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Do you know Tibig? Or have you seen in it somewhere in Sigay but you don’t know about it. Well, let
me introduce to you a very beneficial and functional plant that has been ignored and thought to be
pousonous,but it is actually edible!

Tibig or Ficus Nota wa peciae of flowcing plant in the family of Moroceae. 11 Is a species of fig tree
found near water in low altitucts.It is native to the Philippines also also found in parts of Northern

Borneo in Malaysia. This can grow up to 9 meters long.

According to a research this plant contain, 5.32% cruac protein, 27.09% of carbohydrates 16 96% of
crude fiber, 3.7% of ash content, and mineral, such

as calcium), magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Aside from its nutrient contents, it is also a good source of drinking water. People may have not known
it but, it contributed a lot in serving as of water source especially on mountainous areas.

Benefits of Ficus Nota/ Tibig

- relieves muscle pain

- decoction of roots and bark vied for Urinary Tract Infections,

+ hypertension, and diabetes

wood as firewood or charcoal

- air purifiers

- relieves constipation

Now, we know how useful this plant is. So, we shouldn't cut there off instead we should reproduce the
and give them importance.

Remember, "Sometimes the things that may seem worthless and

Un useful hides beautiful and unique features.

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