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The Meaning of Life is Great

To be happy, to be filled with joy is a great thing. Your stress level goes down, you
don’t worry as much, and generally you feel good. This is what working and living
within your Meaning of Life can do for you.

It can virtually extend your life. Happiness gives off endorphins. That is a chemical
that your body makes to help give you energy. By staying more active you
increase your chances for a longer, more stable live.

The Meaning of Life is great joy. Do you know what gives you great joy? It can be
very simple like a visit to the park, or a bright sunny day to walk outside. Joy
doesn’t have to involve going anywhere, but sometimes trips help. They take you
out of your everyday environment and to arouse your curiosity.

For some it would be extended time in a library, to read anything they wanted to
with no disturbances. For others joy comes from playing games and testing your
mind or your coordination. That is where sports come in handy.

Why do you think so many people go to watch a football game or the races? If
they are not physically able to play the sport, they can at least watch someone
else perform and take joy in the watching. This is being involved with your
Meaning of Life even if it is not you doing it. So go to the library, or a ball game,
enjoy your Meaning of Life.

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