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Personal Awareness & Responsibility

2. self-regulation: I know my limits and set my goals

1. self-determination: I use self-determination to complete tasks through the end

3. well being: I have trouble going to bed on time making me tired throughout the day

Social responsibility

3. valuing diversity:

2. solving problems in peaceful ways: I’ve been in some problems, but I manage to solve them peacefully

4. building relationships: I have trouble talking to people in the first place making building relationships

Critical thinking

2. question and investigate: reading articles from multiple outlets helps me practice my investigating skills

1. analyze and critique: I am very confident in analyzing and critiquing the media I consume daily

3. develop and design: I have trouble designing something unique and putting it on paper

Creative thinking

In general, the three cores in the section are my weakness. I have a hard time developing unique ideas
and putting them on paper if I’m not told what to do.


2. Acquire, interpret, and present information: I’m able to acquire, understand and summarize data and
use said in formation in documents, projects, and slides

3. Collaborate to plan,carry out, and review: I can brainstorm and make suggestions and make sure that
everyone approves of them before continuing the plan

1. Connect and engage with others: if not put into a group asking to be in a group is hard for me

Personal & cultural identity

1. Relationships and Cultural Identity: I understand that people have the right to be in any relationship they
want to be in and identify themselves as they want to be

3. Personal Strengths and Abilities: I understand that I have unique strengths and abilities and if any
obstacle stands in my way I have to use what I have at my disposal

2. Personal Values and Choices: my values are not entirely set in stone making me question myself and
sometimes holding me back

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