous electrical defi-
brillation. In addition, coronary angiography and
intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation were per-
21.3 Typical Case 3 formed after cardioversion, which indicated no
significant stenosis of the LM, LAD, LCX, and
The patient was a 34-year-old woman. RCA.  After coronary angiography, she was
admitted to our department diagnosed as fulmi-
nant myocarditis.
21.3.1 Clinical Features Past Medical History Chief Complaint The patient denied a history of hypertension, dia-
The chief complaints of the patient were dizzi- betes, and coronary heart disease.
ness and fatigue for 3 days with six convulsions. Physical Examination Present Medical History Her temperature was 36  °C, pulse 77 beats per
After catching a cold at noon on August 13, 2019, minute (bpm), respiration 20  beats/min, and
the patient developed persistent dizziness, blood pressure 96/64 mmHg. The breath sounds
accompanied by general fatigue, muscle aches, of both lungs were rough, rales could be heard,
poor appetite, and lethargy. In addition, she com- and there was no wheezing. Her heart rate was
plained of fever although she had not measured 77 bpm, with a small cardiac boundary, uniform
her body temperature. She had no nasal conges- rhythm, and no murmurs in the auscultation area
tion, runny nose, chills, nausea, vomiting, of each valve. The abdomen was flat and soft,
abdominal pain, diarrhea. On August 14, the without tenderness, and the liver and spleen were
patient experienced aggravated dizziness and not palpable under the ribs. Physiological reflexes
fatigue in the evening. On the morning of August were present, and the pathological signs were
15, the patient developed convulsions on her way negative.
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 319 Examination and Laboratory 1:1, and the counterpulsation pressure was mea-
Tests sured at 70 mmHg (Fig. 21.18).
The ECG obtained at the local hospital Although IABP was performed, the patient
(Fig.  21.17) showed sinus rhythm, ST changes had unstable circulation and frequent arrhyth-
(possible acute anterior inter wall myocardial mias, such as ventricular tachycardia and ven-
infarction). The results of laboratory test are tricular premature rhythm. Bedside venoarterial
mentioned above. extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA
ECMO) implantation was performed 5  h later
using a vascular approach, in which the right
21.3.2 Diagnosis femoral artery and femoral vein were punctured.
The initial speed was set at 3500  rpm and the
The patient was diagnosed with fulminant flow rate was 3.5  L/min. Her blood pressure
myocarditis. gradually returned to 100/64 mmHg. Afterward,
bedside continuous venovenous hemofiltration
(CVVH) treatment was performed, followed by
21.3.3 Treatment ECMO without heparin anticoagulation. The
ultrafiltration volume was 1.0  L.  The patient Day 1 complained of chest tightness and chest pain. We
Immediately after admission, coronary angiogra- gradually lowered the pacing frequency of the
phy was performed that showed no significant temporary pacemaker to 60  bpm and the rota-
stenosis of the LM, LAD, LCX, and tional speed of ECMO to 2080 rpm. The concen-
RCA. Because the patient started suffering from trated red blood cells were transfused
frequent ventricular tachycardia in the catheter- intermittently.
ization room, the possibility of fulminant myo-
carditis was considered and intra-aortic balloon Bedside Echocardiography
pump (IABP) implantation was immediately per- Bedside echocardiography showed that the atrial
formed. The working mode of IABP was set as and ventricular chambers were small. The inter-
ECG-triggered. The counterpulsation ratio was ventricular septum and cardiac wall were thin,

Fig. 21.17  Emergency ECG: ventricular tachycardia with low voltage. ECG, electrocardiogram
320 N. Zhou et al.

Fig. 21.18  ECG immediately after admission: sinus rhythm, QS type of lower wall lead, and poor R wave increase of
front wall lead, similar to the ECG of large area myocardial infarction. ECG electrocardiogram

with reduced left ventricular diffuse compart- and the left ventricle presented peristaltic
ment wall motion. Her left ventricular ejection pulsation.
fraction (LVEF) was 30% (Fig. 21.19). Days 3–5 2 Days After Admission The patient complained of chest tightness and
Two days after admission, life support therapy shortness of breath. The bilevel positive airway
and IABP were continued, and ECMO parame- pressure (BiPAP) ventilator was stopped on the
ters were adjusted. The flow rate was maintained second day. The patient reported no shortness of
at 2.5–3.5 L/min. The fraction of inspired oxygen breath or discomfort during full spontaneous
(FiO2) was about 40%. The patient’s right upper breathing. Troponin levels, although significantly
extremity finger pulse oxygen saturation fluctu- lower than the day before, remained high. In
ated between 93% and 100%. The patient was addition, the ECG showed that the ventricular
conscious and still reported chest tightness, rate fluctuated between 75 and 90  bpm. On the
shortness of breath, and discomfort, which fourth day after admission, her blood pressure
showed a significant improvement than a day remained stable, and the intensity of VA ECMO
ago. ECG revealed a ventricular rate of approxi- assistance was gradually reduced. The patient’s
mately 70–80 bpm, with frequent premature ven- blood oxygen saturation fluctuated between 95
tricular contractions (PVCs, and monitoring and 100%. Therefore, VA ECMO was removed
shows no pulmonary vein atrial tachycardia, and on the fourth day after admission, and bedside
occasional pacemaker rhythm (minimum pace- femoral artery incision and suture were per-
maker frequency, 70 bpm). Non-invasive ventila- formed by the vascular surgery department, fol-
tion was continued. lowed by local aseptic treatment and bandaging.
Echocardiography showed that the LVEF was The glucocorticoid dosage was gradually
reduced to 16%, indicating that the systolic func- decreased 3 days after the admission. The nutri-
tion of the left ventricle was extremely low, the tional support was continued. After the removal
whole heart movement was diffusely weakened, of ECMO on admission, the patient’s blood pres-
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 321

Fig. 21.19  After implantation of IABP and temporary

cardiac pacemaker, bedside chest radiograph suggested
the thickening of lung texture and signs of pulmonary
congestion. X-ray shows IABP catheter and temporary
pacemaker electrode. IABP intra-aortic balloon pump

sure varied from 100–140 to 60–85 mmHg, and Fig. 21.20  Chest X-ray on the fourth day of admission:
the patient’s lung bruises were better than the previous
anti-myocardial remodeling therapy was initiated blood report, and the IABP catheter and temporary car-
(perindopril was started at 2 mg qd, and gradually diac pacemaker electrodes were still retained
increased to 4 mg qd before discharge until fol-
low-­up after discharge). Echocardiography
revealed an LVEF of 19%. sure fluctuated between 100–120 and
From day 5, temporary cardiac pacing therapy 60–75  mmHg and resting ventricular rate
was discontinued according to the following between 70 and 80  bpm. The patient’s blood
ambulatory ECG results: sinus rhythm  +  pace- pressure and heart rate were continually observed.
maker rhythm (VVI), with a minimum ventricu- The dose of metoprolol was gradually increased
lar rate of 68  bpm at 08:06. The maximum to 47.5  mg qd before discharge and was main-
ventricular rate was 103 bpm at 14:35. The mean tained until the first follow-up after discharge.
ventricular rate was 77 bpm with occasional pac- Her LVEF increased to 58%, as measured by
ing beats. Frequent premature ventricular beats echocardiography (Fig. 21.21).
of 4005 times per the whole course were observed Check date, 21:13, August 26, 2019
(Fig. 21.20). Check items. Magnetic resonance perfusion-­
weighted imaging (PWI)  +  multidirectional 6 Days After Admission: delayed enhancement (indicating the examina-
Before Discharge tion site)
The patient’s symptoms gradually disappeared, During the examination, the patient’s heart
with no chest tightness, shortness of breath, and rate was 76 bpm. The left ventricle end-diastolic
discomfort. ECG revealed occasional premature diameter was 4.4 cm, the end-diastolic diameter
beats, and the ventricular rate fluctuated between was 2.6 cm, and the shortening rate was 40.9%.
80 and 90 bpm. On the 6th day after admission, a The left atrium size was 2.5 cm, the myocardial
β-blocker was added, with the initial dose of thickness of each segment of the left ventricle at
23.75 mg qd of metoprolol sustained-release tab- the end of diastole was normal, i.e., 8.0 mm, and
lets. After the addition, the patient’s blood pres- the lower wall was 6.0 mm.
322 N. Zhou et al.

myocarditis, a follow-up of 13 months was

Left ventricular systolic function was slightly
Thirteen days after admission, the patient was
discharged without complaints of palpitation,
chest tightness, chest pain, and other discomforts.
Her vital signs were stable and she was dis-
charged with the following medical advice:
sustained-­release trimetazidine tablets 35  mg,
oral, twice a day; coenzyme Q10 tablets 10 mg,
oral 3 mg/day; perindopril tert-butylamine tablets
4 mg, oral, once a day; prednisone acetate tablets
Fig. 21.21  On the 10th day of admission, cardiac mag-
netic resonance examination revealed diffuse myocardial (prednisone) 20 mg, oral, once a day; and meto-
edema in the left ventricle, representing typical prolol 47.5 mg oral, once a day.
myocarditis Summary of medical advice for treatment
after admission:
The right ventricle was not dilated. The trans-
verse diameter of the right atrium was 3.8 cm, with 1. Continuous IABP application, 6 days
the overall positive contractile movement of the 2. Temporary cardiac pacing therapy, 5 days
right ventricle. No regurgitation signal was 3. VA-ECMO assistance, 4 days
observed in the tricuspid valve. Double and Triple 4. CRRT treatment, 3 days
T2 increased the myocardial signals in the upper 5. Non-invasive ventilation (BiPAP), 2 days
left ventricle. The pericardium was not thick. 6. Immunomodulation treatment: methylpred-
No fluid signal was observed in the pericar- nisolone 200  mg/day  ×  3 days  +  80  mg/
dium and chest cavity. day  ×  3 days  +  40  mg/day  ×  2 days; IVIG
Her LVEF was 53%, CO was 4.2 L/min, and 10 g/day × 4 days
end-diastolic volume (EDV) was 52 mL/m. 7. Neuraminidase inhibitor: oseltamivir cap-
Cardiac perfusion. We did not observe any sule 150 mg/day × 7 days, oral + penciclovir
signal of an abnormal filling defect in the first 0.5 g/day × 5 days, intravenous (i.v.) drop
perfusion myocardium and no abnormal 8. Prevention of infection: cefoperazone
enhancement in delayed enhancement. sodium and sulbactam sodium 6  g/day  ×  3
Diagnosis: days
Diffuse myocardial edema was observed in
the left ventricle. Considering the history of acute
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 323

21.3.4 Variation Trend of Primary

Indicators During Admission

hs Troponin I (ng/ml) 60000 50000 50000 49947

30000 22098
20000 12487
10000 3171 1510 703 89
0 12h D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D8 D12

Changes in highly sensitive cardiac troponin, a marker of myocardial injury, in patients after admission

25000 21116
In this case, the patient had a typical onset
NT-Pro BNP (pg/ml)

20000 process, with prologue manifestations of the

15000 upper respiratory tract infection, primarily char-
8841 7705 7910 acterized by severe malignant arrhythmias. Her
3089 ECG showed ventricular tachycardia and other
737 499 ventricular arrhythmias. Fortunately, she was
0 successfully resuscitated and received a proper
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D6 D12
diagnosis and treatment. Her early hemodynamic
Change in the trend of NT-PRO BNP, a serum marker of
disorder was insignificant.
heart failure in patients after admission. NT-PRO BNP, Because the patient had malignant arrhyth-
N-terminal (NT)-pro hormone B-type natriuretic peptide mias as the primary clinical presentation, her
ECG suggested extensive inferior and anterior
wall myocardial infarction. Therefore, coronary
21.3.5 Comments angiography was performed in the emergency
department through the green channel that ruled
According to the primary clinical manifestations, out acute myocardial infarction. Based on her
the patient was diagnosed with fulminant myo- clinical characteristics, a clinical diagnosis of
carditis. Patients with fulminant myocarditis can fulminant myocarditis was rapidly established,
be roughly divided into three types: (1) Those and a comprehensive treatment plan based on life
with cardiogenic shock, which is characterized support was provided. IABP therapy and tempo-
by refractory cardiogenic shock, and severe left rary cardiac pacemaker implantation were imme-
heart failure. The primary clinical manifestations diately implemented in the catheter room to
are hypotension, chest tightness, shortness of provide left ventricular assistance and cardiac
breath, dyspnea, and oliguria. (2) Arrhythmia rhythm support.
type whose primary clinical feature is malignant We emphasize that IABP implantation should
arrhythmia, including palpitation, amaurosis, be a priority in life support treatment strategies
syncope, or sudden death. (3) Mixed type, which for fulminant myocarditis. IABP is the most
is characterized by simultaneous cardiogenic commonly used left ventricular assist device in
shock and malignant arrhythmia, with mixed the clinic that can significantly reduce left ven-
manifestations such as hypotension and tricular afterload. Therefore, IABP implantation
syncope. was prioritized for treating this patient. However,
324 N. Zhou et al.

IABP implantation largely depends on the perature of 36.0 °C, pulse rate of 120/min, respi-
patient’s remaining heart function. IABP is inef- ratory rate of 18 breaths/min, and blood pressure
fective in patients with recurrent severe arrhyth- of 55/23 mmHg. She had rough and heavy breath-
mias or refractory shock. After the patient was ing, weak heart sounds, and tachycardia at
transferred to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU), VA 120 beats/min.
ECMO was implanted for sequential life support, Her laboratory test results were shown as fol-
including renal support and respiratory support, lows (Table  21.1, column A). Cytokine levels
due to recurrent ventricular tachycardia. were in disorder, especially soluble ST2 level of
In the case of the use of life support to increase >200 pg/mL (ref. <30 pg/mL). Urine routine test
the chances of survival of patients, immunomod- showed red blood cell of 3+, urine protein of 2+,
ulation therapy can improve the prognosis of and urine glucose of 2+. Based on bedside echo-
patients. In our case, a large dose of glucocorti- cardiography, the heart wall was thickened, and
coid was administered immediately upon admis- LVEF of 40%. The patient was diagnosed with
sion, which was gradually reduced until the myocarditis and shock. Her treatments included:
inflammatory storm disappeared. Therefore, the (1) posterior pituitary injection 30  U in 50  mL
treatment of fulminant myocarditis involves a solution by microinjection pump, 5  mL/h, (2)
combination of therapies and a comprehensive cedilanid 0.2  mg intravenous injection, (3) nor-
treatment regimen, in which every element is epinephrine 10  mg by microinjection pump,
indispensable. 2  mL/h, (4) methylprednisolone 80  mg intrave-
nous drip, and (5) blood volume replenishing as
anti-shock therapy.
21.4 Typical Case 4 After 10 h of treatment, this patient’s situation
worsened. She slipped into a complete coma. Her
A 33-year-old female patient was transferred to pulse rate was of 149/min, blood pressure of
our hospital on October 27, 2021 due to persis- 95/62 mmHg under injection of vasopressin and
tent cough and fever. Seven days ago, she had a norepinephrine pump maintaining (30  U,
cough, fatigue, and fever; and went to a local hos- 20 mL/h and 20 mg 20 mL/h, respectively). She
pital. She was treated for having a cold. However, was forced transferred to our CCU.  Laboratory
the symptoms had not improved and 5 days later, test results were shown as follows (Table  21.1,
she suddenly experienced chest pain, chest tight- column B), and echocardiography showed LVEF
ness, and shortness of breath, with dizziness and decreased to 19%, with pericardial effusion. The
weakness. Coronary angiography showed normal patient was immediately diagnosed with the
coronary arteries. Computed tomography (CT) highly suspected fulminant myocarditis (FM).
excluded aortic dissection and pulmonary throm- Her laboratory tests indicated indicating dis-
boembolism. At this time, the patient had a blood seminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
pressure of 80/60  mmHg and a heart rate of (Table 21.1, column B). Blood lactic acid level is
120  beats/min. Bedside echocardiography >15.50  mmol/L, and blood gas analysis showed
showed a left ventricular diastolic function severe metabolic acidosis (pH 7.101, and HCO3−
(LVEF) of 50%. The blood volume replenishing 12.1 (ref. 22–26)). In the same time the cytokine
products and vasoactive drugs (dopamine) were detection showed massive increasing: IL-6
administered but did not improve the patient’s 1287.0  pg/mL (ref. <7.0), IL-8 of 330.0  pg/mL
condition. She then progressed to having a low (ref. <62), IL-10 621.0  pg/mL (ref. <9.1). These
blood pressure and became unconscious. Thus, data confirmed the diagnosis of fulminant myocar-
she was transferred to our hospital where imme- ditis with cardiogenic shock. Immediately after
diate endotracheal intubation and mechanical transfer to CCU, we initiated treatments: (1) Intra-
ventilation were done. aortic balloon pump (IABP) and vein-artery extra-
Upon admission to the ICU at 3 AM October corporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) to
28th, the patient’s vital signs were unstable, tem- rest her heart; (2) large doses of steroids (methyl-
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 325

Table 21.1  Laboratory test results of the patient before and after admission to CCU
Before On admission 8 h after 15 h after 39 h after
admission (CCU) CCU CCU CCU Reference ranges
Blood Cell counting
WBC (×109/L) 13.88 14.58 16.39 16.95 14.68 3.50–9.50
Neutrophils 10.53 (75.9) 12.26 (84.2) 13.97 15.52 14.20 1.80–6.30
(×109/L) (%) (85.2) (91.5) (96.8) (40.0–75.0)
Platelet (×109/L) 171 65.0 70.0 91.0 68.0 125.0–350.0
Blood coagulation
PT (s) 14.6 55.6 35.5 38.8 47.9 11.5–14.5
PTA (%) 79 12 20 18.0 14 75.0–125.0
INR 1.15 6.58 3.65 4.11 5.41 0.80–1.20
Fibrinogen (g/L) 1.72 0.60 0.60 1.64 1.51 2.00–4.00
APTT (s) 35.5 >180.0 76.4 81.9 87.1 29.0–42.0
Thrombin time (s) 19.7 56.0 20.5 24.5 23.5 14.0–19.0
D-dimer (μg/mL 2.17 5.39 8.59 14.85 >21.0 <0.5
FDP (μg/mL) 6 – 34.2 58.2 128.6 <5.0
Sera biochemistry assay
ALT (U/L) 62 1037 3897 6200 5126 <34
AST (U/L) 49 1096 5552 >7000 >7000 <33
Total protein (g/L) 51.5 30.2 43.44 56.3 51.8 64–83
Albumin (g/L) 29.6 15.5 22.4 36.2 30.1 29.6
LDH (g/L) 300 >1867 >1867 >1867 >1867 135–214
CRP (mg/L) 2.8 0.6 – 8.5 – <1
eGFR (mL/ 77.8 40.8 48.3 44.9 42.2 >90
min/1.73 m2)
Creatinine (μmol/L) 85 145 126 134 141 45–84
Glucose (mmol/L) 17.66 9.90 – – 3.90–6.10
Lactic acid 12.63 >15.50 – >15.50 >15.50 0.50–2.20
Cardiac biomarkers
NT-pro BNP (pg/ 27,101 >35,000 29,243 35,911 – <116
cTnI (pg/mL) 2100.1 3671.1 10,079.3 18,695.1 – <15.7
Notes: eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, WBC weight blood cells, PT prothrombin time, PTA prothrombin
activity, APTT activated partial thromboplastic time, INR international normalized ration, ALT alanine aminotransfer-
ase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, FDP fibrin degradation products, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, CRP C-reactive
protein, NT-pro-BNP N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, cTnI cardio troponin I

prednisolone 400 mg, intravenous drip) and IVIG After the next 8  h of treatment, the patient’s
(20  g, once a day); (3) oral oseltamivir 75  mg, blood pressure was maintained at 80/50  mmHg
twice a day, and trimetazidine 35 mg, twice a day with high doses of posterior pituitary, dopamine,
via stomach tube, (4) Cryoprecipitated antihemo- and norepinephrine injection pump, and heart
philic factors, fresh frozen plasma, and albumin rate at 130/min. She developed anisocoria (left
was used to correct the DIC, and (5) sodium bicar- pupil 6  mm, right pupil 7  mm), and slow pupil
bonate while in continuous veno-venous hemofil- reflection of light and clammy limbs. Her labora-
tration (CVVH) therapy was also applied to her tory test result was also shown as follows
against the acidosis to address her renal problems. (Table  21.1, column C). Her echocardiography
Her blood pressure increased to 86/64 mmHg, and showed LVEF of 14%. We added human fibrino-
pH recovered to 7.292. gen 2.0 g intravenous drip, albumin, and vitamin
326 N. Zhou et al.

K1 against DIC, and l-glutathione reduced and drugs, especially posterior pituitary, and nor-
magnesium isoglycyrrhizinate to save her liver. epinephrine, with cardiotonic drug like cedi-
Another 7  h later, her DIC cannot be cor- lanid. These treatments will only increase the
rected. Her liver failure worsened quickly load on the heart but would not bring any ben-
(Table  21.1, column D). In the next 24  h, the efit to patients with fulminant myocarditis.
patient was still in coma. Her blood pressure was Furthermore, large dose use of posterior pitu-
at 84/34 mmHg. She had equal pupils. Her labo- itary and norepinephrine induced multiple
ratory test results indicated neither the DIC situa- organ damage including hepatocyte necrosis
tion nor the liver failure improved (Table  21.1, and refractory DIC. Correct therapy should be
column D). Ultrasonic examination showed applied based on the “life support-based com-
LVEF 14%, bilateral pleural effusion, and peri- prehensive treatment regimen” without any
cardial effusion. The patient suddenly developed delay.
atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular rate. The
3. Fulminant myocarditis can easily lead to
atrial fibrillation continued for the remaining refractory shock. In this case, the patient
course of disease as it cannot be converted. quickly developed DIC, acute liver failure,
After 2-day treatments, the patient was still in and renal failure in several hours. The treat-
a coma, blood pressure was at 82/54  mmHg, ment of FM should follow a pithy formula,
pulse rate of 137/min. She had equal pupils, slow the “four extremely early”, summarized from
pupillary light reflex, rough breathing sounds on FM patients’ treatment and prognosis, which
both lung fields, weak heart sounds, and bilateral is “extremely early identification, extremely
swelling on all extremities. Her laboratory test early diagnosis, extremely early prediction,
result indicated severe DIC, liver and renal fail- and extremely early treatment”. The
ure (Table  21.1, column E). Echocardiography “extremely early prediction” indicates that
showed ventricular septal thickening (1.2  cm), once the FM diagnosis is made, an expecta-
left ventricular posterior wall thickening and tion of the patient’s situation will turn south in
edema (1.3  cm), diffusely decreased motion of a very short time should be foreseen. This
the left ventricular wall, LVEF of 17%, and peri- would mean immediately giving correct treat-
cardial effusion. The patient had no response to ments even before signs of disease worsening.
these treatments and died. The final diagnosis: In this case, even if we applied almost every
fulminant myocarditis with cardiogenic shock, right therapy for FM after the patient’s trans-
multiple organ failure, DIC, and capillary leak- ferring to the CCU, it was too late to save her
age syndrome. young life.

21.4.1 Comments 21.5 Typical Case 5

1. This patient presented with cold-like symp- Patient, female, 33 years old.
toms, but quickly developed chest pain, chest
tightness, and shortness of breath, accompa-
nying dizziness and weakness. Fulminant 21.5.1 The Clinical Features
myocarditis can rapidly progress to an extent
that it is diagnosed and treated too lately. Chief Complaint
Unfortunately for this patient, our doctors Chest tightness with fever for 2 days after inter-
were not able to make the correct diagnosis mittent activity
and treat it in time.
2. The patient had developed coma, before being Present Medical History
transferred to our hospital. Due to hypoten- The patient presented with chest distress and dis-
sion, the ICU used a large dose of vasoactive comfort, accompanied by neck pain after taking
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 327

part in an activity 2 days before. Chest distress Examination (Fig. 21.22)

was reported in the left chest, lasting from a few
minutes to more than ten minutes, and chest
tightness and fatigue were experienced. Her body 21.5.2 Diagnosis
temperature was 37.8  °C at night rest, and she
self-administered Tylenol. In the morning, her Acute myocarditis?
body temperature rose to 38.8 °C again, and she Coronary heart disease?
received Tamiflu and ibuprofen antipyretic anti-
viral therapy. After getting up in the morning, her
chest tightness and fatigue had not alleviated. She 21.5.3 Treatment
then went to hospital, where an electrocardiogra-
phy (ECG) examination indicated myocardial Day 1 After Admission
ischemia. Laboratory tests after admission (cardiac tropo-
nin I (cTnI), myoglobin (myo), creatine kinase- Past Medical History ­MB (CK-MB)) indicated that cTnI was 6317.4 pg/
A history of hypertension, diabetes, chronic mL, CK-MB 6.0  ng/mL, N-terminal pro-brain-­
gastritis, asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) 848 pg/mL, as
diseases were all denied. Furthermore, there well hypersensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
was no history of infectious diseases or 25.8 mg/L were all significantly elevated.
Bedside Echocardiography Physical Examination The heart chambers were not enlarged. The wall
T 36.5  °C, pulse 110/min, respiration 20/min, thickness of the ventricle was maintained. The
blood pressure 132/73  mmHg. She manifested wall motion of the basal segment of the inferior
with a conscious and alert step into the room wall of the left ventricle had decreased slightly.
There were no obvious dry or wet rales in the LVEF was 60%.
lower lung. Her heart rate was 110 beats/min, and After admission, her body temperature fluctu-
her heart rhythm was regular. ated between 37.8 and 38.4 °C. Troponin I, BNP,

Fig. 21.22  Outpatient ECG: Sinus tachycardia, extensive ST segment descent, T wave low level
328 N. Zhou et al.

lactic acid etc., were all checked. Immunomodulatory Ambulatory ECG

therapy was started immediately with methylpred- Sinus rhythm, with a minimum heart rate of
nisolone 80  mg Qd. Trimetazidine and coenzyme 66  beats/min, occurred at 22:46. The maximum
Q10 were administered to improve myocardial heart rate was 141 beats/min at 16:26. The aver-
metabolism, and fat-­soluble vitamins, and proton age heart rate was 87  beats/min. Occasional
pump inhibitors were dispensed for symptomatic atrial and ventricular premature beats and trail
treatment. The following morning, a cardiac MRI tachycardia were evident; complete right bundle
examination revealed reduced ventricular septal branch block, ST segment of lower wall and ante-
movement, extensive myocardial edema changes, rior wall were significantly lowered during the
and highly suspicious myocarditis (Fig. 21.23). whole process, and ST segment of avR lead was
The patient complained of chest distress and elevated, which was consistent with ECG changes
discomfort. Combined with the MRI results, the associated with the main disease.
patient’s myocarditis was considered to have pro- Due to the aggravation of her condition, she
gressed. The glucocorticoid dose (methylperone was immediately transferred to the Critical Care
80  mg bid) was increased, while intravenous Unit (CCU) for further treatment. The patient
immunoglobin (IVIG) (10 g qd) was added, and complained of chest tightness accompanied by
the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir (75  mg fatigue and panting after activity. Physical exami-
bid) was increased (Fig. 21.24). nation: BP 94/62 mmHg, P 107 bpm, R 20 times/
min, SpO2 100%, T 36.4 °C, hs-cTnI 49,648.3 pg/ On the Second Day mL, and NT-proBNP 3252 pg/mL, suggested that
of Hospital markers of myocardial injury and heart failure
Hs-cTnI was 23603.9  pg/mL and NT-pro BNP had increased significantly. Considering the con-
was significantly higher than before, 1580  pg/ tinuous aggravation of myocardial inflammation,
mL↑. A reexamination by heart color ultrasound the dosage of methylperone was increased to
suggested that the ventricular wall motion con- 200 mg to 400 mg/day. IABP treatment was initi-
tinued to decrease, motion was weakened, and ated immediately with blood pressure fluctua-
her health had declined sharply (Fig. 21.25) tions of 80–95/45–65 mmHg.

Fig. 21.23  On the second day after admission, an MRI tricular septum and the anterior and inferior wall of the
examination of the heart showed reduced ventricular sep- left ventricle
tal movement, myocardial edema and necrosis in the ven-
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 329

Fig. 21.24  ECG on the first day after admission: Sinus tachycardia, complete right bundle branch block

nously at 20–40  mg/kg/min. There was no sig-

nificant increase in blood pressure.
At 9:56, ECG monitoring was carried out, and
ventricular tachycardia, a blood pressure of
112/70 mmHg, and heart rate of 180 bpm were
evident. A BiPAP ventilator was immediately
used to assist respiration, amiodarone 300  mg
was pumped intravenously at 10  mL/h, sodium
bicarb 60  mL was intravenously injected, and
200  J synchronous electro-cardioversion was
administered twice, but these did not work, and
according to ECG monitoring, she was still
enduring a ventricular tachycardia. ECMO
implantation was performed immediately at a
rotational speed of 3500 rpm, with a flow rate of
3.5 L/min. The patient’s blood pressure gradually
increased to 106/68  mmHg. Continuous renal
replacement therapy (CRRT) was performed for
12 h. About 5 h later, the cardiac rhythm recov-
ered to sinus (Fig. 21.26).
Fig. 21.25  Chest radiograph on the first day after admis- Cardiac injury biomarkers were measured
sion: enhanced lung texture again. Myo 227.7  ng/mL, creatine kinase
MB-type isoenzyme 43.0  ng/mL.  The patient
was conscious and still had chest tightness and The Third Day of Admission fatigue. Physical examination showed clear
At 9:48 in the morning, the patient's blood pres- breath sounds in both lungs, no dry or wet rales
sure suddenly dropped to 52/34  mmHg. The were heard, no pulsation was observed in the pre-
patient’s consciousness was blurred, and her cardiac area, no vibration was touched, her heart
spirit was dim. Physical examination: HR, boundary was not large, heart sounds were clear,
104  times/min continuous application of IABP as were those of her pacemaker heart rate, and no
resulted in an anti-surge pressure of 57 mm Hg. pathological murmur was heard in each valve
Dopamine was continuously pumped intrave- area. The abdomen was flat and soft, with no ten-
330 N. Zhou et al.

Fig. 21.26  ECG showed ventricular tachycardia

derness or bouncing pain, the liver and spleen once a day, and they manifested a gradual
were not reached under the ribs, there was no per- decrease. One week later, cTnI 6039.9 pg/mL,
cussion pain in the kidney area, no mobile dull- and NT-proBNP levels of 1888 pg/mL had both
ness, and no edema in both lower limbs. reduced significantly.
Echocardiography revealed a left ventricular Echocardiography showed an LVEF of 22%,
segmental wall movement abnormality, decreased left ventricular hypertrophy, reduced left ventric-
left ventricular systolic function, and left ventric- ular systolic function, reduced left ventricular
ular apex abnormal echo mass shadow (thrombus wall motion in the middle segment of the lower
suspect?) Ventricular septum thickening and left ventricular wall, and a small amount of peri-
small pericardial effusion. cardial effusion. Day 4–7 of Admission Day 8 of Admission

The patient’s general condition improved Echocardiography showed that the LVEF had
slightly. Her mental state was fair, and she com- significantly increased from 22% to 50% from
plained of chest tightness and fatigue. Physical the echocardiography result 1 week after admis-
examination revealed clear breath sounds in sion. The left ventricle diameter was 4.8 cm, the
both lungs. No dry or wet rales were heard, no left atrium was normal, and the interventricular
pulsation was observed in the precardiac area, septum and posterior wall of the left ventricle
no tremor was felt, her heart boundary was were 1.0 cm thick, but the wall motion of the left
not large and her heart sounds and pacemaker ventricle decreased diffusely, especially in the
heart rate were clear. CVVH treatment was middle segment of the lower wall. LVEF was
continued with ECMO, there was no heparin 40%. Pericardium visceral parietal separation,
anticoagulation and ultrafiltration: 2.7  L, QB: the maximum liquid dark area left in the ventric-
160  mL/min, lasted 24  h. A review was car- ular posterior wall was 0.2, 0.5 cm in the left ven-
ried out of her hs-cTnI, revealing 25,146.3 pg/ tricular lateral wall, and 1.1  cm in the right
mL. We maintained the examination of hyper- ventricular lateral wall, indicating a small amount
sensitive cardiac troponin I and NT-Pro BNP of pericardial effusion.
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 331 Echocardiography Diagnosis the basal segment of the lower left ventricular
After 1 Week: Reduced Left wall, and a small amount of pericardial effusion.
Ventricular Systolic Function The patient's condition improved, and the vita-
The patient's general condition improved, but she mins and amino acids were discontinued.
still complained of fatigue. Her chest tightness
improved significantly. Physical examination On the Tenth Day
showed clear breath sounds in both lungs, no dry of Admission
or wet rales were heard, no pulsation or flutter IABP was removed, furosemide diuretic was
was observed in the precardiac area, the heart administered to relieve cardiac load, invasive blood
boundary was not large, the heart sounds were pressure monitoring was stopped, and antibiotic
clear, no pathological murmur was heard in the use was gradually reduced. Intravenous methyl-
valve areas, the abdomen was flat and soft, no prednisolone and γ-globulin were discontinued.
tenderness or rebound pain was detected, no per- She was administered oral prednisone 40 mg, and
cussion pain was reached under the liver and metoprolol sustained-release tablets 23.75  mg qd
spleen ribs, no percussion pain in the kidney area, were added to improve myocardial remodeling.
no mobile turbid sound was observed, and no The pacemaker was stopped 2 weeks after admis-
edema in the lower limbs. Cardiac echocardiog- sion. She was transferred to the general ward for
raphy showed 46% EF, decreased left ventricular further treatment until the 20th day of discharge.
systolic function, and decreased ventricular wall
movement in the middle segment of the lower left
ventricular wall and lower side wall, and a small 21.5.4 Variation Trend of Main
amount of pericardial effusion. The patient Indicators During Admission
showed significant improvement in cardiac func-
tion, stable hemodynamics, and significant 49648.3 50000
improvement in symptoms. Therefore, ECMO
hs-cTnl (ng/ml)

was removed, and incision and suturing were per- 25146
30000 23603.9
formed at the bedside femoral artery puncture 20000
site (Fig. 21.27). 10000
6317.4 6039.9
2265.2 123.4
0 The Ninth Day of Admission D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D7 D10 D20
Echocardiography showed that the LVEF was Change trend of hs-cTnI during treatment period.

50%, decreased left ventricular systolic function,

Change trend of hs-cTnI during treatment period
slightly decreased left ventricular wall motion in

Fig. 21.27  “Bull’s eye pattern” of ventricular wall move- the stronger the chamber wall movement. As seen in these
ment by cardiac ultrasound spot tracer on days 1, 4, and 7 dynamic bovine eye images of the heart, the patient pre-
after admission. The lighter the red color is, the weaker sented diffuse diminished ventricular wall movement, but
the chamber wall movement, and the darker the red color, local movement was weaker
332 N. Zhou et al.

6000 5546 21.6 Typical Case 6

NT-proBNP (pmol/L)

4000 3252 The patient was a 55-year-old man who was
3000 2447
1884 1888 transferred to our hospital on November 7, 2021.
1580 1493
2000 The patient was a 55-year-old man who was
1000 302
transferred to our hospital on November 7, 2021,
D0 D3 D4 D5 D6 D8 D10 D20
because he was experiencing chills for five days,
The change trend of NT-ProBNP during the course. which was followed by several episodes of faint-
ing, 2 days after the onset of chills. The chills
The change trend of NT-ProBNP during the course were accompanied by dry cough, with episodes
lasting for approximately 30  min. In the clinic,
70 60
58 paracetamol (Tylenol) and roxithromycin were
60 50
46 administered orally, which provided no relief.
50 40
The patient continued to develop chills and was
EF (%)

30 noted to have fatigue every night. On November
15 5, the patient developed palpitations and chest
10 tightness while at work. This was followed by
0 five episodes of syncope with an unknown dura-
D0 D2 D7 D8 D9 D14 D20
tion. The patient was then sent to the local hospi-
The change trend of LVEF during the course.
tal for treatment, during which syncope occurred
repeatedly. Both cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and
The change trend of LVEF during the course
N-terminal pro-brain-natriuretic peptide
(NT-proBNP) levels were elevated at 8556  pg/
mL (ref. 0–15  pg/mL) and 6351  pg/mL (ref.
21.5.5 Comments <161 pg/mL), respectively.
In the local hospital, the electrocardiogram
A 35-year-old woman developed cardiogenic (ECG) showed a complete right bundle branch
shock and malignant arrhythmia with chest tight- block and slight ST-segment elevations in leads
ness as the primary complaint. The characteris- V3-V6. Coronary angiography was performed to
tics of this case were that after the diagnosis of exclude acute myocardial infarction and the
myocarditis, the patient immediately received results were unremarkable. While the patient was
immunomodulation therapy and gradually undergoing chest X-ray examination, he experi-
increased the dosage of glucocorticoids, but the enced sudden cardiac arrest with a third-degree
patient's cardiac function continued to decline atrioventricular block (AVB) on the cardiac mon-
and the hypotension progressively worsened. The itor. The heartbeat was recovered after transtho-
whole process of diagnosis and treatment of the racic heart compression and temporary pacemaker
case was correct, but the patient’s condition still implantation. The patient was then transferred to
appeared aggravated, which showed that the our hospital and was diagnosed with “fulminant
characteristics of fulminant myocarditis had myocarditis” base on the quick progression of
changed quickly. Therefore, the doctor’s antici- disease, elevated cardiac injury biomarkers and
pation of fulminant myocarditis was particularly negative coronary angiography results. Prior to
important. Based on anticipation, and on a “life-­ the onset of symptoms, the patient was always in
support based comprehensive treatment regimen” good health and denied any chronic or infectious
as the guiding principle, close observation condi- history. He suffered from a liver abscess in 2001
tions and timely adjustment of the treatment plan and improved after antibiotic treatment (no infor-
reduced the mortality of the patient’s fulminant mation about exact antibiotics). The patient was a
myocarditis. physical worker. He was a smoker for more than
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 333

20 years (one pack of cigarette every day) and did diately after admission. The ECG showed sinus
not quit before disease onset. His mother and sis- rhythm, first-­degree AVB, right bundle branch
ter had a history of coronary heart disease. block, and left anterior branch block (Fig. 21.28).
On the day of admission in our hospital, which Bedside echocardiography showed left atrial
was day 5 of illness onset, the patient was con- enlargement (3.7  cm), interventricular septal
scious. Vital signs showed a blood pressure of thickening (1.1 cm), diffusely decreased left ven-
113/82 mmHg, heart rate of 83 beats/min (bpm), tricular wall motion, and left ventricular ejection
respiration of 20 cycles/min, and temperature of fraction (LVEF) of 28%.
36.3 °C. The patient’s heart sound was very low On admission, the patient was diagnosed with
and dull, but with regular rhythm. No cardiac fulminant myocarditis. This was based on the
murmur was heard in each valvular area of aus- history of cough, chills, sudden onset, fatal
cultation and no bilateral leg edema was observed. arrhythmia, hemodynamic instability, and signif-
The results of examination after admission on icantly increased serum cTnI and NT-ProBNP
November 7 are shown as follow: high sensitivity levels with coronary angiography showing no
cardiac troponin I (hs-cTnI) of 4266.2  pg/mL, coronary stenosis and combined ECG and color
D-dimer of 20.89  μg/mL, hypersensitive Doppler echocardiography showing diffuse wall
C-reactive protein (CRP) of 5.8  mg/L, interleu- motion disorder with significantly decreased
kin-­2 receptor (IL-2R) of 718  U/mL (ref. 223– LVEF.
710 U/mL), interleukin-6 of 68.19 pg/mL, tumor His blood pressure decreased to 86/60 mmHg
necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) of 8.6  pg/mL (ref. after admission, and the patient was given imme-
<8.1 pg/mL), sST2 >200 ng/mL, triglyceride of diate treatment as follows: (1) an insertion of
1.86 mmol/L, glutamic pyruvic transaminase of 40  mL intra-aortic balloon counter-pulsation
65  U/L, and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (IABP); (2) methylprednisolone (400  mg intra-
of 79 U/L. The ESR; blood coagulation studies; venous drip for the first day, which was then
and procalcitonin, serum creatinine, and blood reduced to 200 mg once a day on the following
glucose levels were all normal. Bedside ECG and day); (3) intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
color doppler ultrasound were performed imme- (20 g drip, once a day); and (4) oseltamivir phos-

Fig. 21.28  ECG on admission shows sinus rhythm, first-degree atrioventricular block, right bundle branch block, and
left anterior branch block. In addition, it shows low voltage and broadening of QRS wave duration
334 N. Zhou et al.

phate capsule (75 mg, twice a day). The patient’s improved left ventricular wall motion, blood
blood pressure increased and was maintained at pressure of 124/80  mmHg, and heart rate of
110/60  mmHg and his heart rate reduced to 70 75  bpm. Thus, IABP and temporary pacemaker
bpm immediately after IABP.  After these treat- treatments were discontinued. Percutaneous
ments, the patient felt relief from his symptoms. endomyocardial biopsy was performed on the
Laboratory tests showed no increase in antiviral sixth day of hospital stay. The pathological
IgM for pathogen examination, but more impor- analysis showed that the local myocardial fiber
tantly, serum cytokine levels were significantly tissue was slightly atrophied and the small foci
increased: IL-2R, 718  U/mL; IL-6, 8.19  pg/mL of myocardial cell necrosis was infiltrated with
(ref. <7.0 pg/mL); TNF-α, 8.6 pg/mL; and soluble many inflammatory cells (dominated by lym-
ST2, >200 pg/mL (ref. <30 pg/mL). On the third phocytes) and macrophages, which suggested
day of hospital admission, cTnI was 576.8  pg/ myocarditis (Fig. 21.29). Immunohistochemistry
mL with ECG showing sinus rhythm, right bun- showed infiltrating inflammatory cells CD3 (+),
dle branch block, and Q-wave in lead III. IVIG CD4 (+), CD8 (+), CD20 (partly+), positive con-
and methylprednisolone doses were reduced to trol (+), CD19 (partly+), and CD68 (tissue cells)
5  g intravenous drip once daily and 80  mg per (Fig.  21.30). Desmin (myocardium) special
day, respectively. On the fifth day, bedside ultra- staining showed Masson scattered collagen fibers
sound showed an LVEF of 45% with significantly (+), positive control (+) (Fig. 21.31). On the sev-

Fig. 21.29  Pathology of myocardial biopsy on the fifth necrosis with infiltration of inflammatory cells (domi-
day after admission. Diagnosis hints: (ventricular muscle nated by lymphocytes) and macrophages was noted. The
biopsy) all samples taken from the tissue were submitted results are consistent with the changes in myocarditis.
for examination. The local myocardial fiber tissue was Inflammatory cells group are shown by black arrows
slightly atrophied and the small foci of myocardial cell
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 335

a b c

d e f

Fig. 21.30 Immunohistochemistry shows infiltrative (tissue cells); (g) MPO (neutrophil); positive control (+).
inflammatory cells. (a) CD3 (+), (b) CD4 (+), (c) CD8 Positive staining cell groups are shown by black arrows
(+), (d) CD20 (partly+), (e) CD19 (partly+), (f) CD68

enth day of hospital stay, cTnI was reduced to

219.8 pg/mL. A 24-h ambulatory electrocardio-
gram monitoring showed normal sinus rhythm
and a heart rate of 42–77  bpm, with occasional
atrial premature beats (322 beats over 24 h) and
58 occasional ventricular premature beats over
24  h. The ST-segment of the inferior wall and
anterior walls was elevated, and the T-wave was
slightly inverted during the monitoring period.
Delayed-­enhancement magnetic resonance per-
fusion imaging was performed, which revealed
abnormal enhancement in the inferior wall of the
apical segment of the left ventricle; elevated sig-
nal intensity in the lateral wall, inferior wall, and Fig. 21.31  Desmin (myocardium) special staining shows
Masson scattered collagen fibers (+), positive control (+).
middle to apical segment of the superior basal seg- Collagen is marked by blue staining, and muscle fibers are
ment of DOUBLE and TRIPLE; and left ventric- marked by red staining
ular function LVEF of 54% (Fig. 21.32). Bedside
heart ultrasound indicated an LVEF of 50%. On permitted to be discharged on the 12th day with
the 10th day of hospital stay, cTnI decreased to take-home medications of oral prednisone ace-
the normal range (32.8 pg/mL). The patient was tate tablets 40 mg per day; trimetazidine hydro-
336 N. Zhou et al.

Fig. 21.32 Magnetic resonance imaging-perfusion inferior wall necrosis. Combined with medical history, the
imaging-multi-directional delayed enhancement on the possibility of myocarditis and bilateral pleural effusion
eighth day of hospital stay. Diagnostic hints: basal seg- can be considered. The epicardium myocardial injury and
ment lateral wall, inferior wall and middle segment to api- edema are shown by white arrows
cal segment myocardial edema, and apical segment
21  Introduction of Clinical Courses of Typical Cases of Fulminant Myocarditis (Including Six Cases) 337

chloride sustained-release tablets 35  mg, twice and extremely early treatment,” are vitally
a day; coenzyme Q10 20 mg, three times a day; important.
perindopril tert-butylamine tablets 4 mg, once a 3. Do not wait; immediately start treatment
day; and beta blocker (metoprolol) 23.75 mg per according to the “life support-based com-
day with a gradually increasing dose. prehensive treatment regimen”: circulatory
support with IABP and immunomodula-
tion therapy using sufficient doses of both
21.6.1 Comments glucocorticoid and IVIG.  In this case, the
blood pressure increased from 86/60 to
1. This patient had cold-like symptoms but soon 110/60 mmHg. After a few days of therapy,
developed severe hemodynamic instability, the patient’s condition improved quickly.
such as hypotension, cardiogenic shock, and Certainly, if the hemodynamics are not sta-
fatal arrhythmias. ble after IABP, veno-arterial extracorporeal
2. The patient developed palpitations, fatigue, membrane oxygenation (ECMO) should
and chest tightness while at work, syncope be provided. In this case, the patient did
after chills, and the myocardial biomarkers not need ECMO, similar to most patients
cTnI and NT-proBNP were elevated. Thus, encountered, since IABP support was initi-
coronary artery angiography was performed ated very early.
and acute myocardial infarction was 4. Endomyocardial biopsy was performed and
excluded. This test is very important and the results showed lymphatic fulminant myo-
must be the first consideration according to carditis. In the many years of treating fulmi-
the Chinese expert consensus statement when nant myocarditis, it has been noted that
cases of fulminant myocarditis are encoun- patients with abrupt onset are most likely to
tered. Sequential echocardiography showed have lymphatic type of fulminant myocardi-
global motion decline of the left ventricular tis, or occasionally eosinophilic type of fulmi-
wall and marked elevation in serum inflam- nant myocarditis due to acute allergy.
matory factor levels, especially SST2 levels, 5. After discharge, the patient still needs to take
all of which supported the diagnosis of fulmi- steroids (prednisolone), ACE inhibitors (cap-
nant myocarditis. Based on our experience, topril), beta blockers (metoprolol), and
“extremely early identification, extremely trimetazidine, because residual inflammation
early diagnosis, extremely early prediction, remains an obstacle to a complete recovery.
 ppendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus
Statement on the Nursing Strategies
of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis

Abstract  Objective: To establish an expert con- heart dysfunction, such as decreased systolic or
sensus report on the nursing strategy of fulminant diastolic function, or arrhythmias [1]. Fulminant
myocarditis in adults in order to standardize clin- myocarditis is the most severe and specific type
ical nursing practice. of myocarditis. Its mortality rate is 40–80% after
Methods: Based on a literature review and treatment with drugs and mechanical support [2].
qualitative interviews, an expert consensus draft In 2017, the Section of Precision Medicine
on the nursing strategy of fulminant myocarditis Group of the Chinese Society of Cardiology
in adults was developed according to the disease issued a “Chinese Expert Consensus Statement
characteristics. A two-round Delphi study and on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Fulminant
expert meetings were conducted to modify and Myocarditis” [3]. The panel proposed a new
refine the draft with the aid of objective evidence treatment regimen termed “life support-based
and expert suggestions, and a final expert consen- comprehensive treatment regimen.” The core
sus report was formed. content of this treatment regimen includes (1)
Results: The expert consensus report con- mechanical life support (applications of
sisted of six parts: early assessment and dynamic mechanical respirators and circulatory support
monitoring; intravenous therapy and medication systems, including intra-aortic balloon pump
nursing; mechanical life support therapy and and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation); (2)
nursing; prevention and nursing care of common immunological modulation using sufficient
complications; rehabilitation nursing; and pro- doses of glucocorticoid and immunoglobulin;
fessional team management. and (3) antiviral reagents using neuraminidase
Conclusion: Expert consensus plays a guid- inhibitors combined with other symptomatic
ing role in standardizing clinical practice for ful- treatments (e.g., acute left heart failure therapy,
minant myocarditis in adults, which will anti-shock therapy, anti-arrhythmia therapy, and
ultimately improve the treatment effect and clini- real-time monitoring). Fulminant myocarditis is
cal nursing quality. characterized by rapid progress and multiple
potential complications that require profes-
Keywords  Fulminant myocarditis; Illness sional nursing. However, there are no clinical
assessment; Intravenous therapy; Medication practice norms for reference. Therefore, the
nursing; Life support therapy; Rehabilitation Committee of Chinese Cardiopulmonary
nursing; Nursing strategy; Expert consensus Rehabilitation Nursing Alliance and
Cardiovascular Committee of Wuhan Nursing
Myocarditis refers to inflammatory injuries Association organized experts and formulated
caused by various pathogens that can result in the “Expert Consensus on Nursing Strategy of

© Science Press 2022

D. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
340 Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis

Fulminant Myocarditis in Adults” based on the Clinical Evaluation and Treatments

characteristics of the disease, the latest nursing
research progress, and evidence-based nursing. Definition
The consensus aims to standardize clinical nurs-
ing practice for fulminant myocarditis and guide Myocarditis is an inflammatory injury caused by
clinical nursing decisions scientifically, in order various pathogens that can ultimately result in
to improve early identification, nursing profes- heart dysfunction. There are usually three clinical
sional ability, treatment effect, and clinical nurs- stages of myocarditis: acute, subacute, and
ing quality. chronic phases. The acute phase lasts for 3–5
days, during which active viral replication and
invasion severely damages the myocardium.
Consensus Immunological reactions play a major role in the
subacute phase, and few patients eventually enter
Formulation the chronic phase. In this phase, patients may suf-
fer from chronic, persistent, but sudden aggra-
The consensus was initiated by the nursing team vated inflammatory reactions, as well as
of Tongji Hospital, which is affiliated with decreased contractility, myocardial fibrosis, and
Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of cardiomegaly. Fulminant myocarditis is usually
Science and Technology. The Committee of defined as a myocardial inflammatory disease
Chinese Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation with a rapid outbreak complicated by severe
Nursing Alliance and Cardiovascular Committee hemodynamic dysfunction. Therefore, it is more
of Wuhan Nursing Association organized a panel likely to be clinically diagnosed. Compared with
of experts, including 5 medical experts, 36 nurs- common myocarditis, there are no characteristic
ing experts, and 1 rehabilitation therapist from differences in histology and pathology.
18 hospitals across China. According to the char-
acteristics of fulminant myocarditis, the expert Etiology
panel generated a preliminary consensus based Common causes can be classified into three
on a literature review and qualitative interviews. classes: infection, autoimmune disease, and poi-
The consensus was finally formed through a soning or toxic drug effects. Infections cause the
two-­round Delphi process and expert panel majority of myocarditis cases, with the most com-
meetings. mon pathogens being viruses, including enterovi-
ruses (especially Coxsackie B virus), adenovirus,
Application Scope cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and
The scope of applications includes (1) formulat- influenza virus. The mechanisms leading to myo-
ing clinical nursing practice plans; (2) guiding cardial injury include direct injury and immuno-
clinical care pathways; (3) formulating nursing genic injury. Abnormal activation of the immune
practice evaluation standards; (4) standardizing system, excessive macrophage polarization, and
nursing technical operations; and (5) providing accumulation in tissues or organs can cause indi-
reference for clinical nursing training. In addi- rect injury, which is an important pathophysiolog-
tion, it was determined to be better to combine ical mechanism of rapid progression [3].
the consensus with the “Chinese Expert
Consensus Statement on the Diagnosis and Symptoms
Treatment of Fulminant Myocarditis” [3] to com- Fulminant myocarditis can attack people at any
prehensively understand the clinical characteris- age, especially healthy young adults, and has a
tics, treatment, and nursing of fulminant higher incidence rate during winter and spring.
myocarditis. Fulminant myocarditis is characterized by rapid
Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis 341

progress, hemodynamic dysfunction (such as arrhythmia, and water-soluble and lipid-soluble

pump failure and circulation failure), and severe vitamin supplementation [3].
arrhythmia, which could be accompanied by
respiratory, liver, and kidney failure in some Anti-viral and Immunomodulating
patients. Hemodynamic dysfunction and abnor- Therapy
mal cardiac function are the most significant Therapy for fulminant myocarditis patients com-
manifestations and indicators of disease severity. prises administration of immunomodulating ther-
The main symptoms include the following. (1) apy by using a large dosage of glucocorticoids
Premonitory symptoms of viral infection: patients and intravenous immunoglobulin as well as anti-
may have fever, weakness, reduced appetite, viral therapy using neuraminidase inhibitors,
nasal obstruction, pharyngalgia, cough, and diar- which serve as the core drug therapy for patients
rhea. It must be noted that individual symptoms with fulminant myocarditis [3].
vary greatly. (2) Symptoms of cardiac injury:
panting, dyspnea, chest distress or pain, palpita- Mechanical Circulatory Support
tion, dizziness, extreme weakness, and obvious As the myocardium is diffusely and severely injured,
loss of appetite. (3) Hemodynamic dysfunction: the heart’s pump function is dramatically decreased
some patients may rapidly develop acute left in patients with fulminant myocarditis. Pulmonary
heart failure or cardiac shock and have symptoms congestion and pulmonary inflammatory injury fur-
of passive pulmonary congestion and shock. A ther exacerbate this condition. As a result, blood and
few patients experience fainting episodes, syn- oxygen supply to tissues cannot meet the body’s
cope, or sudden death. (4) Symptoms of injury to demand and consumption. Mechanical circulatory
other organs: fulminant myocarditis can also support treatment, including circulation support, res-
involve other organs, causing dysfunction or even piration support, and continuous renal replacement,
failure. This includes liver dysfunction, kidney can give the heart enough rest, allowing it to regain
injury, blood coagulation disorders, and respira- normal function under systematic treatment.
tory injury, which may lead to rapid deterioration Therefore, life support treatment should be at the
of the patient’s condition. center of all treatment plans [3].
The main signs include (1) a rise in body tem-
perature; (2) frequent hypotension—patients
with particularly severe disease may have unde- Contents of the Consensus
tectable blood pressure; (3) tachypnea; (4) a mis-
match between increased heart rate and body  arly Assessment and Dynamic
temperature; (5) occurrence of various arrhyth- Monitoring
mias, which can be life-threatening; (6) the usu-
ally normal heart border could be weakened or The patients’ consciousness, heart rate/rhythm,
absent and heart sounds could be blunt; (7) signsbody temperature, pulse, respiration, blood pres-
of shock, hypoperfusion, and other organ dys- sure, and oxygen saturation should be assessed
function [3]. and monitored to recognize early symptoms.
Since fulminant myocarditis has a sudden onset,
Treatments premonitory symptoms of viral infection and
myocardial damage rapidly progress to severe
Symptomatic and Supportive Treatment hemodynamic dysfunction [3]. Therefore, patients
Symptomatic and supportive treatments include should be transferred to hospitals with cardiac
bed rest, oxygen supply, infection prevention, care units (CCUs) to receive proper respiratory
myocardial metabolism improvement, anti-shock and circulatory monitoring and life support.
and acute left heart failure prevention, anti-­ Nurses should dynamically monitor invasive
342 Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis

Table A.1  Dynamic monitoring of patients with fulminant myocarditis

Monitoring Suggestion
Consciousness All fulminant myocarditis patients should be monitored closely.
Hemodynamics Heart rate/rhythm, blood pressure (i.e., invasive artery blood pressure, mean arterial pressure)
and central venous pressure should be monitored closely.
Respiration Respiratory rate and blood oxygen saturation should be monitored closely. Arterial blood gas
analysis should be monitored every 4–6 h in the early stage.
Cardiac cTnI, BNP or NT-proBNP, ECG and echocardiography should be monitored according to the
biomarker condition of patients.
Body Axillary and rectal temperature, skin temperature and color changes of extremities should be
temperature monitored every 4 h.
Management of Intake (e.g., intravenous infusion, blood transfusion and intestinal intake) and output (e.g., urine,
fluids drainage, diaphoresis, and vomiting volume) should be recorded every hour.
Psychology and Nurses should evaluate psychological and sleep status and provide targeted psychological
sleep intervention to ensure patients obtain sufficient sleep.

hemodynamics, cardiac biomarker (cTnI and nels are used to maintain a mean arterial pres-
BNP or NT-proBNP) levels, and arterial blood gas sure (MAP) above 65 mmHg.
analysis. The nurse should assist in bedside ECG,
echocardiogram, chest X-ray, and other auxiliary Medication Nursing
examinations. If chest tightness and pain occur, Neuraminidase inhibitors can inhibit the neur-
acute myocardial infarction should be excluded, aminidase of influenza virus, thus inhibiting the
and preparations for emergency coronary angiog- release of newly synthesized viruses from
raphy should be completed as soon as possible. infected cells and the replication and transmis-
The dynamic monitoring of patients with fulmi- sion of viruses in the human body. Adverse reac-
nant myocarditis is summarized in Table A.1. tions to neuraminidase inhibitors include nausea,
vomiting, and dizziness, which can be relieved
Intravenous Treatment and Medication after discontinuation of the drug. During high-­
Nursing dose glucocorticoid treatment, attention should
be paid to the symptoms of gastrointestinal
Intravenous Treatment adverse reactions and gradually reduce the dose
1. A central venous catheter should be inserted to avoid rebound effects. When using immuno-
before systemic heparinization, and more than globulin, the infusion rate should be gradually
two venous channels should be established to increased to observe allergic reactions. Due to the
ensure subsequent venous treatment. large doses of glucocorticoids and immunoglob-
2. Nursing staff should reasonably arrange the ulins, nurses should explain the purpose of medi-
administration sequence and give priority to cation to patients and their families to gain
drugs, such as glucocorticoids, immunoglob- understanding and cooperation. Life-support
ulins, and neuraminidase inhibitors. treatment is the first choice of treatment during
3. The infusion speed should be controlled anti-shock therapy. When life support is insuffi-
according to the hemodynamics and cardiac cient to maintain circulation, vasoactive drugs
function to avoid heart overload, inadequate should be used. If it is impossible to use the cen-
circulation volume, and blood pressure drop. tral venous catheter, nurses should use a periph-
4. Vasoactive drugs are recommended for micro-­ eral intravenous catheter and pay attention to
pump infusion, and their use is different from infusion phlebitis [4].
that of other drugs. Venous access and
­maintenance of mean arterial pressure (MAP) Life Support Nursing
≥65 mmHg. One of the cores of “life support-based compre-
5. A micropump is used to inject vasoactive hensive treatment regimen” is mechanical life-­
drugs intravenously. Different venous chan- support treatment. Mechanical life-support
Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis 343

Table A.2  Nursing of VA-ECMO

Effective The nurse should assess the external loop each hour, including correct catheter connection, catheter
operation shake, component, and reasonable alarm setting [12].
Key (1) Rotational speed and flow rate
parameter Nurses should adjust the rotational speed following the doctor’s advice, which should be between
management 1500 and 4000 r min−1. During the treatment, the flow rate should be closely observed in
accordance with the rotational speed and the perfusion flow should be adjusted timely according to
the venous oxygen saturation, mean arterial pressure, blood lactic acid level, and urine volume.
(2) Air flow and oxygen concentration
Nurses should monitor blood gas analysis (residual alkali, blood lactic acid) every 2 h and every
4–6 h after stabilization, and dynamically adjust air flow and oxygen concentration following the
doctor’s advice [13].
(3) Pressure
Nurses should monitor the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the oxygenator. It indicates that the
arterial intubation end of the patient is blocked after the oxygenator when the two-point pressure
increases. It indicates the formation of the oxygenator thrombosis when the pressure difference
between the two points increases.
(4) Temperature
Patients’ body temperature should be maintained close to 37 °C and the temperature of the water
tank should be set at 36–37 °C. Temperatures that are too low will lead to the disorder of
hemodynamics and blood coagulation mechanism. However, temperatures that are too high will
increase the oxygen consumption of the body [14].

treatment, including circulation, respiration sup- ance, and recover vessel response to vasoactive
port, and CRRT, can provide the heart with suf- drugs [10]. All patients with fulminant myocardi-
ficient rest, allowing it to regain its normal tis should receive CRRT as early as possible.
function under systematic treatment [5].
Circulatory Support Nursing
Application Time Nurses should closely observe the operation of
All fulminant myocarditis patients should receive circulatory support equipment and regularly
life support treatment as soon as possible to feedback the treatment effect to the doctor.
reduce cardiac load, improve cardiac function, Nurses should ensure the effectiveness of the
and reduce mortality [6]. Life support treatments IABP and observe the effect of counterpulsation
are as follows: (1) circulation support: the nurse treatment [11]. The care for VA-ECMO is shown
should assist in IABP placement once the sys- in Table A.2.
tolic blood pressure is less than 90 mmHg, LVEF
is less than 40%, blood lactic acid is over Respiratory Support Care
2  mmol  L−1, or cardiac index is less than Respiratory support care has two strategies: (1)
2 L min−1 m−1 [7]. ECMO should be added once Lung ventilation protective strategy [15], which
if IABP is unable to sufficiently improve circula- aims to set appropriate ventilator parameters and
tion [8]; (2) respiratory support: patients with prevent barotrauma and volutrauma. Experts rec-
respiratory dysfunction (respiratory distress or ommend that ventilator parameters should be set
hypoxemia) should receive respirator-assisted as follows: tidal volume 3–5 mL/kg, respiration
ventilation. Therefore, non-invasive positive-­ frequency <8 times/min, positive end expiratory
pressure ventilation is recommended. If it is inef- pressure (PEEP) 5–15  cmH2O, plateau pressure
fective or not tolerated by the patient, a tracheal <25  cmH2O, and FiO2 30–40%. (2) A sedation
cannula should be used [9]; (3) continuous renal and analgesia strategy [16], which aims for all
replacement therapy: CRRT can continuously fil- sedation strategies to start with real-time assess-
ter out toxins and cytokines, reduce cardiac load, ment and ensure adequate control of sedative
maintain water-electrolyte and acid-base bal- medicine, preventing medication overdose. The
344 Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis

Table A.3  Nursing strategy of patients with fulminant myocarditis receiving CRRT
Step Recommendation
Vascular access Blood purification tube connect the ECMO loop [17]. An independent and temporary
hemodialysis catheter could be established for patients without ECMO support.
Commencing Initial flow speed: 30–50 mL/min, the speed is adjusted to 100 mL/min for 3–5 min after the
treatment blood was drained, blood pump was adjusted to 150–200 mL/min for 30 min when there is no
adverse cardiac events.
Volume Three-level management [18]: monitoring of central venous pressure (CVP), invasive arterial
management blood pressure, ultrafiltration rate
Weaning No manifestations of volume overload; water-salt and acid-base are balanced; the dose of
indication vasoactive drugs is not large; no serious infection; daily urine output is more than 500 mL
Step-by-step Blood flow rate decrease to 180 mL/min for 15 min; blood flow decrease to 150 mL/min, while
blood replacement volume and control the ultrafiltration fraction decrease by 20% for 15 min;
autotransfusion ultrafiltration should be turned off with blood flow speed decreasing to 100 mL/min for 15 min;
blood flow speed decrease to 50 mL/min and start blood autotransfusion [19].

Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale is recom- Anticoagulation Management

mended as a tool to conduct daily neurological Nurses managing ECMO should assess the exter-
function assessment for patients. RASS during nal loop each hour, including correct catheter
daytime should be maintained between –2 and 0, connection, reasonable alarm setting, clotting
while nighttime is set between –3 and –1. formation in external ECOM catheters, and
membrane lung through light flush. The clotting
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy formation in external ECMO catheters and mem-
(CRRT) Care brane lung is defined as a dark visual color set-
The procedure is demonstrated in Table A.3. tling on the catheters and membrane lung, and
does not flow with blood. The activated coagula-
Catheter Management tion time (ACT) or activated partial thromboplas-
All catheters connected to life support devices tin time (APTT) were measured at intervals of
must be closely monitored. Nurses managing 2–3  h and shifted to the interval of 6  h after
catheters should secure IABP and ECMO cathe- patient stabilization. The range of ACT and APTT
ters and prevent occlusion, damage, rupture, or is recommended to be maintained: (1) keep ACT
breakage [20]. The external catheters of life sup- 150–180  s and APTT 50–70  s for patients with
port devices are positioned parallel to patients’ IABP; (2) keep ACT 180–210 s [22] and APTT
axis and secured at the end of the bed without 50–70  s for patients with ECMO, ACT is sug-
tension. Subcutaneous sutures are used to secure gested to be maintained at 150–170 s under active
V-A catheters and adhesive anchors, and addi- hemorrhage, ACT is suggested to be maintained
tional large transparent film dressings cover the at 200–210 s under a decrease in assisted circula-
insertion site. The connections between catheters tion flow; (3) patients receiving ECMO and IABP
need to be resecured using hemostatic forceps. would follow the ECMO anticoagulation princi-
Nurses must examine all connections of the cath- ple; (4) patients receiving CRRT and ECMO/
eter every 1 h to prevent distortion, displacement, IABP would follow the ECMO or IABP antico-
or prolapse. The length of the external catheter agulation principle.
should be measured at the nurse shift handover
and recorded on the medical system [21]. Patients  ommon Complications Prevention
must remain on bedrest with the head of the bed and Care
raised no more than 30° and should not flex the
affected leg at the hip. Daily assessment of Arrhythmia
patients’ cardiopulmonary function provides evi- Hemodynamic disorders would exacerbate if
dence for doctors to assist in the weaning of life patients with fulminant myocarditis had adverse
support devices. arrhythmias, which could threaten a patient’s life.
Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis 345

Patients with arrhythmia presented with sinus (3) invasive procedures should be conducted
bradycardia, an ECG showed a wide QRS wave, before heparin therapy and decrease the fre-
echocardiography indicated worse left ventricu- quency of subcutaneous injection, intramuscular
lar function, and laboratory tests demonstrated injection, intravenous/intraarterial punction. The
continuous rise and fluctuation in cardiac tropo- time for compressing the insertion site should be
nin (cTnI). Unsustained VT occurs when contin- extended to patients undergoing anticoagulation
uous hypoperfusion occurs. Therefore, therapy; (4) instruct and assist patients to perform
preventions and immediate life support treatment active or passive mobilization training using a
should be the main approach to prevent arrhyth- pressure device to prevent venous thrombosis of
mia. In volume management, nurses should mon- the lower limbs. For treatment, once bleeding
itor patients’ dynamic electrolytes to prevent occurs, report to the doctor immediately, identi-
arrhythmia caused by electrolyte disorders. In fying the bleeding site, and take hemostasis mea-
addition, anti-arrhythmic drugs should be admin- sures according to the amount of bleeding. After
istered to patients with ventricular tachycardia, thrombosis of the lower limbs, blood vessel color
ventricular fibrillation, and other adverse cardiac ultrasound should be performed in time to clarify
events. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and defi- the position, avoid massage, and thrombolytic
brillation with direct current should be adminis- therapy should be performed if necessary.
tered to patients, if necessary. When patients
present with bradycardia and high atrioventricu- Infection
lar block, temporary pacemaker implantation is There are 9–65% nosocomial infections in
the preferred choice, and cardiotonic drugs are patients receiving ECMO, mainly caused by
encouraged to be administered. Most patients severe disease, intestinal flora migration, catheter
with fulminant myocarditis can recover from microbial colonization, and immune system
arrhythmia when they are in the acute stage, and damage [25]. For prevention, patient’s tempera-
permanent pacemaker implantation is not recom- ture and insertion site require regular observa-
mended in the acute stage [3]. tion. Nurses should monitor laboratory test
results and physical examination results to iden-
Hemorrhage and Thrombosis Care tify the infection. For patients receiving ECMO,
Fulminant myocarditis receiving life support one nurse and one doctor should be appointed to
devices require appropriate anticoagulation ther- care for the patient and implement bedside isola-
apy to reduce the risk of hemorrhage and throm- tion, including aseptic operation and hand
bosis caused by catheter insertion or mobilization hygiene. Nurses should change bed units such as
limitation. Hemorrhage and thrombosis are com- bed sheets, quilt cases, and patient uniforms. A
mon complications related to circulation support nurse assistant should disinfect medical devices
treatment [23], and studies have shown that there with 75% ethanol or disinfectant wipes twice a
is a 20% incidence of thrombosis among patients day. Nurses should take measures to prevent
receiving ECMO [24]. For prevention, the fol- catheter-related blood flow infection, catheter-­
lowing steps should be taken: (1) close observa- related urinary tract infection, and ventilator-­
tion at the insertion site, including observation of associated pneumonia. Antibiotics are
the color of drainage fluid, hemorrhage in urine administered to prevent infection. With respect to
and stool, clot in the catheters, skin temperature, treatment, reporting to the doctor and medicine
limb swelling, pain, and other symptoms related therapy are priorities for infectious patients.
to pulmonary embolism. Laboratory test results Nurses should perform expectoration machines
for patients should be traced, including the on patients with pulmonary infections to improve
D-dimer and ACT.  Thrombosis in catheters sputum drainage.
should be suspected if there is poorly triggered,
low counterpulsation pressure; (2) anticoagula- Hemolysis
tion therapy should be dynamically adjusted to Patients may manifest hemolysis, present an
maintain the APTT and ACT at the target range; increase in free hemoglobin, hemoglobinuria,
346 Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis

and secondary damage to multiple organs because Brain Injury

the ECMO device could damage red blood cells. The main cause of brain injury is hypoperfusion.
Researchers have reported that the incidence of For prevention, nurses should closely observe
hemolysis among patients receiving ECMO was patients’ status, including consciousness, emo-
25.8% [26]. During ECMO, nurses should pay tion, and headache, to perform an in-time neuro-
attention to indicators such as pump pressure, logical assessment. CT of the brain is necessary
speed, and flow rate, and avoid running at high for those who are suspected to have brain injury.
speed for a long time after reaching the target Ice cap or dehydration therapy should be used for
flow rate. With respect to treatment, several indi- patients with brain injuries. Mild hypothermia is
cators should be observed, including jaundice, recommended for patients who undergo CPR or
hyperbilirubinemia, hemoglobinuria, and other receive sedation treatment to maintain a central
manifestations. If a patient experiences hemoly- temperature of 32–34  °C for 24  h [28]. With
sis, the medical team should investigate the cause regards to treatment, immediately informing doc-
and take immediate action, such as alkalization tors that brain injury occurs in patients is neces-
of urine and reduction of negative pressure at the sary. The medical team should apply an ice cap to
venous end of ECMO (<30 mmHg). If necessary, patients, mild hypothermia, and a dehydrating
the corresponding consumable materials (e.g., agent, and hormone should be administered to
oxygenators) or plasmapheresis should be the patient.
replaced when necessary.

Lower Extremity Arterial Ischemia Rehabilitation Strategy

Lower extremity arterial ischemia occurs during
lower-extremity arterial catheterization. Studies The core of rehabilitation strategy is exercise
have shown that the incidence of lower extremity training, with improvements in nutrition, psy-
arterial ischemia is 6.4% among patients with chology, and family centered care. The cardiac
IABP [27], while patients with ECMO had a rehabilitation team should conduct cardiopulmo-
higher risk of lower extremity arterial ischemia. nary function assessment before exercise training
For prevention, the appropriate size of the arterial and implement an individual cardiac rehabilita-
sheath should be selected according to the height tion plan. The content of the rehabilitation strat-
of the patient. The circulation of both lower limbs egy is demonstrated as follows:
should be closely evaluated, and the pulse of the
dorsal foot artery, local skin temperature, color, Exercise Rehabilitation
muscle tension, leg circumference, capillary ECG and blood pressure monitoring should be
reflux, and other conditions should be observed performed on patients [29], and rehabilitation
on the intubated side, and compared with the exercises should be carried out step by step
healthy side. Nurses should keep limbs warm and according to the patient’s condition. (1) In the
maintain their joints at functional positions. acute phase, absolute bed rest and good posture
Physical exercise should be performed for target management by the nurse to complete basic care.
patients under the guidance of the medical staff. After the vital signs are stable, body position
With respect to treatment, if the pulse of the lat- changes and limb movements can be monitored.
eral dorsalis pedis artery is weakened or disap- (2) Unconsciousness by the nurse to assist the
peared, the local skin is pale or cyanosis, the physical therapist limbs and distal small joint
temperature drops, and limbs are numb, the doc- passive movement through ventilator-assisted
tor should be informed and immediate action breathing training and lung physical therapy
should be taken. If necessary, nurses should assist techniques to maintain the normal function of the
doctors in supplying blood to the distal lower patient's lungs. Nurses should urge sober patients
limbs with an appropriate perfusion tube to estab- for active movements. For patients who cannot
lish distal perfusion [25]. tolerate upright position, posture adaptability
Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis 347

training should be carried out in the order of high experience stress, anxiety, or fear, a psychologist
decubitus, long sitting, bedside sitting, and stand- should be called for to provide professional
ing position. Exercise intensity should increase advice.
the heart rate by no more than 20 times/min, and
exercise time should be 10–15 min each time, 3  ealth Instruction and Follow-Up
times a day [30]. The out-of-bed rule is followed. Health instruction and follow up should comprise
(3) For patients who can leave the bed, rehabilita- the following: (1) Instructing smokers to quit
tion training should be based on walking. smoking, and all patients should be instructed to
Symptom-restricted exercise intensity was used, avoid second-hand smoke [32]. Nurses should
and the appropriate score was 11–13 points (a encourage patients to develop good living habits.
little exertion), and the heart rate was maintained (2) Patients should keep warm when they feel
at 65–80% of the maximum heart rate in the cold and avoid crowded places, especially if they
6  min walking test. The exercise time was suffer from chronic respiratory or cardiovascular
30–45  min each time, 5 times a week, and the diseases. Vaccination with influenza and pneu-
walking distance gradually increased from 25 to mococcal vaccines is recommended [33]. (3) For
800  m. The latter part of walking training can patients with fulminant myocarditis, nurses
guide vertical movements, such as up and down should establish follow-up files after obtaining
stairs. (4) A 6 min walking test is feasible before the consent of the patients to guide the patients to
discharge to guide further exercise rehabilitation, adopt a healthy lifestyle. To evaluate cardiac
and aerobic exercise is recommended to be the function among patients discharged from the
main exercise, 30–45  min each time, 5 times a hospital after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and
week, with the exercise intensity ranging from 12 months, the main indicators should include
low to moderate [31]. (5) After discharge, it is electrocardiogram, echocardiography, BNP/
recommended to go to the cardiac rehabilitation BNP-PRO, liver and kidney function, cardiac
center for standardized cardiac rehabilitation. magnetic resonance examination, and follow-up
health management to improve long-term prog-
Nutrition Rehabilitation nosis [34].
Nurses should assess the patient’s nutritional sta-
tus and preference, and develop individual nutri-
tion. In the acute phase, patients are recommended Professional Team Management
to consume low-fat, low-salt fluid food to
decrease gastrointestinal adverse reactions from Patients with fulminant myocarditis should
hormone therapy and myocardial oxygen con- receive systematic and standardized professional
sumption. For fast patients, parental nutrition team management as soon as possible. The team
should be established via intravenous access. should be led by a cardiovascular specialist/criti-
Enteral nutrition should be started as soon as pos- cal care physician, and the head nurse/nursing
sible, and patients should be encouraged to eat expert of the critical care unit should serve as the
orally and eat less and more frequently. The food coordinator. It should include core members such
schedule should be easy to digest and rich in vita- as a multidisciplinary medical treatment team,
mins. Nurses should control the input and output critical care specialists, and blood purification
of the patients and prevent constipation. If neces- nurses [35]. The nurses in this team must have at
sary, laxatives are instructed to forcibly avoid least 5 years of experience in the intensive care
defecating. unit, master disease-related knowledge, and life-­
support therapy devices. Team members should
Psychological Rehabilitation arrive at the ward within 30 min after receiving
Patients’ psychological problems should be eval- the notice [36], and initiate a nurse-patient ratio
uated. Nurses should implement the target plan of 2:1 or 1:1 intensive care mode. The patient
based on these results. If the patient continues to should be provided 24-h continuous bedside care,
348 Appendix A: Chinese Expert Consensus Statement on the Nursing Strategies of Adult Fulminant Myocarditis

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 ppendix B: Actively Promote and Apply
the China’s Regimen for Treatments
of Fulminant Myocarditis to Save More

Dao Wen Wang and Rutai Hui

Abstract  Fulminant myocarditis is a sudden dif- as well as the need to strengthen basic research to
fuse inflammation of the heart, with abrupt onset improve the understanding of its pathogenesis
and rapid progression and features of hypoten- and efficacy and long-term prognosis.
sion/cardiogenic shock and sudden cardiac death.
Pathologically, there were lymphocytic, eosino- Keywords  Myocarditis; Excessive immune acti-
philic, and giant cell types. The vast majority of vation; Inflammatory storm; Immunomodulation;
cells are lymphocytic type, mainly manifested by Mechanical circulatory support
lymphocyte and monocyte/macrophage infiltra-
tion. Its pathophysiological basis is excessive Fulminant myocarditis is defined as a sudden
immune activation and formation of cell/inflam- and severe disseminated cardiac inflammation
matory factor storms caused by pathogens enter- with abrupt onset, extremely rapid progression,
ing the human body through pattern recognition and rapidly developed hemodynamic distur-
receptors. The life support-based comprehensive bances (hypotension and cardiogenic shock),
treatment regimen recommended in the Chinese leading to fatal ventricular arrhythmia or multior-
Expert Consensus on Fulminant Myocarditis in gan/multisystem failure with extremely high
Adults, which includes mechanical circulatory mortality [1]. Timely and appropriate treatment
support, use of adequate doses of both glucocor- can effectively save patients’ lives. The main
ticoids, and immune globulin immunomodula- treatment measures include maintaining rapid
tion, can effectively treat patients and reduce the circulatory stability using adequate [2] doses of
fatality rate to approximately 5%. The regimen glucocorticoids and immunoglobulins for
particularly emphasizes early identification, early immune regulation, continuous circulatory sup-
diagnosis, early prediction, and early treatment port, and heart transplantation [1, 3–6].
Features of fulminant myocarditis and its spe-
This paper has been published in Chin J Cardiol 2022; cific pathophysiology are currently poorly under-
50:212-218. with permission. stood, which is a major challenge in its
management. To summarize new experiences and
D. W. Wang findings in a timely manner, promote advance-
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal ments in this field in the country, improve treat-
Medicine and Hubei Key Laboratory of Genetics and
Molecular Mechanisms of Cardiological Disorders, ments, and save more lives, the Precision
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong Medicine Group of the Chinese Society of
University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Cardiology recommended the country’s experts
e-mail: to formulate and publish the Chinese Expert
R. Hui Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Hypertension Division, Chinese Academy of Medical Fulminant Myocarditis in Adults in China and
Sciences FUWAI Hospital, proposed an effective treatment regimen (herein-
Beijing, People’s Republic of China
e-mail: after referred to as the Chinese regimen) [7]. This

© Science Press 2022

D. Wang (ed.), Fulminant Myocarditis,
352 Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis…

regimen is simple, feasible, and has a high cost-­ have actively practiced this regimen, reducing the
effectiveness ratio [8–10]. Here is a brief intro- risk of in-hospital mortality from 50% with tradi-
duction of the important related issues. tional treatment to 3.7% [9, 14]. On this basis,
Wang et  al. hosted 30 special study classes
nationwide and delivered more than 100 lectures
Diagnosis and Treatment Status at the conference, achieving good results. The
at Home and Abroad articles in the issue of “Fulminant Myocarditis”
in Chin J Cardiol (2022;50(3)) reflect the results
Fulminant myocarditis is sporadic and has been of the application of the Chinese regimen in dif-
reported worldwide. The disease is rare, but by ferent hospitals. However, to make this new con-
no means uncommon, and precise data on its cept widely accepted across the country, publicity
incidence are currently lacking owing to diagnos- and education must be strengthened.
tic limitations. Approximately 40–50 patients
with fulminant myocarditis are admitted to the
Coronary Care Unit of Wuhan Tongji Hospital Core Content of the Chinese
every year, and other hospitals such as Fuwai Regimen
Central China Cardiovascular Hospital in Henan
Province and Dongguan Kanghua Hospital in The Chinese regimen, also known as the life
Guangzhou receive similar number of patients. support-­based comprehensive treatment regimen,
There are approximately 30,000–50,000 adult has the following basic principles: (1) unloading
fulminant myocarditis cases in China every year, the cardiac burden and resting the extremely fail-
and the number of cases double when children ing heart instead of using cardiotonic and vasoac-
are included. Because of hemodynamic tive drugs, especially norepinephrine; (2) using
­disturbances in patients, vasoactive drugs (espe- reasonable immune regulation instead of cyto-
cially norepinephrine and pituitary hormone) and toxic drugs for immunosuppression; and (3) using
cardiotonic drugs (including levosimendan) were neuraminidase inhibitors in combination [8].
routinely used in the past, and the mortality rate According to the actual situation in China, two
reported abroad was as high as 50–70% [11, 12]. core treatment measures need to be adhered to
With the application of mechanical circulation and strengthened: (1) Mechanical circulatory sup-
technology, the treatment effect has significantly port should be started as soon as possible, with
improved, but the fatality rate remains as high as special emphasis on intra-aortic balloon pump
40% [13]. Western countries place special (IABP) first. If IABP is not sufficient to correct
emphasis on timely endomyocardial biopsy, and shock, ECMO is added as a strategy to treat the
routine use of cytotoxic drugs owing to a large symptoms. (2) Immunomodulatory therapy,
number of inflammatory cell infiltrations in myo- including the use of both adequate doses of gluco-
cardial biopsy has not improved clinical out- corticoids and immunoglobulins, is a strategy for
comes. The treatment situation in China is treating fulminant myocarditis. As an example,
similar. On the one hand, diagnosis is delayed in methylprednisolone 200–500 mg/day is adminis-
primary hospitals. Even if the diagnosis is clear, tered according to the early stage of the disease
most patients are not correctly treated. Therefore, and gradually tapered after 3–5 days on the basis
the mortality rate in primary hospitals is high. of the improvement of cardiac function and 20 g
This is similar to the situation in Western coun- of intravenous immunoglobulin is administered
tries, with a mortality rate of 50–60% [14]. daily for 3–5 days. This combination has a signifi-
Since the publication of the Chinese regimen cant immunomodulatory effect, emphasizing
for the treatment of fulminant myocarditis in “immunomodulation” rather than “immune-sup-
2017 [6, 9], some large medical/cardiac centers pression”. (3) Use of neuraminidase inhibitors,
Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis… 353

such as oral oseltamivir 75  mg twice a day or the Chinese regimen [20]. These suggest that
intravenous peramivir 300 mg, helps reduce myo- complete implementation of the Chinese protocol
cardial damage by inhibiting neuraminidase [15]. is essential for the good therapeutic effect.
The basis of the Chinese regimen is the patho-
genesis hypothesis put forward by Wang et  al.:
different pathogens (viruses and bacteria, chemi- Features of the Chinese Regimen
cals, drugs, or toxins) act on the pattern recogni-
tion receptors of cardiomyocytes and immune 1. Emphasize vigilance in the treatment of ful-
cells, resulting in increased inflammatory cell minant myocarditis: The emphasis of this
infiltration and activation, and together with car- regimen is “early identification, early diagno-
diac cells, they secrete a large number of cyto- sis, early prediction, and early treatment.” It is
kines and inflammatory factors, producing an necessary to make full use of the current rou-
inflammatory storm; simultaneously, damage-­ tine clinical diagnosis and examination meth-
related molecules released by the destruction of ods, make judgments as soon as possible, and
tissue cells also act on the corresponding pattern provide prompt circulatory support and
recognition receptors, as well as the subsequent immunomodulatory treatment. This can save
acquired immune response, which synergistically patients’ life without the need for complex
inhibit myocardial function and endothelial laboratory tests. Many patients with fulminant
injury, leading to myocardial edema, cardiogenic myocarditis have clinical symptoms similar to
shock, and arrhythmias [16, 17]. those of the common cold at onset, with sig-
This regimen has been promoted in many hos- nificant differences [1]. Statistics from Wuhan
pitals in China and has achieved remarkable Tongji Hospital suggest that approximately
results, with survival rate of >95% of patients 90% of patients with fulminant myocarditis
with fulminant myocarditis [10, 14]. A 1-year seek medical attention or referrals due to dys-
follow-up of 56 patients with fulminant myocar- pnea, weakness and not diet, and the remain-
ditis in Wuhan Tongji Hospital treated with the ing 10% due to syncope or requirement of
Chinese regimen showed that although 20–25% CPR. In addition, notable features are fatigue
of cases had recurrence, arrhythmia, or dilated and lack of appetite [8, 9, 14]. Physicians
heart, only 1 died [18], which is in marked con- should be highly sensitive and vigilant of this
trast to the 60-day mortality rate of 28% and the symptom and conduct a comprehensive emer-
1-year mortality rate of 39.6% in Western coun- gency examination of suspected patients,
tries [2]. At the Fuwai Central China including clinical manifestations, routine
Cardiovascular Hospital in Zhengzhou, tradi- physical examination, and detection of signs
tional cardiotonic and vasoactive drugs were of fulminant myocarditis, such as low and dull
used to treat patients with fulminant myocarditis. heart sounds (rapid changes). Especially,
Most of these patients did not survive; however, attention should be paid to monitoring rapid
among the 37 patients treated with the Chinese changes in hemodynamics, such as a sudden
regimen, 34 were clinically cured and discharged drop in blood pressure, and the need for
[19]. Of 88 patients with fulminant myocarditis mechanical circulatory assist devices or vaso-
treated at Kanghua Hospital in Dongguan, pressors; electrocardiograms suggesting rapid
Guangdong, the mortality rate was 56.7% in heart rate, low voltage, and QRS widening
those treated with the traditional treatment regi- changes; routine blood and comprehensive
men, 30% in those treated with intermediate regi- blood biochemical tests showing markedly
men treatment [hormones  +  gamma globulin or elevated cardiac troponin I and N-terminal
mechanical circulatory support only pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP)
(IABP + ECMO)], and 7.9% in those treated with or brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and echo-
354 Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis…

cardiogram with markedly reduced ventricu- selection. If ST-T changes are found,
lar motion. Repeated examinations show that emergency coronary angiography should
these clinical indices change rapidly, and the be promptly performed to identify and
left ventricular ejection fraction decreases exclude myocardial infarction. ECG leads
sharply. Usually, emergency coronary angiog- show that the injury is generally charac-
raphy should be performed to exclude acute terized by non-vascular distribution and
myocardial infarction. Based on these find- may also show segmental distribution of
ings, a diagnosis can be made quickly. coronary arteries, with ST segment eleva-
2. Pay attention to signs of circulatory failure tion in adjacent leads, similar to coronary
and arrhythmia: During routine physical artery occlusion. In such cases, coronary
examination, physicians should pay attention angiography should be performed
to signs of heart failure and hemodynamic promptly. Patients may also present with
failure, including decreased blood pressure, evidence of pericarditis with PR-segment
rapid heartbeat, markedly dull heart sounds, depression and various arrhythmias,
and a galloping rhythm. Attention should also including frequent ectopic beats, ventric-
be paid to early signs of circulatory failure, ular arrhythmias, and conduction abnor-
including low arterial pressure, sinus tachy- malities. Heart rate is usually increased,
cardia, clammy limbs, and elevated lactate but ECG arrhythmias or sinus bradycar-
level. In patients with fulminant myocarditis, dia, left bundle branch block, decreased
cardiac systolic function is abnormal, the abil- QRS amplitude, premature ventricular
ity of the acutely affected heart to increase contractions, and ventricular tachycardia
stroke volume is limited, and cardiac output is may also occur due to myocardial edema.
significantly dependent on a compensatory The above conditions suggest that disease
increase in heart rate, such as sinus tachycar- progression and should be promptly
dia. At this time, drugs that decrease heart rate treated [21, 22].
and have negative inotropic effects should be (b) Biomarker monitoring of myocardial
avoided, including beta-blocker, diltiazem, injury: Serum troponin (T or I) level is
and verapamil, so as not to destroy the body’s elevated in patients with fulminant myo-
compensatory mechanism that can lead to carditis, which requires emergency coro-
­circulatory disorders, resulting in circulatory nary angiography to exclude acute
failure. coronary syndrome. In a registry study of
3. Make full use of laboratory test results: 386 patients with fulminant myocarditis,
Routine blood tests show high white blood although the left ventricular ejection frac-
cell counts and high neutrophil or lymphocyte tion did not decrease, serum troponin
counts, which do not necessarily indicate bac- level was elevated in 100% of patients,
terial infection, but suggest an innate immune and erythrocyte sedimentation rate and
response. Urgent tests for arterial blood gas, C-reactive protein level were elevated in
blood lactate, whole blood routine, blood 99% (385/386) of patients [23]. The
electrolytes, basal metabolism, bilirubin, ala- European Society of Cardiology and
nine aminotransferase, and aspartate amino- other cardiology societies recommend
transferase are required. serum cardiac troponin, NT-proBNP,
(a) Repeated ECG examinations: QRS low erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and
voltage, interval widening, and myocar- C-reactive protein tests. Abnormalities in
dial injury (ST segment elevation) caused these indicators suggest myocardial
by myocardial injury and edema in injury and cardiac dysfunction; however,
patients with fulminant myocarditis are normal results do not rule out acute myo-
mostly inconsistent with coronary artery carditis. Elevated atrial peptide levels are
distribution, but some also show lead associated with poor prognosis [3–5, 24].
Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis… 355

China’s experience has shown that both function, including global cardiac longi-
troponin-I and NT-proBNP levels are tudinal strain, global myocardial radial
markedly increased in patients with ful- strain, and global myocardial circumfer-
minant myocarditis, which is often sig- ential strain [27]. Echocardiography is
nificantly higher than that in patients with non-invasive, simple, and easy to perform
general acute myocardial infarction. and should be performed at least once a
(c) Routine viral serological examination is day in the early stage. Cardiac magnetic
not recommended, and the sensitivity and resonance examination showed early
specificity of serum virological examina- changes in the adventitia and middle layer
tion are not high compared with those of in myocardial edema, which were differ-
endomyocardial biopsy viral genome ent from those in the intima and middle
examination (RT-PCR/PCR). Even nega- layer in myocardial infarction, which was
tive viral serology results do not rule out helpful for the diagnosis of myocarditis.
viral infection [25, 26]. Second-­ However, the patient’s condition is unsta-
generation sequencing, including metage- ble, and cardiac magnetic resonance
nomic sequencing, may provide examination requires appropriate tech-
pathogenic results [1, 25, 26]. Serological niques, expertise, and equipment. Not
tests are less sensitive to in situ hybridiza- every prefecture-level hospital meets
tion of endomyocardial biopsy samples, these conditions, and the Chinese regi-
with only 4% seropositive evidence con- men does not recommend it as an exami-
firmed by endomyocardial biopsy [26]. nation method for acute treatment. After
The Chinese expert consensus does not the acute stage, hemodynamics is stable
emphasize complex and lengthy etiologi- and cardiac magnetic resonance examina-
cal diagnoses in the first-aid phase. Our tion can be performed.
attempted viral serological tests were (e) Emergency rescue cannot be bound by
almost always negative; therefore, no rec- endocardial biopsy results: histopatho-
ommendations were made. logical diagnosis of endocardial biopsy is
(d) Cardiac imaging and functional monitor- generally considered the gold standard
ing: Invasive blood pressure monitoring, for the diagnosis of myocarditis, but it has
electronic blood pressure monitoring, and many limitations, and inflammatory infil-
echocardiography are important. The tration is not always parallel to clinical
echocardiography of patients with fulmi- manifestations. The pathological and
nant myocarditis is very distinctive, and viral genomic results of biopsy samples
the overall motion of the ventricle is sig- can guide treatment and determine prog-
nificantly reduced, and on this basis, seg- nosis [4, 28], but the detection threshold
mental motion differences may also of copy number related to the diagnosis of
occur; the left ventricular ejection frac- various viruses has not yet been deter-
tion decreases and changes very rapidly mined, and the virus is not found in most
in the early stage, showing a sharp patients. The current Chinese regimen
decline; left ventricular myocardial does not emphasize the gold standard sta-
hypertrophy of usually 12–13  mm, and tus of endomyocardial biopsy for the
rarely >20 mm in thickness, is caused by diagnosis of myocarditis for the follow-
myocardial edema, which can be rapidly ing reasons: (1) Endocardial biopsy is an
improved by the Chinese regimen. invasive test, which is not widely accept-
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and able by the Chinese population, and
two-dimensional speckle tracking echo- obtaining informed consent requires a lot
cardiography were used to evaluate the of time; (2) in some prefecture-level ter-
main indicators of left ventricular systolic tiary hospitals in China, endocardial
356 Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis…

biopsy may not be available. Even if it carditis. However, owing to the small size
can be implemented, it will take 2–3 days of the IABP, the pump function is rela-
to obtain the result and 7–10 days for tively low and can provide only 15–20%
complex cases. However, to study the additional circulation support. If circula-
pathological types and pathogenesis, the tory stability of IABP is difficult, venous–
Wuhan Tongji Hospital has routinely per- arterial ECMO should be added.
formed endocardial biopsy. At present, Venous–arterial ECMO can regulate
90% of fulminant myocarditis cases in blood flow between 0.50 and 4.75 L/min,
the Chinese population are lymphocytic and a flow rate of 3–4 L/min can provide
type, very few are eosinophilic type, and more powerful circulatory support and
no giant cell type is found. Even in devel- meet the basic needs of body circulation
oped Western countries, the number of [31]. ECMO increases the left ventricular
patients diagnosed using endomyocardial afterload, which creates a hedging effect
biopsy is limited in clinical practice. The on the opening of the aortic valve, result-
U.S. Fulminant Myocarditis Registry has ing in left ventricular dilatation and an
shown that the rate of endomyocardial increased risk of heart failure. Therefore,
biopsy is <5% [29]; in Europe, the rate is the Chinese regimen recommends the
relatively high, reaching 20–50%. combined use of venous–arterial ECMO

4. The Chinese regimen focuses on key life-­ and IABP as an excellent match for the
saving measures for fulminant myocarditis [9]: treatment of fulminant myocarditis and
(a) Timely and adequate circulatory support: can be used as the first-line treatment for
Currently, the commonly used clinical refractory cardiogenic shock [10].
mechanical circulatory support devices ECMO has its advantages and can
include IABP, ECMO, cardiac hemody- reduce cardiac preload by 40–60% and is
namic assist device, the axial flow pump increasingly used in the treatment of ful-
Impella, and the adult ventricle assistive minant myocarditis; however, the Chinese
device TandemHeart/external biventricu- regimen still prefers IABP or IABP plus
lar assist device (paracorporeal LVAD, ECMO, mainly because ECMO is expen-
Levitronix pump GmbH) [8]. Circulatory sive as well as has many adverse conse-
support equipment is generally expensive quences for long-term use; A series of
and requires specialized technical person- recent case studies have found that
nel to install and maintain. Therefore, ECMO leads to left ventricular distention
IABP is the first choice for the Chinese and increases the risk of heart failure;
regimen, which can be implemented in long-term use of ECMO increases the
general tertiary hospitals. IABP can sig- need for two ventricular support; the oxy-
nificantly reduce left ventricular after- genated blood provided by the ECMO
load, reduce intra-aortic diastolic pressure pump directly enters the descending aorta
by 5–30%, increase cardiac output and from the femoral artery, contrary to the
stroke volume by 20%, reduce left ven- natural blood flow direction, and the tur-
tricular afterload, and increase coronary bulent flow increases the afterload on the
blood flow and cerebral and renal blood left ventricle, which can cause endothe-
perfusion [10, 30]. The experience at our lial damage, and prolonged application
center has proven that IABP can increase may cause thrombosis, coagulation
the systolic blood pressure of patients by abnormalities, and increase the risk of
20–25  mmHg and slow down the stroke; ECMO increases the risk of infec-
increased heart rate by more than 10 tion; and high flow of venous–arterial
times, which can stabilize circulation in ECMO increases left ventricular after-
most patients with early fulminant myo- load, mechanical stress activates the car-
Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis… 357

diac mechano-transduction network, immunomodulatory agents is generally

activates cardiac fibroblasts, and pro- not recommended prior to the diagnosis
motes inflammatory responses [31–33], of myocarditis [4]. The efficacy of gluco-
and cardiac remodeling occurs over time corticoids in the treatment of fulminant
[34]. On the other hand, IABP can be myocarditis remains controversial. It is
very effective in reducing cardiac after- generally accepted that glucocorticoids
load; therefore, the combination of IABP should be used with caution during the
and ECMO can overcome some of the viremia phase. However, according to
adverse effects of the latter [10, 35]. Wang et al., the vast majority of patients
The Chinese regimen draws on the with fulminant myocarditis already are
clinical experience of Wang et  al. and suffering cytokine storms at admission to
multiple centers across the country; that the hospital. Excessive immune activa-
is, IABP can increase stroke volume by tion and inflammatory storm are the main
15–25%, which is sufficient to provide pathophysiology. In most cases, viremia
circulatory support for most patients with is not a major concern. When compli-
fulminant myocarditis. Among more than cated with cardiogenic shock, patients’
100 patients with fulminant myocarditis immunity is extremely poor.
treated by Wang et al., 75% could main- Glucocorticoids can significantly improve
tain circulatory stability only with IABP, immune function by anti-shock and meta-
and the remaining patients could be bolic regulation and play an urgent role in
treated with IABP plus ECMO to main- immunomodulatory therapy. The goal of
tain circulatory stability [14]. the early use of glucocorticoids is mainly
(b) Immunomodulation therapy: It includes to control cytokine storm, myocardial
the use of both adequate doses of gluco- edema and shock, but that the use of glu-
corticoids and adequate doses of immu- cocorticoids will accelerate the virus
noglobulin. Glucocorticoid is a drug used spread is a concern harbored by many cli-
for immunomodulation. The Chinese nicians. Experimental research and clini-
regimen uses hormone therapy as one of cal observations by Wang et al. suggested
key rescue measures. Glucocorticoids are that early and sufficient glucocorticoid
most widely used for lymphocytic myo- administration can stimulate the secretion
carditis; if immunomodulatory fulminant of interferons, reduce the virus titer, and
myocarditis is suspected, 1 g intravenous reduce the mortality rate of patients with
succinyl prednisolone should be adminis- fulminant myocarditis to <5% [14, 36].
tered immediately before endomyocar- Therefore, glucocorticoids showed bene-
dial biopsy or other further diagnostic ficial effects regardless of the virus-­
workups for 1–4 days. Treatment with positive or virus-negative state.
steroids does not affect diagnosis. If giant Laboratory evidence and clinical prac-
cell myocarditis is diagnosed, additional tice support the urgent need to correct
immunosuppressive agents are required. immune dysfunction. Endocardial biopsies
There is currently insufficient evidence suggest that there are many different types
for antiviral drugs, which are not recom- of inflammatory cell infiltration in the myo-
mended by guidelines [1, 4, 7, 9]. cardial tissue of patients with myocarditis
Glucocorticoids for lymphocytic myo- [5]. Wang et  al. analyzed the expression
carditis can improve left ventricular ejec- profiles of 122 cytokines in the peripheral
tion fraction, but there is no evidence that blood of four patients with fulminant myo-
they reduce mortality [1, 8]. The 2016 carditis and found that, compared with
American Heart Association (AHA) healthy controls, patients with fulminant
guidelines state that the empirical use of myocarditis had an early cytokine storm,
358 Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis…

the expression of a series of inflammation- arrhythmia, or cardiomegaly, and the

related factors was upregulated, and the recurrence rate of myocarditis was
expression of some cytokines was down- approximately 10% [8]. Evidence sug-
regulated [8]. Intracellular components gests that cytokine storms affect the pro-
released from pathogenic molecules and the cess of cardiac remodeling and timely
damaged myocardium act on cellular recep- correction of immune disorders caused by
tors, such as toll-like receptors, to stimulate cytokine storms can improve prognosis.
the innate immune response system, acti- (c)
The Chinese protocol recommends
vate downstream signaling cascades, and immunomodulators rather than immuno-
cause further cellular responses, including suppressants: immunosuppressive treat-
cytokine expression, which repeats and ment regimens and drugs include
gradually increases. Cytokine storms glucocorticoid/cyclosporine regimens,
directly affect myocardial contraction and tacrolimus/cyclophosphamide-based
electrical conduction. Even without myo- regimens, tacrolimus/mycophenolate
cardial necrosis, contractile and conduction mofetil (Xiaoxing)-based regimens,
functions of the myocardium are impaired, cyclophosphamide/azathioprine-based
leading to circulatory disturbances and car- regimens, azathioprine, moromona-CD3
diogenic shock. Inflammation and cytokine antibody, and mycophenolate mofetil.
storm can also lead to extensive myocardial Immunomodulators include glucocorti-
edema, necrosis, and a hypodynamic ven- coids and antithymocyte globulin [39,
tricular wall [36]. It is generally believed 40]. The internationally accepted view is
that cardiomyocytes are terminally undif- that only the following types of myocar-
ferentiated cells and that the body cannot ditis are recommended for immunosup-
produce an effective number of new cardio- pressive therapy, which may improve
myocytes to replace the necrotic clinical outcomes: giant cell myocardi-
myocardium. tis, eosinophilic myocarditis, and auto-
Glucocorticoids and high-dose immune disease combined with
gamma-­globulin can regulate immunity myocarditis, such as cardiac sarcoidosis
and ­ correct early immune disorders. [40–42]. Immunosuppressive therapy
Wang et  al. found that the upregulated should be considered only in patients
cytokines in the early cytokine storm in with lymphocytic myocarditis in the
patients with fulminant myocarditis can absence of evidence of acute infection
be restored to normal levels after gluco- and in response to standard therapy [4].
corticoid  +  immunoglobulin treatment However, our observations suggest that
and adequate circulatory support therapy most of these diseases do not manifest as
[14]. Simultaneously, immunoglobulins, fulminant myocarditis. The Chinese reg-
which can bind to the Fc receptors of imen does not advocate the use of cyto-
macrophages, inhibit excessive activation toxic immunosuppressants but
of macrophages, thereby significantly recommends the use of immunomodula-
inhibiting excessive inflammatory tors [42]. More than 50 cytokines are
responses and playing an important role upregulated and more than 10 are down-
in immune regulation [37, 38]. Monitoring regulated in the acute-phase plasma of
the serum levels of these factors can help patients with fulminant myocarditis,
determine whether a patient is at the peak which is the so-called cytokine storm.
of a cytokine storm or in recovery. During Serum interleukin-33 (IL-33) soluble
the 1-year follow-up of patients, approxi- fragment sST2 was significantly elevated
mately 20% of patients with fulminant in a patient on admission. After the
myocarditis developed heart failure, patient recovered, the levels gradually
Appendix B: Actively Promote and Apply the China’s Regimen for Treatments of Fulminant Myocarditis… 359

returned to normal. Treatment of normal In summary, the Chinese regimen for fulminant
mice with sST2 inhibited their cardiac myocarditis proposes a comprehensive treatment
function and induced myocarditis, plan based on life support, emphasizing mechani-
whereas treatment with anti-sST2 anti- cal circulatory support and immunomodulatory
body in fulminant myocarditis mice therapy (hormones and immunoglobulin), with
improved their cardiac function and sur- special emphasis on “early identification, early
vival. The survival rate was 70% in the diagnosis, early prevention, and early treatment.”
anti-sST2 antibody-­ treated group and This regimen can reduce the mortality rate to
only 36% in the group not administered <5% and is worthy of promotion. It is necessary
anti-sST2 antibody [8, 9]. According to to strengthen the resources (talent and equip-
the regulatory effect of cytokine storms ment) and technical training required for the res-
on the pathogenesis of fulminant myo- cue of fulminant myocarditis in county-level
carditis, Wang et al. proposed a compre- hospitals, strengthen publicity and education, and
hensive treatment plan for mechanical raise the vigilance of fulminant myocarditis. In
life (circulation) support for fulminant the future, the content of sub-phenotyping in the
myocarditis and implemented it in clini- Chinese regimen should be improved and precise
cal practice [14]. From the acute stage of treatment should be implemented according to
admission, glucocorticoids (methylpred- pathological typing.
nisolone 200–400  mg/day) should be
administered for 3–5 days, and then the Conflicts of Interest  All authors declare no
hormones should be gradually reduced conflict of interest.
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