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Department of Information Science and Engineering

Details of AICTE Activity Points

USN: 1DA20IS406 NAME: Prashanth G Mentor: Dr. Pushpalatha S

Duration No. of
Sl Certificates
Activity Name points
No From To Files

1 Blood Donation 08/03/2023 08/03/2023 Yes

2 MOOC’S 1/8/2022 30/09/2022 Yes

3 Tree Plantation 13/01/2023 13/01/2023 No

Signature of Student

I would like to acknowledge the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for their
initiatives and programs that have provided me with opportunities to engage in various
activities and gain practical experiences beyond the classroom.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Ambedkar Institute of
Technology, Bangalore, for providing me with the opportunity to participate in various
activities and experiences that have contributed to my personal and professional growth. I am
immensely thankful to the following individuals for their guidance, support, and mentorship
throughout my journey:

Dr. Meenakshi M (Principal): I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Meenakshi M, the esteemed
Principal of Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, for her visionary leadership and
unwavering support. Her constant encouragement and belief in the potential of students have
been instrumental in shaping our academic and personal development.

Dr. M V Vijayakumar (HoD, ISE Dept): I am deeply grateful to Dr. M V Vijayakumar, the
Head of the Department of Information Science and Engineering, for his guidance and
mentorship. His expertise and commitment to excellence have inspired me to strive for
continuous improvement and pursue my passion for technology.

Dr. Pushpalatha S (Mentor): I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Pushpalatha
S, my mentor, for her invaluable guidance and support. Her extensive knowledge, patience,
and encouragement have been instrumental in shaping my skills and fostering my personal and
professional growth.

I would also like to extend my thanks to the faculty members, staff, and my fellow students at
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, whose collective efforts have created a nurturing and
stimulating environment for learning and growth. The support and cooperation from all
individuals involved have contributed significantly to my overall development.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to my family and friends for their unwavering
support, encouragement, and belief in my abilities. Their constant presence and encouragement
have been a source of strength throughout my academic journey.

In conclusion, I am truly privileged to have been associated with Dr. Ambedkar Institute of
Technology and to have received the guidance and support of the esteemed individuals
mentioned above. Their mentorship and support have played a pivotal role in shaping my
academic and personal growth, and I am grateful for the knowledge and experiences gained
during my time at the institute.

Thank you.



About this activity:
On 08/03/2023, joined a blood donation drive organized by ESIC MEDICAL COLLEGE . The
event provided a safe and organized platform for individuals to voluntarily donate blood. Under
the supervision of trained medical professionals, we underwent a thorough screening process
to ensure our eligibility and the safety of both donors and recipients. Filled with a sense of
purpose, we eagerly stepped forward to make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Saving Lives:
Blood donation is a crucial act that directly impacts the lives of patients in critical conditions.
By donating blood, we contributed to the availability of a vital resource that can be used for
surgeries, medical treatments, and emergency situations. Knowing that our small act of
kindness could potentially save lives brought immense satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment.

Promoting Community Spirit:

The blood donation drive fostered a strong sense of community spirit among our team and the
participants involved. It provided a platform for individuals from diverse backgrounds to come
together for a common cause, transcending barriers and promoting unity. Witnessing the
dedication and selflessness of fellow donors further reinforced our belief in the power of
collective action for the betterment of society.

Raising Awareness:
The blood donation drive not only encouraged active participation but also raised awareness
about the importance of blood donation within our community. Through our involvement, we
were able to educate others about the constant need for blood, dispel myths and
misconceptions, and encourage more individuals to become regular blood donors. By initiating
conversations and sharing our experiences, we aimed to inspire others to step forward and
contribute to this life-saving cause.

Health Benefits:
Beyond the impact on the recipients, blood donation offers health benefits to the donors
themselves. Donating blood stimulates the production of new blood cells, helping maintain
overall cardiovascular health. It also allows individuals to undergo routine health screenings,
ensuring early detection of any potential health concerns. By actively participating in blood
donation drives, we not only help others but also prioritize our own well-being.

Long-Term Commitment:
Our participation in the blood donation drive instilled a sense of responsibility and a long-term
commitment to continue donating blood regularly. We recognized the ongoing need for blood
donations and pledged to be advocates for this cause. Through our actions, we hope to inspire
others to join the cause and create a culture of voluntary blood donation within our
Certificate Of Appreciation


About this activity:

In today's technologically advanced world, AWS have become increasingly popular, and
proficiency in them has become a valuable skill for professionals. As part of the All India
Council for Technical Education (AICTE) activity, our team completed a 60 days AWS course
offered by Verzeo. In this report, I will provide details of our participation in the course, the
impact it had on our understanding of AWS , and the significance of such initiatives in
enhancing technical skills.

Participation in the AWS Course:

I actively participated in the 60 days of AWS course offered by the Verzeo. The course was
facilitated by industry experts and was designed to provide comprehensive training on various
aspects of AWS. Through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises, we gained a deeper
understanding of AWS, and got an best practices.

Enhancing AWS Knowledge:

Verzeo has provided us with an excellent opportunity to enhance our knowledge of Amazon
web services . The course covered a wide range of topics, including storage, networking,
Security, databases, and Security. The course was structured in a way that allowed us to build
on our existing knowledge of AWS.

Hands-on Learning:
Verzeo has emphasized hands-on learning experiences to reinforce theoretical concepts. We
engaged in practical exercises, and mini-projects to develop the skills needed to build AWS
Services effectively. These hands-on activities allowed us to apply our knowledge in a
simulated environment, enhancing our problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills.

Collaborative Learning and Networking:

Participating in Verzeo provided us with opportunities to collaborate and network with
professionals in the Cloud Computing field. Interactions with industry experts, guest lectures,
and peer discussions allowed us to gain insights into current industry practices, emerging
trends, and career opportunities in the field of Cloud Computing. Building a network of like-
minded individuals provided valuable support and guidance in our AWS endeavors.

Importance of Technical Skills in Today's World:

The completion of the Verzeo AWS course reinforced the critical role of technical skills in
today's world. It highlighted the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest, tools, and
frameworks. The course deepened our awareness of the potential benefits and career
opportunities associated with technical skills, motivating us to actively pursue further learning
opportunities in this area.
Impact and Future Contributions:
Participating in the Verzeo AWS course has had a significant impact on our understanding of
Amazon Web Services and its significance in today's technological landscape. We are now
better equipped to build Amazon applications, and contribute to the Amazon community. We
intend to leverage this knowledge and contribute to the development of robust and efficient
AWS applications through our academic pursuits, professional endeavors, and community

Certificate Of Completion on AWS


About this activity:
On 13/01/2023, our team gathered at a designated location, armed with saplings of indigenous
tree species. These saplings were carefully selected to thrive in the local ecosystem and
contribute to the overall biodiversity. With shovels in hand and determination in our hearts, we
began planting the saplings, ensuring proper spacing and appropriate soil conditions.

Importance of Tree Plantation:

Trees are nature's gift to humanity, playing a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of
our ecosystem. They provide us with clean air, absorb carbon dioxide, prevent soil erosion, and
create habitats for countless organisms. By engaging in tree plantation activities, we actively
contribute to mitigating climate change, conserving biodiversity, and ensuring a sustainable
future for generations to come.

Impact on Our Team:

As we participated in the tree plantation drive, we experienced a deep sense of connection with
nature. Each tree we planted symbolized hope, growth, and our commitment to environmental
stewardship. The physical act of planting saplings brought us closer to the earth, fostering a
profound appreciation for the intricate web of life that surrounds us. Witnessing the
transformation of a barren patch of land into a thriving mini-forest instilled a sense of
fulfillment and pride within us.

Educational Aspect:
Besides the immediate impact on the environment, the tree plantation drive served as an
educational endeavor. It allowed us to learn about the different species of trees, their ecological
roles, and the importance of maintaining biodiversity. We were enlightened about the positive
effects of trees on climate regulation, water conservation, and sustainable development. This
knowledge equipped us to become ambassadors for environmental conservation and spread
awareness among our peers and communities.

Sustainable Future:
The tree plantation drive served as a stepping stone towards a sustainable future. It highlighted
the responsibility we bear as future technocrats and professionals to integrate sustainable
practices into our work and personal lives. By embracing tree plantation as a regular activity,
we can actively contribute to greener cities, healthier ecosystems, and a more resilient planet.

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