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Catalina Castro Kalil

ID: 1001054542
Task 9

Are you looking for a moisturizing lip? Buy a MedChapstick. We find out a secret of FBI and that
was “In order to have a well lips, it’s a good idea buy a MedChapstick… So, we know that the FBI
doesn’t lie. MedChapstick is the most popular lip moisturizing in Colombia because of has a lot of
variety. Since always, the size is comfortable due to we can take it everywhere. Chapstick,
moisturizing lips wherever you want and at the time you want.

Task 10

One complicated situation for me was learning to say “No”. So, the first time that I said “No” was
because of an invitation from my boyfriend to go out with his friends. That day I felt tired and the
weather was bad. All time was raining. When I said “No” I felt a little bad because I think that I
could have hurt his feelings or he could have been angry with me. Nonetheless, he understood and
he was kind. I should have had more confidence with myself. Nowadays, I said “No” some times.

Task 11

Planning a wedding could be requires a lot steps. The first, the budget has to be chosen and stick to
it! Then, priorities need to be spoken (Music, flowers, a choreographed first dance, etc). After that,
Wedding Styles must be researched and when you choose that, it’s a good idea to make a wedding
planning checklist with things like: Date is selected, wedding guest list is made, wedding suppliers
are chosen, the dress is bought… And thigs like that.
Task 12

I live in an apartment and all apartments have your own balcon. So, I have new neighbors and
sometimes they like doing a party in the communal balcon because of the size… It’s okay until I
started to feeling a lot of headaches, they play music too loud but that isn’t the worst, the worst is
the hours. They play music all day. When that happened, we always said with my family “They like
a lot the parties, don’t they?”. I think in my apartments must be had a rule about that or in case they
have it, they should be respected that one. Imagine you are waiting all week for the weekend,
especially on Sunday day, you are sleeping well and suddenly, you wake up for the noisy. And that
noisy continues all day, that is the reason why I want to buy earplugs.

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