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Teenage crime

Nowadays poverty does exist, and it carries with it a terrible occurrence. Committing
crime by minors. It also occurs in advanced nations, and it might be frequent as well. In this
essay I am discussing why I am not to side with this phenomenon and what exactly the reason
for that, furthermore, I advise on how to avoid it in our community.

A short-term problem we face is that a society should think about the teenagers’
future. We ought not to let them to get peer pressure. Many teenagers follow their mates to
break the law and they get used to breaking it. Another pertinent point is bullying; more
campaign should be about it.

Alcohol and cigarettes are a difficult challenge. Sales must be stricter. Moreover, drug
offense can be decreased due to legalise a sort of drugs to push back black-market.

Another major point is poor educational system just worsens the situation. Not only
the adolescents need great education, but parents also. Hence, neglectful parents are the
crucial factor of this cause.

If we analyse these issues, we can face a bothersome social condition and the reason
for that is simply, we do not pay enough attention to it. I am truly in opposition to teenage
crime, and I hope we could find a way to decrease the number of offenses. The long and short
of it the future is in our hands.

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