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- use of long shields.
-use of short stabbing spears( assegais).
- absorption of defeated tribes.
-going to war barefooted for greater speed.
-use of baggage boys.
-Tshaka created a standing army.
- use of cowhorn formation.
- all men under the age of 40 wr conscripted into the army.
-he introduced age regiments.
-he introduced female regiments(Fasimba).
-he banned circumcision which he viewed as wastage of time.
-he made use of spies so as to catch enemies by surprise.
-he used smoke signals for communication.
-he introduced mock battles in training.
-cowardice was punished, soldiers wr not allowed to to be wounded on the back those who wr
stabbed on the back wr killed .
-he made use of witch doctors.
-his soldiers wore head gear.
- soldiers wr allowed to marry at the age of 40 when they retired from the army.
-he introduced total warfare, ie total destruction of the enemy, killing the ruling families of
defeated tribes and incorporating defeated tribes.
-he introduced the scorched earth policy. Tshaka introduced strict discipline in the army.

Tshaka's s Generals/ Military Commanders

-Dingane - Mhlangana
-Mgobozi - Mzilikazi.

Weapons used by Tshaka

-Long shields -assegais
-knobkeries -knives
-guns -battle axes

Benefits of Tshakas Leadership to the Zulu

-he defeated the Ndwandwe
-he created a strong and superior army.
-the Zulu became dominant in Natal.
- they obtained cattle and grain thru raids.
Tshaka united the Zulu nation.
-the Zulu had more land for cultivation after Mfecane.
Zulu became politically stable.
Non- benefits.
-perennial warfare.
-dodgers er keen to marry early.
-the Zulu lived in constant fear of Tshaka.
- Tshaka was a dictator.

Problems faced by Tshaka.

-Tshaka's reign was characterised by violent warfare, plundering and raiding other states thus
creating enemies for himself.
-death of Nandi created problems as he killed many people.
--his relatives wr jealous of him and ultimately killed him.
-high rates of execution created enemies for him.
-Mzilikazi rebelled against him in 1822.
-Tshaka further feared rebellions after Mzilikazi broke away.
- there wr threats of expansionist Boers and the British who wanted to colonise the Zulu
-he battled to control the Delagoa Bay trade route.
-shortage of land.
- Tshaka ws not trusted by his commanders.
-Tshaka 's incessant wars created hatred from soldiers and generals though they cd not show it
for fear of being killed.
-scarcity of land resulted in wars against Boers and the British.
-Tshaka 's soldiers wr tired of his military campaigns .

The Death of Tshaka

- he died in 1828.
-he survived the first attempt in 1824 bt was killed 4yrs later.
-his death was plotted by Dingane , Mbopha, Mhlangana , Mkabayi.
-Dingane succeeded Tshaka bt he was not ad strong as Tshaka.
-during Dingane' s reign Europeans began to enter Zululand.

Reasons for Tshaka's assassination.

- killing subjects for petty or minor offences.
-Tshaka's autocratic rule.
- endless warfare
-Tshaka's cruelty
- Tshaka's strict discipline.
-execution of people for not mourning his mother.
-people wr jealous of Tshaka's power.
- ambitious people who wanted to rule eg Dingane and Mhlangana.
-his ruthless military reforms.
- he was an illegitimate son.
-he ignored traditional chiefs.
-failure to work with brothers and sisters who shd have assisted him.
-frequent raids exposed him.
use of throne usurper .


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