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A lot of people think that having fun while they are learning is the best way to acquire
knowledge and I agree with this. There are a lot of facts that can prove this idea and why
most schools should apply this strategie.

To begin with, the human brain tends to remember things when it relates these things to a
feeling, it can be a positive or a negative feeling but the class needs to wake up a feeling in
order to be easily remembered by students. If the class wakes up a positive feeling while
they are having fun students will learn the topic without problem. In addition, students are
constantly bored and stressed, if they don't see anything that calls their attention the class
will become just like the other classes and this can start an environment of pressure and
stress in the classroom.

On the other hand, people say that doing an original class is exhausting for teachers and I
don’t disagree with it, but personally I think that if the class is original and pleasant the
teacher can have fun too and with this, have more energy to give other classes and do a
better work.

To sum up, if the atmosphere of a class is good everyone, even the teacher will have more
energy and with it remember things easily and work better. If the environment is good,
everyone wins.

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