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Grade :5 Max.Marks :20

Date : / /2023 Subject :Computer

Section A
Q1. Fill in the blanks from the given hints. [04]
ENIAC , 1783 , Fugaku , Abacus , 1833 , UNIVAC
1.……….is the world's fastest supercomputer.

2.The first mechanical calculating device was …………

3.Analytical engine was invented in……..

4. The first general purpose electronic computer was........

Q2. Write T for the true statement and for the false one, Correct the false statement and rewrite the
sentence. [02]
1.The first generation computers used transistors technology.

2.George Boole designed the Boolean logic.

Q3. Choose the correct option. [02]

1……… are used in homes, schools, shops, offices, banks etc.
a.Micro computers
b. Mini computer
c. Super computer

2. Punched cards were designed by.

a. John Mauchly. b. Herman Hollerith. c. John von Neumann

Q4.Application Based Questions.

1.Radhika Raman is working in the National Weather Forecasting agency. Which type of a computer
is he using to forecast the weather conditionss?

2.Which type of computers do Indian Railways use to interact with the customers for the booking and
cancellation of tickets?

Section B
Q5. Answer the following in short. (Any 4) [04]
1.Name the first mechanical calculator.

2.Who is considered as the father of computers?

3.Which was the first general purpose electronic digital computer and who invented it?

4.Write any one feature of fourth generation computers.

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5.Name different types of computers.

Q6. Answer in brief (Any 2) [04]

1.Name the types of microcomputers. Explain any one.

2. Write a short note on abacus.

3.Write the difference between laptop and tablet.

Q7. Describe the generation of computers in tabular format. [02]

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