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Many people feel like working alone makes any work quicker. This may be accurate if
you´re accustomed to doing everything by yourself. However, being faster doesn't
make any project one step ahead. Are you an individualist? Learning to work in groups
could be useful for your daily life either.

 It is true to say that school could be a beneficial place to learn this ability since you are
in touch with people your age. Nevertheless, students mostly work in a group with their
friends. They usually distract each other and have fun. In my personal experience, it
was unprofitable. 

Spelling beneficial
Punctuation> ability since

 I'm inclined to believe that the best way to learn how to work with other people is by
practicing team sports, for the reason that you won't win until you trust your partners.
You will never make it independently.

Spelling> team sports

Grammar> by practicing

I personally feel like working in groups is great for your own life. In fact, we might not
enjoy groups as sometimes we don't want to listen to other viewpoints. Keeping calm
and paying attention will commonly be productive.

To conclude, debating and learning from others could be our greatest decision.

Grammar> from the others (no determiner is required) from others

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