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1. The following programs are used in filmmaking, - ProCreate

2. It is one of the digital libraries used in sharing academic and professional texts. - Scribd
3. Intaglio printing makes use of etching ink and a tool called ______ to make engravings on a metal
plate. - Burin
4. It is a medium made of pigment and gum or resin binder that has the same consistency as a chalk.
- Soft pastel
5. _______________ is a stick or pencil made from wood burned until it reaches the right consistency for
drawing - Charcoal
6. It is the technique that involves drawing lines that intersect. - Cross hatching
7. It is a material made of cotton, linen, or other synthetic material. - Canvas
8. It is a medium in oil painting used to speed up the drying time of paints. - Alkyd medium
9. It is the fastest drying medium among the three discussed in the lesson. - Acrylic
10. It is a material preferred by artists because of the different patterns and colors, like marbles,
granites, and limestones. - Stone
11. These are the materials used in assembling. - Found objects
12. It is the process of gradually adding and reworking soft or malleable materials to form the
sculpture, rather than removing. - Modeling
13. _______________ is designed to carve finer details and fit into smaller areas. - Detail Knife
14. ______________ is created and placed on top of the surface to be printed on to block off parts of the
screen using the negative space to form the image. - Stencil
15. ______________ is a tempered steel rod used for engraving clear and precise furrows on metal
plates. - Burin
16. Mesh screen, squeegee, and stencil are used in which art form? - Serigraphy
17. Acrylic paint’s binder is _______________.- Acrylic Polymer
18. The digital formats JPEG or JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, and RAW are used in which art form?-
19. It is the technique that follows the shape of the image to make it look like it is three-dimensional.
- Contouring
20. These are the most common type of papers used in drawing. - Sketch paper
21. It is a pen that does not have ink inside but must be dipped on ink instead. - Nib pen
22. It is a technique used to create a soft or feathered effect. - Dry brushing
23. It is used to slow down the drying time of acrylic paint, akin to the drying time of oil paints.
- Retarding medium
24. It is used to give the painting a glossy, satin, or matte sheen and add a layer of protection.
- Varnish
25. __________ is the negative or hollow cavity with which a piece will be formed. - Mold
26. It makes use of shapes and forms that do not aim to depict visual reality. - Abstract
27. It is the technique that involves removing materials from the medium using various tools, such as
knives and chisels. - Carving
28. The following tools are used in Intaglio printing, except for… - Gouge
29.It is a technique that uses a mesh screen and squeegee to push paint onto the surface below.
- Serigraphy
30. It is a tool for removing marks on the plate used in Intaglio printing. - Scraper

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