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Volume 56 March 1963 173

Joint Meeting No. I

Section of Medicine with

Section of Pathology-
Chairman A M Cooke DM
(President of the Section of Medicine)

Meeting November 271962

Serum Enzymes in
Clinical Practice
Dr A M Cooke bodily secretions (saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic
(The Radcliffe IMfirmary, Oxford) juice, &c.) and the study of intracellular enzymes,
initiated by Embden and expanded by Meyerhof
Introduction and Warburg. The complexities of intracellular
metabolism may be illustrated by the oxidation of
The subject of enzymes has many facets, and the glucose, a simple substance chemically. If the
history is a long one because our forefathers from chemist in his laboratory wishes to oxidize glucose
the most primitive times have used enzymes he can simply apply a lighted match to it, but at
empirically to make bread, wine and cheese. For 370 C and pH 7-2, the process requires about fifty
centuries, scientists have been puzzled and in- steps, all mediated by enzymes.
trigued by the processes of putrefaction and fer- The first applications of enzymology to clinical
mentation. Serious investigation dates from the medicine were the estimation of enzymes in
nineteenth century and originated in France, no gastric juice, pancreatic juice and the urine, for
doubt from the interest of that nation in wine- example in acute pancreatitis. Although most of
making and brewing. A landmark was the obser- the advances in enzymology have been made by
vation of the Baron Cagniard-Latour in 1836 that laboratory workers, it is right to record one great
yeast is a living organism and, he correctly sur- contribution by a clinician. Archibald Garrod
mised, a plant. There arose two schools: one, published 'Inborn Errors of Metabolism' in 1909,
headed by Pasteur, believed that fermentation and opened a new field in medicine. Now at least
could occur only in the presence of living organ- fifty diseases are known to be due to enzyme
isms and the other, led by Berzelius and Liebig, defects.
took the view that fermentation was a mere The first serum enzymes to be studied were the
chemical reaction. We now know that, in a sense, phosphatases, by the late Earl J King, and then
both were right - enzymes are proteins and can be the cholinesterases. Now numerous serum
made only by living cells, but the processes of enzymes are being discovered and applied to
fermentation obey the ordinary chemical laws. clinical medicine. As a clinician I am well aware
Another event of 1836 was the discovery of of how we grope in the dark - Sir Humphry
pepsin by Schwann. The next landmark was the Rolleston once described clinical medicine as
discovery by Edouard Buchner in 1897 that if 'blind man's bluff'. Those responsible for the care
yeast is ground up with sand, the plant is killed, of patients are grateful to the pathologists and
but the filtrate will still ferment sugar. He called biochemists for their help in trying to make
the substance in the filtrate zymase, hence the medicine more accurate.
suffix -ase used for all enzymes, except some of the
old ones such as ptyalin, pepsin and trypsin. The
term enzyme was introduced by Kiihne in 1878, Dr D N Baron
and is merely Greek for 'in ye4st'. (The Royal Free Hospital, London)
In the twentieth century, many attempts have
been made to determine the composition of Clinical Enzymology with Particular
enzymes. The first to be crystallized was urease, Reference to Liver Disease
by Sumner in 1926, and Northrop crystallized
trypsin and pepsin in 1930. The first enzyme to be Introduction
analysed was ribonuclease in 1960. For many years estimations of acid and alkaline
The physiological study of enzymes has phosphatase, of amylase and lipase, and of
divided into two main streams, the study of the pseudocholinesterase, have had a valuable place
174 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine

Table I through undamaged cell membranes. They leave

Some enzymes assayed for clinical diagnosis the plasma by inactivation and catabolism in the
general protein pool, and to a lesser extent by
Classical New, 'metabolic' excretion into the bile or urine. This normal
Amylase Transaminases steady state of the passage of enzymes from cells
Lipase Glutamic-oxaloacetic
Trypsin(ogen) (aspartate-) to extracellular fluid will be altered if there is
Pepsin(ogen) Glutamic-pyruvic altered production of enzyme within the cells
Acid phosphatases (alanine-)
Prostatic phosphatase Dehydrogenases (whether occurring as an increase or a decrease), if
Alkaline phosphatases Lactate there is obstruction to a normal pathway of
5-nucleotidase Isocitrate
Pseudocholinesterase Malate enzyme secretion or excretion, or if there is a
Cholinesterase Glucose-6-phosphate change in the cell permeability. Any damage to a
Aldolase cell which causes an increase in the permeability of
Phosphohexose isomerase
Creatine phosphokinase the cell membrane, even without actual necrosis,
Adenylate kinase will allow enzymes to escape at a greater rate. A
rise in the concentration of enzymes in the extra-
cellular fluid results, and this can usually be
in clinical biochemical investigation. In this measured as an increase in enzyme activity -
country the development of the subject was customarily measured in serum rather than in
largely due to the work of the late Professor E J plasma. An enzyme is measured not as its theo-
King, whose untimely death has been an especial retical concentration (e.g. as vv,ug enzyme protein
loss to enzymology. per litre of serum), but as its activity, this being
Recently techniques have been developed for -the rate at which it catalyses a particular chemical
the measurement of the plasma activity of many reaction (Bodansky 1959). The measured activity
more enzymes, in particular those concerned with of an enzyme in serum is the result of many
known steps in intermediary metabolism, which factors. It principally depends on the serum
are present in most cells. The most familiar of enzyme concentration, but in disease there may
these enzymes is aspartate transaminase (glutamic- also be changes in inhibitors, activators, and
oxaloacetic transaminase) and the contributions required co-factors, though these have been little
to this meeting will deal principally with these studied in relation to clinical problems. The
metabolic enzymes. Table I shows both the results of serum enzyme determinations by
classical enzymes and most of the new metabolic different techniques will also often be markedly
enzymes that are now usually measured and - different (Thiers & Vallee 1958). The serum
fresh tests are continually being introduced. The enzyme concentration represents a balance be-
investigation and interpretation of changes in tween leakage of enzyme from the damaged cells,
these metabolic enzymes in serum is one of the and loss of enzymes from the plasma into the
most rapidly expanding fields in clinical bio- general extracellular fluid to catabolism, or to
chemistry to-day (King 1959). Wilkinson (1962) excretion. Thus there is not necessarily a simple
has reviewed the whole field of clinical enzy- relationship between damage to the suspected
mology. tissue and changes in serum enzyme activity. In
Fig 1 shows the factors affecting serum enzyme general, a rise in serum enzyme activity reflects an
activity. Enzymes enter the plasma in small increased rate of cell damage rather than the
amounts as a result of the continuous normal total extent of cell damage.
ageing of cells, and possibly due to diffusion The intracellular enzymes have a wide distribu-
tion in the body, but are present in variable
concentration in individual tissues (Fishman
SPECIFIC 1960). Following tissue injury serum enzyme
levels do not necessarily change in proportion to
Daimage to ENZYME RELEASE Altered enzyme their activities in the damaged tissue (Hauss &
other tissues synthesis Leppelmann 1958). The increased permeability of
the damaged cell membrane may effect the
Catabolism release of one enzyme more than another, and
other factors such as differently altered rates of
Inhibitors excretion may affect the serum levels. The dis-
MEASURED covery of isoenzymes, which are different mole-
Tassrayque cular forms of the same enzyme, occurring in
different proportions in different tissues (Wieland
Co-factors/ & Pfleiderer 1962), sheds some light on this prob-
lem. An increase in the serum activity of any one
Fig 1 Factors influencing serum enzyme activity enzyme is rarely diagnostic of damage to the cells
Section of Medicine with Section ofPathology 175

of any one organ or tissue. Nevertheless, single or phosphate monoesters, and are relatively non-
serial assays of the activity of a selected enzyme specific in substrate requirement. When estimated
or enzymes may provide information as to the in serum, the normal range depends on the sub-
nature and extent of cell damage in three general strate employed in this country, using the King-

types of clinical problem: Armstrong method, the normal range is 3-13

K.-A. units/100 ml.
(1) If the differential diagnosis lies between a Changes in serum alkaline phosphatase in liver
disease which is known to cause a particular disease have been studied for thirty years, and
pattern of serum enzyme change, and one that their diagnostic value well established. Yet the
does not for example, between myocardial in-
- causes of these changes are still not fully under-
farction and pulmonary embolism. stood (Gutman 1959). In man the principal
(2) If a disease regularly causes serum enzyme alkaline phosphatases arise from osteoblasts, and
changes, and it is required to know the rate or also from the parenchymal cells of the liver and
extent of cellular damage in the tissue known to from the intestine. Alkaline phosphatase is largely
be diseased for example, the degree of active
- excreted in the bile. Any condition in which there
hepatocellular damage in cirrhosis. is obstruction to biliary outflow, either intra-
(3) If damage to a tissue is suspected which is so hepatic or extrahepatic, causes an increase in the
slight that it cannot be detected otherwise for - serum alkaline phosphatase because it is dammed
example, possible hepatotoxic effects of anti- back into the circulation. Any condition in which
depressant drugs. there is liver cell damage without biliary obstruc-
tion may cause a slight rise in serum alkaline
These are really the same criteria that apply for phosphatase, and in this case the increase is prob-
any type of biochemical investigation. ably derived from the liver cells. Serum alkaline
phosphatase has been principally used to estab-
Enzyme Units lish the degree of biliary obstruction and in

The nomenclature and measurement of enzymes more than 80% of cases this estimation, in con-
has been confused. A recent international agree- junction with flocculation tests, has been success-
ment (International Union of Biochemistry 1961) ful in the differential diagnosis of obstructive
has allocated an index number, and a systematic jaundice from infective hepatitis. An increase in
and a trivial name, to all enzymes, and defined an serum alkaline phosphatase greater than an
enzyme unit being the activity which transforms
- increase in bilirubin is found when there are
one micromol of substrate per minute under metastatic deposits in the liver.
optimum conditions and at a defined temperature. As alkaline phosphatase increases in the serum
For clinical purposes in the future the official in all instances of increased osteoblastic activity,
trivial name will come into use, and the enzyme there are times (for example in widespread
activity be quoted as i.u./l. of serum, generally at metastatic carcinoma) when this estimation is of
25° C. Table 2 shows the changes for name and no definite value for establishing hepatic involve-
normal range for some familiar enzymes (King & ment. Studies of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes
Campbell 1961). may be of some help in these cases. Another
enzyme, 5-nucleotidase, has been studied a little:
Enzymes in Liver Disease it has more specific substrate requirements, for
Alkaline phosphatase: The alkaline phosphatases adenosine 5'-phosphate and similar compounds
are a series of enzymes which hydrolyse organic only. It appears to behave similarly to alkaline
Table 2
Change of enzyme terminology and units

Normal ranges Approximate

Old New conversion
Old name New name (various) (i.u./1.) factor
Amylase Amylase 50-180 1,000-4,000 20
Lipase Lipase 0-2 0-400 200
Glutamic-oxaloacetic Aspartate 10-35 5-17 05
transaminase transaminase
Glutamic-pyruvic Alanine 8-25 4-13 0-5
transaminase transaminase
Lactic Lactate 120-500 60-250 0-5
dehydrogenase, dehydrogenase
a-hydroxybutyrate 2-hydroxybutyrate 100-300 50-150 05
dehydrogenase dehydrogenase
Isocitric Isocitrate 3-10 1-3 5 0-3
dehydrogenase dehydrogenase
Aldolase Aldolase 2-10 1 5-7 07
176 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine
phosphatase in liver conditions, but not to become cellular damage. It is in consequence the most
abnormal in bony conditions (Young 1958). widely used serum enzyme. The normal range is
The proteolytic enzyme, leucine aminopepti- 5-17 i.u./l. at 250 C. The experiences of most
dase, was introduced into clinical enzymology as a workers in the field on the value of aspartate
test for pancreatic disease, but has been found not transaminase estimations are similar (Wroblewski
to be valid for this purpose. Its increase in serum 1958).
only occurs when there is intrahepatic or extra-
hepatic obstruction, and in this it has no advan- Infective hepatitis: The serum AsT in infective
tages over alkaline phosphatase (Harkness et al. hepatitis begins to rise above normal during the
1960). prodromal period, usually a few days before the
onset of jaundice. It reaches a peak of 250-1,000
Pseudocholinesterase: The two enzymes that i.u./l. corresponding to the time of maximum
hydrolyse acetylcholine are true cholinesterase, in illness, and falls to normal about two weeks after
erythrocytes and nervous tissue, and pseudo- the onset. If the level fails to fall, this suggests
cholinesterase which is widely distributed, is possible development of chronic liver disease and
present in liver, and can be estimated in serum. the patient should be kept in bed. Clinical relapse
At one time this estimation enjoyed great popu- is associated with a second rise in serum AsT.
larity in the investigation of liver disease Serial estimations are therefore important.
(McArdle 1940). Serum pseudocholinesterase is During epidemics of non-icteric hepatitis the
decreased, in parallel with the serum albumin, serum AsT may be 50-100 i.u./l. at the time of
when there is parenchymal liver cell damage and maximum illness.
gives little more additional information. It is
normal in uncomplicated obstructive jaundice. Infectious mononucleosis: The serum AsT is
Nevertheless, this estimation is important in two usually raised at some time in the course of the
other conditions: it can be used as a measure of illness, but rarely above 150 units. Higher values
poisoning by organophosphorous insecticides are found when there is obvious hepatitis.
(which are anticholinesterases), and to investigate
familial sensitivity to suxamethonium. Acute hepatic necrosis: The serum AsT may rise
to very high levels, occasionally above 5,000 i.u./l.
Metabolic Enzymes in all forms of acute hepatic necrosis, as most of
The introduction of studies of the metabolic the enzyme content of the liver is rapidly dis-
enzymes has added a new and extremely valuable charged into the plasma. Minimal hepatocellular
tool to the investigation of liver disease. Here we damage, due to a great variety of drugs, may be
have a measure of the rate of liver cell damage detected by slight rises in the serum AsT before
itself, and not of obstruction (as with alkaline there is any clinical or other biochemical evidence
phosphatase), of y-globulin response to injury of liver damage. If the serum AsT rises above 20
(as with the flocculation reactions), of hepatic i.u./l. and continues to rise when the patient is
clearance (as with the sulphobromophthalein test), receiving, for example, iproniazid, then treatment
or of total healthy liver cell mass (as with the must be stopped.
serum albumin).
Most of these enzymes behave in a similar Cirrhosis: The serum AsT will rise in portal or
fashion in liver disease - aspartate transaminase, biliary cirrhosis when there is active hepato-
alanine transaminase, and isocitrate dehydro- cellular damage. The level usually rises to between
genase being the enzymes most commonly 25 and 150 i.u./l. depending on the degree of
studied. Lactate dehydrogenase changes little in activity, and is unrelated to coma or compensa-
liver disease and is not used for this purpose. tion. If the disease is inactive, a normal value will
Aldolase is relatively insensitive and is not found be found. In a flare-up the enzyme pattern of
valuable. Claims have been made for greater acute hepatitis will be found.
specificity for other enzymes, in particular
ornithine carbamyl transferase (Reichard 1961), Malignant disease: The serum AsT is moderately
and sorbitol dehydrogenase (Wuest & Schoen raised, up to about 150 i.u./l., in about two-thirds
1961), but these estimations have not come into of the cases of primary or secondary hepatic
general use. carcinoma. The level depends on the rate of
destruction of liver cells by the growth. Localized
Aspartate transaminase (AsT): This enzyme, or metastatic malignant disease elsewhere in the
formerly known as glutamic-oxaloacetic trans- body does not affect the serum AsT.
aminase, is present in highest concentrations in
cardiac muscle and in liver, and increases in the Obstructive jaundice: The serum AsT is generally
serum after myocardial infarction and hepato- moderately raised in extrahepatic obstructive
Section of Medicine with Section ofPathology 177
jaundice, the enzyme increment being possibly in extrahepatic obstructive jaundice (in contrast
due to obstruction and partly secondary to to the intrahepatic obstruction of biliary cirrhosis)
hepatocellular damage. The level rarely exceeds unless there is secondary liver damage.
150 i.u./l. After relief of the obstruction, the level The particular advantage of ICD over the
returns to normal in about a week. In cholecysti- transaminases is this normality in obstructive
tis, uncomplicated by either obstruction or jaundice. The estimation is more expensive,
cholangitis, the serum AsT remains normal. because the enzyme reaction requires the costly
nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate.
Secondary liver disease: In severe or prolonged
congestive heart failure the serum AsT rises due Conclusion
to centrilobular hepatic necrosis. As the heart At present two different types of enzyme assay
failure may be due to an infarction which has are necessary for the investigation of liver disease.
itself raised the AsT, such conditions may be Alkaline phosphatase serves to measure biliary
difficult to sort out. The same difficulty applies in obstruction, though moderate increases are
the detection of minor hepatic necrosis due to found in other types of liver disease. One of the
nicoumalone, when this possibly hepatoxic anti- metabolic enzymes serves to measure the rate of
coagulant is being given to a patient after a myo- hepatocellular damage, particularly in assessing
cardial infarction. the activity of chronic liver disease and in detecting
damage due to drugs.
Alanine transaminase (AlT): This enzyme, formerly
known as glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, is
present in highest concentration in liver, and Acknowledgment: This work was carried out in
principally increases in the serum in cases of collaboration with Dr Joyce L Bell.
hepatocellular damage. The normal range is 4-13
i.u./l. at 250 C. Generally the serum AlT behaves REFERENCES
in the same way as the serum AsT in various Bell J L, Shaldon S & Baron D N (1962) Clin. Sci. 23,57
types of liver disease (Wroblewski 1958). In most Bodansky 0 (1959) Amer. J. Med. 27,861
Fishman W H (1960) In: The Plasma Proteins. Ed. F W Putnam.
circumstances the serum AlT is altered slightly London; 2,59
less than the AsT. This difference appears to be Gutman A B (1959) Amer. J. Med. 27,875
Harkness J, Roper B W, Durant J A & Miller H
most consistent in cirrhosis and when there is (1960) Brit. med. J. i, 1787
carcinoma in the liver. On the other hand, in Hauss W H & Leppelmann H J (1958) Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 75, 250
virus hepatitis the serum AlT may be raised International Union of Biochemistry
(1961) Report of the Commission on Enzymes. New York
slightly more than the serum AsT. King E J (1959) Amer. J. Med. 27,911
Some have considered that calculation of the King E J & Campbell D M (1961) Clin, chim. Acta 6,301
McArdle B (1940) Quart. J. Med. 9, 107
AsT/AlT ratio is valuable in sorting out obscure Reichard H (1961) J. Lab. clin. Med. 57, 78
cases of liver disease, but this is probably not so. Thiers R E & Vallee B L (1958) Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 75,214
Wieland T & Pfleiderer G (1962) Angew. Chem., intern. Ed. 1, 169
The disadvantage of the AsT relative to the AlT Wilkinson J H
is that it is generally less sensitive, and there is (1962) An Introduction to Diagnostic Enzymology. London
also the technical point that it is somewhat less Wr6blewski F (1958) Advanc. dln. Chem. 1, 313
Wuest H & Schoen H (1961) Klin. Wschr. 39,280
stable in stored serum. The advantage of the AIT Young I1 (1958) Ann. N. Y. Acad. Scl. 75, 357
is that it does not increase significantly in serum
after myocardial infarction, hence it is valuable in
the mixed cardiac and hepatic cellular damage
cases referred to above. Dr J H Wilkinson
(Department of Chemical Pathology,
Isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICD): This enzyme is Westminster Medical School, London)
present in high concentration in both liver and
cardiac muscle; its serum activity increases as a Isoenzymes, with Special Reference to New
result of hepatocellular damage but not after Enzyme Tests in Myocardial Infarction
myocardial infarction, unless there is secondary
liver damage due to congestive failure. The The release of the enzymes of heart muscle into
normal range is 1-3 5 i.u./l. at 250 C. In general the serum after cardiac infarction was first
the pattern of response of serum ICD in liver observed by LaDue et al. (1954), who reported
disease is the same as that of the transaminases transient elevation of the serum glutamic-
(Bell et al. 1962). Special points are that in infec- oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT). The activities
tious mononucleosis the serum ICD is always of several other serum enzymes (e.g. aldolase,
raised at some stage during the disease, and that malate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase)
the test seems very sensitive to liver damage due have since been shown to be increased for a few
to drugs. The serum ICD is almost always normal days after an episode. Unfortunately these

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