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Leisure time is what a person does when not working, whether paid work, chores, or responsibilities.

Leisure time is meant for relaxing, participating in pleasurable activities, pursuing goals and dreams that
don’t involve work. Some people are unable or unwilling to make good use of their leisure, while others
use it wisely to enjoy life, pursuing activities and interests and hobbies that provide meaning and
purpose, increase happiness and well-being.

How People Spend Their Leisure

Far too many people waste their leisure time. After a long day at work, many people spend their
evenings escaping life, becoming intoxicated on booze, getting high on illegal drugs, lollygagging on the
couch, watching anything that comes on television. On weekends, they live the same lifestyle.

Others sit and daydream about how life should be, and do nothing to alter their circumstances. Others
feel guilty about having free time to do anything, and so they work on special projects, renovating the
house, painting a bedroom, dusting the furniture, staying busy, completing some task that is work and
doesn’t provide pleasure.

Those people who waste their leisure often feel burned out, stressed out, discouraged, depressed, or
bored with their lives. And so, many people seek fleeting pleasures—and end up running on the
“hedonic treadmill,” continually searching for new pleasure, because all pleasure dies after it is
experienced. For instance, once the vacation is finished, the pleasure melts away. Once a person has an
orgasm, the pleasure subsides. Once the person purchases a pair of designer blue jeans, the joy of
wearing a new pair of pants dissipates—the good feeling wanes and disappears. And so, the person
must find another temporary pleasure to feel good again.

Most people who waste their leisure have not discovered their interests or passions. If they only took
the time to discover what interests or goals they have outside of work, they’d be motivated to take
steps to work on cultivating their interest and achieving pleasurable goals. Life is filled with countless
fascinating experiences, such as travel, and pleasurable activities, including reading, listening to music,
taking a stroll in the woods.

Other peoples spend their leisure in activities and pursuits that add pleasure, meaning, purpose, and
happiness to their lives. They join a fitness club, play baseball on a co-ed league, swing a driver off the
tee on the golf course with buddies. They listen to music, such as Chopin’s Nocturne No. 2. They read a
classic novel, like Catch 22 or Lolita. They attend a music concert, so they can listen to delightful music
by great musicians and singers, for instance, U2.

Benefits of Leisure

You’ll have time to relax and recharge your energy. You’ll have time to embrace your hobbies and
interests and passions. You’ll have the opportunity to become physically fit, which is good for your
mental and physical health. If you engage in hobbies and interests you enjoy, you will add meaning and
a sense of purpose to your life.

If you involve yourself in activities or pursuits that provide “flow,” you will lose track of time and
experience enjoyment. Your troubles and stresses will disappear while you are engaged in a flow activity
or pursuit. Flow is also a good way to battle depression and ward off anxiety. Positive psychologists have
also learned that “flow” experiences create happiness.

You’ll contribute to your work-life balance, which is essential for improving well-being and good health.

How to enkoy leisure

Discover your interests and hobbies. All interests and hobbies are a personal choice. Ask yourself: What
do I enjoy reading? What do I like doing? What are my dreams? Then schedule time for them each
week. Some people might enjoy painting, playing a musical instrument, writing in their journal. Others
might enjoy playing sports, such as hockey, baseball, tennis, squash, golf.

Spend time in solitude. You might close the door and sit in a quite space in your home. You might take a
stroll in the woods or go for a solitary bike ride along some quiet streets. Spending time by yourself in
solitude will allow you to reflect on your life, set personal goals, remind yourself of the dreams you
have, and help you unwind and relax.

Make physical fitness part of your lifestyle. Ideally, you’ll want to work out for 30 minutes each day.
Fitness has many health benefits. It will improve your strength, stamina, and flexibility. It will also reduce
stress, reduce physical tension, and contribute to peace of mind. There are many ways to embrace
fitness: Join a fitness club. Take up yoga. Go for a power walk each day. Lift weights, jog, run, bike
around the neighborhood. Sign up for co-ed baseball or house league hockey. Fitness will also make you
feel better, help you relax, eliminate the extra weight, give you peace of mind, improve your mental and
physical health.

To use leisure wisely, you must discover your interests, passions, hobbies, and dreams. Then schedule
time when you’re not working for these pursuits. Making good use of your leisure will enable you to
experience pleasure, fend off melancholy, add meaning and purpose to your life, and improve your
physical and mental health.

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