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Coland Systems Technology, Inc

Cotabato City


Student’s Name

Course and Year

S.Y. 2022 – 2023

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 It is an electronic, programmable device that can store, process data to produce and retrieve
a meaningful information.
 An electronic device capable of performing complex computations in a short time.
 Is an electronic device that can accept data, process it and give results after that processing.
 Derived from Latin word “Computatrum”, which means calculate.

Elements of Computer
1. Electronic
2. Programmable
3. Store
4. Process
5. Retrieve

Advantages of Using Computers

1. Speed - When data, instructions, and information flow along electronic circuits in a
computer, they travel at incredibly fast speeds. Many computers process billions or
trillions of operations in a single second. Processing involves computing (e.g., adding,
subtracting), sorting (e.g., alphabetizing), organizing, displaying images, recording
audio, playing music, and showing a movie or video.

2. Reliability - The electronic components in modern computers are dependable and

reliable because they rarely break or fail.

3. Consistency - Given the same input and processes, a computer will produce the same
results -consistently. A computing phrase — known as garbage in, garbage out -
points out that the accuracy of a computer’s output depends on the accuracy of the
input. For example, if you do not use the flash on a digital camera when indoors, the
resulting pictures that are displayed on the computer screen may be unusable
because they are too dark.

4. Storage - A computer can transfer data quickly from storage to memory, process it, and
then store it again for future use. Many computers store enormous amounts of data
and make this data available for processing anytime it is needed.

5. Communications - Most computers today can communicate with other computers,

often wirelessly. Computers with this capability can share any of the four information
processing cycle operations — input, process, output, and storage — with another
computer or a user.

Disadvantages of Using Computers

1. Violation of Privacy - Nearly every life event is stored in a computer somewhere in

medical records, credit reports, tax records, etc. In many instances, where personal
and confidential records were not protected properly, individuals have found their
privacy violated and identities stolen.
2. Public Safety - Adults, teens, and children around the world are using computers to
share publicly their photos, videos, journals, music, and other personal information.
Some of these unsuspecting, innocent computer users have fallen victim to crimes
committed by dangerous strangers. Protect yourself and your dependents from these
criminals by being cautious in e-mail messages and on Web sites. For example, do not
share information that would allow others to identify or locate you and do not disclose
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identification numbers, passwords, or other personal security details.

3. Impact on labor force - Although computers have improved productivity in many ways
and created an entire industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, the skills of
millions of employees have been replaced by computers. Thus, it is crucial that
workers keep their education up-to-date. A separate impact on the labor force is that
some companies are outsourcing jobs to foreign countries instead of keeping their
homeland labor force employed.

4. Health Risks -Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of
the hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, neck, and back. Computer users can protect
themselves from these health risks through proper workplace design, good posture
while at the computer, and appropriately spaced work breaks. Two behavioral health
risks are computer addiction and technology overload. Computer addiction occurs
when someone becomes obsessed with using a computer. Individuals suffering from
technology overload feel distressed when deprived of computers and mobile devices.
Once recognized, both computer addiction and technology overload are treatable

5. Impact on Environment - Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste

are depleting natural resources and polluting the environment. When computers are
discarded in landfills, they can release toxic materials and potentially dangerous levels
of lead, mercury, and flame retardants.


First Generation: Vacuum Tube

During the period of 1940 to 1956 first generation of computers were developed. The first
generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory, and
were often enormous, taking up entire rooms. The vacuum tube was developed by Lee
DeForest. A vacuum tube is a device generally used to amplify a signal by controlling the
movement of electrons in an evacuated space. First generation computers were very
expensive to operate and in addition to using a great deal of electricity, generated a lot of
heat, which was often the cause of malfunctions.

1) First generation computers were based on vacuum tubes.
2) The operating systems of the first generation computers were very slow. 3)
They were very large in size.

4) Production of the heat was in large amount in first generation computers. 5)

Machine language was used for programming.

6) First generation computers were unreliable.

7) They were difficult to program and use.
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Examples of first generation computing:

UNIVAC - UNIVersal Automatic Computer I

EDVAC - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
EDSAC - Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
ENIAC - Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

Second Generation: Transistor


During the period of 1956 to 1963 second generation of computers were developed. The
second generation computers emerged with development of Solid-state component
(Transistor). The transistor was invented in 1947 by three scientists J. Bardeen, H.W. Brattain
and W. Shockley. A transistor is a small device made up of semiconductor material like
germanium and silicon. Even though the Transistor were developed in 1947 but was not
widely used until the end of 50s. The transistor made the second generation computers
faster, smaller, cheaper, more energy-efficient and more reliable than their first-generation
computers. Even though the transistor used in the computer generated enormous amount of
heat which ultimately would lead to the damage of the computers but was far better than
vacuum tubes.

Second generation computers used the low level language i.e. machine level language and
assembly language which made the programmers easier to specify the instructions. Later on
High level language programming were introduced such as COBOL and FORTRAN.
Magnetic core was used as primary storage. Second generation computer has faster input
/output devices which thus brought improvement in the computer.

1) Transistors were used in place of vacuum tubes.
2) Second generation computers were smaller in comparison with the first generation

3) They were faster in comparison with the first generation computers.

4) They generated less heat and were less prone to failure.

5) They took comparatively less computational time.

6) Assembly language was used for programming.
7) Second generation computers has faster input/output devices.

IBM 7000, NCR 304, IBM 650, IBM 1401, ATLAS and Mark III are the examples of second
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generation computers.

Third Generation: Integrated Circuit

During the period of 1964 to 1971 Third generation computers were developed. The third
generation computers emerged with the development of IC (Integrated Circuits). The
invention of the IC was the greatest achievement done in the period of third generation of
computers. IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby in 1958-59. IC is a single
component containing a number of transistors. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on
silicon chips, called semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of

Keyboards and monitors developed during the period of third generation of computers. The
third generation computers interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device to
run many different applications at one time with a central program that monitored the

1) IC was used instead of transistors in the third generation computers.

2) Third generation computers were smaller in size and cheaper as compare to the second
generation computers.

3) They were fast and more reliable.

4) High level language was developed.
5) Magnetic core and solid states as main storage.
6) They were able to reduce computational time and had low maintenance cost.

7) Input/Output devices became more sophisticated.

PDP-8, PDP-11, ICL 2900, IBM 360 and IBM 370 are the examples of third generation

Fourth Generation: Microprocessor

After 1971 the fourth generation computers were built. The fourth generation computers were
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the extension of third generation technology. The fourth generation computers emerged with
development of the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).With the help of VLSI technology
microprocessor came into existence. The computers were designed by using
microprocessor, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. What
in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand. The fourth
generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable and affordable. As a result,
they give rise to personal computer (PC) revolution. For the first time in 1981 IBM introduced
its computer for the home user and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh Microprocessor.

1) The fourth generation computers have microprocessor-based systems.

2) They are the cheapest among all the computer generation.

3) The speed, accuracy and reliability of the computers were improved in fourth
generation computers.

4) Many high-level languages were developed in the fourth generation such as COBOL,
FORTRAN, BASIC, PASCAL and C language.

5) A Further refinement of input/output devices was developed.

6) Networking between the systems was developed.

IBM 4341, DEC 10, STAR 1000, PUP 11 and APPLE II are the examples of fourth
generation computers.

Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence

Fifth generation computers are in developmental stage which is based on the artificial
intelligence (AI). The goal of the fifth generation is to develop the device which could

Coland Systems Technology Inc.

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respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
Quantum computation and molecular and nanotechnology will be used in this technology. So
we can say that the fifth generation computers will have the power of human intelligence.

1) The fifth generation computers will use super large scale integrated chips.

2) They will have artificial intelligence.

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3) They will be able to recognize image and graphs.
4) Fifth generation computer aims to be able to solve highly complex problem including
decision making, logical reasoning.

5) They will be able to use more than one CPU for faster processing speed.

6) Fifth generation computers are intended to work with natural language.

Miles Stone of Computer History

TimeLine 2014

⮚ Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry design and built the first electronic
digital computer. Their machine, the Atanasoff – Berry Computer, or ABC, provides the
foundation for advances in electronic digital computers.
⮚ During World War II, British scientist Alan Turing designs the Colossus, an
electronic computer created for the military to break German codes. The
computer’s existence is kept secret until the 1970s.
⮚ Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, Jr. complete work on the first large
scale electronic, general – purpose digital computer. The ENIAC (Electronic
Numerical Integrator and Calculator) weighs 30 tons, contains 18,000 vacuum
tubes, occupies a 30 x 50 foot space, and consumes 160 kilowatts of power.
⮚ William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invent the transfer resistance
device, eventually called the transistor. The transistor would revolutionize computers,
proving much more reliable than vacuum tubes.
⮚ The first commercially available electronic digital computer, the UNIVAC I
(Universal Automatic Computer) is introduced by Remington Rand.
⮚ Core memory, developed in the early 1950s, provides much larger storage capacity
than vacuum tube memory.
⮚ The IBM model 650 is one of the first widely used computers. The computer is so
successful that IBM manufactures more than 1,000.
⮚ FORTRAN (FORmula TRANSlation), an efficient easy to use programming language
introduce by John Backus.
⮚ The IBM 305 RAMAC computer is the first to use magnetic disk for external
storage. The computer provides storage capacity similar to magnetic tape that
previously was used but offers the advantage of semi – random access capability.
⮚ Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments invents integrated circuits, which lays the

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foundation of high speed computers and large – capacity memory. Computers
built with transistors marks the beginning of the second generation of computer
⮚ IBM introduces two smaller, desk sized computers: the IBM 1401 for business and
IBM 1620 for scientists.
⮚ COBOL, a high level business application language, is developed by a committee
headed by Dr. Grace Hopper.
⮚ Third – generation computers, with their controlling circuitry stored on chips, are
introduced. The IBM 360 computer is first family of compatible machines, merging
science and business lines.
⮚ IBM introduces the term word processing for the first time with its Magnetic
Tape/Selectric Typewriter (MT/ST). The MT/ST was the first reusable storage
medium that allowed typed material to be edited without having to retype the
⮚ The ARPANET network is established, which eventually grows to become the internet.

⮚ Fourth Generation computers, built with chips that use LSI (large-scale integration)
⮚ Dr. Ted Hoff of Intel Corporation develops a microprocessor, or micro
programmable computer chip, the Intel 4004.
⮚ MITS, Inc. advertises one of the first microcomputers, the Altair. ⮚ Ethernet, the first
local area network (LAN), is developed at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center) by
Robert Metcalf.
⮚ Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak build the first Apple computer. A subsequent
version, the Apple II, is an immediate success. Adopted by elementary schools, high
schools, and colleges, for many students, the Apple II is their first contact with the
world of computers.
⮚ IBM offers Microsoft Corporation cofounder Bill Gates, the opportunity to develop
the operation system for the soon to be announced IBM personal computers. With the
development of MS – DOS, Microsoft achieves tremendous growth and success.
⮚ Alan Shugart presents the Winchester hard disks, revolutionizing storage for
personal computers.
⮚ The IBM PC is introduced, signaling IBM’s entrance into the personal computer
marketplace. The IBM PC quickly garners the largest share of the personal computer
market and becomes the personal computer of choice in business.
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⮚ The first computer virus, Elk Cloner, is spread via Apple II floppy disks which
contained the operating system. A short rhyme would appear on the screen when the user
pressed Reset after the 50th boot of an infected disk.
⮚ Apple introduces the Macintosh computer, which incorporates a unique, easy – to –
learn, graphical user interface
⮚ Hewlett – Packard announces the first laser printer for digital computers.

⮚ Nintendo introduces the Game Boy, its first handheld game console. ⮚
Tim Berners – Lee invents the World Wide Web.
⮚ The Intel 486 becomes the world’s first 1,000,000 transistor microprocessor. It
executes 15,000,000 instructions per second – four times as fast as its predecessor,
the 80386 chip.
⮚ Several companies introduce computers using the Pentium processor from Intel. The
Pentium chip contains 3.1 million transistors and is capable of performing
112,000,000 instructions per second.

⮚ The U.S. Air Force completes the Global Positioning System by launching its 24th
Navstar satellite into orbit. Today, GPS receivers can be found in cars, notebook,
computers and smartphones.

⮚ Intel introduces the Pentium II processor with 7.5 million transistors. The new
processor which incorporates MMX technology, possesses video, audio, and graphics
data more efficiently and supports programs such as movie, editing, gaming and more.
⮚ Google files for incorporation and is now the most used search engine, capturing more
than 60 percent of the market over other search engines.
⮚ E – commerce booms. Companies such as, Dell and E*Trade spur
online shopping, allowing buyers to obtain a variety of goods and services.
⮚ Intel introduces the Pentium III processor. This processor succeeds the Pentium II and
can process 3-D graphics more quickly. The Pentium III processor contains between
9.5 and 44 million transistors.
⮚ Microsoft releases major operating system updates with Windows XP for personal
computers and servers.
⮚ Intel unveils its Pentium 4 chip with clock speeds starting at 1.4 GHz. The Pentium 4
includes 42 million transistors.
⮚ Wireless computers and devices such as keyboards, mouse devices, home networks
and wireless internet access points become commonplace.
⮚ Flat panel LCD monitors overtake bulky CRT monitors as the popular choice of

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computer users.
⮚ Facebook, an online social network originally available only to college students, is
⮚ USB flash drives become a cost – effective way to transport data and information from
one computer to another.
⮚ Apple computer introduces the sleek iMac G5. The new computer’s display device
contains the system unit.
⮚ YouTube, an online community for video sharing, is founded.

⮚ Intel introduces its Core 2 Duo processor family.
⮚ IBM produces the fastest supercomputer, Blue Gene/L. It can perform approximately 28
trillion calculations in the time it takes you to blink your eye, or about one – tenth of a
⮚ Apple begins selling Macintosh computers with Intel Microprocessors.


⮚ Intel introduces Core 2 Quad, a four core processor made for dual processor servers
and desktop computers. The larger number of cores allows for more energy – efficient
performance and optimizes battery performance in notebook computers.
⮚ Dell offers a hybrid computers. Smaller than a desktop computer but larger than
notebook. These hybrid computer contains features compatible to their large
counterparts and can work more easily in a home entertainment environment.
⮚ WiMAX goes live. The advantage of this technology is the capability to access video,
music, voice, and video calls wherever and whenever desired.
⮚ Computer manufacturers begin to offer Solid State Drives (SSDs) instead of hard
⮚ Google releases its new Web browser. Google Chrome uses an entirely unique
interface and offers other features such as dynamic tabs, crash control and application
⮚ Intel releases the Core i5 and Core i7 line of processors, these processors offer
increased performance for some of the more demanding tasks. Intel also enhances its
Core processor family by releasing multi – core processors, designed to increase the
number of instructions that can be processed at a given time.

 It is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio and

Data Processing
 It is the manipulation of data into more useful form.

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Data Processing Cycle

Input Process Output

 The initial data or input are prepared in some convenient form for processing.

 Input data are changed and usually combined with other information.

 Results of the preceding processing steps are collected.

 Is a data that has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who
receives it.


1. Mechanical Data Processing

 Uses a combination of manual procedures and mechanical equipment.

2. Electronic Data Processing

 Different types of input, output and storage devices are connected to electronic computer to
process data.


 Refers to the transfer of data onto some form or document.

 A careful checking of any errors from the recorded data.

 Reproducing of data into many forms or documents.

 This operation separates data into various categories.
 Identifying and arranging items with like characteristics into groups or classes.

 Arranging data in specific order.

 Arithmetic data in specific order.

Summarizing and Reporting

 Reducing masses of data to a more usable form.

 Takes two or more sets of data, all sets having been sorted by the same key and puts them
together to form a single sorted set of data.

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 Placing similar data into files for future references.

 Recovering stored data and/or information when needed.

 It is comparison of the output and the goal set in advance.
 Any discrepancy is analyzed, corrected and feedback to the proper storage.

 It is the tangible or the physical part of a computer

Parts of Computer Hardware / Major Hardware Components of a Computer System

a) Processor
 Brain of the computer, it organizes and carries out instructions that come from either the
user or the software.

b) Memory
 A temporary or permanent storage place for data, instructions and information.

c) Input Devices
 Any hardware components that allows you to enter data and instructions.
 It performs the two most basic computing tasks: issuing commands and entering data.
Ex. Keyboard, mouse, touchpad, trackball, scanner, microphone

d) Output Devices
 Any hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.
 Is use to present the processed data to the user.
Ex. monitor, projector, printer, speaker

Forms of Computer Generated Output

1. Text Output
2. Graphic Output
3. Sound Output
4. Video Output

e) Storage
 Hold data even when the computer is turned off, so the data can be used whenever it is
Ex. HDD (Hard Disk Drive), SSD (Solid State Drive-SATA M.2, (Non-Volatile Memory Express) NVMe M.2)

Solid-State Drive
 Is a solid-state storage device that uses integrated circuit assemblies to store data
persistently, typically using flash memory, and functioning as secondary
storage in the hierarchy of computer storage.
 A storage device containing nonvolatile flash memory, used in place of a hard disk because of
its much greater speed.

f) Communication Devices
 It is a hardware component that enables a computer to send (transmit) and receive data,
instructions and information to and from one or more computers or mobile devices.

 Is a set of instructions that makes the computer perform task.
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 A series of instructions, organized for a common purpose, that tells the computer what
tasks to perform and how to perform them.
 Also called a program.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

 Interact with the software using text, graphics, and visual images such as icons

 It is a miniature image that represents a program, an instruction or some other object.


A. System Software
 It is any program that controls the computer’s hardware or that can be used to maintain
the computer in some way so that it runs more efficiently.


1. Operating System
 It tells the computer how to use its own components.
 The most important programs that runs on your computer.
 First program loaded on your computer.
Example: Windows, Macintosh, Linux

2. Networking Operating System

 It allows computers to communicate and share data across a network while controlling
operations and overseeing the network’s security.
3. Utility
 A program that makes the computer system easier to use or perform highly specialize

B. Application Software
 It tells the computer how to accomplish specific tasks, such as word processing or drawing.

Uses of Application Software

1. To make business activities more efficient
2. To assist with graphics and multimedia projects
3. To support home, personal and educational tasks
4. To facilitate communication

Forms of Application Software

Package software
 It is a mass – produced, copyrighted retail software that meets the needs of a wide variety
of users, not just a single user or company.

Custom software
 Performs functions specific to a business industry.

Web Application
 A website that allow users to access and interact with software from any computer or
device that is connected to the internet.

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Open source software
 It software provided for use, modification, and redistribution.
 This software has no restriction from the copyright holder regarding modification of the
software’s internal instructions and its redistribution.

 It is a copyrighted software that is distributed at no cost for a trial period.

 It is a copyrighted software provided at no cost to a user by an individual or a company
that retains all rights to the software.

 The one who design, maintain and uses the computer system.
 Refers to the role people play in technology and the development of hardware or software.

Famous Peopleware
1. Charles Babbage – Father of the Computer
2. Alan Turing – Father of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
3. Philip Don Estridge – Father of IBM Personal Computer
4. Timothy John “Tim” Berners Lee – Invented the World Wide Web in 1989
5. William Henry “Bill” Gates III – Is an American business magnate, entrepreneur, investor, author, and
philanthropist and co-founder of Microsoft.

User – a person who uses a computer.

The User’s Role

a. Setting up the system
b. Installing Software
c. Running Programs
d. Managing Files
e. Maintaining the systems


A. Super Computer
 Are the fastest, larger and most expensive computer system in the world.

B. Mainframe Computer
 A computer that serves as central support to many users and has the storage and computing capacity
needed for managing large sets of data and files.

C. Micro Computer
 Is a computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU).
 It includes a microprocessor, memory, and input/output (I/O) facilities.

D. Mini Computer
 A small computer that is intermediate between a microcomputer and a mainframe in size, speed, and
capacity that can support time-sharing and that is often dedicated to a single application.

E. Desktop Computer
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 Desktop or PCs (Personal Computer) are used by one personal at a time.
 They are usually single user machines but can be interconnected among themselves to form a local area

F. Laptop Computer
 It is a portable personal computer often designed to fit on your lap.
 Is a personal computer for mobile use, usually weighing from one to three kilogram, depending on size,
materials and other factors.
 Is powered by mains electricity via an AC adapter, and can be used away from an outlet using a
rechargeable battery.
 Sometimes called notebook computer, notebooks or netbooks.

G. Handheld Computers (PDAs)

 A mobile device (also known as a handheld device, handheld computer or simply handheld).
 Is a pocket-sized computing device.
 A small computer that literally fits in your palm.
 Typically having a display screen with touch input and/or a miniature keyboard.

H. Tablet Computer
 Is a wireless PC that allows a user to take notes using natural handwriting with a stylus, digital pen, or on
touch screen.
 It is similar in size and thickness to a paper notepad.
Example: I pad, Galaxy Tablet

I. Single Board Computer (SBCs)

 Are complete computers built on a single circuit board.
 The design is centered on a single or dual microprocessor with RAM, IO and all other features needed to
be functional computer on the one board.

J. Work Station Computer (

 Is a high end microcomputer designed for technical or scientific applications.
 Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are commonly connected to a local area
network and run multi-user operating system.
 Is a personal computer that is used for high end applications such as graphic design, video editing, CAD,
3-D design, or other CPU and RAM intensive programs.

K. Server computer
 Is an application or device that performs service for connected clients as part of client server
 It controls access to the hardware, software and other resources on a network and provides a
centralized storage area for programs, data and information.

L. Embedded Computer
 Is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often
with real-time computing constraints (limitations).
 It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts.
Example: ATM Machine, Smart Watch and TV, Computerized automobile

What is the system unit?
 Box-like case that houses the electronic components of the computer used to process data
 All computers have a system unit
 Sometimes called the chassis

Common components inside the system unit

• Processor
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• Memory module
• Power Supply
• Motherboard
• Expansion cards
 Sound card
 Modem card
 Video card
 Network interface card (NIC) or LAN Card
 IDE (Integrated Drive Electronic) Cable/Ribbon Cable (BUS)
 Hard Drive
 Floppy Drive
 CD/DVD Drive

 Also called the system board
 Main circuit board in the system unit
 Contains many electronic components

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PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
AGP - Accelerated Graphic Ports
VGA - Video Graphics Array
LAN - Local Area Network
USB - Universal Serial Bus
RJ - Registered Jack
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronic
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CD - Compact Disc
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk
NIC - Network Interface Card


 Small piece of semi-conducting material on which one or more integrated circuitsare etched
Integrated Circuit (IC)
 Microscopic pathway capable of carrying electrical current
 Acts as an electronic switch, or gate, that opens or closes the circuit for electronic signals
What is the central processing unit (CPU)?
 Interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer
 Most devices communicate with the CPU in order to carry out a task
 Also called the processor


1. Control Unit (CU)
2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
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What is the control unit?

 A component of the CPU that directs and coordinates most of the operations in the computer

The control unit repeats a set of four basic operations:

 Fetch – obtain a program instruction or data item from memory
 Decode - translate the instruction into commands
 Execute - carry out the command
 Store - write the result to memory

What is a machine cycle?

 Together the four operations of the CPU comprise a machine cycle
 Also called an instruction cycle

What is a machine cycle?

 Together the four operations of the CPU comprise a machine cycle
A student enters a math problem into the memory of the computer
Step 1: The control unit fetches the math problem from memory
Step 2: The control unit decodes the math problem and sends it to the ALU
Step 3: The ALU executes the math problem
Step 4: The results of the math problem are stored in memory
The result in memory displays on the screen of the monitor

How is the speed of the CPU measured?

 According to how many millions of instructions per second (MIPS) it can process

What is the arithmetic/logic unit (ALU)?

 Performs arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations
 Performs the execution part of the machine cycle

What is pipelining?
 CPU begins executing a second instruction before completing the first instruction
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 Results in faster processing

Machine without pipelining

Machine with Pipelining

Instruction 1

Instruction 2

Instruction 3

Instruction 4

What is a register?
 Temporary storage location used by the CPU
 Stores location from where instruction was fetched
 Stores an instruction while it is being decoded
 Stores data while the ALU processes it
 Stores the results of a calculation

What is the system clock?

 Synchronizes all computer operations
 Each tick is a clock cycle
 Faster clock speed means the CPU can execute more instructions each second
 Clock speed (clock rate) measured in megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz)
 MHz - one million ticks of the system clock
GHz – one billion ticks of the system clock

What is a personal computer processor?

 The single processor chip found in personal computers
 Sometimes called a microprocessor
 Processors identified by
 Manufacturer
 Model name or model number

Core (
 In relation to computer processors, a core is the processing unit which receives instructions and
performs calculations, or actions, based on those instructions.
 A set of instructions can allow a software program perform a specific function.
 The more cores a processor has, the more sets of instructions the processor can receive and process at
the same time, which makes the computer faster.

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Dual-core processor
 A processor with two cores.

Quad-core processor
 A processor with four cores.

Hexa-core processor
 A processor with six cores.

Octa-core processor
 A processor with eight cores.

Multi-core processor
 Is an integrated circuit (IC) to which two or more processors have been attached for enhanced
performance, reduced power consumption, and more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple



 A big difference between 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors is the number of calculations per
second they can perform, which affects the speed at which they can complete tasks.

 Another big difference between 32-bit processors and 64-bit processors is the maximum amount of
memory (RAM) that is supported.

 32-bit computers support a maximum of 3-4GB of memory, whereas a 64-bit computer can support
memory amounts over 4 GB.

 This feature is important for software programs used in graphic design, engineering, and video editing as
these programs have to perform many calculations to render their images.

 World’s largest chip maker
 Chips power 85 percent of all desktop computers
 Major producer of boards, systems, and software

 Intel refined the process of placing thousands of tiny electronic devices on a silicon chip
 Introduced the 1103 in 1970 which became the world’s best-selling semiconductor device
 Developed the 4004, the world’s first processor in 1971

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)

 World’s second-largest manufacturer of processors for Microsoft Windows-compatible personal
 Commitment to “parametric superiority”
 Guarantees its microchips meet or exceed stringent standards


 Processors sometimes upgraded to increase a computer’s performance

Three types of upgrades

1. Chip for chip - Replace existing processor chip with a new one
2. Piggyback - Stack the new processor chip on top of the old one

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3. Daughterboard - Add a small circuit board to the motherboard

How do heat sinks and heat pipes protect the processor?

Heat sink
 Small ceramic or metal component with fins on its surface that absorbs and ventilates heat
produced by electrical components
Heat pipe
 A smaller device that cools processors in notebook computers

What is parallel processing?

 Using multiple processors simultaneously to execute a program
 Speeds processing time


 Most computers are digital
 Computers are electronic devices powered by electricity, which has only two states, on or off
 Computers recognize only two discrete states: on or off

What is the binary system?

 A number system that has just two unique digits, 0 and 1
 A single digit is called a bit (binary digit)
 A bit is the smallest unit of data the computer can represent
 By itself a bit is not very informative

 The two digits represent the two off and on states

Binary Digit Electronic Charge Electronic State
1 on
0 off

What is a byte?
 Eight bits are grouped together to form a byte
 0s and 1s in each byte are used to represent individual characters such as letters of the alphabet,
numbers, and punctuation

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What are two popular coding systems to represent data?

 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
 Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC)
 Sufficient for English and Western European languages
 Unicode often used for other languages

How is a character sent from the keyboard to the computer?

Step 1: The user presses the letter T key on the keyboard.
Step 2: An electronic signal for the letter T is sent to the system unit.
Step 3: The signal for the letter T is converted to its ASCII binary code (01010100) and is stored in
memory for processing.
Step 4: After processing, the binary code for the letter T is converted to an image on the output device.

Gordon Moore
 Co-founder of Intel
 Witnessed a consistent geometric growth in technology
 Developed principle called Moore’s Law in 1965

Moore’s Law
 The number of transistors and resistors placed on computer chips would double every year, with a
proportional increase in computing power and decrease in cost. This principle held true until
1975, when he changed the prediction to doubling every two years.

What is memory?
 Temporary storage place for data, instructions, and information
 Consists of one or more chips on the motherboard or some other circuit board

Three basic items stored in memory

1. operating system and other system software that control the usage of the computer equipment
2. application programs that carry out a specific task
3. data being processed by application programs

How are bytes stored?

 Bytes are the basic storage unit in memory
 Each byte is stored at a specific location in memory called an address
 Each address has a unique identifying number, like the seats on an airplane
 Each address can hold only a single byte
 Each address can be full or empty
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 Size of memory is measured by the number of bytes available
 Kilobyte - 1,024 bytes
 Megabyte - one million bytes


1. volatile memory
Loses its contents when the computer's power is turned off

2. nonvolatile memory
Does not lose its contents when the computer’s power is turned off

What is Random Access Memory (RAM)?

 Memory chips that can be read from and written to by the processor and other devices
 When the computer starts, operating system files are loaded from a hard disk into RAM
 As additional programs and data are requested, they also load from storage into RAM
 Most RAM is volatile

What are the two basic types of RAM chips?

1. Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

 Also called main memory
 Most common type
 Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)
 Double data rate SDRAM (DDR SDRAM or SDRAM II)
Generation: DDR, DDR2, DDR3 and DDR4
 Direct Rambus® DRAM (Direct RDRAM®)

2. Static RAM (SRAM)

 Used for special applications such as cache
 Faster and more reliable than DRAM chips

What is a memory module?

 Small circuit board with RAM chips, which are smaller in size than processor chips
 Inserts into the motherboard

Three types: SIMMS, DIMMS, and RIMMS

1. single inline memory modules (SIMMs)
2. dual inline memory modules (DIMMs)
3. Rambus® inline memory module (RIMM)

What is a memory module?

 RAM chips usually reside on a small circuit board which inserts into motherboard

How much RAM is needed?

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 The more RAM, the more programs and files a computer can work on at once
 Software package usually indicates how much RAM is required

What is memory cache?

 Also called cache store or RAM cache
 Helps speed the processes of the computer by storing frequently used instructions and data
 When the processor needs an instruction or data, it first searches cache. If it cannot locate the item in
cache, then it searches RAM.

What is read-only memory (ROM)?

 Memory chips that contain data, instructions, or information that is recorded permanently
 Data can only be read, cannot be modified
 Nonvolatile — Contents not lost when the computer is turned off

 BIOS (basic input/output system)

 Stored on ROM
 Sequence of instructions the computer follows to load the operating system and other files when
you first turn on the computer

Types of ROM
1. Firmware
 ROM chips manufactured with permanently written data, instructions, or information

2. PROM (programmable read-only memory)

 Blank ROM on which you can place items permanently

3. EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory)

 A type of PROM containing microcode that a programmer can erase


 Also called flash ROM or flash RAM
 Nonvolatile memory that can be erased electronically and reprogrammed
 Stores data and programs on many handheld computers and devices
 Flash memory cards store flash memory on removable devices instead of chips

What is CMOS?
 Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor memory
 Stores configuration information about the computer
 type of disk drives
 keyboard
 monitor
 current time and date
 Uses a battery to retain the information when the computer is turned off
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What is memory access time?

 Speed at which the processor can access data from memory directly
 Measured in fractions of a second called nanoseconds (ns) which is one billionth of a second
 One blink of the eye is 100 million ns; a computer performs some operations in 10 ns

What is an expansion slot?

 An opening, or socket, where a circuit board can be inserted into the motherboard
 Used to add new devices or capabilities to the computer
 Other terms for a circuit board include card, expansion card, expansion board, board, adapter card,
adapter, interface card, add-in, and add-on

What are the uses of expansion cards?

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What are four common types of expansion cards?

1. Video card also called video adapter or graphics card
2. Sound card
2. Network interface card (NIC) also called a network card
3. Modem card also called an internal modem

What is Plug and Play?

 The computer automatically can configure cards and other devices as you install them

What is a PC card?
 Used on notebook and other mobile computers
 Credit card-sized device used to add capabilities to mobile computer
 Standards developed by Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

What is a flash memory card?

 Used to add memory to handheld computers and devices
 Can be added to a system without having to open the unit or restart the computer. This feature is
known as hot plugging or hot swapping.

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What is a port?
 Used to connect external devices to the system unit
 Port is the interface, or point of attachment, to the system unit
 Most located on the back of the system unit

What is a connector?
 Used to connect external devices to the system unit
 Port is the interface, or point of attachment, to the system unit
 Most located on the back of the system unit
 Gender changer is a device that allows you to join two connectors that are the same

What are the different types of connectors?

What is a serial port?

 Transmits one bit of data at a time
 Used to connect devices that do not require fast transmission rates
 mouse
 keyboard
 modem
 Two common types
 25-pin
 9-pin

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What is a parallel port?

 Connects devices that can transfer more than one bit at a time
 Usually used for printers
 Two newer types
 EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port)
 ECP (Extended Capabilities Port)
 IEEE 1284 is a standard that specifies how older and newer peripheral devices transfer data to and from
a computer

What is a universal serial bus port (USB)?

 Can connect up to 127 different peripheral devices with a single connector type
 Supports newer peripherals
 Supports hot plugging and Plug and Play

What are other special-purpose ports?

 1394 port (FireWire) – connect multiple devices

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 MIDI port – musical instrument digital interface
 SCSI port – small computer system interface
 IrDA port – transmit data via infrared light waves
 FIR (fast infrared)

What is a bus?
 Electrical channels that allow various devices inside the computer to communicate with each other
 Bus width determines the number of bits transmitted at one time
 Word size determines the number of bits the processor can interpret and execute at a given time

What are the two basic types of buses?

1. System bus
Part of the motherboard that connects the processor to main memory
2. Expansion bus
Allows the processor to communicate with peripheral devices

What is a bay?
 An open area inside the system unit used to install additional equipment
 Drive bays
 Used for disk drives
 External drive bay
 Also called exposed drive bay
 Accessible from outside the system unit
 Internal drive bay
 Also called hidden drive bay
 Concealed entirely within the system unit

What is a power supply?

 Converts alternating current (AC,115 to 120 volts) to direct current (DC, 5 to 12 volts)
 Some peripheral devices have an AC adapter

What is a mobile computer?

 Notebook or handheld
 Notebook computers typically weigh four to ten pounds
 Includes a system unit with many other devices built into it

 Is a peripheral which makes a persistent human readable representation of graphics or text on paper
or similar physical media.
 The two most common printer mechanisms are black and white laser printers used for common
documents, and color inkjet printers which can produce high quality photograph quality output.
 A printer is any device that prints text or illustrations on paper.

Types of printer

1. Dot matrix printing or impact matrix printing

 Is a type of computer printing which uses a print head that moves back and forth, or in an up
and down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against
the paper, much like the print mechanism on a typewriter. However, unlike a typewriter or
daisy wheel printer, letters are drawn out of a dot matrix, and thus, varied fonts and arbitrary
graphics can be produced.

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2. Inkjet printing
 Is a type of computer printing that recreates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto
paper, plastic, or other substrates.
 Inkjet printers are the most commonly used type of printer and range from small inexpensive
consumer models to expensive professional machines

3. Laser printing
 Is an electrostatic digital printing process. It produces high-quality text and graphics (and
moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a
negatively charged cylindrical drum to define a differentially-charged image.
 The drum then selectively collects electrically charged powdered ink (toner), and transfers the
image to paper, which is then heated in order to permanently fuse the text and/or imagery. As
with digital photocopiers and multifunction/all-in-one inkjet printers, laser printers employ a
xerographic printing process. However, laser printing differs from analog photocopiers in that
the image is produced by the direct scanning of the medium across the printer's photoreceptor.
This enables laser printing to copy images more quickly than most photocopiers.

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4. Thermal printing (or direct thermal printing)

 Is a digital printing process which produces a printed image by selectively heating coated
thermochromic paper, or thermal paper as it is commonly known, when the paper passes over
the thermal print head. The coating turns black in the areas where it is heated, producing an
image. Two-colour direct thermal printers can print both black and an additional colour (often
red) by applying heat at two different temperatures.
 A printer in which small heated pins form characters on heat-sensitive paper.

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