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LESSON 3: The Field of Genetics

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you must have:

 Express understanding on the fields of genetics.

Activate Prior Knowledge:

Task Prompt:

1. Analyze the jumbled words inside the box.

2. Write the correct form of the word on the space provided with a
corresponding number.
3. Tell me your thoughts about the correct form of words below the box.




Write your thoughts here!

It shows the division of Genetics traditionally, the study of genetics has been divided
into three major subdisciplines. The role of genetics in biology genetics provides one of
biology’s unifying principles. Evolution of genetic taking place through times and it
requires an understanding of basic genetics.
Application and Assessment:

A. Give an example of the following field of genetics according to what you have learn in
the lesson.

1. Transmission Genetics (2pts)

For example, how can two brown –eyed parents produce blue-eyed child? Or
why do tall parents tend to produce tall children, but not always?
Experimentally, the fundamental approach of a transmission geneticist is the
genetics cross. A genetic cross involves breeding two selected individuals and
the subsequent analysis of their offspring in an attempt to understand how
traits are passed from parents to offspring.

2. What are Molecular Genetics? (2pts)

Focuses on the biochemical understanding of the hereditary material.
Molecular geneticist often studies mutant genes that have abnormal function.
This is called a genetic approach to the study of a research question. In many
cases, researchers analyze the effects of gene mutations that eliminate the
function of a gene. This type of mutation is called a loss-of-function mutation,
and the resulting gene is called a loss-of-function allele. By studying the effects
of such mutations, the role of the functional, nonmutant gene is often revealed.
For example, let’s suppose that a particular plant species produces purple
flowers. If a loss-of-function mutation within a given gene causes a plant of that
species to produce white flowers, one would suspect that the role of the
functional gene involves the production of purple pigmentation.

3. Population Genetics (2pts)

The foundation of population genetics arose during the first few decades of the
twentieth century. Although many scientists of this era did not accept the
findings of Mendel or Darwin, the theories of population genetics provided a
compelling way to connect the two viewpoints. Mendel’s work and that of
many succeeding geneticists gave insight into the nature of genes and how
they are transmitted from parents to offspring. The theory of evolution by
natural selection proposed by Darwin provided a biological explanation for the
variation in the characteristic observed among the members of a species. To
relate these two phenomena, population geneticist has developed
mathematical theories to explain the prevalence of individuals that carry
particular alleles.
4. Applied Genetics (2pts)

Information of a family history of conditions such as cancer or different clutters may

show a genetic propensity to create these tribulations. Cells from embryonic tissues
B. uncover certain hereditary variations from the norm, counting chemical lacks, which
will be show in infant babies, in this way allowing early treatment. Numerous nations
require a blood test of infant babies (new born screening) to decide the nearness of a
chemical vital to change over an amino corrosive, phenylalanine, into easier items.
Phenylketonuria (PKU), which comes about from need of the chemical, causes lasting
brain harm in the event that not treated before long after birth. Numerous distinctive
sorts of human hereditary illnesses can be recognized in embryos as youthful as 12
weeks; the strategy includes expulsion and testing of a little sum of liquid from
around the fetus (called amniocentesis) or of tissue from the placenta (called
chorionic villus examining).

Write a reflection on what you have learned in this lesson. (10 points)

In this lesson I learned that, genetics had been divided into three and these are called
the Population, Transmission and Molecular Genetics. I also learned that, Genetics is a
broad discipline encompassing molecular, cellular, organism, and population biology.
Many scientists who are interested in genetics have been trained in supporting
disciplines such as biochemistry, biophysics, cell biology, mathematics, microbiology,
ecology, agriculture, and medicine. The study of genetics has been traditionally
divided into three areas- transmission, molecular, and population genetics- although
overlap is found among these fields.

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