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rush count outload or in your head 1,2,3.

The GOHARDER GUIDE is for anyone who wants to seriously improve their health, physique and
lifestyle. Stop reading right now if you aren’t ready to do the work. It’s going to be hard; you will have
to go through discomfort to push past the fear and uncertainty. This journey is going to be life changing
for yourself. If in your heart you truly want to make a change, it’s time.

With the knowledge & experience I’ve gained over the years of helping transform the lives of people
through health and fitness, I will give you incredible valuable information in this eBook that you’ll start
to think “Why is he telling me all of this for FREE?” My main goal in life is to help as many people as I
possibly can. I will be the person that believes in YOU.

If you’re sick & tired of being unhappy about the way you look and feel, then use this eBook to learn
how fitness, nutrition and daily habits will guide you to become a superior version of yourself. Building
confidence, discipline, mental toughness and a strong healthy athletic physique consistently.

Your health & fitness is a journey, you will experience ups and downs, injuries, setbacks and times of
low motivation. This is all part of the grind to excellence. Exercising doesn’t feel great most of the time,
but the result will outweigh the struggle.

Most of the time you don’t want to get your workout or cardio done, but I promise you the more times
you complete that mission, the more rewarding it gets. It’s not meant to be easy that’s why only a few
can do it consistently for years.

Break the mould, build the habits and it will change your life.

There is no quick fix or perfect diet. Your health and fitness should be part of your daily routine not just
for 6 weeks of the year before a holiday, it should always be prioritised. You are in control of what you
eat and how active you are. Don’t blame anyone else for the situation you are currently in. Undoing
years of bad eating and lifestyle habits is going to take hard work and discipline. Just be prepared and
never lose sight of the goal.
Carl was unhappy and tired of being where he was. He wanted to get his fitness, health and confidence
back to a place where he feels happy within himself. He wanted a fresh start and a new way of living and
eating. He’s always aspired to get into incredible shape like the men on the front cover of the fitness
magazines. He didn’t think it was possible after years of failing to reach his goal. He truly wanted to make
a change but didn’t have the right tools, knowledge and guidance. He was sick of feeling down about the
way he looked and felt after years of trying to change he had no other option but to reach out and ask for
help. After the first initial consultation I understood how bad Carl wanted this, he was so determined to
prove to himself he could do it. This is an 8-month transformation, he didn’t use any anabolic steroids to
achieve these results but hard work, consistency and discipline.

Carl went from just an average family man to a superhero dad. We all start from somewhere, but waiting
around for inspiration, motivation or the perfect time to get started isn’t going to happen. The perfect
time is never going to come. EVER. It doesn’t matter how unfit or overweight you are, take massive action
NOW on your goals. Just get started and don’t let fear of failing or being afraid of what your friends or
family might think hold you back. Whatever that thing is that’s getting in your way, it’s time to let it go
face the demons head on and prove to yourself that you can do this. We can’t let anything get in our way
of our happiness.

Having someone who believes in you can be so profound and powerful it can change your life overnight.
A message I sent to Carl before we started. “Just trust me, a year from now your life will be changed for
the better. I know you really want this; I can see how much it means to you. It’s time to put in the work
every single day and stick with me no matter what obstacles you face. Life will try to throw you off path
it always does but we have a mission to complete. We will remain focused on the end goal and how you
currently feel right now before we start. We are never going back to where you are now, we will never
give up and I’ll make sure of it. This isn’t going to be an easy ride; you will need more than just motivation
to make it all the way. Grab hold of all the reasons WHY you want to do this, right them down and look
at them every single day. You can do this”
Even if you are blessed with superior genetics, maintaining a muscular and lean physique takes
constant maintenance and discipline. When you see someone in shape all year round it’s their
habits that keep them there. Eating, lifestyle, work, sleep and training should be prioritised.
Making some slight adjustments to your daily habits can have a profound effect on your health
and physique.

Hydrate with H20 first thing when you wake up then continue to hydrate throughout the day. An
1 easy way to maintain this is by keeping a water bottle with you. It is important to be hydrated
pre and post exercise so make this a priority.

Increase your steps and activity at any opportunity. Take the stairs more instead of the elevator,
2 get a standing desk, go for a walk whilst making a call, walk on your lunch break, walk more and
drive less.

Plants are the base – Fill up your meals with veggies as the base, they are usually low in calories
3 but high in volume. There’s just something physically and mentally satisfying, knowing that you
have the opportunity to eat an ENTIRE plate of food.

Eating for volume – It is a strategy to maximize the amount of food you can eat while
4 simultaneously keeping your calorie intake as low as possible. This strategy works on two main

1. Calories and physical food amount are not directly correlated. A pound of broccoli will contain
considerably less calories than a pound of French fries.
2. The human stomach can only hold so much food at any one time.

Protein is king – Protein is the most important building block to repair and build muscle tissue.
Consuming high-protein foods has many benefits: Speeding recovery after exercise, reducing
muscle loss, building lean muscle, helping you maintain a healthy weight, curbing hunger. We
recommend consuming 1.8g -2.7g per 1kg of Lean Body mass/Total body weight depending on
your specific goals.
Daily Mental Growth –Take 20 minutes out of your day to learn and develop yourself. It could
6 be business, relationships, spirituality or something that’s going to make you a better person
in life. Go harder isn’t just about building your body, growing your mind is just as important.
Books, audiobooks, podcasts, documentary’s, YouTube, Mediation. Make this a priority and
swap Netflix for learning.

Your environment – Everyone, even professional athletes need support. Having a training
7 partner or a coach to keep you accountable can be very effective. Exercising with someone
else is a great way to push past your boundaries, surround yourself with people who are fitter,
stronger and more successful than you. This can help you to level up your game.

Strength training – When feeling strong, performing everyday tasks and activities feels great.
8 For overall health and longevity strength training 3-5x a week is up there with one of the most
important habits that I will carry on implementing for the rest of my life. This training makes
you stronger and fitter whilst protecting bone health and increasing muscle mass. LIFT HEAVY.

Mental health - Seeing a therapist every so often can have profound effects on your life.
9 Therapy really does work. Scientific studies consistently show that behavioural and emotional
interventions work as well, if not better than medication to treat anxiety, depression, and
mental health issues. “Yeah, but I’ve not got anything wrong with me”. Let’s get one thing
straight. People go to see a therapist for all different types of reasons. Seeing a therapist should
be the same as seeing a personal trainer. You don’t have to be classed as clinically insane to
see a therapist. It’s all about improving on you, discovering and learning new things about
yourself and working on things that are holding you back.

Sleep – Definitely one of the most important factors for optimal health. Good sleep can
10 improve concentration, productivity, maximize athletic performance and boost immune
function. You cannot achieve optimal health without taking care of your sleep. If you want the
best recovery for your body and mind you have to prioritise sleep. You’re not going to perform
at the highest level in business and exercise if you don’t get enough sleep. Your recovery rate
will be determined on how well you sleep and eat. From today I want you to really prioritise
your sleep and just watch your energy levels and performance go through the roof.

When you go into a shop, do you know what healthy low-calorie snacks or food options are the best?
The key to sustaining your results long term is learning what healthy foods are the best to choose from.
Not knowing what snacks or healthier food options to select can be detrimental to your results.

To help you out I’ve provided a list of low-calorie snacks, sweets, treats, savoury and dessert ideas that
you can find in most supermarkets. Of course, there will be more choices to select from here are some
of my favourites.

- Sugar Free Jelly

- 0% Greek Yogurt
- Halo-Top Low-Calorie Ice Cream
- Flavoured Quark
- Fruit/Berries
- Whey Protein
- Fat-free Cottage Cheese
- Rice Cakes
- Green Vegetables
- Skinny Popcorn
- Protein Bars
- Low Fat Hummus
- Boiled Eggs
- Vegetable Soup
- Dark Chocolate
- Beef Jerky
- Meringue Nest
- Low Fat Cheese sticks
- Eat Lean Cheese
- Pea Snap Crisps
- Fibre 1 Bars
- Flavoured Beetroot
“George, what is the most important component to achieving a greater physique?” My answer would
always be: Nutrition is key. If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this eBook, it would be to
study more about nutrition. Nutrition is a huge part of our lives, all day every day. Food is all around us
constantly. The obesity crisis is rising every day. We eat when we are sad, happy, angry, bored, lonely,
special occasions or major life events. More commonly or not the hassles of daily life can trigger
negative emotions that lead to emotional eating and disrupt your weight-loss efforts.

Build your knowledge on nutritional fundamentals and watch your energy, performance, strength and
physique level up. Start off by reading about nutrition, researching online or listening to podcasts.
Become more aware of how you feel after eating certain foods. Learn how to read food labels to see
what ingredients are contained in the food you’re consuming. Processed foods are usually the worse for
you. Take more time to notice what your friends or family eat like. If you know someone who is in really
good shape, ask them what their diet consists of and get some tips on meals, snacks and recipe ideas.

When you start to make healthier food choices going from processed foods to more natural wholefood
options it will change your life. You’ll see huge improvements to their cognitive function; energy levels
and the mid-afternoon tired spell soon disappears. After a few weeks you’ll start to notice your digestion
improve, your skin starts to clear from blemishes and quality of sleep will become enhanced.
Protein –Try to eat all different types protein sources. You might like eating chicken with every meal,
1 but try different options for your protein source, there are lots to choose from. You might be missing
out on some essential vitamins and minerals in fish, nuts, yogurt, beans, soya, red meat and whey
protein. Mix things up and keep the variety.

Fruit and veggies – Give your body what it truly needs with eating more fruit and vegetables. I try
2 to eat loads of different fruit and vegetables every day they are packed full of vitamins, minerals,
nutrients and fibre you don’t want to miss out on. Start off by eating mixed veggies with your main

Liquid calories – high sugar sodas, smoothies, shakes, milky coffees contain high amounts of
3 calories. Have you ever noticed that you never really feel satisfied after drinking a protein shake or
smoothie? Drinking your calories can be very convenient for some people who are on the go or
trying to gain weight. But for the majority of people, drinking your calories doesn’t leave you feeling
satisfied at all. Eating a chicken breast is going to fill you up much more than a protein shake will do
which contains the same amount of protein content. This is the same with eating your fruit and
veggies rather than drinking them in a smoothie. My advice would be to eat as much as your food
as you can do unless you are trying to gain weight, or you don’t have a large apatite.

Restricting yourself – I’ve learnt the hard way by restricting myself far too much in the past for
4 photoshoots, bodybuilding competitions and trying the latest diet fad. I’ve pretty much tried all the
diet fads out there to fully understand what they feel like. Through years of experience a key thing
I’ve learnt that always sticks with me whoever I speak to is that you should never restrict any foods
out of your diet for no reason. Eat as much variety as you can do even food that is classed as junk
food if it’s in moderation. Restricting certain foods for months or even years at a time when you
don’t have any allergies or digestion issues isn’t necessary. Don't use the Internet to self-
diagnose. You are likely to cause yourself unnecessary stress, or possibly minimize something that
could be serious.
80-20 Approach – Being super strict with your diet every day resisting all junk and processed food
5 might not be the best approach for the general public to achieve amazing results. Cutting out all
processed foods definitely works, but in my opinion banning everything that isn’t classed as
“healthy” isn’t the most sustainable approach to achieving results long term. Eating a small
amount of junk food like crisps, sweets and chocolate can actually be very effective for adherence
to a diet. One chocolate bar it isn’t going to make you fat. You can eat chocolate every day and
get shredded, which I have proved with my client’s diets, its everything within moderation. On
the other hand, if you eat two full cooked chickens every day you might gain fat. Just because a
food is classed as healthy it doesn’t mean you won’t gain fat. Your calorie intake plays the biggest
factor to weight gain/loss, so eating a chocolate bar everyday might stop people from binge
eating or completely going off track. We like to say if 80% of all your weekly diet is from mainly
natural wholefoods and the other 20% of foods from your diet are from your favourite snacks,
treats or favourite foods. This can have huge positive effect on adherence to a diet and achieving

Social life - You can still eat out, see friends, family and be sociable whilst still getting in the best
6 shape of your life. Dining out is a huge part of my life and can be for clients too. Restricting
someone from going out for food can be a very negative experience. It’s not necessary unless you
are 3 weeks out from a competitive bodybuilding show. You can still achieve amazing results
whilst enjoying food from your favourite restaurants and cafes if you truly learn to be smart with
your food choices when you are out. A huge tip I’ve learnt over the years is to always ask for
exactly what you want cooking. Don’t hold back, be confident and ask the waiter or chef nicely
and 9/10 times they cook exactly what you want. If the chicken dish you want is fried ask the
waiter if the chef can cook the chicken grilled. Switching high calorie sauces for lower calorie
options. For example, instead of having a creamy rich sauce ask for a tomato-based sauce. Hidden
oils or sauces that the chefs use to cook the food is usually the reason why it’s hard to gage the
calorie content in a dish. Be smart and don’t be tempted by your friends or family to eat
something you shouldn’t be eating, learn to keep yourself accountable as always, there will be
temptation. Finally, if you’re not fully satisfied from the meal you’ve picked, ask for a side plate
of grilled vegetables or salad to fill you up.
Stay focused. There is only so much a coach, friend or family member can hold you accountable for
your actions and results. The only person that truly knows if you are putting in the work is yourself.
You can pretend to everyone that you crushed all your workouts and nailed your diet all week. But
in reality, you’ve been joking around in the gym giving it 70% effort and don’t forget, cheating on
your diet, going to McDonald’s drive through on the way home two nights of the week because
you had a long day at work…

Keeping yourself accountable is crucial to maintaining your results long term. The hard work truly
starts when you have to maintain the results you’ve worked hard for. It’s so easy to let things slip.
A few months go by and your back to where you started. You have to find different ways to keep
yourself accountable. We find the best ways are with progress pictures and body
weight/circumference measurements.

Progress pictures can be very effective in showing you the reality of your current body composition.
It’s very easy to avoid mirrors or hide yourself under clothing. By taking regular progress pictures
you are more likely to keep on track with your diet and exercise because you are seeing the true
reality and reflation of your efforts and discipline. You will be able to notice any significant changes
each week. If you don’t, it’s easy to let things slip and ignore the reality of your progress. You could
even make a commitment with your training partner to keep each other accountable taking one
another’s measurements and progress pictures each week.

Body circumference measurements are a great way to keep track of your fat gain/loss and muscle
gain/loss. By taking measurements you can see if you’ve gained or lost size on your waist, arms,
legs etc. This will help us understand if we are moving in the right direction or not. We always track
all measurements on the Physique Academy progress tracker. Comparing your previous results
each week will ensuring we are moving the needle forward.
This is a marathon not a sprint…

The goal is to be able to keep exercising for the rest of our lives, staying fit and healthy. Life events
will definitely get in the way, but as long as we keep our health and fitness as a main priority then we
should still be exercising in our 80’s.

Find your own way of eating, don’t let someone’s agenda or beliefs be pushed onto you. There is so
much false information online people are getting so confused on what to believe. If someone has a
strong opinion on something and uses phrases like; “This is the only way you should be working out
or you have to cut out all sugar in your diet to lose fat.” More often than not they are full of crap. I
really do believe you should do whatever type of exercise you enjoy the most it will help you stay
more motivated to be consistent in the long term. But don’t be afraid to try something new or push
yourself out of your comfort zone. I always try different training methods or concepts, for me it’s the
best way to learn. There’s a reason why there are so many popular sports and training methods on
the market. You could go from running to cycling or CrossFit to powerlifting. Whatever your goal is,
as long as don’t stop, it doesn’t matter what sport or exercise you do, it’s keeping you active, fit and
healthy so its benefiting your life.

If you are happy with your relationship with food and exercise you should stick to that routine and
plan for as long as you can until your goal changes. We will constantly evolve over the years of training
and our goals will change. As long as you can sustain the daily habits without it causing a negative
effect on other areas of your life like; relationships, business and your social life then keep it
consistent for as long as you can.

It took me a long time to truly learn this concept for myself, everyone is on their own journey me
personally I used exercise as an escape to reality. When I was going through hard times I would over
train to the point where I was so drained and fatigued it affected my life. BURN OUT. I never
rewarding myself to a meal off plan, EVER. I used to burn out and end up not enjoying life because I
was constantly pushing my body too hard, repeating this cycle over and over for years. I’m telling you
this because it might give you some perspective on my mindset. What I’ve learned over the years is
rest, recovery, taking time off and finding your own balance is all part of the process. Taking it to far
can be detrimental to your health learn from my mistakes.
Do you want to feel fit, strong, powerful and athletic? Having a combination of strength, speed, power
and cardiovascular endurance is what I would class as the ultimate athlete. It’s all down to your own
preferences on what the ultimate athlete is. It could be a Cross fit athlete, Powerlifter, Rugby player,
UFC fighter. Whatever your vision of what the ultimate athlete is you have to train in a certain way to
achieve that goal. For me when I see someone who is super strong and powerful at weightlifting but
can also perform cardiovascular exercise to a high level too for instance; running, rowing, cycling,
wresting or swimming. For me this is the ultimate athlete. If you only lift heavy weights you will
definitely get bigger and stronger, but your cardiovascular endurance won’t improve to a high level.
Finding the balance of strength training and endurance training is the key to becoming this type of all-
around athlete.

What I’ve learnt over the years training with different athletes, is that incorporating strength training
into your routine will increase your performance in most sports. If we keep that in mind when
designing a programme, we should always try and keep strength training as a huge priority to any
program design. Strength training can pretty much help you in all areas of fitness; maintain/build
muscle tissue, Lower injury risk, improve flexibility/mobility and Strengthens the bones and muscles.
Not only does it have so many performance benefits, the body composition results you will achieve
alongside this will be incredible.

Just like nutrition, strength training is up there with one of the most important components to building
the ultimate athlete and physique. If you focus too much on cardio based training your physique and
performance may suffer by losing muscle mass and strength in the process. On the other hand, if you
do too much weight training and not enough cardiovascular training then your performance in cardio
may take a dip. There are different variables to consider when creating a program, the main two are
recovery & progressive overload. We need to be progressing in some way shape or form, so in order
to do that our recovery must be essential for this to happen. The combination of strength and cardio
must be correct in order to really get the best possible results out of your performance. This is all
dependent on your goal a great way to learn is to trial and error different programs, making tweaks
here and there along the way, always trying to find ways to improve each week learning from our
mistakes. Taking out the guess work with having a set plan of attach and tracking your results is always
going to be the best way to make real progress. If you don’t know what you’ve done the week before
tracking your lifts and performance in training sessions could really benefit you.
This is something I never used to do. We have to try and celebrate the small wins as we go through
life. whether you’ve ran your first half marathon or got a new promotion at work. Celebrate it as a
WIN and be present at the time you accomplished it. If you’re like me then I’m always wanting to
move onto the next thing or challenge straight away without taking it in. I’m always thinking about
the next goal. I’m certain it’s a great mindset to have for personal growth and achieving your goals
but if we don’t celebrate the small wins along the way how are we meant to celebrate the big wins
when they come. We even won’t know how to celebrate because we’ve never done it. Even if it’s a
meal out, weekend away, a few beers with the lads or just taking an extra rest day from the gym. It’s
easy to get into a cycle of never celebrating anything no matter how big or small it is. From experience
we can end up burning out very quickly. We have to stay focused yes. But sometimes having an extra
day off when your body is beaten up or having a cheat meal when you’ve worked hard for it all week
can help you stay even more laser focused and driven to the next goal. Recognising this and taking
action will help you train even harder and recover better mentally/physically. Find your own way to
celebrate your wins.

I want to be real with you, being in great shape isn’t everything in life! You might accomplish your goal
of getting in the best shape of your life that you never dreamed was possible. When you get there and
I’m pretty sure you will if you want it bad enough. It might not be as sweet as you, think the feeling of
achieving the goal at the finish line. What I’ve learnt over the years is that the daily pursuit, struggle and
grind of striving towards your new goals is the most important part. The process is what makes you feel
most alive, doing the hard sh**. If we learn to love the process and discomfort, then we are a step ahead.
Getting in shape might make you feel more confident on the beach but being truly happy and fulfilled
comes from within. Maintaining an athletic body can definitely help you build discipline, mental
toughness and confidence but it might not make you happy.

I got injured at the age of 20 where I couldn’t train at all for months, I lost pretty much everything. It’s
no joke, literally everything. I over trained like I mentioned previously and as a result got injured. My
confidence was at an all-time low, I love training its part of who I am, my identity. Training and exercising
are my leisure time when I work on myself, I use this as a form of meditation. When I was injured my
mental health massively suffered during this time. I started using external sources to get a release or fix.
That’s when I truly understood how exercise and made me feel so better about myself. For me personally
being in great shape is just the icing on the top. I feel that, when we’re in good shape physically it shows
that you look after and respect yourself. Other people admire this, it proves to others that you can work
hard, stay disciplined and set high standards for yourself. When you get the fundamentals aligned that
build a strong physique such as your nutrition and training, your body composition (how you look) is just
a by-product. Focus on your daily actions and habits and you will see life changing results. Stay consistent,
train hard, eat well and love the process.

If you want to talk about making this a reality book in for a free strategy call.

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