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SOP Number P.SC.002.04 Effective Date 02 Jul 2021

Revise Number 04
Superseded Version Number and Date P.SC.002.03 03 Jul 2019

Author Position Signature Date

Hasan Nudin Compliance Manager

Approved by Position
Thomas Chae Director

When using this document, please ensure that the version you are using is the most up to date or
contact compliance dept. to confirm the current version.

Out of date documents must not be relied upon and should be destroyed.

Version Changes to Document Changes Date Approved

Number authored by
02 Minor changes were made including Rina Isnaeni A. 17 Dec 2015
formatting and alteration of wording.
Contact information updated.
Change the document numbering (eg 020-
WG-SOC-2012 as P.SC.002.02)
03 Review the procedure. Rina Isnaeni A. 03 Jul 2019
04 Revise for point 4.5.4 policy allowances and Tanty Dini P 02 Jul 2021
relevant HR benefits such as wages, working
hours, payroll procedures, overtime
calculations, Compensation Calculations and

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Untuk memastikan semua karyawan diberikan informasi tentang PT. Willbes Global termasuk
kebijakan, prosedur, compliance requirements dan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan
pekerjaan mereka melalui induction training.
To ensure all employees are given information about PT. Willbes Global includes policies,
procedures, compliance requirements and legislation related to their work through induction


Prosedur ini berlaku untuk semua karyawan PT. Willbes Global.
This procedure applies to all employees of PT. Global Willbes.


 Manajemen bertanggung jawab dalam sarana dan prasarana.
 Departemen HRD bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan.
 Departemen Compliance mengawasi jalannya prosedur ini.
 Management is responsible for facilities and infrastructure.
 The HRD department is responsible for implementation.
 The Compliance Department oversees the procedure.


4.1. Karyawan baru diwajibkan mengikuti induction training untuk membantu mereka
menyesuaikan diri dengan tanggung jawab baru, lingkungan kerja, kehidupan sosial,
dan budaya.
4.2. Induction training akan dilakukan di periode awal karyawan bekerja, dan satu tahun
sekali diadakan refresh training.
4.3. HRD akan menginformasikan dan memberikan jadwal untuk karyawan yang akan
mengikuti induction training.
4.4. Semua karyawan diharuskan untuk menjadi peserta aktif di program induction
training ini. Termasuk mencari informasi tambahan, dan klarifikasi jika diperlukan.
4.5. Induction training mencakup:
4.5.1. profil perusahaan
4.5.2. peraturan perusahaan
4.5.3. struktur organisasi perusahaan
4.5.4. tunjangan kebijakan dan tunjangan SDM yang relevan seperti upah, jam kerja,
prosedur penggajian, perhitungan lembur, Perhitungan Kompensasi dan THR.
4.5.5. ketentuan keamanan yang berlaku (C-TPAT)
4.5.6. ruang lingkup/mekanisme pekerjaan yang akan diberikan kepada karyawan
baru tersebut
4.6. Pelatihan mekanisme kerja akan disampaikan tentang alur/system pekerjaan tersebut
(seperti: cara memulai, menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan pelaporan)
4.7. Pelatihan akan dilakukan secara langsung di area kerja yang ditentukan berdasarkan
penempatan karyawan baru tersebut dan memperjelas bagaimana pekerjaannya

P.SC.002.04 Page 2 of 3
menyumbang pada sasaran unit itu dan mencakup perkenalan dengan rekan-rekan
kerja barunya.
4.1. New employees are required to attend induction training to help them adjust to new
responsibilities, work environment, social life and culture.
4.2. Induction training will be conducted in the initial period of the employee's work and
once a year refresh training is held.
4.3. HRD will inform and provide schedules for employees who will take part in
induction training.
4.4. All employees are required to become active participants in this induction training
program. Including looking for additional information and clarification if needed.
4.5. Induction training includes:
4.5.1. Company profile
4.5.2. Company regulations
4.5.3. Organizational structure of the company
4.5.4. Relevant policy allowances and HR benefits such as wages, working hours,
payroll procedures, overtime calculations, and
4.5.5. Applicable security provisions (C-TPAT)
4.5.6. The scope / mechanism of work to be given to the new employee
4.6. Work mechanism training will be delivered about the work flow / system (such as:
how to start, complete work and report)
4.7. Training will be carried out directly in the work area determined based on the
placement of the new employee and clarifying how the work contributes to the unit's
goals and includes introductions to new colleagues.

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