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In this day and age, the issue of juvenile delinquency has increased significantly in

many parts of the world. There are a number of reasons behind this phenomenon
and several solutions should be adopted by goverments and individuals to improve
the situation.
Primarily, the growth of crimes committed by teenagers can be due to a large
number of factors. To begin with, insuffient and deviating awareness is of
utmost importance. It is obvious that there are some young people who have a lack
of understanding of the importance of studying and the consequences of defying
the law. This is sometimes due to a negative family environment. The parents’
shortage of exemplariness of morality and dissolute lifestyle such as: booze,
gambling or even offence has directly affected the awareness and action of
youngsters. In addition, the dark side of market economy has led to the
retrograde and degenerate elements and pragmatic lifestyle of teenagers. Finally,
modern technology gives them easy access to the Internet and television, from
which they learn violent behaviours.
Potential ways to tackle this problem may include the following. Firstly, teenagers
who commit minor crimes like pickpocketing should be forced to participate in
community service such as cleaning the streets, cooking in nursing home and the
like. If they clearly show changes in attitudes, the length of punishments may be
considered to decrease. This step can not only deter these individuals from similar
behaviours but also make them better citizens. By the contrast, for those who have
carried out severe crimes ought to receive harsh punishment such as a long prison
sentence regardless their ages. Furthermore, all of them should be given the chance
to enhance neccessary skills and develop better understanding of moral behaviors.
In conclusion, for all mentioned above, juvenile delinquency is a serious problem
for our society. It is highly recommended that the government ought to take my
analysis into consideration and remind individuals constantly to avoid young

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