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Mental health refers to cognitive , behavioral, and emotional well being , or simply means
“Absence of mental disorder”. Mental health can preserve a person,s ability to enjoy life , a
balance between life activities , responsibilities and efforts to achieve psychological flexibility.

Condition such as a stress , depression anxiety, all can effects mental health and disturb persons

Mental health disease can be classified as a organic and non -organic. Organic illness are
characterized by physical and biochemical change in the cell, tissue or organ. Non –organic
disease as being functional , means that there are symptoms of disease but no clear cut
measurement of diagnosis. Psychatrie disorder are classified as; Anxiety disorder , which
include ; generalized anxiety , phobia , anxiety, panic disorder and obsessive compulsive
disorder. Effective mood disorder include ;Depressive disorders, mania and bipolar effective
disorder . Acute delirium and chronic dementia are organic disorders=[2].

Depression is a common mental disorder in which depression of mood occurs most of the day at
least for 2 weeks. Symptoms of depression include; mood depression , loss of interest in all
activities, insomnia , change in body weight , anorexia , feeling of worthlessness or excessive
guilt , loss of interest in life with passive desire for death. Depression may be endogenous,
without any apartment cause, or reactionary depression with apartment cause . Attacks of
depression without mania is called ‘’Unipolar Affective disorder’’. Alternative attacks of
Depression and mania is called ‘’ Bipolar Affective Disorder[3]

Studies revealed that depression occurs due to ; Death of close relatives, medical conditions such
as myocardial infarction cancer or other chronic illness and there is family history of depression
also. Depression also caused by substance abuse, impulsive disorder intimate partner violence
and sexual abuse.

350 millions peoples affective from depression worldwide and 850,000 lives every year.
Averagly 15% of global populations experience depression once or more in their life. Depression
more common in hospital admitted patients , in Pakistan. Admitted patient showed 48.5.

The W.H.O ranks depression as the 4th – leading of world disability , while admitted patients
expected to be the 2nd –leading cause of disability[4].

Literature Review:

Depression refers to a common mental health problem characterized by a wide spectrum of

symptoms, including the depressed mood, absence of interest or pleasure , loss of energy feeling
of guilt or law self-esteem, poor concentration , attired appetite , disturbed sleep.[1]. Depressive
mood is an emotional state which is experienced by most people with poor physical health.
More than 322 millions people worldwide have a diagnosis of depression , an increase of more
than 18% between 2006 and 2015 [2].Depression is common in the general population, and even
more frequent among patients with medical illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease , stroke ,
cancer[3]. Based on 20 studies, the median prevalence of depression in hospitalized medical
patient was 33% , ranging from 15-60%[4]. Many mental disorder cam occur after stressful
events , including anxiety , depression , psychosis and post-tranmatic stress disorder [5]. The (of
anxiety) frequency of anxiety , depression and post –traumatic stress disorder among the
survivors of critical illness was 46%,40% and 22% respectively [65-] .

The prevalence of depression among patient with myocardial infraction was high as 29% and
may lead to poor long-term quality of life and increased cardiac mortality [9].

Many studies faced depression is associated with poorer physical health , worse functional
outcomes and rehospitalization.Depression has been shown to be related with bad health habit,
such as smoking, Unhealthy diet , reduced physical activity and poor adherence to prescribed
medication [10]. Although depression is highly prevalent among hospitalized patients ,
depression often remains Unrecognized and thus Undiagnosed and Unrented.

Difference in terms of the prevalence of depression between University Hospital(UHs) and

Regional Hospital (RHs) have been controversial. Depression may occur more frequently in
patient with more complicated conditions[11]. In contrast, a major teaching hospital in the
United States was associated with lower overall mortality compared, to non-teaching hospitals
[12].First to study the difference in depression between University and Hospitals and Regional
Hospitals, The presence study aimed to determined the prevalence of depression among
admitted medical patients and to fixed factors associated with depression in admitted medical
patients. The accuracy of screening test for the depression was also determined.


[1]= (by Adam Felman ,April 13, 2020)

[2]= Davidsons principle of medicine , page -230 table 10.1

[3]= greenhead . net (january 31,2020 , by Alexis Flyn.)

[4]= jpma ( December 2015 ,volume 65 , issue 12)

[5]= WHO . the ICD 10 classification of mental and behavioral disorder s Descriptions &
diagnosis guidelines.

[6]= Freedrich Mj , Depression is the leading cause disability around the world .JAMA,2017.

[7]= Carney RM Freland KE , depression & CHD Cardiol 2017.

[8]= Ishak WW,collision K Danoritch I Screening for hospitalized patients JHOSP med-2017

[9]= Hatch R, young D Barber V , Depression & Post Trancks ther critcom 2018’ .

[10]= Meijer A, Conradii H , Boss EH Myocartical analysis of 25 years research[2011-33-30]

[11]= Yan,s Zhange ,s tang of y Yanics ampetic of stigma and drepressies symptoms 2018,[98-

[12]= Polancyzx C lanz outcoes in major teaching , minors hospitals are out comes teaching
medical to 2002,112(4) .

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