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Class: Year-6
Subject: English

Unit-7 Nature’s power

English PoS Translation Definition Example
(if necessary)
1. Lava noun hot liquid rock that comes out of the molten lava
earth through a volcano
2. Explode verb to break up into pieces violently He was driving so fast that his car tyre
3. Erupt verb When a volcano erupts, it explodes and Since the volcano last erupted, many houses
flames and rocks come out of it have been built in a dangerous position on its
4. Crack verb to break something so that it does not A stone hit the window and cracked the
separate, but very thin lines appear on glass.
its surface, or to become broken in this
5. Ash noun the soft grey or black powder that is left cigarette ash
after a substance, especially tobacco,
coal, or wood, has burned
6. crater noun the round hole at the top of a volcano a bomb crater
7. tsunami noun an extremely large wave caused by a She left the area after she lost her house and
violent movement of the earth under the her family in the tsunami.
8. mimes noun the act of using movements of your The first scene was performed in mime.
hands and body, and expressions on
your face, without speech
9. bump verb to hit something with force She bumped into his tray, knocking the food
onto his lap.
10. strike verb to refuse to continue working because We're striking for better pay and improved
of an argument with an employer about safety standards.
working conditions, pay levels, or job
11. electricity noun a form of energy that can be produced The electricity has been turned off.
in several ways and that provides power
to devices that create light, heat, etc.
12. humid adjective (of air and weather conditions) New York is very hot and humid in the
containing extremely small drops of summer.
water in the air
13. flash verb to shine brightly and suddenly Stop flashing that light in my eyes!
14. shelter noun (a building designed to give) protection an air-raid shelter
from bad weather, danger, or attack
15. avoid verb to stay away from someone or I try to avoid supermarkets on Saturdays -
something they're always so busy.
16. landline noun a phone that is connected to the phone Her cell phone's switched off. I'll try her on
system by wires her landline.
17. static adjective staying in one place without moving Oil prices have remained static for the last
few months.
18. surface noun the outer or top part or layer of The marble has a smooth, shiny surface.
19. fault line noun a break in the earth's surface) The modern understanding of naturalization
depends on this fault line
20. tectonic plate noun one of the parts of the earth's surface These values are much higher near tectonic
that move in relation to each other plate boundaries where the crust is thinner.
21. broadcast verb to send out a programme on television The tennis championship is broadcast live to
or radio: several different countries.
22. crawl verb to move along on hands and knees or The child crawled across the floor.
with your body stretched out along a
23. tornado noun a strong, dangerous wind that forms This leads to the idea that a tornado may be
itself into an upside-down spinning destroyed by producing a strong enough
cone and is able to destroy buildings as downward flow in its core.
it moves across the ground
24. sandstorm noun a strong wind in a desert carrying a There was a sandstorm and light rain.
large amount of sand
25. blizzard noun a severe snow storm with strong winds We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
26. utensil noun a tool with a particular use, especially in In the drawer was a selection of kitchen
a kitchen or house utensils - spoons, spatulas, knives, and
27. terrible adjective very unpleasant or serious or of low The weather was terrible.
28. fascinated adjective extremely interested We watched fascinated as he cleaned and
repaired the watch.
29. dawn noun the period in the day when light from We woke at dawn.
the sun begins to appear in the sky
30. dismal adjective sad and without hope a dismal expression
31. slate noun a dark grey rock that can be easily a small, thin piece of this used to cover a
divided into thin pieces roof
32. blazing adjective very bright and hot We quickly grew tired in the blazing
33. ripening verb to (cause to) become ripe The summer sunshine ripened the melons.
34. glow verb to produce a continuous light and This substance is so radioactive that it glows
sometimes heat in the dark.
35. noble adjective moral in an honest, brave, and kind way a noble gesture

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