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1 whole chicken
3 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons lemon juice
5 tablespoons olive oil
For the piri piri sauce
1 to 4 piri piri chilies
1 teaspoon brown sugar
3 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons of sweet paprika
Olive oil
Some fresh ginger
Ground black pepper
Dried oregano
1 teaspoon soy sauce
40 ml white vinegar
2 teaspoons lemon juice
First, peel and crush the garlic cloves with
the olive oil, lemon juice and salt and rub
the whole chicken with the mixture. Cover
and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
After crushing all the ingredients of the piri
piri sauce except the oil (first remove the
tails and seeds of the chilies).
Then when everything is well crushed add
the necessary olive oil, stirring well. Set
Next, preheat the oven to 200 ºC and place
the chicken in an ovenproof dish. Put half
a glass of water in the base and bake for
30 minutes. Turn the chicken halfway
through baking, so that it is cooked evenly.
Then after that time, remove the chicken
from the oven and baste it completely with
the piri piri sauce.
Finally, turn on the grill and brown the
chicken completely (the ideal would be to
finish it in the embers). Serve with baked
potatoes sautéed in butter, fried or mashed
potatoes, a green salad or whatever
garnish you like.
Piri piri piri chicken is very nutritious and delicious. It is one of
the most popular dishes in Portugal . In fact, you can eat this
dish in an exclusive restaurant or enjoy it at home by preparing
your own preparing your own piri piri piri chicken. Today, I will
show you how to prepare this dish. These are the ingredients:


The Chiri Uchu is very rich and nutritious.
The flagship dish of Cusco is named after
the union of two Quechua words Chiri =
cold and Uchu = chili.

- 1 kilo and a half chicken.
- 1 carrot.
- 2 stems of pore.
- Whole pepper and salt to
- ¼ cup of huacatay.
- 50 grams of cochayuyo
- 2 sausages.
- 100 grams of fresh cheese.
- 1 rocoto in slices.
Corn tortilla:
- 3 beaten eggs.
- 50 grams of corn flour.
- 130 grams of pumpkin puree.
First the roast guinea pig is
prepared in the oven, after that the
chicken and the jerky are boiled in
a pot, chopped and placed in a
Then, other ingredients that usually
accompany this dish are fried eggs
and toasted cancha serrana. It can
be decorated with cheese and
Next, the corn flour torreja is
prepared the same day that it is
going to be consumed.
Finally, all these products are
served on a plate and it becomes
disgusting (it is recommended
to eat it cold).
NAME: Rosas Beltran Charlotte

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