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Jackal Use cases:

1. As Jackal protocol has multiple native modules like RNS and Storage, Chainable’s native
integration with Jackal’s RNS is arguably a game changer for the ecosystem, as
applications of all kinds like DeFi apps, wallets and AMMs will be able to easily query all
data concerning the name service, including searching an active name, information
available for names on sale etc. This could also lead to the inception of name registrars
on Jackal, like ENS or Aptos name service.

2. Since Jackal protocol has a novel on-chain file storage solution, it is imperative that an
indexer natively integrated with Jackal, must support indexing for files stored on-chain.
This situation may arise in any storage solution built on Jackal. One example of this is
Serenity Shield, a data recovery and data storage application. Through Chainable’s file
indexing API, all applications using Jackal’s storage network may access files stored in
the filetree module.

3. Apart from the above use cases, Chainable may also be used as a meta query indexer,
where applications can query specific data for a specific module, for example, the total
storage space available in a client. A potential use for this can be a storage client
dashboard to track the files and data stored in a client. Another example for such a meta
query API can be used for a blockchain explorer. For an application, such a task would
be highly operation-intensive and time-intensive therefore, using Chainable’s indexing
APIs they can save time and effort in setting up a scalable indexing infrastructure.

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