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Synthesis Paper





Synthesis Paper

The advanced study entails carrying out research and basing your arguments on evidence.

Doctoral programs largely depend on the research and evidence carried out by a researcher. It is,

therefore, indispensable for any student to have viable knowledge and research skills to complete

their doctoral program. Students have increased anxiety to sharpen their research skills for

generally improving doctoral work (Inouye and McAlpine. 2017). To successfully reduce the

built-up anxiety, a researcher or a student needs to strengthen his research writing and

understand the role of a researcher (the basic and advanced functions alike). There are, however,

two main themes synthesized from Coffman, Putman, Adkisson, Kriner, and Monaghan (2016),

Garcia and Yao (2019), and Inouye and McAlpine (2017). The authors of the articles

incorporated the themes; of intellectual identity development and student and supervisor

feedback. This paper is crucial since it synthesizes the articles named above and expounds on the

two main themes presented all through the articles. 

Scholarly Identity Development

Scholarly identity is what an individual wants people to find when searching for them

online. A persons' scholarly identity is the meaning a researcher attaches to the roles and tasks

they perform. Scholarly identity development is when an individual understands research

challenges and develops best practices for them. Even though it is crucial for one to develop their

scholarly identity, it is not easy transitioning from past and professional identities to scholarly

identities. Coffman et al. (2016) claim that accomplishing intellectual identity is complex and

evolving. There is a significant difference between doctoral and other previous academic levels.

The difference comes up because of issues like the duration of the study, the content, expertise,

and the amount of research required to complete the academic program. 

Students (doctoral) must understand that research is a systematic process of investigating

study materials and sources and not an event. Students need to get that a robust scholarly identity

is developed from various research processes, and in their academic journeys, students should

make sure that they learn to uphold high scholarly identity through publicized research,

educational conferences, and other means. Inouye and McAlphine (2017) support that research

interest is built earlier in undergraduate students. Inouye and McAlphine (2017) use a case of a

student to prove that students with sound scholarly identities are made during early studies. 

Students (researchers) should show and prove intellectual identity development by

transiting from being a student to becoming a scholar despite the academic level. Students should

initiate research within their academic boundaries and expand their skills by becoming

researchers outside their educational platforms. According to Inouye and McAlphine (2017), it is

possible and advisable that students participate in various academic writing initiatives and

provide literary feedback. A great doctoral identity is manifested by students' ability to conduct

high-quality scholarly research. Scholarly identity development is achievable through

collaboration with academics. Garcia and Yao (2019) provide information on the influences of

successful doctorate studies by claiming that intellectual identity development is attained if an

individual (student) positively views academic critiques and feedback from other scholars.

Gaining knowledge from other scholars is crucial since it helps researchers gain theoretical

knowledge and criticize other scholars (Inouye and McAlpine. 2017).


Student and Supervisor Feedback

According to Inouye & McAlphine (2017), feedback is essential in ensuring educational

success. There is an evident theme of student and supervisor feedback in the academic doctoral

program. The feedback process is a significant causal element of emotions and anxiety in

students. Feedback plays an essential role by providing a platform to learn from past mistakes

and achievements. Feedback can be from the students under doctoral studies or tutors and

supervisors. Therefore, a student or a researcher must participate in criticism during the feedback

process (Inouye & McAlpine, 2017). In doctoral studies, unlike other studies, there is

constructive criticism. Within postgraduate studies, the supervisor uses scholarly feedback for

students' feedback to develop academically. The supervisor can understand students' ideas and

use them to improve their quality research work. According to Garcia and Yao (2019), feedback

gives students the confidence to become good researchers.

A good feedback process promotes an individual's confidence to manage research

confidently. Feedback manages research while conforming to required academic standards.

Researchers use peer review as the feedback since it provides an effective communication

channel for scholars to channel their positive criticism. Feedback is beneficial to individual

students since it enables them to learn new concepts regarding their academic specialization,

boosting educational goals. It is crucial for the learners and researchers alike to effectively

manage and promote feedback since there is evident proof that it aids in developing a strong

academic researcher. Inouye & McAlpine (2017) asserts that it is possible for individuals to self-

assess using peer-reviewed articles.  


Researchers use the feedback obtained to improve the research's validity, reliability, and

academic outlook. Feedback also helps doctoral students to improve their educational doctoral

journey constantly. It is therefore very crucial that individuals, in general, take feedback

positively to improve in their research and other related aspects. 


This paper has identified two themes dominant in the articles provided. The themes are

scholarly identity development and supervisor feedback. The two dominant themes were

synthesized and are the primary roles of students and researchers at the doctoral level. As per the

various case studies provided in the articles, it is crucial for individuals to engage in extensive

scholarly research because it enhances intellectual identity among students. Feedback also plays

an essential role in research. Doctoral students benefit significantly from feedback since they can

learn from mistakes made. Researchers also critique studies made, which helps them grow their

research capabilities. There is also an improved relationship between doctoral supervisors and

their students since research and feedback are interactive. Individuals must normalize the

academic research process as early as before their postgraduate studies to blend in with the

demanding doctoral environment that requires writing and research skills. The students need to

build their confidence and sharpen their scholarly thinking identity, and the best way to ensure

the same is by establishing a collaboration with their supervisors.  



Coffman, K., Putman, P., Adkisson, A., Kriner, B., & Monaghan, C. (2016). Waiting for the

expert to arrive: Using a community of practice to develop the scholarly identity of

doctoral students. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher

Education, 28(1), 30-37.

Garcia, C. E., & Yao, C. W. (2019). The role of an online first-year seminar in higher education

doctoral students' scholarly development. The Internet and Higher Education, 42, 44-52.

Inouye, K. S., & McAlpine, L. (2017). Developing scholarly identity: Variation in agentive

responses to supervisor feedback. Journal of University Teaching & Learning

Practice, 14(2), 3.

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