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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Valencia City
City of Valencia, Bukidnon

Presented by
John Paul N. Rato

Presented to
General Biology Teacher

June 2023
Page Number

II. General Biology Description

II. About the Owner

III. Lesson Highlight

A. Nucleic Acid

● Lectured Notes

● Quiz 1

● Reflection

B. Central Dogma

● Lectured Notes

● Practice Worksheet 1

● Practice Work sheet 2

C. Genetic Engineering

● Lectured Notes

● Quiz 1

● Activity 1

● Reflection

D. Geologic Time Scale

● Lectured Notes

● Activity Sheet 1

● Reflection

E. Systematics

● Lectured Notes
● Activity Sheet

● Reflection

F. Mendelian Genetics

● Lectured Notes

● Activity Worksheet 1

● Reflection

G. Non Mendelian Genetics

● Lectured Notes

● Activity Worksheet

● Quiz 1

● Reflection

H. Pedigree

● Lectured Notes

● Activity 1

● Reflection
General Description of the Subject

Biology is the scientific field that deals with living things. This includes

studying the structure of evolutionary development and the function of plants,

animals and microorganisms. Modern biology is a broad and diverse field,

made up of many fields and subfields. Microbiology, zoology and botany are

his three main branches of biology.

Because life on Earth is so diverse, it is such a large and broad field

that individual biologists usually focus on specific areas. These areas are

categorized by the scale of life or the type of organisms studied. The majority

of biologists are engaged in research and development. Biological sciences

are good preparations for careers in medical fields such as medicine,

dentistry, and veterinary medicine, but professional degrees and licenses are

also required to pursue these fields.

This department deals with all physical and chemical aspects of life.

This includes the cellular basis of organisms, the energy metabolism

underlying life activities, and the genetic basis of heredity in organisms. .


As the owner of this account, my name is John Paul N. Rato, I am 18

year old student at Valencia National High School under the strand of General

Academic Strand (GAS). I was born on 13 th of January 2005. I currently lived

on Purok-3b Upland Valencia City I was a Son of Mr. Ramil Rato and Mrs.

Virginia N.Rato. And my religion was Roman Catholic

I have this perseverance to learn and to grow. And I willingly to share

my experiences though this account. I believe that we learn new things in

everyday life. Thank you for being part of my journey this school year. My

favorite color is white, my hobby is playing online games, and my favorite

subject is math. As for my motto in life, don’t stress about the future it hasn’t


Nucleic acids are large biomolecules that play important roles in all

cells and viruses. The primary function of nucleic acids is to transmit and

store information. They are linear polymers of nucleotides. Each nucleotide

consists of three parts.

A nitrogen ring structure called a nitrogen base, a pentose sugar, and

at least one phosphate group. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic

acid (DNA) are two major types of nucleic acids. In this class, I met various

scientists such as Erwin Chargaff, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson and

Francis Crick. These four scientists made significant contributions to the

discovery of nucleic acids. Through discussions on this subject, I learned

about her three differences between DNA and RNA. There are two types of


Purines and pyrimidine’s. Purines are double ring N bases, while

pyrimidine’s are single ring N bases. This topic is interesting because it deals

with the importance of nucleic acids. This lesson provided new insight into

the structure and function of nucleic acids in the human body. Ms. Glenn can

ask questions about any words or parts she doesn't understand, so she

doesn't get bored listening to discussions on the subject. Sometimes she

jokes about us, makes us laugh and draws our attention to her. Her

classmates speak attentively and enthusiastically during the discussion, so

we can be more active. The knowledge gained in this lesson will be very

useful as I plan to complete my science degree. This will help you learn more

about the difference between ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic

acid (DNA). It helps us understand the importance of macromolecules in the

continuation of life.


A central tenet of molecular biology is the theory that genetic

information flows in only one direction, either from DNA to RNA to proteins

or from RNA directly to proteins. This topic describes the process of

translation and transcription. Transcription is the process by which DNA is

copied into RNA, whereas translation is the process by which cells use the

genetic information contained in messenger RNA (mRNA) to make proteins.

There are three main differences between DNA and RNA. These are sugars,

chains and bases. The three types of RNA are mRNA, tRNA and rRNA.

For this topic, Teacher Glenn showed us a video presentation on how

transcription and translation work. That way you can learn the subject more

easily. The activity in this lesson is easy because it is just transcribing a DNA

sequence into an mRNA sequence. I got a high score on the activities in this

lesson. Decoding the DNA was confusing at first, but the person sitting next

to me explained it to me, so it was very easy.

Most of the mistakes in the summative test are attributed to this topic

as I was confused. This topic is interesting because it aims to provide a

backbone for how genetic information flows from DNA sequences to protein

products in cells. This has provided the power to unambiguously explain the

emergence of protein molecules with nearly unlimited shapes and functions.

I enjoyed working on this subject as it enlightened me about codons,

anticodons, introns, exons and mRNA. The knowledge gained in this lesson

will help you learn new skills. Learning the new words you come across will

help you expand your knowledge of biology and how it can help you discover

new things.

Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct

manipulation of DNA to alter the traits (phenotype) of an organism in a specific

way. The goal is to modify the genes to make the organism more capable than

normal. Artificial selection, cloning and gene splicing are three genetic engineering

techniques. Artificial selection is an evolutionary process in which humans

consciously choose for or against certain traits of an organ, creating organisms that

are exact copies of the genes of another organ. Cloning is the process of creating an

organism that has exact genetic copies of another organism. Gene splicing involves

chemically cutting DNA to add bases to the DNA strand.

These lessons explained the importance, advantages, and disadvantages of

genetic engineering. Teacher Glenn will give you various examples of genetically

modified foods, plants and animals. The activity we do in this topic is to create a

unique genetically modified organism, identify its properties, its source organism

and its target organism, and name that genetically modified organism. We present

our own drawing in the foreground and it helps boost our self-confidence. When I

presented my work, I was nervous because I hadn't memorized the script. I got full

marks for my drawing. I am very happy that Mr. Glenn saw my efforts. She liked

that the teacher made it easy for her to understand the lesson and that she would

discuss the lesson with her. She provides educational videos on genetic engineering

and you can interact with her during her discussions and share ideas in her class.
As you learn more about genetic engineering, you will be able to apply the

concepts and knowledge you have learned on this subject. During these classes, I

learned that genetic engineering is used in research and industry. It has been used in

the manufacture of cancer drugs, brewer's yeast, genetically modified crops and

livestock. The knowledge learned in this topic will help you understand and analyze

what happens in your daily life.



A geological timescale is a standardized system for organizing Earth's history into

specific time intervals based on the ages of rocks, fossils, and other evidence of

Earth's past. This is a system for organizing the Earth's history into units of time from

the smallest to the largest, based on the events and processes that have occurred.

The geological time scale is divided into several primary units of time such as

eternity, epoch, epoch, and epoch.

These lessons describe the breakdown of geological timescales, explain the

tremendous diversity of life on Earth over time, and help scientists understand

Earth's past environments and diverse life forms. Summarize how you are doing

your research. For this topic, you will be given a worksheet to fill in the appropriate

answers. Answer a variety of taxonomy and phylogenetic questions. We also create

and examine system diagrams.

This topic was also discussed in middle school, but I forgot about it. Thanks to the

discussions that took place, I remembered and learned more about the distant past,

times, epochs, and epochs. I enjoyed my experience with these lessons as I was free

to share my ideas during the lessons. My classmates and I chat and share our own

theories about how an organism evolved and how this organism lived before.

Learning geological timescales helps us learn about the history of the Earth. It

allows us to learn about our ancient ancestors and the evolution of animals. In

addition, it helps us learn how creatures once survived and how they became

extinct. I would like to know more about my past life, so the information I get from

this topic will surely help me in the future. 


Phylogenetics is the science of naming species and restoring relationships

between species. The ability to characterize the organisms we study is one of the

main functions of systematics in biology. Phenetics is the study of relationships

between a set of organisms based on their similarities to each other. In this lesson,

he described naturalistic phylogeny, the Linnaean system, the two kingdom system,

analogous and homologous structures, the Whittaker system, and his tree of his

three domains of life. Also covered are anatomy, molecular data, and the Hardy-

Weinberg principle. I enjoyed learning this lesson because I was able to distinguish

between individual organisms. Scientists Linne and Robert to learn more about his

Whitaker, I watch videos about them on YouTube. In addition, I read various papers

for information on the Hardy-Weinberg principle, monophyletic taxa, paraphyletic

taxa, phylogeny, and monophyly.

I learned a lot on this subject and knew how to make a family tree. Learning this new

topic was fun and interesting as it increased my knowledge about different

organisms. Classifying species based on common derived traits can sometimes be


This lesson will help you practice identifying, describing, naming, and classifying

organisms. You can apply the information you gain in this topic by identifying the

common ancestor of the organisms you want to study. It can also be used to

determine the relationship and kinship of individual plants, animals and organisms

Gregor John Mendel was an Austrian monk who studied the inheritance of pea traits

and developed the laws of heredity. Mendel explained that physical characteristics

are inherited as "particles". A genotype is the genetic sequence that makes up the

traits an organism inherits from its parents. A phenotype is a physical trait that

results from a genotype. Monohybrid mating and dihybrid mating are two types of

genetic mating. Punnett Square is a tool for performing genetic crosses. Predict

offspring genotypes and phenotypes.

In this lesson, you will practice solving problems using Punnett squares. To solve

the problem, you need to analyze the question well so as not to get confused. At first

I was confused by some of the discussion, but the teacher explained it to me. The

students were active in this lesson because Mr. Glenn allowed us to interact. In

addition, we provide activities that we can answer. To keep us from getting bored

with the discussion, she chose one of her students to answer the onboard activities.

There were some difficult issues, but I was happy that I was able to solve them with

the help of my classmates. Teacher Glenn provides various examples that allow us

to expand our knowledge on this subject. You have confused recessive homozygous

and heterozygous. I was proud of myself because I was able to solve some problems

by myself. It was fun using the Punnett square to identify the features of the


In this lesson, we learned that genes exist in pairs, with one inherited from each

parent as a different entity. The information you get from the lessons will help you
see what traits the child may have inherited from their parents. It also helps to see

what traits might appear when flowers are crossed. 


Imperfect inheritance, codominance, multiple alleles, polygenic traits, and

sex-associated inheritance are types of inheritance that Mendel never considered. In

genetics, incomplete dominance is an inheritance pattern in which two alleles mix to

produce a new phenotype. Co-dominance is a form of inheritance in which alleles of

a pair of genes are fully expressed in heterozygotes. A multiple allele is a gene that

has two or more allelic forms. Polygenic traits are traits that are influenced by more

than one gene, such as height or skin color. Sex-related traits usually refer to traits

that result from genes on the X chromosome.

There are many activities in this lesson to increase your knowledge. As with any

discussion, Glenn chooses one of her students to answer the word problem on the

blackboard. We are all very active in class because it gives us the opportunity to

socialize and share ideas. Exams on this subject were difficult for me due to the

complexity and analysis of the questions. The class was filled with laughter while

discussing this topic, thanks to the example given by the teacher.

It's fun to solve the given tasks, but depending on the task, I can't solve the problem

and get angry. This topic was interesting because it is about genetics. I had always

believed that traits were determined solely by genes, so it was unexpected to find

out that the environment can greatly influence polygenic traits. In these lessons I

learned about epistasis and pleiotropy.  

This lesson contains the topic regarding blood type inheritance rules

and it aids me to know my blood type. Furthermore, it allows me to know more

about the various human blood types. Reading the powerpoint of these

lessons helped me to learn the sugar exhibited in human blood, the alleles of
each blood type and the ideal donation for each blood type. This lesson will

help me in the future through donating my blood to others who are capable of

receiving it.

A family tree is a diagram that shows the biological relationships between an

organism and its ancestors. Pedigree indicates the presence or absence of traits

associated with relationships between parents, offspring, and siblings. This lesson

includes family tree symbols and the processes necessary to create a family tree.

We discussed how specific alleles are inherited and how to interpret lineage. I also

explained X-linked inheritance, sex-linked inheritance, and autosomal inheritance in

detail. During these lessons, you solved various word problems and even created

your own family tree. I ran into some problems while creating my family tree. My

paternal uncle and aunt are not neighbors of each other, so it was difficult to find

out their birthdays. You have to go through different Facebook accounts and ask

different people. It takes time to make, so you need patience and courage to

complete it. It also identifies and interprets various family trees.

Through the discussion in this class, I learned the difference between X-linked

inheritance, sex-linked inheritance, and autosomal inheritance. Creating a family

tree based on a word problem can be difficult at first, but once you analyze and

understand the problem well, the answer becomes easy. Digging deeper into this

topic, I discovered that family trees are not only used to analyze human heredity, but

also to describe genetic relationships between animals.

This topic will improve your analysis and memory. You can apply the knowledge you

gained in this lesson to identify inheritance patterns of diseases that are passed

down through generations in your family. This helps identify people in your family
who may be at higher risk for various health problems and helps prevent various

health conditions. In this lesson, you've learned a rule of thumb that will definitely

help you study, and the difference between dominant and recessive traits. 

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