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I lililIlI ilit lllt tlltr ffiil iltl tfit PJ III 792

For All oE lll semester M.B.A. (cBcs) Degree Examination,

JanuarylFebruary 201 S
Cyber Space * $pen Elective
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
fnsfrucfions Jfj Part- A i,Afis wer att the ques#ons.
2) Part - B .'Afisw#r afiy 4 quesffons,
3) Fart - 0 j Answer any 3 quesffor?s.

Answer all the questions. Each question carries 2 marks. {1 0x2=20}

1. Deflne WWW"
2. Define internet.

3. What is virus ?
4. What are the goals of E-commerce ?

q what are the different Vpes of payment modes in E-commerce


6. What are the disadvantages of using youtube ?

7, What are the advantages of E-Governance ?

B. What is cyber security ?

9. What is packet sniffing ?

10. Write any three objectiveS of lT-Act 2OOO.


Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 marks. i4x5=z0't

1 1. What is HTML ? Explain any 5 HTML tags with an example.
12. With a neat diagram explain the working of E-mail.

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PJ -792 I

13. What are the security issues in E-commerce ? Explain security measures

14. Explain the stages of E-Governance.

15. Write a short note on digital signature.

16. What are the salient features of lT Act ?

Answer any three questions. Each question carries 10 marks' (311Q=30)

17. Explain WWW architecture with a neat diagram'

18. Explain issues and challenges of E-Governance'

19. a) Differentiate between E-Government and E-Governance' 5

b) what is search engine ? Explain the advantages of search engine. 5

20. a) Discuss C}B,B2B and intra-organizational E-commerce'


b) Describe cyber-Appellate Tribunal. 5

2 1. Write a short note on :

a) Privacy issues in social media. 4

b) CrytograPhY. 3
c) EDl.

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