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The Rubik cube

- Ava is 13 years old and is very smart – year 7
- Ellie is 16 years old and is very sporty – year 10
- Bella is 17 years old and has played the game before - year 11
- Ben is 23 years old and is the host who trap the three girls in there Rubik
cube is also the boss of the random man – the kidnapper
- Random man – who works for ben to get the three girls to the games
and to make sure they don’t escape – the kidnapper
- Guards - who watch the girls and make sure they don’t know the evil
- Swat prantes – prantes of bella and are worried sick why she is not at
school and asks the school where she is – swat officer
- Big boss – the one who runs this whole mission and have notice that 2
girls are zip tied to guards

Ava - [ it was almost the holidays ava and ellie and bella were going to
talk about making plans to hang out this holiday until they hear
someone talking about a game that happens during this holiday sign up
now if you what to win a amazing prize ]

Ava - omg what is this game all about we should sign up you guys I mean
if anyone else has any other ideas to spend the whole holidays toghter

Ellie - we should we work well as a team I wonder where the games will
be hold let go talk to the person who was on the loudspeaker and get a
sign up form

Bella - ( all three girls go up to the school office to talk to the men about
signing up for the game the men warns them about it and they might
not be able to return to school after the holidays finish – the girls take
the sign up form and sign up for the game )
Bella - hey guys this is going to be fun we should go and pack as we
might be laving the day holidays start which is very soon as we will meet
up in front of the bus where it will take us to the games

Ellie - ( all the girls walk out of the school doors and have just been
handed a note by the men who tell the girls to call him ben the girls
thanks ben and see that the game starts tomorrow not on the holidays
as the girls walk in different directions to there house they stop and say
omg tomorrow we need to pack tonight before tomorrow happens )

Ben - ha they have just falled into my little trap I wounder if they will notice
that I’m not the real host but let have some fun before my trap can keep you
here with me forever

Ben - ( after all the girls go home and park they see a text message by ben
saying the bus will see you out the front of school and text all the girls the
password just in case one forgets to wake up before you start packing good
luck at the games see you there )

All three girls – wow that was weird I just got a bad feeling about this game
what is going to happen In the game we don’t even know what the game is

Ava - ( ellie’s phone dings and it not a text message from ben but someone
who knows bens and says I’m your bus driver who will take you to the games
ellie get worried and takes a screenshot and sands it to bella )

Bella – omg ellie I just got the same message from the same guy it weird did he
say I know ben just like mine because he said that he was the bus driver who
would drive us to the games
ellie – yea do you think we should worry about this game we signed up for or
not I mean he tell us we might not return school
ben – ha good job on texting ellie and bella but not to ava she would find
out our plan to quickly and with draw from the games we need to make sure
that no one will withdraw get ready to pick up the girls put the bus drivers
outfit on
random man – yes sir I will grab the rope and mouthfuls so the girls can not
escape there cube and so i will put the bus driver outfit on and make sure to
put the girls to sleep in my van okay

random man - ( the girls meet up In front of the school gate waiting for the bus
driver to come and pick them up they see a white van instead of a bus they see
the van saying that the games are called the Rubik cube the van doors open
and see that there are Rubik cube toys to play with while they are going to the
game they get in the van and fall to sleep in the meantime the bus driver takes
his mask off and texts ben saying I’ve got the girls we are on our way )

All three girls – who are you and let us go we don’t know you and why are you
taking us to the games ben said that there was a bus taking us to the games
but not a van

Random man – yea I did forgot my bus keys to the bus so I had to take a van
from a while back but you should get some shut eye you have a long day ahead
of you and we should be getting to the games on time

Ben - ( the white smoke comes out of the van and put the three girls to sleep
the random man takes his phone to the back of the van and grabs the rope and
mouthfuls from where one of the girls was siting there he lifted her up and
started to tie her hands back behind her back and tied a mouthful around her
mouth little did he know was that the girl he was tieing up was a year 11 little
did the man know after he had finished tieing her up she was awake )
Bella – ugh guys my hand and mouth are tied what do I do and hey you
look familiar do I know you from somewhere what guys wake up why is
everyone asleep right now

Random man – what but you were asleep when I was next to you go back to
sleep now we are almost at the games the men pressed a button and bella had
fallen asleep for a while

Ben – are the girls and other people tied up because we don’t what people to
know that we are actually kidnapping them and keeping them here with us
forever now untie the girls and wake them up so they can walk to there cube

Random man – yes ben I forgot the plan and all but there was a girl who
looked familiar she was in year 11 and I don’t know if I know this girl or not but
she looked like I saw her somewhere

Ben – ( the girls wake up and ask ben where they are they then see a random
man standing next to ben they see a massive Rubik cube for the other people
they get a text message by one of there teachers that there not at school today
and the girls all text back sorry we had signed up for the Rubik cube game they
walk to a cube and step inside there new home for a while the random man
says that the games start soon and everyone should be in their cubes now )

All three girls – guys I have a bad feeling about this wait what is that white
smoke it looks like the thing from the van wait this is not a game it a
kidnapping they tricked us and everyone here

Ellie – guys I feel sleepy maybe we should get some shut eye before the games
( the girls go to sleep and the random man ties up the three girls and put
mouthfuls around there mouths )
Random man – the girls are tied up and everyone else is the same ben let
begin the fun and wake up everyone little do they know when we press the
button there rope and mouthful disappear let have some fun and send the
guards in

Guards – yes sir we will go see if the girls are awake if they wake up early what
do we do with them make them feel scared point guns at there head anything
to make them stay here

Guards - ( the three girls wake up and are scared about what is going to
happen to them they whish to never had signed up for the game they see
other people from other games the year before and bella friends are there the
guards enter and point guns at there head one of the guards tell them to grab
the black haired girl )

All three girls – let bella go your pulling her hair too much which is making her
turn red and what if she did not come to last years game we don’t even know if
she was here last year

guards – get the girl called bella she coming with us because she has played
the game before and is staying here forever

bella – oh no they know my screat ugh hey let me go you don’t know if I’m the
real bella or a fake you can’t prove that I played this game before ugh I said let
me go
guards – oh yes we know that is the real you because we know you fav colour
is purple but also we know it you because you escaped last time let get the

ben - omg bella how do you get out last time and take her to other cube
with her two friends and her other friends from last year and keep all guards
all the group because she could escape this time with her friends let get the
game started

( the girls move to another cube and the guards pull down there mouthfuls and
point there guns at bella friends head and start to make a video to send to
there prantes they have noticed that bella is a daughter of a swat officer they
pull up her mouthful around bella mouth and pull bellas rope )

Swat prantes – what is this video it from a random number and is that our
daughter in a massive Rubik cube that why she not at school I mean the school
said that she signed up for a game and why is her hands and mouth tied

Bella – get off me why did you just send that video to my swat prantes now
they think I’ve been kidnapped so it was a silly idea because they can come
save me but you moved location so now they can’t save me

Swat prantes – oh no we can’t save our daughter they have moved it to

another country and how did this random man who sent the video to us I don’t
know what to do we have to get our daughter back but we can not travel the
country right now

Bella – what are you doing to my friends they are so sleepy why I am awake
but all my other friends are sleeping I said get off me and stay back from me
and my friends
Gauds – ( bella is sacred and thinks she might have to join there crew she
tries to fright them but there is too many of them and they grab her rope and
pull it so it hurts her she see that one of her friends is getting carried out of the
cube )

Gauds – pulls down mouthful and wakes up her friends and makes bella feel

Bella – get off me why are you trying to hurt me and my friends I said let go of
me I don’t care about your gun and you trying to get me and my friends to stay

Ben – ( ben walks in and see that bella is trying to fight the guards but the
guards knock her out with a gun they have just notice that ben have just seen
it all happen and has to stay here and watch the girls with the guards bella
have just rembers that her hands and mouth are tied but still is trying to fight
them the guards take bella down and hold her down )

Ben – so your trying to escape bella not going to happen while I’m around
guards keep on her and make sure she can not fight you get out the zip tie and
put it around her hands and put her to your belt

Guards – yes sir I’ll get the zip tie now and put her on my belt she can’t fight us
if she on one of us the guard go off and get a zip tie and new mouthful and
knocks out bella and zip ties her to his belt

Ellie – what are you doing to bella and I’m not sure what we are doing and ben
tell these guards to get off us and stop making videos and you know what bella
is my sister we share the same prantes so if she can fight you then so can I and
I recommend you also zip tie me to a guard
guards – wait what but how are you bellas sister and you can’t fight just try me
and then maybe I might need to zip tie you or someone else because you can’t
be her sister

( ellie start to fight the guards like her sister did the guards get worried and
take the girls out for lunch the guard who zip tied bella to him has to wake her
up bella wakes up and has notice that she had been zip tied to a guard and
tries to break out of her zip tie handcuffs ellie now has to be zip tied to a guard
the guard who has bella have to order her favourite meal and sit down with
her zip tied to his belt ellie now have to do the same )

Ava – what is going on why do I have rope and you guys are zip tied to guards
and ben can you tell these guards to let us go we did northing wrong we just
what to play the game and why are you wearing a mouthful like the guards are
what is going on tell us everything

Ben – there is something I have to tell you but not right now the big boss is
here sorry but we have to knock you out again and tie a mouthful around you
umm hey it the head of business here at the Rubik cube

Big boss - what is going on here ben I said rope not zip ties let me guess some
tried to fright the guards you are a tribble kidnapper next time you can be the
bus driver and the random man can be the kidnapper head of mission

Random man – thank you big boss we had to zip tie the two sisters and make
sure they didn’t escape

Ava – who are you and let us go we don’t know you or this random man so
why are we here and why I are some of my friends zip tied to guards so if you
let us go we won’t tell our school about your plan
Big boss - I will take the three girls with me and zip tie the two sisters
with me and they will live with me but I’m not letting them out of my site and I
will zip tie the other girl when we get to my house

Bella – get off me why are you zip tieing me to this big boss of yours I don’t
what to live with you so i vote with just stay with the guards

Swat prantes – what our daughters just got sold to this big boss who runs this
whole mission

All three girls : ugh I can not bevelive this is happing I mean who would ever
trust somebody who pretends to be a game host and kills the real game host
and ben how could you lie to our parents

Big boss : hold on a second I know you your bella right

Bella : umm yea and who are you let us out

Big boss : umm I’m the big boss who runs this whole operation

Ben : boss what are you going to do with them sir . I mean they can put up a
real good fright and you know Bella’s and Ella’s prenters are swat . and maybe
you should check with random man as well you didn’t do check in with him

Big boss : your right ben . I have not yet been able to check in with random
man . and guards make sure the girls . stay here with them ben

Random man : they were hard to keep asleep on the bus trip up and that bella
girl put up a real good fright when walking to the cube . but I mean she has her
prantes are really strong
( the girls go with the big boss man to his home and never go home to there
real prantes )


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