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Special Education MCQs [set-1]

Chapter: Education for the Mentally Challenged Children

1. Psychological classification of Mental Retardation is based on

A. Age
B. Levels of IQ
C. Causes
D. Symptoms
Answer: B

2. Which of the following is an example of an intellectual disability?

A. Dyslexia
o m
B. Schizophrenia
. c
C. Mental retardation
D. Autistic spectrum disorder
Answer: C

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3. Mental retardation is mainly c
A. During infancy period M
B. Before age 18
C. At any age
D. Before age 6
Answer: B

4. About 90% of individuals with mental retardation are classified as

A. Mild or educable mentally retarded.
B. Moderate or trainable
C. Custodial
D. Severe or Profound
Answer: A

5. Mental retardation is generally characterized by

A. Emotional disturbance
B. Psychomotor impairments
C. Down syndrome
D. Impaired adaptive functioning
Answer: D

6. Children with moderate retardation may develop intellectual skills of

A. Non retarded 14 or 16 years old
B. Non retarded7 or 8 years old.
C. Non retarded 0 0r 1 year old
D. Non retarded children of their own age
Answer: B

7. Mentally retarded do not benefit from classroom but have the potential to learn
A. Arithmetic and calculation
B. Languages and basic science
C. Self care and adjust in home
D. Humanities and physical education
Answer: C

8. The first and most important step in the diagnosis of mental retardation is to
A. Intelligence test result
B. Academic achievement result
C. Observation of parent
D. Comprehensive patient and family history.
Answer: D

9. Children having mild mental retardation have IQ from

A. From (50-55) to 70
B. From (70-75) to 80
C. From (30-35) to 55
D. From (20-25) to 45
Answer: A

10. Symptoms of mental retardation may appear at birth or later in

A. Adolescence
B. Childhood
C. Adulthood

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D. Maturity
Answer: B

11. Which of the following are not the characteristics of mental retardation?
A. Lack of curiosity and difficulty solving problems
B. Got an ability to create or produce a new idea
C. Decreased learning ability and ability to think logically
D. Trouble remembering things
Answer: B

12. Approximately 85 percent of the mentally retarded population is in the

A. Mild retarded category
B. Moderate retarded category.
C. Severe retarded category.
D. Profound retarded category.
Answer: A

13. Which of the following test is applied to assess the IQ of children?

A. Personality Test
B. Aptitude test
C. A standard intelligence test
D. Attitude scale
Answer: C

14. Mental retardation is present in about

A. 1 percent of the population
B. 2 to 3 percent of the population
C. 10 percent of the population
D. 30 percent of the population
Answer: B

15. Mental retardation is generally characterized by

A. Significantly sub-average intellectual functioning
B. Concurrent and related limitations in two or more adaptive skill areas
C. Manifestation before age eighteen
D. All of the above
Answer: D

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16. Mental retardation is a
A. Disease without cure
B. Lifelong illness
C. Lifelong condition of impaired
D. Disease result in impairment
Answer: C

17. Most mentally retarded children cannot be identified by their

A. Physical appearance alone.
B. Adaptive ability
C. Intellectual functioning
D. Social adjustment
Answer: A

18. Mentally retarded children reach developmental milestones later than the
A. Physically challenge children
B. Children with autism
C. Visually impaired children
D. General population.
Answer: D

19. The profound retardation is often caused by an accompanying

A. Speech disorder
B. Neurological disorder
C. Psycho-motor disorder
D. Hearing disorder
Answer: B

20. Various causes of intellectual disability are

A. Preventable
B. Inevitable
C. Vague
D. Predictable
Answer: A

21. Medical classification of mental retardation is based on

A. IQ score

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B. Symptoms
C. Causes
D. Cognitive skills
Answer: D

22. One of the most visible conditions associated with mental retardation caused by
genetic disorder is
A. Down Syndrome.
B. Hydrocephalic
C. Autism
D. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Answer: A

23. Which of the following is the main neurological birth syndrome caused by
A. Down Syndrome
B. Fragile X syndrome
C. Cerebral palsy
D. Cerebral Vascular accident
Answer: C

24. Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual

disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occurring during or
immediately after delivery?
A. Anoxia
B. Pronoxia
C. Anaphylaxia
D. Dysnoxia
Answer: A

25. Which of the following is a not pre-natal cause of mental retardation?

A. Willi syndrome
B. Fragile X syndrome
C. Trisomy 21 syndrome
D. Brain injury
Answer: D

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