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AR1104 – BASIC DESIGN & VISUAL ARTS (2014 Scheme)

Design Brief – S1S2A 2019


Snack Hub


The first-year design project is to design a snack hub, which is to function as a space to relax with food
and drink. The design will consist of a service structure and an outdoor seating area.

Design Objectives

• To promote innovative ideas and design concepts apt for the site and the context.
• To understand the challenges of form, structure and materials.
• To create a better understanding of incorporating function, circulation & anthropometry in design.

Site Description

To be submitted.

Built Up Area

A maximum built up area of 10 m2 (approximately 100 ft2).

Design Requirements

• Preparation Area and storage, accessible only by staff. The space should be adequate for two staff
members to work simultaneously.
• Point of Sale (POS) accessible from the inside by staff, and outside by customers.
• Hand wash area for customers.
• Outdoor seating area for 8 – 10 people, which can be covered using temporary structures.

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