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Descriptive Data

For subject matter there is a great design here. The painting was made by the
Barbadian artist Neville LeGall. The painting seems to show a man gazing at a
gargantuan mountain on the horizon. There are also two little houses which indicates
he could be in a village. The mountain on the horizon has a beautiful array of many
different colours. The type of medium is acrylic paint because the edges of the
shapes on the painting are crisp and sharp, it is likely an acrylic painting. The texture
also has many different bright colours especially where the mountain is. The size of
the painting is large with quite a lot of space inside of it.

My interpretation about this painting is that it is a beautiful and well-done

painting. I like all the different colours and textures of the acrylic painting and the
scale of the mountain is presented very well in this picture. The environment
surrounding the man such as the plants and houses have many small details which
make the painting visually appealing to look at.

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