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Today, I will talk about that why people desire to be famous.

First of all, I think nowadays

people use Internet a lot, and you will be absorbed /əbˈzɔːrbd/ in the lives of celebrities, their
luxurious, glamourous, significant life, then you will find yourself a failure and of course you
will want to have a life like them, the process of repetition /ˌrepəˈtɪʃn/ will make you realize the
important of being famous. Most celebrities are usually very rich, with a salary 10 times higher
than an office worker. Secondly, maybe everyone wants to be respected and liked or they want
have an influence on SO or just simple want to prove themselves, and let people know they’re
really valuable. Finally, reputation can bring you lots of benefits as well as risks, it gives you a
high position in society, wealth, many relationships… but it also takes away a lot of your things
such as love, privacy, or even yourself, so many people when they become famous they have
changed a lot, become greedy and scheming.

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