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Happy Faces The Concept School

Class : II Study Material Subject : Computer

Lesson no.1
1. Computer A - machine
New Words :--

1) Computer 2) Machine
3) Mechnical 4) Electronic
5) Electricity 6) Stapler
7) Hammer 8) Television
9) Microwave 10) Monitor
* How many types of machine?
There are two (2) types of machine.
* What is a Machine?
Machine is a device that makes our work easy.
* Write any 2 Example of Mechanical machine?
1) Stapler 2) Hammer
* Write any two (2) Examples of Electronic Machine?
1) Television. 2) Computer
* Fill in the blanks
1) A computer can work for a long time.
2) A computer takes human's order.
3) A Television is an Electronic machine.
4) Machine that work on electricity are callled electronic machine.

* Write 'T' for true or 'F' for False :-

1) A computer can think on its own. F
2) A computer can have feelings. F
3 A computer is a man made. T
4) A computer works on electricity. T
G:\SURAJ\2022-23\Vishal sir\Computer\study material
* Match the Pairs :-

1) Television

2) Computer

3) Refrigerator

4) Microwave

* Lable the Boxes with 'M' for Mechanical machine and 'E' for
electronic machines :-

G:\SURAJ\2022-23\Vishal sir\Computer\study material

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