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Some people think that it is better to do certain things alone, do you agree?

Some people think that is better for you to work in team, it is true that our social life is
important but we often forget the importance of staying alone. It is neccesary to spend some
time with ourselves and there are some things that are better to do alone.

First of all, it is usual to go shopping with friends or family, and that is good. However, it has a
lot of benefits to do it alone, probably you would buy more things that you really like. Also, it is
an opportunity to know yourself and it could help you to find your clothes style.

Apart from that, it is widely believed that is better to study alone than with friends. Sometimes
it could be good to do it with your classmates, but mos of the time you will make the most of
the time on your own. When you study with other people is easier to get distracted talking, so
you will have to spend more time doing your tasks.

Finally, I firmly believe that you progress quicklier when you work out in your own. You can
focus in the exercises that you like and in wich you need to get your objectives. In addition,
you can choose at what time you are going to do it depend on your timetable, and how many
time you want to dedicate to sport.

To sum up, there are something that is better to do alone if you want to make the most of it.
Some examples of this are go shopping, studying and doing sport. But it does not mean that
spend time with other people are not important, you have to find the balance.

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