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On the one hand, some people find it more enjoyable when they spend

their leisure time doing activities that are more relaxed, rather than
complicated. For them, a hobby is a way to relax their body and mind
and feel energetic for their work the next day. If, instead, they pick up a
challenging hobby, it will require a lot of their efforts and time and they
might find it hard to adapt to their daily routine. In many cases they may
just give up on their hobby. For example, many people are keen on
reading books which doesn’t require lots of effort and equipments.
On the other hand, other people do complicated activities to keep
themselves amused. If anyone is interested in mountain climbing, they
might think about finding a trainer and practice for months. You would
also spend a great amount of money and try fighting with the feeling of
scary. When you experience it successfully, you really feel alive.
Another example, some people play an instrument like their hobby as
well. With a beginner, playing a piano is easier said than done, they have
to learn and practice with much patience. Doing challenging hobbies
makes them satisfying.
To recap, I feel that people should choose a hobby based on their liking
and other personal circumstances and not on the basis of its difficulty
level. Whether the hobby is challenging or easy does not matter as long
as people are able to have fun taking part in it.

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