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semester] REPORT

Field Testing Report


LECTURER: Prof. Madya Ts. Dr. Maslinda binti Mohd Nadzir GROUP: F

PROJECT TITLE: Web-based Climate Change Awareness System for Preschoolers

SUPERVISOR: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zahurin binti Mat Aji @Alon

1. OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM/APPLICATION Commented [1]: make sure the format and english
language are correct
The system provided to the project is an interactive education system that helps to raise the
climate change awareness for preschoolers since the education websites suited for
preschoolers is limited. To solve the climate change issues, the system just focuses on one of Commented [2]: rewrite to reflect the title
the topics which is greenhouse effects. Moreover, the features provided in the system which
are lessons, small games, and bingo challenges can help the preschoolers to make their
learning more interesting. Hence, the awareness for the preschoolers can be boosted by this Commented [3]: rewrite to reflect the title
system which has interactive images and videos. Therefore, this web-based system that will
be built in this project is needed and provide many benefits for the users, which are
preschoolers. Commented [4]: rewrite to reflect the title


a. Type of Evaluation

The type of evaluation that has been used for this project is usability testing. This evaluation
method was chosen for the project because it focuses on how well users can interact with and
use the project to achieve the goals. In addition, this testing involves two-way communication
between the high-fidelity prototype and user. Therefore, in this testing, the most preferable Formatted: Highlight
user interfaces, the usefulness and satisfaction from the user to this web-based system can be
estimated easily.

b. Objective of the Evaluation

The objective of this evaluation is to make sure the user requirement meets functionality
successfully. In this phase, the aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of this usability testing on
accomplishing the task. The evaluation will ensure the web-based system to be developed in
well condition to satisfy the users’ expectation and help their learning process.
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c. Participants
Figure 1 shows the age of respondents. Out of 32 respondents who participated in this testing, 62.5% Commented [DZBMA@A5]: What about the
are 6 years old, both 18.8% are 4 and 5 years old children. introduction of this section?
Formatted: Justified

Figure 1.0: Age Commented [DZBMA@A6]: Check the correct


Figure 1 shows the age of respondents. Out of 32 respondents who participated in this testing,
62.5% are 6 years old, both 18.8% are 4 and 5 years old children.

Figure 2 shows the gender of the respondents. Out of 32 respondents who participated in this testing, Formatted: Justified
21 respondents are female, and the rest are male.

Figure 2.0 Gender Formatted: Highlight

Figure 2 shows the gender of the respondents. Out of 32 respondents who participated in this
testing, 21 respondents are female, and the rest are male.

In Figure 3, we can see that 68.8% of the respondents have played lesson games. 31.3% of the
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respondents were not playing the lesson game.
Formatted: Justified

Figure 3: Have you ever played a lesson game? Commented [DZBMA@A7]: The title should not be the
form of a question.
What is the significance of asking this question?
In Figure 3, we can see that 68.8% of the respondents have played lesson games. 31.3% of the
respondents were not playing the lesson game.

d. Materials
The project's evaluation was conducted using a set of questionnaires. The material that was Commented [DZBMA@A8]: Testing of the prototype?
used to create the questionnaires is Google Form. To gather the responses, this method will
be really helpful because it can spread through online to any friends, teachers, or siblings at
anywhere and anytime.
semester] REPORT

e. Procedure for Conducting the Evaluation

Participants who participate in this usability testing will need to follow the step below:
1) Follow the instructions given by the teacher, parents, or siblings before the testing
2) Testers need to interacts with the system by themselves without the guidelines Commented [9]: are these correct?

No time limit was given to complete those tasks.


In figure 4, respondents were asked about the design. The questions are “Did you like the colors Commented [DZBMA@A10]: Should not start the
used in the web-based system”, “Did the layout of the content look good”, “Did the design of the section with a Figure or Table
content attract you” , and “Did you like the overall designs of the web-based syst

Figure 4: Design Commented [DZBMA@A11]: Incorrect numbering of

In figure 4, respondents were asked about the design. The questions are “Did you like the colors Commented [DZBMA@A12]: Should not start the
used in the web-based system”, “Did the layout of the content look good”, “Did the design of the section with a Figure or Table
content attract you” , and “Did you like the overall designs of the web-based system”. Formatted: Centered, Border: Top: (No border), Bottom:
(No border), Left: (No border), Right: (No border),
In the first question, all respondents answered ‘Yes’. Most of them are like the colors that are used Between : (No border)
in the system, it was comfortable for them to use on it.

In addition, for the second question, 31 respondents answered ‘Yes’, but only 1 respondent answered
‘No’. This may be due to the layout of the content can have some improvement compared to this
develop system before release.
semester] REPORT
On the other hand, the third question which is the design of the content in this web-based system
had attracted the 31 respondents, but only 1 respondent felt ‘No’ for him/her.

For the last question, all respondents answered ‘Yes’ to respond that the overall design in the web-
based system is overall good. Commented [DZBMA@A13]: Should have included in
an appropriate paragraph.
Figure 5 showspresents the three questions that were asked in this navigation section. The questions
are “Were you able to understand the menus, buttons, and navigation options”, “Were you able to
navigate to other pages easily”, and “Did the links take you to the relevant pages”.

Figure 5: Navigation

Figure 5 shows three questions were asked in this navigation section. The questions are “Were you
able to understand the menus, buttons, and navigation options”, “Were you able to navigate to other
pages easily”, and “Did the links take you to the relevant pages”.

In the first question, 29 respondents voted ‘Yes’, to agree with the question. Meanwhile, only 3
respondents disagreed with the question. This may be due to the instruction given on the menus,
buttons, and navigation options is not strong enough for some of them to understand.

Based on the response given to the second question, all respondents voted ‘Yes’, this is because
they are able to navigate to other pages easily clickable with the menus, buttons, and navigation Formatted: Highlight

The last question had responses ‘Yes’ by 31 respondents, but only 1 respondent responded ‘No’. Formatted: Highlight

Figure 6 shows five questions were asked in this content section. The questions are “Was the content Formatted: Highlight
relevant to the focus topic”, “Was the content displayed in images or videos more attractive than
just text”, “Were you able to understand the content provided” , “Did the sound function
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well(especially in the vocabulary section)”and “Did the video player have the needed controls”.

Figure 6: Content

Figure 6 shows five questions were asked in this content section. The questions are “Was the content
relevant to the focus topic”, “Was the content displayed in images or videos more attractive than
just text”, “Were you able to understand the content provided” , “Did the sound function
well(especially in the vocabulary section)”and “Did the video player have the needed controls”.

For the first question, 31 respondents strongly agree with the question. Meanwhile, only 1 Formatted: Highlight
respondent disagreed with the question. This may be due to the focus topic being just focus on the
greenhouse effect but not the overall of the climate change topics.

In the second and third question, most of the respondents (31, 96.9%) voted ‘Yes’ to these questions. Formatted: Highlight
But, only 1 respondent feels the content displayed in images or videos is not more attractive rather Formatted: Highlight
than just words, and unable to understand the content provided. This may be due to the system still
having some improvement on the user guidelines and user experience.

For the fourth question, all respondents vote ‘Yes’ to this question. Therefore, the sound display in
this system functions well, especially in the vocabulary flash card section. Commented [DZBMA@A14]: Should provide more
In response to the last question, 90.6% (29) of the respondents tested the system and felt that the
video player has provided the needed controls for them to easily control the videos. For instance, Commented [DZBMA@A15]: ???
they can play and pause easily to view the lesson. But, only 3 respondents disagreed with this
question. This may be because he or she is unable or have some difficulties to play the controls
since they just age around 4 to 6 years old. Commented [DZBMA@A16]: The others were also the
same age, right?
According to the pie chart given in Figure 7, the response to the small games (78.1%), is higher than
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the other two which are lessons (9.4%) and bingo challenges (12.5%). This may be because the
small games is more interesting for the 4 to 6 years old children since they don’t have many
knowledge about the words and they will more attract by the images or videos rather than just word.

Figure 67: Content

According to the pie chart given, the response to the small games (78.1%), is higher than the other
two which are lessons (9.4%) and bingo challenges (12.5%). This may be because the small games
is more interesting for the 4 to 6 years old children since they don’t have many knowledge about
the words and they will more attract by the images or videos rather than just word.

Figure 7: Performance

In figure 7, respondents were asked about the performance. The questions are “Did it take too long Commented [DZBMA@A17]: Referring to?
to load the website?”,and “Was the lesson and small games performed smoothly and quickly?”.

In the first question, 23 respondents voted ‘Yes’, while the other 9 respondentsnine voted ‘No’. This
may be due to the internet connection access to the website being weak. Therefore, the accessibility Formatted: Highlight
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of the internet connection can be considered as one of the external factors in this web-based system
since the website is needed to access through the internet connection.

For the second question, 30 respondents voted ‘Yes’ , while the other rest of the 2two respondents
voted ‘No’ to answer this question. This may be due to the smooth and fast performance for the Formatted: Highlight
lesson and small games are needed some times to load on it.

Figure 8: Overall Satisfaction (The rate of satisfaction for the system)

In figure 8, respondents were asked about the overall satisfaction. The question is “How would you Formatted: Highlight
rate this web-based system”. 20 respondents rate 4 which means the web-based system performed
excellent. Furthermore, 10 respondents rated 5 to this web-based system, and 2 respondents rated 3
which felt the system has some implementation needs to add on.

Figure 9: Overall Satisfaction (Recommend to other friend)

From this pie chart, the data result showed that all respondents would like to recommend to their Formatted: Highlight
other friends to use it. This may be because the system may help in the future and be interesting to
use in the education field.

On the other hand, open-ended question for the suggestion or implementation: Formatted: Highlight

What is your perception of this web-based system?

Interactive and effective

Easy to use
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I think this web-based system can help me a lot to teach the preschoolers and attract them to focus while

still can be strengthened

Very good, it's suitable for me


Attractive and useful


get learn benefit of green

simple and nice to use

Vibrant colors and interesting content.

Interesting and easily accessible website

The color maybe can use some gradient light color to make it soft, and the font can make it feels more fun
rather than feeling serious


Green environment

Simple and easy to understand

The Ui is good

Overall is good, but I think the font type can be more creative.

Attractive features and design for kids

The interface is attractive it may catch children eyes

Overall good! My son almost likes small games!

Overall it's very good and user-friendly

The small games are more interesting. Just the drag and drop games will be difficult, I hope to implement it.

The drag and drop game is hard to drag, but overall okay.
overall it is very good, but I prefer to have more games because all the games are very fun where it makes
me want to play more.

More popular in the future

According to the data collected, most of the respondents like the attractive user interface that catches Formatted: Highlight
their eye especially in the small games session. Some of the suggestions for the small game section
are needed to improve the game interaction such as the drag and drop games that are hard to give
them to interact with the system. Some of the respondents said that the design of the content such
as the font type can make it more fun rather than a formal font, and the color can use the soft color.
Besides that, from this question, can conclude that this system tested by the user are user-friendly
such as some of them said it is easily access and interesting to use.
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In conclusion, the whole usability testing and evaluation process from the beginning until Formatted: Highlight
receiving the data results from the users after testing the web-based system. This can
approximately tell that the project is 90% completed and ready to use. From the overall
results, we can notice that this system tested in this usability testing is user-friendly, efficient,
and attractive to use. In the Design section, most respondents like the user interface, some
of the respondents think that the font and color that is used in the system can make it more
creative. In the Navigation section, most of the respondents think that the system has
achieved the navigation to the other relevant pages and understand the navigation options.
Moreover, in the Content section, the content can be more attractive by adding more lessons
topics in the system. Lastly, in the Performance section, the load time access to the website
can be performed well if the system is not affected by the external factor which is the internet

Hence, there still are few improvements that need to be made to this project until it is 100%
completed and ready to be used. One of the enhancements is the language that is used in
the system. They are able to choose their mother language and allows them to more easily
use the system. Besides that, the system is suggested to add the background music instead
of just interaction controlled by the movement of the mouse. This will allow the users to
explore and play it more fun, interesting and experience.
semester] REPORT


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and to the best of my
knowledge it contains no materials previously published or written by another.

Student’s Signature Date
semester] REPORT

Supervisor’s Approval

18 June 20232
Project Supervisor’s Signature & Stamp Date

Lecturer’s Approval

Approve without modification

Approve with modification



Lecturer’s Signature & Stamp Date

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