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Portfolio of evidence

Jossue Esaú Castruita Montelongo. 4°D

Ingles IV

Lic. María Luisa Camacho Arguijo.

Monday 12th, June, 2023

Page 1.....Introduction

Page 2 a 4............P1

Page 5 a 10............ P2

Page 11 a 14............ P3

Page 15............Conclucion and


Página 1
The booklet contains a compilation of the assignments completed throughout the
semester. These assignments reflect the knowledge and progress acquired during
our classes.

Now, in the following content, we will explore the various topics we have covered
throughout this semester. Each of them has been carefully selected to provide a
comprehensive and enriching insight into our field of study. From fundamental
concepts to more complex ideas, we have explored a wide range of topics that
have helped expand our understanding and skills in the field.

During this semester, we have delved into topics such as English grammar and
structure. We have delved into the three degrees of adjectives: positive,
comparative, and superlative, as well as the use of modal adverbs and correlative
conjunctions. We have also explored the importance of intensifiers, tag questions,
and expressing preferences for effective communication in English.

Furthermore, we have dedicated time to understanding the use of gerunds and

infinitives, exploring how these verb forms expand our options and allow us to
express ideas and actions more versatilely.

As we have progressed through these topics, we have strengthened our language

skills and acquired the necessary tools to communicate more accurately and
fluently in the English language. Each of these topics has provided us with a solid
foundation to develop our abilities and continue our growth in learning the

Page 1

Partial 1

Página 2
 Degree of an adjetive

 Modal adverbs

 Correlative conjunction

Partial 2

 Intensifiers

Página 3
 Tag questions

Page 5

Partial 3

 Expressing preferences

 Geunds and infinitive

Página 4
Page 11

In conclusion, throughout this semester, we have explored a wide variety of topics in the
study of English. We have acquired a solid understanding of the three degrees of adjectives
(positive, comparative, and superlative), as well as the use of modal adverbs, correlative
conjunctions, intensifiers, and tag questions. Additionally, we have learned to express our
preferences and effectively use gerunds and infinitives.

Página 5
These acquired knowledge and skills have provided us with a strong foundation for
communicating more accurately and fluently in the English language. Through the compiled
works in this booklet, we can appreciate our progress and the advancements made during the

I hope that this booklet serves as a reference for us in the future, helping us consolidate what
we have learned and continue developing our skills in the study of English.


Page 15

Página 6

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