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Anthropology PYQ Analysis.

2013 - 2022


1.1 : Evolution of Indian culture

1 Contribution of Robert Brucefoot to Indian Archaeology (2020)
2 Contributions of VN mishra to Archeology (2020)
3 Characteristic features of Neolithic culture of India (2020)
4 Describe palaeolithic culture with special reference to Soanian tradition. Indicate the problems of describing Indian palaeolithic. (2019)
5 What kind of society can be reconstructed from the archaeological evidences of Harappan Culture (2019)
6 Distribution of Neolithic Sites in India (2019)
7 Regional variations of mesolithic cultures of India (2018)
8 Neolithic cultures of South India (2017)
9 Salient features of chalcolthic features of the Deccan (2017)
10 Describe various aspects of trade and religion of Harappan civilisation (2017)
11 Discuss the relevance of art and craft traditions in the understanding of Indian archaeology (2017)
12 Significance of mesolithic findings of belan valley (2016)
13 Critical appraisal of the skeletal remains from the chalcolithic cultures of undivided punjab (2016)
14 South Indian Palaeoliths (2015)
15 Prehistoric rock art of central india (2015)
16 Significance of Harappan civilisation sites from India (2015)
17 Neolithic cultures of NE india (2015)
18 Describe the harappan religion. Have some of its elements continued to later hinduism (2014)
19 Salient features of mesolithic culture of India with special reference to western India (2013)
20 Indian palaeolithic culture can neither be conceived as chronologically homogenous nor as uniform cultural phase. Discuss (2013)
21 Contributions of HD sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in India (2013)
22 Palaeolithic art (2013)
23 Sohan Culture (2012)
Compare the salient features and distribution of Middle Palaeolithic and Upper Palaeolithic cultures in India. Add a note on tool traditions of the Upper
Palaeolthic period (2012)
25 in gangetic region (2011)
26 Characteristics of Mesolithic cultures in India (2011)
27 Significance of Sohan in Indian Prehistory (2011)
28 Neolithic Culture in India (2010)
29 Urban planning in Harappan Culture (2010)
30 Socio Cultural life of Indus Valley Civilisation (2010)
31 Neolthic is a revolution (2010)

1.2 : Palaeo- Evidences

1 Narmada man (2020)
2 Phylogenetic position and morphological features of Ramapithecus (2019)
3 Salient features of Sivapithecus (2018)
4 Describe the salient features of Ramapithecus (2017)
5 Characteristics of Narmada man and phylogenetic significance (2016)
6 Palaeoanthropoligcal fossil finds from shiwalik hills. Examine the contribution of Shiwalik fossils to palaeoanthropological knowledge (2015)
7 Evolutionary significance of fossil finds of narmada basin (2014)
8 Debates related to Ramapithecus (2013)
9 Narmada man (2012)
10 Sivapithecus (2010)

1.3 : Ethno- Archaeology

1 Importance of Ethnoarchaeology in reconstruction of past with Indian examples (2020)
2 Ethnoarcheological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal communities (2019)
3 Ethnoarchaeology as a research stategy (2018)
4 Ethno-Archaeology (2017)
5 Ethno-Archaeological evidences for the survival of hunting gathering traditions in India (2016)
6 Importance of Ethnoarchaeological approach to study indigenous craft in India (2014)

2 : Demographic Profile

1 Debates on Aryan invasion (2020)
2 Dravidian Languages (2020)
3 Distribution of Tibeto-Burman group of languages in India (2019)
4 Endangered languages (2018)
5 Various factors influencing population growth in india (2018)
6 Austro-Asiatic linguistic groups in India (2017)
7 Give your assesment of the reasons for the imbalance in the sex ratio in India (2017)
8 Linguistic elements of Indian Population (2016)
9 Give a critical assesment of the negrito problem in India (2016)
10 Discuss classical models of ethnic and linguistic classification of Indian Population and their current relevance (2015)
11 Major linguistic divisions of India (2015)
12 Distribution of dravidian languages in India and cultural significance (2014)
13 Linguistic elements of Indian Population (2011)
14 Factors responsible for high population growth in India and suggest measures for control (2010)
15 Relevance of Guha's racial classification in context of India;s ethnic groups (2010)

3.1 : Traditional Indian social System

1 Use the doctrine of karma and rebirth in justifying Varna system (2019)
2 Philosophy behind purusharthas (2018)
3 Varnashram and the concept of Rina (2017)
4 Philosophy behind purusharthas (2011)

3.2 : Caste System in India

1 Characteristics of Caste System in India (2020)
2 Reasons for caste violence in India with examples (2020)
3 Concept of dominant Caste (2020)
4 Jajmani System and contemporary market economy (2019)
5 Based on historical and conemporary evidences, discuss the future of caste system in India (2018)
6 Discuss the view that caste is not a social stratification but a system of hierarchy (2018)
7 Significance of tribe caste continuum in the present context (2018)
8 Discuss the impact of market economy on the Jajmani System (2017)
9 Relevance of caste in contemporary indian politics (2016)
10 Examine the structural and cultural theories of caste system in India (2016)
11 How is the process of tribe caste continuum different from Sanskritisation (2016)
12 What do you understand by the dynamics of caste mobility? how did sanskritisation contribute to its functionality (2015)
13 Concept of Tribe caste continuum and its relevance in contemporary india (2015)
14 TCC (2014)
15 Do you think caste persists in contemporary india? Critically discuss. (2014)
16 Concept of dominant Caste and its relevance in contemporary indian village with examples (2014)
17 How did Louis Dumont explain caste system (2013)
18 What is Jajmani System? Give views on it as an exploitative and egalitarian system. Give reasons for its decline (2013)
19 Criticisms of Dominant caste concept (2013)
20 Critically examine prevalence of caste ideology among the religious minorities in Indian Context (2012)
21 Comment on the linkages between : 1. gender and customary law, 2. gender and caste
22 Relevance of dominant caste in context of contemporary indian society (2011)
23 Critically examine theories of Origin of castes (2011)
24 Role of caste system in present political context. is the present political system strenghtening the caste system ?(2010)

3.3 : Sacred complex, NMS complex

1 Critically examine the contributions of Makhan Jha and BN Saraswati to the study of sacred complexes in India (2018)
2 NMS complex (2017)
3 Sacred complex as a dimension of Indian Civilisation (2015)
4 Concept of Sacred Complex with an ethnographic example (2014)
5 NMS complex as an ecological concept (2013)
6 Significance of study of religious centers to the understanding of Indian civilisation (2013)
7 Sacred Geography (2012)

3.4 : Impacts of religions in society

1 Impact of islam on Indian Society (2020)
2 Impact of Non hindu Religions on the emancipation of Scheduled castes in India (2019)
3 Explain the impact of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian society (2018)
4 Explain how Buddhism influenced the economic and cultural transformation of Indian society (2017)
5 Impact of Jainism on Indian Society (2016)
6 Islam and Matriliny (2015)
7 Contributions of Islam to the composite culture of India (2014)
8 Sufi tradition in Islam (2013)

4 : Indian Anthropology

1 Contributions of KS singh (2020)
2 Give an account of the contributions of Iravati Karve and BS Guha to the analysis of race and caste in India
3 Role of Colonial Administration in the development of Anthropology in India (2019)
4 Discuss the contribution of SC roy in the study of tribal cultures in India (2018)
5 Contributions of NK Bose to understanding of Indian Society (2017)
6 Contributions of Heimendorf to tribal anthropology in India (2016)
7 Compare the contributions of LP vidyarthi and DN Majumdar to the study if Indian tribes (2016)
8 Contributions of MN Srinivas to study of Indian Society. Influence of british social anthropologists on his ideas (2015)
9 Contributions of Risley to the Aryan Debate (2014)
10 Contributions of SC roy in understanding tribes of India (2014)
11 Anthropological contributions dealing with tribes and indian civilisation (2013)
12 Contributions of early 20th century ethnographic traditions to Indian anthropolgy (2013)
13 Trace the trajectory of encycolpaedic works on tribes and castes in south india with special reference to Ananthakrishna Iyer's contribution (2012)
14 Compare the contributions of SC roy and Verrier elwin to tribal ethnographies in India (2012)
15 Colonial ethnography (2012)
16 Critically examine the book view and field view of social reality (2012)
17 Contributions of American Anthropologists to Indian Anthropology (2011)
18 Contributions of Verrier elwin to Indian Anthropology (2011)
19 Contributions of SC dube towards the understanding of Indian Village (2010)
20 Contributions of MN srinivas toward Indian anthropology. Add a note in his understanding of social mobility in India (2011)
5.1 : Indian Village

1 Impact of Globalisation on Indian Villages (2020)
2 Describe the different Settlement patterns in rural India (2020)
3 Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India (2019)
4 Impact of Industrialisation on the economic and social aspects of Indian Villages (2019)
5 Impact of market economy on rural villages (2018)
6 Examine the colonial administrators view that indian villages can be considered little republics (2018)
7 Agrarian social relations (2018)
8 Give a critical evaluation of any one anthropological village sutdy in India (2017)
9 Traditional Settlement pattern of the Indian Village (2016)
10 Explain Indian village as a social system with examples (2016)
11 Social implications ofmedia and communication technology (2015)
12 Contributions of Village studies towards understanding of Indian social system (2015)
13 Impact of globalisation on Village economy of India (2015)
14 Indian farmers are not slow to react to socio economic opportunities. Discuss (2013)
15 Impact of green revolution on Rural poor (2013)
16 How has globalisation impacted agrarian relations in the last 2 decades (2012)

5.2 : Linguistic and religious minorities

1 Linguistic Minorities in India (2020)
2 Social and Political problems of religious minorities (2020)
3 Discuss the social political and economic status of Muslims in India (2017)
4 Discuss problems of religious minorities in India (2016)

5.3 : Indigenous and exogenous processes

1 Khap Panchayat (2020)
2 Concept of Sanskritization (2020)
3 Impact of Media on the social life of Indian Villages (2019)
4 Panchayati Raj as a facilitator of Social Inclusion in rural society (2019)
5 Discuss how elements of Little and Great Traditions combine in the emergence of social/political/religious movements with one example (2019)
6 Impact of panchayati raj institutions in rural areas. (2018)
7 Modernisation (2018)
8 Discuss the impact of panchayati raj on empowerment of women n rural india (2017)
9 Discuss the impact of media as an instrument of social change (2017)
10 Interplay of great and little traditons in the context of globalisaiton (2016)
11 Panchayati Raj and Social Change (2015)
12 GT and LT (2014)
13 Critique of the concept of GT and LT (2011)
14 Modernity has entered the INdian character and society, but through assimilation and not replacement (2011)
15 Universalisation and Parochialisation (2010)

6.1 : Tribal situation in India

1 Linguistic classification of Indian Tribes (2020)
2 distinctive cultural features of tribes of andaman islands (2018)
3 Contributions of tribal cultures to indian civilisation (2018)
4 Compare and contrast the economic typology of tribes given by different anthropologists (2018)
5 Critically evaluate the term tribe (as used in India) as compared to the term indigenous in some countries (2017)
6 How cultural diveristy of Indian tribes has enriched its plural traditions (2016)
7 Bio genetic variability of Indian Tribes (2016)
8 Tribe as a colonial construct (2016)
9 Socioeconomic characteristics of shifting cultivators (2015)
10 Socio cultural, economic and psychological constraints responsible for low literacy in tribal areas (2015)
11 Bio genetic variability of Indian Tribes (2014)
12 Impact of land alienation on the tribes of central india (2014)
13 Threat to tribal languages in India (2013)
14 Linguistic classification of Indian Tribes (2013)
15 Alternatives for shifting cultivators in the context of ecological costs and humanisitic concerns (2013)
16 concept of Indigenous people as per relevant UN convention. Are tribes of India indigenous people (2012)
17 Indigenous knowledge (2012)
18 Linkages between language, territoriality and kinship among NE tribes (2012)
19 Future of Hunting Gathering tribes (2011)
20 Distinctive features of tribes of NE (2011)
21 Tribes of India are not homogenous (2011)

6.2 : Problems of the tribal communities

1 Land Alienation among tribals of India (2020)
2 Issues of tribal education (2019)
3 Salient issues faced by pastoral communities in India with examples (2019)
4 Indebtedness among tribal comunities (2017)
5 Discuss how constitutional provisions of India have built in provisions for dealing with the problem of land alienation (2015)
6 Social and economic marginalisation of tribal people (2014)
7 Impact of globalisation on livelyhood of tribal populations (2014)
8 Commodification of Tribal art (2012)
9 Problems of displaced tribal communities with help of recent examples (2011)
10 Education and health among tribal women (2010)
11 Problem of Bonded labor among Indian tribes (2010)
12 Tribal displacement (2010)
13 Relevance of traditional tribal knowledge in context of health in modern day (2010)
14 Various constraints in the educational development of Scheduled Tribes (2010)

6.3 : Developmental and tribals

1 Impact of Development induced displacement among tribals (2020)
2 Impact of developmental projects on the environment and livelihood of forest dwelling tribes (2019)
3 Examine the advancement made in land acquisition and rehabilitation Act of 2013 over the land acquisition Act of 1894. (2018)
4 Discuss the significance and implementation of 'Recognition of Forest Rights Act 2006' (2018)
5 Describe the impact of displacement on the health and nutritional status of tribal commmunities (2017)
6 Impact of Industrialisation on ST population of Jharkhand (2016)
7 Difficulties experienced by ST with regard to implementation of Forest RIghts act (2016)
8 Elwin Ghurye debate on tribals (2015)
9 Forest policy and tribes (2014)
10 Impact of sanctuaries and national parks on tribal population (2013)
11 critically examine the national policy on rehabilitation and resettlement substantiating with experiences from different parts of India (2012)
12 FRA (2011)
13 Impact of urbanisation and industrialisation on tribal women (2011)
14 Land and forest are the twin problems of the tribes (2010)

7.1 : Exploitation and Deprivation of SC/ST/OBC

1 Provisions of 6th schedule of Indian Constitution (2020)
2 State of implementation of constitutional safeguards for scheduled caste (2020)
3 Constitutional safeguards to protect the interests of the Indian tribes (2019)
4 OBC among non hindu communities (2018)
5 Tribe and Scheduled tribe (2018)
6 Critically discuss the constitutional safeguards for the scheduled castes (2017)
7 Other backward class (2017)
8 Factors responsible for the exploitation of SC in India (2016)
9 Detailed provisions of V and VI schedule (2016)
10 Role of Governor in V schedule areas (2015)
11 Constitutional safeguards to protect the interests of the Indian tribes (2014)
12 V and VI schedules are built on the foundations laid by the colonial government (2013)
13 Social disabilites suffered by SCs (2013)

7.2 : Social Change and tribals

1 Youth dormitory as an institution (2018)
2 Nature of Social change in tribal india under the impact of developmental programmes (2015)
3 Role of Gram Sabha under PESA (2013)
4 Impact of non tribal contact on socio cultural institutions of tribal people with suitable examples (2013)
5 Youth dormitory (2012)
6 Using ethnographic examples, point out how gender relations have changed over time in cental indian tribes (2012)

7.3 : Concept of Ethnicity

1 Concept of Ethnicity (2020)
2 Contributions of Tribal people to the Indian Independence movement (2019)
3 Ethnicity and Regionalism (2019)
4 Discuss the various factors resulting in tribal unrest in various parts of India. (2018)
5 Ethnicity and Regionalism (2017)
6 Regionalism and demand for autonomy among Indian tribes (2016)
7 Rights over resources and tribal unrest (2015)
8 Significant factors for tribal unrest (2014)
9 Ethnonationalism among indian tribes with specific examples (2014)
10 Government action towards LWE (2013)
11 Ethnic movements in India (2013)
12 LWE in indian tribes (2011)

8.1 : Impact of Religions on tribals

1 Impact of Hinduism on Indian Tribals (2020)
2 Impact of Buddhism on Indian Tribals (2020)
3 Impact of Christianity on Indian tribes (2017)
4 Impact of islam on STs in India (2016)
5 Impact of hinduism on status of tribal women in central india (2015)
6 Impact of Christianity on Indian tribes (2014)
7 Using ethnographic examples highlight the process of religious conversions in tribal India (2012)
8 Impact of of Hindu Society on tribal population in India (2011)

8.2 : Tribe and nation state

1 Discuss with examples how tribal unrest may be understood as emerging out of incompatibility between tribes and nation state (2019)
2 Critically compare affirmative action of USA and Protective discrimination of ST in India (2015)
3 Critically examine the relationship between tribal communities and nation state in issues of governance (2012)

9.1 : Tribal Administration

1 Effect of job reservation in alleviating unemployment among the tribals (2020)
2 Critically assess the existing plans and programmes meant for tribal welfare (2019)
3 Identify some special programmes for the PVTGs (2019)
4 Critically discuss role of NGOs in tribal development (2019)
5 Discuss the features of PESA act of 1996 and attempt a comparison with the features of the 6th schedule (2018)
6 PVTG (2017)
7 Discuss the emergence, salient features and limitations of Tribal sub plan (2017)
8 Give a critical appraisal of any one tribal development programme during the 12th FYP. Give your suggestions for any improvement in the programme.
9 How have various tribal development programmes and plans impacted the process of social transformation among tribes (2016)
10 Role of NGOs and missionaries in transformation of scheduled tribes in central India (2016)
11 Relevance of Tribal Panchsheel today (2015)
12 Recently NGO have been critiqued for interfering with developmental process in tribal heartland. Critically comment (2015)
13 Concept of PTG (2014)
14 Critically evaluate National Tribal Policy (2014)
15 Role of NGOs in promoting health and education in tribal areas (2014)
16 History of tribal administration in colonial period (2014)
17 Significance of cultural and administrative factors in tribal development (2013)
18 How did british policies disposess tribals of communal properties and agricultural lands (2013)
19 Relevance of Tribal Panchsheel today in light of emerging development practices (2012)
20 with examples bring out the historical processes of the social exclusion of denotified tribes (2012)
21 Tribal Panchsheel (2011)
22 Approach toward tribal communities during colonial and post independence periods (2011)
23 Approach toward tribal communities during colonial and post independence periods. Is there any significant change in thiese approahes? (2010)

9.2 : Role of Anthropology in tribal and rural development

1 Functions of Tribal research institutes in India (2020)
2 Examine the strengths and weakness of anthropology in the context of its role in tribal and rural development (2018)
3 Discuss the contributions of anthropology in understanding hte loss of livelyhood of tribal communities due to economic and ecological factors (2017)
4 Anthropological Understanding of ethnic and political movements (2016)
5 Role of Anthropological methods in rural development (2016)
6 Role of Anthro in planning for tribal development (2015)
7 Role of anthropologists in rural development (2014)
8 Criticisms levelled against anthropolgy in the context of Isolation and assimilation debate (2013)
9 Participatory rural appraisal (2012)
10 Ethical issues in genetic research (2012)
11 Using examples, comment on how anthropology can be utilised in policy making (2012)

9.3 : Anthropology and regionalism/ communalism/ ethnic movements

1 Regionalism and demand for autonomy in India from anthropological perspective with respect to Nagaland/Bodoland/Gorkhaland
2 Anthropological Understanding of Regionalism (2019)
3 Concept of Communalism and its relevance for multireligious and multi ethnic polity of India (2015)
4 Factors contributing to communalism (2011)
5 Analyse the factors influencing tribal regionalism citing indian examples (2010)

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