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Nowadays, competence in English has become an urgent need for nurses who are
involved in medical services. It is due to the fact that they are required to have the
ability to communicate with the other people in their field including doctors and
The module is aimed to develop English skills for nurses in Indonesia. The topic that
has been chosen in the module is suitable for what nurses learn. The authors hope this
module will be useful for nurses in learning English, especially helping nurses
understand the nursery object in English so that they can use English in their daily
Based on a need analysis that has been observed, the most important and needed skill
is speaking. The module focuses on speaking skills so that there are some exercises to
develop the skill. However, the module helps develop reading skills too because it is
an important skill to help nurses get information in English language. The tasks inside
the module are quite variative (develop speaking, reading, listening, and writing) to
make the learners interested in learning English.
The authors know that it is not a perfect module but the authors hope this module can
be useful and accepted by the lecturer.


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Basic English for Nurse |

PREFACE ...........................................................................................................................................i

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES: An Introduction .................1

CHAPTER II GREETING & INTRODUCTION.............................................................7

CHAPTER III GIVING DIRECTIONS .............................................................................13

CHAPTER IV GIVING MEDICAL DIRECTION ............................................................19

CHAPTER V GENERAL ASSESSMENT ...........................................................................21

CHAPTER VI PART OF THE BODY AND HEALTH PROBLEM .............................25

CHAPTER VII CHECKING VITAL SIGNS ........................................................................29

CHAPTER VIII DIAGNOSING HEALTH PROBLEMS...................................................31

CHAPTER IX PAIN ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................37


CHAPTER XI MONITORING THE PATIENT ...............................................................45

CHAPTER XII SHARING OBSERVATION ......................................................................47

CHAPTER XIII PARTS OF SPEECH ....................................................................................51

CHAPTER XIV ASKING QUESTION ..................................................................................61

CHAPTER XV DESCRIBING PEOPLE AND THINGS ..................................................67

CHAPTER XVI MAKING OFFERS .......................................................................................71

CHAPTER XVII MAKING AND RESPONDING TO A REQUEST ...............................79

CHAPTER XVIII EXPRESSING OPINION ............................................................................85

CHAPTER XIX AGREEMENT AND DISAGREEMENT .................................................95

CHAPTER XX TALKING ABOUT COMPLAINTS .........................................................101

CHAPTER XXI TALKING ABOUT LIKES AND DISLIKES ...........................................105


CHAPTER XXIII TAG QUESTIONS........................................................................................119

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CHAPTER XXIV COMMON ENGLISH QUESTIONS FOR DAILY .............................. 123

CHAPTER XXV EXPLAINING DISEASE ............................................................................. 131

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ESP seems quite a flexible discipline and different people have defined it
differently. We can count as many definitions as the number of linguists who have
defined it. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) have defined ESP as an “approach” rather
than a “product”– meaning that ESP does not necessarily involve any particular kind
of language, teaching material, or methodology. The fundamental function of ESP is:
Why does this learner need to learn a foreign language? The rationale of learning
English, thus, became the crux of ESP.
Robinson (1980) has defined it as the teaching of English to learners who
have specific goals and purposes. According to him, these goals might be
professional, academic, scientific, etc. Mackay and Mountford (1978) have referred
to it as the teaching of English for “clearly utilitarian purposes”. These specific
purposes are the above-mentioned academic, professional or scientific ones that
clearly depend on the learners’ needs. Both these definitions do not confine ESP to
any specific field, discipline, or profession and recognize its broader area of action. A
rather comprehensive approach to define ESP has been tried.
By identifying its absolute and variable characteristics, Dudley-Evans and St.
John (1998) have presented definition of ESP which is comprised of absolute and
variable characteristics of ESP that are as follows:

Absolute Characteristics
1. ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learner;
2. ESP makes use of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it
3. ESP is centered on the language (grammar, lexis, register), skills, discourse, and
genres appropriate to these activities.

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Variable Characteristics
1. ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines;
2. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from
that of general English;
3. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution
or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at the
secondary school level;
4. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students;
5. Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language system, but it
can be used with beginners.

Types of ESP
Dudley-Evans and St. John, (1998) have divided EAP into two divisions: English
for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) and ESAP. EGAP is related to the teaching of
language skills that are common in different disciplines but ESAP refers to the
teaching of language features that are specific to various disciplines. Research has
offered insights into the mutual relationship between EGAP and ESAP. Skills and
language functions learned in EGAP programs may be transferred to specific
disciplines in ESAP programs. Many researchers have discussed the types of ESP
and most of them have grouped ESP into two main categories: English for
Occupational Purposes (EOP) and EAP (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987; Robinson,
1991) whereas Carter (1983) has identified the following three types of ESP:
1. English as a restricted language
2. English for Academic and Occupational Purposes (EAOP)
3. English with specific topics.

Mackey and Mountford (1978) clearly defined the concept of “restricted

language” in their following statement:
“... the language of international air-traffic control could be regarded as
'special', in the sense that the repertoire required by the controller is strictly
limited and can be accurately determined situationally, as might be the

Basic English for Nurse |

linguistic needs of a dining-room waiter or air-hostess. However, such

restricted repertoires are not languages, just as a tourist phrasebook is not
grammar. Knowing a restricted 'language' would not allow the speaker to
communicate effectively in a novel situation, or in contexts outside the
vocational environment”.

The scope and canvas of this first type of ESP is extremely limited which allows
the learners learn the English language for very restricted purposes and it trains the
learners to handle specific situations in extremely limited linguistic settings. This
kind of ESP teaching restricts itself to a "limited number of phrases and expressions
and these learners remain unable to use English in any setting other than the one they
have been trained for.
EAOP has been recognized as the second kind by Carter (1983) whereas the
majority of other researchers have confined their classification of ESP to EAP and
EOP. Robinson (1991) has also included these two types in his classification of ESP.
Kennedy and Bolitho (1985) have added English for Science and Technology (EST) to
their list of types of ESP. It seems to transpire that ESP has been separated from EOP
and EAP because of the fact that it was basically scientific and technological
knowledge that this new approach of ELT was supposed to transfer to non-native
speakers of English. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) describes the classification of
ESP in detail which offers significant insights into the broad scope of ESP:

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Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998) have also included only EAP and EOP in their
division of ESP. Their suggested classification is as under:

Purpose of ESP Courses

There has been a lot of research on the issue of the rationale and purpose
that an ideal ESP course should serve. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) stated that
the purpose of an ESP course is to enable learners to function adequately in a target
situation. ESP course contents should be “goal-directed” (Hadley, 2006 cf. Robinson,
1991) and “centered on the language (grammar, lexis, register, etc.), skills, discourse
and genres appropriate to (the activities of the discipline it serves)” (Hadley, 2006 cf.
Dudley-Evans and St. John, 1998).
Much research has suggested that ESP programs should be aim-directed,
learner-directed, and situation-directed. Therefore, the principle of “one size fits all”
does not apply to ESP courses, and ready-made ESP textbooks are not suitable for
specific teaching settings (Robinson, 1991; Dudley-Evans, 1997; Hutchinson and
Waters, 1987; Gatehouse, 2001).

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Characteristics of ESP Courses

Three features common to ESP courses:
1. Authentic material
Authentic material means using material, not developed or written for teaching
purposes, from the main area of study of the learners or their occupation. This
material may include books, forms, charts, graphs, etc. and these forms of
authentic texts may be exploited in modified or unmodified forms according
to the requirement of the teaching circumstances. Authentic material will be an
appropriate choice if ESP courses are offered to advanced or intermediate level
(Dudley- Evans, 1997)
2. Purpose-related orientation
Purpose-related orientation has been identified as the simulation of different
communicative tasks to prepare the learners for different target situations. The
learners are given practice through simulation to enable them to handle various
linguistic roles in the target situation. Carter (1983) reported student simulation
of different tasks which were required for a conference. These tasks included
preparation of papers, reading of papers, note-taking, etc.
3. Self-direction.
Self-direction is the third characteristic of ESP courses which means that ESP is
concerned with turning learners into users” (Carter, 1983, p. 134). It means that
the students should “have a certain degree of freedom to decide when what
and how they will study” (Gatehouse, 2001).

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Basic English for Nurse |


Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to
Objectives introduce him/herself to patients.

Useful Vocabulary
There are different ways to greet people in English. These are some of the most
common phrases to greet people.

❖ Good Morning ❖ How is it going?
❖ Morning ❖ Hey
❖ Morning, Guys ❖ Hey, What’s up
❖ Good Afternoon ❖ Hey, Buddy
❖ Good Night ❖ Hey, Guys
❖ Good Evening ❖ Hey, What’s going on?
❖ Hi ❖ What’s new?
❖ Hello ❖ How are you doing?
❖ How are you? ❖ Howdy?

Useful expressions to respond to Greetings

These are some of the common ways to respond to some of the greetings above:
❖ Good to see you
❖ Good to see you too
❖ Great
❖ I am fine
❖ Fine
❖ Nothing
❖ Good
❖ I am doing great
❖ Very well thanks
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❖ Not bad
❖ Pretty good
❖ Not Good
❖ Not much

Useful expressions for introductions

➢ What’s your name?
➢ My name is
➢ This is
➢ I am
➢ I am happy to meet you
➢ Nice to see you again
➢ Excuse me
➢ Thanks/Thank you
➢ Please
➢ Nice/good to meet you
➢ Nice meeting you too
➢ I am from

Introducing Yourself
The following are some expressions you can use to introduce yourself:
➢ My name is…
➢ I'm…
➢ Nice to meet you. I'm…
➢ Pleased to meet you. I'm…
➢ Let me introduce myself. I'm…
➢ I'd like to introduce myself, I'm…

Introducing Others
Here are some expressions to introduce others:
 Putri, please meet Nita.
 Desi, this is Yusup, the one I told you about.
 Alfina, have you met Anita?
Basic English for Nurse |

 Here, I'd like you to meet Fajri.

 Haliza, this is Lurie. Lurie, this is Haliza.
 The following are some useful responses you can say when you are being introduced:
 Nice to meet you.
 Pleased to meet you.
 How do you do?

 Bye
 Good-Bye
 See you
 See you later
 See you tomorrow
 See you in a few (In a few means in a few minutes or hours)
 See you around
 Later
 Take care

Dialogue #1
Andi : Good Morning
Devi : How are you, Andi?
Andi : I am fine, Devi
Devi : We are in the same class
Andi : That’s right, Can I have your telephone number?
Devi : Sure, It is 1234567….

Dialogue #2
Sendi : Hello, My name is Sendi
Nanda : How are you, Sendi? I am Nanda
Sendi : I am fine, how about you?
Nanda : I am fine too but I am a little lost.
Sendi : What’s your first class?
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Nanda : I have English class

Sendi : Nice, We are classmates
Nanda : That’s great

Activity 1
Choose the correct answer!

1. Good morning?
a. Yes, thanks you. c. Good evening
b. Very Well, thank you d. Good morning
2. How do you do?
a. Good morning c. How do you do.
b. I’m fine d. Good night
3. Hira: .......................
Icha: I am very well, thank you.
a. What's your name? c. How old are you?
b. How are you? d. How do you do?
4. Before Jhonny goes to sleep, he says ...... to his Mom.
a. Thank you c. Good night
b. See you d. Good bye
5. Yohan : ... Tiara. See you tomorrow.
Tiara : Good bye. See you.
a. Good afternoon c. Good bye
b. Good night d. Good morning

Activity 2
Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions, and then practice with your partner !

Cindy : Hi, what‟s your name?

Rigan :

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Cindy : I’m Cindy. I haven’t see you before

Rigan :
Cindy : Where are you from?
Rigan :
Cindy : How long have you been in this country?
Rigan :
Cindy : How do you like this country?
Rigan :
Cindy : Nice to meet you.
Rigan :

Activity 3
Do this in pairs. Ask your partner more about her/his personal information. Use this
questionnaire. After asking your partner, take a turn to answer his/her question. Use the
Questions Answer
1. What’s your name? 1. My name is ………….
2. What’s your hobby? 2. My hobby is ………….
3. Where are you from? 3. I’m from ………….
4. Where do you live now? 4. I live in ………….
5. How long have you been living there? 5. I have been living there for ………….
6. Where did you study nursing? 6. I study nursing at ………….
7. How long have you studied here? 7. I have studied here for ………….

Activity 4
Make a dialogue between nurses and patients the first time they meet and Practice it
in front of the class!

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Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. Use expressions related to giving directions correctly.
2. Give directions to a certain place in or out of the hospital

Surrounded by Right Dead-end Turn
In the middle of Left One way U‐turn
Directly opposite Intersection Straight ahead Corridor
On the right-hand side of Parallel to Roundabout Sidewalk
On the left-hand side of Corner Close to

Prepositions of Place and Movement

To describe the place where something is, we use prepositions such as in, on, on top
of, at the top/bottom of, inside/outside, near, next to, by, in front of, behind, opposite,
under, over, at, on the left/right.
1. The shop is near the entrance, on the right of reception.
2. The toilets are at the bottom of the stairs, on the left.

To talk about movement, we use prepositions such as up, down, into, out of, away,
from, to, through, across, along, past, back to around, left/right.
1. Go through the swing doors, turn left along the corridor, and the coffee bar is in
front of you.

Prepositions of movement are used with verbs of movement such as go, come, take,
push, carry.
Basic English for Nurse |

1. Can you take these files back to the office, please?
2. To get from here to surgery, you have to wheel the trolley through three wards.

Asking for Directions

 Where is the… from here?
 Excuse me, sir. I am looking for…
 How do / can I get there?
 Do you know the directions to…?

 Pardon me. What are the directions to…?

 What is the way to…?
 How do I go/get to…?
 Please tell/give me the way to…
 Can / could you help me? I want to go to…

 Can you give me directions to…?

 Could you tell me the way to…?

Giving for Directions

 Go up / down… for… blocks.
 Go up / down… to….
 Go straight ahead to….
 You go along… to….
 Walk/drive (that way) until you see Benson Ave.
 Continue in the same direction until (you get to) the stop sign.
 Turn right / left at / on….
 Don’t turn there.
 At the intersection / traffic lights, turn right / left.

 At the corner of… and…, you turn right / left.

 It’s on your left/right.
 It’s the second building on / your right / left.

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How to give simple directions?

➢ Walk down……………………….
➢ Go along this ……………………….
➢ Go upstairs ……………………….
➢ Until you find ……………………….
➢ Then turn right/ left ……………………….
➢ Take the first turn on the right.
➢ Take the second road on the left.
➢ Then turn left/ right at the next T junction.
➢ Turn left at the traffic light.

Showing a place/ room

It is …………
On the left/ right side of …………
Next to …………
Near …………
At the opposite of …………
At the corner of …………
Just before …………
Across from …………

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Activity 1

• Make group of four

• Each group decides a place based on the map above
• Tell the place one by one in front of the other groups, and then let them guess
the place
• The fastest group who raise their hands become the group which has a chance to
answer/guess it
• The winner is the group which has the highest point
• Other groups take their turn
For example: From the Main Gate, go straight through the car park until you find an
entrance. Then you turn left. The room is a wide one

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Activity 2
This is the site map of the 1st floor of a hospital

This is the 2nd floor of a hospital

Refer to the site map above. Make a communication exchange to show the direction. The
starting points are as follows.

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1. The security to the maternity unit

2. The nurse station in ICU to the canteen
3. The security to the toilet (between dispensary and radiology)
4. The emergency room to the lift
5. The polyclinic to the pediatric ward (on the 2nd floor)
6. The waiting room to the children playground (on the 2nd floor)
7. The operation room to ICU (opposite the physiotherapy unit)
8. The entrance to the Class 1
9. The nurse station (near the lift on the 2nd floor) to the laboratory
10. The emergency room to admission


Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. Checks patient’s details.
2. Give the patient direction to choose any medical checkup.
3. Give the patient information around the ward.

❖ Appointment
❖ Prescriptions
❖ Treatment
❖ Assessment
❖ Life
❖ Threatening
❖ Cubicle.

✓ What kinds of medical check-up do you want?
✓ How about you do the …. (kinds of medical check-up)?
✓ May I check your blood pressure first, please?
 The .... (toilet/ nurse’s room/ doctor’s room/ laboratories) is (beside/on) …….
(right/ left/ … floor).

Task 1
Complete the sentences with the words from the list.
1. A snake bite can be …………
2. Receptionists make …… for patients.
3. Go into the …… to get undressed.
4. Arms and legs are called ………
5. Sometimes it is difficult to read …….

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6. The doctor decides on the correct …..

7. A triage nurse makes an initial …..
8. The patient is …. to certain antibiotics.

Life-threatening treatment cubicle

prescriptions limbs assessment allergic

Task 2
Choose one of the situations, do this with your pair, and practice in front of the
class! Make a dialogue with this situation:
a. The patient needs to go to the laboratories to do the DNA test.
b. The patient asked the Orthopedist’s room.
c. The patient asked about the schedule of the dentists.
d. The nurse needs the patient’s ID to write it into the note for the health record.



Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. To use expressions for collecting demographic data
2. To use questions to collect current and past health‐illness

❖ Surname
❖ Next of kin
❖ Assess
❖ Assessment
❖ Occupation

Collecting Demographic Data Elements

a) Learn these expressions to initiate communication
Explain what you are going to do immediately
It is time for me to ……….
I just want to ………. interview the patient to assess their
I would like to ………. health condition
I am going to ……….
I need to ……….

b) Question to collect demographic data elements

Learn and practice these expressions
Question To Ask
NAME What is your name?
What is your complete name?
What is your surname?

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AGE How old are you?

ADDRESS What is your address?
Where do you live?
PHONE Your phone number, please
What is your phone number?
Do you have a mobile phone?
MARITAL STATUS Are you married?
HEALTH INSURANCE Do you have any health insurance?
OCCUPPPATION & TITLE What is your occupation?
Do you have any academic titles?
What is your title?
What do you do?
NEXT OF KIN Who is your next of kin?
REASON FOR CONTACT What brings you to this hospital?
It is a reason that makes Who sends you to this hospital?
you come to the hospital. It What makes you come to this hospital?
can be a chief complaint,
medical checkup

Task 1
Pair Work
Interview your friend
Fill in the blanks with his/her personal demographic data.
Name :
Age :
Address :
Phone :
Marital Status :
Health Insurance :
Occupation & Title :
Basic English for Nurse |

Next of Kin :
Reason for Contact :

Current‐Health and Illness Status

Current Health Status
• What do you think about your health?
• Would you tell me about your health condition recently?
Sample of patient’s response: “I’m usually healthy, have usual cold, and have to take
medicine for high blood pressure”
• Would you tell me about your ………?
• How many times a day do you do your ………?
• Do you have any problem with your ………?

History of Past Health and Illnesses

Assessment Step: Asking Common Communicable Disease
• Have you ever had + a kind of disease……?
Response: Yes, I have/No, I haven’t
• How old were you when you got it?
Response: I was about ……years old
• Are you allergic to…… (a certain food/medication)
(Example: Are you allergic to penicillin/antibiotic)

Assessment Step: Asking about Immunizations

• Have you ever been immunized against + (a kind of disease)?
• Have you ever got……+ (a kind of disease) …….immunizations?
Example: Have you ever got polio immunizations?

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Task 2. Pair Work

Assess your partner or your friend’s current health condition by using questions listed


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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to express
Objectives the location of the pain in the body

Study the vocabulary and its description listed below!
to have + noun an ache Sprained
to ache a pain stiff
to hurt a bruise sore
to throb a rash Painful
to itch a cut Dizzy
to irritate a scar Fainted
to injure a swelling Injured
a graze
a sting
a bite

Description of “ache, pain, hurt, injured, throb and itch”

ache (v): merasa sakit yang tidak terlalu, tetapi berlangsung terus menerus.
• I‟m aching all over
• Her eyes ache from lack of sleep

ache (n): rasa sakit

• Mom, I‟ve got a tummy ache
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• Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxing massage

• Bellyache/stomachache: sakit perut
Pain (n): suatu rasa yang dialami tubuh akibat suatu penyakit atau luka atau tindakan
• She was clearly in a lot of pain
• He felt a sharp pain in his knee
• Patients suffering from acute pain
• The booklet contains information on pain relief during labor
• This cream should help to relieve the pain

painful (adj): terasa sakit

• Is your back still painful?
• My ankle is still too painful to walk on

hurt (v): menyebabkan terasa sakit secara fisik, terluka

• He hurt his back playing squash
• Did you hurt yourself?
• My back is really hurting me today
• Strong light hurts my eyes

Injured (adj): melukai, luka, menyebabkan luka

• He injured his knee when playing hockey
• She injured herself during training

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throb (v): terasa sakit berdenyut‐denyut

• His head throbbed painfully
• My feet were throbbing after the long walk home

throb (n): sakit yang berdenyut

• My headache faded to a dull throbbing

sore (adj): sakit, perih (bias karena infeksi atau gerakan yang berlebihan)
• I have a sore throat
• His feet were sore after the long walk
• My stomach is still sore after the operation

Itch (v): gatal

• I itch all over
• Does the rash itch?
• This sweater really itches

Useful expression
➢ Would/Can you show me/point at the location of your pain?
➢ Show me where the location of your pain is?
➢ Where is the pain?
➢ Is it (your pain) in your + (part of the body)?
➢ Do you feel pain in your + (part of the body)?

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Activity 1
Translate into communicative English using the words given below
1. (pain) Saya merasakan sakit sekali di lutut saya
2. (hurt) Pergelangan kaki saya nyeri
3. (throb) Kepala saya pusing berdenyut‐denyut
4. (itch) Punggung saya terasa gatal
5. (injured) Jari tangan saya terluka
6. (sore) Tenggorokan saya sakit
7. (hurt) Sinar yang sangat terang akan menyakitkan mata
8. (ache) Kaki saya sakit karena terlalu banyak berlari
9. (pain) Saya merasa sakit disini
10. (painful) Punggung saya terasa sakit sekali

Activity 2
Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient
1. Patient: Call a nurse, state your complaint
2. Nurse: Ask what the problem is
3. Nurse: Repeat patient’s expression for sure
4. Nurse: Ask patient to tell the location of
5. Patient: Tell nurse where you feel the pain.

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. To ask permission to take vital signs
2. To record vital signs

Vital Signs:
➢ temperature (oral, armpit, celcius or farenheit)
➢ pulse (apical, temporal, femoral, radial, carotic, the apex of heart, popliteal,
dorsalis pedis, posterior tibialis)
➢ respiration

➢ BP (Blood Pressure: right arm or left arm).

It is now common practice for nurses to communicate with the patients as much as
possible when they are doing routine nursing tasks. If the nurses talk, the patients
become involved in their treatment. As the nurses take the patients’ vital signs, it will
be better if they say what they are going to do, explain why they are doing it, and give
the patients feedback.

I Need to Take your Vital Signs

Nurse : I need to take your vital signs to make sure that your temperature, pulse,
respiration, and blood pressure are okay while you’re staying in our hospital.
Patient: All right.
Nurse : I’m just going to wrap this cuff around your arm and pump some air into it so
that I can read your blood pressure. Could you please roll up your sleeve a bit?
Patient: Right. (Patient rolls up his sleeve.) Like this?
Nurse : Yeah, that’s fine. (Nurse attaches cuff and starts pumping.)
Patient: It feels a bit funny.
Nurse : Don’t worry. It won’t hurt you.

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Patient: What is my blood pressure?

Nurse : Your blood pressure is 120/80.
Patient: Is it OK?
Nurse : Yes. It’s normal.

Task 1
Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).
1 Eupnea A a measurement of how many times a
person's heartbeats per minute
2 Diastolic B measures blood pressure as the
3 Apnea C measures blood pressure as the heart
4 Systolic D difficult or irregular breathing
5 Resting rate E having steady vital signs
6 Stable F a measurement of heartbeats per
minute while not engaged in physical
7 Heart rate G regular, easy breathing

Task 2
Look at the pictures below! Describe what the nurse is doing in each one!

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. Communicate about the implementation of diagnosing a
health problem.
2. Give some instructions during t h e implementation of
diagnosing a health problem

Nursing Notes
Inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation are examination techniques that
enable the nurse to collect a broad range of physical data about patients.
1. Inspection
The process of observation is a visual examination of the patient’s body parts to
detect normal characteristics or significant physical signs.
2. Palpation
Involves the use of the sense of touch. Giving gentle pressure or deep pressure
using your hand is the main activity of palpation.
3. Percussion
Involves tapping the body with fingertips to evaluate the size, borders, and
consistency of body organs and discover fluids in body cavities.
4. Auscultation
Listening to sounds produced by the body.

❖ Pulse rate
❖ Rhythm or regularity
❖ Tension
❖ Beats per minute
❖ Patient’s chart
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❖ Normal pulse rhythm

❖ Bradycardia
❖ Tachycardia
❖ Bounding
❖ Thread/weak
Medical Terms Colloquial expression
Dyspnea Breathlessness, out of breath, shortness of breath,
fighting for breath
Expectorate To bring up/cough up phlegm/spit
Expiration Breathing out
Inspiration Breathing in
Respiration Breathing
Sputum Phlegm

Useful Expressions
Implementation step
Now I am going to….. press your… + (part of the) body gently
It’s time for me to….. examine your… artery
Now I want to…. cheeks

Would you…? remove + your wig
Now I want you to…? put off+your hairpieces
Please + raise your eyebrows
frown your forehead smile
puff your cheeks shrug your shoulder
flex your neck with chin toward
bend your neck, with an ear toward the shoulder
take a sip of water from this glass

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Task 1
Mention what activity you do for each case listed below.
No Activity Technique
1 Examining patient’s respiratory
2 Inspecting the mouth and throat
3 Asking the patient to stand up to find whether there is
scoliosis or not
4 Pressing her middle finger of the non‐dominant hand
firmly against the patient’s back. With palm and fingers
remaining off the skin, the tip of the middle finger of the
dominant hand strikes the other, using a quick, sharp
5 Observing the color of the eyes
6 Observing the movement of air through the lungs
7 Testing deep tendon reflexes using a hammer
8 Checking the tender areas with her hand
9 Pressing abdomen deeply to check the condition of the
underlying organ
10 Preparing good lighting, then he observes the body parts.

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Task 2
What kind of examination technique?

Task 3
Whole class and pair work
✓ Practice these instructions
✓ Listen to the teacher’s instructions and act them out
✓ Then, practice these in pairs
1. Raise your eyebrows
2. Close your eyes tightly
3. Frown
4. Smile
5. Puff your cheeks
6. Shrug your shoulder
7. Flex your neck with chin toward
8. Bend your neck, with an ear toward shoulder

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9. Take a sip of water from this glass

Task 4 Pair work
✓ Make a complete conversation on acts of assessing head, face, and neck
✓ Use the expression above
Doctor's Diagnosis - English Vocabulary
Example Sentences

➢ Your test results have come in.
➢ I'm afraid the prognosis isn't good.
➢ You have a long road to recovery.
➢ We have several options to discuss.
➢ The blood test came back negative.
➢ The transfusion was a success.
➢ It looks like you're ready to go home.
➢ I'd like to keep you here overnight.
➢ We'll know more in a few days.
➢ You're not in the clear yet.
➢ We've ruled out diabetes.
➢ I'm hoping to get to the bottom of this soon.
➢ I don't understand what this means.
➢ Am I going to need surgery?
➢ Is it good news or bad?
➢ When will the results of the test come in?
➢ How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
➢ What is the success rate?
➢ Are they going to run more tests?
➢ Is this a common problem for people my age?
➢ I'd like to discuss other options.

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➢ I'm going to get a second opinion.

Doctor : Hi Jessica. How are you feeling today?
Patient : A bit better.
Doctor : That's good to hear. Are you still feeling nauseous?
Patient : No, I haven't felt sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.
Doctor : Great. Say, your test results came in this morning.
Patient : It's about time. Is it good news or bad?
Doctor : I guess it's a bit of both. Which do you want first?
Patient : Let's get the bad news over with.
Doctor : Okay. It looks like you're going to need surgery to remove the tumor from
your leg. After the operation, you're going to have to stay off your feet for
at least three weeks. That means no soccer.
Patient : I was afraid you were going to say that.
Doctor : Now for the good news. The biopsy shows that the tumor is benign, which
means it's not cancerous. We're going to take it out anyway just to be on
the safe side.
Patient : Wow, that's a load off my mind. Thanks, Doctor.
Doctor : Don't get too excited. We still need to get to the bottom of all of this
weight loss.
Patient : I've probably just been so worried about this stupid lump.
Doctor : These things often are stress-related, but we're still going to do a few
blood tests just to rule a few things out.
Patient : Things like what? Cancer?
Doctor : Actually, I'm thinking more along the lines of a food allergy.

Task 5 Test your understanding

1. Why did the woman have to switch medication?
2. What bad news does the doctor give the patient?
3. What medical procedure did the patient already undergo?

Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. Students can understand what is paint assessment
2. Students can identify the characteristics of the patient’s

Assessing Pain
1. Pain assessment
Assessing pain can be complicated as the physical and physiological aspects of the
patient all need to be considered. Because the experience of pain is very subjective,
the nurse needs to be able to use some objective criteria to evaluate the location,
nature, and intensity of the pain so a diagnosis can be made. One of the most
widely accepted definitions of pain was put forward by McCaffery (1979, p.18),
who suggests that pain is ‘whatever the experiencing person says it is and exists
whenever he says it does.
2. Assessments of the patient’s pain experience
When identifying the characteristics of the patient’s pain it is essential the
nurse considers the following:
a. The type of pain: is it crampy, stabbing, sharp? The patient’s description of the
pain may help in diagnosing its cause. Myocardial (heart) pain is often
described as stabbing, but liver pain as cramping or aching.
b. Its intensity: is it mild, severe, or excruciating? This can be described by using
a pain assessment scale. The nurse asks the patients to rate the pain on a scale
of 0 to 10; zero being no pain and 10 being excruciating pain. With children, a
range of pictures showing a child changing from happy to sad can be used.
Colour charts with a series of colours from black through grey to yellow and
orange can be used, especially with patients who have difficulty grasping
numbers or articulating exactly what their pain is like.

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c. The onset: was it sudden or gradual? Find out when it started and in what
circumstances. What makes it worse? What makes it better? What was the
patient doing immediately before it happened?
d. Its duration: is it persistent, constant, or intermittent?
e. Its location: ask the patient to be as specific as possible, for example, indicating
the site by pointing.
f. Changes in the site: there may be tenderness, swelling, discoloration,
firmness, or rigidity. With appendicitis, a classic sign is the movement of pain
to the right and downwards. In a myocardial infarction (a heart attack), pain
classically radiates down the arm, and with the liver, the pain can radiate to
the shoulder.
g. Any associated symptoms: Some of the common symptoms of the disease that
can influence the response to pain are anorexia, constipation, cough,
inflammation, anxiety and fear, dryness of the mouth.
h. Signs such as redness, swelling, or heat.

Task 1
Read the text below and write T (true) or F (false) next to each of the statements.
1. Assessing pain is a straightforward process
2. Pain is an object experience
3. It is important for a nurse to use objective criteria to measure the level of pain
4. Colour ‘mood’ charts are only useful for children
5. The first step for a nurse is to identify characteristics of the patient’s pain.
Match the adjective to the picture, make the line to the right adjective.

shooting gnawing stabbing burning stinging

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Task 2
Make the description of pain in your own language.
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Basic English for Nurse |


Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. Ask questions about t h e patient’s health problem
2. Report about the nursing diagnose
3. Report the symptoms of a health problem

Break Waterworks In a bad shape Dribble
Bother Constipation Not in any shape Clammy
Bowel movement Lassitude Bloated

Useful expression
Nurse’s questions to check the patient’s complaint/condition
1. What’s your problem?
2. How are you feeling today?
3. What makes you call me?
4. What’s your chief complaint?
5. What’s troubling you?
6. What’s the matter with you?
7. What’s wrong with you?
8. What seems to be bothering you?

Patient’s expressions about symptoms and physical problem

1. I have + (a part of the body + ache)
a toothache
a headache
a stomachache
a backache
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2. I have (a sore + parts of the body)

a sore throat
a sore foot
a sore arm
a sore knee
3. I have/get + kinds of physical problems
the measles
the flu
a cold
a bloody vomit and stool
a bowel movement
a bad cough
a fever

4. I feel + kinds of physical problems

cold and clammy
in bade shape
5. I experience + kinds of physical problems
low back pain
difficulty breathing
cold and clammy
6. I suffer from + kinds of certain illness

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7. I sprained my (possessive) + joints/bones problem


Nurse’s report/diagnose/how to report about patient’s condition/complaint

➢ He/ She complains about his/her + part of the body
➢ He/ She has + health problem
➢ He/she suffer from + health problem
➢ He/she may have + disease / health
➢ He/she seems to have

Activity 1
Make a conversation between a nurse and a patient
A patient was suspected of a gastric peptic ulcer. The symptoms are burning and
gnawing felt in the upper part of the abdomen. The pain confines the lower chest. The
pains come and go.

Conversation 1
1. Patient: Call a nurse, state your complain
2. Nurse: Ask what the problem is
3. Nurse: Repeat patient’s expression for sure, and tell the patient
that you will report his/her condition to a specialist.

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Conversation 2
1. Doctor: Call a nurse; ask about the patient’s complaint
2. Nurse: Tell the doctor about the symptoms and your diagnosis


Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to:
Objectives 1. Use questions to collect current and past health illness data
2. Ask some questions to the patient about the condition

Useful Expressions (Asking common Communicable Disease)

➢ Have you ever had + a kind of disease........?
Response: yes, I have/no, I haven’t
➢ How old were you when you got it?
Response: I was about ....... years old
➢ Are you allergic to ....... (a certain food/medication)
(Example: are you allergic to penicillin/antibiotic)

Kinds of diseases: measles-mumps-rheumatic-fever-scarlet fever.

Current Health and illness Status
➢ What do you think about your health?
➢ Would you tell me about your health condition?
Sample of patient’s response: “I’m usually healthy, have a usual cold, and have to take
medicine for high blood pressure’’
➢ Would you tell me about your .......?
➢ Do you have any problem with your .......?
➢ How many times a day do you......?

Task 1
Choose the correct option to complete the sentences
1. The heart rate is monitored/is monitored/monitored regularly
2. The nurses are checked/is checked/checked

Basic English for Nurse |

3. Mrs. Ramone removed/were removed/ was removed her dentures before going
to the theatre
4. I didn’t tell/wasn’t told / not told I was expecting twins
5. She didn’t give/gave/given the correct diagnosis

Task 2
Use the information in the text to complete the sentence with the correct answer a, b
or c
1. Nurses are in a good position to ......
a. Monitor patients
b. Specialize
c. Get to know their patients
2. What is happening to this patient? is a question which ......
a. Only nurses can answer
b. Monitoring helps the answer
c. Nurses must ask
3. Technological aids give information about ........
a. Internal organs
b. Bodily fluids
c. Vital signs
4. Self-monitoring is ..............
a. Done by doctors and nurses
b. Done at an hospital
c. Cheap and convenient


Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to help
Objectives patients identify and express a feeling

Pale Daydream Suffocate Bouncy
Tense Tired Moan Stiff
Painful Rigid Groan Sigh
Afraid of ... Gasp Contempt Bruise
Tender Swollen

Useful Expression
Study and practice these useful expressions
➢ You look………..
➢ Your (part of the body) looks…[uncomfortable] when …….. (v-ing)
➢ . with your (part of the body)
➢ You seem to have + (a problem with + a part of the body)
➢ . + (a health problem: such as a stomachache, a chest pain)

Activity 1
Practice the substitution drill below
1. You look……….

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2. Your…. looks …….

skin sallow
eyes reddish
nail yellowish
3. You seem uncomfortable when …..
moving your hand
changing your clothes
4. You look uncomfortable with your …..
Activity 2
▪ Make into groups consist of 6 participants
▪ Cut pictures available in supplementary material below
▪ Observe their expressions
▪ Share your observations to each of them
▪ Show each picture to the class, and tell your observations

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Activity 3
These sentences below are the situations from the video (Link: that has been shown. If the
sentence is true, circle T (true) is the answer, and if the sentence is not true circle F
(false) is the answer.
1. The patient seems uncomfortable when she is walking T F
2. The patient was falling down the stairs T F
3. The nurse takes the patient to the emergency room T F
4. The patient looked tense before the operation T F
5. The nurse said that the operation will be successful T F
6. The operation did not work well T F
7. The patient’s legs cannot be healed after the operation T F
8. The nurse said that the patient can do her activity again T F

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Basic English for Nurse |

Learning Objectives After completing this chapter, students will be able to
explain part of speech in English

A part of speech is a term used in traditional grammar for one of the nine main
categories into which words are classified according to their functions in sentences,
such as nouns or verbs. Also known as word classes, these are the building blocks of

1. Noun
Nouns are a person, place, thing, or idea. They can take on a myriad of
roles in a sentence, from the subject of it all to the object of an action.
They are capitalized when they're the official name of something or
someone, called proper nouns in these cases. Examples: pirate,
Caribbean, ship, freedom, Captain Jack Sparrow.
2. Pronoun
Pronouns stand in for nouns in a sentence. They are more generic
versions of nouns that refer only to people. Examples: I, you, he, she, it,
ours, them, who, which, anybody, ourselves.
3. Verb
Verbs are action words that tell what happens in a sentence. They can
also show a sentence subject's state of being (is, was). Verbs change
form based on tense (present, past) and count distinction (singular or
plural). Examples: sing, dance, believes, seemed, finish, eat, drink, be,
4. Adjective

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Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They specify which one, how
much, what kind, and more. Adjectives allow readers and listeners to
use their senses to imagine something more clearly. Examples: hot,
lazy, funny, unique, bright, beautiful, poor, smooth.
5. Adverb
Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. They
specify when, where, how, and why something happened and to what
extent or how often. Examples: softly, lazily, often, only, hopefully,
softly, sometimes.
6. Preposition
Prepositions show spacial, temporal, and role relations between a
noun or pronoun and the other words in a sentence. They come at the
start of a prepositional phrase, which contains a preposition and its
object. Examples: up, over, against, by, for, into, close to, out of, apart
7. Conjunction
Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence. There are
coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions.
Examples: and, but, or, so, yet, with.
8. Interjection
Interjections are expressions that can stand on their own or be
contained within sentences. These words and phrases often carry
strong emotions and convey reactions. Examples: ah, whoops,
ouch, yabba dabba do!

Figuring out parts of speech

Sometimes, it’s not easy to tell which part of speech a word is. Here are a few easy
“hacks” to quickly figure out what part of speech you’re dealing with:
➢ If it’s an adjective plus the ending “-ly,” it’s an adverb. Examples: commonly,

Basic English for Nurse |

➢ If you can swap it out for a noun and the sentence still makes sense, it’s a pronoun.
Example: We played basketball. / Steve and I played basketball.
➢ If it’s something you do, and you can modify the sentence to include the word do,
it’s a verb. Examples: I have an umbrella. / I do have an umbrella.
➢ If you can remove the word and the sentence still makes sense, but you lose detail,
the word is most likely an adjective. Example: She drives a red van. / She drives a
➢ If you can remove the word and the sentence doesn’t make sense, it’s likely a
preposition. Example: I left my notebook on the desk. / I left my notebook on the
And if you’re ever really stumped, just look the word up. Dictionaries typically list the
part of speech a word fits in its entry, and if it fits more than one part of speech, both
are listed with examples.

When a word is two different kinds of speech

Just like Y is sometimes a vowel but sometimes a consonant, there are words that
are sometimes one part of speech and other times another. Here are a few examples:
➢ Work
✓ I went to work (noun).
✓ I work in the garden (verb).
➢ Well
✓ She paints very well (adverb).
✓ He’s well-liked in his community (adjective).
✓ I dropped a penny in the well (noun).
➢ But
✓ I cooked breakfast and lunch, but Steve cooked dinner (conjunction).
✓ I brought everything but the pens you asked for (preposition).

Basic English for Nurse |

Activity 1 - What is a Part of Speech?

1. "My sister speaks good English." Which word is a verb?
a. sister b. speak c. good

2. Verbs are one type of word, and ________ are another type of word.
a. nouns b. letters c. sentences

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3. How many different types of words, or "parts of speech", does English have?
a. five b. seven c. nine

4. Different parts of speech have different jobs. What do verbs like "run" and "learn" do?
a. express things b. express actions c. tell us more about a noun

5. "Let's watch a funny movie." Which word is a noun?

a. watch b. funny c. movie

6. "Do you like your new teacher?" Which word is an adjective?

a. like b. new c. teacher

7. Adjectives are words like "hot" and "loud" that tell us more about
a. a noun b. a verb c. an adverb

8. Another part of speech is the adverb. These are words like "quickly" and "quietly" that
tell us more about
a. a noun b. a verb c. an adjective

9. "I always study hard before a test." In this sentence, which word is an adverb?
a. study b. hard c. test

10. "The test wasn't difficult, so I passed easily." The word "difficult" is
a. a verb b. an adverb c. an adjective

Activity 2
Select the word in the sentence that correctly responds to the part of speech in the
1. The dog ran away. (noun)
a. The
b. Dog

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c. Ran
d. Away

2. What is the conjunction in this sentence?

“We went to bed early because we were so tired”.
a. went
b. because
c. were
d. so
3. Identify the part of speech of the underlined word in this sentence:
“I wanted to go to the media centre to check out a book, but it was not open”.
a. Pronoun
b. Conjunction
c. Verb
d. Adverb
e. Interjection

4. It‘s time to step out of your comfort zone.

a. adverb
b. noun
c. pronoun
d. preposition

5. What part of speech takes the place of a noun or nouns?

a. Pronoun
b. Adverb
c. Preposition
d. Interjection

6. What part of speech modifies a noun or pronoun?

a. Adverb
b. Verb

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c. Adjective
d. Interjection

7. Select the word in the sentence that correctly responds to the part of speech in the
“A warm breeze crept over the land. (adjective)”
a. A
b. Breeze
c. Warm
d. Over

8. Indicates emotion and does not fit into the grammar of the sentence.
a. Interjection
b. Preposition
c. Conjunction
d. Adverb

9. What part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence? Adverb or
“The boys went inside to eat dinner”.
a. Adverb
b. Preposition

10. An action or state of being

a. Noun
b. Adjective
c. Verb
d. Adverb

11. Choose a word from the list below to fill the gap in the following sentence.
‘The football player _______ his ankle.’ (verb)
a. Sprained
b. Ouch

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c. His
d. Under
e. Painful

12. What part of speech describes a noun or pronoun and answers the questions which
one(s)? how many/much? or what kind(s)?
a. Verb
b. Adverb
c. Adjective
d. Preposition
e. Noun

13. After lunch let’s go out for a coffee.

a. Pronoun
b. Preposition
c. Verb
d. Adverb

14. What did she ask you to do?

a. Preposition
b. Preposition
c. pronoun
d. Adjective

15. They don’t go out in a boat during a severe storm.

a. adverb
b. preposition
c. verb
d. conjunction

16. A words that describes an action or a state of being

a. Verb
b. Noun

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c. Adjective
d. Pronoun
e. Adverb

17. Choose a word from the list below to fill the gap in the following sentence.
‘____! There is a shark over there!’ (interjection)
a. Ocean
b. Blue
c. Quickly
d. Because
e. Help

18. Fill in the blank with the correct part of speech.

After, around, at, behind, beside, off, though, until, upon, and with are all examples of
common ____________.
a. Prepositions
b. Conjunctions
c. Pronouns
d. Verbs

19. Find the noun: Every time it rains, I carry my umbrella.

a. every
b. rains
c. my
d. umbrella

20. Choose a word from the list below to fill the gap in the following sentence.
‘The shark swam silently through the _____.’ (noun)
a. Ocean
b. Blue
c. Quickly
d. Because
e. She

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Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will understand how
Objectives to ask question

Asking questions for nurses and midwife is an important part to identify patients’
problems. In English, we have basically 4 types of questions that are commonly used
in speaking (1) Yes/No question, (2) Information question, (3) Choice question, and (4)
Attached/negative question/T ag question. The following explanation below will
address the four questions;

(1) Yes/no question and short answer

(2) Information question

A question that asks for information by using a question word: 5W & 1H.
How have many uses.
(1) One use of how is to ask about means (ways)
- How painful is your chest?
- How to measure Blood Pressure?
(2) How often: asks about frequency
- How often do you wake during your sleep?
- How many times a week does your family visit you?
Basic English for Nurse |

(3) How far: The most common way of expressing distance

- How far is your house to Dr. Soetomo Hospital?
(4) How long/ how many (time): asks for information about the length of time
- How long will an operation be run?

Who, Whom, and What

(1) Who: is used as the subject(s) or question
- Who comes? Someone come
(2) Who (m): is used as the object (O) in a question
- Whom did you see? I saw someone
(3) What: can be used as either: S and O
- What happened with your stomach?
- What do you think about the nursing profession?
(4) What kind of asks for information about a specific type
- What kind of medicine did you receive?
(5) Which: is used when the speaker wants someone to make a choice, when the speaker is
offering alternatives
- Which one of the legs is fractured?
(6) Where: asks for a place
- Where are you going to see a doctor?
(7) When: asks for time
- When should Mrs. Ani get a laboratory test?
(8) Whose: asks about possession
- Whose book is this?]

(3) Choice question

A question that can be used first by using to be (is, are, am, were, was) and do, does,
did, has, have, etc
- Is your pain in the left or right of your chest?
- Are you hungry or suffering?

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(4) Attached/negative questions/tag questions

The statement sentences which a speaker is supposed to be or already known the
- You look very pale, don’t you?
- You are feeling well after taking medicine, aren’t you?
Example of asking the question
Asking question purpose to gather information needed in order to explore and
identify the relevant data.
For example:
1. Excuse me, can I ask you something?
2. What symptoms do you have?
3. Do you have pains here?
4. Are you covered by any health insurance?
5. Are you allergic to any antibiotics?

Practice the dialogue:

(1) Preparing patient’s equipment
N : Good morning, Mr. Joni. How are you today?
P : Fine thanks
N : Have you been fasting since last night?
P : Yes I have
N : Good. Are you ready for the urine and blood test now?
P : Of course,
N : Do you want anything for your breakfast afterward?
P : Yes, please. Something light.
N : You mean fruit…cereal…or…
P : Just one apple and banana, thanks.
N : Not a problem.

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First, you will see the answer to a question. Then, you should write the question that
matches the answer below it. For example:
➢ Answer : I ate pizza for lunch.
➢ Question : What did you eat for lunch?
If there is an underlined word in the answer, then that word should be the target of
your question. (That is the information the question wants to know.)
➢ Don’t forget to put a question mark!
➢ Spelling is important

Making Questions Exercises: Task 1

1. No, I don’t own a car. | Question:

2. Winter begins in December. | Question:

3. I like jazz music. | Question:

4. The movie was boring. | Question:

5. That’s Matthew’s bag. | Question:

Making Questions Exercises: Task 2

1. Yes, I have eaten breakfast today. | Question:

2. I’m taking the grammar class. | Question:

3. I brush my teeth twice a day. | Question:

4. He has worked there for 1 year. | Question:

5. No, I didn’t see John yesterday. | Question:

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Making Questions Exercises: Task 3

1. I have lived here for 6 months. | Question:

2. The trip takes 20 minutes. | Question:

3. My breakfast was delicious. | Question:

4. My brother is kind and funny. | Question:

Making Questions Exercises: Task 4

1. I have two brothers. | Question:

2. Those are Jack’s shoes. | Question:

3. ‘Frightening’ means ‘very scary‘. | Question:

4. He broke his right arm. | Question:



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Basic English for Nurse |


Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to describe
Objectives people's appearance and clothing.

Describing people
• verb 'to be' to describe height, body build and age
• 'have' and 'has' to describe hair colour, hair length and facial features
• 'wear' to talk about clothes

Height, body build and age

When describing people, we use the verb 'to be' to describe height, body build and

I am tall and slim.
He is overweight.
Ann is chubby.
You are old and short.
They are young.

A. Write short descriptions of the people in the pictures below using the verb 'to be' and
the adjectives: tall, short, overweight, slim, old, young.


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Facial features
We use 'have' and 'has' to describe hair colour, hair length and facial features. Facial
features are eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, lips, ears, chin, etc.

She has long brown hair.
She has big blue eyes.
She has a small nose.
She has a wide mouth and big red lips.

B. In pairs, take it in turns to describe the people below.

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We use the verb 'wear' to talk about the clothes someone has on.

C. What other items of clothing can you add to this list? Write your answers in the spaces
T-shirt jeans trainers dress
skirt socks sweater
suit trousers shirt boots shoes
................ ................ ................ ................
................ ................ ................

D. What are you wearing now?


E. What did you wear yesterday?

F. In pairs, describe these two people. Talk about what they look like and what they are

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G. Complete the following paragraph with the correct verbs.

My friend John (1) ................ tall. He exercises a lot and (2) ................ very strong. He (3)
................ blue eyes and brown hair. He (4) ................ big ears and a small nose. Today, he (5)
................ wearing a blue shirt and jeans.

H. Now, write a short paragraph describing yourself.

My name is____________________________________________________________________________

I. Describe someone in the classroom. Don't write their name and don't tell anyone who
you are describing.

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to make
Objectives offers in conversations in order to be polite and helpful

What is offer?
▪ Offer is an expression of the desire by people in front of other people to do something or
not to do something.
▪ Offer means to give something physical or abstract to someone which can be taken as a
gift or a trade.
▪ Offer can be given in terms of food, money, solution, friendship or a bargain. it can be taken
or refused.

What is the purpose of offer?

a. to present, introduce or propose a help or an assist for consideration.
b. to propose a help. It can be accepted or refused.
c. to facilitate interpersonal communication between people

How to make offers in English?

It is common that English speakers make offers in conversations in order to be polite
and helpful. When they do so they use these expressions:
➢ May I...?
➢ Can I...?
➢ Shall I...?
➢ Would You ...?
➢ How about I ...?

Examples of making offers:

➢ May I give you a hand ?
➢ Can I help you ?
➢ Shall I bring you some tea ?
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➢ Would you like another piece of cake ?

➢ How about I help you with this
➢ Can I clean the car for you ?
➢ Shall I help you with your homework ?
➢ I will you the washing , If You like

Responding to Offers
✓ Yes. please. I really appreciate it.
✓ Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
✓ Yes, please. That would be lovely.
✓ Sure. Thank you.
✓ Oh, thanks. That would be very nice.
✓ Thank you. I appreciate your help.
✓ Yes, please. That would be very kind of you.
✓ I’d love to
o It’s okay, I can do it myself
o No. thank you
o No, thanks. I don’t want another helping
o Don’t worry, I will do it myself.
o That’s alright, I will manage on my own
o Thank you for the offer.
o I’d love to, but...:

➢ Shall, can, and will are followed by the verb without to.
✓ "Can I help you?"
✓ "Shall I bring you the mobile phone?
➢ Shall is more formal than can.
➢ Would you like… is followed either by a noun or by the verb with to.

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✓ "Would you like some tea ?"
✓ "Would you like to drink some coffee?
Conversation 1:
A : I was wondering if you need any help on your new project.
B : Sure! That would be great! Are you good at writing or would you rather do the
computer work?
A : I would like to help with the computer work.
B : Great! We are going to be working in teams of three. Are you OK working with
A : Yes, I like working like that.
B : We will begin next Monday. Would you be available then?
A : Yes, I can be there.
B : Well, if you could send me your basic background information before next
Monday, it would be useful.
A : I will send the information to you.
B : Well then, thanks for your help. Have a great day!

In some activities, one of the nurse’ role is encouraging patient to offer nursing care
to the patient.
For example:
1. What can I do for you?
2. Do you need any help?
3. Do you want me to help you?
4. If you need anything, let me know.
5. Is there anything I can do?
1. Are you feeling better now?
2. How are you feeling today?
3. Have you take the medicine the doctors prescribe?
4. Have you got any other symptomps?
5. Have you eaten yet?
6. Do you feel dizzy/pain?
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7. Do you need me to call the doctor?

Dialogue 1 [In the patient room]

N : Did you press the buzzer Joni?
P : Yes I did
N : What is it?
P : Can I have rice for my lunch today?
N : I’ll ask the doctor. Anything else?
P : I miss ice cream
N : Wow… let me ask the doctor, OK?
P : Thanks.
N : Welcome

Dialogue 2
Nurse : Good morning Ms. Ari. My name is Desi and I’ll be looking after you for this
Patient : Good morning Ms. Desi.
Nurse : How are you feeling today?
Patient : I’m feeling good. My fever has gone, but I’m a bit weak.
Nurse : Have you eaten yet?
Patient : Yes, I’ve eat this morning and take my medicine.
Nurse : That’s great. Do you feel nausea?
Patient : Yes, I feel nausea when I’m eating but it’s get better after I take the
Nurse : Let’s wait for a day and you will get better. I’ll get you blood preasure first
Patient : Yes, please and thanks.

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#Questions and Answers

Anton : I have a serious problem today. I have just lost my driver’s license.
Shally : Don't be so sad my friend, let us search it around the park.
Anton : I have looked for it for hours but I do not find it, do you have any ideas?
Shally : You had better tell the securities to announce it to other students.
Anton : Yeah, that sounds good. I do hope it helps.

A : You look unhealthy, Boy.
B : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
A :You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.
B : Ok.
The underlined words show....
a. Agreement
b. Disagreement
c. Advice
d. Necessity
e. Plan

Carly : “I submitted my essay to the teacher few days ago, but I haven't received any
response from her.
Mike : ____________________ go and ask her?
a. Shall us
b. I'll do
c. Why don't you
d. I propose
e. Maybe I should

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Q. 4
You should ............... to past the test.
a. Study hard
b. Studies hard
c. Studied hard
d. Studying hard
e. Have studied hard

Q. 5
Vio : I have a bad headache.
Iza : You’d better.........
a. Take an aspirin
b. Takes an aspirin
c. Taking an aspirin
d. To take an aspirin
e. Took an aspirin

Rio : I am not good at English.
Dian : ..........................
a. I should practice English every day
b. Why don’t you take an English course and practice every day?
c. Do you like English?
d. I must take an English course
e. You must speak often

Lyn : “I have a lot of work to finish; I don't know how I will manage.
Sammy : ____________________ half of it if you want.
a. Would you

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b. I will
c. I think
d. Why don't
e. I will help you with


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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to make a
Objectives request and give respond to the request

Making and responding to a request

It's important to be polite when you ask for something. We can make a request by
▪ can you ...?
▪ could you ...?
▪ will you ...?
▪ would you mind ...?
Here are some examples of how to make a request..
1. Can you
2. Will you open the door for me, please?
3. Could you possibly
4. would you mind opening the door for me ?

Making Request:
1. Can you show me your photo album, please?
2. Will you lend me your book, please?
3. Could you possibly show me the way to the post office, please?
4. Would you help me with this exercise, please?
5. Would you mind lending me your pen, please?

Responding to request:
1. Sure here you are.
2. Okey.
3. No, I'm sorry I need it
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4. I'm afraid I can't.

Things to remember about making a request:

1. "Would you mind..." is followed by a gerund (verb+ing)
Example: "Would you mind lending me your book? "
2. The response to the following request:

A: "Would you mind giving me your book? "

is either
➢ "No, I don't mind."(which is a positive response to the request. It means that
I accept to lend you my book)
➢ or "Yes." (which is a negative response to the request. It means that I don't
want to lend you my book.)

Dialogue 1
A : I want to try something different today.
B : What do you mean?
A : I want a different hair style.
B : What style do you want?
A : Can you make my hair short?
B : Exactly how short do you want it?
A : Make it a few inches long.
B : Are you sure you want me to cut it that short?
A : I've been thinking about this for a while now.
B : Okay. I'll do it if you're positive that this is what you want.
A : I honestly want my hair that short.
B : All right, then let's begin.


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We may use “Imperative Sentence” to request someone to do something.

For example:
1. Open your mouth.
2. Somebody help!
3. Can you take a deep breath for me?
4. Could you please help me
5. Give me a hand, will you?
6. You are staying tonight
7. I look forward to hearing from you very soon

Dialogue 2:
N : Somebody…HELP!!!
S : What is it?
N : Help me please…
S : Oh you poor thing… You slipped, did you?
N : Yes... Could you help me?
S : Sure... Take it easy. Now slowly… Sit down here, I will see
N : Oh . . . knee
S : Now, try to bend your knee
N : I can’t. It’s hurting
S : Then I’ll go get some help. Stay right here. I’ll be back in a flash
N : Thanks.

Exercise 1
Instructions: Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - You ____ leave if you've finished.
a. may
b. might
c. either could be used here

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Q2 - ____ I come in?

a. can
b. may
c. either could be used here

Q3 - We ____ not get into the concert without tickets, so we went home.
a. might
b. could
c. either could be used here

Q4 - ____ I open the window?

a. could
b. may
c. either could be used here

Q5 - ____ you turn the heating up a bit, please?

a. could
b. may
c. No

Q6 - You ____ take a mobile phone into the exam.

a. can’t
b. may not
c. either could be used here

Q7 - ___ you help me?

a. can
b. could
c. either could be used here

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Q8 - I'm afraid you ____ not take the exam until you pay for it.
a. may
b. might
c. either could be used here

Q9 - You ____ smoke anywhere on the train.

a. cannot
b. might not
c. should not

Q10 - You ____ use my dictionary if you want.

a. can
b. might
c. either could be used here

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Exercise 2

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to give
Objectives opinion in order to solve a problem

Giving opinion purposes to give opinion in order to solve a problem.

How to express your opinion

Expressing opinion
1. I think...
2. As far as I'm concerned,..
3. To my mind,...
4. According to me,...
5. As I see it, ...
6. It seems to me that...
7. In my point of view / my opinion,....
8. From my point of view...
9. I am of the opinion that...
10. I take the view that. ..
11. My personal view is that...
12. In my experience...
13. As far as I understand / can see/see it,...

Ten Expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing

1. In my opinion, this one would be better.
2. To my mind this one's better.
3. If you ask me, this one's better.
4. To my way of thinking, this one's fine.
5. In my view, this one is best.
6. Know what I think? That one's best.

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7. I'd say that one's better.

8. What I think is that one's better.
9. For me, that one's better.
10. I tell you what I think, that one's best.


Ahmad : The city council is going to build a new parking site under the park over
Rizky : oh no, why are they going to do that? It’s terrible.
Ahmad : You think so? I think it’s a very good idea, actually.
Rizky : On the contrary, I think it’s a disaster.
Ahmad : A disaster? I think we need more parking sites.
Rizky : Well, I agree with that, but not under the park.
Ahmad : Why not? It’s the best place.
Rizky : Do you think so? I totally disagree. Why the park?
Ahmad : Well, you need a big open space for that.
Rizky : I see your point, but don’t you think trees are more important than cars?
Ahmad : Of course I agree, but we all have cars, and we need a place to park them.
Rizky : Yes, that’s right. But they can do it near the station.
Ahmad : Oh no, that’s too far away, we need a parking site in this area.
Rizky : Well, that’s true, but maybe walking a bit wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Ahmad : A bit? The station is at least 10 minutes away. Just imagine, on a rainy day...
Rizky : You could be right, but I still think trees are more important than cars.
Ahmad : You’ve got a point there, but maybe they can plant trees near the station
Rizky : Oh, that sounds very good, but we’re talking about very old and big trees.
Ahmad :Yes, but we have to choose, don’t we? We can’t have everything.
Rizky :Yeah, I suppose you’re right, but still, I think it’s a very bad idea.

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Raihan : Man, did you hear that? They’re gonna build a parking site under the park
over there.
Hadi : Are you serious? But that’s crazy, why do they want to do that?
Raihan : Why? Well, because there are too many cars in the area. We need more
parking space.
Hadi : Nonsense! What we need is more trees. Cars should disappear.
Raihan : You can’t be serious.
Hadi : Yes, I am. They pollute and are too noisy and...
Raihan : Come on, man, that’s all B.S. Do you think you could live without a car
Hadi : Of course I could.
Raihan : Oh, come on, where’s your logic? How would you go to work?
Hadi : Obviously, I would work near home, and not an hour away. Or I could take
the bus.
Raihan : Yea, I know what you mean, but we use the car for so many things.
Hadi : That’s very true, but we could always find other alternatives.
Raihan : Such as...?
Hadi : Such as coaches, trains, etc.
Raihan : You must be kidding, right? We don’t even have a train here, and coaches
don’t go everywhere.
Hadi : Yes, you have a point there, but if we didn’t have cars, we would have more
and better public transport.
Raihan : Yes, I agree. But still, having a car is so comfortable.
Hadi : Of course it is, I know. But we can’t have everything, can we?
Raihan : Exactly. That’s what I think. We can’t have everything, so I prefer having a
Hadi : Oh man, you’re impossible.
Raihan : I know :)

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Jane: Roxy, what do you think of the cake I bake?
Roxy: It’ really delicious! I love it!
Jane: yes!
From the dialogue above, Jane is …………….
A. Asking for an opinion
B. Asking for help
C. Requesting for attention
D. Giving an item
E. Giving opinion

Justi: Next week We will have a long holiday. So, on your holiday what are you going
to do Yoona?
Yoona: ………………
Justi: That will be nice
A. I don’t know where I go
B. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you
C. This is not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I’m thinking of going to Jogja

Liana: Film of Kartini it’s so inspiring. And what do you think about the inspiring film
of Kartini?
Bram: I think ……………..
A. Thank you, Kartini
B. You forget Kartini’s day

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C. I can’t hear you call Kartini

D. I love Kartini’s film its so inspiring me
E. Let’s go

Jannah: I think our city is saved from the virus, so we can go around.
Ellisa: But I don’t think so, ………….. Our city is not saved. We must stay at home at least
in this emergency time.
A. In my opinion
B. She forgets it
C. See you next time
D. You know it
E. I am thinking of the virus

Druan: May I know what do you think of my short story?
Julia: It’s a good story, but I suggest changing the title with an interesting title.
Druan: Nice opinion. Thanks, Julia.
Julia: Anytime, Druan!
From the dialogue above between Julia and Druan, Julia is…
A. Giving order
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Asking for attention
D. Giving an opinion
E. Giving hands

Bintang: Afterschool Herman feels very tired and he gets dizzy.
Sonia: I think ……… And if it’s not necessary he doesn’t leave the bed.
A. You must go to school

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B. You have to take him to the hospital

C. He should lie down and have bedtime
D. She would take rest
E. He can see the doctor now

Damar: ………. our Biology class is so fun and very interesting.
Tania: Yes, you are right I think so too. The Biology teacher conveys the lesson
interestingly making the classroom atmosphere becomes pleasant.
A. The teacher disagree
B. Tania agree
C. I don’t like it
D. I think
E. I’m not sure one hundred percent

James: This day is Mother’s day and I want to give her my painting. When you look my
painting what do you think about my it?
Ron: It’s so beautiful and amazing, and I think you must develop your painting talent
to a professional level.
James: That’s opinion sounds great. Thanks full for your opinion, Ron.
Ron: It’s my pleasure.
From the conversation about painting, Ron is…
A. Asking a time
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for a gift
D. Giving a lot of hands
E. Asking for his help

Basic English for Nurse |

Dia: Jeni, would you like to give me an opinion about my poetry?
Jeni: Of course! I think you should use attractive themes and titles. It would be great
Dia: Thank you very much, Jeni.
Jeni: It’s okay
The dialogue above tells us that Dia is…
A. Make a wish
B. Asking for sing a song
C. Waiting for help
D. Sharing an opinion
E. Asking for an opinion

Jake: Rose, what do you think of my chocolate cake?
Rose: It’s so delicious! I really love this cake!
Jake: I’m so pleased
In the dialogue, Jake is ……………
A. Giving advice
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Requesting for gift
D. Giving baker cake
E. Asking for help

Ado : What do you think about the film ?
Bin : I think ………….
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. i can’t hear you

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d. you forget it
e. let’s go

. ………….. he is polite.
a. I don’t think
b. I don’t
c. What do you
d. What your opinion
e. i don’t understand

Edo : I think our city is very hot at the moment.
Eri : I don’t think so ………… Our city is much cooler than other cities in this country.
a. I know it
b. I am thinking of
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion
e. see you

Bon : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think ……….. Don’t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
a. you must sing
b. you should lie down and have some rest
c. you can see the doctor tonight
d. I will take you to the hospital
e. I must take some rest, too

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………… children should be taught from an early age to be independent and
a. In my opinion
b. They want to learn
c. You can’t believe
d. He totally understands
e. Do you think that

………….. It’s better for kids to play outdoor than play with their gadget.
a. In my opinion
b. I understand
c. I don’t think that…
d. What is your opinion
e. What do you know about

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Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to make
Objectives agree or disagree in an argument or discussion varies in
different languages

The way people agree or disagree in an argument or discussion varies in different


It is worthwhile saying that silence is not understood as agreement. If you agree with
an opinion or an idea, you are expected to say so.

There is no doubt about it that...
• I completely / absolutely agree with you.
• I agree with you entirely.
• I totally agree with you.
• I simply must agree with that.
• I am of the same opinion.
• I am of the same opinion.
• That’s exactly what I think.

Expressing disagreement is always respected as honest, and sometimes as

• I don't agree with you.
Basic English for Nurse |

• I’m sorry, but I disagree.

• I'm afraid, I can't agree with you.
• The problem is that...
• I (very much) doubt whether...
• This is in complete contradiction to...
• With all due respect,…
• I am of a different opinion because ...
• I cannot share this / that / the view.
• I cannot agree with this idea.
• What I object to is...
• I have my own thoughts about that.

Partial agreement:
You can also agree but with reservation especially when there is a doubt or feeling of
not being able to accept something completely

• It is only partly true that...
• That’s true, but…
• I can agree with that only with reservations.
• That seems obvious, but...
• That is not necessarily so.
• It is not as simple as it seems.
• I agree with you in principle, but…
• I agree with you in part, but…
• Well, you could be right.

Conversation 1:
A: I was thinking of holding the company retreat in the mountains.
B: I agree, I think that that would be perfect!

Basic English for Nurse |

A: I was thinking it could take place sometime in January.

B: That might be a little too cold for some people.
A: Yes, you are right.
B: What about April? April has good weather that isn't too cold or too hot.
A: Yes, that would work out better.
B: You know, maybe we could take a survey to see how that works for everyone.
A: Good idea! We'll have to get right on it.
B: Fine! Well, I'll get right on it now!

Conversation 2:
A: I think that the company retreat should be in the mountains this year.
B: What a great idea!
A: January would be a good month for a mountain retreat.
B: I like the mountain idea, but I am not so sure about the month of January.
A: You know, now that I think about it, you might be right.
B: April might be nice. It is far enough away to make the necessary arrangements.
A: That is a good suggestion.
B: We could ask everyone what would be the best time for them.
A: Yes, that would let us know what would work best.
B: I'll put the survey online this afternoon.

Conversation 3:
A: The Mountains would be a great place for the company retreat.
B: That's a wonderful choice.
A: I have chosen January as the month for this retreat.
B: January is a little too close to the Christmas holidays.
A: Yes, maybe another choice might be better.
B: I think that April would work. Spring is a lovely time to be in the mountains.
A: Thank you for thinking of that.
B: Maybe if we asked around we could see what people would prefer.

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A: That is a good idea.

B: I'll take care of taking the survey and get back to you with the answers.

Edo: The government plans to raise the water bill next month.
Rita: _____ It will increase the number of poor people.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I agree with you
B. I totally disagree
C. I don’t disagree
D. I agree

Ratna: Dian, I think Riri is responsible for this matter.
Dian: Well, I don’t know.
From the dialogue, we may assume that …
A. Dian agrees with Ratna
B. Dian disagrees with Ratna
C. Dian has no idea about the case
D. Dian cannot accept the fact

Mother: You know that Mira always takes sleeping lately to solve her problems.
Father: That’s wrong. It can be dangerous for her life if she doesn’t change her bad
The underlined expression expresses …
A. Sympathy
B. Possibility

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C. Agreement
D. Disagreement

Windy: Is Bandung Mall near here?
Mia: Yes, it is.
Jack: _____ it’s about 100 kilometers from here.
Windy: Oh, really?.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. I disagree with you
B. I quite agree
C. I think so too
D. It certainly is

Maya: So, where will we go?
Nury: How about the beach?
Jane: _______. We have visited a lot of beaches this year.
June: Kuta? Kuta beach sounds interesting, right?.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. That’s so true
B. I quite agree
C. I think so too
D. I don’t think so

Some monkeys,_____use their tails in a way similar to a hand.
A. like the spider monkey
B. spider monkey likes

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C. to the spider monkey

D. the monkey likes the spider

Your friend says, ” Let us go out tonight” and you think it’s a good idea. You say:
A. Yes, I agree
B. Yes, I am agreeing
C. No, I am not
D. I doubt so

Q8. Someone says, ”It’s hot today” and you disagree. You say:
A. Yes, I agree
B. Yes, I am not
C. No, I do not agree
D. I think so

Your friend is talking about a movie you both saw and says it was fantastic. You
agree and say:
A. Yes, I absolutely agree
B. Yes, I completely agree
C. No, I do not agree
D. I think so

You won’t go to work tomorrow, will you? … ( Disagree )
A. Yes, I want
B. Yes, I will
C. No, I will not
D. No. I won’t

Basic English for Nurse |

Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to make
Objectives expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an
action that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable

What are complaints?

Complaints are expressions of "displeasure or annoyance" in response to an action
that is seen by the speaker as unfavorable. Suppose you want to complain about the
pizza you have just ordered because it's too salty, what are the expressions needed to
express and respond to complaints?

Here are expressions you can use when complaining:
1. I have a complaint to make. ...
2. Sorry to bother you but...
3. I'm sorry to say this but...
4. I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...
5. I'm afraid there is a slight problem with...
6. Excuse me but there is a problem about...
7. I want to complain about...
8. I'm angry about...

1. I have a complaint to make.
2. Your pizza is just too salty.
3. I'm sorry to say this but your food is inedible.
1. I'm afraid I've got a complaint about your child. He's too noisy .
2. I'm afraid there is a slight problem with the service in this hotel.
4. 3.Excuse me but you are standing on my foot.
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5. I want to complain about the noise you are making.

6. I'm angry about the way you treat me.
Responding to complaints
Positive response to complaints:
✓ I'm so sorry, but this will never occur / happen again.
✓ I'm sorry, we promise never to make the same mistake again.
✓ I'm really sorry; we'll do our utmost/best not to do the same mistake again.

Negative response to complaints:

➢ Sorry there is nothing we can do about it.
➢ I'm afraid, there isn't much we can do about it.
➢ We are sorry but the food is just alright.

CONVERSATION 1- Not Enough Options.

Elan : Are you ready to order, Sir?
Richie : I wanted to try something new today, but I don't see anything interesting
on the menu.
Elan : What kind of food are you looking for?
Richie : Hmm.. nothing specific. Actually, I’ve tried all the dishes that are listed here.
I was looking to explore new ones.
Elan : Let me to talk to the chef. I’m sure he can suggest something.
Richie : No.That’s okay. Let me just suggest that you add some more food variety to
your menu. I haven’t seen any changes in it, for a while now.
Elan : You’ve been one of our more regular customers. I’ll definitely take your
suggestion to the manager.
Richie : That’s good. For now, you can bring me the red sauce pasta and potato

CONVERSATION 2- The Soup Wasn’t Good.

Andy : Excuse me! Are you out of vegetables today?
Sam : I am sorry, Sir. I don’t understand...

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Andy : I ordered a Creamy Vegetable Soup and there aren’t many vegetables in it.
It’s mainly just broth.
Sam : I really apologize for that. Allow me to replace it with a better one.
Andy : No. That’s alright now. I’ll just fill up on the main course.
Sam : I assure you it won’t happen again. As a token of our apologies, we won’t
charge you for the soup.
Andy : That’s good. I hope we won’t be disappointed with the food quality.
Sam : You will not, Sir.

CONVERSATION 3: This Is Not How I Ordered It.

Elan : Excuse me! Would you mind telling me who’s the cook?
Sam : What’s wrong, Sir? Is there anything I can help you with?
Elan : Well, as you can see, I ordered a chicken parmigiana and the chicken is not
Sam : I really apologize for this mistake. Allow me to get you a better dish.
Elan : That’s alright, but you people have been running this restaurant for so long!
Usually such things do not happen here.
Sam : It’s a random mistake. I apologize on behalf of my chef.
Elan : I would appreciate if you can replace it with a well-cooked dish.
Sam : Sure. Thank you for your patience.

CONVERSATION 4 - It Is Taking Too Long!

Andy : Excuse me, Captain!
Richie : Yes Sir. How can I help you?
Andy : Well, it’s been 20 minutes since I gave my order. We’ve haven’t received any
appetizers or even any drinks yet.
Richie : Kindly give me a couple of minutes. I’ll check the status of your order.
Andy : Please do so. I’m in a hurry and don’t have much time today.
Richie : Sure. I’ll bring your drinks now, and your order will be on your table within
the next 5 minutes.

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Andy : Thanks a lot.

Activity 1
Make a dialogue between nurses and patients and practice it in front of the class!

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to express
Objectives like and dislike

Expressing likes:
➢ I like…
➢ I love...
➢ I adore…
➢ I ‘m crazy about…
➢ I’m mad about…
➢ I enjoy…
➢ I’m keen on…

Expressing dislikes:
➢ I don’t like…
➢ I dislike...
➢ I hate…
➢ I abhor…
➢ I can’t bear...
➢ I can’t stand…
➢ I detest...
➢ I loathe...

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Examples of likes and dislikes :

✓ I'm mad about basketball, but I can’t bear ice hockey.
✓ I adore reading poetry, but I loathe doing the housework.

If you neither like nor dislike something:

✓ "I don't mind doing the housework."

Things to remember about likes and dislikes:

1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form.
"I like listening to music."
"I hate wearing sunglasses."

2. Note that" very much" & " a lot" always come after the things you like.
"I like basketball very much/a lot. NOT" I like very much/a lot basketball."

3. Be careful when you use "I don't mind..."

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"Do you mind playing football?"

"No, I don't mind."(Although it's in a negative form, it means that it's ok for me. I
neither love it nor hate it.)

Steve is at home. His girlfriend comes in...Notice how they express their likes and
Steve : Hello, darling. Do you fancy watching a film tonight?
Girlfriend : Oh, no thanks, I don't really feel like watching a film tonight. How about
going out instead.
Steve : OK. Do you feel like going to the theater?
Girlfriend : Oh, no. I hate it. Do you like eating at the new Chinese restaurant?
Steve : I don't mind. The Chinese cuisine is alright.
Girlfriend : Well I really love it. Let's go.

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
Question number 1 to 3 is based on the following text.
Rita is a junior high school student. She likes (1) … television. She usually watches
comedy movies. She really (2) … horror movies. In the weekend, she and her parents
sometimes (3) … to the cinema for watching latest comedy movies.

Question 1: The correct option for no. 1 is …

A. Watches
B. Watch
C. Watching
D. watched

Question 2: What word suits to fill no. 2?

A. hates

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B. hate
C. to hate
D. hated
Question 3: What option is correct to fill no 3?
A. Goes
B. Go
C. to go
D. went

Question 4: I like listening to music, but I … singing.

A. Like
B. doesn’t like
C. likes
D. don’t like

Question 5: Sandy doesn’t like … very much. She gives her old bicycle to her niece.
A. Riding
B. Jumping
C. Cycling
D. running

Read the dialogue below to answer questions number 6 – 9.

Ardi : “How was the Math test?”
Amanda : “Ah, I was not sure about some of my answers.”
Ardi : “Me, too. Some questions were hard. Anyway, how about looking at the
Amanda : “Of course. I am really hungry after the Math test.”
Ardi : “Here is the menu. Let’s choose. Which one do you prefer?”
Amanda : “I prefer rice to bread. So, I want to eat fried rice with sunny side up egg,

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Ardi : “Ok. I will have soup and meat balls, then.”

Amanda : “Well, how about the drink? Which one do you want?”
Ardi : “I will go with lemon ice. How about you?”
Amanda : “I like lemon ice. But I’d rather have orange juice better than lemon ice.”
Question 6: Where does the conversation take place?
A. at the grocery store
B. at the student hall
C. at the school canteen
D. at the museum

Question 7: Which statement is correct based on the dialogue above?

A. Amanda doesn’t like lemon ice.
B. Amanda likes lemon ice better than orange juice.
C. Amanda drinks orange juice for her lunch.
D. Amanda is not fond of orange juice for her lunch.

Question 8: Which statement is not true about Ardi?

A. Ardi likes soup.
B. Ardi prefers meat balls to fried rice.
C. Ardi doesn’t want fried rice for his meal that day.
D. Ardi is not very interested in lemon ice.

Question 9: What kind of language do the speakers use?

A. a formal language
B. an informal language
C. a slang language
D. a scientific language

Question 10: What does that statement mean?

My father prefers riding a bike to driving a car.

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A. My father doesn’t have a car.

B. My father likes riding a bike very much.
C. My father only has a bike.
D. My father can’t drive.

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to make
Objectives suggestions and give advice

The following English phrases and expressions are all used to make suggestions and
give advice
to people

Making suggestions:
➢ Let’s revise our lessons.
➢ What about going to the cinema tonight?
➢ How about playing cards?
➢ Why don't we do our homework?
➢ Couldn't we invite your grandmother to our party?
➢ Shall we have a walk along the river?
➢ What would you say to a cup of coffee?
➢ Don't you think it is a good idea to watch TV?
➢ Does it matter if we use your car?

Accepting suggestions:
➢ Ok. Yes, let's.
➢ Yes, I'd like to.
➢ Yes, I'd love to.
➢ What a good idea!
➢ Why not?
➢ Yes, with pleasure.
➢ Yes, I feel like taking a walk.

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➢ That sounds like a good idea.

Refusing suggestions:
➢ No, let's not.
➢ No, I'd rather not.
➢ I don't feel like it.
➢ I dislike going for a walk.
➢ What an awful / bad idea!

Two friends talking about where to go this evening:
Alice : You know Alan, why don't we go to the cinema to watch Titanic?
Alan : No, let's not. We've seen the film many times before. What about going to
the library? We have to finish our school project!
Alice : That sounds like a good idea. But when we finish let's go to the cafè.
Alan : Yes, I'd love to.

1. Your friend situation: I’ve gained some weight.
What should be the response to this statement?
A. I would suggest you to drink a lot.
B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier.
C. I would suggest you to go to the cinema.
D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle.
E. Just eat more!

2. Situation: Heru is having cold.

Doctor’s advice below is correct, except…
A. You should take a bed rest
B. I suggest you to eat chicken soup
C. I advise you to eat ice cream more

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D. My advice is to wear mask outside, to protect yourself and other people.

E. I recommend you to take a bath
3. Situation: My neighbor is noisy.
You should…………
A. Let them be.
B. Tell your neighbor to increase their voice
C. Tell politely to neighbor to be silent for a while
D. I don’t know, tell me!
E. speak louder than him

4. Situation: I have toothache. What should I do?

The suggestion is proper, except…
A. If I were you, I would go to the dentist.
B. Why don’t you go to the dentist?
C. I would suggest to take pain killer pills. Maybe it will help?
D. I’m sorry I never had toothache.
E. You should visit your dentist!

5. Situation: You want to test your crush, but you are afraid to do that. You want to
ask for some advice from your friend.
You can say all the followings, except ….
A. what do you think I should do?
B. what should I do?
C. can I ask your advice about texting my crush?
D. do you think it is better to test or not to test him/her?
E. why don’t you text him/her?

6. Situation: Your friend needs a book for his homework. But he doesn’t have
enough money to buy it.

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What will you suggest him?

A. You should borrow from our seniors
B. I think you shouldn’t do the homework.
C. What if we go to the zoo?
D. You ought to get some rest.
E. Why don’t you go to book store?

7. Situation: You and your friends are on a trip to Pasir Putih beach. However, none
of you knows about the route to the beach.
What will be your suggestion?
A. I think we can go home now.
B. What about going to a restaurant?
C. You should open Google Maps application on your phone.
D. You should read the instruction more carefully.
E. Call police!

8. Situation: I want to have a healthier lifestyle.

What should I do?
A. Don’t do it.
B. You should sleep better, eat healthier and do workout.
C. I don’t like eating vegetables.
D. Just do it.
E. Just sleep late!

9. Situation: This is Saturday night.

What will you suggest your friend?
A. I think we should go to the town square for sight seeing.
B. What about going to the doctor?
C. You should speak to your teacher.

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D. What if we take this to be repaired?

E. Why don’t you do the homework?

10. Situation: Tom looks very tired.

What’s your suggestion to him?
A. You should eat more.
B. You should study harder
C. I think you ought to get some rest
D. What if you go for a walk?
E. Get a bicycle and take an exercise!

11. Situation: Linda is working on her homework, but she finds some difficult
What will you suggest her?
A. I think you should stop studying.
B. Maybe you can sleep now.
C. What if you drink to refresh yourself?
D. What about going to your friend’s house to study together?
E. Let’s forget it!

12. Mary failed again in the test. She ………………….. harder.

A. Had better study
B. Can study
C. Better study
D. Study
E. Studied.

13. I miss my grandparents. What …………………… I do now ?

A. Better
B. Had better

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C. Should
D. Did
E. Do

14. Advice if your friend failed the exam?

A. It doesn’t matter
B. I advise you to learn harder and smarter. I can help you with that.
C. I advise you to just forget about it.
D. What exam?
E. Just forget it!

15. You should …………… to past the test.

A. Study hard
B. Studying
C. Studying hard
D. Studied
E. Studied hard

16. Below are sentence of asking suggestion, except….

A. Can you tell me what I should do?
B. Do you have any suggestion for me?
C. What would you do?
D. Would you mind giving me your suggestion?
E. What should I do?

17. Complete the dialogue above with an advice …..

A. I should practice English every day
B. Why don’t you take an English course and practice every day?
C. Do you like English ?

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D. I must take an English course

E. You must sleep often

18. Dewi : …………………….

Yuni : I’d love to, but I’ve an appointment with a friend tomorrow
A. The fine art exhibition is great
B. I’ll go to the fine art exhibition
C. I’ll be grateful if l go to the art exhibition
D. How about going to the fine art exhibition tomorrow?
E. ls there any more interested in seeing the art exhibition?

19. Abu: What shall I do today?

Boy: ……… we go to the library.
A. Shall I
B. Let’s
C. Why don’t
D. Would you
E. How about

20. Carl: I submitted my essay to the teacher few days ago, but I haven’t received any
response from her.
Edo: ………… go and ask her?
A. Shall us
B. I’ll do
C. Why don’t you
D. I propose
E. Can you

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Learning Objectives After completing this chapter, students will be able to
use tag question

➢ Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. They are often
used for checking information that we think we know is true.
➢ Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example: be or have) and a
subject pronoun (for example: I, you, she). Negative question tags are usually
contracted: It's warm today, isn't it (not 'is it not')
➢ Usually if the main clause is positive, the question tag is negative, and if the main
clause is negative, it's positive. For example: It's cold (positive), isn't it (negative)?
And: It isn't cold (negative), is it (positive)?
➢ If the main clause has an auxiliary verb in it, you use the same verb in the tag
question. If there is no auxiliary verb (in the present simple and past simple) use do
/ does / did (just like when you make a normal question).
➢ There is one weird exception: the question tag after I am is aren't I.

For example: I'm in charge of the food, aren't I?

Postive sentences, with negative tags

Present simple 'be' She's Italian, isn't she?

Present simple other verbs They live in London, don't they?

Present continuous We're working tomorrow, aren't we?

Past simple 'be' It was cold yesterday, wasn't it?

Past simple other verbs He went to the party last night, didn't he?

Past continuous We were waiting at the station, weren't we?

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Present perfect They've been to Japan, haven't they?

Present perfect continuous She's been studying a lot recently, hasn't she?

Past perfect He had forgotten his wallet, hadn't he?

Past perfect continuous We'd been working, hadn't we?

Future simple She'll come at six, won't she?

Future continuous They'll be arriving soon, won't they?

Future perfect They'll have finished before nine, won't they?

Future perfect continuous She'll have been cooking all day, won't she?

Modals He can help, can't he?

Modals John must stay, mustn't he?

Negative sentences, with positive tags

Present simple 'be' We aren't late, are we?

Present simple other verbs She doesn't have any children, does she?

Present continuous The bus isn't coming, is it?

Past simple 'be' She wasn't at home yesterday, was she?

Past simple other verbs They didn't go out last Sunday, did they?

Past continuous You weren't sleeping, were you?

Present perfect She hasn't eaten all the cake, has she?

Present perfect continuous He hasn't been running in this weather, has he?

Past perfect We hadn't been to London before, had we?

Past perfect continuous You hadn't been sleeping, had you?

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Future simple They won't be late, will they?

Future continuous He won't be studying tonight, will he?

Future perfect She won't have left work before six, will she?

Future perfect continuous He won't have been travelling all day, will he?

Modals She can't speak Arabic, can she?

Modals They mustn't come early, must they?

Activity 1: Choose the correct answer

1. That is the most well-written book of the 21th century, … ?
a. isn’t that
b. isn’t it

2. You hate your job, … ?

a. aren’t you
b. don’t you

3. Nobody’s come to pick up the car, … ?

a. haven’t they
b. have they

4. There’s a house on the hill, … ?

a. isn’t there
b. isn’t it

5. They were welcomed warmly and given a very comfortable room, … ?

a. didn’t they
b. weren’t they

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6. Let’s go to the beach, … ?

a. do we
b. shall we

7. Everybody had the right to vote in the parliamentary elections, … ?

a. didn’t they
b. didn’t it

8. You would lend me money if my wallet were lost , … ?

a. didn’t you
b. wouldn’t you

9. I’m late, … ?
a. aren’t I
b. am I

10. She won’t start working on Sunday, … ?

a. will she
b. does she

Activity 2: Fill in the blank

1. Father went to office late last day, ……………………….?
2. She wasn’t happy when he didn’t came to her house, ……………………….?
3. They were learning Physics when we came last morning, ……………………….?
4. I can do this faster, ……………………….?
5. He could try again if he wanted to get more, ……………………….?
6. I will be happy if you bring me many chocolates, ……………………….?
7. Retna eats many fresh vegetables every night to her dinner, ……………………….?
8. They shouldn’t play a lot if they want their task to be finished, ……………………….?
9. Mia and I wanted to shop together last Friday night, ……………………….?
10. He had many things to be sold, ……………………….?

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to make
Objectives questions for daily conversation.

General Questions

1. What do you do?

This question means “What is your job/profession?”
➢ I’m a student
➢ I’m unemployed at the moment.
➢ I run my own business.

The word “run” means you are the primary person responsible for operating the
➢ I’m retired now. I used to be an engineer.
“Retired” means you have stopped working (usually after you are 60 or 65
years old).

2. Are you married?

➢ I’m divorced.
➢ Yes, I’ve been married for two years now.
➢ I’m engaged – we’re getting married next year.
➢ No, but I’m in a relationship.
➢ Nope, I’m single.
“Nope” is an informal way to say “No.”

3. Why are you studying English

➢ I love learning new languages.

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➢ For works. So I can communicate when I travel.

➢ Because I’d like to immigrate to the U.S.
➢ I’m thinking of studying in England.
The correct way is “thinking of studying” and not “thinking to study.”

4. Where/How did you learn English

➢ I’ve been studying on my own.
You can also say “studying by myself.”
➢ I picked it up from movies and songs.
In this context, “picked it up” means “learned it casually.”
➢ My girlfriend taught me.
➢ I did an intensive course.

5. What do you do in your free time?

➢ I go running a lot.
➢ I do volunteer work.
➢ I usually hang out with friends.
➢ I like reading and relaxing at home.

6. What’s the weather like? / How’s the weather?

➢ It’s pouring – take an umbrella.
“Pouring” means raining very heavily.
➢ A little chilly – you might wanna bring a jacket.
“Chilly” means a little bit cold.
➢ Gorgeous – a perfect summer day!
➢ It’s quite cold – make sure to bundle up.
“Bundle up” means to wear warm clothing for protection against the cold
➢ Hot and humid.
“Humid” means there is a lot of water vapor in the air.

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7. What time is it? / Do you have the time?

➢ It’s half-past four.
This means “4:30"
➢ It’s a quarter to twelve.
“A quarter” is 15 minutes – so this means “11:45"
➢ Let me check my phone.
➢ Sorry, I don’t know.

Shopping & Social Questions

8. Can I help you? / Do you need any help?

This is a question that you might hear from an employee or salesperson in a store..
➢ Yes – do you have this in a larger size?
➢ Yes – where are the try-on rooms?
“Try-on rooms” means the place where you can put on the clothes to see if
they are the right size and if you like them.
➢ Yeah, can you tell me how much this is?
➢ Yeah, I’m looking for something under $30.
➢ No thanks, I’m just browsing.
“Browsing” means looking casually at the items

9. How’s it going?
➢ Fine. How are things with you?
➢ Not bad.
This means that things are OK.
➢ I can’t complain.
➢ Do you really wanna know?
Normally when people ask “how’s it going?” they expect a positive response
like “fine” or “good.” If you say “Do you really wanna know?” it means that

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things are going badly, but you are not sure if the other person wants to
listen to your problems or not.
➢ Great! Couldn’t be better!
This means that everything is excellent
10. How are you feeling?
➢ Like I need a vacation.
➢ A little depressed.
➢ Really awful.
You can say you’re feeling “awful” for both physical and emotional pain.
➢ Great! Never better.
➢ I’m all right.

11. How was your day?

➢ Very productive.
➢ Super busy.
➢ A total nightmare.
A “nightmare” is a terrible, scary dream. Describing an experience as a
“nightmare” means it was horrible.
➢ Really good!
➢ Pretty uneventful.
This means that nothing particularly special or interesting happened during
the day

12. Did you like the movie?

➢ It was terrible.
➢ It wasn’t bad.
➢ It’s one of the best I’ve ever seen.
➢ No, I didn’t think it lived up to the hype.
This means the movie was not as good as its publicity presented.
➢ It was fantastic

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13. How was the party

➢ It was a good time.
➢ Small, but fun.
➢ There was hardly anybody there.
➢ Boring – I couldn’t wait to get outta there.
➢ Crazy – it was absolutely packed.
“Packed” means it was crowded; there were very many people there.

14. Can you give me a hand?

This means “can you help me?” – often with a physical task like moving furniture or
carrying a box.
➢ Will it take long?
➢ Sure – just a sec.
This means “just a second” – you need the other person to wait one moment
before you can help them.
➢ Sorry – I’m a bit busy at the moment.
➢ Of course!
➢ I’d be glad to.

15. What have you been up to lately?

This question means “What have you been doing recently?” – you can answer it in
the present perfect continuous.
➢ I’ve been taking it easy.
This means “relaxing, not doing anything intense or stressful.”
➢ Planning my summer vacation.
➢ Nothing much.
➢ I’ve been working a lot.

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16. What’s the matter?

This means “What’s the problem?” – you can ask it to someone who appears sad or
➢ I just found out my mother’s in the hospital.
The phrasal verb “found out” means “discovered or heard some new
➢ I’d rather not talk about it.
This means “I’d prefer not to talk about it.”
➢ Nothing, I’m fine.
➢ Oh, I’m just having a rough day.
A “rough day” means a difficult, bad day.
➢ I’m not feeling so good

Restaurant Questions

17. What would you like to drink?

➢ Just water for me.
➢ What do you have?
➢ Could we see the wine list?
➢ Nothing for me, thanks.
➢ Ice tea, please.

18. Are you ready to order?

To “order” means to ask the waiter/waitress for the food you want to eat.
➢ What are the specials today?
“Specials” are featured dishes that might also have a discount.
➢ Yes, I’ll have a Caesar salad and then the baked chicken with potatoes.
The most common way to order food is to say “I’ll have…”
➢ Uh-huh. To start off, we’ll split an order of nachos.

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“To start off” means you are ordering an appetizer (a small amount of food
eaten before the main meal). “Split” means that two or more people will
share/divide one order of food.
➢ Almost – I just have a couple of questions.
➢ Not quite – I think we need a little more time.

19. Is everything OK?

While you are eating, the waiter/waitress will often come to your table and ask this
question to check if you need anything.
➢ Could we have some more water, please?
➢ “Could we have…” is a polite way to ask for something.
➢ Actually, I’m still waiting for my side dish.
A “side dish” is a small portion of food that accompanies the main meal.
➢ To be honest, my food is kinda cold. Could you heat it up?
“To be honest…” is a diplomatic way to introduce a complaint or negative
➢ It’s all delicious!

20. Can I get you anything else?

The waiter/waitress will probably ask you this after you have finished eating.
➢ “Just the check, please.
The “check” is the list of items and the total price to pay.
➢ Could I have a look at the dessert menu?
➢ I’ll have a slice of apple pie.
A “slice” is a single piece of a pie, cake, or pizza.
➢ No thanks – I think we’re just about done.
➢ Two decaf coffees, please.
“Decaf coffee” is coffee with no caffeine.

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Learning After completing this chapter, students will be able to explain
Objectives the disease

In many cases, terms such as disease, disorder, morbidity, sickness and illness are used
interchangeably; however, there are situations when specific terms are considered

❖ Disease
The term disease broadly refers to any condition that impairs the normal functioning
of the body. For this reason, diseases are associated with disfunction of the body's
normal homeostatic processes. Commonly, the term is used to refer specifically to
infectious diseases, which are clinically evident diseases that result from the presence
of pathogenic microbial agents, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa,
multicellular organisms, and aberrant proteins known as prions. An infection or
colonization that does not and will not produce clinically evident impairment of
normal functioning, such as the presence of the normal bacteria and yeasts in the gut,
or of a passenger virus, is not considered a disease. By contrast, an infection that is
asymptomatic during its incubation period, but expected to produce symptoms later,
is usually considered a disease. Non-infectious diseases are all other diseases,
including most forms of cancer, heart disease, and genetic disease.

❖ Acquired disease
An acquired disease is one that began at some point during one's lifetime, as opposed
to disease that was already present at birth, which is congenital disease. Acquired
sounds like it could mean "caught via contagion", but it simply means acquired
sometime after birth. It also sounds like it could imply secondary disease, but acquired
disease can be primary disease.

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❖ Acute disease
An acute disease is one of a short-term nature (acute); the term sometimes also
connotes a fulminant nature

❖ Chronic condition or chronic disease

A chronic disease is one that persists over time, often characterized as at least six
months but may also include illnesses that are expected to last for the entirety of
one's natural life.

❖ Congenital disorder or congenital disease

A congenital disorder is one that is present at birth. It is often a genetic disease or
disorder and can be inherited. It can also be the result of a vertically transmitted
infection from the mother, such as HIV/AIDS.

❖ Genetic disease
A genetic disorder or disease is caused by one or more genetic mutations. It is often
inherited, but some mutations are random and de novo.

❖ Hereditary or inherited disease

A hereditary disease is a type of genetic disease caused by genetic mutations that are
hereditary (and can run in families)

❖ Iatrogenic disease
An iatrogenic disease or condition is one that is caused by medical intervention,
whether as a side effect of a treatment or as an inadvertent outcome.

❖ Idiopathic disease
An idiopathic disease has an unknown cause or source. As medical science has
advanced, many diseases with entirely unknown causes have had some aspects of
their sources explained and therefore shed their idiopathic status. For example, when

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germs were discovered, it became known that they were a cause of infection, but
particular germs and diseases had not been linked. In another example, it is known
that autoimmunity is the cause of some forms of diabetes mellitus type 1, even though
the particular molecular pathways by which it works are not yet understood. It is also
common to know certain factors are associated with certain diseases; however,
association and causality are two very different phenomena, as a third cause might be
producing the disease, as well as an associated phenomenon.

❖ Incurable disease
A disease that cannot be cured. Incurable diseases are not necessarily terminal
diseases, and sometimes a disease's symptoms can be treated sufficiently for the
disease to have little or no impact on quality of life.

❖ Primary disease
A primary disease is a disease that is due to a root cause of illness, as opposed to
secondary disease, which is a sequela, or complication that is caused by the primary
disease. For example, a common cold is a primary disease, where rhinitis is a possible
secondary disease, or sequela. A doctor must determine what primary disease, a cold
or bacterial infection, is causing a patient's secondary rhinitis when deciding whether
or not to prescribe antibiotics.

❖ Secondary disease
A secondary disease is a disease that is a sequela or complication of a prior, causal
disease, which is referred to as the primary disease or simply the underlying cause
(root cause). For example, a bacterial infection can be primary, wherein a healthy
person is exposed to a bacteria and becomes infected, or it can be secondary to a
primary cause, that predisposes the body to infection. For example, a primary viral
infection that weakens the immune system could lead to a secondary bacterial
infection. Similarly, a primary burn that creates an open wound could provide an entry
point for bacteria, and lead to a secondary bacterial infection.

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❖ Terminal disease
A terminal disease is one that is expected to have the inevitable result of death.
Previously, AIDS was a terminal disease; it is now incurable, but can be managed
indefinitely using medications.

❖ Illness
The terms illness and sickness are both generally used as synonyms for disease;
however, the term illness is occasionally used to refer specifically to the patient's
personal experience of his or her disease. In this model, it is possible for a person to
have a disease without being ill (to have an objectively definable, but asymptomatic,
medical condition, such as a subclinical infection, or to have a clinically apparent
physical impairment but not feel sick or distressed by it), and to be ill without being
diseased (such as when a person perceives a normal experience as a medical
condition, or medicalizes a non-disease situation in his or her life – for example, a
person who feels unwell as a result of embarrassment, and who interprets those
feelings as sickness rather than normal emotions). Symptoms of illness are often not
directly the result of infection, but a collection of evolved responses – sickness
behavior by the body – that helps clear infection and promote recovery. Such aspects
of illness can include lethargy, depression, loss of appetite, sleepiness, hyperalgesia,
and inability to concentrate.

❖ Disorder
A disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance. Medical disorders can be
categorized into mental disorders, physical disorders, genetic disorders, emotional
and behavioral disorders, and functional disorders. The term disorder is often
considered more value-neutral and less stigmatizing than the terms disease or illness,
and therefore is preferred terminology in some circumstances. In mental health, the
term mental disorder is used as a way of acknowledging the complex interaction of
biological, social, and psychological factors in psychiatric conditions; however, the
term disorder is also used in many other areas of medicine, primarily to identify

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physical disorders that are not caused by infectious organisms, such as metabolic

❖ Medical condition
A medical condition is a broad term that includes all diseases, lesions, disorders, or
nonpathologic condition that normally receives medical treatment, such as
pregnancy or childbirth. While the term medical condition generally includes mental
illnesses, in some contexts the term is used specifically to denote any illness, injury, or
disease except for mental illnesses. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM), the widely used psychiatric manual that defines all mental
disorders, uses the term general medical condition to refer to all diseases, illnesses,
and injuries except for mental disorders. This usage is also commonly seen in the
psychiatric literature. Some health insurance policies also define a medical condition
as any illness, injury, or disease except for psychiatric illnesses.
As it is more value-neutral than terms like disease, the term medical condition is
sometimes preferred by people with health issues that they do not consider
deleterious. On the other hand, by emphasizing the medical nature of the condition,
this term is sometimes rejected, such as by proponents of the autism rights
The term medical condition is also a synonym for medical state, in which case it
describes an individual patient's current state from a medical standpoint. This usage
appears in statements that describe a patient as being in critical condition, for

❖ Morbidity
Morbidity (from Latin morbidus 'sick, unhealthy') is a diseased state, disability, or poor
health due to any cause. The term may refer to the existence of any form of disease,
or to the degree that the health condition affects the patient. Among severely ill
patients, the level of morbidity is often measured by ICU scoring systems.

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Comorbidity is the simultaneous presence of two or more medical conditions, such as

schizophrenia and substance abuse.
In epidemiology and actuarial science, the term "morbidity rate" can refer to either
the incidence rate, or the prevalence of a disease or medical condition. This measure
of sickness is contrasted with the mortality rate of a condition, which is the proportion
of people dying during a given time interval. Morbidity rates are used in actuarial
professions, such as health insurance, life insurance, and long-term care insurance, to
determine the correct premiums to charge to customers. Morbidity rates help
insurers predict the likelihood that an insured will contract or develop any number of
specified diseases.

❖ Pathosis or pathology
Pathosis (plural pathoses) is synonymous with disease. The word pathology also has
this sense, in which it is commonly used by physicians in the medical literature,
although some editors prefer to reserve pathology to its other senses. Sometimes a
slight connotative shade causes preference for pathology or pathosis implying "some
[as yet poorly analyzed] pathophysiologic process" rather than disease implying "a
specific disease entity as defined by diagnostic criteria being already met". This is hard
to quantify denotatively, but it explains why cognitive synonymy is not invariable.

❖ Syndrome
A syndrome is the association of several medical signs, symptoms, or other
characteristics that often occur together, regardless of whether the cause is known.
Some syndromes such as Down syndrome are known to have only one cause (an extra
chromosome at birth). Others such as Parkinsonian syndrome are known to have
multiple possible causes. Acute coronary syndrome, for example, is not a single
disease itself but is rather the manifestation of any of several diseases including
myocardial infarction secondary to coronary artery disease. In yet other syndromes,
however, the cause is unknown. A familiar syndrome name often remains in use even
after an underlying cause has been found or when there are a number of different

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possible primary causes. Examples of the first-mentioned type are that Turner
syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome are still often called by the "syndrome" name
despite that they can also be viewed as disease entities and not solely as sets of signs
and symptoms.

❖ Predisease
Predisease is a subclinical or prodromal vanguard of a disease. Prediabetes and
prehypertension are common examples. The nosology or epistemology of predisease
is contentious, though, because there is seldom a bright line differentiating a
legitimate concern for subclinical/prodromal/premonitory status (on one hand) and
conflict of interest–driven disease mongering or medicalization (on the other hand).
Identifying legitimate predisease can result in useful preventive measures, such as
motivating the person to get a healthy amount of physical exercise,[17] but labeling a
healthy person with an unfounded notion of predisease can result in overtreatment,
such as taking drugs that only help people with severe disease or paying for drug
prescription instances whose benefit–cost ratio is minuscule (placing it in the waste
category of CMS' "waste, fraud, and abuse" classification). Three requirement s for
the legitimacy of calling a condition a predisease are: a truly high risk for progression
to disease – for example, a pre-cancer will almost certainly turn into cancer over time
actionability for risk reduction – for example, removal of the precancerous tissue
prevents it from turning into a potentially deadly cancer benefit that outweighs the
harm of any interventions taken – removing the precancerous tissue prevents cancer,
and thus prevents a potential death from cancer.

❖ Types by body system

❖ Mental
Mental illness is a broad, generic label for a category of illnesses that may include
affective or emotional instability, behavioral dysregulation, cognitive dysfunction or
impairment. Specific illnesses known as mental illnesses include major depression,
generalized anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, and attention deficit hyperactivity

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disorder, to name a few. Mental illness can be of biological (e.g., anatomical, chemical,
or genetic) or psychological (e.g., trauma or conflict) origin. It can impair the affected
person's ability to work or study and can harm interpersonal relationships. The term
insanity is used technically as a legal term.

❖ Organic
An organic disease is one caused by a physical or physiological change to some tissue
or organ of the body. The term sometimes excludes infections. It is commonly used in
contrast with mental disorders. It includes emotional and behavioral disorders if they
are due to changes to the physical structures or functioning of the body, such as after
a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, but not if they are due to psychosocial issues.

❖ Stages
"Flareup" redirects here. For the Transformers character, see Flareup
(Transformers). In an infectious disease, the incubation period is the time between
infection and the appearance of symptoms. The latency period is the time between
infection and the ability of the disease to spread to another person, which may
precede, follow, or be simultaneous with the appearance of symptoms. Some viruses
also exhibit a dormant phase, called viral latency, in which the virus hides in the body
in an inactive state. For example, varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox in the acute
phase; after recovery from chickenpox, the virus may remain dormant in nerve cells
for many years, and later cause herpes zoster (shingles).

❖ Acute disease
An acute disease is a short-lived disease, like the common cold.

❖ Chronic disease
Chronic disease is one that lasts for a long time, usually at least six months. During
that time, it may be constantly present, or it may go into remission and periodically
relapse. A chronic disease may be stable (does not get any worse) or it may be

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progressive (gets worse over time). Some chronic diseases can be permanently cured.
Most chronic diseases can be beneficially treated, even if they cannot be permanently
❖ Clinical disease
One that has clinical consequences; in other words, the stage of the disease that
produces the characteristic signs and symptoms of that disease. AIDS is the clinical
disease stage of HIV infection.

❖ Cure
A cure is the end of a medical condition or a treatment that is very likely to end it, while
remission refers to the disappearance, possibly temporarily, of symptoms. Complete
remission is the best possible outcome for incurable diseases.

❖ Flare-up
A flare-up can refer to either the recurrence of symptoms or an onset of more severe

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Lindsay Kramer: The 8 Parts of Speech.
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