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English Practice Sheet 10 Year 6

Name - ______________________________ Sec - _________ Date - _________

1. Which sentence correctly uses a colon correctly?

a. Sarah has: three favourite animals: rabbits, cats and horses.

b. Sarah has three favourite animals: rabbits, cats and horses.
c. Sarah has three favourite animals rabbits, cats: and horses.
d. Sarah has three: favourite animals: rabbits, cats and horses.

2. Tick the correct column to show whether each sentence is written in the
active voice or passive voice.

Sentence Active Passive

All the lions were given their food at the

same time.
Each of the elephants was sprayed with
water by the keeper.
The tiger walked up and down the side of its

3. Draw a line to match the correct question tag with each sentence to make a

You don’t have a spare pencil, can they?

Miss. Canning is a great teacher, do you?

The twins can’t come to the swimming pool, isn’t she?

4. Tick the sentences that are in formal language.

a. Come on, kids.

b. I would like to buy a new bicycle
c. Come along, children.
d. I’d like to get a new bike.
5. Use a semicolon in the correct place.

There was an accident at the front of the school the teachers all
went out to help.

6. Underline the modal verb in the sentence.

Our school team could win the football match if everyone plays their best.

7. Circle the suffix which can be used with both of these words.

Confident fearful

-er -ly -ment -ness

8. Underline the two nouns in this sentence.

The letter was lying on the table unopened.

9. Add commas to this sentence.

My father has visited Australia China Ireland and America.

10. Add an adverb that makes sense to this sentence.

The branches of the tree swayed __________________ in the strong wind.

11. Circle the correct prefix to add to this word.


pre- im- dis- un-

12. Rewrite the sentence changing the place of the adverbial.
The robbers were caught by the police at the end of the story.

13. Add the inverted commas to the sentence below.

Our finest acrobats will amaze you next, announced the ringmaster.

14. Circle the two verbs in this sentence.

When my next–door neighbors’ dog barks at night, it wakes me up.

15. Write the word which shows the most confidence in the gap.

definitely perhaps possibly probably

James will _________________________ beat me in a running race, but not at


16. Rewrite the sentence adding the correct capital letters.

we are all going to alex’s house to play.


17. Tick to show which sentences contain modal verbs.

Sentence Modal verbs

Don’t climb on the wall. If you fall, you might break your
All the animals escaped from the zoo.

If I can’t help you to fix your bike, my sister could try.

18. Circle the two words which are in the same word family.

Write sign book signature stencil

19. Explain why dashes have been used in this sentence.

Many people used to work inside castles – soldiers, servants, traders – and
villages or towns would be built around them.


20. Say whether the underlined word is a noun, an adjective, a verb or a

The baby hugged the cuddly toy in her pram.


21. Circle all the conjunctions in the sentences below.

a. Once Harry had checked the weather forecast, he set off on his walk.

b. Whilst climbing up the mountain, he was unaware of the dangers ahead.

c. He needed to turn back immediately since a storm was coming.

22. Circle the two words in the sentence below that are synonyms of each other.

He was lucky to win first prize – he knew it was fortunate that his closest rival had
decided not to take part.
23. Tick all the sentences that contain a preposition. Tick three.

a. Ali locked the door before he left.

b. The shops are beyond the main road.
c. My brother is behind me in the race.
d. Barry is below Andrew in the register.

24. Which sentence is written in the active voice? Tick one.

a. The book was returned to the library yesterday.

b. The assembly was held in the hall.
c. The bad weather led to the cancellation.
d. The floods were caused by the heavy rain.

25. Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Tick one.

a. The wind was blowing howling, actually, so we headed – for home.

b. The wind was blowing – howling, actually – so we headed for home.
c. The wind was blowing, howling – actually – so we headed for home.
d. The wind was blowing howling actually – so we headed for home.

26. Insert a pair of brackets in the correct place in the sentence below.

Lisa who had been playing the piano since she was nine had achieved Grade 7.

27. Tick to show which sentence uses the past progressive. Tick one.

a. After Ali finished his homework, he went out to play.

b. Gemma was doing her science homework.
c. Jamie learnt his spellings every night.
d. Anna found her history homework difficult.

28. Which of the sentences is a command? Tick one.

a. After you wash the dog, you will need to dry it with a towel.
b. Before you go out, ask your mother for the shopping list.
c. I want you to clean out the playhouse this afternoon.
d. Here is a list of jobs you must finish before lunchtime.

29. Which sentence uses the hyphen correctly? Tick one.

a. There are thirty seven year-olds in Class 2.

b. There are thirty seven-year-olds in Class 2.
c. There are thirty-seven year olds in Class 2.
d. There are thirty-seven-year-olds in Class 2.

30. Rewrite the sentence below so that it is written in the passive voice.
Remember to punctuate your answer correctly.

The pouring rain drenched us.


31. Tick one box in each row to show whether the word after is used as a
subordinating conjunction or as a preposition.

Sentence after used as after used as

a subordinating a preposition
He moved here after the end of the war.

Entry is free after 5pm in the evening.

I went to the cinema after I had eaten

my dinner.

32. Circle all the determiners in the sentence below.

Two apple trees screened the open windows on one side.

33. Complete the table below by adding a suffix to each noun to make
an adjective. Rewrite the word in the ‘adjective’ column.

Noun Adjective
34. Underline the longest possible noun phrase in the sentence below.

That book about the Romans was interesting.

35. Underline the verb form that is in the present perfect in the passage below.

Rachel loves music and has wanted to learn how to play the piano for years. She was
hoping for piano lessons, and was delighted when her parents gave her a keyboard for
her birthday.

36. Complete the sentence below with a possessive pronoun.

They are _________________________.

37. Circle the adverb in the sentence below.

"Soon,” he thought, "I'll be able to see my family.”

38. Circle the object in the sentence below.

My friend bought a cake from the bakery.

39. Tick one box in each row to show if the sentence is in the
present progressive or the past progressive.

Sentence Present Past

progressive progressive

Joey was playing football in the park after school.

Joey's football skills are improving all the time.

Joey is hoping to be a professional footballer.

40. Underline the word in the passage that contains an apostrophe for possession.

It's five o'clock. Let's leave early and we'll be able to go to

Emma's house first.
41. Which sentence uses the hyphen correctly?

Tick one.

a. The sugar-free lollies are available in three flavours.

b. The sugar-free-lollies are available in three flavours.

c. The sugar-free lollies are available in three-flavours.

d. The sugar free-lollies are available in three flavours.

42. Which sentence shows that you are most likely to be away next week?

Tick one.

a. I could be away next week.

b. I might be away next week.

c. I shall be away next week.

d. I may be away next week.

43. Draw a line to match each sentence to its correct function.

Use each function box only once.

Sentence Function

I expect the weather to be fine at the weekend question

Are we likely to have good weather this weekend command

Check the weather before deciding where to go statement

What fantastic weather we have had this year exclamation

44. Which sentence is written in Standard English?

Tick one.
I went to the library and done my homework.
They seen their friends at the cinema.
I been to the circus with my aunt and uncle.
I sang with the school choir in the concert.

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