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Ticket Id: 15244 Sunday, September 18, 2011

The table below shows the average annual percentages of water pollution in four large cities in 2003. Summarize the information by choosing and identifying the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Water Pollution by Major Pollutants, 2003 Taipei Domestic sewage Pesticides Erosion Phosphates in detergents 50 28 12 10 Sao Paulo 65 9 20 6 Tokyo 23 31 23 23 NewYork 41 13 12 34

The table contains the average annual rate of pollutants in Taipei, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and New York in the year 2003. As can be seen from the chart, domestic sewage was the major pollutant to cause water pollution in Taipei and Sao Paulo, accounting for a half and well over a half. Pesticides and phosphates in detergents contaminated water the least at the level of 9% and 6% each while erosion was the second biggest contributor at a fifth in Sao Paulo. In Taipei, about 30% of pesticides caused water pollution and only around 10% of erosion and phosphates in detergents polluted water. In New York, domestic sewage and phosphates in detergents were the main causes of water pollution with 41% and 34% respectively. Just over 10 % of pesticides and erosion contributed to water contamination in New York. It is clearly noted that major pollutants such as domestic sewage, erosion and phosphate in detergents showed the same figure (23%) in Tokyo, which indicated all pollutants almost evenly contributed to water pollution. In addition, water pollution caused by pesticides consisted of a third in Japan. Conclusion is missing. Evaluation Report Word count 185 - All Rights Reserved Web:

Ticket Id: 15244 Comments Estimated Band Score Suggestions Sunday, September 18, 2011 Other than missing conclusion, the task response is up to the mark. 7.5 1. When your Academic Writing Task-1 is graded by IELTS examiners, they look for this structure: 1. Introduction 2. Body (may consist of 2-3 paragraphs) 3. Conclusion (1 paragraph) Therefore, you must write a conclusion paragraph for the following types of graphs to avoid being penalized: a) Single line graph b) Double line graph c) Bar graph (Single, Double or Triple bar graph) d: Pie chart e) Table However, you may write a concluding paragraph in PROCESS (Diagram), but it is not necessary. Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here IELTS preparation e-books - download a free trial here Sample essays, letters and reports - click here Learn vocabulary from this link

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