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Film Discussion

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Film Discussion

Learning about the “Growth Mindset” has transformed my outlook this semester. I have

learned that kids with a “Growth Mindset” perform well academically since they have an

authorizing viewpoint on learning. Learning about this subject has helped me understand that

those who have a “Growth Mindset” concentrate on development and treat struggle as a means

for building their capabilities. Besides, individuals with a “Growth Mindset” hold that creativity,

intelligence, and things such as relationships and affection might be grown and refined with time

and exercise.

There are different instances of employing the “Growth Mindset” to aid me in changing

my viewpoint or finding inspiration or better approaches to accomplish things. They comprise

concentrating on generating objectives that transform my long-term behaviors and activities and

focusing on the deeds I will desire to take to achieve what I want.

The “Growth Mindset” relates to the "Happiness Advantage" that Shawn Achor discusses

in his video. They both teach that most individuals think that if they are fruitful, they will

become contented (The happy secret to better work 2:012 – 4:34). However, the truth is that after

people succeed in life, they quickly advance their goals, and after receiving better academic

results, you have to work hard to improve next time. By changing your opinions, you can be

better off and shift results.

After watching the video, I support Shawn Achor’s view on working to change my

happiness lens in the present - so it then helps in molding my worldview. Many people believe

how successful you determine their happiness, not knowing that contentment makes somebody

more fruitful. Moreover, of the five strategies given (in minute 11) in aiding train my brain to

look for the positive, I would wish to commence trying meditating, exercise, and random acts of

kindness. These three strategies look more effective and powerful to me.


[Video]: The happy secret to better work

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