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Position Paper

At the present time. There are not just a hundred, thousands, or millions of people are using the social

media, but there are billions of people who has connected to the internet. Most of the users are just

being happy and enjoyed while using it, but they are not aware on what is the true meaning of internet

and where it came from. We just only know that the internet helped us to connect with each other

especially to our loved ones who are far away from us. Internet is the most powerful medium when it

comes to communication, and I’m agree with it because for me internet is the fastest nor simplest

form that can connect people across all over the world. But it is not just about communication,

because internet help us on different ways. For example, for my education, on our daily tasks, in

digital transaction, for shopping, for travel and tour, for research and development, or on managing

money, and also in business promotion. these are just a few examples on how the internet impacts on

our lifestyle. As time goes by, there are a lot of platforms that was made which is connected to the

internet, although internet is one of man's greatest creation, it has also many disadvantages because

some other people use the internet in wrong way. Some people use internet to harass people, they

use internet to hack accounts personal information of other people, commit crimes, and many more.

The web is connecting more people than ever before, shouldn't we be able to have real human

connections? but I guess that's the irony of the internet, the more connected we become

technologically, the more isolated a lot of us seem to feel in our actual day-to-day lives. It’s kind of

like, make me feel sad, I hope that in the future we can still maintain those real person-to-person

connections and we don't have to rely on computers to be our partners.

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